Fangs - A Second Person Smut Story

Story by whimper on SoFurry

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I recently saw a story written as a monologue from big bulky dom screwing the reader. It was pretty nifty, and I can't say I haven't toyed with the idea in the past. I decided I wanted to try and write one of these over a couple of hours, and this is what you're getting. There's no story here, just you getting plowed by a kinky wolf. Enjoy!

You're lying in bed, mind half-awake. You were sleeping - you think you were, at least - your uncertainty is a good indicator that you were, though. What had woken you up?

Footsteps. thump. thump. thump. Then, the hissing of the kitchen sink. shhhhhhhhssssssshh. It squeaked as someone shut the tap. Adrian, hopefully. The ceiling fan wooshed overhead, and you could hear footsteps coming up the stairs now. The door opened. You looked towards the doorframe, and couldn't make out anything but that familiar, massive frame.

"Aw, hey cutie. Why're you up?"

That was the funny thing about dating a wolf, though. You couldn't see him at night. But to him, this room was bright as day.

"Actually, y'know what? Don't say a thing. I'm gonna pretend you were waiting for me." He paced towards your side of the bed, quickly stripping down. He stepped out of his jeans, giant footpaws snagging in the pant legs for a moment. Just wearing undies, now, he stretched out tall for you, smirking down as you watched.

"Because if you weren't waiting up for me, I'm gonna feel really bad about keeping you up for the next hour."

He smirked, showing off more teeth than you could have ever dreamed of. They glistened, slightly wet with wolf spit, reflecting the dim light of the stars. As he pulled the bedsheets off of your body, his pecs filled your vision - fluffy as all hell, the size of dinner plates, and absolutely thick with muscle. Musky, too, but what part of him wasn't?

"I never get tired of that look on your face. The one that just screams 'I'm a wolf slut.'"

His broad tongue wiped up your cheek, leaving a trail of viscous drool behind, chilling your skin. It slowly found its way to your lips, and there wasn't a hint of waiting for permission. It pressed through your lips, parting your front teeth, lapping up the roof of your mouth and leaving you with the taste of dog breath. He swung a leg over your hips, climbing up over you on all fours, reaching for your forearms. He spread them apart on the mattress, pinning them to the bed and pressing his thumb claws into the meat of your palms.

"It's been a while since I reminded you that you're mine. Properly, I mean." His nose was pressed to yours, his words hot and heavy against your lips. Those glowing yellow eyes were locked on yours. "Which should scare you, because I'm sure you're still walking funny from me 'going easy' last night."

He lunged forwards, pressing his teeth into your adam's apple, nipping at it and snarling. You could feel his hips lower as his legs spread apart, that giant sheath pressing against your bare shaft just a few seconds later. He humped back and forth, dwarfing your whole length with his fuzzy pouch.

"You're gonna be a good girl for me. Okay?" His jaw parted, and he pressed it down on your throat. Hot, angry snarls vibrated his tongue as it powerfully wiped over your windpipe, fangs pressing into the flank of your neck. No matter how much you struggled, how much you tried to free yourself, you were stuck. He was too big, too strong, and far too horny. The tangy, dry smell of lupine rut lingered in the air, funneling up between your bodies from his crotch.

"My pretty little bitch." He snickered, withdrawing that muzzle. Strings of saliva pulled out between his teeth and your neck, quickly being broken by a lash of his tongue through the air. His body was so hot against your skin, those few extra degrees that canids were gifted with making itself brutally apparent in the intensity of the moment. It was most present on your length, now throbbing against the underside of his sheath. Your tip barely reached the end of his sheath, but it was just long enough to kiss the middle of his half-hard shaft. Bloodred, of course, just like his tongue, which was now wrapped against a bulky lupine pawpad. He suckled at it, scratching across your heart with his free paw, eventually pulling it from his muzzle with a gentle pop.

"I can't wait to watch you squirm on my knot. Luckily, it won't be long." He bit your lip, reaching down to your rear. He shoved a knee between your legs, parting them wide enough that it tickled and stung softly. Then, that pawpad pressed against your entrance. It was big - really big, actually.

"Brace yourself, cutie~"


"Goooooood girl." He licked your lips once before shoving that tongue back inside, coiling around your dormant one. His finger rocked back and forth, loosening your canal while hammering against your prostate. It didn't help that the whole room absolutely stunk of horny dog, by now. His giant red rocket was fully out, about nine inches long, and about three thick. Knot the size of an apple. All of that sensitive meat, throbbing and grinding against the underside of your shaft, totally painting it with lupine pre. He kept working that finger around, but eventually it seemed too much for him. His growls were more feral than before, now, and he hardly seemed in control of himself.

"Fuck!" He yelped, yanking that digit out of you before returning it to his lips. He lapped it clean with his tongue, then nipped your nose as his hips pulled back.

"Enough of that. My cock is soaked, you'll stretch for me. You're obedient." He growled the last word.

As that scalloped cocktip humped against your entrance, he started to hump and whine desperately, occasionally lashing out with a snarl and sending droplets of spittle out over your face. It didn't take long until he gained purchase, though, and that throbbing length was inside of you.

"Fuck, ugh, you're.. Huff, so tight."

Thwam! He pumped his cock in all the way to the surface of his knot. He didn't even take the time to listen to your whines, he was too lost in it now. You probably could have begged him to stop before, but now? This wasn't a man, this was an animal. A seven foot tall, sculpted wolf with a cock harder than steel and hotter than blood. And you just happened to be his unfortunate little bitch.

"Take it, slut. I'm gonna knot you. I'm gonna fucking knot you."

He talked about knotting you like it was a mantra, like he was convincing that he was really lucky enough to burst off of this incredible high. He didn't seem to understand the force behind his thrusts. The more you squeaked, the harder he went, the harder his teeth sank into the crook of your shoulder. He was fucking you like a piece of meat.

"g.ggrrrrr...GRRRRR! RRRRFFFF, a.. arOOOOOOOOOOO!!"

That knot sunk into your entrance like someone had just kicked it in. You felt your insides squelch from the momentum, and he collapsed down atop you a few moments later. Those huge balls were kissing the insides of your thighs, pumping and swelling as he battered your insides with thick ropes of puppybatter.

"Oh hun.... My little princess~"

His deep baritone made you blush, the knot finally tipping you over the edge, forcing you to cum into his bellyfur.

As he quickly fell asleep, tail batting up and down against the bed, you could feel that cock pulsing inside of you. Swelling your belly with a soft lump of trapped semen, soaking into your insides. And the best part? You knew you'd be stuck there, trapped underneath three hundred pounds of wolf, until the sun rose.

Hope you enjoyed it! Let me know if you wanna see more of this style in the future. It's decently rewarding, and a story like this only takes me forty minutes to write, which is way faster than the ~10 hours I put into my other stories.