Experience: Opening Up (Part One)

Story by JS Taurbane on SoFurry

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#2 of old writing

friendship, transformation, bull

Experience: Opening Up (Part One)

"Hey Tanner, what are you doing this evening?" Tom asked, as the two guys started up a dusty road on a warm Friday afternoon. School let out, and they were finally free for the weekend.

"I don't know, I thought we could play some video games at your house." Tanner liked playing video games at Tom's house after class, which was a chance for him to escape reality for a little while.

"Aww c'mon, you said we could go over to your house this week." Tanner had been promising Tom to go over to his house for several months, ever since Tom and Tanner became friends. Tom moved into the small Midwest town several months earlier. The corn fields were at full height, obscuring the view of the horizon except up and down the rural road. Tanner would have made a good football linebacker, he had large frame and stood over six feet tall, which made Tom look small by comparison. Tom had a small but muscular body, standing five feet, ten inches tall.

Tanner sighed and hung his head. "I really don't think that's a good idea right now."

This annoyed Tom, and he couldn't figure out why his friend would never let him come over to his house. It was a huge ranch set back between two hills, and he rode by several times on his bike to check it out. The place was worth several million, he was pretty sure of that.

Tom gave up riding his bike to school in favor of walking with his friend. Tanner wasn't allowed to ride a bike to and from school, only because his father felt he needed to lose some weight and walking would be the best practice. Tom's house was closer than Tanner's anyway, so he didn't mind.

Tom decided to change the topic, "Hey did you see Nikki today in her gym uniform, she's so fucking hot..." Tanner didn't answer. He was lost in his own train of thought, staring at the ground as they walked.

"Hey, ground control to Major Tom!" Tom said with a grin then jabbed his friend hard in the ribs with a finger causing Tanner to jump and quickly face Tom.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Tanner said with a scowl as he rubbed his side.

Tom laughed, "Dude you're the one in outer space! What's wrong with you? I'm trying to talk about girls and your ignoring me, like some sort of fag."

Irritated with both the jab in the ribs and being called a fag Tanner blurted out, "What difference would it make? I could be dead for all anyone cares, and it wouldn't matter."

Tom recoiled from Tanners outburst. "Sorry dude, you just seem more tense than usual, you need to rub one out or something."

Tanner blushed at Toms remark and started walking again, he muttered under his breath. "Yeah... right."

They walked in silence for another mile before Tom started talking again. "So, Nikki huh? Isn't she some piece of work?"

Tanner sighed and stopped walking again, moving off to the shoulder of the road and sat down as he dropped his backpack on the ground between his feet. This puzzled Tom, and it was obvious that his friend was upset. He sat down next to Tanner and asked, "Are you alright?"

Tanner rested his forehead on his knees and sat quietly, then muttered. "No, not really."

A few minutes went by as they sat there, listening to the summer insects before Tom finally asked, "do you want to talk about it?"

Tanner lifted his head from his knees, stared into the corn stalks he obviously in another realm. Tom put his hand on his buddy's shoulder.

"Hey, it'll be alright, whatever it is."

That snapped Tanner back to reality, and he looked at Tom and said, "I'm not allowed to... get my rocks off."

Caught by surprise, Tom wondered where the hell that came from. He thought about it for a moment. "So, you never..."

Tanner blushed and looked away. "No, never, my family doesn't permit it. I'm of breeding age now, and it's difficult to deal with. Even like this."

Tom was puzzled at his cryptic reply. "Okay. What the hell does your family have to do with it? What would they know, anyway? And what does 'breeding age' mean? No wonder you want to rip someone's head off, you're all pent up!"

Tanner was distraught at Tom's line of questioning. "Do you really want to know?"

Tom just nodded.

"Fine," he said as he stood up, Tanner grabbed his backpack and head off into the cornfield. Tom followed along though the thick stalks without saying a word, and they finally stopped about fifty feet into the field.

Tanner then began knocking down rows of corn stalks with his feet, clearing several about ten feet in length and width. He looked at Tom again and asked, "Are you sure?"

Tom nodded and asked, "What the deal with the corn?" Tanner just looked at Tom and began taking off his clothing.

"This better not be some weird gay shit." Tom more or less blurted out.

Now with nothing more than his boxer shorts left, Tanner looked towards Tom who looked back. Tom secretly enjoyed seeing him naked in the locker room showers, catching a look when he could get away with it. Tanner turned away, his gut hanging over his underwear, a soft

sprinkling of black body hair over his chest and belly which matched his crew cut.

"Ok, now..." Tanners face went red as he doubled over and let his mind locks release his real form.

His body began to grow taller and leaner, his muscles double and quadrupled in size as his fast transformation progressed. He became covered in thick short black fur, which glistened a silvery shine in the sunlight. Tanners face grew longer and wider and is formed out into a more bovine shape, his cream-colored horns sprouted from his head as his ears grew longer. Tanner coughed loudly and stood upright while holding his head his legs extended and become digi-grade. His feet converted to black hooves with slight cream colors marbled with black.

It all happened so fast; Tom barely had time to react. "Holy shit!" He exclaimed, a he stumbled backwards, falling on his rear.

Tanner grunted deeply as he continued to change, the sound of his boxer shorts tearing at the seams as his body became twice the size it was before.

His genitals were now fully exposed as they dangled out between his well-muscled legs, large bull like testicles with a think member hanging over them.

