Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 14

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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#14 of Care Bears Family Adventures Book 4

The Care Bear Family Welcomes new members into the family, meanwhile Anger Heart and Redemption are tortured by Illyana

A/N: I need to thank Eternaldragonstear/Aqua Bear/Lonesome Heart/ShimmeringStar for writing most of the tickle torture scenes in this chapter.

Chapter 14: New Friends and Old Enemies

Love Heart and the Mulcaheys rematerialized on the much larger Rainbow Rescue Beam pad in the Hall of Hearts. While Teacher Bear leaned on her cane and took a deep breath the rest of her children all felt their fur to make sure it was still attached.

"What was that?! What happened?! Where are we!?" Charity Heart Fox was holding her stuffed cow, Moo Moo, to her chest, eyes wide as dinner plates.

"Sorry, the first time can be a bit rough, but that's the rainbow rescue beam." Bright Heart stood at the controls to the machine.

Thorough Heart was the first to calm down, "So we teleported."

Bright Heart smiled, "Exactly. Don't worry everything is here. I called Lotsa and Champ to come an help with your stuff."

"And we're here, sports fan," Champ Bear and Lotsa Heart entered the control room where everyone was standing.

Lotsa Heart whistled, "There's a lot of you, and that's the truth. Don't worry we have a lot of empty rooms you can stay in until we get a house built for you."

"A house, rooms?" Curious Heart Wolf scratched his head, "what's going on?"

"Are we going to live here?" Grateful Heart Hedgehog asked, looking up at Love Heart and Teacher Bear who still stood on the pad.

Teacher Bear finally found her bearings and looked down at her children, all of whom were staring up at her now. She smiled, "I think we might, once we learn more about this place." She turned to Love Heart, "What did you say this place was called?"

"The Kingdom of Caring," Love Heart nodded to Champ and Lotsa, "Can you take their stuff into the guest rooms. I need to take the Mulcaheys to see Take Care Bear."

"Who's Take Care Bear?" Curious Heart asked.

"Probably their doctor," Thorough Heart raised a finger matter-of-factly.

"Exactly." Love Heart saw the nervous looks on their faces, "It's just a standard check-up for new arrivals. I need to see if Anger Heart found the other lost Care Bear we were looking for before I found you."

As Love Heart finally stepped off the platform he turned to off Teacher Bear help down, only to find Passive Heart Badger and Hungry Heart Billygoat already doing so. He smiled and started to lead them out of the Hall, when Teacher Bear caught up with him.

"Love Heart, excuse me but back on Earth did you say you were a General?" She asked.

Love Heart nodded then turned to her, "Yes. My full title is Prince General Love Heart Bear of the Kingdom of Caring, Commander in Chief of the Care Bear Magi." Love Heart saw the mix of emotions stream across Teacher Bear's face, fear, wonder, and some confusion before settling on some level of relaxed.

"I see. It just brings back memories," she started walking with Love Heart again, her children following close behind as she relayed her thoughts to those around her. "My adopted brother, Francis, was in the military. He served as an army chaplain in a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital during the Korean War."

"That was Father Mulcahey!" Charity Heart practically jumped up, then became a bit sullen, as did the other cubs though they kept pace with the two older bears.

"Yes. I met most of his old friends from the army, mostly doctors and surgeons, so I just started thinking of that again. I didn't realize you had a full military up here." She turned to Love Heart.

Love Heart had his heartphone out but looked up to talk to Teacher when she finished speaking, "We do. Most of the Care Bear Family have the job of looking after children on Earth and helping them learn to care in various ways, and we do to sometimes but our primary job is to protect the rest of the Care Bear Family from our enemies, something that's becoming more important lately that it has been in years. We weren't formally organized as a military until about a decade ago, but that's a long story." He looked back to his heartphone and gawked at the answer he found. The Korean war being waged between the years of 1950-1953. He looked back at Teacher Bear in shock but thankfully she had turned to make sure her children were keeping up, who in turn were offering to help her keep up the pace due to her age. Just how old was she?

Love Heart at least was able to put the question aside as the hospital came into view, "We're here. Let's go see Take Care."


Anger Heart finally drifted back to consciousness, his head still full of fog as he shook it. He tried to rub his eyes, only to find his hands locked in place by metal shackles. His vision suddenly cleared and he strained to look up, seeing his hands each shackled down to the top of a long metal slab. He tried to move his feet and looked down to see his feet bound below him. His tail was free, and thankfully still only a single tail, but that was little comfort.

A groan to his left caused Anger Heart to turn and see Redemptionheart Bear bound in the exact same way on another slab, with a large machine set up between them. "Redemption? Redemption!" Anger Heart shouted.

Redemption snapped awake, "What? Where are we?" She struggled to move, but had as little success as Anger Heart did.

"I don't know, other than held prisoner," Anger Heart took a deep breath, calming his nerves before he accidentally started a fire, or gave away that he could.

"Simple, you're my prisoners." The high, shrill voice drew their attention to the woman wearing a business suit and a massive mink coat in front of them.

Redemption shrank back, as much as she could in her shackles, at the sight of her former, and now current, captor.

"Who the hell are you!?" Anger Heart bared his teeth despite his situation.

She gave a venomous glare to the fox, "My name is Illyana, but you don't ask the questions here. You are my prisoners and now you're going to answer my questions, or suffer the same fate as her." She snapped her fingers and a mercenary guard nearby tossed an emaciated red form to the ground in front of her. Illyana turned it over with an ivory cane she was carrying so it was face up.

"LILY!" Redemption shouted upon seeing the dead body of her friend and first magic teacher.

"I didn't need her anymore once I saw how many of you there were so I finished her off," she turned to face the captives again, "And I will do the same to you, first for you escaping and costing me a prized exhibit, and then," She turned to Anger Heart, "I know you come from that place in the sky where the rest of your kind lives and that you can't just fly there. You're going to tell me how to get there safely and how to disable any defenses you might have up there."

It was all Anger Heart could do to avoid trying to set her on fire as he spat back at her, "Fuck you! You psychotic bitch!"

Illyana bristled, "If you must have it that way. Claws, they're all yours and don't hold back."

A 43-inch widescreen monitor attached to a heavy flexible cable extended from the central machine, a green smiley face appearing on the screen. "Hi! I'm Claws," He spoke with a child-like mechanical voice.

Claws gave an evil smirk to Anger Heart. "Hello, Anger Heart Fox and Redemptionheart Bear, you will get to know me very well soon because you will be spending a very, very long time with me. I am the torture machine that will be punishing you and I am on strict orders to prolong the torture for as long as possible. Do you have anything to say for yourselves before we begin?"

Redemptionheart stared at Claw's screen, unable to speak past a lump of emotion in her throat. Anger Heart's own emotions boiled over again but he reigned it in enough to say, "I'm never going to betray my family."

The machine glared at the fox. "Oh no? Will see about that little fox." A mechanical hand reached out to scratch Anger Heart underneath the chin in mockingly. "But first, let's start by seeing where you two are most ticklish." Claws grinned evilly at Anger Heart, showing sharp teeth on its screen. Several long, skinny tendrils tipped with feathers extended from the central machine and moved towards the captive's armpits, then began flicking them in the prisoner's armpits.

Anger Heart bit his lip as the feathers began to flick into his armpits. He snickered slightly, "Heeheehee" then held back again, gritting his teeth against the torture.

Redemption, sadly, had her sweet spot found right away. Barely a moment of resistance went by before she started laughing, "HahahahahaAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

After only five seconds of tickling with the feathers on this spot, the feathers moved down and tested their sides poking up and down as the machine looked happily at the female bear. "Oh, I take it your underarms are your worst spot my dear?" The machine said, smiling evilly at the helpless bear as the feathers kept dancing on their sides testing their ticklishness.

Anger Heart was able to bears his teeth and resist laughing at the sides, Redemption even was a but less affected but still couldn't help laughing. "Heeheeheeheehaahahahaha."

"Hehe good, your giggling sweetly, but let's go down further shall we? I heard Care Bear feet can be quite sensitive and very ticklish. I bet your red soles are also sensitive aren't they?" Grinned the machine looking happily at his captive fox. The feathers went down to his soles tickling up and down, while the other ones tickled the front of the bear's toes.

Redemptionheart started shrieking with laughter again. "AhahahahahaHeeeeeeheeheeheehee!" But Anger Heart was unmoved. He had to grit again but his feet barely registered the flicking of the feathers on his soles.

Claws kept tickling Redemptionheart but moved his screen down to look at Anger Heart's foot pads. "Ohh I see. You've been on your feet a lot in your life." One of the tendrils prodded the heavily callused paw pads. "Well we're going to have to fix that." Claws' attention was diverted form Redemption for a moment as several sheets of sandpaper on rollers came out on the end of new tendrils.

Anger Heart sucked in air through his teeth as the rotary sanders ground into his feet. It was a slight tingle at first but then it became painful as his calluses were ground off all of his feet, leaving nothing but fresh soft skin behind.

"Now, let's test your feet again shall we?" Said the machine teasingly as the feathers began to wiggle and dance up and down on Anger Heart's feet as the feathers kept tickling and sawing in between Redmeptionheart's toes.

Anger Heart tried to hold back, but the feathers on his newly sensitive feet were too much and he burst out laughing. "AaaaahahahahahahaHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

And Redemptionheart was laughing right alongside him.

"Oh good, you're sensitive point little foxy is your feet, and the bear's are her arm pits." The machine grinned happily removing all feathers for the time being. "Now its time to focus on those." Said the machine happily as he got out two big bristle brushes that began to scrub back and forth on the fox's soles. While for Redemptionheart, a pair of metal claws wiggled in front of her tauntingly as they began to pat, and snake up and down her smooth under arms. "Cootchie cootchie coo my wittle ticklish captives." Said the machine looking into Redemptionheart's eyes happily.


Melony was nervous as she sat in Take Care's exam room. Take Care had finished the physical exam some time ago and was looking at the results. Melony gulped when Take Care set the results down. "You're a little underfed at the moment but you are one of the healthiest and strongest Care Bears I've ever seen. But I need to talk about what Anger Heart said."

"About my attempted suicide..." Melony averted her gaze.

Take Care nodded, "Melony, look at me please." Melony did and found a face not angry or even prying but one that showed the concern only a mother could. Even though Melony wasn't her daughter Take Care knew she needed a gentler touch for this situation. "Melony, I want to know why you did that. I want to help you and I promise you won't be locked away or punished for what happened, but I need your help to help you."

Melony bit her lip as the painful memories came flooding back and she began to tear up. Her breath caught in her throat for a moment but then being here, with another of her own kind offering to help her while showing real concern rather than the 'medical curiosity' she'd seen in so many doctors over the years made everyone come tumbling out at once.

"I grew up on earth and I was adopted by a human foster home. People wanted me to see doctors for years to study me physically and mentally, the poked and prodded me and treated me as a 'study subject' for years without even asking if I was alright with it. Then all the other children I lived with and I went to school with teased and bullied me because I was different for years but no one ever stopped them because I was a freak and the teachers never stopped the bullying, especially since I was strong enough that I never really got hurt, especially after I started using the weight room at school.

"Then, ten years ago when I was eight, I saw the Care Bears on TV and I thought 'this is what I am, this is what makes me special' until I told those same bullies and they told me 'if you're so special then why did they leave you down on Earth?' I couldn't handle it after that and I just tried to hide away whenever I could, saving money from what few odd jobs I could take while I finished school. Once I graduated I decided I needed to find others like me, Care Bears abandoned on Earth. I spent everything I had to learn about and find some but by the time I got to the city I found out they left years ago." Melony rubbed her eyes that were now full of tears, "I had nothing left and no home to go back to, my foster family said I needed to find my own place but I was broke and alone and I knew anyone who got a hold of me would sell or dissect me if they could so I decided to end it!" Melony finally broke down and sobbed into her hands.

Take Care had stood there, listening to the young woman's story. She did her best to hold in her own tears but stepped forwards and patted her on the shoulder, "Don't worry, things will get better."

