Midnight Rendezvous

Story by Spottystuff on SoFurry

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Kieran's eyes scanned the city, it's black mass with dots of bright torchlights stretched out in all directions underneath him. Perched on a spire of a particularly tall house, the black fox had excellent view over his surroundings

Daintily, he leapt from his perch, and darted across the roofs, until he got to the city wall. He vaulted onto the rough stone surface, and skittered up to the battlements. The guards were far from this particular spot, and his black coat kept him hidden from all but the most nocturnal of watchmen

His goal was the church roof, from which he could climb to the bell tower, where he was to rendezvous. He vaulted to the top of the battlements, and skipped across the crenulations towards the north end of the wall where the church stood closest.

From this place, the tall church hall and the embrasure drew level in height, separated by a 8 foot jump. A short distance for Kieran. His feet landed gently on slippery tiles, but never hesitated to grip, thanks to his insistence on always conducting his work bare footed. His tail fought with his momentum for balance. The roof was simple enough to climb across. He ran the entire length of the apex of the roof to the point where the bell tower rose up from the tiles. Kieran buried his claws in the brickworks and darted up the vertical wall, not losing speed or momentum. His great cloak flapped in the wind that blew stronger up at this height, with no other structures to block it.

Inside the tower was a lone figure. A white weasel leant against the great bell with a cocked grin to match his slender, skewed posture. He was cloaked in a dark green hooded cape that was draped around him. The figure was holding something in his paws. Its glass glinted in the candlelight from a small lantern he had placed at his feet.

The weasel was his partner, Kit, an extraordinarily sociable young man with a clever smile and mellow mood.

"Still not as fast as the Duke, fox." He laughed, and flipped the hourglass sideways to show the levels of sand clearer to the panting black fox. All the sand had gone through.

"I don't know how I'll ever beat that bastard" Kieran panted, his wet cloak shedding to the floor. he brushed water from his tail.

"Respect your opponents, first of all"

"I do respect him, hell, I damn admire him for such a feat, but I would like to know how he does it. He must be some twenty years my senior, and he's always armed with that damned sword."

"Maybe the sword contains some hidden magic" Kit teased him, wandering up and throwing a thick wool blanket over Kieran, who was stripping out of his wet garments. The rain had made short work of his new and improved grease-based waterproofing. It was fine when he stood still, but being an infiltrator required him to move around a great deal, and there was no way yet to prevent fur from getting wet, and dampening the fur that was underneath his clothes. Kieran cursed the fact that he was not an otter just then.

"It's not a joke, Kit, I'm serious, how is it even possible?"

"Maybe he has a special someone waiting for him up here, like you, only more so?"

"What do you mean?"

"That he might have someone who is more special to him than you are to me?" Kit mumbled, and challenged Kieran with a teasing look.

"Oh, come on, Kit, don't be like that..." Kieran complained, bad enough to lose out to a common dog at stealth, but his teasing was endless. Playful, and not abrasive, but sometimes you just wanted to shut him up for five minutes. He was very fond of Kit. "You know the Duke has done this a thousand times; he must have all kinds of tricks up his sleeve"

"Tricks that his special friends would know about?" Kit lashed his tail and looked dreamily at a point slightly above Kieran's right ear. Self-conscious, Kieran flagged the mangled ear down to his head.

"Kit... for crying out loud."

"Maybe he does it with his tongue? Do you think? Or do you think he is the top, and the special someone... or several someones are the bottoms? What if he has several, how do you think that works?" Kit smacked his lips and licked his chops, his mind clearly not focused on the task in hand. Kieran sighed.

"I don't know Kit; I don't really think about his..."

"Do you think he has spots all over?" Kit asked him suddenly "Like... Everywhere?"

"I guess so... He's a royal, they all have spots... Oh!"

Kit was not wondering about the dog's lower back or calves or underneath the soles of his feet.

"KIT!" Kieran complained "Please stick to the thing... the... I mean the point, oh fuck it!"

Kieran saw that he wasn't getting any contact with the weasel, who was dreamily staring out into the night sky and thinking about their mentor.

"Can you at least not think about him?" Kieran asked embarrassedly. "Or at least not tell me about it..."

"You like him too, you horny little fox..."

