Bear Midriff

Story by BlytheFerret on SoFurry

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It had been a shock for Caius, the bite to his hand, the pain that had lanced up his arm, and the longer that he stood there in his bathroom, staring down at the bite, the more he wondered how in the hell it had happened, even why in the hell that it had happened. He had been out, walking along on his own, when he had stumbled across a legitimate bear in the streets, and, shocked, he had failed to run or get out of the way as the massive creature had trundled closer to him, shocked when it sank its teeth into his arm. Grunting in pain, screaming even, the male had just managed to wrench his arm free from the beast and turned to run, not even bothering to check behind him, not wanting to see if his imminent demise was following close behind him, and he just kept running.

And he hadn't stopped until he had reached his front door, slamming against it due to momentum, and he began to furiously rifle through his pockets for his keys, swearing lowly under his breath until he had finally managed to get them out and the correct key in hand. That was it, and there Caius was, staring at himself in the mirror, moving one hand down to gently prod at the bite, wincing and hissing loudly at the pain that once again landed up his arm, his hand jerking away from the wound, but he knew that he would have to grit his teeth and clean it. The last thing that he wanted was to have a bite from a psychotic bear in the middle of suburban streets and no business being there to get infected, and he figured that if it got any worse, then he could always resort to going to the hospital in the morning.

So that was exactly what Caius did, taking his time to carefully run water over the wound, making sure to rinse most of the blood away, before grabbing a bottle of antiseptic and, while screaming through gritted teeth, began to pour the liquid directly onto the wound. He groaned, panting as he tried to catch his breath, the amount of pain that he had just endured enough to drive the breath from practically anyone, and he set the bottle down, sloshing the liquid enough for a little to come splashing out of the bottle. He got under the sink, found some gauze, and he began to apply some bandaging to the bite, finally using the gauze to tie it down, figuring that this would all be enough to staunch whatever bleeding that there might happen to be afterwards, sighing as he sat down in the toilet.

Caius could really only help but wonder, what in the hell had a bear been doing out on the streets, and he continued to wonder whether or not he should call animal control and tell them that there was a wild animal loose on the streets, and that it had already attacked. For now, he was content on getting some rest, already feeling the relief of being safe start to weigh down on him, making him drowsy, and without one more moments hesitation, he was back on his feet and making his way to the bedroom, turning off the bathroom light on his way out. He hit the bedroom, pushed open the door, and stripped down, completely naked, tossing his clothes onto the floor without a care in the world, and he simply dove into his bed, wincing as he slightly jarred his arm, before making himself comfortable, drifting off to sleep.

It was a few hours later when Caius awoke in the middle of the night, soaked in sweat, huffing and grunting in pain thanks to some sort of ache that seemed to be flowing throughout his body, not only in the muscles, but seemingly setting into his bones as well. He groaned as he moved, reaching over to the edge of the bed and pulling himself over to lay on his stomach, and when he managed to do that, he was pushing himself up into a kneeling position on the bed, panting from the exertion, and he climbed the rest of the way out of bed. There was another pain, however, one that was gnawing away at the inside of his stomach, and as he made his way to the bedroom door, the only thing that managed to make it into his mind was how hungry he was, the fact that his wound had completely healed unknown to him.

He made his way down the stairs, stumbling into the kitchen, and Caius managed to pull the fridge door open, looking briefly, before pulling out a pizza box and opening it up, digging into the cold pizza and not even worrying about heating it up, stuffing his face hungrily. And he continued to eat, slice after slice, and when the rest of his pizza was gone, he was getting back into the fridge for some leftover Chinese food, and when that was gone, he was eating even more food than before, clearing his fridge out slowly, seeming unable to satisfy his hunger. And as he chowed down, he didn't notice that he was putting on some weight, and not the normal slow gain over a week, he was actually beginning to put on some actual weight, his jeans and his t-shirt becoming tighter, and when his hunger was completely satisfied, the ache was gone, but the clothes were too tight.

"What the hell," Caius said aloud, glancing down at his shirt stretched around his belly, barely able to hold around him, and the sight of the way that his jeans were now straining against his ass and his thighs, the only feeling that he had was how tight it felt. He grunted, reaching down to grip the hem of his shirt, and with a bit of struggling, he eventually managed to pull it up and over his head, tossing it aside and staring down, his stomach jiggling, his chest covered in a slight dusting of hair that hadn't been there before. His brows furrowed, and as he struggled to pull his jeans off, he could already tell that his chest wasn't the only place that was covered in hair, his suspicions being confirmed as the denim was pulled down and over his feet, also being tossed aside.

Before he could think too much about it, Caius felt yet another wave of drowsiness, grunting as he leaned against the counter, sliding down to lay on the floor, eyes closing, passing out once again.


When Caius awoke, a brief glance at the clock on the microwave told him that he had slept well into the afternoon, and with a groan, he found that the ache was back, his muscles and bones feeling as if they had stretched, feeling that they were threatening to tear themselves apart. He pushed himself up slowly, and by the time that he managed to get to his feet, he noticed a few things, like the fact that he was now taller, much taller, and that he had put on both a lot more weight and a lot more hair, practically being the exact epitome of a bear. And his eyes snapped wide open, shocked by the thought, and by the fact that he had just realized what was happening to him, and he looked down at his arm, pulling away the bandages to see that the but had healed, though the patch was bright red, the hair there a lot thicker than on the rest of his arm.

