
Story by FesteFenris on SoFurry

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A friend of mine wrote a philanthropy related story.


Written by syntaxerror37

Based on a concept by DiggerGallin

The Prelelts Academy is the most well known school of magic in Canada. It was located just on the edge of Toronto. To the average person, spells made it look like an abandoned industrial complex. In truth it was a large campus dedicated to educating and training young mages. However, as is the case in every school, there are those who refuse to learn.

Jean slipped out easily enough when the rest of the school was at lunch. It was the perfect time for few drinks and a smoke or two. The athletic field was abandoned as he thought it would be. Jean was already reaching for the pack of cigarettes as he walked around behind one of the massive bleachers. He froze in surprise, seeing another student, a lit cigarette in her hand.

Linda blinked. She wasn't expecting any company. Judging from the pack in his hands, the boy wasn't about to go run and tell a teacher about her smoking. She let out a puff of smoke and looked at the boy with a neutral expression.

"Hey," she said before taking another drag.

She was standing there in her uniform. Her sweater was tight, emphasizing her small chest as much as possible. Her pleated skirt was definitely shorter than regulation. Her nearly wild red hair moved slightly in the breeze as she smoked. Her red hair and pale skin made her deep blue eyes stand out even more.

"Hey" Jean said back before pulling out a cigarette from his pack.

He was dressed in the boy's uniform, but his tie was loose with the top button of his shirt undone. His shirt tails hung out underneath the hem of his sweater. He wasn't skinny, he seemed to have an at least athletic build under his uniform. Unlike the rest of him, his short dirty blonde hair was styled nicely. His hazel eyes scanned over the girl as he used a simple spell to light his cigarette. He walked slowly over to his fellow student. By the time he was next to her, Linda recognized him.

"Hey, you're Delacroix, right?"

"That's me," he smirked, "I know I've seen you around, um...Linda, right?"

She nodded, "Linda Smith. So, you're skipping lunch too, huh?"

"More so I opted for a liquid lunch," she said pulling a metal flask out of his blazer.

Linda smiled, "That sounds like a good idea, mind if I?"

Jean handed over the flask, "Be my guest, I don't want to get on your bad side."

"Smart boy," she giggled before taking a swig and passing it back.

"I know how to pick my fights," he winked before taking a swig himself.

"Yeah, underclassmen for their pocket change if I remember right."

"Don't knock it now, that's how I paid for the whiskey," he said passing her back the flask.

She took a sip, "true enough, but how would you like to make some real cash?"

"How much is real?"

Linda shrugged as she took another swig, "I don't know, what's the current total for the Cerise Cross Drive?"

Jean took back the flask and drained what was left, "ok, it's a decent hunk of cash, but how do you plan on grabbing it?"

"I've been scoping out where they are keeping the lock box for about a week. The way it's guarded will stop the average punk, but two people who have actual brains..."

Jean smiled, catching her drift.

A wicked smile curled her lips, "I know you are a better mage than you let onto the staff and I know my way around a few useful spells."

"Ok, sure, I can see that," he paused to light another cigarette, "but why me and not one of your cronies?"

"Because they are idiots who can barely clean and mend my clothes," she pulled the last cigarette out of Jean's pack with a gesture and it floated to her fingers, "they aren't going to be any help against an arcane lock. Besides, they are too scared of that bastard of a principal."

"Who? Mr. Asereth?" he snorted, "he's all smoke and hype. If he did half the things people said he's done he'd be locked up in a hole somewhere, not running the largest magic academy in Canada."

"Exactly!" she took a long drag and slowly let it out, "So, are you in?"

"Why not, it sounds like fun." he crushed the empty pack and tossed it under the bleachers, "so, how do we do this?"


Jean and Linda moved quietly down the empty halls of the school. They were dressed for stealth in black and digital camouflage. An enchantment on their sneakers silenced their steps as they moved cautiously. They made it to the charity office with no issues. They went to work on the pair of locks keeping the door secure. By using lock picking spells simultaneously they bypassed the alarm spell. Jean shared a smile with Linda as the entered through the first door.

The pair relaxed slightly now that they were out of the hall where a wandering teacher or custodian may have spotted them. They bypassed a few more simple alarms and traps until they made it to the lock-box sitting on a marble topped table. This was going to require more than just a lock picking spell. Linda pulled out a key blank and placed it on top of the box and nodded at Jean. He closed his eyes and started to chant his spell.

