The Magic of Christmas

Story by Possum on SoFurry

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#1 of Writing Group Challenges

9 pent up horny reindeer having returned from delivering presents finally get to let loose

This Week's Writing Challenge: What happens in the north pole after christmas night?

At least 1000 words, don't worry if you go over.

Tag all prompts with: WritingGroupChallenge.

Add all prompts to a separate folder.

Put the prompt description at the beginning of your story.

Due date is 01/01/20.


"Keep going boys we're nearly home!" The sleek red nosed reindeer called from the front, the team exhausted and ready to drop as they flew low and fast over the ice towards the red glow of Santa's workshop.

"Nearly there team, one last push you can do it!" Santa called from the sleigh,

They penetrated the barrier at speed and began to slow for landing, the elves and older reindeer lining the way as they touched down slowing to a trot before collapsing in a gasping heap, the steam wafting up from where their overheated bodies hit the snow. All but the coy female Rudolph though exhausted and panting out of breath she was still standing, head held low with a smirk on her muzzle in between panting breaths.

"Well done Rudolph" Santa said, Gently scratching her behind her ears while the elves removed the harnesses from the team, some of the older deer gently carrying the young males off to the quarters to recover.

"Please Santa, I need release this heat it's unbearable!"

She was right her heat was amplified by the magic of the season and the snow under hoof was steaming while it slowly melted as she sunk into it.

"Come then" Santa said as he walked towards the nearby hangar, Rudolph following close behind her tail raised and leaking her arousal, leaving a trail of dimples melted into the snow as she went. As soon as they entered Santa pulled her to the side and traced a finger around the glistening folds wincing a bit with the scorching heat of her on his near frozen fingers.

Rudolph gasped at the icy fingers teasing her, finding relief from the burning heat in the icy touch though by the fourth circuit they were no longer cold and her hooves began to quake as the release she had been chasing all night built quickly at the simplest touch, a cold fingertip penetrated her virgin folds just a touch, the shock of it bringing her over the edge as her eyes rolled up into her antlered skull and she collapsed to the floor quaking in orgasm before laying still, breathing heavily her reserves drained.

Santa chuckled at the goofy grin upon her muzzle as he waived a sticky hand for two female reindeer to come and assist Rudolph to the female quarters, they paused giggling at the expression and the drool slowly running from the corner of her muzzle before carefully picking her up.

Some hours later the rest of the team had recovered and were looking forward to the event to come,

"That was brutal" Comet commented,

"Yeah but her scent, I could follow it around the world." Dasher added,

"You did, we all did heck I can't even remember most of it" Blitzen replied,

they were silent remembering staring at Rudolph's puffy heated folds, the sweet candy cane scent of her heat as they raced trying to get to it, While she teased them flicking her tail to draw attention to her rump, going from roof top to roof top the harnesses all ways preventing them from reaching her, while the magic fed off the energy the virgin bucks exerted in trying to fore full the desire to breed the doe, Santa using it to fuel the sleigh as they traveled.

For that was the secret to the magic of Christmas that everyone at the pole knew, The months prior to Christmas were used to train the team, one doe would show the restraint to refrain from allowing any bucks to mount her despite her heat, she would have to endure her heat cycling every 20 days for the next 14 months until the following Christmas, while never giving into her desires in any way.

The trials for the bucks weren't as long but just as torturous, with all the females around wanting to be bred during the rut, only those young virgin bucks that could hold the instinct at bay would be able to advance to the flight training in the brief 3 week window between the end of the rut and Christmas eve.

The reward for the team was they would be allowed to rut without disturbance or interruption when they returned. After abstaining for months with heated does all around them and Rudolph having endured the longest with the scents of the males spiking her heat higher at every moment, the sexual frustration's gave off much energy and this year they must have been especially eager for the trip was completed in record time.

The older bucks had moved them to the quarters on the far side of Santa's workshop, as far away from the does as possible to allow them time to rest and recover before they were to join Rudolph at the centre chamber, they were gathered around their prepared banquet table eating the sweet fruits and offerings to restore their lost energy that would sustain them for the rutting to come.

meanwhile on the other side of the workshop Rudolph awoke in similar yet unfamiliar surroundings

"Oh good you're awake at last"

Rudolph looked at the strange middle aged reindeer fem

"Who are you?"

"I am your predecessor"

Rudolph blinked "You're Clarice?"

Clarice bowed "At your service, now you have a long night of fun ahead so eat and drink your fill, the heat suppressant will wear off soon"

Rudolph nodded and did as instructed.