Melony looked up and suddenly latched onto Take Care in a tight hug. Take Care was taken aback but didn't try to force her off. She knew Melony needed this and she felt sympathy for her, so she hugged back, patting the indigo bear's back. "Just let it out, Melony."

Melony's crying eventually petered down to sniffling and she let go of the doctor. Take Care was a bit rattled but composed herself and spoke to her patient, "Melony. What you did was very serious, now you're not in trouble but I want you to promise me that if you're every feeling bad then please talk to someone. You'll find almost everyone up here is willing to help and listen to what you have to say. OK?"

Melony sniffed, "OK. What do I do now?"

"For the moment, come sit in the waiting room. I need to call Love Heart and bring him here to talk to you, he has something important to tell you." Take Care headed for the front door, then paused, "After that we'll find you a place to sleep at the Hall of Hearts until you can pick out a place to live. Last a checked there's a few houses that were vacated after the bears or cousins living there got married." Take Care motioned for Melony to follow her into the waiting room, which she did.

Take Care had just picked up her desk phone (she maintained it as a business line while her heartphone was mostly for personal use) when the front door of the waiting room burst open and Love Heart lead Teacher Bear and her seven colorful cubs into the waiting room.

Melony was shocked out of her own head as the cubs scattered around the waiting room, Passive Heart, Pretty Heart, Grateful Heart and Charity Heart taking seats next to Melony while Curious Heart, Thorough Heart and Hungry Heart went to play with the toys that Take Care had put in the waiting room once more cubs had started to be born.

Take Care almost jumped when the group came in and Love Heart walked up with Teacher Bear to talk to her. "Hi, Take Care. Sorry about this but I found a whole family of Care Bear Cousins down on Earth. This is Teacher Bear and her cubs... umm," Love Heart paused for a moment as he turned to look at the children in the waiting room.

Teacher Bear quickly picked up the conversation from Love Heart, "Grateful Heart Hedgehog, Passive Heart Badger, Pretty Heart Skunk, Charity Heart Fox, Hungry Heart Billygoat, Thorough Heart Weasel, and Curious Heart Wolf."

"Yes, I can see that," Take Care shook her head to clear it from the sudden shock of eight new patients all turning up at once.

"Mom, what's going- oh my goodness!" Get Well had heard the commotion and come in from the house to see the new arrivals in the waiting room.

Take Care composed herself and turned to address Teacher Bear, "Teacher Bear, I am Take Care Bear the head doctor at the Kingdom of Caring Hospital," she gestured towards Get Well, "This is my daughter, Get Well Bear, who just returned from medical school earlier this year. We just need to do a check up on you and each of your children so we can start your records here."

"That would be fine," Teacher Bear nodded.

"We can do two of you at a time, I just need to talk to Love Heart for a minute and we can begin." Take Care nodded to Love Heart.

"I can start on the children," Get Well turned to the cubs, "Who would like their check-up first?"

"I'll go." Pretty Heart, the pink skunk, jumped off the chair and followed Get Well into the exam room.

As Teacher Bear sat down to wait her turn, Take Care told Love Heart about Melony's suicide attempt, the green bear's face hardening for a moment before Take Care motioned for Melony to join her and Love Heart. "Melony, I want you to meet Love Heart Bear, leader of the Care Bear Magi."

Love Heart offered a hand to Melony, "It's nice to meet you, Melony. Take Care just told me about what happened. Are you feeling better now?"

"I don't know... I keep thinking this isn't real," Melony shuffled her feet, she was wearing drab grey sneakers, "That I wasn't saved by a magical flying fox and hit the ground and this... this is just the afterlife except I couldn't be up here if I succeeded because... I remember my foster parents once said that people who commit suicide go to hell."

"You tried to kill yourself?" Curious Heart Wolf couldn't help himself and had gotten closer to overhear their conversation. Take Care cursed in her head for not taking the conversation to a private room but her mind was currently still overloading from all the events of the day.

"You should never do that!" Charity Heart nearly shouted from her seat, "If you commit suicide you'd be sent to hell forever no matter what life you live, that was a very stupid thing to do!"

"Charity Heart Fox!" Teacher Bear's suddenly harsh tone caused the young vixen to turn to her adopted mother, wilting slightly under her stare from behind her glasses, "Melony must have gone through a very hard time to bring herself to that brink and to even attempt it. She's probably very confused and scared right now if she's never had others like us to relate to, you shouldn't chastise her when she's so fragile."

"I'm sorry mom..." Charity Heart's ears drooped.

Teacher Bear pointed to Melony, "You should apologize to Melony more than to me." She turned to the three bears standing by Take Care's desk, "I'm very sorry. Charity Heart is a devout Christian and she can't help but share her opinions vocally. And Curious Heart, you know better than to eavesdrop."

Curious Heart Wolf hung his head, "I'm sorry, mom."

Charity Heart got up, still clutching her stuffed cow, and walked over to Melony, "I'm sorry, Melony." She looked up and saw that the indigo bear was crying, wiping tears away from her eyes with both hands.

Love Heart patted the young woman on the back then took hold of her hand when he felt her trying to move away. "Don't worry, Melony we're here for you. Want to meet my family."

Melony sniffed, "Yes, I'd like that," she sniffed again and finished drying her eyes.

"Alright," Love Heart pulled out his heartphone and texted to Confidence to meet him at Take Care's with the kids. "Take Care, is there anything else you needed to tell me?"

Take Care had stayed silent once she saw that Teacher Bear had her children under control but now she continued, "Yes. Love Heart, Melony is a Magi."

"A what?" Melony looked at the doctor, sounding a bit confused.

"A Care Bear Magi," Love Heart took over, "We are essentially genetically altered super soldiers created by the Great Wishing Star to be stronger, more durable and magically gifted compared to the rest of the Care Bear Family, with the trade off that we lack the ability to speak any language that the rest of the family have and we age much more slowly." He smiled, "This means I'm the one who can give you your tummy symbol once you pick a name for yourself."

"Is something wrong with my name?" Melony looked like she was about to cry but Take Care quickly diffused the situation.

"No, most Care Bears pick a name that represents themselves when they join the Care Bear Family."

"My wife used to be called Cassandra Avalon but she changed her name to Confidence Heart Fennec," Love Heart said, "So what do you feel defines you as a person? Or you can keep your name as Melony like Darien did."

"No, I kind of want to change it, my life as Melony has just been one tragedy after another, maybe minor but..." the indigo bear trailed off.

"Just because your tragedies are personal, doesn't make them any less important." Teacher Bear stood up and walked over to join them, "You shouldn't compare your personal issues to larger ones of the world or even to other individuals' problems. I've told many of my students the same thing."

Melony nodded and sniffed again, "I guess I'm always sad, but sadness bear sounds too depressing..."

"Not really, I mean we have a Grumpy Bear up here, and then there's the fox who rescued you, Anger Heart." Love Heart smiled, "These aren't negative emotions, they're emotions that people think are wrong but are needed to make someone a complete and healthy person."

"Maybe if you had a name that sounds less depressing, might I suggest Melancholy Bear?" The other three turned to look at Teacher Bear so she continued, "Melancholy is a form of sadness but one that makes you reflective and thoughtful, which is something being sad is good for."

Melony smiled, the first time she could remember doing in so long, "That does sound nice. I think I'll do that, I'll be Melancholy Bear."

Love Heart clapped his hands together then stepped back, "Alright, hold still. This will just take a moment." His tummy symbol glowed.

"What will?" the indigo bear had no time for further questions as Love Heart's tummy symbol shot off a blast of white light that flew up and around before settling on the indigo bear's stomach, lighting up underneath her shirt and hoodie. A moment later the symbol appeared on the front of her shirt, a crying blue star.

"Welcome to the Care Bear Family, Melancholy Bear," Love Heart smiled as her.

"A crying star?" Melancholy Bear touched the pattern on her shirt.

"I think it looks lovely, Melancholy," Teacher Bear said.

"Can I get a quick check-up while we're waiting, Take Care, I had a run in with Shrieky before I found them," Love Heart said.

"Alright, everyone please wait here," Take Care took Love Heart into an exam room.

Love Heart's check-up didn't take very long after Take Care heard Love Heart's account of what happened. "There's some minor scarring but nothing serious."

"Yeah, but Shrieky still almost killed me," Love Heart shook his head, "Shrieky of all people. I made the right choice to take a temporary retirement until this all ends. Thank you, Take Care." Love Heart headed back to the waiting room.

Melancholy Bear was talking with Teacher Bear when Love Heart re-entered the waiting room, and a moment later Pretty Heart Skunk emerged from the other exam room. "I'm all done," she smiled, "Get Well says I'm perfectly healthy."

"That's very good, so who's next?" Teacher Bear smiled at the skunk.

"I'll go," Charity volunteered as she stood up from her chair.

"Then I'll take you, Teacher Bear," Take Care said.

At that moment, the outside door opened and Confidence Heart stepped. "Love Heart!" She darted to Love Heart, catching him in a hug as the two kissed and Miracle Heart and Shimmering Star entered the waiting room.

When they finished, Love Heart turned to Teacher Bear, "Teacher Bear, Mulcaheys, meet my kids: Miracle Heart Kitsune and Shimmering Star Bear."

"I'm Confidence Heart Fennec," Confidence grinned and pointed to herself with her thumb.

"Daddy," Shimmers tugged on Love Heart's leg fur, "are you really going to stay home all the time?"

Love Heart smiled and scooped the tan bear up in his arms, "That's right," he nuzzled his nose against his son's nose, "I do have to go out sometimes but no more missions while I have to look after you. First things first," he headed towards the door with his son still in his arms, "Time to get you toilet trained."

The door shut behind them and Confidence Heart just rolled her eyes, "At least he's being enthusiastic." She looked at Melancholy, "Love Heart asked me to take you to the Hall of Hearts and show you around the Kingdom of Caring, if you want to come," she offered her hand to the indigo bear.

"Yes I'd like that," Melancholy smiled and accepted her hand.

"So what do you like to do?" Mira looked up at Melancholy as they left.

As they left, Pretty Heart turned to Teacher Bear before she was led into the exam room. "Can I go with them mom? I want to meet Miracle Heart." she asked.

Teacher Bear paused for a moment, giving it some thought, "Alright, just stay with Confidence Heart and Miracle Heart."

"I will, thank you!" Pretty Heart Skunk all but ran out the door in order to catch up to the others. Thankfully they were just a short distance way on the main path between the Forest of Feelings and Care-a-Lot by the time Pretty Heart was out the door. "Wait for me!" She waved and ran after the three.

Confidence Heart stopped to wait for the skunk to catch up. "Hello, what was your name?"

"Pretty Heart Skunk." She smiled up at the older fennec, "So how do I get one of those tummy symbols like you have?"

"I can get Tenderheart or Brave Heart to give you one. Love Heart can only give symbols to magi like us," she pointed to Miracle Heart and Melancholy Bear.

"Hi, I'm Miracle Heart Kitsune," Mira offered a hand to Pretty Heart, who shook it strongly.

"I'm Pretty Heart Skunk, nice to meet you. So where are we going?" She looked around.

Mira point to the giant heart some distance away, "The Hall of Hearts, it's like the city hall."

"Oh," Pretty Heart held back for a moment to observe the building. She hadn't bothered to look back at it after they were lead out of it the first time. As the other three started to walk, Pretty Heart looked at Mira's multiple tails before she caught up, "Why do you have four tails, Miracle Heart?"

"Call me Mira, and it's cause I'm a kitsune, a magical fox." She swished her four tails, "My tail split in half when I was eight and then again twice this year. I'm not the only one either, Anger Heart Fox has eight tails but he keeps them hidden so they don't knock everything over. So what do you like to do, Pretty Heart?"

"Well I like to try new things but mostly I play dress up, sing in a choir and boxing," Pretty Heart sighed, "Father Mulcahey taught me since I was five."

"Really?" Mira grinned, "Mom's been teaching me karate since I was five too. Want to spar?"

