Afterschool Activities

Story by dog455 on SoFurry

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Another story to add to my growing list to the start of the new year. I wrote this one with my good friend and best bull ever Spell900. Love him bits! I hope you guys enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed making it! Please leave a comment and let me know what you think :).

"And that is the organelles of the cell," Randall Berkman concluded, pointing his ruler at the organized and tidy words written out on the board. The Doberman looked over his class, his deep green eyes scanning to see them with their hands on their cheeks or even heads on their desks. He could begin to feel his anger boiling up until his eyes met with a ferret named Rory Fletcher sitting in the front row. The student's soft brown eyes looked up at the tall canine with a transfixed admiration, whether it was his teaching methods or his stature, Randall couldn't tell. Despite his gaze locked on the Doberman, the ferret's pencil never stopped moving across his notebook, quickly scribbling down the assorted words on the board.

At least someone was paying attention. Pop quiz time.

"Just to test you, class; what is the powerhouse of the cell?"

The class replied back almost in unison, "Mitocondria." There was a chorus of bored sighs and one particularly loud groan. The Doberman's cropped ears perked up at attention and seemed to pivot in the direction of the sound. Randall's sharp green eyes locked onto the skinny lizard sitting in the back of the classroom where the sound had come from. "Markus, that will be 15 pushups for the unnecessary groan."

Rory's gaze broke from his teacher as he glanced over his shoulder, his eyes falling on his classmate who was wearing nearly all black.

Markus let out another bothered groan. "Ughhhhh, really, sir?"

"Yes, unless you want detention after class to work out in the gym with the football team and I. I assure you, you won't make it past five minutes."


The class didn't even seem to be bothered by the sight of Markus getting onto his hands and knees before straightening himself out to work off his punishment right between the rows of desks. In fact, the rest of the class seemed to hasten to scribble down more notes than before.

As Randall checked the time on the clock to his left, the sound of students hustling to immediately begin packing up their books and papers. By this point in the semester, they learned that if Randall checked the clock, it meant they were about to be dismissed early. Before any could dash out of the classroom, Randall barked out a reminder. "Remember, class, make sure to do your pre-lab for tomorrow. We are going to do a discovery activity on enzymes."

The students each began to filter out, looking a bit more excited at the fact that a lab was in the future. Randall's classes were notorious for long labs, and since it was already Thursday, they were expected to continue right into next Tuesday. And to most students, it sure as hell beat lecture.

Beginning to pack up his own belongings, Randall straightened his papers for Biology away as well as the reference notes. AP Bio had so much stuff to cover, even the Doberman forgot where he was at times.

Reaching into his leather satchel, Randall started to unpack his notes for AP Anatomy and Physiology, diagrams of the heart and lungs outlaid on the pages. When the Doberman looked up, he noticed Rory, the ferret from the front row, standing and waiting silently across from his large, slate lab table with a notebook in one hand while he adjusted his glasses slightly with the other.

Randall had to admit, he admired Rory's curiosity and unquenchable thirst for knowledge. It wasn't just in Biology the eighteen year-old excelled, but also in his Anatomy and Introduction to Microbiology classes.

"I read your research paper on the 'DNA Sequence of Streptococcal bacteria' for Science Olympiad, and I have to say that I was very impressed with what you wrote, Rory," Randall said without even smiling. Despite his rough outward appearance, a rare compliment from the Doberman was almost enough to make any student blush.

Walking over to the fish tank set in the window after unpacking his notes, Randall began to feed the fish. Twenty blue tetras swam in the thirty gallon tank, their scales glittering to indicate they were prime and healthy. The window provided all the natural light they needed, and the black slate table they sat on at the back of the room absorbed enough to discourage algae growth. The other windows in the classroom overlooked the athletic facility of the school, allowing quite a view of the school's football field and facilities.

The ferret followed behind Randall and stood next to him, beaming proudly as he looked out over the athletic fields along with his teacher. "I'm glad you liked it, Mr. Berkman," he said in a soft, almost timid tone. "I was worried you'd find the part about free radicals and genetic mutations to be a bit unnecessary, but I just found it all so fascinating that I couldn't help but want to put it in the report! I know twenty pages is practically a whole scientific paper on its own, but I just couldn't stop myself," he laughed nervously. "I wouldn't say that it's my best work, but it's probably still good enough to win the school some awards at the Science Olympiad, don't you think?"

"I believe that, if any student has a chance of going to state, it's you, Rory," Mr. Berkman said. Although he was thinking about the present conversation, his mind began to drift to drills he was going to have his football players run later. Giving a bit of a huff and shaking his head, Randall looked at Rory and noticed he had a few scuffs on his knees and arms. "Still running with the track team...or is someone giving you shit again? Because I always see you doing hurdles with them when you get bored."

A low chuckle mixed with a growl escaped the Doberman's throat. If there was one thing he wouldn't stand for, it was bullies and students being harassed at his school. Randall looked out to the track and field area that wrapped around the football field. He could see the P.E instructor, a cougar by the name of Melissa Enfield, barking orders at them to stretch faster and harder. He considered himself a bit of a hardass, but she struck fear into students and faculty alike.

Rory hesitated for a moment, just enough to make it obvious he wasn't telling the whole truth. "Track practice is Wednesday and Friday, and I tripped at practice last night is all," the ferret replied, not looking at his teacher as his ears folded back ever so slightly, making his lie all the more apparent. "Just didn't pick my feet up high enough, and I tripped over the hurdle. You don't need to worry about me, sir," he said with a small smile as he looked up at his towering teacher.

"Hmmm, that is the worst lie I have heard thus far," Randall said flatly. "I'll make sure to have my football players run sprints until someone tells me something." The corner of the Doberman's angular muzzle curled up into a small smile before he was back to scowling again. "You know you can tell me anything...right, Rory? You are one of the most high-performing students here, and yet you still get the bad end of the stick. It makes me sick thinking about it."

Randall made a quick glance at the clock on the wall. It was verging on 2:59 pm. One more minute of biology, it would be another day in the log book at Yungton High, and then off to coaching football for the Yungton Panthers. He always let the students in eighth period go a little early, so he could prepare a bit for the next day and for coaching.

Rory sighed softly, turning his back to the windowsill and hoisting himself up, feeling the cool glass through the t-shirt on his back. "I know I'm supposed to be able to talk to you about anything, but...I dunno, Mr. Berkman...I guess I just feel like there are some things you just can't discuss with your biology teacher, you know? And really, it's fine, you don't need to beat up the football team over it. The only notebook that got destroyed in the puddle someone pushed me into was the one for Home Economics, and I've got most of that memorized by now anyway, so no harm done," the ferret rambled on with a smile that was clearly covering some kind of hurt.

Hearing Rory's story, Randall inadvertently growled a bit louder than he intended. He stood in front of Rory, and his hand gripped the windowsill next to the ferret's leg as he leaned against it. "You know that you can tell me ANYTHING, Rory. Trust me, I have my own faults and issues I deal with that the students do not know about. The fact that someone is pushing you around because you are smart is wrong. And I always beat up the football team, so nothing new there."

Rory seemed to shrink at the Doberman's sudden aggressive behavior, however, so Randall backed off with a small chuckle before he walked over to one of the slate desks and sat on top of it. The bell rang, the shrill sound ringing out throughout the school as students began to pour out into the hallway.

"And it's after school hours now, and football doesn't start until 4:00pm. With the storm coming in, I don't know how much practice we are going to get anyway."

