Aden's Story Ch 6

Story by ShadowFist18 on SoFurry

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#6 of Aden's Life

I walked to Derek's room to see if he was home and wanted to get some food before I went to work. As I was about to knock I hear Derek say "No, don't come over. Aaron isn't here but Coty is." I forced the door open and Derek looked at me in shock and disappointment. "Who the fuck was that?" I asked fuming. He then hung the phone up "It's not," he stammered and before he could say anything else I looked at him "Either you tell him now or I do." he sighed and let his head drop, "Give me few days, I need to save some money." I shook my head "Fine, I'll do it." I stormed out of the room calling Aaron, tears streaming down my face. My heart pounding in my chest. I clenched my first so hard that my nails dug into my palms making them bleed.


I laid in bed thinking about that night. It had been two weeks since Derek fucked us over. I'm still not sleeping well because of him. I know Aaron isn't, I hear him crying all the time. It's like six in the morning and I can hear him moving about. I get up and knock on his door. "Come in." he said and I opened the door. He was sitting up in the bed reading and I sat next to him and looked at him "We're both up. I know I'm hungry, I'm pretty sure you're hungry. Let's get cleaned up and then go get breakfast." He smiled and nodded. I smiled and hugged him. "My treat." I said getting off the bed and leaving the room giving him some privacy. It kills me, he doesn't smile much. I mean he does, but you can tell he doesn't mean it.

We sat the restaurant table eating silently, even at twenty-one years old I still don't get the appeal to coffee. It helps you wake up, but all the effort to make taste good. I don't get how even Aaron drink's it straight. It's so biter. "How are you and Carla?" he asked. "We're good. She really wants to meet you." I smiled and for a slight glimpse I saw his eyes light up, even if it was for a split second. "She does?" I nodded "She met Jake and Adrian by accident the other day and it's been bugging me ever since." he smiled and take one of my paws into his and kissed it "It's okay, things happen. I know how important I am to you." I smiled and pressed his paws to my head "I love you Dad." Love you too Fuzz Ball." Aaron barely ate anything, he hasn't been each much. I know he was eating for me.

I sat at work waiting for a customer to come get some pictures taken. I love my job but damn at times it can drag on forever. Also it's the weekend after a holiday, most people aren't out and about looking to spend money. I was keeping myself busy texting Aden and Carla. Her and I were talking about the things I was going to do to her and I said "I need you to sit on my face, rubbing that sweet pussy all over my face. Let me get my tongue in there nice and deep." I then hit send and then a few seconds later I realized I sent it Aden, my heart stopped and I almost threw my phone when he text back "..... That's what I've always wanted to hear. I'll be right over." I couldn't help but laugh. Aden has always been there for me. I remember back when we were in the orphanage he was there when I was sent there, he instantly became my best friend. He was by my side all day, he never left my side. I love him so much. If there is a God he sent me Aden. I looked at the clock and sighed, there was still three hours into my shift. I just want to see my girlfriend. "Can you bring me some tacos?" I asked shooting her a text. "The real ones I make or those fast food 'tacos'?" she text back "Your tacos. I can't eat those fast food ones anymore." I replied. Later she brought me tacos, she was wearing a thigh high skirt and under it she was wearing a skimmpy pink thong. I wanted to pull that to the side and pound her right there, she does this shit on purpose.

Sorry I'm not very good at this whole story thing, Aden tells me how therapeutic writing is for him and I decided I'd give it a try, he's right it's therapeutic. He's better at it than I am. Literature has never really been my thing, my talents lie mostly in music. Hand me a guitar and I'll make it sing. Tell me to write a story it's not gonna be very good. OH! I know what I can write about.

The other day I sat in the living room, waiting on Aaron. He came home and I stood up "Everything okay?" I held a piece of mail towards him. He takes it and opens it, inside is my new birth certificate. I had my name changed from Coty Johnson to Coty Alexander, Aaron's last name. His eyes filled with tears as he smiled. I could tell his smile was one of the few genuine smiles of his. I hugged him tight and he held me tight. "I love you so much Coty. You mean so much to me." he cried as I held him tight. "You mean so much to me too. I won't ever let him hurt you again. If he ever comes back I swear I'll kill him." Again, if there is a God he sent me Aaron. Him and Aden are my two favorite people in the world. Carla is a very close second, but she understands and knows what those two mean to me. Then Aaron smiled and looked at me "You don't have to do that. I'm pretty sure Adrian will know if he's back in town before we do and he'll take care of it." I smiled a bit knowing he was right.