Lion and the Lab: Part 5

Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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This is the next part in my Lion and the Lab series with Kanya from Sofurry! The testing continues and there's only one place left down below...

Kanya howled at that. What more could be done to her? The answer to that came in the form of a gentle nudge to her tailhole. This time she didn't even entertain the idea that nothing was going to happen.

The suit surged into her again, another cry escaping her muzzle as her tailhole was forced open, a thick spire of latex thrusting into her. She arched her back, fists flying to her ass as a few spasms of pain ran through her from her overstretched tailhole. The now-familiar rippling sensation ran through the suit, flowing into Kanya's body. It went on for a lot longer than it had before and the lioness groaned, feeling overstuffed as her body was slowly filled.

After two minutes, the rippling stopped, the latex stilling but she knew that it wasn't over yet. Sure enough, something began to happen. Her ass was already kept spread by the length inside her but the latex began to expand again, forcing the ring of muscle open further and further. The discomfort grew even more swiftly and more mewling sounds soon came from the lioness as she squirmed. She struggled to keep her tailhole relaxed but it was becoming more and more difficult. Every time that she clenched down, another ripple of pain ran through her.

She began to cry out louder, pleading wordlessly for the wolf to come back as she writhed and squirmed on the floor. The bulb at her tailhole swelled a little further and a muffled how burst from her as her body couldn't stretch anymore. Sensing this, the growth stopped, leaving Kanya whimpering and whining.

The bulb began to move further into her, although the bit that kept her ass spread was much thicker than was comfortable but at least it wasn't as painful as it had been a second ago. The lioness was soon more concerned with the bulb travelling deeper into her. It felt weird, stretching and moving her insides around. It was uncomfortable as well, but nowhere near as painful as the first part had been and that Kanya was grateful for.

Perhaps it was the more indistinct feeling or that it wasn't as uncomfortable, but this part seemed to go more quickly than the others. She lay curled on the floor, groaning softly occasionally when a spasm of discomfort ran through her, when the latex finally stilled again, this time not starting up again. Still, it took Kanya a full minute before she sat up, giving a small groan. Her body thrummed with discomfort, her lower body aching in a hundred different ways. She rubbed her fists over the swell of her still-large belly, then ran them down further, a minute squeaking sound following the movement.

The lioness felt stuffed; the latex had filled her in every way that it could, without exception it seemed. Moving made her groan weakly, the unyielding spires inside her rubbing and moving as the lioness staggered to her feet, leaning rather heavily on the wall with one hand out to steady herself.

She jerked her head up and almost fell over as the door to the room reopened, the black wolf striding back into the room. She clapped her hands together, looking at Kanya with a predatory smile. The expression made the lioness shrink back against the wall.

"Excellent results," the wolf said, coming closer. The wall pressed up against Kanya's back; she couldn't go any further. "You're a roomy lioness," the wolf continued. "My name's Rayla, although I very much doubt you'll be speaking any time soon."

She reached forwards and trailed her dull claws down Kanya's front. She shivered and made a quiet mewl; the claws seemed to go straight through the latex, running through the short fur beneath. She made a louder noise and jumped as one claw went lower, raking bluntly over her clit. Her hands flew to her crotch, trying to push Rayla's hand away.

The smile dropped from the wolf's face faster than should have been possible. Her hand flashed forwards again and this time she pinched the lioness's clit roughly between two claws. That drew a muffled, whimpering howl from Kanya who fell her to knees, trembling and she tried to rub at her aching, throbbing clit.

"You'll learn not to do that," Rayla crooned, the soft smile back as she stroked Kanya softly on the head. She was silent for a little longer then, "You're a cute thing. You know, there are additional things that we could do, maybe some fun things." The dangerous smile was coming back. "I could use some fun time."

Kanya's eyes widened and then Rayla was yanking her roughly to her feet by the arm. The wolf was strong, much stronger than Kanya and she was dragged effortlessly to the door, her feeble resistance going seemingly unnoticed.