Not All Otters Like Christmas

Story by seraphls on SoFurry

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Well now, since Hallmark is going to be dickheads about LGBT representation, I guess it's time to submit my own Hallmark Channel Christmas Movie - and what better way to get into the holiday season than a Not All Otters Christmas Special?

Kane the Otter hates Christmas because he was cut from his middle school swim team ON CHRISTMAS DAY NO LESS! So it crushed his dreams and made him become a big city business ott. Until one day he finds out he inherited a large public swimming pool in a small town. He flies out, because he needs to be there in person to sign the deed over to the evil land developer who's going to turn it into a parking lot, where he meets Rhys, who still has a Tom Selleckian mustache as a wolf, who shows him the true meaning of Christmas: getting tied up and fucked in the ass so you can't sign the pool over without Master's permission.

Not All Otters Like Christmas

A "Not All Otters" Holiday Special

Kane was a strong, independent man who didn't need... another man. He was an otter who had given up on frivolous dreams of swim team stardom and was now a man of business! He had an important job at a tax agency, and they were just gearing up for tax season - that magical time of year where people grumbled about their holiday bonuses being taxed at a higher rate. That time where people excitedly looked forward to a huge tax refund as though it wasn't just them giving an interest-free loan to the government. For now though, there were forms to ready and tax code changes to brush up on. As the rest of the big city threw itself into the yearly celebration of capitalism, Kane was hard at work in his office. He had no time for the frivolity of the holidays - his boss had been dropping hints all year that if this next tax season went well, he might just make Partner, and the otter was going to throw himself all-in! After all, who needed Christmas anyways?

Kane was often accused of being a Scrooge, but the otter just couldn't be bothered to muster up any fucks to give about the holiday. Years ago on Christmas, when he was but a freshman in high school, his childhood dreams of being a competitive swimmer were crushed when he received the call that he was to be cut from the school swim team. What the hell kind of coach waits to drop that news on a kid until Christmas - when school wasn't even in session - anyways, he always wondered. Still, with the veneer of holiday cheer stripped away, Kane couldn't argue that it at least freed him up for focusing on what really mattered in life: greasing the wheels of capitalism!

With how much preparation he had to do, the last thing he needed to deal with was news from back home. Ever since he moved to the big city, he'd completely lost contact with his uncle, so the news of his passing didn't phase him as much as the thought it really should have. What surprised him, though, was the letter he received:

"My dearest nephew, If you're reading this, then unfortunately my time has come to leave for my next great adventure. Looking back on life, I remember with great fondness all the days you spent as a pup at our community pool. It always greatly saddened me that you never pursued your dream, so I purchased the property years ago and have been running it quite successfully. Now, I am leaving the business of the pool to you. I hope you can recapture some of the spark it once gave you. Your loving uncle, Brian"

The rest of the envelope's contents were just forms from the lawyers detailing the legality of the property and business operations of the public pool now being passed on to Kane. Everything was completely above board, and with no say from himself, he was now the proud owner of a small town business.

"Great," he thought to himself, "'Merry Christmas, here's a huge tax and personal burden, ho ho fucking ho.' I don't have time for any of this, I'm an important tax consultant who has better things to worry about! Like business transactions! Those receipts aren't going to audit themselves!"

Kane gave his uncle's estate lawyers a call to discuss his options. After a lengthy discussion about inheritance and capital gains taxes, the otter decided he would just sell off the business and pocket the money. Apparently there was already a buyer interested in the property, so there would be minimal complications there. The only catch: the signing over of the business had to be conducted in person, back in Kane's hometown three states over. With new changes to the tax code looking next year, he'd barely break even if he waited. There was no choice but to book the flight in the middle of December and was this up over Christmas.

Not wanting his star employee to be distracted at a critical time of year, Kane's boss had no qualms about giving him two weeks of vacation to sort everything out. The badger helped Kane book the trip, and while Kane was in the flight out he even handled setting up the meeting with the developer. All Kane had to worry about was diving back into a world he'd tried so hard to leave behind.

Once Kane landed back in his hometown, he immediately regretted his decision not to bring a heavier jacket. Over the years he'd forgotten about the snowy winters, the small town blanketed in a thin layer of white that took him a minute to reacclimate his walk to. As his cab driver him through town, he saw the familiar scenes of shops decorated in all sorts of classic Christmas garlands, lights, and other sappy memorabilia. His small town went all-in on Christmas every year, which now only served to inspire cynicism where there was once wonder and awe.

