Prey Master

Story by Heartless Dragon on SoFurry

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#1 of Prey Master

A series on Zootopia that has been brought over from a host site. This series is set in a different universe, not much different from the main movie, but with changes that could be seen subtly. Rich and famous Nick Wilde gains a new hire for his manor, in which will lead to interesting results behind the manor of Wilde.

The Prey Master

Chapter 1. Enter The Manor

The mansion that stood before her look daunting, if not large at best. Probably one of the few ones inside of Zootopia. It itself was on the hill between Savanna Central and the Rainforest district, right on the hill of the Marshlands.

What was disorienting is the fact that the front of the house was on a hill and that you had to pass a Black gate in front with its own security. However, it seemed that the moment anyone arrived, seen by the cameras, is the gate either opens or you get a stern warning, following by two holes that would appear on the side of the small walls that support the gate. No one dared to look inside or stood around long enough to find out.

From the gate, the driveway lead about a small hill to the house. The driveway was lined with brown colored bricks that mimicked the house's somewhat outdated but well kept exterior. The grass of either side was greener there than possibly anywhere else. The driveway also sat in the middle that made a circle around it, a fountain, with both a prey and predator angel shooting water from their mouths.

Now came the two massive doors. They were massive, meant to accommodate any animal from the largest giraffe to smaller doors to the size for the smallest gerbil. The doors looked like oak-wood with solid gold handles and a gray padded door bell.

She inhaled deeply and exhaled loudly. She was about to knock before stopping and letting out a grunt and growling to herself.

"Ugh... come on! You can do this! You can do this!" she repeated to herself. "You need to do this! I need to do this! This is your only chance and you do not want to screw this up! Come on Judy! You need to--"

The door opened, she quickly jumped back to compose herself. The door revealed a white tailed deer, a doe at that, to open the door. She was a good head and a half taller than Judy, standing in a maid's outfit with piercing light hazel eyes.

"Oh... you must be Judy!" she spoke in a kind yet cheerful manor.

Judy had regained her composure and quickly nodded.

"Yes... uh yeah I am... Judy Hopps! I'm here because... well I was called for my application from a Mr. Wilde?"

The doe gave a nod, keeping her cheerful smile.

"Of course. He is expecting you any moment. Come in, please."

The grey bunny slowly entered as the doe moved to the side. Once inside, the doe quickly closed the door as saw immediately that Judy stood there with awe and a gaping mouth.

Just entering, Judy saw the most decorated entrance ever with a large staircase just in front with the largest chandelier hanging over her. The floor was heated beneath her feet but the large room carried a gentle cool that made her easily forget how warm it was outside.

The doe giggled a bit and smiled, gently placing her hooves on her.

"Breathtaking isn't it?"

Judy couldn't respond but she nodded.

"Come now, there will be more to see when we do the tour, but for now, Master Wilde awaits."

Judy quickly shook her head and followed the doe up the amazing stairs. The hedges of each step had been decorated with gold while the handles had a brass polish over solid wood. The amazing feeling of passing her paws through it was like the smoothest material ever. Each step brought her closer to the top, where it separated to the right and left.

The doe lead Judy to the left. Judy did however find it surprising that there was no giant picture hanging of Wilde himself. Usually when those that do, tend to have huge egos. At least... so she has been told.

The left opened a door... which lead to a hallway of more doors. Just in the hallway alone, Judy counted 10 doors, and that was without passing through the Corridors that left to who knows to how many more doors. Again, there were no pictures of that lined the hallway but there were pictures of other mammals, foxes mostly but among them were others as well. They approached the third to the left.

Gently opening, the doe poked her head in first.

"Master Wilde?"

"Is she here?" asked a smooth, gentle voice from within. Judy tried to peek in.

"Yes, she is."

"Send her in, please."

She opened the door to allow Judy in, immediately seeing they were in an office of sorts. A huge one at that, with an entire wall lined with books, to the left were various picture of what Judy assumed to be documents of great importance. PHDs, certificates, pictures of various famous mammals with whom seem to be with Wilde. Another door to the left back where it probably lead to another room.

A large oak desk sat in the middle with typical but expensive desk items you would see. Three large screens sat side by side along with notes, assorted papers, lamps, ink and quills(who still uses inks and quills?) and more.

However she was staring at the large brown chair, the back facing towards her. She gave a small gulp and slowly approached the desk.

"Please... sit." came the voice over the large chair. "Thank you Alina, that will be all." The doe bowed and slowly closed the door, leaving an uneasy silence for Judy. The chair made no obligation of moving and she wondered if she half expected to just speak to him like this. The chair then turned and Judy saw him.

She only saw pictures of him, really just that. Online or whatever she could find in the archives. Seeing him here and now, she was somewhat... surprised by how he looked. An orange and red coat, blended with his body from head to tail. He wore a nice business suit but nothing so high up there. His piercing green eyes met her violent eyes and she almost lost herself in there. Not a piece of fur was out of place from his muzzle to his ears. He was a good head taller than her but he had a calm aura going on with him. He could almost pass for just a regular mammal down the street.

"Ms. Hopps. So glad you can arrive." he spoke, an upper voice then we he spoke to his maid. It was almost, casual. "I hope the drive here wasn't difficult."

Judy gave a somewhat nervous giggle.

