Not Your Typical Party - Story

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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The story for the YCH that Raven and I ran earlier in the year, Renzyl having some fun with all of his party guests!

Artwork done by ravensflock, you can find the original post of his over here:

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One would not imagine that an empty warehouse on the riverfront would be the best place for a party, yet as the tiger looked down at the invitation he had gotten through the mail that was exactly where he was supposed to go. Though the entire thing looked abandoned there were actually several cars in the parking lot and the gate leading in had been opened, and though it wasn't the most inviting of scenes at least he wasn't scaling a fence with keep out signs and police tape on it. When he got to the front entrance near where the other cars had parked he also saw a sign that had the words Product Sample Party written on them, along with instructions to use the lift to get to the top floor. He opened the door and looked inside to find that it was completely empty, devoid even of dust as he carefully walked under the swinging lights towards the freight elevator on the other side of the wall.

"If I get murdered here I'm definitely going to be leaving a negative review," the tiger said to himself as he nervously went over to the elevator. "Wish they had someone to greet us here so it didn't feel like trespassing..."

"Don't have to be worrying about anything like that," another voice said that nearly made the feline jump out of his skin, turning to see a raptor in a set of janitor's overalls with a mop and bucket. "I remember the one throwing this shin dig showing me the paperwork, seems legit to me. About time they use this place for more than me practicing my mopping skills."

"Why?" The tiger replied. "What do they use it for?"

'It's what they call an overflow shipping warehouse," the raptor explained. "Ship comes in with more product then they can handle they just shunt it all in here. Empty most of the time, except for you and the other guests now. Speaking of such you better hurry on up, they're waiting for you I think."

The tiger nodded and thanked the janitor for his help, then hopped into the lift and pressed the button marked up. Though the entire thing creaked and groaned it soon began to pull the car upwards, taking the feline with it to the top floor of the warehouse while the raptor janitor watched until he disappeared. "It's about time," the raptor sighed as he took the mop and bucket and tossed it aside before pulling out a radio. "Last one just came in, give them about five minutes and then you're good to go..."

When the elevator reached the top floor the tiger pushed on the door to slide it open and immediately saw four other pairs of eyes on him, causing him to be taken aback slightly as he stepped into the lofted area. "Looks like another one joins our ranks," a cobra that had been standing closest to the door said as he went over and shook his hand. "Welcome to the party, my name is Tanakeah, but you can call me Tana."

Oh, my name is Zenith," the tiger replied as he shook the scaly hand of the cobra. "I'm not late, am I?"

"Don't think so," Tana replied with a slight shrug as he gestured all around him. "I was actually the first one here and everything had already been set up, so I'm guessing our host had to step out for a bit?"

"Don't suppose you actually know what this party is for?" another of the guests chimed in, this one a white-scaled dragon with brown hair that he fussed with before putting into a ponytail. "My invitation was rather vague and it was really only my sheer curiosity that brought me here. Name's Havok by the way, do try the food though, it's actually pretty good."

"More than that," a creature with grey fur said as he looked up from the refreshment table. "Oh, and if we're doing introductions my name is Diesel, and so you don't have to ask later I'm a gatox. Pleasure to meet you Zenith."

"I'm Zephyr," the wolf in the corner introduced simply, brushing a black and tan furred hand along the exposed white fur of his midriff. "If you do know why we are here you should tell us."

The tiger just grinned sheepishly as he felt all the eyes of the room on him. "Sorry everyone," Zenith stated as he held up his invitation. "I really also don't have any idea, it just says to come to this address at this time for a party unlike anything I've ever experienced before."

"It's alright," Tana said with a smile. "Go ahead and grab something, I'm going to go and take another look around to see if I can find anything that might point us in the direction of what this was all about."

As Zenith nodded and went over to the refreshment table he noted that this place definitely looked like it was kitted out for a party of some sort. There was music playing through some speakers in the corner opposite where everyone had gathered and streamers and balloons were scattered everywhere. While there really weren't any chairs there were cushions scattered about that people could sit on and either eat and converse. It turned out that many of the guests had been doing exactly that, the presence of the tiger adding one more voice to the mix.

How many people were they expecting, they wondered, and what was the purpose of all this? There were no signs, no banners, nothing that would indicate if this was for something in particular. Another big question was why were the five of them in particular invited, trying to figure out whether there was a causal link between all of them that would facilitate being brought to this location. Try as they might though no one could figure out what was going on with this mystery party or who the host was.

Just as they were starting to talk about maybe leaving once the refreshments ran out Havok had been wandering near one of the corners of the large loft and suddenly called out for the others to come to his area. "Hey, maybe I missed this before when we were all looking around," the dragon said as everyone came up to look down at what he was looking at. "But did anyone else notice this just sitting here before?"

The others shook their head as they stared at the large steamer trunk propped up against the side of the wall. It was definitely too big for everyone to have missed, Tana exclaimed, especially with the fact that it was placed rather auspiciously there in direct line of sight to the elevator. But no one had heard the elevator come up to bring anyone else, Zenith the last one to use it and had not returned it down, and no one had seen another person skulking around. The next thing they attempted to do was open it, but as the gatox went up to it to see how to do it he found that it was sealed with no keyhole, handle, or any sort of latch.

"What is this?" Zephyr asked as he scratched behind his ear, causing it to twitch. "Some sort of magic show?"