"All the more to set the shopping mood." Kane muttered to himself as he directed the cab to the pool he was to inherit. As he pulled up, he felt the memories flood back. So many summers spent splashing around, but ever since he was cut from the swim team, it only represented the death of his childlike wonder. The facility was dark and closed up, but outside stood a snow leopard looking right at home in the cold. He wore his blonde hair in a ponytail, and wore a very light-looking powder blue suit - he looked like he was dressed for the summer, rather than a frigid December.

"Ah, you must be Kane," the feline announced as he gracefully approached Kane, "Name's Enil. Enil Christensen. I'm a big-shot developer 'round these parts, with big plans for this lot - don't you think it'll make for an excellent new coffee shop?"

"Oh yeah, you're the guy Laguna talked to, right? Well I couldn't really give a shit, I just want this place off my hands so I can get back to my life in the city."

"Ah yes, those receipts aren't going to audit themselves back home," Enil joked, somehow making the words sound so much more sinister than when Kane had previously thought them up, "Well the lawyers have the next few days off, but they'll be reopening on the 26th just for us. Shame we'll have to delay this deal just for something as trivial as Christmas, but, well, you know how it is with these small towns."

"Yeah...." Kane winced as he looked to the entrance to the pool, "I'm just going to have a look around. Alone."

"Of course, I'll see you on the 26th, when you'll become moderately richer!"

The snow leopard minced off, and once Kane paid the cab driver, he was left alone outside the entrance to the building. The rest of the parking lot was empty - who the hell thought the middle of December was a lovely time for a swim, anyhow? He rested a paw on the doorknob and, much to his surprise, it opened with no resistance. Chalking it up to the small town vibe, he invited himself on in - he was the rightful owner now, he figured.

Inside was warmer than the otter had expected. There didn't seem to be any heaters running, but the otter found himself much more comfortable in his suit jacket. He wandered down the hallway, empty and silent save for the rolling of his luggage's wheels on the linoleum. He reached the large double doors at the end of the hallway, and there it was.

The roof of the main pool area was a clever design, with a large glass dome that focused sunlight into the water, ensuring it would always be nice and warm. The pool was uncovered, and Kane could smell that aroma of lingering chlorine, almost calling out to him. As he closed his eyes, he could hear the sounds of his childhood, of him and other boys running, laughing, and splashing as the lifeguard tweeted his whistle at them. As he took in a deep breath of that pool air, he felt a serenity wash over him he hasn't felt in... he want sure how long. His eyes slowly fluttered open and he was left in the cold stillness, the surface of the water like smooth glass.

"Fuck it", he thought to himself, "I guess once more for old times' sake."

The otter wasn't fully sure why he'd even packed a swimsuit. He knew it was December and he wasn't exactly heading off to the beach or anything. Still though, as he rolled his suitcase into the locker room and opened it up, there was his plain black Speedo laid neatly on top. He stripped down, leaving his suit jacket, slacks, and shirt in a clumsily-folded pile on the bench, and walked back out in the jet black swimsuit. As he dipped his foot into the water, it was surprisingly warm, the water soaking into his brown fur as though welcoming back a familiar friend.

With a contented sigh, Kane lowered himself into the water, watching the ripples spread out in every direction as he disturbed the still surface. He spread his fingers apart and pulled himself through the water with his webbed paws, and as he launched himself away from the pool wall with just the smallest flick of his rudder, he felt just so natural, like an otter should feel in the water. He wasn't interested in swimming laps though, he just laid out on his back, floating on the surface of the water with nothing but the occasional flick of his rudder to keep him away from bumping into the walls.

He wasn't sure if he had drifted off, or just how long he spent floating, but Kane as Kane sniffed the air he realized he wasn't alone. He opened his eyes, and there sitting in the lifeguard's stand was a large, well-muscled gray wolf in a white tank top and a cherry-red Speedo staring down at him. Kane jolted, splashing as he stood back up, his toes finding the bottom of the pool as he looked back up at the interloper who'd invited himself into the pool - his pool!

