Male Maid Service: A Hyena's Dinner

Story by Orfeous on SoFurry

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#1 of Male Maid Service

Here's a long one!

Male Maid Service is an idea I've been toying with for a while. I've finally managed to put it down on paper, and I'm so happy with the results! Honestly, this to me feels like some of my best work yet. I'm super proud of how it turned out and I hope you enjoy reading it! This was incredibly fun to write!

Also, I'm open for commissions! You can check my profile for all the info. If you liked what you read, and want a custom piece for your own, shoot me a message and we can work something out!

The car pulled up to an inconspicuous house in suburbia, one among many that looked almost the same as each other. It was a squat building, maybe an hour or so from where I lived. It was enough of a drive to notice the differences between this area and where I lived. It wasn't exactly the kind of place you'd like to be out and about at night. The road was riddled with small potholes, the sidewalk was cracked, and the grass was not tended to as well as it should have.

But the house? At least the house looked well maintained on the outside. I sat in the car, staring out the window for a little after it had finally pulled up alongside the curve. It wasn't until I caught my vulpine reflection that I was brought back to reality.

"Sorry!" I stammered out at the driver, who merely waved a hand off as I pulled a large black tote back over my shoulder and stepped out into the curb.

Even with my thick coating of orange fur, and my sweatpants and sweatshirt, I could still feel a deep chill in my spine. As the car pulled away, I found myself biting down hard on my lower lip. My thoughts said one thing, but my body was already betraying me. The throbbing between my legs was starting to get bothersome for all the right reasons. One leg crossed over the other, thighs rubbing up tightly against one another, then I uncrossed and crossed again.

I must have stood there for minutes, looking like an absolute fool.

"It's okay, Jai," I hummed to myself. "Just another day." Even as I whispered those words my voice began to crack, my throat felt dry, and I found it just a little harder to breathe. "Nothing different from last time, Jai. You got this, man. You got this."

With those few words of self-encouragement, I took my first shy steps towards house number 326, on 24th Heathway Lane. I actually liked the tone of brown it was painted. It looked almost like chocolate. It had only two windows that faced toward the front. The door was placed square in the middle of the building, a tall oak thing with a massive brass handle and a gold-plated door knock. Just below my feet there was a grey doormat with the word ' WELCOM E' painted in bold black letters. A floral pattern adorned its sides.

I sighed, reached for the door knock, and only hesitated a moment before rapping hard on the door three times. After a quick check of the time to make sure I wasn't late, I carefully knocked three more times afterward when I heard no noise coming from the other end of the door.

That looked as if it woke up whomever was on the other end of the door. It was heavy, lumbering movement. Like somebody was just waking up and dragging their feet against a carpeted floor. A small tingling sensation formed between my ears. My ears perked up fully, breath hitching in my throat as the door started to shake with the struggles of somebody trying to unlatch the lock.

Something inside me took over from there. The smile that I put on was genuine as the door swung open. I'd rehearsed this moment a dozen times every night, yet every time I came here, I seemed to be at a loss of words.

The towering hyena stood a whole two or so feet taller than I was. Not that it would be hard finding somebody taller than me, since I only stood at the shorter end of five feet. Regardless, she was an absolute monster of a creature. Yellow eyes stared down at me with half-hearted amusement. Her brown mottled fur seemed to bristle as she turned her head a bit to the side, as if waiting for me to go on. And I wanted to go on, to say something, but I still found myself openly staring at her figure. Even with her lazily strewn together baggy clothing, her voluptuous figure still managed to peek through the cracks. Huge thick thighs, massive rippling arms, ample breasts near as big as my head, and as she turned around, an ass that almost had the shape of a bubble.

Before I could say a word, she motioned with a clawed hand and slight nod of her head. "Come on in." I'd barely caught the glimpse of a small smirk as her tail swatted me across the face "You know where the bathroom is."