Looking back outside, the Doberman's eyes focused on the dark black clouds in the distance. They loomed over the horizon, the light tan of the rocky bluffs that surrounded the school juxtaposing with the large clouds. Flashes of lightning streaked across from cloud to cloud. "The bluffs will probably hold it off, but we have time to chat. If not with me, then I can send you to the guidance counselor again."

"No, no, I'm so tired of talking with Mrs. Bridges," Rory replied quickly, shaking his head. "She always says the same things about how I shouldn't let things get to me, how I should confront my bullies, and all that, but she doesn't realize how much high school has changed since her day. It's easier if I just let it go, since getting into a fight would just get me in trouble too, and I'd really like to not mess up my perfect record over it."

The ferret let out a slow breath before making eye contact with the muscular Doberman whom it felt like he spent every waking hour of his school day with. "I'd rather talk with you, but at the same time...I don't want to make you think any less of me, sir. It's easier to just keep my problems to myself and not complain about them, so I don't become a burden to others."

"I can understand your mentality, Rory, but this stuff will eat at you until you crack. You can always talk with me. I've known you since your freshman year, and now that you're a senior and talking about college, I want you to be sure of yourself before making that next step," Randall said, his arm involuntarily flexing and pushing against his wrist buttons in his dress shirt. "Keep in mind, whatever you tell me will be between us. I get that there is mandatory reporting, but....sometimes things just need to be off the record." Randall got up, loosening his tie a little bit and unfastened the suffocating top button of his dress shirt before walking over to a rainbow flag that hung on the far left side of the room. Underneath it were scattered letters along with a phrase that said, "EWE LOYAL BOY BEEF MASTER MURRS". He quickly made adjustments to the letters to their proper order to say, "REMEMBER TO ALWAYS BE YOURSELF". When he found out who defaced this, they were in for some serious punishment.

"You know that I'm an ally of LGBTQ+ youth, and when you came out to me, I didn't tell anyone. I don't want you to go through what you did sophomore year....again," Mr. Berkman said matter-of-factly.

Rory chewed on his lower lip in thought before nodding in understanding. "I know, and I appreciate you not telling anyone about that, sir. I still feel bad you had to threaten your old quarterback with being thrown off the team after he started queer-bashing me." He sighed heavily, shaking his head. "I don't know what possessed me to be so stupid that day, thinking that, just because I came out to you, that suddenly everyone would just be okay with me being gay. I mean, asking the quarterback on a date? What on Earth was I thinking?"

Sliding off the windowsill and leaning against it, arms folded over his chest, Rory watched Randall messing with his flag and arrangement on an old cork board. "I'm just a little nervous is all, sir, because...well, what's currently eating at me is a little...sensitive."

"Come on, Rory, as if you being gay wasn't already a sensitive topic," Mr. Berkman

said with a chuckle, his pointy, cropped ears flicking a bit. "You know that I am here to talk to, but I understand if you wish to keep it secret. Teenage years are a little..." Giving a bit of a tisk sound, Randall paused and shook his head before rubbing the back of it. "Unpredictable, to say the least. You know a lot about my own personal life because I think, deep down, that you are a good kid just trying to figure it all out with your sexuality. You know that, if you have something to say, that this is a space for you to voice it."

Randall walked forward, placing a paw on Rory's shoulder supportively. "And I'll be damned if I have another Ricky who thinks he is 'all that' when giving you shit again. I put my own quarterback in his place; I can handle whatever you have to say."

The ferret looked conflicted and remained silent for a few painfully long seconds. "Alright, well...there's this guy I really like..." Rory started, looking nervous.

Randall gave a sigh of relief. "Oh god, Rory. You had me sooooo worried." The Doberman actually laughed. "Who is he? Not one of my football players, is it? You know they can be a bit rough around the edges, but they are nice guys."

"Well, he's...part of the football team, yeah," Rory admitted, laughing nervously as his cheeks turned a shade of pink underneath his chocolate and cream fur. "Thing is, he doesn't know I like him, and even if he did, I'm pretty sure he'd reject me."

"Ehhh, what's his age? I mean, if he is a freshman, that could be a minor issue, but I'm sure it doesn't hurt to try," Randall stated, giving Rory a pat on the shoulder. "You should always be free to express yourself. The worst that someone can say is 'no.'"

"Unless you're Ricky..." the ferret mumbled, feeling a bit anxious and under pressure before he continued. "This guy, he's...maybe like thirty?" he replied in a small, almost squeaky voice as his anxiety from the situation hit an all-time high. It wouldn't take a genius to narrow down the list of potential interests now.

"O-oh," Randall said as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. "So...umm, I think what you are trying to say is that it'" Looking a little bit frazzled, Randall shrugged and continued, "Well, it's okay to have these feelings, but...let me close the door."

Walking towards the classroom door, Randall closed the door and contemplated locking it. He thought otherwise, putting his hand at his side, but walked back to Rory and sat next to him. "How long have you had feelings for....for me?"

"Since sophomore year, when I came out to you, Mr. Berkman," the ferret admitted, his face blushing bright red now. "I was going to tell you how I felt back then, but then common sense won out, and I kept it to myself. I was sixteen, and even then I knew the law well enough to know that you'd have gotten in serious trouble if you'd accepted my feelings, but now...well, I turned eighteen last month, and I'm legally an adult now, so..."

Rory shook his head and took a few steps away. "No, forget I even said anything, sir. I don't even know if you swing that way, even if you are an ally to LGBTQ+ kids, and it's stupid of me to think you'd ever feel that way about a student, even if it's the valedictorian of the class and the student who purposely arranged his senior year schedule and extracurricular activities in such a way that he got to spend as much time as possible around the man he admires more than anyone else. Please, just...forget I even brought this up...I should probably head home before the storm hits anyway..." the ferret muttered, letting everything out as he made for his backpack.

Randall watched, his expression unchanged, but with a bit of sadness in his eyes as he saw the ferret pack his things and start to make his way towards the door. Before he could open it, Randall said, "Wait, Rory! I have a secret I have kept from you for a long period of time, too..."

The Doberman sighed as he got up, his ears pivoting and moving every which way nervously. He put a hand on the door, preventing Rory from leaving, and said, "Can you please have a seat, Rory? It's only fair that I be completely honest with you."

Rory had looked like he was close to tears, but the canine's words replaced the expression on his face with one of confusion and curiosity. He slowly withdrew his hand from the doorknob and made his way to a desk right in front of Mr. Berkman's own, his hands neatly folded on top of it after he dropped his bag beside the desk.

"Listen, Rory," Mr. Berkman said as his eyes darted back and forth along with his ears. He could hear that the rain began to pour down, the droplets hitting the windows like bullets as his ears swiveled. "I've hosted a lot of LGBT events in order to represent our school's stance on equality, but... I'm gay too." Randall dropped his broad shoulders, his typical intense demeanor replaced with vulnerability, and he leaned against the cool, slate desk looking down at the ferret. "And... I can't say that I don't have feelings for you too, but you must know that I am a teacher first and foremost. I can't... risk my livelihood."

The ferret had perked up at first, but at the end of his teacher's words, his shoulders slumped right back down. "I know, sir, and I wouldn't ever ask you to jeopardize your job and your future because of me. I know such a thing would be dangerous for you, and that's why it was stupid of me to even bring it up in the first place, because you'd be insane to act on your feeli--wait, you mean you DO have feelings for me?" Rory asked, bewildered and excited at the same time.