The key started to morph, the blank slowly taking on the teeth to open the lock. Linda's eyes gleamed, she couldn't wait to get in that box. Even with splitting the money with her partner she would have enough to fund her lifestyle though the summer. The spell complete, she took the key and went to open the box.

At that very moment a door that led to another room opened. Before they could dive for cover, the lamps in the room lit themselves. Linda and Jean are caught standing in front of the lock-box dressed like dollar store brand ninjas.

"Now, what do we have here?" a dark voice said, it was hard to tell if it was angry or amused.

The turned to see the principal, Mr. Asereth standing there, his arms crossed over his wide chest.

"Ms. Smith, Mr. Delacroix," he said walking slowly towards them, "Care to explain what exactly you are doing?"

"I heard this rumor, sir, that someone was going to steal the Cerise Cross money, so we snuck in to bust them and save it!" Jean said with his usually winning smile.

"Yeah! That!" Linda joined in, "I mean who would steal charity money? That's going too far."

"Indeed, only the most horrible of people would do such a thing," he smirked, "fortunately, the two most horrible people in your class just happen to be right here in front of me."

"Sir please-"

You two are in very serious trouble" he said cutting her off, "come to my office"

Mr. Asereth used a control spell. Unable to stop their legs they are forced to walk. Jean and Linda exchanged scared looks. Using a spell like this on students? What else would the crazy bastard do? Jean breathed hard, trying to fight the spell that forced him to walk. Linda was fighting back the urge to cry as her legs carried her at a brisk pace down the hall. They were quickly marched to his office.

Despite their reputation as troublemakers, Linda and Jean had never been in the principal's office before. They looked around and saw it was finely decorated. The rumors and legends of the school said that every piece of ornamentation was once a bad student, now cursed to serve Mr. Asereth indefinitely as his office equipment.

Jean dry swallowed nervously, I know we're over eighteen so he doesn't have to go easy on us...I just hope we can keep our stories straight and we can talk our way out of becoming a pair of lamps.

"I know what you two idiots did," he glanced between the pair of them, his eyes seemed to almost flicker, "You sneaked around after hours, broke into the charity office, and were about to steal money from the Cerise Cross collection." they were held perfectly still by his spell, "I know what you two are going to do. You will sign a full confession, in blood. If you refuse, if you try to run away, if you try and lie one more time," this time there was no doubt about a flicker of flame in his eyes, "I will transform you both into a pair of gender neutral toilets!"

He snapped his fingers and Linda and Jean had control of their bodies again. Mr. Asereth gave them each a long scroll of legal paperwork. It might as well be in a different language because the two of them could barely read or understand any of it. About all they could make out was a line about 'MAGIC COMMUNITY SERVICE'. Mr. Asereth had a pair of lancets instead of pens in his hand.

Jean may not have been the best student, but he know enough that there is no going back on a blood contract. He looked over at a paperweight on the desk and briefly thought about trying to pick it up and clocking the crazed principal in the head. But he saw the look in Mr. Asereth's eyes and knew he was just waiting for them to make a wrong move. The last thing Jean wanted was to be a toilet. He looked over at Linda and shrugged. Jean took the lancet and pricked his left finger. He scrawled his name on the bottom line. Jean crossed the 'x' in his last name he felt it inside that he was bound to the contract.

"And you, Ms. Smith?" Mr. Asereth smirked as he offered her a lancet.

"You fucker," she swore under her breath.

But he only smiled as Linda too signed her name only moments after Jean. Otherwise it would mean an eternity as a gender neutral toilet.

"Very good," he took back the scrolls and they rolled and sealed themselves before he placed them in a drawer of his desk, "Now onto the terms of you community service..."

Their clothes shimmered and vanished. Unknown to Linda and Jean they were neatly folded in the Cerise Cross donation bin. They were so surprised by their clothes simply diapering from their bodies it took Jean and Linda a second to realize they were standing there naked.

Jean had an athletic build, if not for that he couldn't have been such a bully. His skin had a noticeable 'farmer's tan' with his lower arms, head, and neck being noticeably darker than the rest of his body. Jean didn't have much in the way of body hair, other than his pubes. While not exactly excited by the situation, it was obvious that Jean had an above average penis.

