Diamond in my eye 2

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#2 of Diamond in my eye

Hanna, a nine year old kitten goes to a shooting range with her dad, and later thinks about him while masturbating.

I'm very lazy. I had this done sometime in the beginning of the year, but there we go, laziness.

Neil drove his truck with the excited Hanna really wanting to shoot a real gun at the range. Neil and Rugger already finished their business they had, It wasn't much, just a little bit of paper work and assigning schedule for on duty officers. But as far as Hanna was concerned, they were on the verge of entering the parking lot, road tapering in with yellow lines guiding on where vehicles should do their sitting.

The kitten perked up as she saw the building; Wide double glass doors for those that wish to enter upon air conditioned atmosphere with glass windows on both sides of the doors for those to peek through and give light. The building was bricked a pale red with a sign in big green letters, Bishops Shooting Range,' above the glass doors with a bullet going through the twooo's in `Shooting.' Hanna was getting more excited the more the truck drew closer to parking. The very moment the red truck geared into a standstill, Hanna unleashed with a flurry of hype, unbuckling her seatbelt and flying out the door. She raced no one to the double glass doors, hearing but a warning from her father.

``Look both ways before crossing around! You could get hit running off like that.''

The kitten paused in mid run. She looked to her left- All the road leading up to the park way led from there. No cars. She looked to her right- Monotone vehicles that sat around idly doing nothing but staring at the wind that possessed no true commitment of crime, nor regal motion of face to be hitting the very thinker of that which came to grasp the reality that they were parked, saw no commotion to seize and standstill or sense to believe that they would be after her the moment she moved. No. They were parked cars. Not some menacing figure or metal deathtrap that wanted to kill her out right. Not at all. They were un-moving. Still. Frozen. To the ground they lay claimed and stay they have been. It came to her that she were not rushing like a lunatic towards the shooting range.

``Dad? No cars are coming! Can I go now?!'' Impatient, she pointing at the range.

Neil locked the truck up and closed the door. ``Yup! Go for it. I'm right behind you.''

Woosh! The kitten gleefully ran across the black pavement to the building. The doors, they open manually! It was so futuristic! Before doors probably had to be opened by...by...umm...poop.

Hanna realized that manual door opening was not as futuristic as she thought it were.

Non the less, she went in and experienced clean blue carpeting with fresh cool air. She spun around to let loose her senses and indulge in the range. Oh how she wished to live here! She did not care that one of the employees, an ape of muscular tone was staring at ends with a spinning girl on his shift saying `La's. Nope. Not his problem.

Neil soon entered the building with Hanna jumping over and clinging onto his leg. Mr. Diamond walked with the extra added weight to his leg to the desk as he carried a small black leather box strapped with Velcro containing spare ammo. Hey Ralph.'' The older cat got out his wallet.One adult. One child. Here's my badge for the discount.''

Ralph the ape acknowledged the cat's firearm on the side of his hip, began typing on the computer and affirmed Neil was a standing police officer. Alright, everything seems to be in order.'' Said Ralph with a rusty voice.Do I need to show you where the training room is?'' He said as he grabbed two pairs of protective ear and eye wear, giving them to the adult.

``Haha! Maybe when I was a rooky. No. No. No Ralph, you've already done your part. We know where to go.''

``Good seeing ya Neil. You too...Hanna, right?''

The kitten Hanna jumped off her dads leg and perked up. ``You know who I am silly! We're going to shoot a gun!''

``Heh. You have fun little one.'' The muscle bound ape blinked his baggy eyes and went back to playing solitaire on the computer.

``Thanks Ralph. If we need anything I'll be sure to let you know.'' Neil led Hanna after receiving a nod from Ralph, going through a hall and a door.

Not able to contain her excitement, Hanna burst out with energy. `This is so cool! I'm going to hold a gun and shoot at a target, and it's going to be like,pow pow!' and then I'm going to smell the powder from the shots, and then I'm going to look down the sights and aim at the target again and be all like, pow pow kapow!' and the target is gonna be all like,argh nooo!' and then I'm gonna be all like putting on cool sun glasses and be cool and stuff, and then bullets will fly! Fly and fly and fly! Won't they dad huh won't they?!'' As the kitten that she is, she jumped up and down as they walked, hopping her way to destination.

Hearing quite the earful, her father put a paw on her head and she stopped bouncing.

``Safety first, right?'' They were at the door to which led to his daughters entertainment.

Hanna looked up and smiled. ``Right.''

Neil pushed the door open and his daughter followed through. Lane after lane, columns of empty space separated at the standing line by bullet proof glass gave room for shooting a gun in a zone of safety. Off in a corner distant from the door they entered, a stack full of practice targets made of circle papers, and people shapes.

He gave his daughter her pair of ear and eye protection, which she put on while keeping one side of her earphones off so she can listen to her father.

Neil took the center lane and motioned for his daughter to stand in front of him. ``Get into position so we can start.''

The kitten gave a quiet `okay' and padded over behind the line showing where the danger area was, and in front of her dad. Next, large black furred arms and a weathered paw come bearing up, brandishing a type of pistol, a SIG Sauer M11. It's compact rugged design made exertion the ability to excite, brandishing amusement like the firearm.