Randall chuckled, his hand coming down close to Rory's own. "Yeah, I do. You are always so eager to learn and have an insatiable curiosity. I think of you more as a companion, rather than a student. You listen to me, you care about my class, and you actually participate. You are never annoyed when I ramble, and you are also... very much my type."

Giving a toothy grin, one rare for Randall, the Doberman said, "You're cute, a bit skinny, but with a good amount of muscle, like a swimmer, and you have a nice smile." Finding himself blush, Mr. Berkman gave a chuckle. "You are special to me, Rory. Definitely a lot different than the other students."

"S-so..." Rory stammered, blushing somehow even more profusely from the Doberman's words, "You don't care that I'm only eighteen? I mean, you're an incredibly handsome guy, and you have an amazing body, so I'm sure you could get any guy you wanted, so... why me? Why not go for someone your own age?"

Randall grinned, leaning in close with his white teeth glimmering in the light of the classroom. "Because people in their thirties are already set in their ways. You are just so eager to learn, and I am willing to help teach you." Randall reached forward confidently, the nervousness now gone, and stroked Rory's cheek. "Are you a virgin, Rory?" He made sure to watch Rory's expression, looking for any signs of unease or hesitation.

The ferret's ears folded back a little in embarrassment. "Y-yeah, I am, sir... Turns out I'm not really anyone's type, except apparently yours," he chuckled sheepishly. "The other guys I know who are gay in this school, they're more into guys like...well, like you, really. And I am too, so putting myself out there has been... difficult, to say the least. That's not a dealbreaker, is it?" he asked shyly, leaning into the hand stroking his cheek.

"No, not a dealbreaker," Randall said with a small chuckle as he looked down into the ferret's eyes. His heart skipped a beat and felt his cock stir in his sheath. He couldn't believe he was about to do what he did next. Randall began to lean forward slightly, his hand brushing over Rory's own, and he nuzzled against Rory's right cheek. He could feel the ferret's warm breath on his neck. "Let me know if I go a little too far..."

Taking the opportunity, Randall brushed his lips against Rory's before pushing them up against the ferret's. He kissed softly, and bit delicately on his student's lower lip.

Rory made a small, happy squeak in his chest as their lips pressed together, and more embarrassingly for him, a small moan when his teacher bit his lip. His eyes were wide with surprise at first, but they quickly shifted into the eyes of a lovestruck ferret who was under the older man's spell. "W-wow...that was an amazing first kiss," Rory muttered softly once his lip slid free of Randall's sharp teeth. "C-can we do it again?"

Randall smiled and leaned in again, this time with a little more force to it. He grabbed the back of his students head and pulled him forward into the kiss. His tongue flicked across Rory's lips, feeling them part, and then slid his appendage into ferret's mouth, wrestling with Rory's own. The audible sound of their lips smacking together rang throughout the room, and the Doberman snatched the remote to control the automated blinds to their classroom. They fell over the windows and locked with a loud mechanical latching sound. The two broke away, a strand of saliva connected their lips as they breathed heavily, and Randall smiled admirably at his starstruck student.

"See...always eager to learn," Randall panted with a grin. His demeanor had changed to much more relaxed, the smile barely leaving his face as he leaned in and kissed and nibbled up and down Rory's neck. It was sudden, fierce, and a primal need was beginning to fill and clog his sense of reasoning.

Panting, Rory was putty in the biology teacher's arms. "How could I not want to learn, sir? A guy like you teaching me anatomy? That sounds like the class of my dreams, especially if we start studying the muscular system," the ferret grinned, his hands snaking upwards and latching onto the Doberman's muscular chest, rubbing and massaging his pecs. "I've wanted to touch these for years now, and it almost feels like a dream now that it's finally happening," he said dreamily.

Randall gave a smirk and flexed his arms for his student. His biceps bulged, pushing against the fabric of the shirt. Taking his arms down for a moment, Randall clicked off the light switch. The school field was clearly getting soaked by the sounds of rain on the window, and lightning flashed occasionally behind the blinds to show the flustered face of the ferret who looked like a giddy child in a candy shop.

Beginning to flex his biceps again, Randall moved away from the door and said, "If you want to touch my chest so bad, take off this dress shirt and pants for me, Rory. I want you to worship me and touch me."

The ferret practically leaped off of his desk to start attacking Randall's shirt with his trembling paws, the buttons coming undone one after the other and revealing that thickly-built chest. The young man's mouth watered at the sight before him as the shirt finally fell open to reveal the Doberman's six pack abs, and he couldn't suppress a small moan as his eyes hungrily drank in the sight while helping his teacher slip out of the shirt. "Oh my're even sexier than I'd imagined, sir..." he said softly, eyes taking in every last detail of that muscular physique he'd fantasized about for years.

Randall chuckled, inadvertently flexing his biceps when he brought his arm down and making his pecs jump as his hand brushed against his student's right cheek. He knew deep down he was breaking a rule or two, but his lust was clouding his judgment. Fuck it, he'd come this far. Reaching down, the Doberman grabbed the ferret's shirt and unceremoniously began to lift it up. He gave a smirk when Rory helped him out and began to take off his own shirt. He gave a pent up huff and leaned down to kiss the ferret's neck once again. "And you are sexy yourself. Can't believe students keep bullying you. They don't know what they are missing out on. A sexy, smart, and ready to please boy such as yourself should feel proud. Now, go ahead and feel me up, Rory. You deserve some extra credit in anatomy."

"I don't need the extra credit, I've been studying anatomy religiously this whole semester," Rory winked. "And these pectoralis majors are going to get studied even harder, almost as much as your sexy rectus abdominis muscles..." he purred as he leaned in and rubbed his face against the large Doberman's chest while his hands slid lower to rub over the dog's perfect abs. "Such a perfect specimen for a curious student to study!" he chuckled, taking one of Randall's nipples into his mouth and licking, suckling, and nibbling on it to his heart's content.

"Ughhh, oh Rory....fuck," Randall growled under his breath. He gave a small blush at the fact he swore so openly in front of his student, but he looked down at the student and continued, "Errrr, sorry about that, but that feels so good. I have really, really sensitive nipples." He could feel his pants tenting, his member pushing obscenely outwards in the khaki dress pants.

Gripping the ferret's head softly, he slowly moved the ferret's head against his pecs, making sure that Rory could only inhale the musk that came off of his chest. As Rory's tongue glazed between the crevice of his pectorals, Randall reached into his pocket and moaned as he opened his email app and typed in "@all" into the hotbar. He texted, "Dear students, football is canceled for today due to the weather. We will work on conditioning tomorrow. Enjoy your day off." Immediately, he heard Rory's phone buzz and gave another groan.

Rory shivered as his face was held in between those strong pecs, the masculine scent assaulted his sensitive nose and made him feel almost high on the older man's natural odor. He couldn't keep his tongue from licking between the thick muscles, tasting the Doberman's sleek body and immediately craving his teacher more. He wanted to lick every single inch of the man he idolized, to bring him pleasure, no matter what.

"Ahhh, keep going, Rory," Randall moaned as the warm, wet tongue of the ferret hit places that hadn't been licked or worshipped in quite a while. Inhibitions long out the door, the Doberman locked an arm around the back of ferret's head and rumbled deep in his chest. "Fuck yeah, switch nipples," Randall ordered as he pressed his upper body against his student's willing muzzle. He hadn't had this much involvement with another man in forever, and it felt wonderful to have the same student who had given him his attention the whole year now giving him a different sort of attention.

"Take your pants off, boy," the Doberman said with lust in his voice. "I want to see what you are packing, because I can feel it grinding against my thigh." The teacher wasn't far behind the ferret in terms of arousal, as his own member had been rubbing against Rory's belly and bulge as he was worshipped by his eager student.

