Whispering Twins (Part 32)

Story by TheWinterStar on SoFurry

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#32 of Whispering Twins

Zayra grumbled as their party marched through the woods, their little cousins were noisy. Drowning out any of natures music and ringing off the trees. Ears back as she looked ahead at Zay and Janis who were pulling up the rear of the group to keep the younger kids from falling too far behind.

Ben was leading, map in hand as the grey and silver fox with pale purple hues directed. He was seventeen, standing just over Zay and nearly twice as broad. His dirty grey shirt and jeans seeming ready to bust a seam if he moved wrong.

Vanessa was similar, but her purple hues were more obvious stripes. Her jean shorts were so small they showed her butt, and her top was so tight her nipples poked out, even the collar of her shirt had been cut to get it to fit over her chest.

Flicking her tail she looked down at the ground to watch her feet, stepping over roots and avoiding muddy puddles.

"Ben," a small fox shouted, "Are we gonna go over by the pond and see the fish-es!?" He was about seven years old, coloring matching Bens with some darker hues.

"Yes Dillian we'll go over the pond so you can look at the fish," Ben said.

Her feet started to drag, grumbling more until she came to a stand still and watched them continue on. I just wanna go home... Sit in our tent until everyone leaves... It's no fun being out here babysitting our cousins and being bossed around by Ben and listening to Vanessa complain about bugs...

"Zay, where are you going," Janis called, halting the group as Ben turned.

Zay padded down the path to her and swept his tail under hers, "It's okay sis, I'm here. Come on, it won't be that bad."

A soft irritated growl passed her lips, "If he pushes me in the water, I'm dragging him in with me..."

"Not if I shove him in first," he chuckled. "Come on. Grandma gave us some bread so we can feed them too."

Picking up the pace they caught up with the group, navigating to the now more active pier across the pond. The few people already there were bird watching or sprinkling fish food in the pond.

Dillan, Charlie and Martha bolted out onto the pier with a squeal. Spooking off the few birds that nestled nearby and the fish from the food.

"Hey, slow down, I'm not fishing you out if you fall in," Ben barked.

Padding across the wood walkway Zayra sat with a bottle of water in the sun, away from the excited kits in the gazebo who were throwing bread pieces. Sighing she watched them smile and play, Dillain even getting down to bat a hand in the water to try and catch a fish. Her attention shifted to Zay, watching him tolerate Janis on his arm and Ben towering over him.

"Any new fights this year?"

"Just a crappy ex boyfriend," he said as he leaned against the railing. Shifting his arm to lay it behind Janis on the railing.

"Ew, you date other boys," Charlie squealed before sticking out his tongue, "Yuckies!"

His ears flicked back, "Zayras ex boyfriend... And keep your voice down you'll scare the fish."

"You'll scare the fish," Charlie demanded before returning his attention to Dillain trying to grab a fish.

Ben chuckled, "What he do? Get too close? You're way too protective of her."

"He was cheating on her, and being a piece of trash. And once she finally did break up with him he kept harassing her. The second time he forced her into a kiss in the hallway."

"Ew," Vanessa gagged, "He might have been dirty."

"Poor Zayra, hope she didn't get sick from it," Janis commented

"Doubt it spread with a kiss," he grumbled. "But I wiped the floor with him and we both got hauled to the office in cuffs."

Janis tilted her head, "What do cuffs even feel like?"

"They're just uncomfortable, but painful if they hit your wrist. Just don't expect to catch yourself if you trip. I headbutt the guy and we both had to be dragged to our feet. Puts a lot of stress on your shoulders too." Zay shifted his wrists a bit as he spoke.

Ben reached over and grabbed one of Zays hands off the railing, "And this?"

Zay jerked his hand away, "I got jumped going to pick up a friend. First time I've busted em open this year." His pulled his arm away from Janis and distractingly rubbed his still scabbed knuckles, "I was a mess too. They didn't play fair. Came home and poor Zayra had to patch me up."

"Doesn't she always," Janis said.

Vanessa snickered, "I swear she's going to end up a nurse."

Zayra huffed a bit and got up, fed up with the sun on her face as she stepped over into the shade to lean against the railing beside Zay.

"So, Zayra how was your school year? Besides an apparently shitty boyfriend."

Dillains ears popped up as he turned, "Ben, daddy said you can't use that word!"

"And you ain't gonna tell him I said it, are you? Or I'll flush your legos down the toilet like you did my keys," the older fox growled.

Zayra shrugged, "Been alright, just glad it's over."

"You two gonna start looking for summer work?"

