A Man and His Egg

Story by BassWithers on SoFurry

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#1 of Bal'Kar stories

It was a dull afternoon, the clouds were covering the sky and only a few birds were singing their songs. Despite it being midday it almost seemed to be coming to dawn. Gusts of cold air would blow through the valley and into the thick forest that this valley had hidden away. This is where Adam resided, alone and on his own. He lived out here due to not really liking anyone else, everyone, before he left, was all horrible to him. He had no friends and no family that he knew of. So he simply saved up all the money he could and bought a small plot of land and lived on it. Here he was happy and calm, no one to be mean to him and no one to harm him.

Adam was out foraging for food, looking for wild berries and edible mushrooms, as well as a few psychedelic shrooms if he could get his hands on them. He, fortunately, did luckily find some, however, they seemed a bit off, so he did not take them for fear of harming himself. He also was wearing some thick gloves too so that he could not accidentally poison himself. Adam noticed something else... the bird songs where disappearing... as of something terrifying or dangerous had scared them off. Adam decided to take no notice of this and continued to carry on walking and doing his usual trail.

*30 minutes had passed and there were almost no signs of living creatures... only the silent plants and the wind rushing through the trees. This is when Adam spotted it, something green and growing... buried under some foliage. Against every instinct, Adam would go towards this glow... almost entranced by the warm light. As he got closer the hairs on his arms began standing on end as he gained goosebumps. He crouched before whatever this was and brushed off the foliage with his gloved hand, to reveal an egg covered in a thick, translucent green slime. His curiosity would become even more powerful as he touched it, his gloved hand keeping him safe from whatever this slime was. The egg itself was warm and clearly had a living creature within it. The lopsided orb looked as if it was ready to hatch, give or take a month or two. *

*Adam would then get out his fairly empty backpack, only just big enough to transport this egg. And with all the care he could muster he would gently place the egg in the pack, not before lining it with a plastic carrier bag so that the goo didn't get in it. Once the egg was secured Adam felt a presence watching him... the sensation of paranoia seeming to originate from a deeper and darker side of the forest, a particular place he was too scared to go venture into. Shaking him up a little, though he did not feel in any way threatened, it was almost as if the creature watching over him was making sure nothing bad happened. Almost as if it was watching out for him and the egg... maybe the egg was left there for Adam, maybe he was destined to have come across this egg and to care for it. These thoughts would race through his head and would almost lodge themselves into his mind. He soon began walking back, trying to escape this invasive feeling. He would then look to his watch, the time registering 01:54 pm. It was time he headed back to his cabin and get the fire lit. *


*When Adam got back to his cabin it had started to drizzle, meaning his hair would get a little wet. This would not be unwelcome because the rain was rather therapeutic for him. It also meant he had something to focus on that was not his own thoughts, that being something that could go off in some wild direction. Most of the time it ended in lewd and dirty scenarios. Though today was also different because of this strange egg. He left it in his bag as he set up the fire and got it going. Once this was going he would then head outside and started to build a small crate under a small shelter he had built so that he could work in the rain. This took him roughly an hour and was a little rough around the edges but it was enough for the egg he believed. It would almost resemble a nest. He bought it inside and would place it in a good place that would be perfect for incubation and caring for the egg. Adam then bought the egg out of his back and placed it carefully into the nest like thing he had made, then filling it with dried straw so that the egg could stay safe and warm during the times he was not there and outside. *

*He would keep the egg in the plastic bag for the time being, but he rolled it down so that the egg was exposed and could be seen, studied and drawn. Adam's curiosity had only grown as he looked at this egg. He cleared out his backpack and then went and made his food, cooking up a bit of venison that he had hunted along with some mushrooms and other plants and nuts that went well with it. After preparing the food he served it up onto a plate and sat at his table. Before he started eating he got out a drawing pad and a couple of pencils before he then started drawing the egg, well drawing the stuff he could see from the exposed parts. He carefully took down all the details he could whilst eating. He was going to look at this more when he finished his food. The food tasted alright, not exactly the best especially in the texture, but there was always a bit of room for improvement he thought. *

