Cooperative Management (7/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#7 of Cooperative Management

Calvech and Dobrica reach their last objective and finds out that its a group of indebted people whom are being transformed into horse men to entertain to pay it back. When the two met the one calling the shots however they found there was a potential major problem. Would they meet someone that might give the two nexus creatures a run for their money?

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As soon as Dobrica and Calvech saw the leather harnesses and were told to go to the track they guessed two things, that they were going to be males and that they were probably going to be doing something for Santer. When they slid on the jocks and harnessed each other up it was clear their predictions were correct, watching as their spandex bodies quickly got assimilated by the similarly colored leather of their new gear as both of their sets of breasts quickly deflated back into a set of firm pectoral muscles. Both creatures also groaned as their jocks filled out too, pulling down their respective undergarment to reveal the still growing leather horsecocks. While this was returning back to his normal form for Calvech it took a few moments for Dobrica to get used to her new feet, stumbling slightly on them as her webbed toes merged together and became a pair of hooves.

After an impromptu lesson on how to walk and run on them the two muscular leather horse men went down to the indoor track. When they got inside they were impressed at how much it looked like an outdoor track, save for all the problems that came with it such as inclement weather. Even the field on the inside of it was grass, though as soon as they put their hooves on it they could tell that, like the track itself, it was all synthetic. They also saw there four guys in running shorts and tank-tops, which just like the swim team consisted of a menagerie of creatures that stood up when they approached.

"Well I have to say that it's about time," a fifth man, this one a somewhat portly crocodile, stated as he walked up to them and shook their hands. "Lazarus Simms, at your service. You the ones that are going to whip these boys into shape?"

"It appears that we are," Dobrica replied, looking at the crocodile in slight confusion. "Are you... not going to join them?"

To their surprise the man laughed, his belly wobbling as he did so before he patted his rotund stomach. "Looks like I could probably lose a few pounds, right?" he said before leaning in slightly. "No, I need you two to work your magic and turn these men into real thoroughbreds, you know, like you two are."

Calvech and Dobrica gave each other a sideways glance as the other man continued to give them a smug grin. "So you... know... what's going on here?" Calvech asked, to which the crocodile continued to grin. "You brought them here for us to turn them into leather horses?"

"That's the plan!" Lazarus stated. "You see, I run a humble casino that's over on the other side of the bay area, and these men all owe me quite a lot of money. Normally I would find more... traditional means of extracting my payment from them, but then I caught wind of this place and offered them an alternate means of paying me back. At first I couldn't believe my ears, but if you really can do what your boss says you can do then I'm going to be opening my first ever race track and having these boys run for me!"

The crocodile laughed again and told the four to stand and line themselves up so that their new trainers could take a look at them. All of them were definitely not your typical athletes, two of them were exceptionally skinny while one was rather stocky. The last one didn't look like he would go ten centimeters, much less a hundred meters, in a sprint before he fell over dead. The two told the crocodile that they would be right back and that they just needed to grab their equipment. Lazarus told them to hurry up and that time was money, Dobrica and Calvech nodding and waving before ducking into an area that kept all the various items of gear.

"No way," Dobrica stated, crossing his arms across his muscular chest as soon as they were in the equipment shed. "I say we talk to Santer and tell him that this guy is a monster."

"Well we're definitely in agreement on the monster bit," Calvech said as he leaned out the door to see the crocodile still berating the four. "The thing is, maybe this is the best thing for them? You heard what that guy said, this is an alternative for other ways of making people pay off debts. While he didn't go into specifics I'm sure he's less of a payment plan and more of a knee breaker kind of way of collecting."

Dobrica sighed, pressing his fingers against his mane as he stopped the ground with his hoof. "I still don't like this at all," he said. "We turn those guys into leather horse men like us and I doubt that he's going to treat them well. The second they get out of here he'll just make them race for his amusement and profit... plus probably other things as well."

The blue leather horse didn't have to go into details, both of them knowing full well that the crocodile seemed like someone who would take a handsome, virile leather horse stud and do more with his body then just race them. But if they talk to Santer and he kicked them all out then they will have put them in a much worse situation then they were already in... and in the end they decided to at least go through the training program first and see how that went, then go from there. They figured they could gauge the crocodile's reaction once they were finished as they grabbed the large wooden box and hauled it out into the wooden field.