I nodded, smiling, and heaved my tote back closer to myself as I locked the door behind me. Her home had a strong musky, hormonal scent which came strongest wherever she was. I could feel myself throb just from taking one deep scent of it, giving me another reason to just pause and look around and stare.

She'd thrown herself on a dusty old couch, her legs splayed out as wide as her arms as she threw her head back and sighed deeply. Her large black nose twitched every so often as I started to make my way around the living room and toward the bathroom.

With a click I locked the door, placed the tote back down, and took a deep breath. Here, too, there was that thick musky scent that permeated throughout the hyena's home. I couldn't help myself but moan out a little as I closed my eyes and took in just another long breath of that amazing scent. My hands moved of their own accord separate from my thoughts, carefully pulling off my sweatshirt and my pants, leaving me in just my underwear.

I was tenting dangerously, a dollop of precum already forming where my cockhead was pressing hard against the fabric of my boxers. I gulped, reaching down to grab at the flesh of my malehood with careful fingers as my other hand slowly caressed its way down my sides. My fur tickled against my open palm, but that sensation was nothing compared to the sharp pang of pleasure that shot up from my cock as I gave it a soft squeeze and a stroke. That little dollop of precum doubled in size and then slowly started trailing its way downward through the fabric of my underwear until, finally, it disappeared into the fabric.

Waiting was torture. I hooked my thumbs into the band of my underwear and slowly tugged down, softly at first and then hard once it got caught against the curve of my cock. I groaned softly, closing my eyes as the cool air of the bathroom rubbed lightly against my bare meat. It took me a second, mostly of me teasing myself, before I finally popped free.

A thin trail of precum erupted out of me as my cock slapped hard against my slightly pudgy stomach, eliciting another small moan out of me. Every fiber of my being wanted to simply stroke myself with relentless fervor until that oh so sweet climax finally hit me, but I stopped myself. It wasn't my place to do that. Not here. Not as badly as I wanted it.

Breathe in. One, two, three. Breathe out. It only helped a little, considering that ti was that damned musk that got me all worked up like this. Another dribble of precum formed at the tip of my vulpine cock, my red and pinkish member throbbing hard with every beat of my heart as I felt that little droplet of precum trail down my shaft, over a half-inflated knot, and around my balls. Again, I needed to force myself to stop thinking about it. It wasn't my place to do that here.

Another part of my mind took over. The working part. I'd trained it for this moment. I moved almost like a robot, folding up my clothing neatly and placing it at the edge of the sink, before rummaging through the tote bag I'd brought with me.

I blushed at the contents of it. I'd looked at them a hundred times before, yet there was always that small thrill whenever I took these clothes out of the bag. Folded up neatly, recently cleaned, devoid of any creases of stains. I could still smell the scent of lavender on them.

The black French maid dress was cut way too short for my body. It did nothing to hide my ample ass, which for my size seemed a bit disproportionately large. Likewise, my groin was in plain view to anybody who bothered to stare. The only thing keeping me even slightly modest was a lacy black thong that packed my cock tightly against my body, creating an obscene bulge that did nothing to hide how overwhelmingly aroused I was. Every twitch and throb were painful yet so pleasant as well. Though the thong too was a little too tight.

I turned around, looked at my backside through the mirror, and slowly spread my large ass cheeks until I caught sight of my winking pucker. The thong did very little to hide it. In fact, all it really did was grind up against my entrance, creating a stubborn friction that gave little satisfaction. I let my cheeks go, happy with how I looked, and got to work on the last finishing touches.

The hyena liked it when I got dolled up nicely for her. I'd never really bothered asking why. She always seemed to get some kind of deeply ingrained satisfaction from it. And, truth be told, I kind of liked it to. Over the last few visits, I'd learned a little more of how she liked things. I knew I hadn't perfected the look. Not yet.

Not until today.

Today, I was perfect.