Adam, once his food had been finished would come over to the egg and shined a high power torch on it. He was taken aback by what he saw. Or rather, the silhouette of what he saw. This creature was like nothing he had ever seen before, looking like a writhing mass of tentacles and other appendages... he didn't want to admit it but this greatly got him aroused. The moment he noticed this arousal and the sudden bulge that had appeared in his trousers he would turn off the torch and took a couple of steps back as his mind raced, 'What on earth is that... thing? Why the bloody hell am I so damn aroused' Adam thought in a bit of a panic before coming back and sitting in his chair. He then suppressed the aroused feelings he had. He felt almost ashamed of himself, why would he get aroused over this?

The feelings got to him so he decided to just try to lose himself in his books, he picked one up focus around dragons, one of his childhood favourites. This lasted him a couple hours before he then put the book down, wrote a couple of things in his journal and then got stripped down into nude before then going to bed. Hr laid there for a couple minutes before he eventually fell asleep. He had a dreamless night, something he was almost thankful for.


*It was the crack of dawn when Adam woke back up, he slept rather well that night. He had felt somewhat comforted and calm. He went had a wash in the local stream before then going to get dressed. He head to his small chicken coop and got a couple eggs for breakfast. He headed inside and cooked them up and as one could expect he ate them. *

*He looked to the egg and something strange had happened... the straw was gone and been turned into that green goo. Adam was kinda scared of this... 'How the fuck~' He thought. He came over to the little box he had made, the plastic bag was gone too and the box had a rubbery latex like coating, it was keeping the goo from leaking all over the floor and getting all over the cabin. The egg was nicely placed in the centre of this goo to. That goo must have some strange properties... this almost making Adam not wanting to touch it at all due to not wanting become goo himself. Something reassured him though, he felt as if this was ok.. Something in the back of his mind was telling him this. The goo was the thing keeping it warm now so he kinda just let it stay like that as he went to the fire and got it relit to warm the cabin back up. *

**As the day went on not much else happened, he calmly just went about his day and gathered some more food and he even found some shrooms today. This got him excited because this meant he could have some before sleeping tonight. Once these shrooms where picked he saw something... staring at him, far off but it was there. He could only just see it. This made him terrified... green glowing eyes, 4 of them stared at him. He ran like never before, he was scared shitless from this. Once he got home he would barricade the doors and windows. Whatever that was scared him... he didn't want to get hurt... he only wanted to be alone out here now with that beast out there he was no longer alone... or was he ever alone in the first place? Adam had no idea what that creature was and did not want to tangle with it... He then looked to the egg, that creature must be its parent... maybe taking it was a really bad idea. He would sit and hide under the cover of his bed. He could not stop thinking about the egg and whatever the fuck that monster was. He continued to think about giving the egg back, however something in the back of his mind would tell him not too. It was his duty to look after it, to care for that egg until it hatches.

Adam looked in his food storage and he had enough to last a couple weeks. So he might be able to wait out that monster so he didn't have to deal with it. It took a little while before Adam was calmed down. Once he felt able to he would walk out to his table and sat at it, staring out of the window, seeing if that monster had followed him... it had. It looked him dead in the eye. Adam had frozen in place as he looked to it, unable to move his eyes away from it. Before he could react, there was a plant like tendril right outside of his window... its petals open to reveal an eye that made him shudder with... pleasure... its powers shot through him like a bullet ripping through its victim. Adam then began feeling light headed before then passing out and landing on the floor. **