Zayra laid her ears back, "I dunno..." Her ears rose as an arm wrapped around her and pulled her close to Zays side.

"Probably gonna go back and help mom with factory work. I ain't big on sweeping floors but they can pay me less than a regular worker, and I'm still getting the experience with tools when someone needs a wandering hand."

She curled her tail around her feet and looked at Jackson who had his hood up, ears tucked back and grumbling. "How was your school year Jackson?"

"Terrible," he growled, "All of the teachers were dicks."

Her nose dipped and she leaned into Zays side, regretting even asking.

"It can't be that bad, have you tried not being a butt to others," Zay asked.

"They started it," he huffed, "Can we go back to camp now? It's boring out here..."

Ben crossed his arms, "I kinda like it, away from all the parents and screaming babies. Man I tell you what, Leo's got some lungs on him. Piss him off and he can scream for a whole minute without breathing."

Zay grimaced, "Wasn't Britney like that too though?"

"And the selective shitter," he snorted. "Swear to god, she's three but hates my guts."

Vanessa rolled her eyes, "Everyone hates your guts, you clear a room."

Snickering, Zay gestured at him, "She's got a point dude, they're horrid. And I thought mine were bad."

"He was doing it in the truck," she demanded, "Thank god mom drove separately, she'd have puked."

"When is aunt Catherine suppose to be here," Zayra asked quietly.

"Tonight probably," Ben looked over at Dillian, scooting closer to him. "She had to finish work so she sent dad and the lot of us on ahead. Swore she'd get today off so she could arrive with us but being a district manager sure keeps her busy." He put his foot to Dillians tail end and pushed.

Dillian squealed and flung his paws out, splashing the water and throwing his head up, but he'd only scooted an inch or so. "BEN! I'm gonna tell dad!"

"What? You didn't get hurt and I didn't shove you in," he laughed.

Dillian got up, shirt and face soaked from his own splashing, "But now I'm all wet! You're a jerk Ben! Wait till mom finds out!" The little fox put his fists to his sides, stomped his foot and ran off down the pier.

"Dillian get back here," Ben shouted.

Charlie ran off after, "Dilliaaan! Wait for mee!"

"Charlie, hang on, ah fuck," Zay stepped away from Zayra, "We better go catch em before they get lost."

She trotted up behind with Jackson, Vanessa, and Janis, while Zay and Ben hurried along to catch up with the boys. Her hand down to hold Marthas little paw as she padded along beside her.

Janis bumped her elbow a bit, "Hey, so you dating anyone? I know you had a bad break up but surely some guys got the hots for yah."

Her ears darkened a bit, "Uh yeah... He's... a decent guy I suppose."

"He got a name? In any sports?"

She hissed in through her teeth, red eyes darting away, "Uh... I dunno..."

Jackson piped up, "You don't know your boyfriends name? Are you stalking him?"

Her paws flew up, "No, I just don't know if he plays any sports or anything. It's just that we didn't wanna be public about it... My ex is pretty clingy and we wanted to avoid issues."

Janis rose a brow and looked at Vanessa, then Jackson who knit his brows.

"Don't look at me, you two are talking about boys and dating..."

Zayra laid her ears back, "I just don't like talking about it..."

Martha pulled on her arm, big blue eyes peering up at her, "I have to go potty."

"Okay, there should be a restroom just up ahead," she said, stepping along a little quicker. She could see the old rickety building through the trees, ears pricking as voices drifted out of it. As they approached she could better pick out Charlie.

"But I don't wanna sit to pee," he complained.

"You're not standing to pee, you're too short and I'm not risking your shitty aim. Park it," Zay ordered.

"No, I wanna stand! Daddy would let me stand!"

"I said no Charlie, now turn around and sit down or pull your pants up."

He squealed, "No! I dun wanna sit!"

"Charlie," Ben barked, "For the love of god sit down or lets go."

"Ben, I wanna stand too," Dillian whined.

"Don't you start, I'll let you piss yourself."

Martha tugged, pointing toward the building, "Potty."

Zayra lead her around to the other side and into the 'girls' restroom, "Can you go on your own or do you need help?"

"Help," she said, letting go of her hand and running into the far stall.

Zayra closed the stall door and locked it before helping Martha get up onto the toilet.

"Charlie! What are you doing?!"

"What, I like playing in it," he said.

"Thats gross! Quit it," Zay barked. There was some rustling and grumbling.

"What did he do," Ben asked.

"Playing in his piss stream like it's a sprinkler," Zay growled.

Zayra wrinkled her nose and stuck out her tongue, smiling as Martha did the same, "Boys are gross."