Pretty Heart wasn't sure if Mira was oblivious to her sudden sadness or if she was moving on to keep her from dwelling on it, either way she appreciated it and smiled back, "OK. I just need to dig my boxing gloves out of the stuff we brought up here. The clouds would make a soft mat to fall on right?" She looked at the cloudy ground to either side of the path.

"Of course," Mira jumped sideways and landed on the soft, cotton-like clouds, giggling the whole time. Seeing how fun it looked, Pretty Heart jumped into the clouds alongside her, laughing as well. Both of them picked themselves up and got back on to the path to catch up to Confidence and Melancholy, as the former pointed out the landmarks to the latter and answered various questions about the Kingdom of Caring.

Champ Bear and Lotsa Heart had been joined by Brave Heart in moving the Mulcahey's possessions into the guest rooms in the Hall of Hearts by the time Confidence, Melancholy, Mira and Pretty Heart arrived.

Brave Heart had just returned to pick up one of the Tuppermaid containers full of old papers when Confidence Heart called out to him. "Hey, Brave Heart, happy you're here. Can you help me with something?"

Brave Heart stopped himself from leaning down to pick up the next box, "Sure, Confidence. Does it have something to do with the new family members we found today?" Brave Heart whistled, "Nine in one day, that's a record."

Confidence ushered Pretty Heart forwards who smiled at him. "Hi Brave Heart. My name is Pretty Heart Skunk."

Brave Heart chuckled, "Nice to meet you, Pretty Heart. What can I do for you?"

"You can give her a tummy symbol," Confidence said.

"Yes please," Pretty Heart nodded, "the rest of my family is at Take Care's and she said I'm healthy."

"All right, little lady, just stand still." Brave Heart's tummy symbol lit up and he fired off a white replica from his symbol. Pretty Heart watched it fly around, just like it had with Melancholy Bear until it settled on her tummy, the glow emanating from under her dress then showing up a moment later on the fabric, a heart-shaped compact.

"Will it show up on all my clothes?" Pretty Heart touched the picture on her dress, it felt like it had always been there.

"Yep, but only when you put them on. Excuse me I need to keep moving this stuff into the rooms." Brave Heart went another box since the tuppermaid container had been picked up by Lotsa Heart.

"Wait!" Pretty Heart darted over to the box and tore the top open. She grinned as she pulled out a pair of red boxing gloves, "I knew they were in here. I just need to find some clothes and change." The rest of the box had other non-clothing items in it.

"Or you could just go without," Mira said, "Most of us do."

Pretty Heart turned to look at Mira, then looked at Champ, Lotsa and Brave Heart. Though Champ was wearing a red jacket and headband she only now just realized that most of the Care Bears weren't wearing any clothing. She blushed slightly then shook her head. "This is weird. Is there a bathroom nearby?" She asked.

Champ, who was about to grab another box, pointed to a door nearby, "Right there, sports fan."

"Thank you," Pretty Heart disappeared into the bathroom. Inside she stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself in her light green dress, now with the symbol on the front. "I might as well try." She pulled the dress off, then looked at herself just standing there in her underwear, before she pulled that off too. Looking at her reflection, and seeing her new tummy symbol, was an odd experience. She didn't look inappropriate at all, in fact this felt more natural now that she had her tummy symbol. She folded her clothes up and exited the bathroom.

"This feels weird," Pretty Heart set her folded up clothes on a chair that was near the wall.

"I think I'll stay clothed for now," Melancholy said.

"Forget feeling weird," Miracle Heart's tummy symbol glowed as she conjured karate training gloves and shoes onto her hands and feet, "I'm ready to go!" she jabbed the air a few times.

Pretty Heart seemed to forget her oddness and grabbed her boxing gloves to pull on, "Can you help lace me up, please?" she looked to Confidence Heart and held out the gloves.

"Sure," Confidence tied the laces on the gloves until they were tight around the skunk's wrists.

Pretty Heart smiled then took a moment to throw some practice punches, just to make sure the gloves were on tight. "OK, I'm ready."

"Let's take this outside then," Confidence Heart motioned for the two girls to follow her as she headed for the exit.



Anger Heart was still laughing, the torture intensified by his newly softened feet. A few times he tried to scrunch up his feet, hoping the bunched up skin would lower the intensity, only for Claws to pull his toes up and stretch out the skin again. Redemptionheart wasn't in any better state just with Claws focusing on her underarms instead.


At nearly the same time, Anger Heart felt a sudden surge as his fur became wet from something else other than the sweat.

"Keep those toes open wittle fox or I'll be forced to take drastic measures." Warned the machine as it taunted him scratching him underneath the chin happily as the bristle brushes moved up and down his helpless soles. The robot claws began spider tickling up and down her helplessly exposed under arms as the machine grinned happily. "Your so ticklish wittle bear, cootchie cootchie." It taunted happily. Then it noticed the fox wet. "Aww, you already wet your fur? How delightful, this must really tickle." The machine taunted happily.

Anger Heart sucked in air through his teeth as he tried to regain composure again, then felt his arms start to move. The slab he was on was spreading out his arms and legs until he was spread-eagle on an X-shaped table. "AAHAHAHAHAHA STOP AHAAHAHHAHAHA!" Anger Heart shouted in between his laughs, tears streaming from his eyes.

Six small hands appeared pulling his toes apart and stretching them as the bristle brushes went away, "I warned you there would be consequences for this." Claws said in a happy tone. Then some metal like talons appeared and began whisking his sole up and down, while the other one started tickling the front of his toes. "Cootchie cootchie coo." Taunted the machine happily.

Redemptionheart felt herself wet herself as her laughter continued, "EEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!" She wanted to struggle against the restraints but couldn't even budge. Her own restraints pulled on her, stretching her sensitive armpits even more and exposing more of her to the claws and feathers.

A new pair of claws came out and began squeezing and tickling her ribs up and down while the claws danced happily up and down poking and messaging her under arms. "Oh, goodie, you wet yourself too, time to make you smile more." Taunted Claws smirking on his its face as it looked into Redemptionheart's eyes enjoying this humiliation of hers.

"NOOOHOHOHOHEHEHEHEEEEE!" Redemptionheart was starting to ache from the constant laughter.

"STOHOHOP! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Anger Heart shouted. He was becoming sore and in the back of his mind he tried to focus on something, anything he could do to escape but his mind kept getting drawn back to the tickling.

Claws zeroed in on Redemptionheart's most reactive spots on her under arms and swirled the claws around her inner under arm dimples to keep her squealing and giggling loudly. Two more sets of claws joined in on the foxes feet, as two of them spider tickled up and down his soles while the other two tickled the front of his toes and swiped between his toes.

"AHAHAHAHAHA STOHOHOHOP!" Anger Heart grit his teeth as he felt the claws and feathers on his feet. The only thing he was otherwise aware of was that his throat was feeling dry.

"NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!" Redemption wiggled as her own restraints pulled apart until she was spread-eagled as well.

It took four hours of non-stop torture for the two prisoners to pass out from exhaustion.

"Alright, Claws, give it a rest now. Illyana's orders." The mercenary who had been left in charge of the controls pushed a button that stopped Claw's actions.

"Aww, but they're still resisting," Claws' smiley face pouted, but he couldn't go against the order.

"She needs them alive, they get 8 hours to rest then Illyana will come down and start them up again. Until then: standby mode.

"Acknowledged," Claws screen shut off and his limbs retracted. The mercenary called the night shift and punched out for the night.


"Alright, that's everyone." Take Care led Grateful Heart back into the waiting room then turned to Teacher Bear. "Most of your children are perfectly healthy, even Grateful's amputation is in good condition. There's just Hungry Heart to worry about."

"I know, he's diabetic," Teacher Bear sighed, "I should have been watching how much he ate when he was younger, but it's too late to go back now..."

Take Care nodded, "That saves me the worry about this. As long as you know I'll skip the overview of stuff you need to know for him, unless you need my help."

"No, but thank you," Take Care said.

"One last thing." Take Care checked her notes, "What year did you say you were born?"

Teacher Bear had to think for a moment. "I don't know exactly. But Mrs. Mulcahey said she found me in 1935."

Take Care almost dropped her notes, "Are you serious?"

Teacher Bear gave her an odd look as she leaned on her cane, "Yes, why?"

"Just... something I need to talk to Love Heart about," Take Care shook her head to clear it.

As if on cue to diffuse the awkward situation, Guidance Heart Raccoon and her son Flair Heart Raccoon entered the office.

"Sorry to intrude Take Care, oh..." Guidance saw the six cubs and Teacher Bear all gathered, "Is this a bad time?"

"No, we just finished their check-ups," Get Well said, "Did you need something?"

"Anger Heart texted me a while ago and said he left here with Redemptionheart earlier. He hasn't come home yet and I wanted to know if you've seen him since. He isn't answering my texts." Guidance Heart shook her head.

"I'm sure he's fine," Get Well said, "He's probably just driving."

"I hope so..." Guidance Heart took a deep breath.

While they were talking, Flair Heart approached the Mulcahey cubs, and Curious Heart was the first to approach him. "Hi. My name's Curious Heart Wolf, what's your name."

"Don't pounce on her," Grateful Heart said in a chastising voice, "What if she's shy?"

"I'm a boy!" Flair Heart blurted out, which stopped the conversations in the room.

"Then why are you pink?" Hungry Heart asked, "I thought pink was a girl's color."

"Boys can be pink, Lotsa Heart is pink and he's a boy!" Flair Heart shot back.

Thorough Heart interrupted, "Actually, pink being a girl's color is fairly recent development. In older times pink was considered a boy's color because it was a derivation of the very masculine red so young boys were often dressed and painted in pink."

"It is rude to assume he's a girl just because he's pink," Passive Heart added.

"So what's your name?" Charity Heart asked.

"Flair Heart Raccoon." Flair Heart grinned, "I didn't think I'd see so many more kids this soon."

"Guidance, as long as you're here can you take Teacher Bear and her cubs back to the Hall of Hearts. I have to finish their new patient files."

Guidance Heart smiled and nodded, "OK. Everyone follow me."

Take Care sat at her desk as they all left her hospital, a troubled look crossing her face.

"What's wrong mom?" Get Well asked.

"Just a disturbing thought," Take Care said, "If what Teacher Bear told me is true then she's 84 years old."

Get Well balked, "84? But that means she's even older than Soaring Heart and Mounty Heart!"

"And they were already older than Grams Bear," Take Care said. "Then there's this strange reading I got off Teacher Bear when I examined her. I didn't think much of it but now I need to look into it." She pulled out her heartphone, "I need to call Love Heart, and I think we're going to have to talk to the Great Wishing Star in the near future."

As they approached the Hall of Hearts, Teacher Bear saw Pretty Heart and Miracle Heart facing each other standing on the clouds and wearing boxing gloves and karate gloves and boots respectively. She picked up her pace, "What's going on?"

"Just a friendly match," Confidence Heart said then turned to the two combatants and raised a hand, "Alright this is a clean match so no low blows, cheap shots and no hitting your opponent when they're down, martial arts only. First person to be knocked down three times or surrender loses. Ready?"

"Ready!" Mira and Pretty Heart both replied.

"Then fight!" Confidence Heart swung her arm down and stepped back.

The Mulcaheys, Melancholy Bear, Guidance Heart and Flair Heart all stood in a circle with Confidence Heart while Pretty Heart and Miracle Heart circled each other. Mira was the more aggressive one and charged in with a straight punch to Pretty Heart's face but the skunk dodged aside and hit Mira with a right hook to her side. Mira had to step aside to avoid falling and pulled her leg back to kick, which was blocked by Pretty Heart's gloves. Pretty Heart dodged back to avoid two more punches from Miracle Heart then darted forwards and delivered straight jab right to Mira's face. Mira was caught up guard and fell backwards, landing on the clouds.

"One down, Pretty Heart leads 1-0," Confidence Heart said.

"You're good," Mira said as she picked herself up.

"You too," Pretty Heart stretched her arms then resumed her boxing stance as Mira got back to her feet.