"Don't say that..." Kieran's ears both folded down and he looked away guiltily. "It's not like he's awful to look at or anything...but Kit, we have to go again. I can't give up now."

"Fox. Your clothes are all soaked through, and we've gone through this thing four times already. You're not getting any faster tonight. Let me help you get dry, okay?"

Kit slid up to him silkily and with very little effort, in a practiced hand, slipped on the inside of the blanket, huddling close to the fox. In another second he had shed his own cape to the floor and revealed his nakedness.

"KIT!" He exclaimed "We're outside, we'll be seen!"

"Shush fox, nobody's going to look at the clock tonight. Just take it easy, let me help you... Oh!"

Kit had found the part of Kieran which was not cold. It was certainly as wet as the other bits of the fox, but for different reasons. They were standing close to each other, rubbing up against each other with their bodies, constrained by the thick blanket and induced to press up in an intimate way.

"Kit..." Kieran moaned, as Kit's white paws found the black sheath, trailing his fingers around it and teasing Kieran with his nearness. They were warm and dry, and the weasel was quickly heating up the pair under the blanket. Kieran's own paws were clutching the blanked tight around them, hugging Kit closer to him.

"Shush fox." Kit mumbled, catching his muzzle in a gentle kiss, that developed to a wild and passionate one, as soon as Kit managed to get his tongue through Kieran's row of sharp teeth, and into his soft, welcoming muzzle. Kit was a great kisser, Kieran thought. He could kiss the boy all day long, but they mustn't be seen. Kieran was acutely aware of how easy they were to spot, especially for any nocturnal person down in the streets. It only made his heart race more, and Kit, feeling his pulse, grew even more excited from the thought.

His tongue slid in and out between the fox' teeth, while his paws stroked Kieran's hips, trailed along the dimple on his lower back to the base of his tail, where it lingered, splaying out and firmly gripping a handful of tight, toned fox butt. The other paw was busy working him out of his shaft, and Kieran, through his moans, could only just hold on to the boy as he wiggled around finding the best position to get comfortable in.

When the weasel coaxed him fully out of his sheath, Kieran's knees were already weak, but Kit took the initiative, and ducked down before he could find a seat. He ended up leaning against the banister of the tower, back to the great city, clutching the blanket like some great curtain to block the world and the gods from this sinful display. He was so ready for Kit's muzzle.

"Do... Do that thing you did, with your tongue..." Kieran moaned, but Kit was way ahead of him, dropping to his knees, and gripping Kieran's shaft at the base, squeezing behind the knot to extend it fully out of its sheath. The wave of pleasure almost sent Kieran backwards over the edge. He grabbed the weasels head for leverage, and ended up thrusting his hard cock into the weasel's face, smearing him with glistening musky pre.

"Ooh, I like it when you're a bit rough with me, Fox." Kit teased, and nuzzled the cock, smearing more juices over his muzzle and cheeks, and smiling provocatively up at Kieran. The fox only moaned and sighed, and leaned his head back as the weasel squeezed his shaft

"Just... less talk... more cocksucking" Kieran moaned, and Kit complied. Kieran felt his cold nose on his shaft, it was a strange and evocative feeling. He felt a pleasant sensation on his shaft as Kit's rough tongue caught against his shaft, and trailed jolts of pleasure as it licked up the shaft.

Kit was not a tease when it came to sucking cock, he took the tip into his muzzle like he'd been waiting all night to do so, and started tonguing it, massaging it against the roof of his mouth with that flexible tongue which was so good at saying all the things Kieran wanted to hear. Right now, he only wanted to hear the sucking sounds, the small moans and gags that came from Kit as he took his shaft in, inch by inch with each movement up and down. It was a great sensation, and greater still that they were doing it in full view of the dark streets, where any number of spectators could have seen two lit up figures going for it on the top of the church

"Oh, yeah, Ah, Kit. You're so good at that." Kieran moaned, he'd never been so good with words himself. Kit worked him like some sort of professional, and it wasn't long before his body started humping in tune with the sucking, and Kit grew more and more enthusiastic. Those eyes looking back at Kieran were just begging for it, there was no doubt. He was hungry for Kieran, for all of Kieran. There was love in those eyes, but more than love, it was the desire. Kieran knew those eyes. They told Kieran that he had work to do, and the work involved flipping that slim, well-shaped young weasel on his front.