"What, were you making that stuff while you were in there?" the crocodile stated with a chuckle, the two trying not to give him the glare of death as they took out four jocks and chest harnesses like their own to distribute. "Now hold on there, what about all that other stuff? You aren't skimping out on me, are you?"

"What stuff?" Dobrica said, following his gaze back to the rest of the leather straps in the box. "Sir, that is just additional gear for pony play, you're not going to need it all for what you want. Just have them put these things on and you're going to get four strapping leather horse men all ready to race."

"No no no, I don't think so," the crocodile stated, wagging his hand as he motioned back towards the four. "I want them to be fully kitted up; I'm going to be paying this facility good money for a show, that's what I expect to get. Now you put that gear on them and get them in racing shape right now or I'll just have them serving drinks and sucking dicks until they pay me off."

Calvech had to grab onto the blue harness of the other horse to prevent him from charging, Dobrica snapping his head back to seeing him shaking his own. The blue leather creature huffed and snorted, then took the jocks he was holding and tossed them to the ground in front of the four before going over and grabbing the rest of the gear. This situation was starting to spiral out of control, Calvech thought as he went to the dropped equipment and told the four to strip naked. At the very least it appeared they weren't afraid of what they were about to do, two of them actually having looks of relief as they were handed the jock.

"So... he wasn't lying, was he?" one of the skinny ones said as he put his legs through the loops of the jock before pulling them up. "Are we really about to become... like you?"

"You better believe it," Calvech replied as he gave the last one to the weakest of the four. "Are you sure you want to be doing this? I know that owing money isn't the most fun thing in the world but there has got to be other ways of doing it then turning yourselves into something for the amusement of others."

"Well I can't speak for the rest of them," the skinny guy said once again as Calvech adjusted the harness. "But there were about two dozen people that Lazarus made the offer too and we were the ones that decided to take it, so I think that it's safe to say we have all been interested in the fringe benefits of this program." Just as the purple stallion put the last strap in place the one he had just gotten ready looked down in sadness. "It's just unfortunate who we have to thank for this... and he's going to add the cost of these treatments to our tab."

Calvech was slightly stunned at what he had heard. Not only did these people volunteer for it, but they actually put themselves into more debt in order to become horse creatures? Or perhaps it was merely for the opportunity to be put on display, having others watch them in as they race and prance around? Either way it made what they were doing slightly better, especially as he saw the chest of the first guy begin to swell with muscle as the leather leeched from the bindings onto his flesh.

"Well I'll be damned," the crocodile said as he went up and grabbed the chin of the first male, feeling it push out into his palm as Dobrica put the bridle over his expanding face. "Here I thought that Santer fellow might have been trying to wind me up with his rather bold claims, but it appears he was actually telling the truth! At this rate I might try and get myself an entire stable of these fine stallions, hopefully they run as good as they look."

Dobrica told the crocodile they'll run just fine and to step back into the stands so they wouldn't interfere with their work. The scaly creature nodded and put up his hands, then walked back so that the two could continue with the four transforming creatures. Already the two skinny guys looked like they had been eating nothing but protein powder for the last year, their stomachs and chests swelling with new muscles which made the rest of their limbs look even more like twigs in comparison. With the jockstraps being used they could also watch as their rears filled out too, turning into perfect leather butts while their new horse tails swept out over them.

For the chubbier individual his transformation was more reduction then addition, and though the two could definitely see an increase in his height the pounds the man had put on over the years due to his lifestyle started to melt away as the leather skin assimilated him. His barrel gut sucked back into his stomach to reveal the six-pack already forming underneath, the mass being shifted elsewhere and converted into muscle on his thighs and biceps. This one wasn't going to be as fast as the other two, Calvech noted as the skinny creatures remained lean and lithe while this one was turning into a muscular powerhouse, but he probably could pack a serious punch.