Linda was skinny, but still had a semblance of curves with her small chest and hips. She had pale skin like any other ginger. Being stripped naked revealed the magic Linda had used on her face to remove her freckles, as her body was covered with them. Linda's body was completely shaved.

They blushed and instinctively covered themselves with their hands.

"What the hell?" Jean shouted, "we signed the stupid papers!"

"You pervert!" Linda glared back at him.

Linda and Jean felt a strange sensation wash over their nude bodies. What exactly had they signed up for? Every hair on both their bodies turned golden brown. Jean's and Linda's bodies started to gain mass and were soon covered in well toned muscles. Worst of all, something else was stirring inside their bodies.

"Maybe you should've settled for toilets. I would've fed and watered you every day," the principal laughed, his face becoming more demonic as he did so.

They both doubled over with pain in their guts. It was like their insides were violently shifting around. While doubled over Jean saw the change happening to his junk. He watched in horror as his testicles were pulled into his body. At the same time his penis shrunk and shifted. Where Jean's testicles had slipped inside his body morphed and shifted. Not believing his eyes, Jean ran his hand over his new sex. He now had a vagina. Meanwhile, Linda felt something forcing its way down through her passage. With a pop, a pair of testicles force their way out of her vagina, sealing the passage behind them. Linda's clitoris grew out bigger and longer becoming a penis. Soon she was endowed more than Jean had been.

The pain in his gut having passed, Jean's attention is drawn to his chest. It swelled out gowning bigger, his nipples became more sensitive. Jean pressed his hands against his expanding chest trying to stop them from growing. By the time they stopped, he was sporting a pair of c-cup breasts. Linda's, on the other hand did the opposite, shrinking down till she was just left with a firm pair of pectoral muscles. Jean's hips started to flare and his legs and thighs shifted shape. Meanwhile the little bit of curve Linda had disappeared and her shoulders grew broader. At this point there was no denying it, Linda was now a man and Jean was a woman. But, their changes didn't stop there.

"Now isn't this much more fun than becoming gender neutral toilets?" His sharp teeth gleamed in the lamplight as he laughed.

The rumors had to be true, he was a demon, or at least bound to some kind of hell spawn. There is no way even a powerful wizard could work such magic so quickly, and on two victims at the same time no less. Over the well toned muscles of their gender-swapped bodies, patches of golden brown fur started to sprout. Jean's and Linda's nails lengthened into claws, then narrowed and became retractable. At the base of their spines a growth formed. It started to grow and soon Linda and Jean had long tails tipped with a tuft of darker fur. Then the pain came back, this time in their heads and faces.

Gripping their faces Jean and Linda cried out as their skulls begin to change shape. Their jaws lengthened into short muzzles. Teeth grew larger and sharp as their ears change shape and migrate up to the top of their heads. A long mane of dark fur grew around Linda's head and down her, or rather his shoulders. Slowly the pain faded and they are left panting from the aftershock of their transformation into a pair of anthro-lions.

"Why?" Linda's ears twitched at his now masculine voice.

"We signed the fucking scrolls!" Jean growled as she narrowed her eyes.

"Yes you did, otherwise you would now be gender neutral toilets," he walked over to the shelf and retrieved a pair of golden circlets, "If you two had actually paid attention in magical law class you would have been able to read the details of what you signed. You will serve out your community service as a pair of mascots for the Cerise Cross."


"Even so, why did you make me a male!" it was Linda's turn to growl.

"Oh, swapping your genders was purely for my enjoyment, now hold still"

Linda found himself unable to move as Mr. Asereth approached with the circlet.

"What are you doing with that!" he said as it was placed it over his head.

"Well I don't trust the old Linda still floating around inside that head to be a proper mascot. Don't worry. You will be infinitely happier"

"You've already made us into freaks!" Jean growl,ed "get that off her head!"

"His head, my dear, and don't worry, I have one for you too."

"Please!" Linda tried begging rather than threatening, "this is enough! I'll be good! Stop it, please!"

Mr. Asereth placed the circlet onto Jean's head and moved back behind his desk. He sat down and watched the two lions with a smile on his face.

"Let's start with some new names, he said with his demon's smile, "something more fitting your new genders and forms. Leonard," he pointed to Linda, "and Leah," he said pointing to Jean, "what do you think?"

