Under Moonlight Born and Bred

Story by Lapso on SoFurry

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Two werewolf siblings doing what werewolf siblings do best... assuming werewolf siblings rutting under the light of the full moon is what they do best?

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With the rising of the moon comes a song as deep and primal as the earth itself. The light of that heavenly body becomes a flame within the soul that burns and grows until the flesh has no choice but to conform to it. To be molded and tempered by it like a sword under the skilled hands of an artisan. With that flame comes power, strength, and a connection to the earth that nothing can compare with. At least, that's what they both thought.

While the rest of the pack ran through the woods miles from the small village they called their own, Elias and Maria sat together alongside the lake shore staring at the radiance of the moon overhead as it shown down upon them. In preparation for the change that would be brought out of them, the two young werewolves had already discarded any clothing they had and simply waited there, together, without shame. Though they were siblings, twins, they were more comfortable with one another than any of their pack.

Maria's hand trembled as fur began to slowly creep along her skin; a tawny brown that matched her brother's perfectly. She'd always been a bit slower to change and this month was no different. Already her brother's feet were those of paws meant to race across the earth while her own, still human toes idly dug into the sand impatiently.

"Why are you nervous?" Elias asked with a sincere note of worry in his voice. His eyes reflected the moonlight as he looked to her and gave a reassuring smile. "It's the same as every month. It just takes time.'

"I've never been good at patience," his sister reminded him as she turned to kiss him softly. "I can't help but be a little jealous about how easy it is for you. Not to mention I feel bad making you wait."

Moving a hand behind his sister's head, Elias's smile only grew as he carefully ran his claws through her hair. "For you, I'd wait until the stars burned out and failed to shine for just a single moment like this. Woman or wolf, you are still my sister and the one to whom I devote my entire being. What is time when I am with you but a fickle thing that toys with us like puppets set upon strings."

His knack for poetry never failed to rouse a smile from Maria. Even when the primal drive of the wolf took hold, her brother never failed to maintain the kindness of his heart. It was always she who slew their prey in the hunt because he could never bring himself to cause another pain. Even now, she knew that his instinct was gnawing at his sense of reason but he was fighting it for her sake. She couldn't imagine the hell that was waiting for what he knew was coming next.

Gasping softly, Maria tensed slightly as her tail slowly grew from the small of her back; the sensation of her spine growing and lengthening never something she'd grown accustomed to. Even as it did, Elias's fingers found the tender new flesh and massaged it with a grace and care that betrayed the fact his claws could rend the flesh from bone like a hot blade through butter.

Finally, her feet began to change into paws and Maria felt content to lie back and let the final aspects of the change take place. The warmth that spread from her toes along her calves and thighs was somehow all the more sensual. Even as muscles pulled and changed, all she could feel was the moon's loving caress easing her through the change.

At last, she laid there alongside her brother in her wolf form; a toned and lithe mix of woman and wolf that made Maria feel all the more beautiful. Her senses sharpened as she scented the air and found it strong with her brother's scent. The finest details of the night were revealed to her and she could hear the sound of her pack's hunt miles away. Surely they would hear what took place tonight, surely they knew, but not one of them dared stand in defiance of the alpha's children.

As the warmth of the change ebbed away, an all too potent fire remained in its place. Maria knew that Elias had smelled her heat the moment that the change occurred. Despite his best efforts, his sheathe had swollen in arousal and anticipation that begged to be given attention. His scent, so strong and virile, swirled through the air with her own fertile estrus in a potent musk that made it near impossible for Maria to restrain the wants of the beast.

Indeed, Maria already found herself rolling onto her hands and paws as the newly formed muscles acclimated to the change in her anatomy. She growled happily as she stretched her tendons and looked to her brother with an almost predatory desire. Tonight was the first night that her heat cycle had coincided with the full moon since they'd come of age and were within their rights to breed. She had little intention to let the moment pass them by.

Elias, for his part, seemed more than willing to oblige his sister as he too rose to all fours. Somewhat larger than her, he looked down at her with his best attempt at the dominant stare he knew was customary but ultimately looked too much like the doting puppy he truly was at heart. He leaned in and sniffed along her face before kissing and licking her playfully.