Mira threw a couple punches to loosen up then approached Pretty Heart. This time the skunk struck first and threw a strong jab at Mira's chest, only for Mira to sidestep and deflect the blow with her arm then kick Pretty Heart in the chest. Pretty Heart staggered back and just barely dodged a karate chop that Mira aimed at her shoulder. Mira dodged aside with her and kicked her side, but missed and Pretty Heart delivered a serious left hook to Mira's shoulder. Mira lost her balance and fell down again.

"Down again, Pretty Heart leads 2-0." Confidence Heart looked at Mira, who was clearly frustrated as she stood up.

"Are you alright?" Pretty Heart lowered her gloves.

"I'm fine!" Mira's voice betrayed her frustration as she rounded on Pretty Heart. "Get ready!" She dropped into the fighting stance, waiting for Pretty Heart to get ready again. Pretty Heart sighed then drew her gloved hands up again.

Miracle Heart became suddenly aggressive, she charged in and let loose with a flurry of punches. Pretty Heart was pushed back nearly to the ring of observers, taking several punches much weaker than before but still she was losing her balance. Mira pulled back and threw a haymaker punch at Pretty Heart's face, forcing her to dodge aside. Pretty Heart tried to regain her balance but Mira delivered a chop to her side, which made her fall to the clouds below.

"Yes!" Mira jumped in place as Pretty Heart picked herself up. Her side hurt a bit but no worse than what she had taken in previous boxing matches.

"Pretty Heart is down. Pretty Heart leads 2-1." Confidence Heart announced.

"You can do it, Pretty Heart!" Charity Heart shouted. She had been the closest to Father Mulcahey so she wanted her sister and his best student to win.

"Yeah! Get her!" Grateful Heart called. The rest of the Mulcahey's joined in cheering for Pretty Heart as she got back to her feet.

"Don't listen, Mira! You can beat her!" Flair Heart had a very loud tenor voice that rang out loud enough to even be heard over the Mulcaheys.

Mira stretched her arms as Pretty Heart dropped back into another fighting stance but waited for the Kitsune. "Alright, let's finish this," Mira's confidence had returned as she dropped into another fighting stance.

At first, the both circled each other, Pretty Heart's outboxer style made her hold back instead of charging in again, but she edged closer to bait Mira. Feeling too cocky after just one knockdown, Mira took the bait and charged in with a strong karate punch to her face. Pretty Heart dodged back then to the side as Mira followed up with a kick to her stomach. While Mira was off balance, Pretty Heart shot a jab into her chest. Mira just barely regained her balance and dodged two straight punches to her face before retaliating with a hard punch to Pretty Heart's shoulder. Pretty Heart rolled away from the punch, softening the blow then dodging aside as Mira punched at her again. Taking her chance with the miss, Pretty Heart dropped slightly the delivered a powerful uppercut to Mira's jaw. Mira felt the impact which lifted her feet a centimeter off the ground. Pretty Heart didn't waste any time and jabbed her in the chest, just enough to push her over. Mira hit the clouds and lay there as her mother spoke up.

"Mira's down. Pretty Heart wins 3-1." Confidence immediately was at her daughter's side as she just lay there on the clouds, staring up at the sky and not moving.

Pretty Heart heard the cheers from her family but didn't go to join them, instead going over to Mira. "Are you alright? I didn't hurt you too badly?"

"Just my ego," Mira put her arm over her eyes to shield them from the sun, "I thought I was better than that, even with the training gloves."

"She's had worse in training. I know, I train her," Confidence helped Mira to stand.

"I barely held on, I guess I'm not training hard enough," Mira sighed.

"It's easy to slack off after 25 years of practise, I haven't had as much practise as I should have," Pretty Heart walked over to her family and Thorough Heart unlaced her gloves.

Mira stared at Pretty Heart, "25 years?!" her shout made all the Mulcahey's turn to look at her, "But-but we're the same age right? You said you've been practising since you were five, me too and I'm only ten? How old are you?!" Her face was a twisted picture of disbelief.

"My children all look like they're ten years old, but last I checked they're actually all 30 years old." Teacher Bear said, "I aged slowly when I grew up with the Mulcaheys so I just assumed that was natural for our kind, even if they haven't seemed to age in two decades." Teacher Bear looked down at her children.

"Oh, well I guess I should explain something about how Care Bears age," Guidance Heart said. "You see, we Magi age differently from normal Care Bears. We age at the same rate as humans until we turn 25 at which point we are frozen at that age perpetually, at least as far as we can tell; we need the time to develop the denser bone and musculature that makes us so strong and then we need to stay at the physical prime of our lives so we can always fight at our strongest.

"As for normal Care Bears, you've heard the saying 'you're only as old as you feel'? For Care Bears it's more literal. Care Bears can subconsciously control their physical age, slowing down, speeding up or even halting the rate at which they age. The first cubs born here, Hugs and Tugs, were stuck at the rough age of three for years because they didn't want to grow up without any friends their own age but once the next birth happened, with Contrary Heart Liger and Hopeful Heart Liger, they started growing up with them. The maximum speed for aging seems to be about six times the speed that humans grow up, at least until the physical age of 24 at which point they start aging or not depending on how they feel. A lot of them stay at that age but some end up growing older because they feel older, and sometimes they even de-age if circumstances start making them feel younger. Noble Heart and True Heart were physically middle aged until True Heart got pregnant, at which point their started getting younger and now they're in their prime of their lives again and even Grams Bear was elderly but is now 'only' middle aged." Guidance Heart giggled at the odd saying then composed herself. "My guess is that your children decided, subconsciously, that they didn't want to grow up for some reason so they've stayed ten years old for the last twenty years."

Teacher Bear looked down at her children as they all processed the information that Guidance had dropped on them. Teacher Bear thought back to a decision she had made when she was 18 years old, "Did you all stay home to look after me?"

Of the seven it was Grateful Heart Hedgehog who spoke first. "We didn't want to leave you alone. We saw you were getting older and we knew you'd need help around the house, and we didn't want to put you in an old folk's home. It's like when you decided to look after Mrs. Mulcahey after her heart surgery."

Teacher Bear stared open mouthed at the hedgehog, "I wanted you to pursue your own dreams, to find things in the world you wanted to do, not just sit at home and look after an old woman all your lives."

Grateful Heart suddenly became very impassioned in his speech, "But if you hadn't stayed home to look after her, you never would have found us! And I would have died!" he was on the verge of tears.

Charity put a hand on the hedgehog's shoulder, letting him know it was alright to cry. "Mom, we know you wanted us to grow up, but after everything you did for us we couldn't just abandon you. We all talked about it years ago and we decided we wanted to look after you like you looked after us."

Teacher Bear wanted to be mad, to chastise them for putting their lives on hold for her sake, but looking at them and after hearing what they had said, she couldn't bring herself to shout. She dropped to one knee and spread her arms, "Oh my, thank you, all of you!"

Charity Heart Fox, Grateful Heart Hedgehog, Thorough Heart Weasel, Curious Heart Wolf, Passive Heart Badger, Pretty Heart Skunk and Hungry Heart Billygoat all ran forwards to join in a group hug, not even minding Grateful Heart's quills.

"You don't have to worry about her up here," Brave Heart assured them, "If Teacher Bear needs help then any of us will be ready and willing."

The group hug didn't last too long and as soon as they separated, Curious Heart turned to Pretty Heart and asked, "How do we get a symbol like that? And why are you naked?"

"Well, Care Bears don't need clothes, it doesn't feel all that awkward, I mean most of them don't wear anything up here." Pretty Heart looked down at herself. "As for the symbol, a lion called Brave Heart gave it to me."

"As long as you're here, might as well go see him then," Guidance Heart motioned for them to follow her into the Hall of Hearts.

"Pretty Heart, want to spar with me later?" Mira asked.

"OK, but I should stay with my family now." Pretty Heart moved to follow her family.

"Let's get home then, and see how Shimmers is doing," Confidence Heart motioned for Mira to follow her home. Melancholy Bear followed after the Mulcaheys into the Hall of Hearts. She had stood silently watching the fight, unsure what to say during or after the fight.

Inside, Pretty Heart Skunk retrieved her dress and undergarments, quickly dressing as her family stood in front of Brave Heart, now that all their possessions had been taken to the guest rooms.

"Alright then, nice to meet you, Teacher Bear. Everyone ready?" Brave Heart's tummy symbol started to glow.

"Yes!" Grateful Heart Hedgehog said.

"I'm ready," Passive Heart Badger said.

"Let's do this!" Thorough Heart Weasel said.

"OK," Charity Heart Fox held her stuffed cow close.

"I'm ready," Hungry Heart Billygoat said

"Yep, I'm ready!" Curious Heart was fidgeting in place.

Teacher Bear put a hand on Curious Heart's shoulder to keep him still, "Were all ready, Brave Heart."

"Alright, seven new tummy symbols comin' right up!" Brave Heart fired off his tummy symbol which flew around the Mulcaheys, spiraling around their heads one by one before briefly touching their tummies and flying to the next one leaving a glow that formed their new tummy symbols: a treasure chest with a heart shaped lock for Grateful Heart, a yin-yang symbol with hearts for 'eyes' for Passive Heart, a file folder with a heart on it for Thorough Heart, an open book with a heart in the center for Charity Heart, a heart shaped sandwich with a bite taken out of it for Hungry Heart, and a star shaped magnifying glass for Curious Heart.

As for Teacher Bear, she felt the glow touch her and the same warmth spread through her, but the symbol didn't show up on her dress.

"That's odd, it didn't fizzle out so where's the symbol?" Brave Heart scratched his head.

"I feel it. I mean I feel a strange warmth that spread through me after that touched me." She looked at her children who were all touching their new symbols, just to check and see if they were there. "Is that how it felt to you?"

"Yep!" Curious Heat nodded as he looked under his collar to see the new tummy symbol on his stomach.

"Well if you're uncomfortable undressing go take a look in the bathroom," Brave Heart pointed to the bathroom doors nearby.

"Yes, just a moment," Teacher Bear walked off at a hurry, forgetting her cane where she had been standing. Guidance Heart retrieved the cane as she watched Teacher Bear go, the elderly bear not even limping as she walked.

"So Flair, what do you like to do?" Curious Heart was in front of the Pink Racoon once he was certain he had the symbol on his fur.

"Oh well I train to be a Magi, but... I like to play music," he gave a somewhat embarrassed smiled.

"Can you sing for us?" Pretty Heart asked as the rest of the Mulcahey's turned to face him.

Flair Heart's blush intensified enough to be seen luminescent through his fur. Guidance quickly came to her son's defence, "Flair, you don't have to sing if you don't want to."

"I'm not ready to sing for an audience, but I could play something for you with this," Flair reached into his tummy symbol, which made the Mulcahey's and Melancholy flinch.

"Will you reach us how to do that?" Melancholy asked.

"Of course," Guidance said as Flair pulled out a harmonica.

"Harmony got this for me for my birthday last year." Flair smiled and put the harmonica to his lips then began to play.

(Ohayou Harmonica Version)

Teacher Bear would never get used to going without clothing, 80 years of dressing like a human would never wear off for her. Nevertheless, once she was in the privacy of the bathroom she undressed to get a look at her new tummy symbol: A chalkboard with a white heart drawn on it and an apple next to it, it seemed very appropriate for someone with her name. But why didn't it show up on her clothing like it did with her children? Was it because she was old? Once she had a good enough look she redressed and exited the bathroom.

Teacher Bear emerged in time to hear Flair Heart start his song. It only lasted a minute and a half but by the end the pink raccoon was out of breath and still embarrassed.

"That was beautiful, Flair," Teacher Bear walked over to the raccoon.

Flair smiled, "Thank you, Ms. Teacher Bear."

"So now what should we do," Melancholy Bear asked.

"I think you should get settled in in the guest rooms for now, it's going to take some time for us to build all eight of you a house, and that's the truth," Lotsa Heart said, having just returned from delivering the last of their possession's to the guest rooms.

"What about me?" Melancholy Bear said

Everyone finally turned to face Melancholy, finally noticing that she quiet bear was there. "Sorry, I didn't get your name, miss...?" Brave Heart tilted his head.