Taking a step back once the Doberman released his head, Rory nodded and undid his belt, then the button on his jeans, zipper following suit a second later, and a moment later, his pants were pooled around his feet and getting kicked to the side, showing off his tenting white briefs clinging to his hips. "Do you want to do the honors, sir?" he asked shyly with a small smile.

"Mmmmm, I would love to, boy," Randall said as his paws reached forward and slipped his thumb claws into Rory's underwear. He pulled the student closer as he pulled downward, his heart beating fast in his chest as he first slowly pulled the front waistband down and was rewarded with the sight of the ferret's amply-sized cock. It flopped against his stomach, the member around eight inches long. Rory's balls were large as well, pumping out a steady supply of pre.

Randall gave a low whistle as he reached forward to slowly move his paw pads down and around the rock hard shaft and heard a small gasp from Rory. "Oooooo, you are so very sensitive."

As Randall idly played with the ferret's balls, his own cock hardened in his confining pants as he began to pull the underwear down to join the pile of clothing now on the floor of his classroom. He used his other hand to clutch the ferret's rump, feeling the ferret's plump rump in his hand and giving it a squeeze.

"C-can you blame me? The man of my dreams is stroking my dick and playing with my balls and ass," Rory huffed, his cock oozing a bead of precum down its length already from just the slight stimulus it had gotten thus far. "I've dreamed of this exact situation so many times at night, and that it's finally coming true seems so unreal, except even my dreams couldn't have predicted how amazing you'd look without your shirt on, Mr. Berkman," he blushed. "Though I'm curious what's in your pants too now. You know, to see if my dreams got it right or not," the ferret chuckled softly.

The Doberman smirked as he stood straight up to dwarf the ferret and said, "Well, then let's not keep you waiting." Randall quickly unfastened his belt, the metal pinging slightly as it hit against the buckle and quickly pulled it off. He threw the belt nonchalantly off to the side before unbuttoning his pants and teasingly pulled them down.

What he wore underneath surprised the ferret who gave another gasp. The Doberman's genitalia was clad in a jockstrap, not just an athletic one, but one that had the phrase stitched around waistband that said simply, "Bad Dog" in bright white letters. The jock itself was a deep red color, and the thin waistband along with the straps gave it more of a fashion look. The damp pouch itself looked slick to the touch, made from a blend of cotton and polyester which showed off the dog's distinct bulge.

"I like to treat myself with the underwear I use," the Doberman said with a shrug and a confident smirk as he took a step forward towards the ferret to kiss him deeply and then began to knead his butt with his hands like dough.

To say that Rory melted against Randall would have been an understatement. The smaller male slumped against the Doberman for support as they kissed yet again, tongues dancing between their mouths. Unsurprisingly, the ferret's cock was leaking so much by now that he'd practically leaked through his teacher's jockstrap in a matter of seconds, any precum the dog may have been leaking having been totally soaked into the wet spot created by his student.

Kissing the ferret passionately, the Doberman carried him effortlessly to his desk, throwing the assorted papers he neatly organized off onto the floor. He lowered the ferret gently onto it, pressing his back into the cold wood while leaning over him and continuing to kiss the ferret with all the might he could. Their lips were locked together in union as they made out for what felt like hours, and Randall jumped when two curious paws gripped his firm buttcheeks hard. He growled audibly into their now sloppy kiss, moving away before unceremoniously bringing the pouch of his jock down so Rory could get his first real look at his cock.

"Take a gander, Rory," Randall said with a confident swagger, his maleness large, throbbing and imposing at eleven inches long with a prominent knot already formed at the base. He leaked profusely, though not quite as much as the younger male. The clear liquid drooled down his shaft and dripped to the tiled floor of the science room. "What do you think? How do I compare to dream me?" Randall flexed once again, his biceps bulging as his cock throbbed between his legs, and the pouch of the jock plumping up his already impressively-sized balls, their contents full and ready to put inside a warm, tight area.

The ferret was even more awestruck now than he had been before. "Y-you're...massive, sir! It looks absolutely amazing!" he praised the teacher's cock. "If you aren't too eager to ram it in me...I'd love to taste it," Rory blushed.

The teacher grinned, sauntering over to his student and laying his cock right on top of the ferret's. "Let's frot for a little bit, Rory. Then you can get under my desk and have a taste, like a good teacher's pet," the Doberman teased with a toothy grin, reaching his paw down to grip around the two members and beginning to stroke them in unison. He gave another low, dominant growl and loved the way Rory shivered and shook underneath him.

"A-aaaah, that feels amazing, sir! This is the first time anyone other than me has...touched it like this," the ferret panted softly as he squirmed in pleasure. "It feels so good with your dick against mine like this! Why does this feel so much better than my hand?" he asked as his nervous system was assaulted by a whole new world of sensations that felt so foreign yet so mind-blowing to the teenage mammal.

Randall smirked as he rubbed the sensitive cockhead of the ferretbeneath him. His teeth glimmered as he groaned and moved the pouch of his jock out of the way rather than having it hang below his balls so he could push them up against the ferret's. "I could give you a long, anatomical lecture on it, but you seem to be such a cock fiend, Rory." Mr. Berkman never used such language around his students, and it was liberating to the Doberman who was panting and drooling over his barely legal protégé. Secretly, the older horndog had wanted the student ever since he came of age, and this was making all of his own fantasies come to life.

"Aw, c'mon, know I love it when you talk science to me," Rory grinned, his hips giving small, almost involuntary bucks upward into the Doberman's paw. "Mmmf, and with strong hands like yours teaching me, I don't ever want you to stop this lecture." His brown eyes glittered in the bright light of the room every time lightning flashed outside, but from the little amount they could see of each other's faces in the dark classroom, it was clear they were both enjoying this lesson.

"Well, if you must know," Mr. Berkman began as he leaned forward to rub his muscular pecs against the ferret's chest and to rub his abs against the tip of Rory's cock as his own cock nudged the ferret's balls. "Your nervous system has both a sympathetic and parasympathetic response, and when given a new stimulus..." The Doberman shifted back up and began to stroke their cocks faster and faster. "It responds to it using one of the two systems, and that can lead to some pleasurable results at times."

Leaning forward, Randall kissed Rory passionately once again, his tongue slowly snaking its way into Rory's muzzle as if to say, "You are mine". Their lips smacked together as streaks of lightning illuminated the room and lit up their bodies, and when Randall broke away, he said, "It's time for you to learn how to orally present your findings."

"You know I'm a master at oral presentations, sir," the ferret grinned mischievously. "And I've been wanting to give you some real masterful oral...presentations...for years now, but you're much thicker than a practice banana," he smiled. "How would you like me to do it?"

The Doberman mused over some different positions before he reached his conclusion. "Why don't you just sit up, and we will see how you present yourself. I promise I'm not a harsh grader when it comes to impromptu presentations." Grabbing the waistband of his jock, the teacher stripped out of the fabric, letting it fall to the floor to allow his cock and balls ample movement.

Nodding, the ferret pushed upwards to sit on the edge of the desk as instructed, bringing him muzzle to muzzle with his idol. "Now what, sir?" he blushed, appearing a little timid in front of the hunk of a Doberman.

"On your knees, boy," Randall barked, pointing a clawed index finger downward. "I want you to service me like you are trying to get more than an A in this class, and I want you to give me the treatment you wanted to give to that quarterback."

