Knotty Thoughts (XXX)

Story by Raedwulf on SoFurry

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#18 of Walls: Exodus

Two big wolves and a lot of pent up desires, versus one small bed... Who will win?

(This is a stand-alone chapter and it contains nothing of value to the overall plot. If adult stuff isn't your cup of tea, skip it.)

Thanks go out to Arx, Rivet for helping out with proofing and suggestions.


Peter's tail flicked out of the way as he sat down on my bed and lifted his gaze. He was still smiling, thenhe seemed to fidget a little. His canines kept poking out whilepantingas he motioned for me to come closer.

Iknew what was coming, and my body was already growing excited. It made my hands feel restless while my heart pounded a little harder. Every beat made my body feel as if my bodyswelled momentarily. The tickling urgewas most prominent in my sheath and I could _feel_the primal desirein my loins as I movedcloser. It was the feeling ofmyshorts brushingagainst thebared tip, and the gentle tug on myplumpsheathwith each step.

A bit of saliva dribbled to the edge of my lips, and I had to swallowtoforce it back. Masturbation could only do so much to still these needs, but the sheer drive of it was somethingIwasn't used to. I drew a deep breath, felt my lips ripple a little, and stopped in front of Peter's face.

Peter reached out with his hands and put them on the sides of my shorts. He lifted his muzzle to stare up at me from below, and I could hear him sniff as his damp nose drifted near the growing wet spot on my shorts.

Peter chuckled, "Do ya think your dad will want these back?" Peter murmured.

"... I just had the mental image of my dad sniffing them," I whispered.

His tongue darted out again from sheer instinct, and I could hear him draw a deep breath as his hands reached behind me. He found the latch for the tail, and with a click, the shorts grew loose. They sagged down from behind, but remained caught on my sheath.

Carefully his hands traced the top of the shorts, eased them up a little, and let them drop. As the shorts flopped to the ground, my sheath dropped forward. Plump and heavy, with strands of pre dancing in the air while droplets fell to the discarded shorts.

I felt big as I looked down at him, especially as my chest swelled with every breath, and I licked my chops as a rich aroma drifted up from below. Thick, canine, stingy almost, with the same pungent marker of an Alpha that had tinged the shorts on the floor.

Arestless sensation tingled through my body as he hovered his nose near my sheath. Close enough that I could feel his breath on my fur, yet careful not to touch as he teased me.

I clenched my hands and felt an instinctual twitch inmy legs. It made the sheath bob a bit, and I could feel as more of the shaft inched out of it.

Peter angled his muzzle to the side, and heleaned his head forwardonto my abdomen. He nuzzled the side of the sheath, and his tongue lapped at the trickle of pre that was clinging to the fur. I could feel my hands shiver as more of the shaft spilled out, while thetop of the sheathblossomedtoaccommodatemore ofthe girth.

One of his hands curled around my thigh, while the other gently cupped my balls. I widened my stance a little and could feel him weigh the sack as his nose inched closer.

"I love these," Peter whispered.

He nuzzled the sack as he uttered a chuckle, and I could feel his claws stroke along the strip of longer fur that was growing down the center of the scrotum.

"Especially the strip... and the new scent," Peter mused.

"I thought you'd say something else to be honest," I whispered.

"I didn't look earlier, but doyou walk bowlegged or something?" Peter asked.

"They're not that big!" I snapped.

Peter stifled a snicker as he kept shifting myballs, "I was happy I got to keep the extraweight in my balls after spending some time as an Alpha, but these are big even when compared to Allen," Peter whispered.

His loving touch made the throb in my groin grow, and as inch after inch spilled out, I could feel ablip of pleasure as the knot began to grow within the depths of the sheath.

"... I can't complain. It was a bit weird when I had to be careful sitting down,but I'vecome to like having a bit of-"

My voice trailed off as his free hand reached underneath my tail, and I felt his tongue drag along the side of my sack. He shifted them in his hands, one nut at a time, and drew a deep breath as he took in the scent.

A low murmuring growl escaped my throat as I looked down and watched as myshaft grew several inches. Myknot tingled as it was teased higher, and itmade a small bulge at the bottom of the sheath.

Peter shifted his muzzle to the front of my sheath, and lapped at the pre as if lapping up the melting portions of an ice cream.Finally, his tongue reached the exposed shaft. Each dab of his tongueshotjoltingsparks through my body, and my breath shuddered a little as his tongue teased the stretched ring at the top of the sheath. He fingered my tail hole with one hand and rubbed at the spot behind my balls with his other.

Then, he stopped.

Without warning he eased back, licking his chops and smiling as he reached for his shirt, "Help me get out of this real quick?"

A disgruntled growl escaped my throat as I reached out, caught his shirt, and began to pull while he lifted his arms. After a few moments the garment popped free, and I threw it aside. Peter was quick to ease out of his trousers and revealed quite the shaft of his own.