"Melon- Melancholy Bear," she quickly corrected herself, "Anger Heart brought me up here and apparently I'm a Magi." She took a breath as she saw the rest of them staring at her then continued, "I don't have anything with me, except what I'm wearing."

"We do have some spare houses after a bunch of us got married," Champ snapped his fingers, "You can have Cheer's old house, once we get it cleaned up."

"Is there anything you like to do, Melacholy?" Teacher Bear asked.

"Well..." Melancholy paused, "I like to work out. Do you have a gym up here?"

"Of course we do, sports fan," Champ stepped forwards, "Want me to show you?"

"Yes, please," Melancholy offered a hand to Champ Bear, which he grabbed and pulled along.

"I'll show you but then I have to head home. Don't want to leave Cheer alone too long." Champ said as he almost pulled Melancholy out the door.

"Why not?" Melancholy asked.

"We're having twins, she gets cranky a lot so she's probably going to call me soon," Champ said as they disappeared out the door.

"At least she's going to find a place to fit in," Brave Heart chuckled.

"Here, you dropped this, Teacher Bear," Guidance handed the cane back to the elderly bear.

"Oh, thank you. I didn't notice." Teacher accepted the cane back but didn't go back to leaning on it.

"Do you really need it?" Guidance Heart asked.

"Well..." Teacher Bear tested the cane on the ground, "I do have aches in my body these days, it can get hard to walk."

"But you just ran to the bathroom, and you ran over to Love Heart back on earth," Thorough Heart pointed out.

"Your need for a cane might be psychological," Guidance Heart said, she touched the cane's handle and looked at Teacher Bear, "Did you ever hurt your legs, or get a hip replaced or suffer any permanent injuries?"

"Well... no..." Teacher Bear looked up at the raccoon, "I would like to keep it though."

"You can, but if you don't need it maybe try walking without it unless you need it." Guidance suggested and let go of the cane. Teacher Bear picked up the cane. Truthfully she didn't feel shaky on her legs but she just felt she needed one at her age. Maybe Care Bears were naturally sturdier? Suddenly, Teacher Bear felt a bit weak in the knees and she stumbled over to a nearby chair (the same one Pretty Heart had left her clothes on earlier) and dropped down.

"Mom! What's wrong?" Pretty Heart darted over with the rest of her siblings.

"I'm fine, it's just so overwhelming. So much has happened today and I need time to absorb it all." Teacher Bear held a hand to her head and leaned back.

"Well then, let's head up to your rooms so you can lie down if you need it," Brave Heart suggested. Teacher Bear found her children eager to help her to stand as they were led up to the guest rooms. There was one for each of them to sleep in but all their belongings were placed in the hallway, still in boxes. It was an odd sensation for each of them to have a private room, something none of the children had had back when they lived on earth, and the mostly agreed to leave their stuff packed up just in case they had to move out soon, in fact most of the children didn't mind shedding their clothes to join in the Kingdom of Caring.

For her part, Teacher Bear decided to lie down for a nap after getting Brave Heart's assurance that her children would be looked after and fishing her nightgown out of a moving box. It was only late afternoon but she needed to rest. So much had changed in such a short time and now things were looking to change even more.


The next day, Illyana activated the machine up after her two prisoners still refused to talk. "Stubborn animals. But don't worry, you will tell me what I want to know. Claws, feed them first, then torture them." She closed the door as Claws came to life.

"I see its time for your breakfast. Open up." Claws said as he tried too feed the fox some cooked eggs into his mouth as Redemptionheart gulped watching on in horror knowing they were going so more torture after this.

Anger Heart averted his mouth and growled, "You won't get anything out of me so just let me starve and end this."

"Open up, or else." Warned claws as Redemptionheart watched on in horror.

"Make me!" Anger Heart shot back.

"You asked for it wittle stubborn fox." Then the fox felt two tickly claws poking his sides up and down as two eagle feathers began sawing inbetween his spread out toes. "hehe, if you won't cooperate, then I'll make you open up. Now smile." Giggled Claws.

Anger Heart tried to hold back, but he was too tired, "EhehehehehehehaahahahAHHAHAHAHAHAH!"

The fork with the egg entered his mouth as the tickling stopped as he gulped it down almost choking on it. The fork got another helping of the scrambled egg as his ribs and feet were tickled again as Claws happily looked at the fox as the helping of food and got ready to force feed him once more.

Anger Heart's eyes were pleading, begging for it to stop, but he couldn't do anything and giggled some more until the egg was forced into his mouth and he swallowed, followed by a tube pumping water down his throat.

"Hehe maybe next time you'll be more cooperative. If not, you can nearly choke again during your next feeding." Claws said cruelly to him as it then turned to Redemptionheart bear. "Now, are you going to cooperate?" Redemptionheart gulped as a cold sweat went down her back as she quickly nodded and opened her mouth. The machine smiled. "Good girl." The fork went down and got the helping of egg and unlike the fox, she was able to chew her food down, and took down the water willingly. "Good now that you have been fed, its time to tickle you two silly again." The machine said happily as the two tickle captives wiggled their heads in protest. "But first, were going to reposition those arms of yours wittle bear."

With that, her wrists went behind her head with her elbows bow sticking straight out which stretched her under arm skin. "Now, this is going to be tickle torture for you as your tummy will hurt along with your sides." Giggled the machine happily as it intentionally had one hand not tickle, but move her tummy around to agitate it as two robotic hand claws began spider tickling up and down her under arms.

"As for you, your going to suffer for not cooperating." Scolded Claws as it began to have claws tickle his sensitive feet up and down while two sets of eagle feathers sawed between his toes up and down and one claw appeared tickling his belly while another set of claws tickled his under arms up and down as the machine smiled looking into the fox's eyes happily knowing he was tired and was truly enjoying in his continued suffering.


Redemption moaned and laughed as her stomach was squeezed, "Oooohhh Eeheeheeheeheeheeheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheeheeheehee!"

Redemptionheart bear giggled helplessly protesting with her head wiggling back and forth helplessly smiling and giggling. "Noohoeoeeplehehehease, no more ticklineheehemeoepleehehehahahehahaease!" She begged as her under arms wiggled helplessly back and forth as she was also tired after laughing yesterday.

Anger heart didn't fair any better as he kept wiggling back and forth as well as his closed his eyes and his mouth swung wide open as his lungs were forced to exercise once more in ticklish laughter. His sides were hurting, and his stomach was also being agitated which also didn't help things.

"That's right my two cute wittle carebears creatures, keep exercising your lungs and sides. hehehe, soon your tummies will also start hurting." As he nonstop tickling continued, the two were now feeling their tummy's hurt as tears of pain now dribbled down there cheeks shaking and giggling helplessly. This was truly painful as the looks of frustration grew on there faces, but were kept smiling and giggling due to the nonstop tickle torture. Redemptionheart also had her feet tickled and played along with her toes and soles as feathers whisked across them making her laugh even harder.


Anger Heart was struggling to contain himself again. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He couldn't hold in the laughter.

The two were tickled nonstop for four hours, till they nearly passed out but much to there relief, the tickling had ceased as the two felt there lungs burning as if they had both ran a hundred miles nonstop. The machine happily giggled. "Lunch time." The machine allowed them no brakes, as it forcefully made them both drink lots of water. Then they were both offered sandwiches. "Now are you going to cooperate wittle fox? Or do I have to force you again?" It asked mockingly wiggling a few robot claws for good measure as it looked into the fox's eyes while Redemptionheart looked on in horror.

Anger Heart just glared hatred at the machine but opened his mouth.

"Good!" Claws shoved the sandwich into his mouth and let him chew it. Anger Heart did his best to chew slowly but swallowed when he saw the water hose.

Redemption accepted the food without argument, chewing faster and swallowing quickly.

Claws gave an evil smile as he pulled the food away, "Good, now back to the fun!"

Several bristle brushes began to saw between the fox's toes, and the front of his stretched out toes as the fox looked on helplessly instantly giggling and shaking deliciously and howling with laughter. It also added several eagle feathers swiping up and down his soles some with the feather tips, some with the other end of the feather whisking up and down his ticklish feet as the fox looked helplessly into the eyes of Claws as it placed a teasing hand beneath his chin rubbing his chin in a mocking manner as he looked into his eyes with a evil smile just before the fox couldn't take it as his eyes closed and a huge grin showed on his lips as he whaled in laughter. "Hehehe, nice to know you can't resist giggling." The machine taunted as it then went over to Redemptionheart bear.

"Now, its time you got the full body treatment as well my ticklish bear friend." It said.

"But, I cooperated." She protested gulping.

"Yes you have, so I promise, I will work to make you ultra sensitive then truly make you suffer." Claws grinned happily. "But, I'll make your toes in a very comfy position to enjoy to reward you." He said smiling. With that, instead of metal rings, six fur rings came down and trapped her toes and spread them out about a half an inch apart. It didn't hurt, matter of fact, the fur made it feel quite nice which in turn started making her feet feel more ticklish. "Since you both ate I won't be agitating your tummies. I'll also let you enjoy a nice foot message." The machine said happily as two robot hands approached her helplessly bound feet as they softly squeezed from behind and in front, which tickled slightly, but felt really nice! "Ohhh, that feels good." She said looking happily at the machine enjoying her feet getting some nice messaging treatment which still made her feet sensitive, but was now completely relaxed enjoying this.

"You were truly one of Iillyana's favorites, and yes you will be tortured, but for now, I'm rewarding your behaviour." Claws said gently messaging her chin and jaw which just felt heavenly with her feet getting messaged! The fox protested after hearing this, and cursed. "Hehe, since your friend over here is cursing at me, I'll prolong your pleasure and relaxation before I tickle you silly." Said the machine enjoying the fox's laughter.

After the twenty minutes had passed, Redemptionheart, was practically drooling from the foot message while the fox's laughter got louder as pain in his giggling could be heard. But little did she know, this was making her far more sensitive for what was to come. This foot message was also making her under arms tingle and made her nerves fire although nothing was tickling them. Then suddenly the foot messages stopped and several eagle feathers invaded her feet at least fifteen feathers on each foot, tickling on her soles, sawing between her toes and tickling harshly up and down the front of her toes. She yelped and began giggling helplessly while shaking her head.

"NoohohohhohplheheheheaseI'lldoanything, but plehehehease don't tickle me!" She begged.

"Hehe, all good things must come to an end. Now, its time to get you giggling." Claws said smiling as a pair of claws began snaking up and down her ticklish her under arms making her scream in severe bloody murder ticklish laughter as her eyes closed and she began resuming her laughter shuddering and wiggling about as another pair of hands tickled her sore hurting ribs up and down gently, to severely tickle, as her own laughter made her rib cage ache and breath in ticklish laughter.

Redemptionheart's body was now drenching with sweat trickling down her body which only made her arm pits and feet and sides alot more sensitive to the tickling. After only one hour she wheezed her fur as the torturous tickling continued as Claws petted her head in a teasing manner which seem to only make her laugh and blush on her cheeks more.

After three more hours of nonstop tickling and nearly passing out, once more the tickling torture had stopped but feathers remained between there toes to keep their nerve endings on there feet firing keeping them giggling. Just like before, Anger heart gave the machine a glare but cooperated and ate the roast beef and mashed potato as did Redemptionheart bear and the two were given three glasses of water to wash the food down.

"Good now, ready for more fun and giggling?" Claws said in a evil manner.

"No more please, I can't take it anymore!" Redemptionheart bear said. "Please, mister machine, I have a sore throat, and it really hurts to smile." Begged the multi colored bear.

"Aww, but I love hearing you giggle, you two are so cute when you smile and have tears trickling down your cheeks." Redemptionheart blushed but also gulped at this as the fox gave a defiant glare.

"Hehe, I see you want to be tickled first. fine by me," With that, the feathers sawed up and down the fox's toes, as two sets of claws tickled his soles up and down which got the fox screaming in ticklish laughter while a pair of claws also spider tickled his under arms as his painful laughter resumed.