*Adam woke up in a strange place... the whole place was covered in a black latex like substance as well as giant pools of green goo... When he stood up he felt a breathing down his neck, he turned around and the beast was there... it looked at him with a somehow comforting smile. Then with a deep booming voice it spoke "Hello, human... do not be scared... we are here to help you... look after my egg and you will be rewarded when it hatches..." Adam then blacked out for a second time, not being able to get a word in. This time Adam woke up on the floor of his cabin. As he shifted he noticed something, he had another painfully hard erection and he had came hard within his trousers... whatever just happened was extremely pleasurable. He would sigh a bit as he took off his trousers and went to look out the window... it was gone. This made him let out a large sigh of relief. Though a bit disappointed too... something in the back of his mind wanted that creature back. To give it a hug for some reasons.. Maybe he could hug whatever hatched out of the egg. Maybe that could give him what he wanted he wanted so badly... even though he had no idea what he wanted... *

*Adam would sigh a bit as he then cleaned himself up. He would take down the barricades as he didn't feel as scared... whatever that monster was, it was not going to hurt him. It wanted to help him look after the egg, He hummed to himself as he got the place cleaned from the scrambling and just making the place look nicer. Once this was done he went and picked up his acoustic bass guitar and began playing it. This was something he loved to do and was his favourite pastime other than reading. He played a simple but rather beautiful melody, it's one he played quite a lot but it's one he never got bored of because it challenged everything he knew about playing his instrument. He had been playing for several years, since he was a child, in fact. *

Once this started hurting too much Adam would head into the pantry where he stored all of his food and took out a couple bits of bread, he ate both bits of bread he had and then headed out into the wood storage and got some more hay and straw so that he could top up the little nest he had made. He bought it inside and placed it within the nest before then putting on a glove and feeling the top of the egg. It shook when he touched it... whatever was inside clearly knew that he was there and wanted to play... though it needed to stay inside before it could come out.. Only for a couple more days though. This was going to be an exciting time when it did come out. Adam wanted to see so badly what he had helped hatch... well, it was clearly another one of those monsters but he wondered what an infant one looked like... and he wondered what would happen if he touched or even consumed that green goo.. So many questions that will be answered soon... he hoped.

Once he knew that egg was happy and he was fed, Adam would fall into bed and sighed before then closing his eyes and falling asleep... this night was different however. He would be placed in a landscape similar to the one he saw when he passed out, with the monster, looking to him again. No fear was felt... only pleasure and arousal. Adam looked down to see his nude body, he stood in a small puddle of goo, it turned his skin into a dark latex kind of substance, it spread throughout his whole body and before he could react he was now entirely covered and transformed into this black latex looking creature. The words Bal'Cast rang through his head as he approached the monster... the feeling of pure and utter Lust ran through his body... he could feel the oceans and waves of Lust run through his mind and body. The creature smiled to him happily as it spoke again "You will make a fine addition to the hive, little one..." It said with its booming voice to Adam. With each word it spoke he shuddered with the feelings of Lust running through his veins. Adam came up closer to the monster, the words Bal'Kar then shot through his mind like a truck hitting a bicycle. The Bal'Kar's grabbers would wrap around and Adam and held him close, cuddling him and making him feel overjoyed with Lust... Adam then spoke with his much more quieter voice... "please... don't let me leave this place... it's nice here...." The Bal'Kar smiled at Adam before nodding... Adam then woke up... he was back to normal and it was day time.


**As Adam began waking up properly he let out a sigh and annoyance. Ge wanted that dream to last far longer than it did. He never really wanted it to end. Though he had one goal now, care for the egg. Adam looked to it and saw it shake slightly. It was almost time for it to hatch.

Adam didn't really have much else to do so he went out into the forest and began foraging and looking for other things to eat like nuts and berries. The Bal'Kar that had been at his house yesterday had left a bit of a trail and was clear that it resided in the deepest and darkest part of the forest, the one place that Adam had not explored due to being scared of going there. Adam would get closer to there then he had ever been before then getting scared again and backing away. He was able to gather a few berries and other nuts and a few stinging nettles that would be great for making soup or stew. Adam had really learnt how to make things out of what the forest could supply him and out of the meat he got from hunting. Adam would soon return home and smiled as he looked to the egg before making some lunch, he was famished because he forgot to have breakfast and well last night was utterly amazing but it did mentally wear him out.... Now all that there was to do was wait...**