The one that seemed to be the most appreciative was the frail man on the end who whispered his thanks to the two as they took special care with him. Dobrica had to hold him up as they put the last of the racing gear on him, the other three snorting and whinnying as they watched their fellow stallion start to emerge. His slightly wheezing breath became powerful grunts as his body reacted to the leather very fast, the tan material spreading like wildfire as though it knew that it had a lot of work to do. The blue leather horse continued to hold the other male even when he was able to stand on his own two hooved feet, feeling him flex as he went down and fished his cock while it was still filling out the jock and remarked that's the first time he's seen it hard in years.

As they watched the formerly weak man turn into one of the most athletic of the four, Calvech mused that he hadn't even thought how much Modino and Santer would be helping those with health problems with their changes. What Falco had said to them began to make a lot more sense with this one; watching him marvel at his newfound abilities, especially his physique, as he took his hands and rubbed them all over his body while the others were doing the same. If one had a chronic condition and an interest in leather or spandex they could just come here and become one of the minions of the nexus creature and never have to worry about such things again...

A shout from the stands caused both Dobrica and Calvech to frown at each other. While they still didn't like what the end goal of this meeting was they were also just getting annoyed in general now too. They were professional trainers, though admittedly this was new territory for them as they began to show the four how to move on their new stances, and this guy was being quite the distraction. It was a good opportunity though to have the four learn how to perform while under stress, giving the four basic techniques on how to move and proper gait. While the one stallion that had been the weakling of the group took to their training quite well the others struggled, their beefiest leather horse falling forward and nearly diving his muzzle into the ground after underestimating his newfound strength.

Finally after they managed to get the four to run without falling over or potentially hurting themselves they decided to give them all a test lap, lining them up on the markers of the track. While the two trainers were unsure of how the crocodile was going to present his little show they opted for traditional track starting stances to start, standing beside them and showing them how to do it. After that they went over and helped position their bodies while took their places, though as the soft, supple skin of their bodies rubbed together they knew that the common side-effect of their transformation was starting to take hold as they caught them looking lustfully at one another.

Calvech had to practically bite his lip as he got behind the biggest of them and adjusted his legs, the jockstrap perfectly accentuating that round leather rear in front of him. His own jock was particularly strained as he took a second to adjust himself, though with his sizable member it was practically pushing the leather cup away from his body even though it was made specifically for someone with his girth. When he looked over at Dobrica he saw he was also having a similar problem, the blue leather horse dipping his fingers in more than once and rubbing against the sensitive flesh. The sight of those four glistening leather creatures doing what they were told was a rush in itself, and combined with the fact Santer's magic had created four extremely handsome stallions the lust was almost unbearable.

Once they had gotten everyone lined up the two trainers backed away, making sure everyone remained in the position they put them in, and then told them to get set. The four unsteadily raised their butts in the air at the mark and when Calvech shouted for them to go they sprinted down the track as fast as they could. Immediately Dobrica and Calvech noted that pacing was something they were going to have to work on next as even with their newly augmented stamina all four began to fade once they had gone around the second turn. Their largest leather horse also was predictably the slowest, lagging behind the other three as they all eventually managed to get all the way around the track and back to where they started.

Just as the two went up to the group and began to give them advice on their running form they heard a series of slow claps coming from the stands, all of them looking over to see the crocodile coming over to them with a big grin on his face. "A little sloppy, but definitely quite the show," he said with a chuckle before looking at the biggest horse, poking a finger at the thick muscles of the creature and causing them to flex involuntarily. "Any chance we can get the big boy over here to slim down some?"

"We can only change people based on their desires," Dobrica said, both him and Calvech having the previously unknown knowledge come bubbling up in their minds. "This one prefers power over speed, and though we can train him to use those muscles to run we can't force him into a form he doesn't want. That's just the way it works Lazarus."

"Well hell," the crocodile replied with a frown. "No one's going to bet on him to win if he looks like a freaking Clydesdale compared to the other three. Perhaps I could think of something else to put all that brawn to good use, maybe start one of those MMA things that I keep hearing about. Of course I would need to find a few more that want to be big like him, but I'm sure I can find a few desperate souls that would do anything for a body like that."