He turned towards Redemptionheart bear. "You have beautiful feet, and they deserved to be tickled." Teased the machine making Redemptionheart bear blush nervously clearly liking the compliments. "There so pretty, I'll be sure to give them the love and tickling they deserve." Feathers, claws, and brushes were used on her feet as she began screaming in ticklish laughter with her feet still tingling from the nonstop feathering of her feet. Claws also tickled her under arms spider tickling them up and down as a claw wiggled around her belly button tickling it mercilessly.

This time, the machine was allowed to tickle its two captives till they passed out about three hours later, fainting from exhaustion as the fox helplessly wet his fur again as the two screamed loudly before passing out.


By the next day, Guidance Heart was worried. Not only had Anger Heart not returned but he wasn't answering his phone or any of his texts. An emergency Magi Meeting was called, even bringing in the children and the new arrivals, Melancholy Bear, Aqua Bear and Lonesome Heart Bear.

Love Heart Bear, Confidence Heart Fennec, Miracle Heart Kitsune, Shimmering Star Bear, Defender Bear, Truth Bear, Independent Bear, Sage Heart Bear, Life Heart Unicorn, Meek Heart Unicorn, Wild Heart Unicorn, Sweet Heart Pegasus, Guidance Heart Raccoon, Flair Heart Raccoon, Melancholy Bear, Tenderheart and Brave Heart, sat in the Hall of Hearts, which had been vacated to give them the privacy they needed for their meeting. Lonesome sat with her hands resting on her pregnant belly; she and Aqua were worried to but for Redemptionheart's disappearance as well. Though they weren't Magi, Tenderheart and Brave Heart were always included in these meetings and often participated on the home front for any operations they had to undertake.

Love Heart sat at the head of the table with Confidence, Mira and Shimmers next to him, Brave Heart and Tenderheart sitting next to them and Defender opposite them.

Love Heart turned to Guidance Heart, "So he hasn't replied at all?"

Guidance Heart nodded and held up her heartphone, "I've called him a dozen times and sent at least 30 texts, but he's still in service and hasn't replied."

"What are we going to do to find dad?" Flair Heart asked.

Love Heart assumed a more serious posture but still did his best to give a reassuring smile to Flair, "Don't worry, we'll find your dad, and Redemptionheart too," Love Heart turned to Aqua and Lonesome. First off we should search where they disappeared. Guidance you said he went to Redemption's old home to help her retrieve something she left behind."

Guidance nodded, "Yes."

"OK. Defender, Independent and Sage Heart, go down to check the island we found them on and see if you can find any information about what happened. Everyone else stay on high alert until we've concluded this but don't start a panic. If anyone asks where Anger Heart and Redemption are, reassure them that we're doing everything we can to find them." Love Heart stood up, "Tenderheart and Confidence stay in the monitor room in case anything happens and report it immediately."

"Yes sir," the voices replied from everyone. Love Heart didn't like how formal they were being but he had taken on an air of command since he assumed this role as leader more officially a decade ago.

As everyone started to disperse, Melancholy Bear approached Love Heart. "Excuse me, General Love Heart?"

Love Heart heard the nerves in her voice and did his best to smile at her, "Please, just Love Heart right now. What's wrong?"

"Well..." Melancholy shuffled a bit, "Should I really be here? I just moved up here yesterday and I don't even know how to fight yet. Should I really be sitting in on this private meeting?"

"You came when we asked, if you don't want to be here or even be a Magi you don't have to. I wasn't expecting something this serious to happen right after you all joined." He put a hand on her shoulder, "Champ called me yesterday, says you can out-bench him no sweat. You're strong enough to get into training as soon as I have time but it's up to you. Do you want to be Magi? It's not easy and it does involve putting your life on the line."

"Yes!" Melancholy suddenly clenched her fists and pumped them in front of her, "I owe Anger Heart my life! Not just him but all of you and I want to do what I can to help!"

"Slow down, you still need to finish training first," Love Heart chuckled. "For now, let us handle it."

Melancholy wilted, "You mean... I can't help out..." the indigo bear started to tear up.

"Well, no nothing dangerous. You're new to this," he gave an anxious look as she saw that Melancholy was about to cry, "You can help by making sure you're ready to stand with us if something serious happens. On that note here," Love Heart reached into his tummy symbol and pulled out a small card, about the size of a credit card, and handed it to Melancholy.

"Private Melancholy Bear?" Melancholy read the card, it didn't have a picture on it just her name and a single chevron insignia.

"Yes, that's your current rank in the Care Bear Magi," Love Heart folded his arms, "Everyone starts at that rank when they join now and moves up as they go through training. Once you graduate to Lieutenant you can go on missions solo or in teams, but until then you need to be trained." Love Heart watched as Melancholy stuffed the card in her pants pocket, she was wearing the same clothes she'd been found in on Earth, "Don't worry, I'll make sure you get trained up in time." He looked down at Shimmering Star, still in diapers and watching the exchange, "Don't worry, Shimmers, I'll get you started soon too, but let's get your sister and go home now, ok?"

"OK, daddy," Shimmers reached up to take his dad's hand as they went to find Mira.

Outside the door to the meeting Room, Curious Heart Wolf and Charity Heart Fox had their ears up to the door. "Sounds like a secret meeting, what's it about?"

"I don't know, some sort of Magi thing?" Charity sounded frustrated, "What kind of secret magic stuff are they doing?"

"Probably stuff that's supposed to be a secret." Thorough Heart stood some distance away, arms folded and glaring at his siblings, "Brave Heart said they're basically the Kingdom of Caring's military so we shouldn't be listening it. Besides mom's told us not to eavesdrop."

The door suddenly opened and the purple wolf and red fox were forced to jump back so they wouldn't topple over as Confidence Heart stood in the doorway. "He's right, it is military business which means it's none of yours."

Charity and Curious both gulped and looked up at Confidence's much more serious expression, showing off a presence they didn't expect from the fennec. "Sorry, we just wanted to hear..." Charity apologized.

"How did you hear all that?" Curious asked.

Confidence wiggled her ears, "These aren't just for show, kids."

"She's right, fennec foxes can hear prey moving underground so upscaled to more human size I'm not surprised if she can hear everything in every adjacent room," Thorough Heart said matter-of-factly.

"Exactly, now go play or study or do something to amuse yourselves but stay out of this, that goes for the rest of your family. Things could get dangerous." Confidence's harsh tone and stare sent the three hurrying off. "That goes for you too Marina."

"Aww!" the blue striped bear emerged from behind a potted plant she'd been hiding behind, "I thought I picked a good hiding place."

"They didn't see you, but I heard you. Sorry I know Flair and Mira are part of this but unless your parents say you can join and you are willing to train with us, you can't participate in Magi business." Confidence Heart sighed. This wasn't the first time Tugs and Connie's daughter had tried to listen in on these meetings. Marina sighed and trudged off before Confidence shut the door and went to the monitor station.

Defender, Indy and Sage Heart landed in a cloud car on the island not too much later.

"Doesn't seem to be much here, no real evidence of a struggle," Sage Heart turned to Indy, "Can you sense anything?"

"Yes... there were at least four people here, including Anger Heart and Redemption." Indy looked around, "We're not alone."

Defender was the first to see the slight glint from the weapon barrel. "Look out!" Defender charged, a magical shield forming around his body as a shot rang out. The dart crumpled against Defender's shield as he pulled out his sword and sliced the mercenary's gun in half with a single swipe. The merc pulled a knife and tried to stab the white bear but the blade broke off on his shield as Defender grabbed his head.

"Sleep," Defender cast the spell that coursed into the mercenary's mind. As he felt his consciousness leaving him the mercenary dislodged something in his mouth and bit down.

"Stop him!" Indy charged in but before they could do anything the mercenary's body went rigid and he spasmed violently until he lay still.

Defender and Indy were stunned as Sage Heart finally made it over and reached down to check the mercenary's vitals. "He's dead." He looked up at Defender.

"I didn't kill him, I just tried to make him sleep," Defender took a deep breath. "We should get him back to the Kingdom of Caring, have Take Care look over him at least."

"Just a moment," Indy moved past where the mercenary had been hiding and spotted a single engine boat on the shore. He headed down the slope to examine it, "Just a normal motorboat, no markings, nothing unusual. Damnit, no trail," he struck the side of the boat with his fist, breaking through the wood and splintering a good chunk of the boat.

"We'll find them, don't worry," Defender said as he created a cloud car from his tummy symbol, "This man might be out only lead so let's go." They strapped the dead mercenary into the back seat and took off.

Take Care was shocked when Indy, Sage Heart and Defender hauled the dead human into her office, but after Defender explained the situation to her she hunkered down and started her report. It didn't take her long to figure out what happened.

"Cyanide, he killed himself." She spoke to Defender, who had come in to check on the progress.

"I've heard some soldiers do that to keep from being interrogated," Defender sighed, "he could have been our only lead. Nothing on his outfit tells us where he might have come from."

"I can't tell you much else, maybe Aqua and Lonesome know something about him if he was waiting for you," Take Care said.

"I was thinking the same thing. What are you going to do with the body, doc?" Indy turned to face her.

Take Care sighed, "Once you get anything you can out of it, I'd like you to cremate it. I can't get anything else out of this body and I don't think we should bury him up here."

Defender nodded, "OK. I'll go get them."

Take Care turned away from the dead body as Indy left. This wasn't something she dealt with enough to get used to and she fervently hoped she never would. Part of her wanted to go talk to Indy while he was in the waiting room he'd been avoiding her since his blurted out love confession, but she didn't want to deal with anything this complicated right now. Things were crazy enough, her potential love life would have to wait until it calmed down, if that ever happened, or until Indy chose to talk to her on his own.

It wasn't long before Defender returned with Aqua and Lonesome. "Have you seen anyone like this before?" he asked.

Aqua and Lonesome recoiled slightly, Lonesome hugging her belly protectively, "Yes! That's one of Illyana's mercenaries!"

"The woman that held you captive?" Defender asked.

Aqua nodded, "They took Redemption didn't they?"

"That seems to be the case, thank you." Defender motioned for them to leave. While he managed to stay calm on the outside he was seething internally. "Are we going to remove any of his equipment, Doc?"

"No, I just need to take it somewhere you can burn it safely." Take Care said.

"Alright, but I'll take this," Defender took the mercenary's helmet, "Indy said we might need it for something. Let's get this over with." He glared hatred at the body that lay on the table.

An hour later, Indy had the helmet on the table back in a Magi meeting. "I took it to Futureheart, Peppy and Fara, they said that there's a technique called 'object reading' we might be able to use to track down where this came from, but none of them know how to do it."

"That's not good," Love Heart stared at the object in front of him, "Guidance, any luck looking up Illyana?"

Guidance took a deep shuddering breath before she continued, "Not much. I just know that she's the head of 'Purity Corp' but I can't find out where she would be holding Anger Heart and Redemption. The corporation has numerous offices in Australia and any place that might hold them is covered up."

"It's a big building! A skyscraper!" Lonesomeheart shouted.

"I know, but she has at least three listed in the country and I can't be sure which one it is," Guidance struggled to hold back her tears.

"A bigger problem is carrying out a rescue operation." Tenderheart spoke up, "Even if we find out where they're being held we can't just charge in and start searching without permission. We'd cause an international incident."

"Which is why we're going to go to the Australian government in order to get permission to raid them, if we can," Brave Heart said. "We're not gonna let them just be stuck in that sick woman's prison forever!"

Outside the meeting doors, Marina Bear was listening in again. The Mulcaheys had been warned by Teacher Bear not to interfere but Marina just couldn't help listening in on what her friends were up to.

"There you are." Marina jumped when she heard her father's voice approaching and she spun around to see Tugs approaching. "How many times do we have to tell you not to sneak off and listen in on the Magi's meetings?"

"I get it from you and mom," Marina said, standing her ground.

Tugs sighed, "Doesn't mean you should keep doing it, now let's leave them be."

"But what if we can help, they said something about 'object reading' a helmet to find Anger and Redemption." As Marina spoke, the door opened to reveal Miracle Heart.