"Go to hell!" Jean shouted, "I'm not changing my name for you."

"Really?" Mr. Asereth leaned forward resting his chin on his hand, "than what's your name?"

"It''s...Leah," she can't remember ever having another name.

"And you my boy, what's your name?"

"Leonard, I'm Leonard..."

"Linda! no! don't listen to him!"

"Leah, I'm sorry I..." his voice trailed off as his eyes seemed to go blank.

"Lin...Leonard..." the words died on her tongue.

Leah felt it being wiped away, her life fading out memory by memory. She tried to hold onto something, anything, but new memories took their place.

Why am I scared? She thought, What am I trying to remember anyway...

Mr. Asereth smiled, releasing the binding spell from the lions. There was no worry of them running with the new personalities he had programmed them with.

"Now, once again, Who are you?"

"Leonard Lifeson the Lifeguard Lion," He said smiling

"I'm Leah Lifedotter the Lifeguard Lioness," she nodded her head slightly.

"Let's save lives," Leonard said pumping his fist in the air, "let's raise awareness! Let's raise lots of money! Can we have our uniforms Boss?"

"Right, we can't be proper mascots without our uniforms." Leah said looking around for them.

Mr. Asereth suppressed the desire to laugh, "Of course," with a snap of his fingers red swimsuits appear on his desk.

Leonard and Leah felt no shame in their bodies, but they have to look presentable to the public. Leah stepped into the one piece red swimsuit and pulled it on into place. Leonard quickly pulled on his red trunks. Of course, no lifeguard is complete without their whistle, They slipped the whistles over their heads, and noticed the circlets still there.

"What's this?" Leah sad as she pulled it off her head.

"I don't know, Leonard said as he did the same, "Boss?"

"Oh, it's nothing, just a tool to help refresh your memories on the proper life saving techniques." he said with a smile

"Oh, thanks Boss."

Mr. Asereth nodded, "you can just leave them on the desk. Now, let's get you two started."


Nothing was left of their previous selves. Everything they had owned was donated to charity, down to the last U.S. penny found sitting in an ashtray. The cash and valuables that had once belonged to Linda and Jean raised over five thousand dollars for The Cerise Cross. Other items were donated to various charities and thrift stores.

Leonard and Leah didn't need much. Just food and supplies for their mission. After all, they were often traveling around the country for fundraising and awareness campaigns. The school pool, however, was their home pool. They could be found their while not on tour watching over the students and keeping them safe. Leonard and Leah were given a small suite for themselves just off from the pool.

On a day like any other Leonard and Leah closed down the pool for the day. As important as it was raising awareness and funds, it was nice for the lions to just spend some time together at home. The best reward for a job well done. They retired for the evening to their small suite, and hang their whistles on pegs by the door. Leah pulled off her bathing suit and tossed it into the hamper. Her back was to her mate as she reached up and arched her back, stretching out. She then felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her body.

"Wanna have some exercise?" Leonard whispered pulling her tight against his warm fur, "a little physical training?"

Leah smiled, "I'm always up for a workout with you," she leaned back against him.

They shared a kiss before walking hand in hand to their bedroom. Leah wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him tenderly as Leonard held her by the hips. She broke the kiss with a smile before climbing onto the bed. Her mate quickly followed. Leah's hands ran over his powerful body, his fur did little to hide his muscles. Leonard nuzzled against her neck, kissing her softly.

Leah rolled onto her back and he covered her body with his own. She smiled up, touching the side of his muzzle. Leonard returned the gesture before leaning down for a kiss. Fur moved against fur as Leah's hands ran firmly down his back. Leonard gripped her tightly by the waist as he moved. Their bodies moved in a practiced rhythm, they were literally made for each other. They soon found the sweet release they were seeking and groaned with contentment.

They held each other tightly in the low light of their small bedroom. Life was perfect. They had a mission, they had a home, and most importantly they had each other. Every night their ' physical training' was a reward for another day of hard work.

Leah ran her fingers through her mate's mane, "I love you," she whispered softly.

"I love you too," he kissed her softly.



"Think we can squeeze in a little more physical training before dinner."

He smiled broadly before pulling her into a long kiss.

All kidding aside, the Red Cross is an organization that can use your help. If you enjoyed this story please consider making a donation or even better, volunteering.

American Red Cross;

Canadian Red Cross:

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