"Kind of a strange way to do it," Havok stated. "If this is some sort of act then maybe there's a reason no one has ever heard of it before."

That is... certainly one way to put it," a sixth voice joined in, the five all turning around suddenly to see who managed to sneak up on them and spotting only a pair of glowing red eyes in the shadow of a pillar. "Also to answer your question from before, the one that perplexed you so much, is the reason that you five were chosen was because you wanted to be here in a manner of speaking. You all have a certain fondness for rubber which will make you particularly receptive to the items that I have in that chest."

"Who are you?" Tana said as he stepped forward. "Show yourself!"

There was a deep, smooth chuckle before the creature whom those glowing red eyes belonged to stepped forward into the light, all of them gasping when they saw him. The dragon stood head and shoulders above them and had a very muscular frame, but that's not what caused them to be in awe. The creature was covered head to toe in rubber, his skin shining underneath the light as he moved forward. It soon became very clear that this wasn't someone wearing a suit; there wasn't a wrinkle out of place and the way the muscles bulged underneath the skin made it clear they were looking at his actual body.

"Whoa..." Havok stated as he and the others moved up to gather around the new arrival. "I'm going to go ahead and assume that you're the one that set this little party up?"

"Indeed I did Havok," the creature said, a smirk on his latex muzzle as he walked past the group of them. "My name is Renzyl, and as I'm assuming you have also guessed by now I am not what you would call local. Now I'm sure you're all brimming with all sorts of questions about me and where I'm from, but I've come bearing gifts and it's time to really get this party started."

The rubber dragon snapped his fingers over at the speaker system and immediately the music changed to something more upbeat before going over to the rather large trunk that was sealed shut. The others watched in a mixture of fascination and curiosity as Renzyl went over and put the trunk on its end, then opened it up with ease to reveal all sorts of things inside of it. Though everyone tried to see what exactly was hidden in the shelves the creature made sure to block their line of sight while he rummaged around inside. It also appeared he was intentionally showing off his rear and for most it took up to that point to realize he was completely naked, especially since he didn't have anything between his legs at the moment.

Everyone immediately stopped leering and sat back when Renzyl turned back around with what looked like a pair of goggles. "So for my first party favor," the rubber dragon said as he showed off the black goggles. "While this isn't my specialty I have created quite the virtual reality experience; with only this VR headset you will experience a world that is completely immersive and engages not only sight but your other senses as well."

The party guests all looked at each other, some with looks of confusion while others just had bemused interest. Their host still didn't tell them what the party was about or while they were invited, surely it wasn't just to play video games or to show off the things that he had created? But despite the strange arrangement none of them felt ill at ease around the creature. In fact they felt themselves feeling rather relaxed the longer they listened to the creature as the rubber dragon asked if anyone wanted to give them a shot.

Much to the surprise of those in the room it was Zephyr who said that he wanted to try it, the normally quiet hyena stating that they were curious enough to give it a shot. The others parted to allow him to step forward, standing in front of the rubber dragon who grinned down at him. Zephyr just calmly asked if it was alright that he could give the VR experience a try, Renzyl nodding and handing the device to him. When the hyena was able to examine it he saw that it was looked like a pretty simple setup with nothing but the eyepiece that he or the others could see. He took the goggles and under the instruction of Renzyl got it so that the rubber seal was pressed against his own eyes.

Zephyr suddenly found himself transported to another world, even though he knew it was a virtual one it certainly felt real. He could hear the wind whistling in his ears as he found himself in some sort of courtyard surrounded by walls of obsidian. "Wow, I didn't even think I put in ear buds," he whispered to himself as the went back into the room and looked around for something that he could see himself with. "Must have had the speakers integrated into the goggles, this is quite the piece of technology."

Without a bodysuit or some sort of camera technology he could only imagine that it would be some sort of static avatar, but when he moved his hands up he saw that his own hands moved up in response. Part of him wondered how he was going to get out of the area he had been teleported too, which was that of a courtyard surrounded by what appeared to be a castle of some sort. Everything looked so hyper-realistic, even the water that was coming out of the stone dragon's fountain looked like it was real. When he attempted several means of movement that were typical in the VR world he found himself unable to do anything, the hyena scratching his head as he tried to figure out what to do. Finally in a bit of frustration he decided just to try and take an actual step forward to see what happened.

Zephyr was awestruck as the world seemed to move around him, as though he had actually taken a step forward. How on earth did he manage to do something like that... though his confusion was quickly being replaced with awe as he found himself able to move more freely. It was then he realized that he was able to more than just look and move around. He could feel things, looking down at his fingers they looked... strange, finding claws on the tips that weren't there to begin with. It was strange to see them on an avatar that seemed to look almost exactly like his own body, but when he continued to look at the strange glitch he began to thnk they actually looked pretty cool as he began to walk around the hyper-realistic world...

Meanwhile back in the party they watched as Zephyr stood there, seemingly in a trance as the lenses glowed with a soft blue light that seemed to swirl around. While the other guests were curious on what exactly was going on with the hyena Renzyl wished to move on and practically dove back into the trunk to continue to rummage around it. The others weren't quite sure what to do during that time, some of them glancing to one another as they just waited. Just when Tana was about to ask the rubber dragon if everything was alright they heard an exclamation from Renzyl and he popped back out holding a somewhat skimpy looking rubber jockstrap.