Not long after she had finished the familiar tingle under her tail began as a shudder ran up her spine,

Clarice smiled and opened a side door leading to a long hall nodding to it she said

"This way it is time to finally end that heat"

Rudolph practically ran down that hall to the inner chamber, bursting the door open she found the rest of the team already there, their scent smacking her fully in the muzzle like she had run into a closed door, her heat accelerated her heat ramping up with the knowledge she no longer had to hold back it was time at last, her body responded as the heightened heat leaked a faucet of her honey to the floor, as panting in the bucks scent they hadn't yet noticed her arrival in the room and she found it difficult to move with so many bucks to choose from and no knowledge how to begin...

"So how long will we have to wait?" Donder pondered they had been waiting for an hour already, among the velvet lined furnishings the centre piece being a large bed easily able to accommodate the nine reindeer.

"Who knows but we've waited months so what's a few more hours?" Cupid replied, Prancer was about to respond when a familiar sweet spicy scent smacked his muzzle, the others ears perked looking at his shocked reaction to the scent, While the tapered length of his cervine penis jumped out of the sheath to strain painfully at full mast before that same scent hit them as well.

Cupid moved fast behind the panting Rudolph, his nose drawing his muzzle to track up the leaking fluids to the puffy pink folds the scent here many times stronger then when he was following her hours earlier, shuddering instinct took over and his tongue extended to lick the source of the scent, his eyes rolled in his head at the raw pheromones acting on his brain, as he climbed up on her back and began wildly thrusting, spurting a powerful jet of pre each time his untried length contacted any part of Rudolph's rump, before he finally he found the right hole and pushed inside with all his might lifting them both off the ground,

Rudolph was still frozen and didn't see cupids movements until she felt a brief puff of breath on her folds, then the shock of a warm wet tongue swiping up them, her body shook in sensation but was stilled when Cupids strong young body slide up her rump to cover her, his forelegs gripping her tight as he jabbed at her rump, she felt him going all around her hole and she shifted on instinct, lowering her rump slightly before she felt a hot wet spurt of pre shoot directly in her vagina, to be immediately followed by the full hard length being rammed in. There was no time to react to the pain of her deflowering as the thrust compressed her untried clit and triggered her into orgasm, as her hooves began to lift from the ground in the mating thrust, her fluttering vaginal muscles milked the cervid length within, clenching tightly as the tip pressed against her cervix and a high pressure jet of pent up deer cum blasted its way directly into her untried womb.

Just like that it was over Cupid slumped off her back as Rudolph fell to the floor only to recover, her quaking body tail up and vibrating in pleasure unable to process the sensations, at least not until another lick jump started her body, turning her head her half lidded eyes saw the bright eager eyes of Prancer looking past her tail into her own, before he also jumped upon her back, once more her rump was lifted in pleasure as the virgin buck followed Cupids efforts verbatim,

Recovering faster this time Rudolph watched the sticky cervid length pull free coated in her juices, seeing the other bucks at full mast queued behind her, her newly found internal muscles pulsed in approval, spurting out a mix of scented fluids onto the muzzle of Vixen, his nimble tongue cleaning it from his muzzle before diving deep into her folds to drink more of the intoxicating brew from the source. His tongue hitting her undiscovered pleasure points at random while Rudolph shuddered and her legs spread to let him press his muzzle fully against her folds, though he tried his tongue didn't have the length to get it all. She clamped down on it as another orgasm hit her Vixen bleated in surprise as his tongue was immobilised in her passage, with effort he was able to recover his tongue and the sight of her folds aquiver flipped the switch required and he mounted her following the pattern of the others before...

Rudolph lost her ability to think in the pleasure of breeding with the virile virgin bucks, Blitzen holding off till the end becoming the last to punch out his V card by which time Cupid had recovered and was ready to have another round...

Outside the pole glowed with the magical energy of the season, Clarice approaching Santa as he worked the magics,

"So has it worked?" she asked him.

Santa turned to her "Yes my deer the chamber is drawing their sexual energies and it will sustain us all for the next year to come"

Clarice turned looking out the window to the glowing chamber at the centre of the workshop,

"Will they survive it?"

Santa smiled ruffling the fur between her antlers

"this team is stronger than yours was, I see no reason why they shouldn't be able to withstand the effects of mating for an entire year."

Clarice shuddered at the memory of it, the time passed so quickly in the haze when she was in there she didn't recall leaving. Only waking what seemed like a week later only to learn they had been in there for a year and that the true purpose of that chamber was to collect the sexual energies required to fuel the magic that sustained the North pole, the bucks had not been strong enough, only she had been alive when they opened the chamber Christmas eve while the next team was on their run.