Once finished Zayra helped her down, then lead her out to the small wash station outside where Zay had Charlie balanced on a knee helping him wash his paws. Holding Marthas hand while they waited their turn. Once Charlie was done Zay set him down and sighed heavily.

Zayra held Martha on her knee, grabbing some soap and turning on the water. "So did you have trouble catching up to them?"

He huffed, drying his hands on his shorts, "Not really, Dillian tripped and cried so we brought him here to wash up." His tail flicked over the dirt, "Freaking hate kids.

Ben stepped up behind him, hooking an arm around his neck to yank him forward and rub on his head, "You are still a kid."

Zay squirmed, "Ben! Knock it off! Yer messing up my hawk!"

She smiled, rubbing her thumbs over Marthas soft paw pads to rinse. Marthas not so bad, but mom said I was easier to raise. Maybe girls are just more docile.

Martha rose a paw, "Pretty."

She rose her gaze, expecting a bird or maybe a butterfly, her ears dropping back as the half dollar sized spider bobbed on the web. She let out a shrill and stepped back, right on her own tail and falling on her rump in the dirt. The soft hill making her rock onto her back in the path, still clutching Martha in her paws.

The boys parted and Zay stood over her, "You 'ight?" His mohawk ruffled and messy.

She took a few deep breaths, letting Martha get up off her, "I think so..."

He pet back his mohawk, combing it with his claws to fix it, other hand laid out to help her back to her feet. Then he turned to stand with Janis, Dillian, Ben, Charlie and even Jackson who awed at the creature.

"Gnarly lookin' one," Ben said, "Bet it could take a humming bird no problem."

"I've never seen one so big, "Janis whimpered, clinging to Zays arm. "Makes me crawl..."

Zayra dusted herself off, ears burning hot as embarrassment set in. Fighting tears from her damaged pride and sore tail. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and brushed away the dirt, relieved it wasn't broken or cracked. A claw tracing around the screen protector to knock away more dirt.

Finally they were moving again, Ben and Vanessa up front, Jackson behind them, Dillian, Charlie and Martha bouncing back and forth on the path at every interesting thing. Then Zay with Janis almost glued to his side. She pulled up the rear, accepting it as she continued to brush dirt off herself.

As they stepped out of the woods they stopped at the camp store for a handful of more maps before trekking down toward the campers. Walking up on the adults chatting around the fire and a large pot on the grated grill. They were greeted warmly, and the smaller kids ran ahead to cling to their parents.

Jackson moped away to sit under a shady tree.

"Ben, why is Dillians shirt wet," Frank asked, the silvery black fox stroked Dillians head.

"He was fishing," he shrugged and plopped down in an empty fold up chair.

Zayra rubbed the back of her neck, turning to speak but Janis drug Zay toward the group. Her ears splaying with a sigh. It'll be okay, we can talk tonight... Figure out how to keep it all a secret here... She walked around and over to Uncle Xander who was stirring the chilli.

"Hey hun, hope you're hungry," he said before his ears started to tip back. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just tired from the walking," she said, smiling a bit as he puts an arm around her.

"It'll be alright, chilli's about done, and I'm sure Zays about done dealing with the little guys. I'd imagine after dinner they won't be up long."

She shrugged, "Hope so... If Janis would get off his arm."

He snickered, "She'll grow out of it." He placed the lid on the pot, "Your school year finish up okay? Get good grades?"

"Yeah, only bad grades were in math and science, but I struggle with em anyway." She looked up as Zay stepped away from Janis, but the bear got up and followed him. Her ears flicked, tongue licking over her teeth.

Xanders hand fell on her head, "It's not like she can sleep in a tent with you two." His fingers ruffling her bangs.

She grumbled, "She could, she's family..."

"Pretty sure Allen knows she's got the hots for him, but she hasn't quite settled in to the idea that we're family yet. Give it till Aunt Isabella pops out the baby, then it'll sink in."

"I have to pee," she said, but as she stepped away his paw ran down her back.

"Were you rolling in the dirt?"

"I fell," she replied, ears darkening a hue as he brushed off what she couldn't see. "Thanks Uncle Xander."

"There, don't take too long, grandma mentioned whipping out some games later."

She laid her hand on her phone to double check it was still there, "I won't." Stepping back onto the road she pulled it out and scrolled through her contacts. "<Hey Zay, we need to talk...>"

After a few minutes she pushed open the bathroom door, hearing her phone go off as she waited in line with a few other women for an open stall. Two of the eight out of order, and children were complaining loudly in a couple others.