"Here we are, a lovely little attire that will bring out your inner athlete... or whatever you may want to wear these for," Renzyl said as he looked over the group before finally his red glowing gaze landed on the grey-furred gatox. "How about you Diesel, fancy a try?"

Everyone who wasn't currently in the virtual reality world looked over at the gatox as he glanced about at the others. "I mean, I suppose I could," Diesel said as he seemed a bit flustered. "Unless someone else wants it?"

"I think that you would probably benefit the most from it," Renzyl replied with a wink as he went over and put his hands on the shoulders of the smaller male. "There is one thing... since we're all becoming fast friends here and there are no real spaces to change you're going to have to put that on here and now. Of course if that bothers you too much you can always opt out... but if you do so I'm afraid you're going to have to leave the party along with anyone else that would worry about such a thing. That goes for our dear Zephyr too, if the hyena hears this and opts out then so be it, but if you stay then you're all in for my little party until the last call.

The other remaining members of the party looked at the gatox wearily as they wondered what he was going to do next, as though he was about to make the decision that would influence the rest of the party. If he rejected the gift they might decide to try and escape whatever was happening here, though they were unsure if they would be able to rouse Zephyr from his virtual world. If Diesel accepted the gift and stripped down naked it meant that Renzyl had been correct in his assertion that they were all like that and would probably make the mood more comfortable for everyone. This thought process was not lost on Diesel and the gatox could feel his anxiety rise slightly as every eye in the room not covered by glowing lenses were now focused on him.

Eventually the gatox sighed and shrugged his shoulders, stating that it looked like Zephyr was having a good time so why not join in. Renzyl just gave him a smile and nodded as the gatox stripped down in front of everyone before taking the rubber jockstrap and sliding it up over his grey-furred legs. Unlike Zephyr, who was literally in his own little world at the moment as his body twitched occasionally while kneeling there, Diesel was completely in the present as he took the rubber and situated it so that the shiny pouch was situated against his groin with the straps exposing his rear. The other three continued to stare at him and he mentioned that it was a really comfortable fit before glancing over at Renzyl, who merely smiled before looking at the others.

"I do think that it looks rather fitting on you," Renzyl said, Diesel squeezing his exposed furred rump as the rubber dragon headed back to the trunk. "Now in that same vein of gear I think we might have something else in this trunk of that nature. Who are we going to help out next..."

"Um, excuse me..." the tiger piped up, the rubber dragon stopping with his rummaging to look back at the feline. "Mr. Renzyl..."

"Just Renzyl is fine Zenith," Renzyl replied as he turned back and gave him a smile. "What can I help you with?"

"Is this some sort of strange... gear-testing party?" Zenith asked, glancing over at the gatox who continued to squeeze his package and shuddered in pleasure at feeling the rubber rubbing up against the sensitive flesh. "Not that I'm complaining or anything, but I'm just wondering if we're about to all get strapped up and something. Or is this just the precursor to something else?"

"A lot of good questions there," Renzyl said as he took a hand and stuck it back into the trunk. "While you are right that this is a bit of a intro to something else, it's not what you're thinking right now... though I'm sure a good kitty like you wouldn't mind something like that." The others looked over at the tiger who just grinned sheepishly before the rubber dragon continued on. "But if you'll just bear with until we get everyone situated I assure you that all will become revealed in time... and as such why don't we go ahead and get you ready next?"

The remaining three looked on with slightly widened eyes as a set of rubber harnesses and cuffs were pulled out, the metal rings on it jingling slightly. It was made of thicker latex straps then the jockstrap and looked a little more complex, but it also had left nothing to the imagination and didn't have anything to cover up his body. When asked if he was going to be able to wear any undergarments the dragon looked at him with glowing red eyes and asked him what he thought the answer was going to be. Once more Zenith found himself grinning before he stripped out of his clothes, finding himself almost eager to do so as he saw the harness and matching cuffs get laid out in front of him. The chest harness in particular looked a little more complex then he thought that he might be able to handle and the rubber dragon reassured him that he could help with such an endeavor.

Zenith shivered slightly being nude in the open air, as well as when he felt the presence of Renzyl standing right behind him. The remaining two were able to watch as the creature that was their party host helped the tiger slip on the thick bands and saw that the black latex that accentuated his muscles was completely flawless. They were the only two that could see this though since the tiger was standing opposite him while the rubber straps and ring was pressed against his bare chest, Zephyr appeared to still be enjoying himself in the virtual world, and Diesel's eyes had started to go slightly glassy. It appeared the gatox was enjoying his garment more and more as the rubber pouch in front began to stretch, no doubt swelling with arousal similar to what was causing the naked hyena to be fully erect as well.

"Hey wait..." Tana said to Havok, whispering over to the dragon while they watched Renzyl continue to put on rubber cuffs on the tiger's upper arms and around his wrists. "Wasn't Zephyr clothed when he put the goggles on?"

"Hey, I think you're right..." Havok replied, though a slight gasp of pleasure that came from the tiger interrupted their musing as the last item was put on his body. The collar was put on by Zenith himself, wanting to put the last piece on his body after all the other pieces had been put into place. A low growl of contentment came from deep in his chest as he felt the comforting pressure of every piece on his body, not even caring that much of his body, including his groin, was completely exposed.

"Looks like things are really picking up now," Renzyl stated as the tiger immediately began to rub against his throbbing member, moving over towards where the other two were to bring them a little closer. "Down to two left, why don't we go ahead and get you two at the same time since the veil is starting to lift anyway."