"I gotta find that bear, see if there is something different about it," Caius said, figuring that if he could find something different about it, he would be able to find some way of explaining what was happening to himself to a doctor or even a police officer or whatever. And so, he moved to head back up to his room, grunting as he struggled to find something to wear, but when he find that even his underwear wouldn't fit him, the pair that he had been wearing torn to shreds thanks to the increased weight that he had put on, he had nothing to wear. And now that he was fully awake, he realized that he was sporting a hard on, his member, which had been six inches before this growth spurt, stood at a proud nine, his fingers just barely closing around the girth, but he could only groan as he felt his touch.

He couldn't help himself, and in that moment, Caius succumbed to his lust, his fingers closing more tightly around his raging hard on, stroking himself slowly but surely, panting with need as he felt his orgasm grow, his body swelling with more fat, more hair as he gave in to his pleasure. His bones and muscles began to ache, but weirdly, it only added to his pleasure, and with a grunt, he pitched forward onto his hands and knees, supporting himself with one hand as the other furiously stroked his once again swelling member. He couldn't be bothered to notice as he endured more transformations, his cock stopping at twelve inches, and if he decided to compare, was probably as thick around as a soda can, and when the changes abated was when he came, shooting an,aside load from his now orange sized testicles, the sack covered in what was clearly fur.

Caius fell forward into his own mess, feeling his seed getting smeared onto his chest and stomach, intermingling with the thick hair that had grown there, and he couldn't bring himself to move for a while, dozing in am out of sleep yet again, all of these transformations taking so much energy out of him. But when he came too, wide awake once again, it was dark out, and he was taller yet again, fatter, and even a bit of muscles mixed in, and he shoved himself to his feet with a deep growl, resigning himself to go out and look for that bear that had bit him. And in his minds eye, he knew that it was a male, a beautiful creature with such power and grace, and the way that it had simply just bit him, almost as if it had chosen him for something, he felt himself beginning to grow hard at the idea, but he pushed those thoughts away.

And he trekked down the stairs, slamming his front door open and stepped outside, naked, and without any care about his home or his belongings, left the door hanging wide open as he moved out onto the streets, his nose twitching slightly at the scents. He went back to where he had been bitten, hoping to see some sign of where the magnificent beast had went from there, but there were no signs of it, just a musky, nature's scent in the air, a scent that only made Caius even more horny, and it was all that he could do not to touch himself. But his attention had been diverted, and he was following the scent, faint though it was, only to find it growing stronger and stronger, until finally he was jumping a fence into someone's backyard, coming to the tree line of the woods that bordered the suburban neighborhood.

The trail didn't end there, but there was something about just walking into the woods in the ,idle of the night that stopped Caius in his tracks, panting softly at how horny he was, how nervous he was to be looking for the sexy creature that had brought him to this point. He shook his head, trying to shake away his thoughts, when the sound of a sliding glass door moving across its track, clearly someone coming outside, alerted him, and he spun on his heels to stare up at a man, staring wide eyed at him, like he was some sort of abomination. And he had no other thoughts or qualms, and he turned to shove into the woods, not even bothered by the chilly air, the hair on his body thickening a bit to protect him from that, and he was back on the scent, his nose shifting and twitching, blackening and becoming moist.

It was half an hour before Caius found the cave, and the bear's scent was so strong on the rocks that he couldn't help himself, that strong, alpha scent driving him to climax, and he let out a long, heavy groan as he fell to his knees, his member erupting, cum shooting all over the grass and dirt. And that was when he heard it, the sound of movement, a deep, guttural growl coming from deep within the cave, and the creature began to emerge from the darkness and into the moonlight, and the human, or whatever he was at this point was entranced. By the sights, the smells, he found himself crawling towards the massive creature, which in turn moved to turn its back to him, and he was there behind it, his eyes on its massive balls, its puckered anus, and he could only just sit there and stare as his fingernails began to elongate into long, black claws.

Caius practically dove in head first, pressing his lips to one of those large testicles, kissing and suckling at it, enjoying the scent of musk and sweat, the taste of dirt and sweat, and after a minute switched to the other, his face pressing out slightly, forming a sort of muzzle. He grunted and moaned with need as he continued, feeling his body growing once again, more fat, more muscle, more hair, bones shifting to work with his growing form, hands and feet slowly beginning to shift into bestial paws, and that was when he couldn't help himself anymore. He was attacking that creatures tail hole, his tongue pressing in eagerly, tasting the creature, tasting him and feeling his own member shift, the tip of his cock becoming more acorn shaped, and his muzzle continued to push out, ears becoming rounded, slightly larger.

The newly made bear mounted its creator, shoving its massive cock into the creature, much to the originals delight, and began to thrust hungrily into him, his member throbbing, making Caius one of the most well endowed bears in the wild, though these two would not be the only ones. He thrust hard, burrowing his cock deeper into the original bear, and when he came, he came with such a ferocity that he practically pumped what could be a gallon of cum into the other, locking his changes in, and leaving a virus to claim yet another victim.