Leather Ballad Chapter 8: Knight

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#9 of Leather Ballad

Amethyst bound by tape and terror, waits in hope that someone will save her from the horrors of her kidnappers. Helga isn't too far behind, carrying a flame she thought withered with age.

This was fun to write. There's sex in this, but it's not really the focus (and I apologize for those looking for smut. Future chapters will have more).

With the holidays coming up (I keep forgetting christmas is next week, JFC) this will probably be the last thing I publish this year. So, Leather Ballad will return in 2020, with chapter 9 being either January 3rd or the 10th depending on how things go.

I hope you all enjoy. It's been a trip writing these and I have a lot of thanks to give for it.

Amethyst had taken a lot of humiliating photos, especially after meeting Helga. There was always this fun little rush whenever she posed in a compromising position, whether it was in her dorm or in her Mama's dungeon, and how several pictures were taken to be sent over to the pig or saved for a later date. Even when Helga had the vole tied down, she never felt too out of control. No matter how harsh Helga's words, there was a sense of caring. A sense of safety.

There was none of that here. No, on this hard bed in whatever kind of motel she had been dragged two, Amethyst found no safety or care as the rats took picture after picture while the dalmatian sat on an empty chair with his cock out. Amethyst had thought she knew what humiliation was when Helga tormented her. But that was play, this was just malice.

"Alright, alright," the dalmatian said with a wave, "Enough is enough. Daddy needs some attention and one of you needs to go grab the key from her Mama. Mind figuring out who?"

The two rats looked at each other, then did rock-paper-scissors. May lost, picking rock twice in a row. Sighing, the black-haired rat gave the dalmatian a peck on the cheek and said, "I'll be back soon,"

"Oh I know it," he grinned, "Don't take the kia. That'll draw attention."

As soon as May was out the door, Tay was resting her head against the dalmatian's lap. Tongue out, she slowly lathered his cock, softly breathing on it as it rose higher and higher. Amethyst looked away, mostly to see if she could find anything useful to help her, partially to just avoid seeing two people fuck in front of her.

"You're a hungry girl, aren't ya, Tay?" he teased. Amethyst could hear the wet slurps of the blonde rat bobbing her head already. "Yeah, you're very hungry. You are your sister are always up for my meat. You girls knew just how to make me forget about the dry cunt of my wife. Both so eager to please, it's a wonder you both couldn't get a man."

The dalmatian's stomach growled, "Huh...well shit," he said as he pulled her off with a pop, "I guess I forgot the time. You hungry, Tay? Like, for actual food."

"I could eat," Tay said, resting her face against his cock.

"I'm thinking pizza, maybe pepperoni?"

"Sure, but I already have my sausage."

Amethyst rolled her eyes at the wordplay, forgetting briefly the danger she was in. The dalmatian chuckled, "Alright, but why don't you be a dear and take the bitch back to the bathroom. I don't want to accidentally open the door and give the pizza boy a clear view of our little captive."

"Of course, Daddy."

The vole didn't have much say when Tay grabbed her hair and pulled her off, "Move it, bitch," the rat ordered. Amethyst was unceremoniously tossed into the tub back in the bathroom. She was lucky to not break or sprain anything, but it didn't stop her from cursing under her gag. Tay closed the door behind them, shouting out, "I'm just gonna freshen up a bit, Daddy," before sealing them off from the bedroom.

"Hey," Tay whispered as she kneeled down, "Listen up and listen good. I take it you're smart enough to figure that good old Rudy out there is missing a few screws, capiche?"

Amethyst looked up in confusion, only for Tay to slap her, "Capiche?" she asked again. The vole nodded, letting Tay continue, "Well, he's always been a bit of a nut. But when he had money, me and my sister didn't care so much. With the divorce," she tilted her head, "not so much. Problem is, we haven't had a chance to drop him before this little fuck up. Thankfully, he's fucking dumb. Your mom is gonna get the cops, and May is gonna bring them here."

She grabbed Amethyst's taped maw and forced her to stare straight at her, "Now I need you to promise me something. When the cops come crashing down and free you, I want you to tell them that we were being forced to help, under threat of death. We'll play along, this isn't our first rodeo. And don't try to get all "you should be punished" on us, or else I might just happen," Tay pulled a small key from her bra, a key that Amethyst was oh so familiar with as her eyes widened in terror, "to tell Rudy over there that I found your precious key. He calls May, we split while he fucks you, and we'll be across state lines by the time Rudy's in a police cruiser, if they even show. Though by then, the damage will be done."

