Let me show you... Pt. 1

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Ok, so this is my first story on here, one of my pals from school wanted it and I decided to switch some things, (making them furries), and share it with you guys! Now remember, this is just pt. 1, you all gotta let me know if you want more, and everyone is welcome to request their own story, I could use some more ideas. I hope you all like it!

This story contains adult content and adult language. If you are under the age of 18 do not read this, everyone else, enjoy.

Let Me Show You

Ari squinted as the sunlight streamed through his open window, waking him up from one the best dreams he had had in a long time. Damn it, he thought to himself, and just when it was getting to the good part. He closed his eyes and tried to remember the dream, but to no avail. It was one of those kinds of dreams that you forget all about as soon as you wake up.

He stretched his arms above his head, dragging his claws down the headboard and down to his head, scratching his hair and behind his ears before he sat up groggily. After a few moments of gaining some sort of consciousness, the 20-year -old wolf flung the sheets off of his naked body and headed for the bathroom.

He turned on the shower faucets, as hot as it would go, and left the door open so the steam wouldn't fog up his mirror, then went about the rest of his morning routine; mainly relieving his bladder and brushing his fangs.

When he was done he got into the shower, moaning softly as the hot water trickled over his gold fur. It felt so good, he couldn't think of anything else that felt better, except perhaps sex, but that was a given no matter who you were. He grabbed the shampoo and lathered it over his body, taking extra time around his sheath and balls and all over his wondrously full tail.

After his shower, grabbing the towel and drying himself off, he stopped and looked in the mirror to admire himself. Just another one of his daily routines. He couldn't help but be awed by the lustrous golden fur that covered his whole body. And the dark orange that was flecked throughout his coat just made it even better in his opinion. "You my friend," he said to his reflection, "are one good-looking wolf."

Grinning widely, Ari went and got dressed in normal teenage-styled clothes, baggy shorts and a Rammstein t-shirt, then headed downstairs to make himself some breakfast.

Living on your own had its advantages, he could eat whatever he wanted, stay up as late as he could playing video games, and best of all, whenever he brought over one of his fuck -buddies, they could be as loud as they wanted without having to worry about being caught by nosy parents and annoying siblings.

Although, he thought as he turned up his newest CD from Disturbed, Indestructible, and got out some eggs and bacon, it was kinda nice to be able to hang out with Anna and Axel. Anna and Axel were his younger twin siblings. They, like him, had bright, gold fur but were instead streaked with a dark purple instead of orange, and they were only 17, turning 18 in just a couple of days.

They had always been fun, ever since they were all pups they were as thick as thieves, and that bond only grew stronger as time passed. Ari had been the one to teach them, just about everything. From sports to video games, even sex. He was their big brother, and he was always there for them. As his bacon started to sizzle in the frying pan, he thought back to that day, seven years ago, when Anna and Axel had come to him whilst he was playing Legend of Zelda and asked, "What's sex?"

Ari had been shocked at first. He had learned about it when he had been ten, and that had been from their parents. "Where'd you hear about it?" he asked.

"Discovery channel, they also called it mating and a kid from school said we'd learn about it when we're older."

Ari just stood there for a minute; on the one hand, this could a good thing. Not only could he teach his siblings something new, but could use the information he had found on the internet. But... he could also get in a lot of trouble. He shrugged off his doubts. He was only telling them about it; it was his job as big brother right?

"Well," he started, how did he put this? "When you love a person a whole lot, and you want to make them feel good and special, you do some things to them that make them really happy. And they also do things to you."

Anna and Axel sat down on the floor in front of him, tails wagging excitedly, making him pause his game and put the controller to the side so he could scoot to the front of the couch.

"What kind of things?" Anna asked in her cut little girl voice.

Ari paused again, of course he knew about masturbation. He had done it a few times in fact; the internet had a funny way of making you do things like that. And of course he had kissed a girl, but was that really the same thing? No, he didn't think it was.

His gaze drifted down Anna's little fit body, she was coming along nicely, her breasts had already started to bud, that was something she had gotten from their mother, who was a double D, and his eyes lowered themselves even lower. She was wearing a skirt, so sitting cross-legged gave him a nice view of the polka-dot panties that she was wearing. He felt his cock begin to stir inside his pants as he imagined the sweet thing that was waiting underneath those panties. He fidgeted a little bit, his growing wolfhood beginning to get a little uncomfortable. His siblings noticed.