``Put your hands where mine are.'' Neil was right handed, and so was his daughter, apparently.

Hanna put her right paw high on the grip, and her left palm tightly on the left exposed side. Her index finger lay rest outside the trigger hole.

``Good. Make sure the safety is off.''

Hanna moved her thumb near the chambering mechanism, and found the safety switch. She flicked it off with her thumb.

``Now aim the firearm at the center of the target. Use both forward and back sights to line them up.''

This was so exciting! It was almost orgasmic. Such it was, Hanna was even getting a little wet from this. Her dad's protective arms surrounding her body from behind gave an engulfing feeling of doing something pleasurable. There was something about guns that just made her a bit on the turned on side, and having daddy there with his strength magnified that.

``Cover your ear with the protective muff, aim, and breath out as you pull the trigger.''

Hanna gave another quiet `okay,' covering her ear she was using to listen with the protective equipment. Her paws on the grip, she lined up the sights and aimed for the center of the circular target. She placed her finger on the trigger. The kitten breathed in and out, and then pulled.


Mmm! The smell of bullet powder! Unfortunately, the projectile didn't come close to the center. So she tried again.


Oh that felt so good! She remembered to keep her stance wide when firing, adjusting her footing and aiming down the pistol again.


The target was probably screaming `Auuugh nooo!' and made her smile, invigorating her senses and getting her even more wet. She were in control of a deadly weapon, and made her feel powerful. Even more so, her dad stood behind her for her teachings. How a little grind would do her so good right now.


She were getting a bit better at aiming, controlling her breathing with arms out stretched.


Blinking behind the safety glasses, Hanna did her best to aim at the center.

POW! POW! *click* *click*

Neil dug into his black case of strapped Velcro and leaned into her earmuff. ``Okay, here is a fresh clip. After this one, I want you to reload the bullets into the clip.''

The kitten nodded, ejecting the old clip, giving it to her dad and inserting the new one until it was reloaded with and audible clack. The girl continued firing her rounds into the target and getting a little better with aim, sometimes hitting closer to the center than her other shots. Neil pushed a button close to the bullet proof glass that slowly brought the circular target close enough that they could read the bullet shots mapped on the target.

``It's like a constellation!'' Hanna looked up proudly at her daddy, though there were a lot of bullets outside the center, she still got quite a few close to it.

``You're doing good, keep up the good work.'' Neil praised his daughter as she beamed at him.

The rest of the hour spent ticked in the afternoon shooting the firearm and practicing her skill. Targets turned to bullet ridden holes, each one a testament to the cubs increasing pleasure and confidence. Soon though, their time was up and Ralph came in to check on them hearing gun shots on his way there.

Neil felt a tap on his shoulder and saw the ape pointing at his wrist watch. It was time to go.

He let his girl finish this clip off.

Hanna.'' He moved her earmuff.It's been an hour, time to go.''

``A'ww, okay.'' her arms were getting tired anyway with the weight of the firearm and constantly holding it out in front of her. Though within intervals, there was rest. She was glad she was able to come here, but now she had to say goodbye.


The small Diamond family traveling in the red truck, with a tired little girl and an alert father going at safe speeds arrived at their house. It was a single story, with a light red rocky pattern build into it, and a grey roof. Neil grabbed the garage door opener clipped to the visor overhead, and activated it. He parked the truck inside, and his little daughter squirmed with delight.

``Thanks for taking me to the range daddy!'' She opened her door and got out, closing it again.

Neil got out too, closed his side but not before locking up the truck. ``I'm glad you enjoyed. With more practice you'll do better.''


Neil took his keys and unlocked the door leading from garage into house, and Hanna bustled in. She zoomed straight into her room, going past the kitchen and into a hallway. Opening her door room, she entered and closed it behind her. Her body contorted around so she could first undo the bothersome button latch for her tail strap. Next her fingers played with the front button of her pants for a few seconds before undoing them through the loop hole, and unzipping them down. Hopping on her bed and sitting, the kitten took her pants off and threw them with abandon away from her sight. Pulling on her white panties, she was able to thumb them around to the bottom of her rump, where she bounced on the bed a little until they came off from underneath her and slid effortlessly off her legs. They were kicked off successfully. Hanna was now butt naked and lay down her head on fluffy pillows, drawing her fingers around the mound of her labia. Exhaling a sigh of relief, the kitten began to trace around her entrance and spread her legs a bit. Perhaps she could thrust her whole arm in there?

Hanna literally laughed out loud. Na. That would be ludicrous. Not that it's a bad thing, or anything! Just that...to Hanna, the bigger, the better. That goes double for guns. As much as she loved her daddy's SIG Sauer M11, she also enjoyed rifles, and mini-guns. Starting a fit of giggles how the word `mini' is the exact opposite of a mini gun, she without question began to flick her clitoris, and laughed at her thoughts. Still, when that thumb began to rub her clitoris, she scrunched up her legs up to her chest and began rubbing it faster. Calling upon her dexterous fingers, the girl inserted the index finger into her vaginal hole, going past the white fluffy mound.