"Right, well, we need to keep working here," Calvech said as he and Dobrica put themselves between the crocodile and the four. "Why don't you go get yourself a smoothie or something? It's just going to be basic training exercises and self-care so they don't hurt themselves while they're running your races."

As they continued to stand there unmoving they could see a look of anger at being told what to do flash on his face, then soften and become a bemused smirk as he looked between the six leather creatures. "Don't think I know what's going on here," the crocodile said, wagging his tongue at them which caused Calvech and Dobrica to look away in disgust. "Your boss said that the changes these boys would get might come with some extra urges, and given the way you were staring at their butts half the time you two probably are the same."

"It comes with the transformation," Calvech explained. "The nature of the process includes an increased libido among other things, so part of that self-care will be how they can properly relieve themselves with one another. I assure you that it won't detriment your racing in any way, self-control is something that comes with the training."

'Oh, I don't see it as a detriment," Lazarus replied with a smirk. "I see it as an additional feature; now I'm not into this gay shit myself but figure that those who bet big on my boys here can pay a little extra to... ride a winning horse, if you know what I mean. Same for these MMA matches, I'm sure people will pony up the dough to watch the winner fuck the loser, if you don't mind my horrible pun. You could join in as well, might even give you a discount if you don't mind breeding these little sluts in front-"

The crocodile's sentence was cut short by Calvech's fist planting itself square in his snout, the four stallions behind him gasping as they watched Lazarus stumble backwards before falling back against the track. "Call Santer," the purple leather horse said as he started to walk over to the downed man. "I'm not going to listen to this anymore, and if he doesn't get here soon I'm going to show this one that hooves aren't just made for running."

Calvech stamped down his foot to emphasize his point, but to all their surprises Lazarus just started to laugh as he stood back up and took a handkerchief out of his pocket. "You think you're the first to take a swing at me boy?" the crocodile said as he wiped the blood coming from his snout. "Got to admit though you pack a mean punch, cleared the sinuses right out! Maybe I'll have you wrestling with the big one after I'm done suing you and this entire center down into the ground, can even have the blue one tag in if he wears your ass out."

"If you think I'm going to do anything for you..." Calvech warned, once more tightening his fist.

"You'll be surprised what people will do when they find their backs up against the wall," Lazarus threatened back. "If you think that I got to where I was today just on luck and good looks you'd be mistaken, I have a lot of connections in this city and a lot of favors that are owed to me by some powerful people. With a couple words I could make sure the only cock you get is by your cell mate in a federal penitentiary."

Just as Calvech was about to step forward again a thick black leather arm suddenly appeared in front of his chest, the horse following it up to see Santer suddenly standing there next to him. "I think that's quite enough," the nexus stallion said, Calvech finding his anger cooling down despite himself as Santer turned his attention to the crocodile. "I see that you've accidently fallen down on our track Mr. Simms, you really must be more careful in the future to avoid injury. Now perhaps if you want to go back into my office and discuss the nature of your accident, I'm sure we can come to some sort of amicable conclusion."

"Only amicable conclusion I can see is the check you're going to write me to keep this out of court," Lazarus replied with a sneer. "One of your trainers assaulting a paying customer, and if you think you can scare me with your voodoo those two already let slip that you can only turn people into what they want to turn into. Tell you what though, you give me those two horses of yours and we can call it even, I'm sure I could have some fun breaking that purple one you got."

"That is certainly quite the offer," Santer replied as his own muzzle curled up into an evil grin. "And you are right that we're typically restricted in changing people only into what they most desire. However, if you come closer I'll whisper a little secret into your ear that I think you're going to want to hear."

Lazarus just scoffed at the request but did so anyway, the leather horse leaning in as well. Even with standing nearby Calvech couldn't hear what Santer said to the other man, but he could clearly see the shocked expression on the crocodile's face. As the leather horse turned back he just crossed his arms and smirked down at the other male, and just as Lazarus started shouting that he couldn't intimidate him it suddenly became hard to understand him. As Dobrica and the others slowly moved up to where Calvech stood they could see what was happening as green leather was spreading over the crocodile's muzzle, merging his lips together until it was completely seamless.

