Juno's escape. Part one

Story by Owen Harkness on SoFurry


Sort of a sci-fy Adventure. Haven't gotten very far will only continue if others request it.

He looked in the mirror, pulling down one of his eyelids. He did not recognize the person looking back at him anymore. His fur was starting to grey near his temples and down along his chin. He let out a deep sigh, standing up right again, stuffing his toothbrush into his mouth and beginning his morning ritual. He wouldn't eat breakfast this morning, he had over over overslept his alarm by half an hour and did not have much time before he had to be at work. He didn't even have time to take a shower. He just ran the brush through his dark brown main, spit and called it good before throwing on his shirt and pants, the name tag all but forgotten as he made his way out of his apartment, plucking his keys off the hook set into the wall next to the door.

His little car stance of burnt oil and old fast food bags a soda bottle rolling out onto the pavement of the apartments parking lot. He slid in behind the wheel and started up his little shit box, cursing as he looked at his watch. He was going to be late again.

" Again man come on, I've got a life too you know."

His co-worker Chester said as he walked into the small convenience store. Chester had a line nearing the door.

" Sorry, Sorry I overslept again."

Chester bobbed his head and gave a reply that was shear sass.

"Mmmhmm, Same old story. Don't need to hear it today Chuck. Go talk To Bobby. He wants to see you in his office. Not looking good."

Chuck swore under his breath.


He walked behind the counter and passed the cigarettes, Pulling out his time card and clocking in before opening the bright red door to the office, a rock of anxiety having formed in his belly.

"What did I tell you the last time you were late?"

Bobby looked up over the drop of his readers, a glare of disappointment making that rock in his belly grow. Chuck looked down at his toes and just stood there for a moment.

"Well, What did I tell you?"

Bobby dropped the papers he was looking over and clasped both his paws together. The large well dressed rhino looking daggers at his employee.

The rhino nodded his head once.

" Then why the fuck are you here?"

Chuck sucked in a deep breath.

" Thought you might take pity on a down on his luck employee one more time and maybe let me keep my job."

This only seemed to make his boss even angrier and Bobby stood up.

" I am sick to death of sticking my neck out for you! You may be the district managers kid, but I am sick of this shit. You were an hour late last week and ten minutes late today. You don't get along with anybody I put you with and you start fights with customers.

"Chuck wanted to shout and scream at Bobby,But he knew his boss was right.

" Your a fucking dead beat chuck and a waste of space, not to mention a huge liability to this company. Your fired, please leave."

Chuck just Kepler looking at his toes and turned around, walking out the door, letting it fall closed behind him.

"How'd it go?" Chester asked in a snarky tone.

" Fuck you Chester. Eat your mother's dick."

"Rot in hell asshole."

A little while later Chuck came tearing into his small apartment, throwing his keys at the wall in a frustrated rage, slamming the already squeaky door behind him. He flopped down in his office chair and put his face in his paws, his elbow hitting the mouse and bringing up his laptops lock screen.

" Fuck!"

Tears streaming down his eyes he picked up the half smoked bowl off his desk, bringing it to his lips and sparking it up. The day hasn't even started yet and it had been the worst day he had had in a very long time. He took a deep toke holding it in, even when he technically did not need to, letting it out in an aggravated cloud of dank smoke. He had had his buddy pick him up some of the good stuff a while back from one of the local dispensaries. Tears were streaming down his cheeks, waiting for the sensation of the medication to take effect.

His phone started to buzz and vibrate in his pocket, and he drew it out and looked at the cracked screen. The words 'Donny " Beast friend.' Blinked. He answered the call.

"Hey. What's up?"

" What's up Chuck? Me and Jerry Ann are gonna go out and hit the club tonight, Figured I'd call and see if you wanted to tag along. Beer's on me."

Chuck thought for a moment.

" Normally today I would have to say no, work and all. But considering I just got shit canned, I ain't got much else to do. Sure. What time?"

" Oh about eight, I'll pick you up at your place."

" Alright Donny, I'll see you then."

"Okay chuck, Sorry about the job man."

" It's okay I am sure ill find another one to fuck up."

Chuck let out a long sigh, Still disappointed with himself.

"Talk to you later Bro."

Chuck hung up the phone, letting his head settle into the crooks of his elbow as he leaned himself over and laced upon his desk...


Thunder rang out over the city, and rain poured down as she huddled under the mass of cardboard boxes she had set up between two trash cans. There were other homeless camped around her, hiding from the thunderstorm.

" I hate this fucking planet, I hate this fucking planet."

She mumbled to herself as she worked on the innards one of her highly advanced prosthetic legs. There is a loud pop and a spark. She gasped and her tool went flying across the narrow alley, a nasty burn now highly evident on her trembling paw.

" Fucking hell god damit! Son of a bitch mother fucking shit whip!" She growled and held her paw to her chest, rocking back and forth chucking the tool she was using across the alley. Then she did something she had never done since getting her new legs, she pulled back then synthetic flesh and wrapped the fingers of her in burnt paw around the main power coupler yanking the wire out causing the legs to lose power. They lost suction from around her stumps and she used her arms to scoot herself backs the cool rain and night air hitting the scared flesh. Her prosthetic were no more than paper weights now anyway. She ripped up a discarded shirt to lash them together making a sling so she could carry them on her back. She laied back in her makeshift shelter and held her paw to her chest. shaking, shivering, crying. She was not aware of falling asleep, but she woke up to the sound of a couple yelling at each other in an apartment above where she was sleeping. She sat up and pushed the soggy cardboard off of her. The sun was out and the rain was slowly drying up. She rubbed her eyes and used her arms, under herself to push herself upright, her fur dirty and burned.

She heard a voice off to her left.

" H-hey hey hey, Lady. A-are y-you okay?"

The dirty human male reached his hand down and offered it to her. She snarled and slapped his hand away but he didn't seem to take much notice to her rudeness.

" Fuck off, I don't need your help."

The dirty man walked off about twenty feet uncovering a rusty wheelchair that had been discarded in the near by trash. He wheeled it over and offered his hand again.

She looked up at him again for a few moments and took his shaky hand. And being stronger than he looked picked her up and set her in the wheelchair, hanging the now useless prosthetic legs off the back.

"People just leave these things sitting outside in the trash?"

The old man looked confused.

"T-trash? No. This chair belonged to T-tom. And that T-trash is where he lived for about t-two years. Until he passed away last w-week. H-he would have wanted you to have it. H-he always liked to help others."

She looked sheepish now for swearing at the man.

"What's your name?"

The man grinned with a mouth full of black and rotten teeth.

" Names Jed, J-Jed Torrance. And you?"

She smiled back he own mouth full of sharp teeth.

"Tara Gar"