"<Where'd you run off to? I need help ditching Janis... She stepped on my tail.>"

"<In the bathroom, just not feeling social,>" she replied. Once in a stall she used some toilet paper to wipe some questionable stray droplets away before turning to drop her shorts. With a huff her hands hung between her knees, thumb putting in her line lock.

"<I'll be there in a minute and we can head for a walk around the camp.>"

Phone in hand she crossed her arms on her knees and let her head hang forward. Toes and knees curled inward with her tail tucked around her feet. Enjoying a small moment alone. I know at school we could get away with just saying we were dating and that we didn't wanna state names because of crossed social groups. But here with mom and dad, and all our family curious... If we keep that up, we'll end up just making them more curious. They're family and not in our school, social circles don't matter.

"<Did you fall in,>" Zay asked.

"<No, gimme a minute>"

"<Well I'm gonna take a leak real quick, but hurry up. Janis said she was going to go pee, so she's probably in there. If she spots you she'll ask you to wait...>"

Zayra laid a hand on her face, "<I'll try...>" With a quiet groan she rocked and put her head down to glance under the stalls. She couldn't hear Janis, but could see her feet as she walked down the aisle toward a stall. Quickly wiping, flushing, and buttoning her shorts.

Down the aisle she went to wash her hands and escape outside. Red eyes glancing around hopefully as she brushed her blue bangs from her face.

Zay stepped out, damp paw grabbing her arm, "We gotta hurry and get out of sight. I don't think she'll take long."

She followed him down onto the road and tried to match his quick pace, "Zay slow down, your legs are longer."

He rounded the bend that circled the long way around the campground back to their campsite. "There, I doubt she'll come looking for us."

She huffed, hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath, "I hate having to avoid family."

"Yeah but if I make her cry by telling her off, I'm the bad guy," he said. "So what did you wanna talk about?"

Straightening she looked around, "We're still kinda in public..."

"Eh, I doubt anyone will pay us much mind," his fingers laced into hers, tail sweeping up hers to curl together. "Just keep your voice kinda low and we'll be fine."

Gripping him back she sighed, "Janis asked me about who I was dating, she wanted a name... and I couldn't give one..."

"Oh," he said, nose dropping to watch their feet.

"I just don't know what to say. It's bad enough we have to keep it a secret at school, but how are we going to lie to our own family about it? You know how nosey they are, me not coming up with a name will just make them ask more questions." Her heart was starting to race, stomach cramping, and eyes starting to water. "I'm scared..."

His hand squeezed hers, "Hey, easy... Relax. We can figure it out. Why don't we think up names then? Something easy to talk about to get the fam off our backs."

Lifting a paw she wiped her eyes, "Like?"

"Well," he flicked his ears back, "I can say my girlfriend is... Sabrina. She's... a girl in my english class."

"Sabrina," she rose a brow. "That's the best you can come up with?"

"What? It sounds fancy," he demanded. "I'd bang the fuck out of a Sabrina..."

Nose wrinkled she rolled her eyes, "I guess it works... If it helps you remember it."

He elbowed her, "Me remember? You're the one that forgets when you get flustered. First name that pops in your head, go."

"Sebastian," she said turning to look at him.

"Jesus christ, ain't that some fancy British name?"

Her shoulders rose, "I just like how it sounds."

His purple fingers raked his mohawk back, "Well, I guess it'll work. So what does Sebastian do? Any classes with him?"

She tapped her lip, eyes up on the clouds above, "I think he's in my... Gym class, and he..." Her ears flicked back, rolling her head to look at him, "Doesn't do any sports. Easier to avoid going to extra school events... Long as mom and dad don't ask us to bring em home."

"Rather not... For all I know dad might get drunk and grind on her..."

Her body shuddered, fur puffing up, "Ugh, don't remind me."

Snickering he laid an arm around her shoulders, "I mean... I can't say I blame him, you do have a good looking tail."

She stuck her tongue out at him, "You're weird."

Purring he pressed their wet purple noses together and licking her tongue. "Yer weird, but I love you."

She blushed and glanced around, ears dark with her fingers on her lips, "Zay, we're in public."

"But we're twins, and it was quick so I doubt anyone would think much about it." His hand slid down to grasp her hand again, "Maybe after chilli we can toss out a blanket and watch the stars."

"I guess as long as Janis doesn't wanna get all cuddly with you." She squeezed his hand, walking with him around another corner and into the family camp.

"There you two are," Mary said, "Chillis about done." She was sat in the dining tent with a handful of cards. Henry, grandma, Frank and Allen sat around them, and Uncle Xander across from her.