The others watched in a mix of shock and fascination as Lazarus brought up his hands to try and somehow pull the leather apart, only to watch as his fingers also fused together and puffed out until they were more like gloves then hands. As the leather spread down past his wrists and towards his elbow it was like they were being filled with air or, as a seam began to appear on the changing creature's arms, like they were being stuffed with cotton or some other filling. The crocodile also clearly began shrinking as he tried to escape, falling to the ground as his legs straightened and his pants fell off his legs.

When his lower body was exposed everyone was shocked to find a smooth path of leather between the legs of the crocodile, which had started to push apart from one another as the changing creature tried to start crawling away. He was still shrinking though and the grunts and cries became less as his entire green leather body stiffened and became less animate. Soon they could hardly see Lazarus anymore as he shrank even more until he was lost inside his own shirt, the clothing moving about like something was squirming underneath until finally that ceased as well. Once that happened Santer moved over to the pile of clothes and reached in to pull out a foot long leather crocodile plushie complete with googly eyes attached to the face.

"Why is it always the assholes that make the most adorable plushies?" Santer commented as he put the stuffed animal under his arm and walked back over to the other stallions who still had their jaws practically hitting the ground.

"Did you... is he..." Dobrica stuttered slightly as he pointed at the plush.

"I assure you he is quite alive," Santer clarified. "Probably quite enjoying himself if he's not still enraged about his sudden transformation. I thought that given his attitude he might need a timeout while we discuss what to do about the situation."

"But wait," Calvech interjected. "I thought you could only turn people into what they desired? Did Lazarus want to be a plushie?"

"Not quite..." Santer explained, waving his hand in a so-so gesture. "I did see that deep down this one has a fondness for the plush, to the point where I got a mental glimpse inside his bedroom and it looks like a build-a-bear exploded inside of it. While I'm sure that becoming one himself wasn't part of the plan, being a plushie usually has a loss of control element that I'm sure he wouldn't approve of, as part of our nexus powers we can... twist a person's desires in order to punish them if they've done harm to us or anyone in our realm. Of course some then end up liking it so much that they become a minion themselves in order to have it done to them more, but somehow I don't think that's going to happen in this case and I'm afraid that if that's so then the transformation is only going to last for a few hours before reality kicks back in and reverts him to his normal cruel self."

"Weird," Dobrica stated before looking back at the four leather horsemen they had created. "But in any case we still have a problem here with what we're going to do about these guys. Even if this little stunt keeps Lazarus from going after Calvech he's still going to demand that they go and work for them..."

"I do admit that this is a rather precarious situation," Santer stated as he tossed the plushie behind him. "Normally I would just go and take over the casino, but Modino and I have limited power on this planet and most of it extends to what we've created here. Perhaps if more of his debtors came to be transformed we might have something, but apparently it was a stretch just to have those that be interested."

"Not that we're complaining," one of the stallions, his leather dyed a chestnut pattern with white underbelly. "If it's any use to you I think the reason that Lazarus is trying to get this horse racing thing started is I heard that he's in debt himself, just put a big expansion on his casino to try and attract more of the tourist crowd and so far they're not biting as fast as he thought... and he's still in the implementation stage of a lot of his attractions."

"Alright, that's good..." Calvech stated. "So Lazarus takes out a loan in order to expand but it's not turning a profit yet, so he goes and squeezes those that he's given credit to in order to make ends meet until it does. Assuming that he's smart enough to go through a reputable loan company that means he likely put up the casino as collateral, so we should be able to find a record of the note holder."

"How do we do that?" Santer asked.

"Should be in the city planning department," Calvech said, pausing when he once more saw a look of confusion coming from the nexus creature. "It's the same place where you would have filed a permit in order to build this facility here, as well as all the documentation for the land rights and such." The frown on the purple horse's muzzle deepened as he continued to just get a blank look. "You... did get permission from the city to have a building here, right?"

"Technically..." Santer stated with a sheepish grin. "This land wasn't even here to begin with."