Amethyst stared mournfully at the key. The very object of her freedom was the only thing keeping her safe, and it was in the hands of some psycho who took pleasure from tazing and humiliating her. Tears forming in her unswollen eye, she nodded.

"That's a good girl," Tay smiled and put the key into the sink drawer. Amethyst's indigo eyes didn't turn away from it as the rat left the room, nor did it turn when she started hearing the bedsprings creak and the extravagant moans like one would hear in porn.

The thought of freedom didn't cross her mind. The thought of her mother being worried didn't even blip on her mental radar. All the vole could think about was what she'd say to Helga if she ever saw her again.

Then she rested her head against the tiled wall and tried to reevaluate her priorities.


Helga should have called the police. That was the first sane idea that crossed her mind when she got the picture. She didn't, and as she rode on the back of Tabitha's chopper, she couldn't help but wonder why. Maybe it was her protective nature, her dismal view of authority, or the several cans and bottles of beer she had earlier. Either way, her heart was beating harder than the engine being revved as they drove through the streets.

"This is a bad idea," Helga said as they reached a stoplight.

"If I'm right," the wolverine said, "then the motel is only a couple minutes away. Their little drop off is about thirty minutes away from there. Gives us plenty of time to check if she's there."

"And if she's not?"

Tabitha cracked a smile as she gazed up to her tipsy friend, "Then we go to the drop off, find the dumb fuck who kidnapped your bitch, and make them talk. Like the old days."

Old wounds flared in Helga's arm at the thought of the old days. Back when they were in their prime, back when their nights were filled with hedonistic violence or sex, sometimes both. A life of bar brawls, drag races, and petty vandalism. A time, Helga hated to admit and Tabitha would never say, that was behind them.

"If we have proof, I'm calling the cops," Helga said as the light turned green. Tabitha sighed as she kicked her bike back into gear, "Since when did you become the responsible drunk?"

"It comes with growing up. What makes you so sure it's there anyway?"

Tabitha raised her voice above the engine, "Cause the motel on 33 hasn't gotten different bed sheets in years."

"And how would you know that?"

"That's where I take people when I wanna fuck."

Helga leaned into the wolverine as Tabitha turned, "Don't you have your own place?"

"Yeah, but unlike you, I don't cuddle. Or cook breakfast for people the morning after. Easier to just rent a room, fuck, then leave."

"Waste of money, Tabs."

Tabitha didn't respond. Helga didn't press forward as she went back to thinking about how everything was going to go down. If the pig had to guess, the kidnapper wasn't smart or experienced, since she could have just sent the picture directly to the police and they might be able to track the original message and phone. Or something, she wasn't exactly sure how that worked.

But if the kidnapper wasn't smart, then they might be crazy. Helga had seen crazy, several kinds of it. There was the drugged out crazy, whose eyes are bloodshot and moving so fast you can't tell what they're thinking before they stab you. Then there was the psycho crazy, who's eyes felt too alien to read.

Either way, crazy could mean armed. Helga wasn't the kind of person to have a gun on hand, and Tabitha stopped carrying one when she got her job as a gym teacher. If the kidnapper was armed, then they were at a disadvantage. If the kidnapper wasn't alone, they were at a disadvantage. The police were looking like a better and better option the more she thought.

That all drained away when she saw Amethyst's Kia parked out in the lot of Red Roof Inn. Cold shivers crawled down her spine as bubbling rage climbed up. Her vole was behind one of those doors, tied and gagged while some scum stain of the earth threatened to...to...

She nearly jumped from the bike when they parked, leaving Tabs to catch her chopper as Helga headed across the parking lot in her work boots. Each step shaking with fury as she imagined what was happening inside, and what she'd do to whoever touched her vole.

"Helga. Hey, Helga!" Tabitha grabbed her friend's jacket, nearly getting an elbow to the jaw on reflex. The wolverine ducked away and put herself before Helga, trying to keep the ferocious pig at bay.

Helga grit her teeth as she spoke, "She's in there, Tabs."

"Why? Just cause the car is parked in front of it? We need to be sure, Helga. You know how this works."

"There's no ti-"

"We have an hour," Tabitha cut her friend off, "If that belt is as good as you think it is, and the kidnapper is as dumb as I think they are, then there's no way she's gonna be fucked in the minute it'll take us to double check."