The two weren't quite sure what that meant until they glanced over at Diesel, who appeared to be actively rubbing himself with his hands now to the point the rubber was starting to rub off on his fur. As they continued to watch however they saw that it wasn't just some sort of material transfer... it appeared that the rubber was actually spreading to the hairs of his fur and causing them to melt. "Seems to be affecting him quicker since he's part reptile," Renzyl continued to muse as they watched the latex shift to a white coloration and form into belly scales. "Of course the other two are coming along quite nicely as well..."

Havok and Tana glanced over towards the hyena and saw that a similar transformation was happening to his face, his white and tan fur being covered with silver latex that quickly enveloped his face. Glowing blue lines that were on the VR goggles also began to trace down the entranced creature's muzzle as the rubber seemed to tighten around it, then squish it to become a slightly more serpentine shape. There were still some hyena features though, which were highlighted by the glowing blue lines that started to trace up his ears as well. For the tiger his changes seemed to just begin, though the straps had definitely grown a mind of their own and black the latex began to flow out over the striped fur from where the pink straps made contact with the tiger's body. There also appeared to be a newer development happening as another strap grew down from the x-harness and headed straight towards the tailhole of the male, stopping only to form a ring around the base of his tail as the tip slithered forward like a snake.

Just then Renzyl dangled something else rather snake-like in their vision, Havok and Tana turning their attention to something that looked like an uninflated snake balloon. "I'm always one to make sure that all my creatures are quite well protected," the rubber dragon said. "So this is what I like to call a full-coverage condom, guaranteed to keep you completely engulfed in rubber at all times. I'm thinking... Tana, why don't you go ahead and try this one out?"

At this point both the dragon and the cobra knew that they had a choice; either they turned and got out of there or joined in the festivities that the other transforming party guests were already taking part of. Both had already started to sport tents in their garments and it was clear from what the rubber creature had said before that they were both very interested even with the entire scene taking a turn towards the bizarre. It made it rather easy then for the cobra to snatch the condom out of the dragon's hand and begin to strip off his clothes. By the time he was completely naked he looked over and saw Havok starting to do the same.

"I figure that I'm probably going to end up like this anyway," the white-scaled dragon said as he brushed his long hair back after taking off his shirt. "Or am I mistaken?"

"If you insist I'm not going to stop you," Renzyl said with a wink before turning back towards the trunk. "Though the idea I have for you would normally only cover one part of your body, unless of course you really want it to go elsewhere." The rubber dragon rummaged through the suitcase for a few moments before pulling out a rather simplistic looking orange and yellow latex mask. "Here you go, one deluxe latex gas mask."

Both Havok and Tana looked at the rather thin latex material and construction of the mask in question as the cobra took the condom and slid it over his half-erect member. It looked like something that one would get from a Halloween store on a dollar rack. But given the nature of everything happening around them it was likely that this wasn't some sort of ordinary mask as he shrugged and grabbed the edges of it. The cobra watched as Havok began to put it on, stretching the rubbery material over his head and attempting to get his muzzle inside. There was a loud rip however, and both looked shocked as half the mask came off in Havok's hand while the other clung to his face.

Before Tana could ask Renzyl what just happened his stopped as the semi-translucent rubber around his cock suddenly began to turn opaque, his serpentine eyes growing wide as the snake condom began to grow bigger. As it did he could feel hundreds of tiny latex tendrils begin to caress his flesh, causing him to let out a hiss of pleasure as it continued to swell. At first Tana thought that his own member was causing the growth but as it began to suck on him in earnest he could feel it starting to slip off of him. With the rate of growth Tana's lust-addled mind realized that soon it would fall completely off of him and he couldn't let that happen, especially as he gazed into the painted blue eyes of the growing creature staring up at him. The cobra found himself sitting down in order to better allow it to continue to pleasure him, this growing latex snake almost half as big as him as the tendrils began to slither around his entire groin.

Meanwhile the dragon continued to look at the item he believed he had destroyed in a mixture of confusion and fear, though as he looked back up at Renzyl the smirk on his face said that it wasn't an accident. When he looked at the hand where the rubber mask had snapped off he saw that the orange material had melted onto his hand. Instinctively he wiped it across his chest in order to try and get it off but that just left a streak of orange rubber on his body, save for his pectorals where it turned a shiny yellow. His other hand went up to his face in order to try and pull the part of the mask that was hanging on around his horn and found that had also merged with his face, completely coving one of his eyes as he could feel it moving in and around his maw. As the latex began to seal the lips it was covering shut he finally managed to see out of the eye that had been covered... or at least he thought he did until he realized all he was staring at was a swirling purple pattern created by the lens that had covered it.

The rubber dragon watched as the rubber continued to spread over the first two creatures, Diesel's eyes practically swirling with their own hypnotic spiral as both he and Zephyr sported similar reptilian patterning. For Zephyr the material spreading on his body was more digital in nature, the tiny pocket dimension created in Renzyl's realm leaking through and downloading its corruption onto his body as the bright blue lines traced down his neck, chest, and shoulders. For Zenith he was on all fours, moaning from the bright red plug being inserted into its tailhole as more of the black and pink rubber covered his orange and black striped fur. In Tana's case his rubber creation was less transforming him then enveloping him, the pleasured cobra leaning back as the snake condom had grown big enough to coil around his legs before the maw of it slid of his noticeably bigger cock and began to swallow up his toes. Finally Drake found himself continuing to spread the rubber over his body intentionally now, though it was mostly around his shiny yellow and orange groin as more fragments of the mask landed on him and began to spread.