"Smells good," Zay opened the cooler, "Zee you want a drink?"

"Grape pop please," she said, plopping into one of the fold out cloth chairs in front of the fire. "Did we miss anything?"

"Not really," Grandma stated, laying her cards on the table. "Just me whoopin their butts."

Xander grumbled, "Again? You went down first last hand."

"Hate the game, not the player," the old vixen laughed.

Zayra turned as Zay handed her a wet can of pop, cracking it open, "Thanks Zay." Her ears flicking back as his hand ran over her nose and brushing back her bangs and ears.

"Where did you two run off to," Henry asked turning in his seat.

"Just wanted to walk and talk," Zay stated sitting beside her.

She sipped noisily, watching Xander step out of the dining tent over to a white cooler, "Anybody want a beer?"

"You still drinking that cheap stuff Xander," Clifford asked.

"Don't like it Cliff, you can buy the booze for next year," he pulled out a brown bottle. "Henry, Allen?"

"Yeah, I'll take one," Henry said as he shuffled cards.

"Mom, pop, Mary?"

The three agreed and Allen dropped a bottle from his lips, "I'll take another too."

Loaded with beers Xander made his way back and sat down.

Mary popped open her beer and took a drink, "If I didn't know any better you were trying to get us drunk so you can win."

"You can't blame me, I suck at this," he said.

"Read a dictionary," Grandma said elbowing him with a laugh.

Zayra nestled into her chair with a yawn, setting her drink down in the net holder on the arm. Looking into the crackling flames in front of her, smiling just a little. Sebastian... Her head rolled to look at Zay who was drinking an orange pop and scrolling through his phone.

His red eyes distracted, blue hair combed up out of his face. His tongue peeking past his lips as he tilted his phone, playing a game. Jaw shifting back and forth as he played in the direction of his game. Grey band tee pale against his fur, one knee up in his dusty jeans. Ears lifting his ears as he glanced over at her. "Are you dozing off?"

"Yeah," she sighed.

He scooted his chair a bit closer, the cloth arms pressed together, letting her rest her head on his shoulder and watch him play a fishing game. "Don't sleep too hard, dinners soon."

She wrapped an arm around his, purring as she pulled up her feet to cuddle close. "Never had a problem waking up for food. Especially Uncle Xanders chilli."

It was late before the two climbed into their tent, stomachs full of chilli and Zayra struggling to keep her eyes open. She laid on the sleeping bag with a huff, face in the pillow. All that walking and then food... I'm soo tired. I should probably go pee first but I don't care enough.

Zays paws pushed her a little, "Hey, Zayra, you need to get in the sleeping bag. And put on your pjs."

Groaning she sat up and unbuttoned her shorts, "I just wanna sleep..." Her ears burned as his large paws grasped her hips and started to wiggle her shorts down. A hand on her mouth, feeling a little more awake, "Zay..."

"Shh," he whispered. "Mom and dad are still by the fire with the rest of the family." His warm body pressed to her back, tongue licking along her neck, "I love you sis."

Zayra felt his hands wrap around to the front of her thighs, "I love you too." She trembled as he softly pulled away. Turning as she sat on the bed and watched him toss off his pants, then pulled on his gym shorts. With a sigh, she reached over and picked up her sleep shorts, pulling them up and tying the highlighter yellow shoelace.

She then turned to crawl into bed but a shirt landed over her face, grumbling as she pulled it off.

He stuck his tongue out at her, "No shirt, get comfy."

With an eye roll she grabbed the hem of her shirt and lifted it. Tossing it aside and meeting his eyes, "What..." she demanded quietly.

"Nothing, yer just kinda cute when you strip," he shrugged with a smirk.

Sweeping up a pillow she smacked him in the face, "Dork."

"I thought you two were going to bed," Henry barked from the fire.

Zayra watched Zays ears drop and eyes lift, "We are."

She snickered and crawled into the sleeping bag, smiling with soft tingles through her hide as he curled up behind her. His chest to her back, knees pressing against the back of hers to spoon against her.

His tail slid over their feet, right arm slipping under her neck, the other laying on her arm. "You ready for tomorrow? It's gonna be a very busy day."

Her fingers laced into his, "Which part, swimming or birthday?"

"Both," he replied, whispering into her hair, "I can't wait to see you in your bathing suit... You should try a bikini."

Her hands pressed on her stomach, "Then everyone will see my stomach... You know it sticks out some..."

"There's nothing wrong with your belly, I promise," his nose nuzzling into her. "You're amazing."

She grumbled, "No I'm not..."

He sighed and squeezed her, purring into her body.