~=One week later=~

*A week had passed and Adam was looking to the egg with anticipation.. He was waiting for what came out... to see what all his hard work had led up to... though again nothing came that day... no cracking in the shell and not much movement. Adam was getting feeling quite down because he wanted to feel the lust that he had felt in his dreams.. To feel what it truly means to be Bal'Kar, but he was forced to wait. Adam went to bed early that night and slept like a baby until a sound was heard... it sounded like a tiny little roar. It was adorable to Adam's ear, however to anyone else it would have sounded like the spawn of hell just broke loose. Adam jumped out of bed, fully nude and ran over to the egg as he saw a crack in it... it was finally time! Adam's heart began racing as he saw a light outside his window... it was the Bal'kar he met a week ago... it had come to watch what was about to happen. Adam stood back as tentacles began breaking free of the egg shell and began letting out a couple more roars before then getting free of its confinement... Adam looked in utter wonder and began approaching the little creature. *

The creature looked to Adam and gave him the same grin that he got from the other Bal'kar in his dreams.... This when it flung itself at Adam. Wrapping itself around his body and hugging him. Before Adam could realise he had instinctively wrapped his around the squishling... it's little head would nuzzle under his chin and into his neck. Adam would feel unimaginable amounts of lust from this one hug. He would fall backwards as he looked down to his legs. They had begun changing...


**Adam looked down to his body... it was quickly getting changed into this black latex like material and it was the best thing he had ever felt. His leg where the first to change. They soon began growing and ripping away his frail, human skin as his true rubbery skin began breaking through. His legs began elongating at the same time as an abdomen began growing out of his rear end it forced him forward as he began elongating too. The squishling that was on his chest would move up and on to his head. Sitting on it to change it faster. This worked well as his head began reforming into a more canine and draconic looking muzzle. A long a pretty slurper then pushed its way out of his mouth, leaking bioextract. As his muzzle formed a type of whisker began coming out his nostrils, replacing it entirely. Then his hair began vanishing and becoming disintegrator as suddenly from his shoulder blades two controller tentacles burst free. Making him roar out in pleasure as they both came up and began looking into his eyes and feeding him mountains upon mountains of lust. Then his arms began spreading forwards and gaining large bony spikes on them before having two massive spikes, his bashers, from on the tips of those long arm tendrils. Soon from out of his hips came two long spreader tendrils, the reached out long and began spurting his glorious bioextract all over the cabin. Suddenly 8 squirming thruster tentacles would grow out, fully breaking the cabin and as this happened grabber tendrils slipped out his chest and picked up the small squishling. Cuddling it against his new giant Bal'kar body. Finally his shaft changed and shifter into his breeder. It would grow out large and gained green pustials of extract around its tip.

Adams whole body was now far more monstrous, he was Bal'kar and there was no sign of his former human self anywhere. His whole body now filled the room as his house began breaking apart from pressure. Which is what happened moments after, his whole roof came off and Adam was left fully exposed as his mind had finally caught up and he began hearing the hive, and feeling the utter lust from the rest of the hive. He looked to the other Bal'kar that had been watching and he smiled."Hello, brother...welcome to the hive" It said to him over the mental connection that they now had. "Thank you... it's utterly divine to be finally be able to feel the Lust of the hive... oh how long i had to crave it for... it was maddening" Adam said in response to his new brother and mate... then before he could say another word the Bal'kar came to him and wrapped its tentacles around him before then his instincts take over and he opens his jaws wide to let the other Bal'kars slurper slide in whilst they then lock jaws and become a pile of indecipherable amount of tentacles sharing eggs with one another with a little squishling sitting on top of them...**

** End?**

I hope those who read it enjoyed it :D This is my first proper written story and I hope it's well received. Thanks for taking your time to read and see you in the next one! <3

Much love, Bass.

If you have any feedback my contacts are below: [Discord: Bass#6804] [Telegram: @Bass_Withers]