Harry's mother left for work

Story by BoogaTheHarlot on SoFurry

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Harry sat on his bed, staring out the window as his mother's Subaru pulled out of the driveway. He always loved summer. It meant he had the whole house to himself when his mother went to work. He switched on his radio. The faint sound of Alt-J filled the room. Slowly he sank back into his bed and opened his phone. He opened up Instagram and scrolled through the seemingly endless flow of pictures of his friends and their vacations. There was Jessica, on the family trip to Dubai, posing next to some millionaire's car. And David, as pale as the snow that surrounded him in the Himalayas.

Harry's mom never could take them on such extravagant trips. They just never got the chance. His father was out of the picture from an early age. Harry always knew his father's absence would have a toll on his emotional wellbeing, but ever since he's gone through puberty, he's been feeling the effects pretty hard. Harry's mother never had the talk with him, so to him, everything seemed normal.

Harry scrolled further down his Instagram feed, mindlessly flipping through photos until he saw one John posted yesterday. John stood next to his sister, both in their swimming suits on a beach in California. Harry felt a slight movement in his pants. He's always had an eye on John's sister, Eli, but he was pleasantly surprised to find that he had a hot flash come over his body then he glanced at John's abdomen.

Slowly Harry slipped his boxers over his hips. He knew by this time that the member growing out of his lower back didn't like to be captured. He felt how his legs started to slowly depart, letting a little bit of his inner juices drip down his inner thigh. He never understood biology, but whenever he seemed to get aroused, his body would change drastically. His penis sometimes drew itself into his body to form a perfect female slit. When his manly member disappeared, it seemed to manifest itself in the form of a cat-like tail. As sensitive and as erect as when his cock got stiff like a pole. Although it confused him, he didn't care because the pleasure he got from it was addictive. He was a slave to his inner teenage cravings.