His sheath was already taut, a hint of his knot was visible near the bottom, and his blood red shaft pulsated steadily. It made his now freed shaft bob, and for a moment he reached down to stroke it as he teased the sheath down.

The scent mingled with my own, warm and heavy. Different in a way, sweeter somehow.

A moment later he was back at my crotch, and hecaught my rear topull me closer. Peterdraped his tongue along my exposed length and traced the textures of the shaft to the very top. It pushed the shaft against myabdomenand made me shiver as the fur tickled.I jumped a little as he caught the budding knot in the sheath and began a gentle massage.

My shaft tensed up for a moment, and I could see a few bursts of pre bury in the fur of my chest.

It made my hands itch for something to do, and I reached out to touch Peter's head. Istroked his perky ears and played with the thick brown furon the top of his head.Myknot was starting to swell as it neared the top of the sheath, and it gave me theurge to lift my leg.

Instincts began to play in the back of my mind, and my breathing was starting to pick up pace.

Peter teased as he gentlypulled on mysheath, and astreamof pre followed. Despite his best attempts to lap it up, a pitter patter could be heard as it dribbled tothe floor. As the knotslowly grew, I decided to step things along.

I reached down, caught the sheath, and watched as Peter leaned back for a moment. With a gentle but firm pull, a wet pop followed and the knot was revealed. Another instinct kicked into gear, and I had to struggle to not hump the air.

It used to be that some human remnant had remained, a little bulge as a memoir of the glans, and a hint of the shaft's streamlined surface. I imagined that the only reason I could see the difference was my recent change, but all of those lingering hints of humanity had been wiped out. The knot was prominent, the ridge binding it to the shaft was defined, the shaft itself had a sloping top, fat middle, and a rich texture as it connected with the base.

The beast inside of me approved, and I couldn't help but smile as I grabbed my shaft carefully, pointed it down, and nudged Peter's muzzle, "Open up."

Peter's tail wagged like crazy as he opened his muzzle wide and let his tongue droop out.

I eased myshaft inside, felt his warm breath once more, and guided the tapered end along his tongue. He carefully shut his muzzle around my shaft, and let his tongue get to work as his nostrils flared.

My hips began to thrustas I grabbed his head once more and guided him along. Slow and careful, with the tip of my shaft dipping into his throat. Peter moaned and whimpered as his hands grabbed my legs once more and helped stabilize us.

A bit of drool escaped my lips, and I could feel as the knot began to drum with demand. My loins screamed at me to mate him properly, and I gritted my teeth with need.

I let my claw tickle his eyebrow and watched as he opened his eyes to glance up at me, gulping and moaning as he kept sucking.

"What do you say we bury this bone?" I asked.

Peter's rear began to wiggle, and he eased back with a final slurp. Pre trickled down the side of his muzzle as he gulped and nodded.

Peter flipped himself over with a lecherous grin, and his tail lifted only to get caught between my legs. His tail pulled away moments later, and he crawled up on the bed like a wild beast on all four. I moved toward the back of the bed as he followed me with his gaze.

I caught his tail as I eased myself onto the bed, and I fidgeted a little with my paws. It would be awkward to do it while standing, but I couldn't rest on my knees either. Peter stared at my crotch as he spread his legs on the bed and shuffled a bit closer to the wall.

"You need a bigger bed, and need to turn down the heat," Peter said.

I smirked back at him, "Or we could do it in the forest."

Peter chuckled, "I wouldn't mind that, but we can't step outside like this."

I crouched down by his rear for a look. His own shaft throbbed between his legs, knot blossoming while small spritzes of pre hit the bed's cover. I let one hand feel the base of his tail, the cauda, and began to massage the spot.

"Urrr," Peter murmured and as both his head and tail perked high.

He's a sucker for the nerves near the tail...

My snout traced along his back, down his sides, and inched in between his legs. Peter let out another low growling murr as I gently nuzzled his balls and soaked in the scent. Peppery, just like his fur, rich with the male aroma of his essence. I let my tongue sample it and couldn't help but hump the air for a moment.

"Guhr... Vilkas..." Peter moaned.

"... Ready?"I asked.

"Yes," Peter answered with a hint of annoyance.

"Ya sure?" I teased.

"... Today, if you don't mind,"Peter said and gritted his teeth.

Peter growled a little, while I rose once more. At this point I didn't even need to hold his tail as it was perked high, and his pucker throbbed in tune with his heart.

It was a bit awkward, but I settled on one knee, and extended my paw to brace against the edge of the bed. Another rickety groan escaped from the bedas my full weight bore down on it. Afterward, I grabbed my shaft by the knot, gritted my teeth to remain in control, and gently poked the tapered tip against his warm entrance.

"Just FUCK me already!" Peter snapped.