"H-hey! Pool's closed isn't it?" Kane demanded, cheeks flushing as he was caught in such an underdressed state, "What're you doing here?"

"Pool rules," the wolf stated plainly, "Gotta have a lifeguard on duty at all times. Insurance reasons and all. You'll probably want to brush up on all that for when you take over the place. I'm Rhys, good too meet ya!"

"Oh, you work here?" Kane found himself quickly accepting the situation, "Guess it's weird they told you about me but they didn't tell you I'm selling the place off. I'm a very important big-city businessperson, and I just don't have time for running a pool in a town that's so obsessed with Christmas."

"What?!" Rhys hopped down from the lifeguard seat and jumped into the water, the still silence broken by his loud splash before the wolf surfaced, "You can't do that, there's so much history here, and so many people use this place! You'd be crushing the dreams of so many young kids, and on Christmas no less!"

"Dreams? Christmas? Hah!" Kane chortled, turning away to stare into empty space as his flashback reaffirmed his exactly three character traits he was allowed to have in a Christmas story, "I gave up on those a long time ago, they may as well realize it now that Christmas and dreams are pointless. The only things that matter are business things!"

"Is that really how you feel?" Rhys swam up to Kane, placing his paws on the otter's hips in a move that would probably have been considered inappropriate if the wolf wasn't clearly a stand-in for Tom Selleck. Kane couldn't help but feel secure with the wolf, as though they were being pulled toward each other by cosmic forces dictated by mediocre, rushed writing, "Well, I think you should come with me. As the big strong man in a Christmas story, I'm going to show you the true reason for the season."

"You're just going to carry me away for some sort of kinky sex acts, aren't you?"

"Definitely. Is that a problem?"

"Let me just grab my clothes."

"Keep the swimsuit on underneath. I like it on you."

The two got dressed again in the locker room, and set off in Rhys's car. The daylight was beginning to fade, and as they drove through the town square the once bustling streets were finding all new life as the scene lit up with lights of every color LEDs came in. As the light shone against the dusting of white snow, the entire town seemed to sparkle, as though it were being animated by the spell of a wizard who took wildly liberal advantage of the ill-defined parameters of the Prestidigitation cantrip. Rhys drove well below the speed limit, making sure that Kane had plenty of time to see the families walking down the sidewalk with starry-eyed cubs, the red panda closing up his coffee shop for the evening, even the nativity scene outside of the church featuring a gaggle of robed figures staring at a baby lion.

"You know," Kane piped up, "Showing Jesus as a lion is actually super inaccurate. Historically, based on the time and geography, he probably would've been a melanistic jackal or something."

"Yeah, but a black-furred Jesus? Doubt anyone would really go for that."

The two rode through town to Rhys's small cottage. The wolf helped Kane out of the car and up the slick, icy steps to his door. The otter stumbled as he reached the top steps, but with a deft paw Rhys was able to catch him by his rear and keep him from falling. Kane squeaked as he was supported by his pert rump, but at he looked up into Rhys's grinning face, the wolf seemed to have ratcheted his charm all the way up to the point where all the self-important little ott could do was sink his weight into that large paw. He felt secure now, as though he could trust this wolf, and with a flirtatious wink, Kane allowed himself to be led inside with wanton disregard for letting a plot develop a slow buildup to sex.

Once inside, the otter's clothes didn't last long. Rhys peeled away Kane's jacket and unbuttoned his own shirt, pulling the otter in to rest his head against that gray furred chest. Kane took a deep breath, the scent of chlorinated pool water still clinging to the wolf's fur as Rhys wrapped his arms around the ott, holding him close.

"So, just what is this 'real meaning of Christmas' you wanted to show me?" Kane asked, looking up at the wolf, "Is this where you take me into your little dungeon and shove candy canes up my ass until I'm holly and jolly enough for you?"

"You do know that is extremely painful right?" Rhys raised an eyebrow, "I mean, if you're into that sort of searing burning pain, then more power to you, but I don't think that's the sort of story this is."

Kane couldn't help but stifle a chuckle as he shuffled out of his shirt, letting his shirt fall in a heap on the ground. As the otter worked to undo his belt, Rhys wasted no time sliding a paw down the tan fur of Kane's abs, down under his slacks to feel the bulge of that tight slick swimsuit, still just the faintest bit damp to the touch. Kane let out a gasp as he pressed his face against Rhys's soft, warm chestfur, melting into the wolf's arms as his pants fell to the carpeted floor.