Rory couldn't have possibly slid off the desk and onto his knees in front of the biology teacher any faster, quickly coming face to tip with the huge dobie cock with a squeaked "Yes, sir!" He hesitated for just a moment before he leaned forward and nosed against the thick canine cock, inhaling its musky odor and moaning softly in bliss. "You smell amazing, sir," he commented before he opened up and slid his tongue between his lips, timidly lapping at the head of his teacher's cock and tasting the precum oozing from the tip, the salty flavor sliding down his throat as he swallowed.

"Mmmm, good boy," the Doberman smiled hungrily as he watched the ferret begin to lick his cock. "You've never done this before with another boy?" Randall asked with a lustful grin as he felt Rory's tongue lick over the head of his cock which sent shivers up his spine. "Because it feels as if you have, Rory." Grabbing the short fur on top of Rory's head gently, the Doberman pushed him down underneath his shaft, so the ferret's sensitive nose would be pressed to his musky balls.

"N-no, never, sir!" Rory yipped as he came face to face with the huge, swollen canine balls, unable to pull away, even if he wanted to. He inhaled deeply of his teacher's scent, smelling the sheer masculinity of the musclebound male, mixed with whatever body wash the dog had used that morning. Figuring he knew what was going to be asked of him next, he started lapping at those hefty orbs, feeling their weight on his tongue as he was held there.

Randall gave a sultry moan as he stroked the ferret's ears, his tongue licking over his sharp canines before rolling out of his muzzle as he panted openly. His stubby tail wagged behind him as the ferret's smooth, wet, and warm tongue bathed his balls in spit. It had been so long since he had gotten such eager attention, and this young, hot ferret was giving him everything he wanted. "Alright, I-I think that's enough. Let's switch it up."

The Doberman savored the curious and somewhat confused expression as Randall took his paw off of his prized student's head and then turned around 180 degrees so that the ferret was face to face with his backside. "Lick my balls again, but go up to my tailhole. I want you to worship every inch of me," the Doberman practically growled, his tail still wagging, but the nub lifted slightly upward as he started to move his butt closer to the ferret, almost implying that he wanted to sit on his face from a standing position.

"Y-you want me to lick your hole, sir?" Rory asked timidly, nervous as this wasn't something he had ever considered doing. "O-okay, just hope you like it!" He gulped, and without another word, he closed the distance between him and the dobie's balls, licking up along them and across the bridge between them and his destination slowly, soon finding his nose just an inch away from his teacher's musky hole, that same musky flavor already assaulting his tongue as it rested between the Doberman's cheeks, as if worried to take that last leap into the unknown.

Randall gave another low growl as he felt that familiar warm and wet tongue explore his most sensitive areas. He gave a smirk as he looked over his shoulder, shaking his ass teasingly for a moment. "Don't worry, son. If you feel the need to quit, I can always give you a rimjob to show you how it's done. Mmmm, but your tongue does feel so wonderful in between my cheeks. It's hard to resist it." Randall reached a paw behind him, spreading his right cheek as he squatted slightly. "Don't be afraid of it, it's clean. Promise you'll get more than a taste sometime later when we do this again, boy."

"W-when?" Rory half-yelped, half-moaned just from the words alone. "We've barely begun, but you're already planning a round two?" he smirked. "Such a dirty old man you are, Mr. Berkman! But I totally love that about you..." Chuckling lightly to himself, and spurred on by his teacher's words, Rory dove in fearlessly, his tongue licking right across that tight, musky hole, swirling his tongue around its circumference slowly before diving in a little deeper, burying his face in the Doberman's muscular mounds and practically making out with his teacher's ass like how they'd been making out previously.

"F-fuck, dig into that ass, Rory!" the Doberman moaned openly, grabbing onto one of the desks in front of him for support. His own cock was now leaking onto the floor, spurred on by the student's tongue along his sensitive hole. The spit had a warming effect until Rory moved down his hole and over his taint to suck on his balls affectionately, allowing the drool to cool and give a wonderful sensation to the Doberman's tailhole.

"Get daddy's rump nice and wet, boy. Stroke my cock and get me throbbing, so I can be nice and hard when I cram this in your hole." Randall no longer cared how lewd he sounded, despite being so professional only just an hour before with Rory. His carnal needs had risen up and taken hold of him, instinct and the need to breed overshadowing his own conscience. He wanted Rory more than anything at that very moment, and to claim him as his.

Nodding obediently, the ferret reached up and gripped the Doberman's cock firmly and started stroking it slowly while his tongue trailed up to that hole once more. Getting a little adventurous, now that his brain's higher thought processes were slowly shutting down due to the constant musk inhalation, Rory found himself pressing his tongue into his teacher's hole, his slick appendage spreading the muscular ring open slightly at first, but then when he applied just a bit more pressure to it, his tongue speared into Randall's hole nearly all at once.

Jumping at the intrusion, Randall gasped in surprise and quickly understood what had happened, and his tail wagged against the top of the ferret's head. "Oh one has ventured inside my ass before," Randall thought to himself as a blush crossed over his cheeks and his ears dipped low. He didn't admit it to Rory, the embarrassment of the situation being completely overtaken by arousal.

The Doberman gripped the desk harder, and his ears flicked when he heard the sound of wood being scratched. He realized he would have to fix that later, but the thought was quickly interrupted when the tongue pressed right up against one of the most sensitive parts of his body. He didn't need basic anatomical knowledge to know what the ferret pressed up against, and he shivered, his muscles flexing and relaxing all at once as more pre began to add to the mix of the ferret's paws and his own cock. "Fuck!" Randall barked out loud as Rory used his tongue to push against his prostate.

Rory, being the ever-diligent student that he was, knew what just happened. Just a week ago, the Doberman had mentioned the prostate in class and where it was located. Given where his tongue was, he figured he had to be right on top of it, and while he was surprised that licking it was giving his teacher pleasure, that just made him want to pleasure the Doberman even more. The ferret's tongue swirled around at that depth, licking right across the sensitive nub in the larger man's ass sensually.

"Mmmmmmf, fuck yeah," Randall moaned out as he panted hotly. He started to thrust into the ferret's grip, the side of the desk he was leaning on now painted with pre-cum. "Damn, Rory. You have quite the skilled tongue. Fuck, I give it an A+!" Randall pushed back with each thrust, not wanting to pull away.

Finally, with as much grit as he could, and a small whimper that he tried to suppress as much as possible, the studly teacher pulled his ass further away from the ferret. He heard the slick squelching of the tongue slipping out of his ass before a pop resonated throughout the classroom, and the Doberman was left a panting, sweating mess as Rory continued to slowly stroke him. If someone were to lick his balls right now, he probably wouldn't be able to resist the pleasure and would probably cum right then and there.

"Something wrong, sir?" Rory asked quietly. "You sounded like you were enjoying that, so why'd you pull away?" the curious ferret inquired. "I just imagined I was making out with you, so I hope I did alright."

Giving a long, needful pant, Randall looked over his shoulder before moving out of his squatting position. His powerful back muscles on full display along with his muscular rump as he turned around. He held his cock in one paw, stroking it slowly with a grin, his face flushed due to the arousal, and his balls pulled up towards his body.

"Because I would have came all over the floor, and that would have been a waste. Want the first load in your muzzle, boy, or in your ass? Either way, I'm gonna go again for a second shot. Don't want my favorite student to leave without popping himself." Randall gave that confident smirk, attempting to try to get Rory to ignore the fact that he was about to jizz from another man's tongue in his ass. He would save that for another day, and save the fact that he wanted to retain his dominant side in front of his student...for now.