"Hey Marina. Sorry but mom said I had to tell you to stop listening in on us while we're talking," Mira sounded apologetic.

"I just want to help you. Mom and dad won't let me be a Magi. They said it's too dangerous and I'm not built for it." Marina folded her arms, scowling much like her mother would when she was younger.

"Actually, I think I might be able to help, Mira." Tugs said. Both girls looked up at him as he continued, "Can you ask your parents if we can come in for a minute."

Mira looked confused, "OK, I'll ask, just a sec." She shut the door as she retreated back into the meeting room.

A moment later, Love Heart appeared at the door, "Mira says you think you can help us Tugs."

"I can, may we come in?" he asked. Love Heart nodded.

A moment later, Tugs stood in the meeting room he'd always been in, though he felt the pressure of everyone's eyes on him so much he felt like a cub again. He approached the helmet on the table. "I don't know how, but I learned I could look into an object's past when I was younger." He took a deep breath and touched the helmet. Everyone watched at Tugs' tummy symbol glowed and he scrunched up his face.

Images flashed in Tugs' mind the helmet sat in darkness then a moment later light poured in as the mercenary retrieved his headgear and put it on. A few blurry moments later Tugs saw daylight as the wearer exited whatever building he was in. Everyone watched Tugs fidget around then reach into his tummy symbol and pull out his heartphone. Tugs opened his eyes and turned on the maps, zooming in on Australia until he found a spot. "There, that's where it came out of a building." He took a screenshot so he wouldn't lose the spot then passed it to Guidance Heart.

"This is one the buildings listed under Purity Corp's ownership," she smiled and looked up at Tugs, "Thank you, I just hope this is right."

"There's still the problem of being able to go in there and get him out, if he's there." Love Heart said.

"Leave that to us," Brave Heart shot up out of his seat, "Me and Tenderheart will go see their government as soon as possible."

"If we can get an appointment set up." Tenderheart pulled Brave Heart back down, "I'll get in contact with them as soon as we're done here."

"In the meantime, we'll organize our attack," Defender Bear said. "Thank you, Tugs."

"No problem." Tugs took his phone back from Guidance and sent the screenshot of the address to everyone in the room. "We'd better go."

"Can I stay dad?" Marina asked.

Tugs looked up at the three leaders who gave reluctant nods, "OK, but just for today. I'll be waiting outside."

"Thanks dad!" Marina gave him a hug and ran over to sit by Flair, Mira relocated so the three of them could sit together as the meeting continued.

Tugs sat down in the hall outside the meeting room, sending Connie a message about this. Hopefully she would understand.


A few days later in the next morning, the two helpless ticklish captives woke up to Iillyana standing in front of them. " So are you two ready to talk and tell me what I want to know to enter the Kingdom of caring?" She smiled cruelly in a gloating way wearing her chinchilla minx coat while smoking and blowing it into the fox's face.

Anger Heart rasped out, his throat was sore and dry from the almost non-stop laughter and he ached all over. Despite this the fire of defiance still burned in his eyes and glared hatred at Illyana, "I'"

Redemptionheart just shook her head as best she could. She didn't want to try and talk with her sore throat, just happy to be able to give it a rest no matter how short it was.

"Have it your way, heheheh, but eventually you won't be able to take it much longer, I'm sure your ribs are aching aren't they?" She said cruelly gently touching the fox's ribs. "Claws, enjoy carrying on. Apparently they still need to be broken up a bit." With that she left the room and closed the door as Claws came alive. They got there usual feeding of water and food, as the fox's and bear's toes were stretched upwards and apart. Then two bristle brushes went to work on the fox's soles and on the bear's soles as Claws looked evilly into the fox's eyes smiling widely silently teasing his helplessness.

"EEEEHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAHAAAHAHAHAAAA!" Anger Heart's feet were still hyper sensitive even after days of treatment and even through his sore throat he couldn't help but laugh.

"EEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEEEEEE!" Redemption tried to suck in air as she laughed, to little avail.

The machine grinned happily as two of its hands teased and rubbed the fox's ears to tease him more cruelly enjoying his helpless smile and giggling. Claws continued rub his ears petting him as he also felt a pair of pointy claws on each side of his aching ribs snake up and down his helpless ribs then spider tickled up and down happily looking at the fox's reaction as eagle feathers sawed between Redemptionheart's toes up and down.

"EEEYAAAAAHAAHAAHAAHAA!" Anger Heart tried to twist his head form side to side, the minimal mobility afforded him because they couldn't tie his neck down. He sucked in air through his teeth at the pain from his ribs.

Redemption tried to move her toes, but they were still held fast in the rings fastened around her toes. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Claws smiled happily as two sets of claws sawed between the fox's toes very gently up and down, as the brushes went back and forth on his soles as his ribs were spider tickled up and down. On Redemptionheart bear she felt her elbows being lifted up to stretch her arm pits up as she suddenly felt two sets of claws tickling up an down her sweaty arm pits as the nonstop tickling continued for another twenty minutes nonstop.

Then much to the horror of these two they felt two sets of hands behind there knees squeezing and tickling behind there legs for the first time which was a fresh tickle spot on these two!

Anger Heart finally rasped out a coherent word, "STOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOP!" With his last word he felt a sudden sharp pain in his chest and his laughs were stopped by a scream as one of his ribs cracked, "AAAAAAAHHH!"

"Oh what have we here? Looks like you been laughing so much you broke a rib. Let's see how sensitive it is." He said sadistically as he rubbed a robot hand on it to test its sensitivity.

Anger Heart sucked in air through his teeth, "SSSSHHHHHH STOP THAT!" He managed to shout.

"Nu-uh, now I have a new way to torture you. Cootchie cootchie coo." He said happily as he began spider tickling his sore broken rib up and down as the tickling in his other spots other continued.

"EEEAAAAAAAAAA! STTOOOOPPP!" the tickling did not make him laugh, all Anger Heart could feel was pain.

The machine followed its programming and stop rubbing the broken rib as the tickling continued on the fox's other parts. "Hehe luckily for you I am programmed not to hurt your wound, but to prolong your suffering. Now time to laugh!" Claws said as the tickling continued.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! SSHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Anger Heart alternated between laughing and sucking in air as he was tickled.

The tickling continued for the next three hours till it finally stopped. "Hehe, feeding time." After the usual feeding time was over, Claws went over and started first this time with Redemptionheart bear. "Hehe, are you ready to talk? Or do you want a broken rib like your friend here?"

Anger Heart didn't respond at all, he hurt too much to talk and just hung there after eating. Redemption stared fearfully at the screen but gulped and replied, "No, I won't tell you where they are."

The machine sighed. "Why do you insist on suffering? I promise if you tell me, I'll let you go." Claws said trying to convince her to squeal and spill the beans even though he lied about releasing her. "Otherwise, I'm going to tickle you silly." Teased Claws running a playful claw over her ribs squeezing and tickling them softly.

"heehee," Redemption gulped at her sensitive sides, "I don't want them locked up like I was."

Claws screen turned red. "You asked for it." Claws tickled her feet, ribs and under arms nonstop for one hour as he made the fox watch on helplessly as he tried to brake her to talk before a snapping sound could be heard as something looked abnormal on her side as she screamed in pain.

Redemption was crying involuntarily. She couldn't laugh for the moment.

"Looks like you cracked a rib too," Claws prodded her side.

"AAAA! STOP!" Redemption pleaded.

"Hehehe, lets see if we can make it hurt more." Claws said happily as he had her under arms spider tickled up and down as claws tickled vigorously between her toes.

"HAHAHA OW! HAHAHAHAHA OWOWOW! STOHOHOP PLEHEAAAAASE!" Redemption screamed in pain between her laughter.

"Hehehe, too late now, you'll have to wait till your next meal to tell us how to get to your home. Cootchie cootchie coo!" Taunted the machine happily tickling up and down her foot paws as her under arms were also invaded by the robot clawed hands tickling up and down making sure she laughed as loudly and hard as possible.

"OWOWOWOW HAHAHAHAHAOOOOOOW!" Redemption kept wincing and flinching as she laughed, pain lancing through her with each laugh as tears streamed from her eyes.

This continued on for the next four hours till the tickling finally stopped. The machine forcibly made them drink water through a container until they nearly choked and then finally it took away the water bottles as both Care Bears had their chins scratched as they panted heavily. The machine stroked her chin and saying, "Are you going to eat your food willingly or do you want me to tickle you to make you eat your meal?" Taunted the machine as it looks into her eyes happily.

"Ow! I'll eat," Redemption said.

Anger Heart just grunted and nodded, wincing in pain.

After the two were done eating. Claws came over smiling happily. "Now are any of you two willing to talk? Or shall we continue the fun?" Smiled claws grinning and looking at the fox.

Anger Heart just hung there limply, not even bothering to glare at Claws, hoping it would just assume he had fallen asleep or passed out.

"Ohhh trying to pretend to fall asleep huh? I have the perfect solution to that." Claws grinned happily enjoying the look of fear on the female bears face. "Cootchie coo!" Claws taunted happily as two pointy stiff eagle feathers stroked up and down his soles as the machine watched his face intently.

Anger Heart wasn't sure if it was the soft new skin on his feet or his lack of willpower, but he couldn't resist laughing and crying out in pain again, "AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAEEEEEEEEEEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!" He wasn't even twitching much anymore, just laughing and wincing slightly when he could.

"Heehee, ticklish huh?" Teased Claws in a mocking manner as hr felt the feathers invade his toes. Claws then went over to the bear. "Now are you ready to talk?" Grinned the monitor looking into her eyes happily.

Redemption just stared back at him in fear, she opened her mouth about to answer but summoned up the last of her willpower and managed to croak out, "no," knowing what that would mean.

"Oh your so stubborn hehe I guess you enjoy your suffering. Ready to continue the fun?" Claws teased evilly with an evil smile on his lips as she felt a pair of robotic hands kneading her helpless underarms as she felt them stretched up high above her head.

"Noooo!" Redemption gasped as she felt her arms starting to get more sensitive.

Claws looked at her happily as the robot claws snaked up and down her under arms merrily as the face on the monitor looked happily into her eyes. "Cootchie cootchie coo."

"EEEEEEHAHAHAOWOWOWOWOWAHAHAHAHAHAOWOWOWOWOW!" Redemption was laughing and crying out in pain at the same time.

"Now that we got you giggling again time to make things more interesting for your friend." Claws turned towards Anger heart happily as the tickling ceased as a robotic hand grabbed his head while the other held his muzzle. "Now this should tattle your ribs more to cause more pain. A feather was revealed as it began tickling his nostril back and forth.

Anger Heart tried to open his mouth but couldn't resist as his nose started to twitch. He felt a sneeze building up and tried to hold it in. The hand holding his jaw let his mouth open but didn't let him woggle it around as the feather continued to tickle the outer lips of his nostrils while the other hand kept the top of his still.

Anger Heart couldn't resist anymore, "Aaa, Aaa, AAAACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!" Anger Heart sneezed and cried out as the pain lanced through his chest.

The feather removed itself temporarily as it went into a pepper solution and then came back wiggling tauntingly before it began to swish back and forth on his nose again back and forth as Clawd Smiles happily looking at the scene. Hehehehe do your ribs hurt from sneezing?" Claws teased happily.

"Uuuugggggg!" Anger Heart's groan of pain was all he could manage. The feather continued tickling his nose back and forth as Claws looked on very happily.

"AAA! AAA! AAAAAAACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!" Anger Heart's sneeze of pain as even more this time then, the started coughed, hacking and wheezing from the pain, which only made things worse.

Claws began tickling his feet and toes while the feather continued tickling his poor reddened nose. "With you laughing and sneezing this should increase your pain on your broken rib." Claws said cruelly. He then had a feather begin tickling redemption hearts bears nose as well.

"AHAHAHAOWWWWWWW ACHOOOOHOOHOOHOOWWWW!" Anger Heart's throat was becoming too dry and sore to keep up much longer and his laughs became raspier as he started coughing along with everything else, tears streaming from his eyes along with the pain.