My heart hammered against my hears at a thousand miles an hour as I slowly inched the door to the bathroom open. I peeked around the door, saw she was still sitting on the couch, and then quickly moved to the other side. She hadn't taken notice of me quite yet. I quickly checked myself one last time, dusting away a couple stray strands of lint, lightly licking the black, cherry flavored lipstick before puckering my lips slightly in what could have been taken as a playful pout.

I needed her to look at me. I need her eyes on me. I cleared my throat once, and that was enough to catch her attention.

I was perfect. Her eyes told me so. I'd finally hit it in the nail. The perfect look. She loved it. She absolutely loved it. My heart hammered so much harder not. It felt like it was going to explode. She needed to see more. I wanted her to see more. Rehearsed lines came out of me like clockwork, but all the sentiments were genuine.

"Thank you for choosing Male Maid Service." I bowed deeply; my hands clasped tightly to one another right above my groin. It was impossible to hide my massive grin. I could feel my long fluffy tail swishing back and forth without control. "I hope I'm to your," I looked up, and gasped, jumping slightly.

She'd closed the distance to me. Silently, quickly. A huge towering and imposing frame. Yellow eyes looked down straight at me. I had to crane my neck upwards just to meet her lustful, hungry gaze. "... your..." My voice cracked as she took another strong step toward me, fully closing the distance between the two of us as her massive powerful hands clasped around each of my shoulders. "... satisfaction." The word came out as a mere meet.

"Turn," commanded the hyena, though she did that for me by pushing my small body around like a toy. I didn't mind it. I loved the way she was looking down at me. Taking me in. There was some slight embarrassment at the way she inspected me, but I loved it. I loved it because she loved it.

I turned my back to her, and then bent over a little so she could have better look at what I had to offer. Her eyes fell over me, hungry. I wiggled my ass a little from side to side, enticing her the way I knew she liked me to do.

"Who's a bad girl?" Then came a hard swat, something I'd expected yet still yelped at as her massive hand smacked hard against my ass, setting it jiggling a little.

"AH! M-Me..."

"Who?!" Another smack, harder this time against my other cheek. I moaned loudly, my body instinctively jerking away, but her one hand still holding me by the shoulder anchored me in place. There was nowhere to run.

"Me!" I moaned, loudly, proudly, as my eyes started to water when she spanked me a third, then a fourth time. I could already feel the bruises forming.


"I am! I've been a bard girl!" I screamed, gasping as I was suddenly and effortlessly lifted off the ground. She sat down on the couch and folded me over her knee. The maid dress hiked its way upwards, fully exposing my still-stinging ass to the open air and making it easier for her to spank me.

"Bad girl!" She swatted again, and again, and all I could do was scream in pain and ecstasy as she set my ass jiggling for her. "Bad girl!"

"I've been bad! I-I've been!" I stammered, tears now freely flowing down my cheeks as I lost my words. "Please!"

"Enjoying this, huh?"

"Y-Yes!" Another swat. "Please!" Another, harder. "PLEASE! YES!" My ass cheeks were to the point of going numb now, with just how hard she was setting me alight. She was leaving me struggling, panting mess, but there was nowhere to go with her powerful hands pinning me to her knee. "I-I can't... I..." I couldn't help it. I was slobbering all over myself. All over the couch and the carpet. It only seemed to make her want to spank me harder still.

She was relentless. She was merciless. It was everything I could have ever wanted. She'd never been so aggressive before. She'd never put me in my place so thoroughly before.

"Please," I wheezed lightly, feeling my voice break in my throat. "Please." She made those last two spanks count. One for each cheek, so hard it was as if she were saying 'remember that!' I squirmed and moaned over her knee. Even though I hadn't moved an inch, I felt exhausted, like I'd just ran a marathon. I could smell the sex in the air now. She was turned on by the display, probably more so than me. In this brief respire I could make out the audible squelch of her fingers delving deep into her sodden pussy. Had I had the energy I would have turned to look. For now, I'd have to be content with the mere knowledge that my hedonistic display was enough to set a fire in her loins.