She was so close. Helga's fists tightened, Amethyst could be right behind that door. Right under the clutches of someone whose face needed to get caved in. But, and she struggled to admit it, Tabs was right. Amethyst could be in there, and they needed to be sure. They only had one shot if they were going to do this like the old days.

A bell rang as the glass door clashed against it when the two headed into the front counter of the motel. A bored looking golden labrador shifted through his phone as Helga and Tabitha walked over, not even tilting his head to acknowledge the two.

"Welcome to the Red Roof Inn, do you have any rooms ordered?"

"The kia out front," Tabitha leaned into the counter, "Who's it belong to?"

The dog cocked a brow, "That's private. Look if you're not here for rooms then I have to ask you to leave."

"Who came with the kia?" Helga asked, leaning closer into the counter and staring the younger Labrador with her green eyes, "And what room are they in?"

"C-can you guys leave?" The receptionist stuttered as he backed away, "I'm not afraid to-"

I don't have time for this.

Helga grabbed the man by his shirt collar and slammed him to the counter. He flailed his arms in panic, but Helga didn't let age stop her from going to the gym, letting her easily hold down the frightened hotel clerk.

"The kia. Which room?" she asked coldly.

"I-I don't know! I'm not good with cars."

The pig rolled her eyes and pulled the dog through over the counter. Tabitha smirked as she watched him struggle in Helga's grasp as she dragged him outside. Helga wrapped her arm around his neck and pointed to Amethyst's kia, "That, right fucking there. Which room is the owner in?"

"R-right in front of it," The Labrador gurgled.

"You sure?" she asked, her tone seemingly enough to still his struggle in fear. The Labrador nodded as much as he could in her grip.

"Good. Call the cops." she said as she let go. The Labrador scrambled back inside, swerving passed Tabitha like a gold medal athlete.

"We've got about what, five minutes?" she commented. Helga ignored Tabs as the pig headed to the door. A red painted door with the numbers '08' stood before her and Amethyst. The window shades were down, so she couldn't peer inside. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she knocked once.

Then again.

Then she slammed against the door.

"I'm fucking coming, ya damn pizza boy!" shouted a masculine voice from behind the door. The pig played out what would happen in her head. He'd open the door, she'd kick it in and rush past him to find Amethyst. Tabitha would cover her and deal with whoever else was in the room. Helga had seen the wolverine take on five leather wolves alone before, she could deal with whoever was inside.

The door opened, a chain held it from opening all the way, "You're not getting a tip-"

She kicked the door, snapping the chain and knocking back whoever opened it. Her mind zeroed in on the dazed dalmatian on the floor, surrounded by clutter that fell when he hit a dresser in the shock of the door flung open. Her heart beat rapidly as she reached for him. There was a scream and a door slam, but her body didn't register it as she sat herself atop the dalmatian and grabbed him by his shirt collar.

"Who the fu-" Helga's fist interrupted him.

"Where is she?!" Helga roared as she slammed a fist into the canine's face. The pig repeated her question with every strike, pushing past any guard the dalmatian put up. Each strike was only held back with the knowledge that he had Amethyst somewhere. Helga knew that she should be searching the room, looking for her vole.

But the fire inside demanded blood.


There was a shout outside the bathroom, followed by rushed steps and panicked handling of the doorknob. Amethyst pressed herself further back into the tub as Tay entered the bathroom and locked the door behind her.

"Why is she...shit...shit!" the rat exasperated, holding her head in her hands while trying to process what was going on. Amethyst avoided eye contact, trying her damndest to shrink herself down as much as possible. From the shouts outside, Amethyst swore she heard someone familiar.

"Real fucking great idea, May. 'No way we'll see that bitch again. Doubt she'll even remember us' well, sis, irony is pummeling our former meal ticket to a bloody pulp and you ain't even here to appreciate it." the rat began to rummage through her purse, muttering to herself on where 'it' was supposed to be.

Through the walls Amethyst could hear a struggle. The sound may have been muddled, but the vole's heart leaped when she realized who was shouting. Helga was out there, looking for her and hopefully beating that bastard within an inch of his life.

"Why is she even..." Tay turned to Amethyst, "No...no fucking way..."

The vole screamed through her gag as the rat came closer. Tay seized her tapped up muzzle and pressed her up against the tiled wall to silence her, but Amethyst wouldn't shut up. She was here! Helga was so close to her, so close to saving her.