"Just one rule," Kane looked up and placed a webbed paw on Rhys's chest, "No Santa puns."

"Aw, c'mon," Rhys pouted, "Don't you wanna help me deliver this big packa-"

"I mean it."

With the Kane's words ringing in his ears, Rhys reached under and lifted the smaller ott up by his rear. Kane squeaked in surprise, but wrapped his legs around Rhys's hips, rocking his own hips forward to press his swimsuit bulge against the wolf's abs. The wolf carried his prey off into his bedroom, snatching a faux-fir garland off the mantle as he passed. He placed the otter down on his plush bed and, before Kane could even ask about just what his plans were, he wedged a large plastic candy cane decoration into his muzzle.

"Well, since I've been robbed of naughty list puns," Rhys leered down at his "captive" as he wrapped the garland around Kane's wrists, "I guess you'll just have to be my little pet for Christmas."

Kane's surprised squeaks were muffled by the cheap plastic as Rhys flipped the otter over and hoisted him up by his hips to expose his swimsuit-clad rear. The wolf tugged the back of that speedo down right below those well toned cheeks, placing a paw on the otter's ass and giving a firm squeeze. After a satisfying grope, Rhys drew his paw back and rummaged under his bed for just a moment before rising back up triumphantly. Kane turned his head to look back, and his eyes shot open as he saw the large wooden paddle the wolf was twirling in his paw. As Rhys spun it slowly, Kane was able to see the carvings on both sides: one side showing "knotty" roughly carved into the wood, with the other side showing "nice".

Before Kane could protest at the near-pun, Rhys brought the paddle down across that exposed rear. The otter yelped and flinched, his tail shooting straight up as the wolf swatted at his ass again... and again... and once more for good measure. Kane whined into his festive gag, teeth sinking into the cheap plastic as the paddle left what was sure to be a series of embarrassing welts on his bottom. It stung, but once Rhys was satisfied with his work and pressed his paw back on that freshly-tenderized rump, Kane found the pain to be somewhat cathartic in a way. As though so many years worth of emotional turmoil had been distilled into that sanded and varnished slab of birch.

"Well now, you took that awfully well," Rhys declared as he ran his fingers through that short slick fur, reaching between the otter's legs to grope at the erection that was now stretching out the lycra swimsuit it remained trapped under, "It's almost like you're just meant to take abuse like this."

Kane whined into his gag, but even if his muzzle wasn't occupied, he wouldn't exactly have had any argument against the wolf. Still feeling the words "knotty" and "nice" stinging on his rear, all he could do was lift his hips up as Rhys lowered his jeans and boxers, revealing a thick red canine cock. Kane wriggled against the garland that bound his paws, more for show than anything, as Rhys squirted the contents of a lube packet into his finger before pressing it against Kane's tailhole. The otter gasped as the cold, slick fluid was smeared along his insides, a second finger joining the first to gently stretch that warm ring of muscle.

With a loud moan, Kane buried his face in Rhys's pillows, fingers and toes flexing in anticipation as the wolf climbed onto the bed behind him. Rhys pressed his cocktip against Kane's welcoming little tailhole and, with a possessive growl, pressed his length into his little otterpet. Kane could feel the front of his speedo start to grow damp and sticky with his own precum as the wolf's warm cock rubbed against his prostate. He wanted to reach down and free his own bits, but with his arms bound under him as Rhys rested a paw on the otter's back to hold him down, the swimsuit held him tight.

Rhys started to thrust his hips forward, pushing into his little pet. Kane winced and gasped as he was filled by the strong canine. The thick cock inside him, the wolf on top of him holding him down, the festive decor of the bedroom... the scene surrounding Kane was beginning to break down his barriers that he'd spent so long building up. Was this what he was missing out on this whole time? As he backed his hips hungrily against Rhys's, he could feel the wolf's knot growing against his tailhole - he hadn't made a Christmas list for himself in years, but now all he wanted was that knot to be buried deep inside him.