"It appears this party is in full swing..." Renzyl mused to himself as he watched the rubber covering the five gasping, squirming creatures being pleasured by the items he had created for them. "A good party host knows when to allow the guests to enjoy themselves, plus Fawkes outdid himself with the spread." He closed up the trunk and pushed past the balloons on the ground before finally getting to the table with the food, turning back to see that the others hadn't even noticed his absence. "Don't worry everyone, I'll be back later."

In the virtual world Zephyr found it easier to explore as movement came more natural to him, practically running and bouncing around as he explored the manor to which the game was centered around. There didn't appear to be any plot to it, but as he continued to stare at the lewd statues made of obsidian he found himself enraptured by the artwork itself. Plus the realism more than made up for it, everything he touched was like it was in the real world. That was especially true for himself as he began to place his hand on his groin and felt the shiver of pleasure go up his body... though there was a sensation that he wasn't aware of as he looked at his hands, only to gasp slightly when he saw that there was silver rubber on them that was spreading before his eyes!

When the hyena looked down at himself he was shocked to find that instead of his usual white and tan fur he had shiny silver rubber skin with dark grey scales on his underside that had completely enveloped his chest, abs, and crotch. Though it was hard to tell from this vantage point he looked like some sort of rubber reptile, though he was still definitely anthro in nature as the virtual world seemed to shift around him. Before he realized it he found himself in a bedroom, the game taking a far more erotic twist as Zephyr found himself looking at walls that were made of vac-racks with reptilian creatures shifting and squirming inside of them. The rubber itself was also shifting colors, the hues forming into patterns like an oil slick as he found his eyes drawn to them.

As he went over towards the bed he found his entire body starting to relax, watching the creatures swaying back and forth in the multi-colored latex relaxing him as he continued to stare at it. The closer he approached however he noticed that one of the panels right in front of him went from that swirling pattern to a mirror-like shine. He could still see the colors all around him but as he stared into the reflection he saw his own body... except that it definitely didn't look like him anymore. What stared back at him was a completely different, very shiny, and incredibly... sexy creature.

It was strange that he also found the VR goggles on the head of his avatar as well, the rubber of the item looking almost like it was a part of him as his fingers traced over the glowing lines of his face. As he continued to look at it with his glowing blue eyes he saw them swirling, feeling his tongue flit out past his lips as the light of the lenses swirled around. His mind began to drift towards Renzyl and how it made sense that the rubber dragon would make something like this, training new rubber servants in order to do help him with... the game, unable to see the download bar that was over his head had just reached the other side.

The mirror-like shine suddenly vanished and went back to the swirling colored rubber once more, but his reflection seemed to have not left the rectangle of rubber. In his mind he could hear the others in the room whisper how good it was to be a minion of Renzyl, to obey and serve, the information downloaded directly into his mind as he saw his own augmented body now in front of him as one of the trapped creatures. He could see himself moaning and writhing in pleasure and found himself unable to help himself but reach out and touch it. Just as he did the rubber seemed to turn to liquid and Zephyr suddenly found himself getting sucked inside until he was surrounded briefly by darkness...

Back in the real world the transformation of the hyena had almost been completed, his toes wiggled as the silver rubber continued to pixilate over his fur while he transitioned back to his own body. The lenses in the goggles went from opaque to clear and revealed the glowing blue neon eyes underneath as the rubber lizard-hyena hybrid looked himself over. His form shimmered as his new hands caressed over his silver and steel rubber colored body, especially his glowing ridged cock as he found himself drifting towards it with his hands. As he slowly got back to his feet he could feel his new tail swishing around behind him and though it had become reptilian in nature he saw that the fur on the end was still there, though it had been transformed into shimmering neon blue optic fiber to match the stripes on it.

As Zephyr continued to readjust to reality he was surprised to find someone standing right in front of him that he didn't recognize, though the face was familiar he saw that the body type was quite muscular. When he looked down at himself he realized that the same could be said of himself as he continued to stroke and caress his own body. "Welcome back to the realm of the real world," the creature said, his own hand stroking the rubberized tuft of fur on his otherwise scaly chest. "Since you were sort of off on your adventure I suppose a lot has changed for you, though I'm somewhat pleased that despite losing most of my fur I remained a hybrid."

"A hybrid..." Zephyr said to himself, once more becoming surprised as he heard the difference in his own voice before he realized who he was talking to. "Oh, your Diesel! Wow... you, uh, really changed there."

"You should see the others," Diesel replied before flexing his muscles, shifting his body to show off the rubber jockstrap that adorned his otherwise naked shiny physique. "Master Renzyl said that we might still need a little time to adjust, but I feel wonderful already. Don't you think?"

All the former hyena could do was nod as he found himself staring into the eyes of the rubber gatox, which at first appeared to be blank blue rubber until he looked a little closer. At first he thought it was a trick of the light, but it looked like the hues in the shiny surface were spinning in a spiral pattern like he was about to hypnotize him or something. Or perhaps he was still being the one hypnotized, Zeyphr thought to himself, though he wondered the same for his own vision as he took the goggles and attempted to slide them off his face. He found them easy to take off though... but decided to have them rest against his forehead before continuing to talk to Diesel.