My ass was throbbing as hard as my trapped cock as I slowly managed to peek upwards at her. The hyena's mouth was fully agape, eyes closed in total bliss as she brought three large fingers up to her slobbering tongue. They were coated in a thick, viscous layer of her cum. It looked delicious. I wanted it for myself. Pangs of jealously fell over me as I watched her hungrily slobber over her fingers like her life depended on it.

Without knowing, a girly whine escaped me.

One of her eyes shot up, then the other. Pangs of fear and excitement etched themselves into my soul as she turned her head toward me, her crazed hyena laughter echoing loudly through the home as she turned me around like a doll and propped me up against her legs.

"Have a taste," she hummed, jaw wide open to reveal massive yellow canines slick in saliva. What we shared wasn't a kiss - it was total domination.

Our lips hadn't even met before her massive long tongue invaded the small confines of my mouth. She absolutely overwhelmed my tongue, not giving me even an inch to move it as control was granted entirely to her. I could feel my entire body trembling head to toe as her tongue explored every centimeter of the inside of my mouth, uncaring at how sharp my fangs were or how much space she was giving me to breathe.

It almost felt like a punishment. You wanted a taste? Here, have it!

She pulled back with a long lick against my cheek, and grinned. "Cherry," she hummed, and cackled once again. "Tasty?"

"Yeah," I hummed, in total bliss. If the spanking had left me tired out, that kiss had left me drained. "Tasty."

"Mm." She leaned in. Her yellow eyes were absolutely piercing. "Turn around."

I nodded slowly. I knew exactly what she wanted. But it was a struggle. My legs felt like gelatin. I couldn't move very well. When I got up from being propped up on her knees, the whole world seemed to shift slightly to the left. It took me a second to get over that sense of vertigo. But I obeyed her words and gave her exactly what she wanted.

With a slow bend, I placed my hands on the coffee table directly ahead of the couch and bent myself as low as I could go. All she'd be able to see was my ample ass now. With my hands as support, I groaned as I felt her massive clawed hands start to knead at my stinging cheeks, half expecting another round of spanking that surprisingly never came. Instead, she slowly parted my cheeks until my asshole was fully exposed to her, barely even covered by the black thong I'd been wearing this whole time. In her powerful hold I couldn't even wiggle in the air for her. It was left to her devices. Entirely under her control.

She wasted no time getting to what she wanted. My thong was shreds before I even knew it, tatters on the ground that left my bare ass exposed and my cock throbbing hard in the air as it drooled a ludicrous amount of precum unto the coffee table. I could feel her hot breath against me now, so close to my pucker that I squirmed whenever she breathed out.

The hyena didn't give me a moment to prepare. Her massive prehensile tongue took charge, and without a moment to waste, she drove the slobbering muscle deep into my ass.

"Yes! YES!" It shook a moan right out of my core as I felt the wriggling mass of flesh probe at my insides. "You're incrediblAHHH! FUCK! YES!" My voice cracked hard, but I could hardly care less. It only seemed to invigorate her more as she drove yet another inch of that massive tongue against my asshole. My cock twitched in response whenever I felt that incredible weight press down against my prostate, edging out another clear stream of precum to splatter over the table, adding to the now growing small puddle of the stuff.

The hyena growled loudly against me, the muffled noise sending a deep set of vibrations that shook me right at the center of my core. Her tongue flicked up, down, and started thrusting in and out hard and fast. Instead of getting tired, she only seemed to be getting more energy out of the ordeal. Her claws pressed dangerously against the skin of my ass cheeks, drawing blood, but god I couldn't care less. She could do whatever she wanted, as long as that tongue was putting in the work.

"T-Too much!" I whined, my voice coming out girlishly as she pressed me harder against her face, pinning me against her and keeping me from escaping. "Too much! Too much too much yes!" She pressed her tongue flat against my prostate, forcing a massive shuddering moan as a fat glob of pre squirted out of my aching urethra.