Horny for her desires, Hanna moaned out while giving herself the finger and thumbing her clitoris. Using her other paw, she replaced her thumb quickly with three fingers and started to rub her clit clock-wise. The cub was moaning in ecstasy now, thrusting her finger in and out rapidly and squeezing her knees together. Her train of thoughts hovered over her strong daddy as she yelled for him, remembering his muscular arms around her body when he helped her aim the firearm. Her breathing quickened, eyes closed tightly shut, body shuttering, she were huffing and moaning as the cub played with her body until she screamed out into an explosive orgasm. At this point and time, Hanna had her finger in her vagina knuckle deep. Taking deep heavy heaves of breath, the girl drew her fingers away from her clitoris and vaginal hole, declaring today to be wonderful.

Meanwhile Neil was in the living room, watching how doughnuts are made on the TV, eating black olives with a toothpick while sitting in a comfy recliner chair, and listening to his daughter masturbate. It was not his fault he was eavesdropping on her moans, she's just...loud. Oh well, she seemed to be done anyway. He has not confronted her about sex before, as far as self manipulation goes. Someday, he'll have to give her the talk about how each gender's body works, as she's going to want this information whenever she reaches the age of being a woman.

But, that was not as scary as what he heard his daughter scream sometimes while she masturbated. During her moans throughout the house, he would sometimes hear her yell, ``daddy!'' He was unsure of what to do about this. He loved his daughter, but not like that. It was clear to him that she thought of himself while she was doing her private business in her room. Though, he did not want to confront the cub and embarrass her to death, and she seemed to know what masturbation is, there was still the idea that she may want to ask him to play with her some day. Neil did not want to deal with that. Nope!

Chewing over the thought with some black olives in a white ceramic bowl, He decided to let nature take its course, and talk to the nine year old about sex...hopefully later than sooner.

Neil heard the sound of his daughter's door opening and paws padding over to where he was sitting. The kitten greeted him with a light purple blanket with red diamond shapes on it, a smile, and clambered up on his lap, where she lay her head on his chest and legs out on the recliner with his. She took the blanket and draped it over their body so they'd be comfortable. Neil hugged onto her with his right arm, placing the bowl of olives on a corner table next to the chair.

``Thank you for taking me out to the range daddy. I had a lot of fun.''

Neil kissed her head and she giggled. ``I'm glad you had fun.'' He decided not to press the subject of her not pulling the trigger on her plastic gun, figuring she already knew better.

For a while they sat together like that, the kitten purring, and relaxed under the blanket. Neil was happy too, he'd stroke her sides on top the blanket occasionally, watching how doughnuts are prepared and eaten. Hanna asked her daddy before what is it with police men and doughnuts? He replied, saying that they are just convenient to buy, and eat while on duty. Most gas stores have them, and while yes he could pick up a fruit bar while there, doughnuts don't usually have wrappers on them except for the bag or box they come with.

So she had let the question go. Right now Hanna lay on top of her strong, if pot bellied father, rubbing her legs together ever so lightly, and feeling a sensation well up in her nethers. Slipping a paw into her pants, she brushed her cunny and started to finger herself. She let out a sigh of relief.

Neil was totally oblivious to her playing with herself under the blanket, until she made a few grunts and tiny squeaks. Then, he began to ponder what she was doing. It didn't take long for him to figure out she is masturbating on top of him. But he let her do her thing, and he just rubbed her side. She's really playing with herself, right on top of me. I'll let her finish, and then we have to have the talk.

Hanna was apparently not worried about her daddy finding out she were masturbating just now, since she squeaked out ``daddy...'' a few times while rubbing her moist cunny in circles. Did she want to be found out?! The girl let out grin. Maaaaaaybe. But it was awesome sneaking this right on top of him. It made her feel powerful, and she purred there stoking the fluff of labia and around the entrance.

Neil Diamond can be stern when he needs to be, a real hard ass. But get on his good side, and he'll show you he's just a soft guy on the inside. He has a soft spot for his daughter, and believes in discipline, but also training. He can never get that bit of fat off his belly though, but he helps and supports Hanna with her life choices, but tried to teach her about morals, too. It's tough, but now he has to put all that aside and talk to her about...relations. Listening to the girl making peeps and shushed hushes, deliberatingly playing with herself on dada.


As if responding to her little quip, Neil responded with a stroke on her side.

The cub went underneath the blanket. What was she-

``-Augh!'' His dick got a stroke from her tongue! He felt it through his pants, fuck! Was she really doing this?! He tensed his claws on the arms of the couch and gritted his teeth.

The little kitten just continued to groom in that spot of his crotch and purr. Adorably so, it gave her father a confusing dilemma. Cease these actions, but become a sexually inhibiting figure that may rebel, or cause problems with her growing up, or let her continue and explore with someone she at least knows.

He didn't have to choose, Hanna eventually got tired and just laid in his lap curled up in a ball with purrs vibrating his crotch. Neil unclenched, loosened and sighed. This is going to be a long day.