The gatox couldn't believe how good he felt after his transformation had been completed, any worry or anxiety that he felt about the process ever since he had put on the jockstrap melted away just like the rubber that coated his body. Each time he squeezed the pouch in front of him not only did he cause a surge of pleasure but he also seemed to grow a little more in muscle in stature. It felt so good to be made of rubber, his corrupted mind thought as the haze of the spiral that had dominated his vision continued to linger, a needy rubber reptile ready to serve Master Renzyl in whatever he needed. Though he had the itch to see just how big he could get he refrained from groping and pleasuring himself too much, taking his hands and putting them through the synthetic mane of hair that framed his otherwise somewhat featureless face as the two moved over to see how the others were doing.

The next one they found was Zenith, the tiger almost completely covered head to toe in black latex just like Diesel was, except instead of a shiny black jockstrap he was adorned with pink straps that were on his ankles, wrists, biceps, thighs, and a harness that connected up to his shoulders and a similarly colored collar around his neck. It appeared that he had also gotten a touch of reptilian on him as his tail, which was also adorned with several bands, had thickened just like theirs were. They also saw that his hands and feet were puffier then before, bright pink pads adorning the bottom of his soles as his stiff fingers tried to work his rubbery ridged pink cock.

"Well aren't we a bound up little creature," Diesel said, looking at the other male as he leaned back and showed the silver cock ring that was similar to the rings on his chest, back, and at the base of his tail. "You look like you could use a little extra help, you want that little lizard kitty?"

What surprised Zephyr wasn't how assertive that the gatox had been but how much he was into it himself, feeling his forked tongue lick his rubberized lips, the glowing lines on his body pulsing with lust as he watched the lizardman tiger hybrid nodding with need. Almost instinctively they began to take his hands and kneed against them, pushing the already fumbling digits until they were completely fused together. They could see that the tiger was getting really into it as they took his useless mitts and pulled them back, taking them and gently pulling them back until they were all the way behind him. Once they were there the two pushed the cuffs together and pressed the rubber, fusing them together and keeping them behind their back.

"We'll just leave you like that for a moment," Diesel said as he gave Zephyr a wink, the tiger moaning as he was practically humping into the air with need. "There is something else that you have to see, you managed to come out of VR just in time to see it finish up. C'mon, Master Renzyl moved the last two over a bit so that they could finish up their transformation."

The two rubber reptilian creatures walked over to a different section of the loft near the music area. Even before they got close Zephyr could see the huge rubber snake that was lying down on the floor. At first he thought that Tana had turned into the synthetic serpentine creature, but when they got over they saw his head and shoulders of the cobra still poking their way out of the maw of the rubber being. They could also see that the creature's maw was covered with tons of tiny rubber tendrils that were stroking and massaging every inch of his pectorals. Something else they could clearly of the cobra was the sizable bulge that had pushed its way out of the back of the snake, no doubt the cobra's erection as they watched the living condom continue to envelop its prey.

For Tana his mind was completely lost in the haze of pure bliss that the rubber was giving him, his mind in a daze ever since he had watched the still growing condom snake slide up his feet and envelop them. It had quickly slid up his legs and caused him to fall back, the entire time squirming in the grasp of the rubber mouth that was sucking him in. He could sense the rubber not only completely envelop his legs but also start to merge with it, feeling what the snake could feel as it quickly had slurped the cobra all the way up towards his thighs. When it had gotten to his groin he could see that it wasn't just the snake condom that had changed either.

Tana's own member had grown significantly and had already turned to rubber while in the maw of the creature, growing from inches to at least a foot as it waved about in the air. Though it still felt as though it was completely erect the shaft had become very prehensile in nature, though once the snake condom enveloped it as wellit could only squirm between the layer of rubber it had been trapped in and the increasingly latex body of the cobra himself. As the tendrils inside the snake condom got to work on the sensitive flesh of Tana's thighs and groin it continued to travel up his body it briefly made the cobra look like a naga as the snake's body slithered around to push itself further. Once in a while the haze of pleasure had lifted from the cobra and he attempted to push away, only to catch the eyes of the creature creeping up past his chest and falling back in a hypnotic daze.

Next to the transforming cobra Havok was sitting there on the floor, his thicker legs splayed out while the sounds of squeaking rubber filled the air as he stroked his ridged member. The orange and yellow that had been streaked over his white scales had spread to cover almost the entirety of his body, his new synthetic skin shifting over it as he stroked up and down. The biggest change however was his head; a gas mask of similar coloration had formed over it completely with built-in breathers that were positioned over his nostrils and lenses over his eyes... or where those his eyes now? It was hard to tell given the nature of the transformation as the two could see the purple swirls continuing to spin around in them.

Havok had been lost in the pure bliss of pleasure ever since he had felt the rubber push its way into his skull, corrupting his mind and filling him with feelings of euphoria to distract him from his changing body. Though the latex had completely covered his maw and grew more ridged to form into the mask he knew that it could split apart at his command... or the command of another as his vision continued to be filled with that hypnotic swirl. Even before the mask had crept over and completely enveloped his other eye the hypnotized dragon could see the purple swirls in his vision, the form imprinting on his very psyche as the rest of his body was physically taken over by the rubber.