"Shut up, shut up!" Tay drew the taser from her purse and hovered it up at Amethyst's swollen eye, "Unless you want to really lose that eye, you're going to shut the fuck up and-"

A knock on the door halted the rat's threat. As the knob shook, Tay grabbed Amethyst by the shirt and wrapped her arm around the vole's neck, holding the taser to the girl's face, letting the crackling sounds of electricity play as she frantically she whispered, "Remember, you owe me for keeping your precious key hidden." her hand holding the taser shivered and her breaths were ragged, "Rudy out there would be fucking you right now if it wasn't for me. So be a good little girl and we'll both walk out of this ok."

A lot of feelings boiled up in Amethyst. Fear from the taser, rage from the demand that her kidnapper was owed anything from her, and, based on what she could hear from outside, joy at how that dalmatian was being beaten within an inch of his life. But above all was hope, hope that her Mama would kick that door down and save her from this rat. That she could end this night in her arms and wake up tomorrow thinking it was just a nightmare.

It wasn't Helga's voice that came through the door, "So, is the cunt in there?"

Tay's eyes shifted to Amethyst, then to the door, "You mean the vole?"

There was a pause, followed by hushed mumblings. Rapid footsteps followed by a heavy hand braced the door, "Amy are you ok?!" Helga asked. Amethyst shouted through her bound muzzle, but nothing intelligible came out.

Helga slammed the door, "If you don't let us in right now I'm gonna drag your ass across the 95 by a chain!"

"Not until you promise to let me go." Tay argued, pressing the taser against Amethyst's snout, thankfully not turning it on, "I just got dragged along with this. I'm innocent."

"Innocent enough to lock yourself in the bathroom with the victim," the other voice commented, seeing past Tay's lies, "Look, my friend and I really don't give a fuck about you. We want the girl. So, why don't you unlock it and save us the trouble of having to come get you?"

"H-how do I know you won't hurt me?"

Helga spoke this time, "Give me the vole and you can walk away. I just want my girl."

The next second felt like an eternity to Amethyst. Tay released her, letting the bound girl stagger herself to the floor as the rat reached for the knob. As soon as it unlocked, Helga and a stocky and shorter brown furred wolverine slammed it open, their green eyes staring down at them. The wolverine had a sense of accomplishment to her gaze, giving a smirk of victory as she watched the rat put her own hands up in defense.

Helga's gaze terrified Amethyst. There was a blankness to it, like the eye of a heavy storm. It softened when it hit the vole, with Helga reaching for her immediately to embrace Amethyst. Tay pushed herself out of the way, flattening against the wall as the pig whispered, "I'm sorry this happened. I'm here. I'm here."

Amethyst's eyes teared up as she nestled into Helga's arms. From the corner of her eye she could see the rat skedaddling out of danger as the wolverine followed her out of the door. For a brief second, Amethyst wondered who that was or what she was going to do. But she let the thought pass.

The nightmare was over.


A gunshot erupted, followed by a grunt and a dreaded voice shouting, "You fucking bitch!"

Helga saw Amethyst gaze into the mirror, and try to shout something. Years of fights gave the pig an inclination on what was coming. As soon as she heard a foot hit a tile, Helga was on top of the dalmatian, grabbing his gun hand and ramming it so hard into the frame that she could hear a fleshy crunch. His profanity filled screams were cut off by an uppercut, sending him backwards onto the bed nearby.

Tabitha was slumped up against the wall when Helga followed through, hand over her side but not bleeding heavily. Helga grabbed the gun off the floor, a small little colt with barely any stopping power. Tabs had been hit with worse, and from the corner of her eye she knew the wolverine was keeping it together.

The porcine woman drove the butt of the gun into the dalmatian's face. Over and over until she started to hear bones breaking. Familiarity returned to her with every swing, filling her body with the same heat she'd felt in all those bar fights and outdoor brawls she'd experienced over the years. Not the fun ones, the ones were she was absolutely willing to lose it.

"Drop your weapon!"

Helga dropped the gun on instinct, putting her hands behind her head and standing tall. The dalmatian sputtered something, but no one could understand the mess of broken teeth and bone. Two police officers, a wolf and a bison, entered the room with handguns drawn.

"Down on the ground!" the wolf ordered, and Helga followed, saying nothing as he pulled out the cuffs. She peeked into the bathroom as the wolf locked the cuffs around her wrist, seeing Amethyst looking at in confusion and terror over what was happening.

Helga smiled. Everything was going to be ok.