"What's wrong brother?" Axel asked, leaning forward. "Nothing," Ari answered, "why don't you guys go talk to mom and dad about this?"

"They're not home. They said they'd be home in a few hours." Axel said. "They went shopping." Anna added.

Ari sighed. Great, this is all he needed.

"So what kind of stuff?" Anna pressed. "Wweeeellll...." Ari started slowly, "Do you at least know the difference between boy and girls?"

The twins looked at each other, then turned backed to him and shook their heads. Even though they shared a room, they had never seen each other naked. Nor did they really ever want to see the others body. "Not really." "Is there a difference?"

Ari's cock twitched again as his thoughts turned naughty. He really shouldn't take advantage of this, but his parents were gone and wouldn't be home for a while, and he was a young healthy male wolf.... How could he not do this?

"All right," he said standing up and taking off his shirt, "I'm gonna need you guys to take your clothes off." The twin's faces took on equal looks of shock. "Why?" They asked in unison. "Cuz it'll be easier to show you the difference instead of just telling you about it." He answered, leaving his pants on... for now anyway.

The twins' faces scrunched up into replicated confused looks, their muzzles becoming slightly wrinkled. Ari just smiled at them, thinking that they were both just too cute. He had seen naked bodies on the web, both male and female, and he was growing anxious being this close to being able to see, and maybe even feel, real naked bodies other than his own. They then stood up in unison and started undressing, removing their shirts first. Then their lower garments, then finally their underwear. They stood bare before him. Ari sucked in a breath as his siblings stripped in front of him.

His sister with those petite buds on her chest and those sweet small, yet surprisingly plump pussy lips hidden away in the gold fur between her thighs, and his little brother, almost a clone of himself. A lithe and athletic body, tapering down to the sheath and balls that was gathered at the end of his stomach.

The twins turned toward each other and cast their gazes over their twins' body. "Wow," said Anna, "You're right. He's waaaay different." She pointed towards his cock. "What is that?"

"That," Ari said, taking off his pants, "Is the same as this." Fully nude now, his cock stood straight up, standing at a full seven inches even at his young age, pointing at the ceiling as if in salute to his younger brother and sister. Anna's' and Axels' eyes both grew wide at the sight of his thick, red wolfcock, and Axel actually took a step towards it. Ari didn't miss the motion. "It's okay Axel," Ari murred, "You're gonna have one just like it soon." His gaze lowered to his brothers' sheath, and was surprised to find that Axels' cock was already starting to grow as well. "See? You're already getting one." Axel and Anna both gasped and stared at it in unison again.

"What is it?" Axel asked. "It's called a cock." Ari answered and went to stand next to his brother. "And all boys have one." Anna made a pouty face. "Why don't I have one big brother?"

Ari grinned and moved to her. "Because you have something even better sis," He reached down and ran his finger down her stomach, stopping just above her pussy, making her shiver all over. "You have a pussy. Every girl has a pussy. And a boys cock," He grabbed her hand and placed it on said appendage, which she automatically gripped, "Goes inside a girl's pussy. That's what sex really is."

The twins could only gape at their older brother. "But..." Anna said, "It's really big." She looked down at her hand wrapped around his cock. "Will it even fit?"

Ari looked back at Axel, whose dick was also now fully erect, but only at five inches. His tail had begun to wag back and forth again. "Do you want to find out?" He asked both of them. Axel immediately nodded, his cock twitching in anticipation, but Anna hesitated. "With yours?" She was scared; Ari could see that, so he shook his head.

"No," He answered, and gestured at Axel. "His is smaller, see? You can start with his and then try mine if you want. If not, there are other things I could teach him."

Anna stood still for a moment, then... "No. I love you and Axel, and I want to make you both feel special, so... I'll do it."

Ari smiled gently. "We both love you too Anna. And that's why we're doing this." He leaned down and kissed her softly, and then a bit more roughly, running his tongue along hers, then he led her to the couch. "First," he said, "I want you to lie down on the couch and spread your legs." She did as he asked and moved her knees apart, spreading her legs wide open and showing off her wonderful pussy.

Ari almost came right off the bat at the sight of his sister, but he quickly gained his composure. You can't lose control now, he told himself. He squatted down in front of her, and sniffed at her sex. He was surprised to find that she was already getting wet. That was good. He licked his lips in aticipation.

"W-what are you doing brother?" Anna asked, she started to shake again.

"Don't worry sis," Ari answered, "I'm just gonna get you ready... ok?"

Anna nodded slowly, and took a deep breath.