Kit liked it rough. Kieran grabbed the boy's short round ears, and pulled him away from his cock. Kit made a disappointed, playful moan when he couldn't suck on his toy, and it was almost too much for the fox. He wiped the cock on Kits cheek, a display of dominance but Kit absolutely went wild for that sort of thing. The wet cock rubbing against Kit's face, showing him exactly what Kieran wanted, and where he belonged, and that was underneath Kieran.

He threw the blanket down on the floor, the rough wooden planks were uncomfortable to lie on, but Kieran didn't care. He pushed Kit down on his belly, and positioned himself over the boy, his erection almost shining in the soft lantern light. It glistened and pulsed and radiated heat and musk. He found the boy's arched back with a paw, and traced it down over his butt, to between his legs, and up underneath his tail. The boy was ready and willing, and his tailhole was not resisting Kieran. The fox positioned his knotted cock, tip at Kit's hole, and swirled the pink flesh with some of Kit's saliva from earlier, before he pushed himself in underneath the weasel tail.

Kit gasped and moaned out as the fox found his burrow, the great heat of the two intermingled in that area, and though his head, his cheek and ears were red hot, his butt felt even warmer. He was squeezing, arching his back and pushing back at Kieran's lap, begging for more fox cock. He was teasing Kieran, goading him into the sex with every little moan, every movement, he knew exactly how to get what he wanted from him.

Kieran thrust deeper into him, the weasel's moans of pleasure soon grew louder and more pronounced. There was a teasing smile to the weasel's lips as his tongue lolled and he gasped in pleasure. He was playing the fox, teasing him to go harder, and threatening him too. He'd make noise if he wanted, and he challenged the fox to stop him. He knew Kieran was worried about being found out but when Kieran pushed in again, slapping against his firm butt, he moaned out more.

Kit's moans were suddenly cut short when Kieran grabbed his neck ruff, and pulled his head back, arching his spine. The moan which was on its way turned to a high pitched, excited whine, and Kieran went even harder, pounding the little weasel into the floor with rapid thrusts, clutching his neck ruff and panting into his ears.

Kieran couldn't feel the boy pushing back anymore, so he increased his force, pushing the weasels head down to the floorboards, pulling his tail up, and thrusting as hard as he could. Kit's breathing grew more rapid and urgent, and his paw was down under him, stroking at his erection and whimpering in pleasure. Kieran felt himself getting closer already, Kit was just too good at goading him over the edge, and doing the things he liked. A rush of heat grew from the base of his spine and travelled up to his neck, and a shudder of pleasure sprang from that rush. He yipped, losing his composure for a moment and thrust the knot in as he came, tying Kit to him as a wave of pleasure washed over him. He pumped at Kieran's hole, squeezing as much cum inside of the weasel as he had, before flopping down on top of his mate, feeling the pulsing, spasmic movements that told him Kit had come as well.

They lay panting for a while, Kieran's muzzle resting between Kit's ears, as the heat spread between them. Kieran's cock buried firmly inside his lover, was still twitching every now and then, and he could feel the boy underneath him react to his movements, even now, after the rough play, he was sensitive to Kit's body and the way it moved and felt against his own.

"You foxes..." Kit mumbled, his muzzle still pressed against the floorboards by the weight of Kieran's head.

"You were asking for it, you little bitch" Kieran snickered "Don't pretend it's a fox thing"

"It is a fox thing, though" Kit squeezed at his shaft some "You are so easy to get"

It was a wonder he'd not been completely fucked loose by that time, but he had more to give. It was a show, Kieran thought, because the boy underneath him was panting heavily against him. But he'd always had more mouth than sense.

"Watch it, Kit, I might have another one in me, and you'd be sorry"

"Considering the time you did, I don't think so." Kit giggled. The teasing was endless with him

"I think I could do a better one in another few minutes or so." Kieran nuzzled his ears, biting down gently on one as he teased himself out of Kit with a slick, wet slopping sound. Kit moaned softly as the cock slid out, his twitching tail hole dripping with Kieran's cum.

"I'll be here waiting for you then"

They exchanged a kiss. This would be his fifth lap of the course that night. He was getting a little tired of the routine, but with rewards like these, he'd do five more before the sun was up.