An Encounter of a Different Kind

Story by cloe_husky on SoFurry

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Me and a friend set this as a roleplay, but I will be posting a better edited version if I get positive responses :3 Thanks to for making this story possible! :3

Also, Reyn is a feral in this story, shi is normally an anthro!


As monti took his annual walk, around the forest, the sky was pure grey, foretelling of the storm to come, his family and the village told him not to go but monti being the rebel that he was went anyway, he was just going to take alittle walk as always and then as he looked he couldn't believe what he saw "what it can't be...fucking mind playing tricks on me.." he had believed he had saw a unicorn, and then as he conitnued to walk, he looked around and releazed in his thinking he had mixed routes and was lost as a huge crack of lightning was heard.

Reyn had just gotten out of her little home in the deeper part of the forest, where the mystical portion of creatures usually dwelled during the day. Shi had decided to go on a little trip to stretch hir wings a little, and maybe find some victim to satisfy hir needs. The rainbow and pink unicorn was in heat, and shi needed to be satisfied. As shi flew, shi saw in the distance a lightning bolt, as shi soon decided it would be safer for hir to get to the ground as soon as shi could, unaware of the presence that would only be a few feet from hir when she decended down to the safety of the ground.

As he went to a small patch of grass as it began to pour out, his long hair getting drenched as it turned to silk and he slicked it back against his furred head and sighed, then he heard the sound of wings flapping and got abit scared, their were legends of terrible creatures living in these woods, and as he got up he then ran in one direction, the rain and lightining confused his hearing and instead of running the opposite direction of the noise, he ran to where it was coming from.

Shi soon got to the ground, folding her wings up to keep them from getting drenched by the now pouring rain, as shi shook hir head a little to dry off. As shi walked around the clearing where shi had landed, a soft sound of a twig cracking not too far from hir made her canter to the farthest end of the clearing, unaware of what it could be, not knowing this portion of the woods very well, and what type of creature could be lurking around this early in the day. Hir ears moved towards the sound as shi slowly walked forward, just enough to hear better.

He felt so odd in these woods he whimpered and began to say under his breathe "Fuck, how the fuck do I get out of here..." he said as he saw a rock up ahead and then sprinting as fast as he could knew he had to leap over the large rock, he leaped over it with ease and smiled abit but then found that it was a much longer rock then a mere stone, and as his foot touched and landed, the top of his feet on ground but the middle last part still on the rock, he tripepd and rolled out into the clearing, shaking head as he got up abit, he was on all fours right about now as he began to wide the dirt off his face.

Shi hid behind a tree as shi looked at the strange anthro now in the clearing where shi had just been. Seeing it had to have been male, considering the build of the wolf and the height, hir thoughts running through hir head, thinking of what luck to have found someone to satisfy hir. The feral unicorn had waited until he wasn't looking to show hirself, walking over slowly and stealthily, which wasn't easy for an equine of hir size. As shi neared him, shi decided to be playful, nudging his back just slightly with hir rainbow striped horn, being careful not to hurt hir prey.

He felt hir horn up against his back as he was abit shocked and then he turned his head slowly to her and commented with a whimper, a low but easily heard whimper, he was to afriad to even speak but then as he saw that it was just a harmless unicorn he then smiled and spoke as he gazed upon her. "A-And what is it you want...?"

Shi almost giggled, but held it back as shi nickered softly to him, before the lust began to fill hir eyes, deciding to speak as shi heard him ask what shi wanted, "I want you" shi simply said, nudging him once more as shi used hir horn to hold him down, while lifting hir front leg up and trying to push his pants down the best of hir ability, wanting to mount him this moment.

He was abit scared and began to whimper more as he looked at her "....Waant me for what...??" he said and then as he felt his pants get shoved down as he let out a high pitch yelp and began to cry "p-please stop this..." he said with plenty of whimpering as his ass was exposed.

As shi was feral shi didn't smile, just whinny a little, an evil gleam in hir eyes as shi took charge, not listening to his pleas to stop, hir cock beginning to harden underneath hir body. Hir cock was bright pink, like most of the rest of hir body, and flared at the tip. It was about 30 inches give or take, probably too much for the anthro wolf, but shi didn't care, shi wanted to fuck someone, and shi chose him. Shi kept him held down as shi leaned forward, putting hir front legs on top of the rock as shi tried to steady hirself, "Now, shut up, you'll take it and enjoy it, don't make me hurt you more than this will" shi almost growled at him, as shi moved to position hir cock to his tailhole, beginning to press forward.

He whimpered more and then put his head down as he gave in rather taking the fucking then being killed, but he didn't see the size of the cock and as he felt it against his tight pink pucker he gasped out "what the..." before he could say anything he felt it enter him, the girth spreading him wide as he let out a "Oh god...a-ahh.ahhh" he said gasping out as he felt the cock go deeper and deeper inside of him.

Shi let out a grunt of pleasure, soon feeling the tightness as shi took his ass, beginning to thrust into him, forcing him to take hir whole cock. Shi didn't want to permanently hurt him, so shi took hir time, slowly thrusting at first, then beginning to gain speed as hir lust took over, enjoying his tight walls wrapped around hir cock, making hir moan out in pleasure, before shi leaned hir head forward, almost whispering in his ear, "take it! be a good bitch and take my cock, you're all mine now".

He howled in abit of pain and then ended it with panting as he began to shake his head and spoke"N-noo..." then as she began to pick up speed, he couldn't help to get hard as he shoke his head and spoke out, still panting "f-fuck.." then after a few more thrusts he finally gave in "y-yeeeess..." and then let out a moan, he was so dissappointed with himself.

Shi leaned into him, giving him a little nip on the shoulder to show hir dominance over him, as she let out another moan of pleasure, increasing in volume as shi thrusted faster, soon feeling almost hir entire cock buried inside his tight ass, all 30 inches of it. Shi held hir nip on his shoulder, biting down just a little harder as shi enjoyed taking him, feeling his walls clench down on hir huge cock, making her gasp and speak lustfully, "that's it, take my whole cock in your ass pet, I know how much you're enjoying it"

He panted, rolling his tongue out of his mouth as he began to moan and pant and speak "y-yes, fuck me... fuuuck mee.." he said as he began to feel that massive cock of hir's bury so depply into his ass and moan out as she fucked him, hir new bitch.

Shi grunted once more in pleasure as shi took him, hir cock beginning to throb in his ass as shi whinnied, biting down hard on his shoulder as shi took claim of him, while yelling out loudly, "Oh god, I'm gonna cum in your worthless ass slut, beg for my cum!" Shi continued to begin to pound his ass, wanting to unload her cum deep inside of him. Her cum was magical, whoever got it inside of them, whether mouth, pussy, or ass, became instantly addicted to her, and her cum, wanting as much of it as possible.

He whimpered in pleasure looking up at the huge unicorn, he knew he would never return homeone minute, he was just walking, lightning struck and now he was under a massive pink unicorn with a massive cock.. He didn't want to admit that he himself was close to cumming. As he felt hir cock throb, enjoying the feeling of being stretched by hir massive member and the scary thing was he didn't understand why, usually he would get pain when being stretched by with her he felt more pleasure as if he was already getting addicted to her and as he whimpered loudly and yelped out, "please cum in me Mistress, please!" as he panted needing her cum.

Shi whinnied loudly as shi began to cum, throbbing hard in his tight ass as shi unloaded hir sperm deep inside his intestines. She heard him howl out as he came as well, but as soon as they both had finished, shi moved off of the rock, gently grabbing him by the scruff of his neck as shi decided to keep him... as shi took him off to hir part of the woods where hir home was....

to be continued?