He let out another deep grunt and then flexed his powerful muscles, his long slender tail swishing behind him. Reaching eight feet at least, he was a wall of flesh, horns, fur and everything that defined as male.

Frozen from shock, Tom sat silently and stared at the beast of a male towering before him. The wind rustled the corn stalks as Tanner slowly turned towards him, the powerful musky scent carried with the breeze. Toms mind raced, unsure of what to do. Unknown to him, the bovine scent was already having an effect on him, and he couldn't help it as his fear was suddenly replaced with sexual desire. Tanners thick black genitals swayed heavily as he lifted his hoof and planted it back in the dirt with a thump, waiting for a reaction. Slowly Tanner walked up until he stood over him, Tom unable to stop staring at his crotch.

Tom wanted to speak but stumbled over his own words. "You.. you.. your.. a.. a..." Understandably, he had difficulty wrapping him mind around what he was seeing.

Tanner let out a heavy sigh and stepped away from Tom, turning his back to him. "A monster," he said with a deep bass voice, his bovine ears and heavily muscled shoulders drooping.

Tom was now staring at Tanners backside, the muscular thighs and round rump, the cleft hidden behind the long tail. His sexual desires grew even stronger, his loose jeans hiding his aching erection. The scent of the male was so strong, it was starting to control him entirely.

Taking a deep breath in, Tanner spoke. "I cannot masturbate, it's not the way of my people. It's how we function. I am of breeding age now; I need to take a mate. My human form helps me to control my true form's sex drive. My father wishes me to find a female." He closed his eyes, and snorted.

"But I'm a monster, and no females at school want me in human form. If I breed with humans, they become transformed into our species, I don't wish it upon anybody. It's... it's agony."

The sadness in his voice was deep, and it touched something deep inside Tom. He stood up and walked over to his friend. "Hey, you're not a monster."

Tanner turned around, and they faced each other. Tom looking up into Tanner's dark and soulful eyes. He wanted so badly to touch him, and he reached out but stopped himself just short. "Can I touch you?" he asked.

Tanner smiled. Tom was being far more understanding than he ever though he would be, and it made him feel good. "Yeah, sure."

Tom touched his flat muscular stomach, his palm and spread fingers feeling cool against Tanner's warm body. He crooned softly, having longed for another person's touch for so long. It was a fantastic. So much so that his control over his hormones quickly weakened, and his large black bovine member twitched in response. It began to thicken and grow, his large knob flaring his foreskin which hugged it perfectly. The tight puckered opening of his foreskin already moistening. In his human form he might have been embarrassed, but in his true form it only felt natural.

Tom stared at the growing member, seeing how strong his need to breed actually was. What he didn't know was that Tanner knew how he felt, and he always had. No matter what Tom may have said, the scent of his hormones always told the truth. Tanner was shocked anyone could find his true form anything by horrifying, much less worth of inciting lust in someone. It was a good feeling, and it only made the lust increase even more.

Now blushing, Tom looked at the big bull's arousal, and then up at Tanner again. "May I?" He pointed at the exposed crotch and couldn't help but to grin. "I never seen anything so... huge!"

Tanner nodded his approval, and Tom didn't hesitate for a second. He used both hands as he slid them between the bull's scrotum and thick muscular thighs, the sack easily double the length of his hands. A deep rumbling sound filled Tanner's chest, and he rolled his head back as the feeling of Tom's hands drove him wild. Tom then gently lifted the heavy balls and rolled them around in his hands, enjoying their velvety feel.

"Fuck, that's amazing," Tom whispered as Tanner's erection grew to full mast, his thickness arching up against his furry belly. It reached a good thirteen inches, his foreskin was pulled tight from his erection, it stretched over most of the glans still, letting just a little bit of the tip peek out.

A quiet "uh." escaped as Tanner's jaw dropped open, Tom moved both his hands to the bull's thick erection, Tom could feel the big bull's steady heartbeat through the thick veins of his cock. Sliding one hand up the smooth underside and squeezing just under the head, he pulled the tight foreskin down, his big sensitive knob became exposed with a pop as the ridge of his glans snapped past the tight lip of sensitive foreskin this caused Tanner to let out a quick, deep grunt and the large phallus drooled even more precum. Tom kept going, using both hands as he gently slid the skin down the shaft and back up again, causing Tanner to moan under his breath, which turned into a soft moo as Tom slid his foreskin back onto his over sensitive glans.

Then suddenly, Tanner grabbed Tom's shoulders and pulled away, freeing his member and causing it to slap against his stomach. Tom looked up in surprise at Tanner who was panting softly, his thick furry chest raising and lowering with each breath.

"What's wrong?" Said Tom.

"I'm sorry. We can't do this. I almost lost control." He closed his eyes for a moment, then looked at Tom again. "I could have hurt you. Badly."

Tom looked disappointed. "But..."

Tanner looked back at Tom with a scowl. "NO! It's not the way." He hunched forward, and in the space of a moment he transformed back into his pudgy human self. Grabbing his clothing up off the ground, he started to dress quickly. Tom stared dumbfounded in silence as he watched, not knowing what to do or say.

After getting his shoes on, Tanner grabbed his bag and started to head out of the cornfield. "You can come to my house, if you want," he said over his shoulder, as if it was perfectly normal event on a perfectly normal day. He figured if Tom didn't freak out after seeing his self in his natural form, then he most likely won't freak out seeing his parents or his thirty-seven brothers and sisters in their natural form either.

Tom snapped out of his daze and caught up to his friend instantly. "Oh hell yeah!"
