An Original Story

Story by Hayzoku on SoFurry

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#3 of Originals and OCs

Martha is a raccoon. She has large breasts and hips. She is normally naked. She defecates, urinates, and passes gas freely to the world.

Martha walked across the grass. She realized she needed to defecate and urinate. She stood and did her business. She continued walking, traveling to see her love for a date. There will be video games, food, and sex.

Lovely Vixen

A fanfiction because I am a fan of this franchise and the company. Krystal, after Marcus had left to become a hero, had began missing him, naturally. She normally stayed close to Fox, her husband. From her marriage and motherhood, she had began living...


My Return

Hey, people. This is Hayzoku. I am very busy, so I am primarily working apart from my accounts. Also, I am not a real artist. I am studying graphic design and I do graphic design, not art. I am just a social media guy. I have returned to tell the tale...


ABDL Hippo and Cat

Gloria and Gia had become ABDL over a month of trying the diaper lover thing out. Alex had been changing their diapers as their "Daddy." Gloria and Gia had been having accidents, wetting and messing, for arousal, entertainment, and Alex's attention....