"Havok?" Diesel asked, the two still-enthralled creatures looking at one another, unknowing feeding off the entrancement of the other as the rubber gatox pulled the similarly synthetic dragon creature off of the floor. "You still there?"

"Of course I'm still here," Havok scoffed, feeling the softness of his rubberized form as he was helped back up to his feet. "Master Renzyl wishes for me to be here naturally, just like he does for everyone else." The orange and yellow rubber dragon looked down at the throbbing bulge of Diesel's rubber jockstrap and playfully slipped a claw into the waistband, letting the glowing blue tip pop free as he rubbed against the bulge and caused the latex gatox to swell with muscle briefly. "Seems like you got yourself a fun little gift, what about you Zephyr?"

"I can answer that question," a familiar deep voice replied, one that had been whispering in their minds this entire time as Renzyl stepped forward once more. "Since there really isn't much here to test it on I'll have to tell you anyway; our hybrid friend here can project that avatar of his into virtual worlds. Originally it was a defensive measure against Haleon, though typically we don't have a lot of interactions with him my minions still do enjoy using their computers from time to time. Plus it's a great way to corrupt other people, though you'll all find out about that soon enough."

"Soon enough?" Zephyr asked. "What do you mean Master Renzyl? ...I mean, Master Renzyl..."

"Mmmm, it does roll off the tongue, now doesn't it?" the rubber dragon said with a chuckle as he looked over at the rubber snake slowly coiling around itself. "I believe our last guest it just about finished up and then we can have ourselves a little chat about what's going to happen next. Until then I brought a few party games that I do enjoy playing with the others."

Though they all moved to a different section of the loft where it appeared Renzyl had set up an entire entertainment system they could still see what was happening to Tana, the cobra moaning as the lips of the creature had reached up to his neck. As the combined snake started to lift its body up they could see the head of the condom twist and push its way over the back of the head of the cobra, but instead of completely enveloping it the dark pink tendrils spread over his face instead. Soon those cries of pleasure became muffled as the rubber completely assimilated his maw, stretching over it completely and sucking back into his throat until the cobra's face looked like it was pushing out the latex mouth of the snake that had completely engulfed the rest of his body and could still be seen whenever it stuck out its forked tongue that came from both maws.

Once the snake condom had finished its assimilation it slithered over to the rest of them, who were looking at the creature in a mixture of awe and lust. "So the snake is controlling Tana's body now?" Zenith asked after having been freed from his bindings by Renzyl including the muzzle against his striped reptilian maw, and as he reached up to touch the face inside the mouth of the snake he had to step back as the long latex forked tongue almost wrapped around his arm and dragged him in. "Whoa, hey there!"

"Sorry..." the snake creature said as he pulled his head back. "I'm still having a little bit of trouble controlling these urges of mine, I just had the most delicious image of pulling you in and putting you right next to my body and maybe making this a two-headed thing. Also to answer your question this is Tana, though I control the suit the one you see inside is still me all bound up."

"That's pretty hot," Zenith said, the others looking at the cuff-covered creature and causing him to grin sheepishly. "What? I imagine it's being in a vac-rack all the time."

The comment caused Zephyr to shudder slightly in pleasure, but before he could say anything about it Renzyl stepped forward. "Since we've all started to get a little more accustomed to our forms I think it's time for me to extend yet another invitation to all five of you," he said as he swirled around the punch in the clear plastic cup he had grabbed. "Naturally you can tell that what's going on here isn't exactly what you would call normal in your world, and as such if you wish to keep on the party favors that I've given you will all have to come back with me to my realm. If you say yes then at midnight tonight you will be whisked away from here and no one will even remember that you existed, but should you decide to stay here then you will not only be stripped of what you possess but also the memory of it as well."

"Our memories too?" Diesel asked as he stepped forward, adjusting his jock after tucking his glowing rubber cock back inside it. "Why?"

"I've found that when someone gets something like this taken away from them and remembers it then it tends to lead to complications where they attempt to summon me again," Renzyl explained. "While I'm flattered at the action most realms in the nexus don't have viable means to connect to me and will either connect to one of my brothers or to... something else. In either case it's safer for those involved if I just wipe the night clean, though you'll still have some pretty vivid dreams of the experience if it trips your trigger."

The five looked at one another as they stayed silent, none of them speaking up on what they wanted to do. All of them continued to look and touch their new bodies, the rubber scales and latex bands gleaming underneath the lights from the ceiling. Though they were all clearly happy with their new forms, was the pleasure they were getting worth leaving everything they knew behind to go with this mysterious creature that had entered their lives for only a short while? Granted, that short while has had an intensely profound effect on them as the song on the speakers stopped and switched over to a new one that seemed to prompt a response.

"I don't know about the rest of you..." Tana said as he coiled up his new serpentine body. "But I can't think of anything else that I would rather be right now then this, and if that means going with Renzyl back to his realm in order to continue to experience it then you can sign me right up."

"I have to agree that this feels like one of those once in a lifetime opportunities that you hear about," Zephyr chimed in, flicking out his forked tongue as a grin formed on his face. "Plus I'm very curious to use these abilities that Master Renzyl says I have, especially after experiencing it the first time. So I'm in."

"Ditto," Diesel replied simply with a smirk as he crossed his arms over his muscular chest while Havok just gave a nod and did the same.