With a devilish grin, I began to push inside. He resisted for a moment, but with the help of the pre that was already trickling down his rear end, it opened up with a smooth but firm grip. Peter's breath shuddered, and he pushed back, forcing my shaft deeper. My own control was slipping, instinct flared, and I felt my loins twitch.

Time to let go...

I eased myself over him as I felt myself sink deeper and deeper. A tight, warm embrace flowed across my shaft as if enveloped in the sheath once more. His passage grew tighter for a moment, and then I hit a bump as the knot hit his pucker.

Peter shifted his legs a little and took on a more digitigrade stance, while I wrapped my arms around his midsection and let myself rest against his back. It allowed me to brace myself with both paws on the bed, and I grinned with delight at how right it felt.

Peter let out a huff, "Damn, you're heavy."

"You okay?" I pulled back a little.

"Fuck me, Vilkas!" Peter ordered.

I thrust into him and heard as he let out another surprised huff, "Like this?"

Peter nodded in silence as I let the instincts go. Thrusting became naturalwithmy pose hunched over his back. After just a few moments I was standing on my paws, humping and repeatedly slamming my knot against his pucker.

I huffed with every thrust, felt my balls swing, and could hear the gentle bap as they hit his rear. My grip around him tightened as I pushed harder; the knot wanted to find its home.

For the briefest moment it occurred to me that I had no idea what was going on in the room right now. I had no clue if anyone had glanced a look at us, or if the world was on fire. It was just us, two wolves, fucking.

The stress of life and all its worries seemed like a distance memory, and with a loud growl, I pushed hard to force the knot inside. Peter's voice had faded into bestial grunts, and as he pushed back, I could feel his pucker open wide.

Just a little bit more...

With a pop I sank in, Peter leaned forward, and for a moment he bumped his head into the wall. The bed made another deep groan, and Peter raised a hand to push back against the wall.

I pulled back as I teased his pucker once more, and resumed with a faster, shorter set of thrusts. Shorter, but more intense, as his insides rubbed along the whole length of canine shaft. Drool sloughed from Peter's muzzle, and I was panting hard enough to leave trickles on his back.

'Harder,'Peter thought.

His voice was surprisingly clear in my head.

'Faster,' Peter thought.

We were connected over a link, and as I focused on it, I could feel more than I expected. Peter was close to the edge, orgasm brimming on the edge, his insides squeezed my shaft, and I felt it like undulating waves as I bred him hard.

'Bite me!' Peter thought.

Thought translated to impulse in a split second. The beast reacted, and I felt like a passenger as my body moved on its own. As my maw opened wide, I pulled myself forward, hilted my knot in his depths, and clamped hold of his shoulder with my jaws.

I bit, not hard enough to break skin, but enough to cause some pain. It was like a catalyst, pleasure suddenly tinged with pain that connected to some deeply buried instinct. Peter thrashed his head, and a deep but guttural murmur of a howl escaped as he was pushed across the edge.

He was cumming, and my own eyes widened as the pleasure he felt seemed to radiate through me.

The bed made another pained groan, and a crack was heard. I bit harder, and my hands tightened around his chest.

Peter lowered head, still making his shuddering whimper of a howl, and my muzzle let go. I was pushed over the edge, and my mind seemed to blank out between the pleasurable signals that ricocheted between us.

My chest tightened as I lifted my head and felt myknot swell. I could feel every hint of the process as hisprostate tightened, my balls lifted, and my cum was released with steady throbs. It filled his insides, squeezed back through the tight passage, and made the warmth even more intense.

Peter arched his head, and I could a twinge of discomfort over the link that we shared.

'You alright?' I wondered.

'God's this feels good, but...' Peter murmured as his throat uttered another low murr.

'... But?' I thought.

Peter's ears wiggled, 'Feels like someone inflated a fucking meloninside of me.'

I tried to pull back a little, but the taut feeling told me there was no way I'dbe getting loose anytime soon.

'I think we're stuck here for a good 20 minutes or something,' I thought.

Peter shut his eyes as he panted, and tipped his head to the side, 'At least they'll be enjoyable... and your ass is mine next time, ya hear?'

'I was wondering where your more dominant side had gone,' I smirked, and eased up on my grip as I reached back to feel his cauda once more.

His eyes flashed open once more as I began to massage the tight spot, and felt his tail bap against my chest.

A low groaning 'hurr' escaped his throat, as he waved his head, 'Don't... don't stop.'

Without warning he pushed back a little wiggling his rear. Another high-pitched creak followed in the bed, and a worrying pop followed as something snapped.

'Careful, Peter,' I thought.

Peter pushed back once more, and I pushed back as the knot squeezed against his insides.

With a sudden snap, the legs of the bed gave way.

Peter's ears perked high in wonder, and my muzzle snapped open in surprise, " Oh shi-"