Rory was blushing bright red as he watched the large dobie stroke himself slowly in front of him, groping his own rock hard cock which was leaking puddles between his legs. "W-well...I suppose if you're certain you want to do a second round today...Fuck it, I want to taste your cum, sir. Cum in my mouth first, then pump me full of your pups after," he replied slowly, cock throbbing at the very idea of getting to experience his teacher's body in both ways in the same day.

"Open wide then, teacher's pet," Randall said with a dominant growl to his voice. His muscles began to tense, and his balls started to pull up to his body. The orgasm began to push up from his balls with breathtaking speed, and the Doberman moved forward to grip the ferret's head and shoved him towards his cock as he furiously stroked his throbbing cock. The knot was already swollen, wanting to tie to an imaginary hole, but with his willing volunteer kneeling before him, Randall used his hand to simulate a tie.

Knowing what was coming, based on his experience with his own and with porn, Rory quickly opened his mouth and engulfed the first few inches of his teacher's cock with his warm mouth, suckling on it hungrily as he felt the dobie's body tensing, his orgasm rapidly approaching.

"F-fuck yeah! Suck on my tip," Randall moaned as finally the orgasm crashed over him and hit his body like a bag of bricks. His muscles spasmed, and he found himself lurching slightly forward with each firm pulse of his thick cock. A happy and content bark followed as his balls pulled close to his body, and he hilted his member deep into the ferret's muzzle.

Four thick shots of pure dobie spunk were launched into the ferret's mouth and throat, and Randall groaned as he pulled out of the warm and tight maw to shoot three more streaks across the ferret's face and neck. Randall was left panting as he continued to stroke his throbbing cock, the aftermath looking wonderful splattered across his student's face as his maleness dripped onto the floor below.

Rory was blushing madly as he gulped the cum that had been fired into his mouth, savoring the sweet, yet salty flavor of his teacher's load, and as it slid down his throat, the gravity of it all finally hit him like a baseball bat to the back of the head. Not only had he just blown the man of his dreams, but he now had that very Doberman's cum trickling down into his stomach, not to mention the ropes of seed splashed across his face and, somewhat frustratingly, his glasses. Normally, getting his glasses messy would have been incredibly annoying and made him want to clean them off right away, but as he inhaled the musky, masculine odor of his teacher's cum on his face, everything just felt right with the world, and he felt like the cum on his muzzle was a badge of honor for him.

Licking his lips, the ferret looked up into Randall's eyes. "If round one was that hot, sir...I can't wait for round two," he smirked, leaning forward and lapping the trickling remnants of his teacher's load off the tip of his cock. "You taste amazing, sir!"

Lightly placing his fingers underneath the ferret's chin, Randall began to raise the ferret's head to look up at him. Almost instinctively, Rory began to stand upward to stare into his teacher's beautiful hazel eyes. "Come here and give me a kiss, so I can get a bit of what you had."

Rory nodded obediently, taken by surprise, but he complied and kissed the Doberman passionately. Their tongues intertwined together, and the cum mixed between their lips, the saliva and salty mixture creating an interesting combination of flavors that made Randall moan openly. While he was doing this, he took some of the cum from his cock and lubed up his fingers with it before beginning to play with the ferret's virgin hole, the tip of his claws gently poking and prodding against the entrance to test Rory's reaction.

As one might expect, the ferret made a surprised noise during the kiss, and his rump instantly tightened up in an effort to keep out whatever invader was prodding at the backdoor. It was one thing to practically beg the dobie to fuck you next, but it was another thing entirely once the reality of what was about to happen to him finally settled in. That huge cock he'd just sucked was going to enter him, and what was poking at his entrance was nothing compared to the size of what was to come...

Randall grunted as he grabbed the base of his cock, stroking his maleness as he continued to finger the ferret's hole. He continued to probe his student, giving a grin at the small yips and moans when he pressed against a very specific area, watching as Rory arched his back and pushed against his fingers willingly. "Mmmm, someone is a little sensitive. Want my cock, Rory? Want your favorite teacher to take you and make you a true teacher's pet?"

"Y-yes! So much, sir! Please, I want to be a good teacher's pet and serve you!" the ferret moaned as he felt a second and third finger enter his young hole. "P-please, fuck me, sir!" he groaned, his throbbing teenage cock leaking precum onto the floor below from the stimulation to his prostate.

Randall grinned dominantly, the precum adding sufficient lubrication to push into the young man's hole easily with a squelching sound. He was equally aroused by the fact that the student who had religiously taken all of his classes was now begging him to teach him one more very important lesson. Randall gently guided the ferret over to his desk, his fingers still deep inside of his rump. The Doberman had a confident swagger, his tail wagging behind him as he thought about sinking his cock deep into the tight and warm hole.

The ferret's ass seemed to be stretched as much as was needed for his thick dobie cock, and Randall lined up the tapered tip with Rory's winking tailhole with his free hand. "I'm gonna take my fingers out. Right when I do, I am gonna put my cock against your hole. I want you to take a deep breath, clench your hole, and then relax. It will make the penetration easier, and I don't want to hurt my favorite student." Randall grinned at the remark, giving Rory a few extra pumps with his three fingers lodged deep in his student's rump. "You ready, Rory?"

Rory nodded, biting his lower lip as he turned around and put his hands on the teacher's desk firmly and spread his legs for the Doberman. "I trust you, sir, and I know you'll teach me the right way," he said with a blushing, albeit slightly nervous smile over his shoulder at the Doberman. "This is just one more test I need to get an "A" on, and I don't settle for "B's", even if I really want a "D"," he smirked at his own terrible joke.

Randall chuckled, giving a low growl as he watched his prized student spread his legs. Rory's tight hole winked at him, the pink star spread a bit due to the fingering and covered in a sheen of cum. The Doberman grabbed his maleness, lining it up with the ferret's hole and teasingly pushing his tip against it.

"Always so witty, Rory. On your papers, in class, and with your legs spread for your daddy Doberman." Randall could see Rory's features tense for a moment, the ring of muscle squeezing right when the teacher put his cock right up against the tender entrance. Rory then gave a long sigh as he relaxed, and that was when Randall struck. He rolled his hips forward, the tip of his cock sinking into the virgin ferret's hole, and he gave a long groan as he sank inward. The wall's of Rory's guts closed around his member tightly, as if pulling him deeper in, and Randall continued to push slowly, but deliberately.

"Grrrrr, let me know if it's too much," Randall said, his muscles flexing on his upper body as he gripped the student's rump, his paws gripping the ferret's ass with one paw and the other wrapping around his chest as he sank into the submissive student.

Letting out soft, adorable whimpers which weren't too far off of being moans, Rory's body shivered as he was held there by the strong hands of the teacher he adored. "Y-you feel even bigger now, sir," he panted as another thick inch of Doberman cock slid into him. "You're so huge!"

Randall's ears flicked with the squelching as his cock continued to go deeper and deeper into his ferret student turned lover. The lightning outside highlighted the room as shadows of rain droplets dotted the floor, ceiling, and windows, painting the area in black dots. Luckily, the thunder covered most of Randall's growls and Rory's crescendoing whimpers. After about two minutes of waiting and then thrusting and waiting again, Randall was finally hilted inside of the ferret student, his balls pressed right up against Rory's own, hips flush with Rory's rump, and the Doberman teacher now nibbling on his prized student's ear. "F-fuck, you are so tight. It's been a while since I had a virgin rump, and what better person to get rid of my dry streak than my favorite teacher's pet?"