"Well if you guys are in I definitely am," Zenith stated, looking at the pink cuffs on his hands. "Plus, like what Zephyr said, I think that attempting to find anything like this in our world is going to be impossible. A rubber body and bands that can adhere to themselves while also creating new straps? Insanity."

"Looks like we're going to have someone swinging from the ceiling here in a few minutes," Diesel joked, the others laughing while the rubber gatox turned his attention to Renzyl. "So what do we do now that we've agreed to join you?"

"First of all I want you to continue to enjoy this party," Renzyl said with a wink as he went over to the elevator and began to close the doors to it. "I have a few things that I need to square away first before we do anything so eat, drink, and be merry."

A few minutes later the music was turned up as Renzyl went down to the bottom floor of the building that he had taken over, looking to see the silver raptor standing there leaning against one of the columns. "It sounds like the party is just ramping up," the synthetic silver saurian said as he walked over to the rubber dragon. "Why aren't you up there enjoying the fruits of your labor? From the sound of it you got five very good minions up there."

"Indeed I do Chrono," Renzyl replied as his head cocked upwards to look at where the others were before looking down at the other male. "In fact it's got me thinking... if we were able to find five so willing to take the plunge like that it makes me wonder how many else are out there, just waiting for the invitation to come and join us in our endeavor here."

"I see where you're going with this," Chrono replied. "Want me to send out some last minute invitations?"

"Yes, but not in the way you're thinking," Renzyl stated quickly, waving his hand dismissively. "This is their party, we're going to let them celebrate it. But while we think of another place to pop-up why don't you see if the connection is strong enough to send a few invites out to others who will help make our newest recruits feel a little more at home? I especially want you to get Auro, we have one up there that is going to need a test of their abilities..."

Meanwhile the five upstairs continued to have a good time, finding that even with their synthetic forms they were able to do things such as eat and drink with everything actually tasting better than before. As they stood about though they suddenly noticed the air shimmering a few feet in front of them. At first they thought it might have been Renzyl taking a short-cut, but as the portal opened they were suddenly surprised to see a muscular rubber allosaurus step out. He gave them all a grin and a wave as a golden rubber naga that looked like he was a water balloon slither out behind him.

"Let's really get this party started!" the allosaurus said as he wrapped his thick arm around the neck of the other creature. "I heard that it was BYOB so I dragged this sweet little thing to share his alcoholic nectar with everyone around. Of course I'm sure the others will have something as well."

Before they could ask what that was meant there were suddenly rubber creatures of all kinds pouring in, all of them bringing in some sort of party supplies from what they assumed was Renzyl's dimension. One in particular caught Zephyr's eye, seeing the rubber raptor with similar glowing lines on his body save that they were a golden hue. When the two locked eyes it was as though something clicked in the hybrid hyena-lizardman's head, and their eyes began to glow and pulse in unison. Their bodies moved on autopilot as Zephyr suddenly found himself in another dimension, this one what looked like a game streamer's paradise. In the middle of it sitting on a swivel chair was the same rubber raptor that he had seen come through the portal.

"I was wondering whether or not Renzyl would make another technomancer to keep me company," the raptor said with a grin. "My name is Auro, and I also was created to endure in this brave new digital age." He went over to the surprised hybrid and immediately began to rub against him, their glowing colorations mingling slightly as their muzzles leaned in close. "But we can go over your new powers later, right now I think I want to explore this new body of yours..."

Meanwhile in the real world the party was in full swing, the rubber creatures jamming and having a good time as they celebrated their newest converts. In one corner a DJ had set up in order to get the music really going and several were dancing on the floor... minus one whom was getting coiled up in the body of the snake condom-covered cobra who had started to hypnotize him with those clear blue eyes. Others were starting to move over towards the serpentine creature as well, hoping to get a little headway in with the new rubber snake. Others had begun to migrate to the food areas and then over to a quieter area of the party where quite a few had gone to talk.

For Zenith he quickly found his place suspended comfortably from the ceiling just like they had promised him, a gag forming in the muzzle to keep his squirming body quiet while another thick strap grew over his eyes. Beneath him Diesel stood showing off his new physique, several others pressing against his bulge in order to make him grow bigger. Soon he was almost level with the rubber lizardman tiger as they continued to have his muscles swell until he was almost bestial as he let out a grunt of pleasure. For a bit he was the biggest creature in the room until another latex behemoth came up to him and kissed the restrained creature on the mouth while pressing his mountainous pectorals against that of the gatox.

For Havok he had found plenty of other drones to interact with, their rubber bodies rubbing against one another as they reinforced one another's programming, stating how nice it was to be a drone. The orange and yellow latex dragon breathed heavily in his gas mask as the others began to sync up with him, their swirling eyes looking at one another as their hands examined the newest convert's body. As the night raged on there was plenty for the five to do, the other latex creatures making sure that they knew that they had made the right choice.

As the party continued on there was one who wasn't participating in the action, Renzyl merely watching before turning back and locking up the trunk that he had brought. While there were still a number of items inside they would remain there for another to choose, or to have him choose for them as he took the luggage and caused it to vanish. Before he did the same thing he looked back at all of his minions and smiled as he knew that soon they would probably be asking him to join in on the festivities. This wasn't his party to have though, this belonged to the five he found that wanted this so bad that it called him there, the dragon knowing that before the night was out they would be bound, rubberized, and eagerly awaiting to head back to the realm. That portal would open for them soon, but for the moment the only one that was going back was him as he waved his hand and disappeared into the air.