Both Dobrica and Calvech looked at one another, exchanging a weary glance before Dobrica took over. "Alright, that is a completely separate problem that admittedly is not as important as our current situation," he stated. "Once we're done figuring out how to help these guys I'm sure you can use your magic horse powers in order to have something appear at the register of deeds office. Right now we need you to come with us in order to help find the note holder, then see what we can do about possibly cutting the legs of the crocodile out from under him."

"While I would love to go along with you, if I step out of the building I may as well be sending a flare up to every creature that can sense my power that I'm here," Santer explained. "I could send a minion with you, but all the ones here are pretty fresh and won't be as much help."

The three thought about what to do for a second before Dobrica's eyes lit up. He asked if Santer could make a call that would really help them out, the black leather stallion giving him a small grin and saying that could be arranged. He also explained that it would probably take about an hour or so for him to get everything set up and that he knew of some clients that could be helped while they waited. The two looked back towards the leather stallions, watching them already starting to fawn over one another with the biggest of them getting the most attention.

"Alright you four," Calvech said as he and Dobrica turned back towards them, watching all their heads turn up in their direction. "We've had to cut this training session a bit short, so why don't we show you how good leather stallions relax and unwind after a long day. If you'll just follow me we'll get you squared away immediately."

The place they took them too was the massage area that was closer to the back of the fitness center, though when the four began to hop up on the tables both Dobrica and Calvech shook their heads and had them continue to follow through another door further back. This room was designed especially for leather creatures such as themselves, the other horse men looking on in awe at all the jars of oil that were on display as well as the black leather massage chairs that sat in the middle of the room. This was one of the rooms that Calvech and Dobrica had the two nexus creatures split off, a place where those who where minions could get the attention they wanted without alerting the general public who also might want a normal massage.

There was only one problem with the set-up, however, in that they didn't have any masseurs yet on staff that could do such a thing. Despite the blue and purple stallion not being trained in it they decided to give the rub downs themselves, taking some of the oils and massaging them into their leather palms before pressing them against the bodies in front of them. "I can't believe I'm saying this," the big white-leather horse said as Calvech worked on him. "But I'm so glad that I got into debt with Lazarus so I could be here right now with you guys."

"Don't be so thankful yet," Calvech replied as he rubbed against the heavy pectorals and washboard abs of the creature, causing the stallion to whinny as the oiled leather glistened and shined. "There's no guarantee that we're going to get you guys out of this deal with the devil you've made, Santer can only do so much in this realm and this fitness center is already not on the firmest foundations."

"Don't care," he said as he turned his head to look at the steel-blue horse that Dobrica was working on. "You see that handsome horse over there? That's my boyfriend... and I don't think I need to tell you that he was in bad shape when we came here. When I had gotten in big trouble with Lazarus he had taken on the debt with me even though he had been very sick to begin with. Before he couldn't even get out of bed without my help, now he's... well..."

"You can say it," Calvech stated with a grin. "He's healthy as a horse."

"You got it," the white-leather stallion said with a chuckle. "I can only imagine the things we can do now that he's better. Plus admittedly I wasn't in the best shape myself, now I'm a freaking hunk."

"Well what's stopping you?" Calvech said as he took the jockstrap and pulled it off, revealing the completely erect leather horsecock underneath it. "Don't think anyone's going to mind, have some fun."

A few seconds later Dobrica had to nearly jump out of the way as the bigger horse grabbed his boyfriend and kissed him, their leather tongues sliding around one another as they leaned back against the table. For a second Calvech worried that it was going to buckle, especially when the steel-blue stallion suddenly found his hoof feet almost behind his head and an oiled-up rod of throbbing male flesh being pushed into him. It appeared that Santer and Modino had already foreseen this as a possibility and even as the muscular creature grabbed onto the sides and began to thrust down into the male beneath him it held with little movement. When they looked over at the other two horses they hadn't gotten to yet they saw them taking the initiative and oiling one another up, both of their jockstraps down and their members sandwiched between their glistening abs.

The two had been freed up not a moment too soon as about a minute later a spandex dragon poked his head in and said that Satner had everything they needed ready for them, the two leaving the horny, rutting leather horse men to their own devices and heading out to hopefully meet their new contact.