Claws smiled happily at the fox's pain. Then Redemptionheart had her feet being tickled as well as the feather whisked happily on her nose as the under arm tickle tapping continued.


It had been almost a week since Anger Heart and Redemption's disappearance when Tenderheart and Brave Heart returned from their meeting with the Australian government and the Magi gathered in the meeting room to hear what they had to say.

Tenderheart was the one who spoke, "OK, everyone. We have good news and bad news. First the bad news: The Australian Government says that as far as they are concerned, Purity Corp is a legitimate business so they can't stage any sort of raid or investigation to see if they have anyone held captive there or endorse any sort of raid on them."

"And the good news?" Love Heart asked.

"The good news is that they don't endorse any supposed illegal activities that Purity Corp participates in, so if our actions expose them they wouldn't be able to come to their aid either. If we can execute a rescue without being seen outside the building then we can get in, rescue Anger Heart and Redemption and get out before anyone sees us." Tenderheart took a deep breath, "One of them pulled me aside and said that as long as we are able to get our friends out of there he'll keep us from causing an incident."

"Good, then everyone will set out tonight." Love Heart voice became steely, "Everyone get into teams and be ready to move out at dusk in Australia. Everyone is going except for me, Guidance Heart and everyone enlisted Magi." This last line prompted groans from all the younger members of the Magi.

"But I want to go rescue Redemption!" Aqua protested. "You know I can use magic and fight."

Love Heart folded his arms and shook his head, "No, only fully trained Magi are going. Pick your partners and prepare for the rescue mission everyone."

"Why are you making Guidance Heart stay behind? It's her husband that's in danger!" Lonesomeheart said.

"Because she's too emotionally close to this," Love Heart looked to Guidance Heart, who was holding Flair Heart on her lap, "Sorry, Guidance, but I need clear heads on this mission."

"I know." Guidance held her son closer.

"Ack! Mom!" Flair struggled until Guidance let him go.

"I'm sorry, but I will need your help in the control room," Love Heart said. "Alright, everyone, get ready."


As the sun set over Australia, the teams had been formed: Defender Bear, Sweet Heart and Guidance Heart in one team, Independent Bear and Confidence Heart in a second team, and the last team was Sage Heart and Truth Bear. Each of them was dressed in what could be considered their 'battle outfits' and had their weapons conjured and either in hand, sheathed somewhere for easy access, or in Confidence's case strapped to her arms and legs. They descended from the sky in front of the building that Tugs had pointed them too once the streets were deserted. All of them felt shivers run up their spines as they approached the Purity Corp building, it exuded an aura of menace eerily similar to No-Heart's castle.

Defender Bear spoke in a quiet voice, "Alright, once we're inside we search for every possible location Anger Heart and Redemption might be. Keep your defenses up and as soon as we find them we call for a Rainbow Rescue Beam out, understood?" Everyone nodded their agreement, even Sweet Heart kept her mouth shut as they approached the building.

Defender Bear grabbed the door handle and pulled, "Locked."

"Here, let me," Life Heart stepped forwards and pointed her horn at the door. A flash of light later and the door opened. "There we go."

Defender smiled, "Thanks, Life Heart. Alright, everyone let's move in." He motioned for everyone to follow him in to the empty lobby.

Shortly after they were all inside, an alarm went off and they heard the shutters closing behind them. "Crap!" Confidence Heart spun around and was about to run when Indy grabbed her shoulder.

"Relax and focus on the mission," Indy turned to Defender, "Colonel, your orders?"

Defender Bear nodded, still feeling odd being addressed by his official rank, "Right. Everyone in your teams, split up and search this floor then we go up and down if we can until we find Anger Heart and Redemption. Put your heartphones on two-way radio mode," he pulled out his own heartphone to do just that as did the others, "And call as soon as you find them call us and we'll try to regroup before we beam out but don't hesitate to recuse them if you have a chance and there isn't a major risk."

At that moment two of the inside doors burst opened and armed and armored mercenaries burst into the lobby. Defender Bear immediately created a shield around them as their weapons sang out, darts and bullets crumpling as the hit the shield. Confidence Heart and Indy jumped into action and charged through the shield, punching and slicing through one group and leaving them unconscious as lightning and earth bombarded the second group until they were all down.

Confidence gave a thumb's up as Indy checked the unconscious mercs, "Alright, let's go!" She and Indy turned and ran through the door as Sage Heart and Truth Bear ran through the other door.

"Alright, let's get going!" Sweet Heart flapped her wings as Defender led them towards and through a third door.


Illyana had decided to stay late, extending her captives' latest torture session into the night in the hopes that they would finally break, or die. She was sitting in her office when she heard the alarm go off. Annoyed, she pushed the intercom to the security office. "What's going on?!" she demanded.

"Seven intruders, they look like the same species as the other creatures locked in the torture room."

Illyana gave a sly smile, "Good, capture them, knock them out and bring them to me."

"I think you're a bit too late for that."

Illyana whipped her head up to see the man in black with purple hair standing in her office. "Who are you!? How did you get in here?! Are you with the intruders!?"

"My name is Mental Heart and you wouldn't understand how I got in here. As for the intruders, much as I'd enjoy tearing into them I don't have the energy. Right now I think you need to consider a tactical withdrawal and join our group, I don't think you'll be able to cover up what happens here. Oh and don't bother calling for security in here," Mental Heart saw her hand moving to call the office again, "I'll be gone before they get here and you'll lose your safety net. Let's listen to what's going on, shall we?"

Illyana glared at Mental Heart but sat back in her chair to see and hear about what would happen.


Up in the control room, Love Heart and Guidance Heart sat in the chairs listening to the voices of the Magi on the rescue mission. Guidance Heart had her hands in her lap, staring at them and shaking as she listened as more fights broke out.

Guidance jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Melancholy Bear standing next to her, with tears in her eyes. "Want to talk?" she offered.

Guidance shook her head, "No... I just... I want this to be over, to see Anger Heart again," she started to cry, "I just want him back safely."

"Don't worry, they'll do it," Love Heart looked over at her then back to Brave Heart.

"You bet!" Brave Heart grinned, "They're the best at this, they'll get him out no problem!"

Tenderheart was more cynical about this but kept his mouth shut, despair would be unwelcome here so he turned instead to the others: Aqua, Lonesome, Mira, Shimmers, Flair, Meek Heart and Wild Heart as they tried to amuse themselves without success. Lonesome still fuming about being kept behind but saying nothing after she'd been asked, calmly but firmly, to stop complaining three times already.


After fighting through another group of mercenaries and leaving them unconscious on the ground, Defender Bear sheathed his sword. "We should be close enough now." He concentrated.

"Close enough for what?" Sweet Heart had her metal hoof shoes conjured as she landed next to him and her mother.

"A locator spell. I used it to find the Kingdom of Caring years ago." Defender took a deep breath before he chanted, "Help me to find my lost family member." A sensation pulled at him, "This way, he's below us!" he pointed down a hallway to the right.

"Can't you be a little more specific?" Sweet Heart paused as she heard a click behind them and threw up an earth wall to block the barrage of bullets before she fired off a chunk of ice that took out the mercenary trying to sneak up on them.

"I am, but this place is a series of narrow passages and I don't want to just start knocking down walls or we might bring the whole building down on our heads." Defender was about to continue when Indy's voice came through his heartphone.

"Defender. I've picked up a psionic echo from Anger Heart. It's faint but it's here. Confidence and I are closing in on it now."

"Good, we should meet you when we close in. Sage Heart, Truth Bear try to follow us to the same location." Defender said.

"Got it, we're on our way," Truth said.

Indy and Confidence Heart were the first to arrive at the place Indy sensed Anger Heart behind. He crouched down and felt the floor, "He's right below here. We'll probably have to take an elevator to get down there."

"Or make our own door," Confidence lay down, her ear to the floor, "I hear something faint... laughing?" She stood up right as Defender, Sweet Heart and Life Heart arrived. Confidence cracked her knuckles, "Guess we're making out own entrance." She stepped back and raised a hand, looking to Defender Bear for approval.

"Here, let me," Truth Bear had just arrived and he pulled out his guan dao. Defender nodded and Truth stabbed the polearm through the floor

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Despite the exhaustion and soreness in their bodies, Anger Heart and Redemption continued laughing as Claws continued his torture upon then, oblivious to the blade slicing through the ceiling. Until it fell.

A loud crash sounded as the chunk of ceiling fell to the ground. The Magi jumped or flew down, landing hard on the ground and startling the one guard watching the torture. Without a weapon he tried to call for help only for Life Heart to cast a spell on him that put him to sleep.

"Ohoho! What's this? More victims and playthings? Come here, I know you'll join these two with all the fun they're having." Claws extended several of his tendrils towards the newly arrived Magi, only to have them sliced off by Sage Heart, Defender and Indy's swords. Sweet Heart let out a shout and fired off a blast of lightning right at Claws' main body, the electricity made him short circuit and suddenly his torture stopped, as did the laughter from Anger Heart and Redemption.

Confidence Heart ran forwards and physically tore Anger Heart's restraints off him before lifting him off his torture rack. "Anger Heart! Can you hear me?"

Anger Heart just nodded and looked up to see Truth using his magic to release Redemption from her own rack.

"Lily..." Redemption croaked and pointed to where the red bear's body still lay.

"Oh my!" Life Heart trotted over to the emaciated body and lifted it up, "such a poor creature."

"And you'll join them all soon, heeheehee!" Claws had suddenly come back to life, "That was a tasty lightning snack now all of you will stay here forever!"

Something in Anger Heart snapped. His eyes blazed and despite his exhaustion and painfully sore throat he shot out his hand at Claws' body and shouted one word "DIE!" the fox's tail suddenly split into eight as he fired off a massive blast of blue fire at the torture machine's body. Claws either couldn't cry out for help or did not have enough time as Anger Heart's blue flames melted his body into a pile of molten metal and ash, silencing the torture machine forever.

Everyone watched as what was left of Claws went limp with its brain and main body destroyed. Defender pulled out his heartphone and called up to Care-a-Lot, "We found them teleport us all back." It was a moment before the rainbow rescue beam came down and they were pulled to the safety of their home.


Illyana was fuming as the reports came in and Mental Heart stood by, his face impassive.

"Well, will you accept my offer to join us now?" he asked.

Illyana growled, "Very well, if it will help me recover from this... disaster."

"Good. Now hold still." Mental Heart picked her up with telekinesis and pulled her over to him. A moment later they had vanished.


As soon as the fighting had broken out, Guidance Heart was at the controls of the Rainbow Rescue Beam, waiting nervously for the call. As soon as Defender called for the teleport she worked the controls just how Bright Heart had told her to and the beam activated, bringing all of the Magi safely home.

Upon seeing Anger Heart nearly limp in Confidence's arms she ran over to him, "Anger Heart! Anger Heart speak to me!" she touched him. Anger Heart didn't try and speak, merely looked up at her.

"Redemption!" Aqua and Lonesome ran over to where Truth Bear was still carrying their friend, then gasped when they saw Life Heart carrying Lily's body.

"Lily..." Aqua stared at the small, emaciated form of their old friend.

Love Heart took command as he pulled out his heartphone to dial Take Care's hospital, "Reintroductions later, get them to the hospital!"

Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 50 FINALE

Chapter 50: All my Regrets, All my Tomorrows "Now fall down and die!" No-Heart watched Flash Heart fall away to the ground. "Now we finish this!" Love Heart dove down towards No-Heart, conjuring a sword in each hand and drawing them to each...

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 49

Chapter 49: Reunions and Stories, Confidence Heart vs Shatter Heart Anger Heart and Guidance Heart managed to usher the rescued hostages to the edge. Guidance helped Terrence and Defiant's parents into the still waiting cloud car. "Don't worry,...


Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 13

A/N: much of the backstory from this chapter can be found in an old series. For those who wish to read it for themselves I can give the links in notes or in comments. Melony is my own character but the other new characters introduced belong to an old...

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