Lilly and Awkore: Litter 3

Story by Sayre Foxx on SoFurry

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We begin our story in a small 2 bedroom house in the suburbs, with a couple, an odd couple some would think, an anthro wolf and a feral vixen Hybrid, but they loved each other and that was all that mattered. We begin our story in early November just a few days after Lilly's Birthday in fact and a time of frustration for the vixen. Her heat had kicked in earlier than normal and forced her to stay home from work until it passed, The 25 guys in her office were finding it very hard to concentrate on their work with vixen scent clouding their minds. Fortunately her boss was a very understanding type and allowed Lilly to take the time off with full pay; this may have been because the year before Lilly's boss had to lock herself in her office after her own heat had sneaked up on her and made the majority of the male staff a little obsessed with her. Awkore worked as an ICT teacher in the local school and felt it was best to keep working till her heat was gone lest things happen and Kits came from it.

Lilly had gone through heat before but this was by far the worst, it never went away no matter how hard she tried to ignore it and it itched and itched, she had Yet to give into the urges so far and was staying resolute that she wasn't going to either even if it was getting harder and harder by the minute.

She flopped down on the sofa for the 47th time that morning, never able to stay still for too long, she growled and rolled over and growled some more and huffed in annoyance "Stop itching Dammit!" she shouted to herself, she rolled over again and got up to have her 3rd cold shower of the day.

As the freezing cold water soaked her fur and cooled her heat she sighed and hung her head, she couldn't work out why it was so bad, but it was driving her mad, she knew how to stop it but that was out of the question, it was a big responsibility, having kits, and she wasn't sure she was ready, and she wasn't sure Awkore was either.

She shook the water from her fur and trotted into the bed room wrapped in a towel and already the heat was creeping back, she growled again and flopped on the bed and whined softly and took a deep breath "going to have to talk to Awkore about this, but I don't think I can wait much longer, this heat is going to drive me mad" she whispered to herself.

Lilly managed to get through another 2 hours of practical torture before she started to really considering just flying to the school and talking to Awkore, it was almost lunch time as well, no lessons to interrupt, she padded out the door and spread her wings wide and gave them a few flaps to make sure her muscles were warm and ready then started trotting then running and beating her wings hard lifting herself off the ground and into the air.

Immediately the cold rush of air cooled her heat and she felt better but as always she knew it wouldn't last and powered towards the local school, landing a few moments later just outside of the main entrance and trotting up to reception to get a visitor badge, smiling and trotting through some double doors in search of her mate.


Lilly's itch had come back with a vengeance, stopping and sitting for a moment to try and cool herself down, after a few moments she realised it wasn't working well anymore her heat kept pulsing over and over and making her hot and flushed, she gave up and carried on until she got to the right class room and used the base of her paw to knock gently.

"Come in" a deep voice emanated from the room, she nosed the door open and poked her head through the door and looked around till she saw her mate. Awkore was a tall Grey and black wolf, Wearing a shirt and tie and Black Trousers, something Lilly always found he looked very hot in and she flushed as she saw him and smiled "Hello dear" Awkore smiled back and walked to the door and kissed her nose. Lilly leaned into his ear and whispered "we need to talk in private, kind of urgent" Awkore stood up and turned to his class and gave them instructions for work and left with Lilly.

Awkore Closed the door to the store room and sat next to Lilly, He was blushing bright red and had an embarrassed smirk on his face, Lilly new why the instant he sat down as a lump had appeared in his trousers and was rapidly pressing against the fabric more each second, Lilly Smiled and nosed at his face "a little excited aren't we" she stuck her nose into Awkore's crotch and sniffed deeply and yipped grabbing the trousers with her teeth and pulling hard.

Awkore Yelped and stammered "I-I thought w-we were going to t-t-talk" he found himself suddenly flat on his back and held down by the vixen's weight, her rear right next to his face and a large amount of her scent went up his nose making him murr and relax as she continued to pull his trousers and then his boxers down leaving him naked from the waist down, she then started to tear at his shirt leaving him almost completely naked by the time she was finished.

His large red length was twitching showing just how excited he was by his mate, her scent making his mind foggy and fill with nothing but animalistic lust and this suited Lilly fine, her own mind in a similar animalistic state. Awkore moaned suddenly as his member was licked by Lilly, her tongue was rubbing every inch of his length it could reach until she wrapped her maw around him and started to suck his member softly, Awkore arched his back and shivered, his own tongue starting to lap over Lilly's damp crotch, the taste making him murr and the attention to his member making him pant softly.

Lilly shuffles around so that her sex was hovering just over Awkore's member and kissed him deeply and at the same time pressed her sex to his member and started to slowly slide down his length to the hilt, the loud murr that Awkore made making her mouth vibrate and tickle, Lilly starts to slide up and down Awkore's thick member murring with each stroke and getting slowly faster a low murr escaping her lips and her body hot and flushing her sex tight around her mate's cock and getting tighter as her excitement heightened.

Awkore's paws were clenching he already felt like he was going to blow and it had only been a few minutes, but his the tight muscles around his member were getting him closer and closer with each second and then it stopped, Lilly was still for a moment before her sex squeezed him tightly and forced a very loud moan from his lips as Lilly lifted her head and yowled at the same time, the orgasm wracked her body and she shivered as her sex clamped down on Awkore and squeezed him over and over she was panting hard and fast and still moaning, then it started to build again Awkore started to thrust upwards into her as she started to press down onto him, his member piercing deeply into her and making the both moan together and thrust harder against each other.

Awkore was starting to thrust in smaller jerks his knot was inflating and getting stuck inside of his mate as he got close to the edge forcing the knot in and out a few times making her squeal a little and moan a lot, he pressed himself as deep into her as he could arching his back and howling which was cut off by Lilly kissing him deeply as he started to cum inside her, thick strings of hot wolf seed flowing deep into her, her body was shaking and shivering as the hot seed flowed into her sex squeezing every drop out of his member as she collapsed on top of him.

Awkore lay there stroking the ears of his mate before rolling over so he was above her, her paws were flailing but she was too exhausted to do much else and simply lay there looking blearily at her mate who started tugging and pulling his cock which slid out of her with a loud pop, making her moan quietly, the slowly starting to thrust into her his knot stopping him from going to far in but making her moan each time her slammed into her, he picked up the pace and started to really thrust hard into the vixen, she was making small moans and yips with each slap of his knot hitting her sex, his orgasm was quickly building again as he was thrusting, her scent and heat making wild, as his orgasm gets closer he pushes harder forcing his thick knot in and out of the vixen a few times before thrusting deep into her and howling, his body tensing up and more thick wolf cum shoots into the vixen, finally spent he lays on top of her and falls asleep still tied to her.