"I don't want to rush this," he whispered to her in a shaking, deep voice that spoke more to his needs than any words ever could. "It's rather difficult this time though."

"I feel the same," Maria reassured him as she nuzzled him in return and gave his ear a playful nip. "I won't blame you for rushing if you want to. We both want it."

"We both need it," Elias corrected her as he started to slowly circle behind her. As he did, he sniffed and nuzzled along her form curiously. "No matter how many times I see you this way it's like a gift every time. Your beauty is like the stars, your scent more heavenly than ambrosia, and your loins more enticing than the finest wines and sweets." He growls softly and nips at her tail. "I want you to have my pups."

Lowering her front end, Maria lifted her hindquarters in offering to her brother. Her lowered view gave her the chance to see his shaft as it hung free from his sheathe now; a sizeable canine cock that begged to be licked. She moved carefully and ran her tongue from the pointed tip along the pink length until her nose was buried in his groin fur and her tongue felt his sheath. His knot hadn't formed yet, thankfully, but she knew that it would soon. Opening her mouth, she took her brother's arousal into it and once more descended its length until her nose was buried deep in his fur.

Elias growled out in bliss as he lifted a leg to give his sister ease of access. His vision blurred for a moment as a deeper, more primal growl slipped his lips but was quickly drawn back in. Every fiber of his being craved nothing more than to mount her from behind and push her down into the dirt until she was no longer in heat. Every suckle from his sister's lips made it all the harder to resist the drive of his instinct until finally he had no choice but to pull away from her.

Instead, he moved to return the sensual caresses as his tongue lapped at the swollen labia of his sibling's heat stricken nethers. He'd never been particularly skilled at this form of love making but tonight he knew skill made little difference in her enjoyment. Unlike him, Maria was panting in feral lust and need as her instincts drove her actions. He wasn't sure how he managed not to succumb as well at this point but he continued onward as he pleasured his twin's pussy slowly.

Finally, however, his instincts could not be ignored. Moving behind her, Elias pulled himself up onto Maria as his arms wrapped around her torso. He leaned in and nuzzled her as he always did when he mounted her in the past; a token to show he was still in control. He knew that this time was different however. This time something would come of their union.

With a deep groan, Elias pushed forward and felt the tip of his shaft slip between his sister's swollen lips. Her heat wrapped around his shaft as it pushed forward with a warmth and need that he'd never known her to have before. Beneath him, Maria moaned out in bliss as she was steadily spread by her brother's girth and a small whine indicated she was wanting more already. Once again, Elias happily obliged as he pushed his hips forward until he was fully buried in his sister's fertile depths.

There was no more restraint to be had as Elias felt his sheath press against his sister's spade. He growled out and pulled back until only the head of his shaft remained in her depths before pushing back in fully until she was filled once more. Panting heavily, Elias lost himself to the need he felt for his twin as he began to fuck her in long, hard thrusts that brought sweet moans and whimpers from her lips.

As her depths gripped at his cock, Elias felt his knot already beginning to form from the sensation. He knew that if he continued as they were her body would seal it inside of her to ensure he couldn't pull out when he came. In the back of his mind, there was some call for him to give pause and consider his actions, to not allow his instincts to take him fully just as he was taking her. As his sister looked back at him though he saw the love and need in her eyes; her wolf not able to drive away the genuine feelings they had for one another. They were the alpha's children and one day would stand as the alphas of their pack. What they did now ensured that the pack would grow and that one day they would have children to take their place as alphas as well. While his reason begged him to reconsider, Elias pushed onward through it. In his heart, he knew this was right.

Continuing to thrust into his sibling, Elias felt her muscles tightening around him and his knot began to form faster within her. Soon, the familiar grip of the tie held his cock fast and he could do nothing more than make sharp thrusts forward as he sought his and her climax both. Finally, after another few moments, he tensed as he felt release rush through him.

As that fertile seed pumped from his shaft, he felt his sister climax around him as well. Her body drank in everything he gave her; drawing it deep to her womb where she needed it most. The two of them threw their heads back in a joined howl as they rode their climax together.

A howl of love, claiming, and creation. The howl of alphas doing their duty to the pack.