Randall gave a low chuckle at his joke, and the older man leaned forward so that his muscular chest was right up against Rory's back. He nibbled on the ferret's ears, only stopping to let out hot breath onto them in long pants. Randall's tail was wagging like crazy as he slowly began to pull his cock out, enjoying the whimpers from Rory as the full feeling was slowly being taken away from him. "Ready for a pounding, pet?"

"J-just start slow," Rory panted, moaning softly as his teacher assaulted his ears and neck with little nibbles. Apparently, the Doberman had discovered one of his student's weaknesses. "I want you to claim me as your pet, sir! Whatever it takes!" the ferret half-begged as he pushed back just a little, feeling the dobie's knot brush against his hole and shivering in response. He could feel his body trying to force the canine out, but he tried to keep himself relaxed as much as he could, taking deep breaths and letting them out nice and slow.

Randall kissed Rory's neck affectionately and began to roll his hips forward again. WIth a squelch and a slap of his hips against Rory's rump, Randall gave a small growl that started to turn into a groan. He repeated the movement, and this time a little bit faster when he heard no protests from the male below him. Randall tightened his grip around the ferret like he possessed him, his fingers finding the student's right nipple and pinching it gently while his claws dug into Rory's rump. He didn't grip hard enough to draw blood, but certainly enough that it was a constant reminder of who was in control.

"So tight, Rory. Such a good student. Always turning in homework on time, never tardy, and ready to please. Now you're mine, Rory. All mine to touch, push around, and fuck. My pet..." Randall whispered into the ferret's ear, the lust in his voice leaking out and unabashedly teasing the ferret. "Don't touch yourself, by the way. I want to be the one to get you off."

"Y-yes, sir!" the ferret squeaked as his teacher's cock pressed right against his prostate on its way past. "I'm all yours to use as you please, sir, and I will follow your every order!" he moaned, unimaginable pleasure shooting throughout his body like a pleasant electrical shock, making his very skin tingle and his fur stand on end. Rory had to brace himself on his elbows once his hands started shaking, making him rest his head on his forearms as the handsome canine gave him increasingly more intense pleasure with each successive thrust into his youthful hole.

Randall gave a grin and knew full well how Rory was now wrapped around his finger. He started to slowly speed up his thrusts, the cracks of thunder outside about as loud as his toned hips were when they slapped against Rory's pert ass. Randall could feel his plump and full balls hit the ferret's own, his body shivering and sweat beginning to form on his black fur as he started to pull out further before pushing in.

"Yeah, you like being my pet? Like when I give you my dick and fuck your ass full of my cock? I love how you moan, my sweet pet. The storm will cover them, so don't be afraid to get louder!" Reaching upward with his hand that was once on Rory's rump, the Doberman brought it down upon the ferret's right rump cheek with a firm slap to watch it wiggle and bounce. His thrusts were still not as hard and heavy as usual, not wanting to break Rory during his first time. Randall blushed somewhat at his vulgarity, the tight hole that squeezed around his nearly foot-long maleness making him say terribly lewd things, but at the same time, it only seemed to turn Rory on more. The somewhat shy and reserved ferret opening up to him with a chorus of moans and whimpers served only to egg him on more.

"I love being your pet, sir!" Rory yelped when his butt was slapped again, making him look over his shoulder once more to observe his teacher. His eyes widened, and a new lust surged through him, cock leaking all over the desk as he saw that powerful, muscular body plowing into him, that thick cock he'd been sucking on just a few minutes earlier now rapidly thrusting in and out of his ass. It almost felt surreal, like there was no way it was his own ass being fucked by the Doberman, but he knew from the brown and cream color of the furry rump that was being plowed that it was definitely his own ass, though the pleasure jolting up his spine was making that reality equally obvious. He moaned a little louder, blushing as he briefly worried about them being overheard, but at the moment, God himself couldn't tear him away from the perfectly muscular hips slamming into him.

Randall's growls started to get lower and longer as he continued to thrust into the willing ass that was bent over his desk. The constant panting that Randall was doing meant that droplets of warm, wet saliva fell onto Rory's back, and some of it in the crack of the ferret's pert cheeks. "Y-yeah...I think I'm getting close, Rory. You want my knot, or do you want to take it easy...this time." Randall gave a malicious grin at the words as he continued his assault, fully knowing that he had a hormonally-raging teenager ready and willing to fuck. "Want my pups, Rory? To be full of my warm load?" The powerful thrusts that were now hitting Rory's body were making the ferret's head bob in an almost trance-like state as those hips pummeled his rump, balls slapping against one another as the student lost himself in the pleasure.

Randall's balls began to pull up close to his body, and the contents were ready to leave their prison and fill the needy bitch that the Doberman was now almost fully hilted inside of. The knot kissed against Rory's hole, and the constant pressure of the bulb of flesh was teasing the ferret's entrance.

"K-knot me, sir! I want to feel everything, and I want you to claim me as your pet forever! Fill me up like a bitch, sir!" Rory half-moaned, half-begged as his own balls tingled and tensed despite him not having touched his comparatively meager cock at all. "I think I'm close too, sir! Your dick is too good!"

Although during normal teaching hours, such foul language would have made the Doberman's ears stand up and his fur bristle, but during this intimate moment between him and his student, he could not be more turned on. Thrusting with enough vigor that the objects on the desk began to shake, Randall took both of his hands and gripped the slender hips of the ferret tightly as he started to slow his thrusts down momentarily in order to give the ferret several hard, unyielding, and spine-tingling thrusts. He could feel Rory shake and shiver around him as the ferret's prostate was barraged by his massive dick, and the knot slammed against Rory's hole.

Like a man possessed, the Doberman drooled lustfully as his knot was a quarter of the way in, the next thrust pushing his knot half way in, and then the next pushing the ferret forward against the desk and getting the knot about three-fourths of the way in; and then finally, with one triumphant push and a howl from the Doberman that was luckily covered up by a conveniently-timed shudder of thunder, the knot pushed itself into the ferret's passageway with a slick pop.

"Grrrrr, FUCK!" Randall howled as he leaned forward to bite down on Rory's neck in a mating bite, pressing him further into the desk. The weight of all the hard muscles was almost suffocating, the ferret unable to smell anything but the Doberman's scent and whatever body wash he used in the morning as his cock jumped and throbbed. His balls lifted up to his body, and his tail wagged as rope after rope of warm, thick cum poured out into the ferret's guts and began filling him up.

Rory moaned loudly as he felt that warm seed pumping into him, and while his ass was screaming from the knot lodged within him, it was pressing right against his prostate, and that sent the smaller male over the edge violently, the ferret's cock erupting beneath him and painting the side of Randall's desk with jets of cum that splattered all over the smooth wood and started dripping down it, the deluge crashing against the desk only growing worse as the seconds ticked by. Rory was experiencing the most powerful orgasm of his young life.

As Randall continued to pump cum into the willing rump beneath him, the Doberman wiggled his hips to feel the knot inside Rory's rear and pulled back down on the ferret's body. Finally, after about a full minute and a half of constant jumping and throbbing from his cock, Randall's growls turned to low moans and then finally small sighs and pants as he leaned down to lick his lover. His thick tongue moved across the ferret's love bite, and he wrapped his arms lovingly around the student's waist to pull him close. The rain outside added a relaxing pitter-patter, and the thunder sounded more distant. The two were smooshed together and quietly enjoying one another for who knows how long until finally Randall shifted. Through his pants, Randall gave a small smile and asked, "Hey, you okay down there?"