And then she stopped, and took her sweet time extracting that slobbering muscle out of my thoroughly claimed ass. Inch, after inch, after inch, sending little aftershocks coursing through my body while also leaving me feeling extremely empty on the inside. I was already missing that warmth and weight inside my ass.

"Who's a good girl?!"

"I'm a good girl!" I half screamed, half moaned as I felt a sudden and intense pressure against my tight and slippery backdoor. Her thumb. Her massive thumb. Oh god. She'd never done that before. I've never had something that large. Oh god.

"Who's a good girl?!"

"I'm a good girl!" I screamed, whining as the pressure built up harder. She was going to cram that monster inside me. Her thumb was as big as my hand. Oh god.

"Who's MY good girl?!" She commanded, as her thumb pushed past my entrance. It felt like she was trying to cram a whole fist in there. Oh fuck! She was going to tear me apart!

"I'm your good girl! I'm your good girl! I'm yours! I'm yours!" Her thumb pushed in all in one go, spreading my ass apart like it's never been, stuffing me to the extreme as the pad of her thumb hooked downward and painfully pressed down against my engorged prostate. She found it with so little trouble, it was like she'd mentally mapped my insides with her tongue.

"Cum for me!" she commanded, as her thumb started to harshly rub back and forth against my prostate. I lost all breath in my lungs. I could only wheeze in confirmation to her command. My cock throbbed painfully hard, the veins along the shaft fully engorged and pumping to every beat of my heart as precum freely dribbled out of me like an open faucet. I could feel my balls painfully tensing the next time she commanded "CUM FOR ME!" at the top of her longs, pulling taut in their sack as her thumb dominated my prostate. I couldn't go on for much longer. The pressure was building too quickly. Too quickly! Oh god, it was too much!


"YEEEESSSS!" I'd never screamed so hard in my life. My body flinched, nearly doubling up over itself as I felt my cock violently throb in the throes of my explosive orgasm. Rope after thick rope of cum cascaded out of me, landing anywhere and everywhere it could possibly have landed. But she didn't stop. God, she wasn't stopping! Even as I caked the table and my own torso with layers upon layers of my pent up cum, she was still milking my prostate with that massive thumb for every last drop my balls had to offer. My whole body convulsed violently as she pushed a second orgasm out of me, stronger than the first, a new wave of cum coating the table under me as she held me in place and massaged my prostate with her thumb.

"Good girl," she hummed, and all I could do was moan in girlish glee at her praise. "Good girl."

In here? I was her good girl. The only thing cutting my pleasure short was the knowledge that this would be over soon, but she still managed to push that thought away with another massage of my prostate.

"Good..." I panted, moaning softly as my still-twitching cock continued to dribble long strands of sticky cum. "... girl?"

"Yes." With her thumb still hooked into my asshole, massaging out the last few drops of my seed, she used her other hand to slowly pet at the fur between my ears. Shivers shot down my spine. It wasn't like any other touch from before. This one was gentle and kind. There was no better praise for a job well done.

The hyena leaned up against my ear, the act tightening her thumb inside my ass, forcing another weak moan out of me. "Now clean up your mess," she hummed, and I obeyed almost instantly. Without a second thought, I got down closer to the table, and obediently began lapping up my cum from her table, swallowing it down with genuine pleasure. I don't know how long it took me. Her thumb kept pushing in and out of my asshole, leaving me empty before spreading me apart again and again.

By the time I was down, my face was covered in my own cum. It was all I could taste. It was all I could smell. I felt like I was drowning in the stuff. She pulled her massive thumb free from my asshole with an audible 'POP', leaving me feeling like an essential part of me was suddenly gone as my asshole clenched over and over without control.

She eased back on the couch and brought me along with her. "Good girl," she hummed, and stroked the fur between my ears as I curled up on her lap. "Good girl," she continued to murmur, over and over again, stroking my fur with all the care in the world as my eyes started to fall heavy. Sleep threatened to overcome me.

This? This right here was the best part of the job.