As he pushed his hips back against the wolf over and over again, there it was - the knot finally popped into the otter. Kane moaned and clamped his teeth down on the plastic candy cane as Rhys, with a few quick, short humps, began to shoot off several thick ropes of holiday cheer into that curmudgeonly otter. As Rhys collapsed onto Kane, securely tied to the otter's soft rear, he reached up and carefully dislodged the gag and tossed it aside.

"Rhys... I think..." Kane panted, flexing his stiff jaw, "I think I get it now. Christmas isn't just about retail businesses meeting their fiscal year projections. Christmas is about spending time with people! It's amazing... in less than twenty-four hours, I've undergone a complete character transformation!"

"Fewer," Rhys corrected the otter, "But I'm glad you finally are getting into the spirit of the holiday. I've been wanting a little pup for myself for a while... what do you say we have a nice Christmas time together?"

"Yes sir, Master!"

The day after Christmas, Kane awkwardly walked into the cold, empty office building where he had arranged to meet with his uncle's estate lawyers and Enil. With most of the employees still gone for the holiday, the building was unnervingly quiet, leaving the otter with no distraction from the knot growing in his stomach - a far less welcome one than the one Rhys had filled him with that morning. The wolf was close behind, just parking his car, but as Kane approached the office door where the deal was to take place, he wished he had the wolf there with him... he wished he had his master.

"Ah, you're here," Enil stood and grinned a toothy grin, "Well, since there's no way you could have a complete reversal of your defining character traits in less than twenty-four hours, I trust we can get this deal signed, and I can call you the demolition crews!"

Kane took a seat at the table, flinching just a bit as he did. He looked back to the door waiting for Rhys to walk in. The wolf didn't forget about him, did he? As the snow leopard slid a folder toward Kane, the otter swallowed hard as he saw the simple contact form:

"I agree to sign over all ownership of the pool and it's property to Enil Christensen"

The lawyers assured Kane that it would be binding, and that they would work out the boring legal details later. As Kane picked up his pen, he thought back over the night he spent with Rhys, the time they shared. He bit his lower lip as he recalled that Christmas so many years ago, the sound of his coach's voice ringing in his ears as he delivered the crippling news. As those childhood memories flooded his mind, he knew what he had to do.

Rhys opened the office door just in time to see Kane scribbling his signature down on the paper. He gasped and rushed to the otter as Enil triumphantly snatched away the contract, letting out a laugh.

"Kane, no!" Rhys gripped his pet by the shoulders, tears welling up in his eyes, "What about the time we spent? Are you saying you still hate Christmas so much?"

As Kane looked up to answer, he was interrupted by s loud thud and Enil's shooting voice.

"What the fuck is this?" he bellowed, "This is a binding contract, is this supposed to be some sort of prank?"

Rhys looked over the quivering otter's shoulders and gasped. Kane had indeed signed the document, but not before crossing out Enil's name and replacing it with Rhys's. As the realization swept over the wolf, Kane reached out to pull his master in and kiss his lips.

"I realized now that I couldn't handle this pool," Kane explained, "But there was only one person in town that would take it and use it to spread joy to everyone."

As the estate lawyers took the contest and muttered their approval, Kane threw his arms around Rhys and kissed the wolf on his lips, his rudder-tail swaying behind him. The snow leopard trudged off in defeat, grumbling into his phone as he cancelled several contractors with non-refundable deposits.

"We did it, we saved the pool from... me!" Kane exclaimed, the situation not completely lost on him.

"You did it, Kane. It was all you!" Rhys wiped a tear from his eye as he pressed his lips against Kane's.

Kane held his wolf tight before his ears fell just a bit. The realization finally hit him that he was only going to be in town for another day or two, and that soon he would have to go back to the city. Not wanting to wake up from this dream he'd found himself living, he held himself close to Rhys's chest.

"I just wish I could stay longer," Kane sighed, " I have to go back to the city, since I've still got another six months left on my lease. But... I'll try to be back! Will I be able to see you again?"

"I certainly hope so," Rhys replied, "Heck, we're still the most popular characters in this literary universe, so maybe we'll get a reboot without the non-con bits that haven't aged well."

"Boy, that sure would just be the kind of Christmas miracle a boy can dream of."

"If you ask me, the real Christmas miracle was inside you all along," Rhys murred as he pulled the otter in close and patted that soft rear, "Seriously, I'm amazed you even got that plug in there before we left."