"M-more than okay, sir," Rory panted, resting his head on the desk for a second before looking over his shoulder at his teacher. "I've never felt such pleasure before, and I'm happy it was you who gave that pleasure to me, sir," he smiled brightly, sweat trickling down his forehead as his tired hole squeezed around the knot firmly lodged within him. "I'm glad you cancelled football practice to show me how amazing it feels to be bred by you, sir!"

"Mmmmm, I honestly didn't know that this would happen," Randall said with a chuckle as he nuzzled against Rory. "Been so long since I had a willing boy to breed, though. I have to admit that you are quite attractive. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to teach you....some things." Randall grinded against the ferret, his hips pushing against Rory's rump. "If you had it in you, I'd pop out my knot and go again, but let's just take it slow. Don't want to hurt you on your first time." Randall then looked around Rory's body to see his desk splattered with Rory's cum and gave a tsking sound. "By the way, you owe my desk a good cleaning."

Rory chuckled in reply. "I'll be sure to give it a good lick clean once we're done he--" the ferret had started to say, his words being cut short as his ears twitched, picking up the sound of keys jingling, a shadow standing just outside the door and whistling to themselves. "Shit, the janitor! What do we do?" he asked quietly and urgently, terrified that they might get caught and he'd be publicly ridiculed while the Doberman lost his job, or worse.

"Shiiiiit," Randall whispered. "Ummm, let's go hide in the workroom! There's a lock, and I can just click it shut!"

The Doberman quickly picked up the ferret, holding him close until he was nearly up against his chest, and the two started to make their way towards the back door near the front of the classroom. The door was open and led directly into the chemical workroom where the teacher kept all of the dangerous chemicals and other stains that he didn't want any of the students who got into trouble getting into.

"Fuck, come on, you damn knot! Work with me here!" Randall ended up hissing to no one in particular as he awkwardly shuffled the ferret into the workroom and began to close the door. Out of everything the Doberman forgot, it was the damn janitor who always, ALWAYS came around 5:30 pm. He was like clockwork.

As the Doberman shut the door and clicked the lock, the door to the classroom opened, and the janitor, an old grizzly bear, could be heard shuffling into the room with his cleaning supplies. The two heard him dragging along the cleaning cart, and before long, the wet slap of a mop on the floor and the handle of it clanking against the metal legs of the desk as he cleaned the floor, gradually getting nearer to where teacher and student were still knotted together in the chemical closet. It was almost pitch black in the room, but Rory's worried eyes could still see the worry and fear on Mr. Berkman's handsome face, all the while trying not to let out any moans every time he shifted on the knot still pressing against his prostate.

"What the devil?" the grizzly said out loud from barely five feet away from the door, ceasing his whistled rendition of "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" as he shuffled to roughly where the desk was, followed by the creaking of old knees as the grizzly presumably bent down. "Hm, fresh and sticky," the janitor muttered. "Your kids must really hate you, Berkman," he chuckled. "To think they'd throw glue at your desk and leave it for you to find in the morning. Ah well, desk ain't my problem, but this floor though..."

Groaning as he clearly stood up, the wet sound of the mop slapping against the floor was heard once more as the janitor cleaned up all the slowly drying cum on the floor, thankfully having mistaken the drying jizz as glue. His whistling resumed, and a few tense minutes ticked by before the whistling grew distant, and the door shut and locked as the janitor left the classroom, the scent of some kind of Lysol floor cleaner wafting into the chemical workroom.

Rory was the first to let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. "Shit, that was close, sir..."

"You are telling me, son," Randall said as he shifted his weight, his breathing returning back to normal. During that whole incident, it was as if he had forgotten how to breathe. The whole of the situation came crashing down on Randall. "Ummm, Rory. I just want to uhh, be clear that what we are doing is against school rules, and I want to give you an ultimatum. I know that you are stuck to me right now...." Randall gave a few teasing thrusts and a chuckle, but then the seriousness returned. "...But I just want to let you know that I will not tell a soul about this and about what happened. This can be a one-time thing or just... you know...uhhh..."

This time, it was Randall who was clamming up. Even in class, the Doberman had an almost stoic appearance. He never let anything get past him or any situation worry him when it came to teaching, but this was somewhat unfamiliar territory. Admittedly, he had relations with some of his players, but never in his classroom and always after they graduated.

But this one was still in school.

The Doberman hadn't expected it, but Rory actually chuckled. "Trust me, I'm well aware what we're doing is very against school rules, but that's what makes it kinda thrilling, don't you think? I won't tell a soul about this either, but...I don't want this to just be a one-time thing, sir," the ferret smiled, leaning over and flicking the light switch inside the closet, ignoring the stinging in his eyes from the sudden burst of light, but he wanted to see his teacher for this. "I meant what I said about this being a dream come true, sir. You're amazing, sexy, and...I know you might think it's just teenage hormones and stuff, but...I love you, sir. You're perfect, and you're everything I've ever dreamed of. I know you can't just date a student, but once I graduate, do you think you'd...want to go on a date with me?" he asked, blushing as he looked over his shoulder into the Doberman's hazel eyes.

Giving a blush, Randall cleared his throat as he stroked down the ferret's naked chest sensually. He slowly played with the ferret's balls, holding them in his palm and rolling them before trailing back up to stroke across Rory's lean chest. "I would like nothing more, Rory. We just have to be...very careful. Not only would I lose my job, but you know how football players are, and some of your classmates. I don't want that to happen to you. I love your body, and I can't say I don't enjoy turning your prostate into mush, but...just be careful, and..."

Randall leaned forward, his tongue licking across Rory's lips before he dove in for a slow, sensual, and passionate kiss. Their lips pressed together, and the smacking of their mouths echoed throughout the small chemical closet, the ferret slinging an arm back over the Doberman's neck as they kissed in their standing, spooning position. When the Doberman broke away, he gave a happy grin. "You are my favorite teacher's pet. I live alone, are always welcome to come over. I also live out in the country, so it's pretty secluded. We can do a lot more there." Giving a low growl, Randall nibbled on the ferret's ear. "My little exhibitionist student might want to get another thrill though and do it in the woods."

Snorting with a bit of laughter, Rory nuzzled against his teacher's muzzle. "I want to experience everything with you, sir. In your bed, against the wall, in the locker room, in the forest, in your car...I don't mind, so long as I'm with you," he smiled. "Though I'd be lying if I said I wasn't liking the idea of us going at it a second time right here in this workroom...And of course, we'll be careful that no one finds out about us," the ferret grinned mischievously and clenched his ass around the slowly deflating knot inside him.

"Fuck, you read my mind, my little ferret minx. But first, I better just pop this out before we do anything...!" Randall said, the vulgarity back along with his bravado and confidence. Outside, the storm still brewed as Randall began to slowly work his knot out. With a slick squelch, followed by a popping sound, Randall's knot popped out, the shaft still engulfed by Rory's insides, and the moan and needful whimper that followed from Rory was music to Randall's ears.

"You want to go again, my little pet?" Randall asked with a dominant growl to his voice.

"Mmmmmf, yes please, sir," Rory said obediently, his eyes glazing over with pleasure as the knot began to push against his hole once more.

Round two of the storm was beginning to blow over the school, the rain pummeling the windows and lightning streaking across the sky, thunder rumbling the building, but the two in the workroom had one another, their moans, groans, and growls punctuating the early evening as they enjoyed each other's company in more carnal ways. Hopefully another janitor wouldn't walk in on them to spoil their second afterglow, or the third.