"Well... it wasn't hard to miss the... biggest mansion here. The Zu'ber driver thought I was crazy for even getting this close. He mentioned some ridiculous stories about here."

"I hope nothing disturbing?" he asked softly.

"Nope!" she answered almost immediately. "Just minor nonsense, you know?"

Nick gave a small, knowing nod before pulling up on his screen her files. She knew he was researching her, background, history and more. His face remained stoic for a time, almost difficult to tell what he was thinking, let alone if something of interest came up. She however couldn't stop staring around his office though, still more interesting here than anywhere she has been before.

With a clear throat, he spoke out without turning to her.

"So I see here that you come from BunnyBurrows?"

Judy gave a small nod.

"Yes, Mr. Wilde. Born and raised there, so you got yourself a country girl here, hehe." she said laughing nervously but saw he made no indication of it. She then dropped her fake smile and tried to remain cool.

There was another moment of silence before speaking again.

"May I ask what brought you to Zootopia?"

She paused. Her nose wrinkled in thought before slowly responding.

"I wanted to become a Police Officer, you know first Bunny Cop ever to join the ZPD but uh... didn't pan through. So... I tried to find other areas in the ZPD and couldn't find anything. I needed money soon but I didn't want to return home a failure, so I began looking around for jobs. This one... happened to have caught my eyes and just took it."

He looked away from the screen and focused on her. Again, his face remained stoic but she could feel his eyes studying her, almost reading her eyes and into her soul.

"So... you were looking for a random job and you just randomly picked my job and... took it?"

She swallowed and gave a small nod.

"And did you do any research on what this job held, let alone whom you would be working for?"

"I..." she paused, trying to think of the words to say. "Like I said, I needed money but... I didn't want to go back home a failure. I had hoped that... maybe if I could find a job, then train some more on the side, maybe get a chance back into ZPD."

Nick absorbed her words and looked towards his screen then back to her.

"I am not sure why the ZPD didn't take you in. From what I see, you made news being the first bunny to graduate as an officer. Valedictorian, beating out other mammals by miles and even impressing the mayor of Zootopia to come to a normal Graduation ceremony for you. It just... baffles me why they didn't want you in the ZPD."

Judy felt her ears drop and a small hiccup came to her throat but held back any sadness.

"I guess... when it comes to Zootopia and the ZPD, they wanted the bigger, maturer, animals to tackle the cases. I mean... I spent my whole life for this and coming here, thinking that..."

"...Anyone can be anything?" Wilde finished for her.

"Well... yeah. I barely got a week to do it before... they just... let me go. I would have stayed a Meter Maid for god knows how long but I knew that wasn't what I wanted. Not to mention the chief kept bringing me down more and more. I practically begged on my knees to put me on a real case. I landed it... but... he gave me three days to handle one assignment. The leads were... nonexistent, the amount of info I had was little and because I wasn't on the system, I had no resources. Soon enough, three days had gone and I couldn't find a thing.

She inhaled deeply, exhaled and inhaled again, holding back another hiccup.

"The chief made me turn in my badge and that was it for me. After that, I needed to find work to stay here or go back home... and I couldn't do that."

Nick remained silent as he stared at the bunny before him. Each word was a tug at his heart, but... there was something more there, something he hadn't seen in any other mammal. Determination, conviction and to seek a better future. She tried her best, but where others pulled her down, she remained strong to where she was willing to proof her superiors wrong.

He liked seeing spirit in the small ones... especially ones that were considered the weak ones.

"That is quite a tale, Ms. Hopps. A saddening one at that, yes, but that is not a reason to hire you here."

Judy sighed, a single tear running down her cheek.

"I understand Mr. Wilde. I thank you..."

"I am not done yet." he said sharply. Judy jumped a little at the sudden change of voice.

"You applied here seeking a job because you need money, yet you wish to try to atone your skills to apply for the ZPD again, despite how it turned out?"

Judy nodded, brushing away her tear.

"My family always called me the odd one out. The 'Tryer'. The one that won't back down or won't give up. I want to go back, get another chance and try to prove my worth to them, make them see that I am not just some Token Bunny. We get called out because we are supposed to be the 'Cute' ones or the 'Adorable' ones and... I just got tired of that. I want to prove that not all of us are just the simple ones. That we can't be tough, or brave, or strong. I want to prove to the world that I can be better than others and that anyone can truly be anything. To try my best at being the best I can be."

Her voice had changed greatly. From the saddened, somewhat broken bunny, to a growing and strong female, one whom has a voice to be heard. One willing to be the Valkyrie among her own kin and show them whom she was. What she was willing to do and how far. That is what impressed Wilde. That is what he was looking for.

With a small smirk, he spoke a bit more firmly.

"I won't give you the job as the maid but... I can find an alternative that might suit your... better qualifications."

Her ears perked up, almost detecting some joy in his voice, or rather the excitement. None of it sounded evil or even carried something hidden.

"I will tell you what it is but first I truly must ask. What do you know of me?"

Judy paused.

"Well, other then your extremely rich, one of the richest Zootopians in history. That you have investments in multiple companies and..."

"No, no, nothing like that," he interrupted. "I mean, what 'tittles' 'names' or other nonsense have your heard from me?"

He sounded almost intrigued at what she has been told or has even overheard from others. The glint in his eyes was bright and she wondered if there were even right answers to that.

With careful considerations, she spoke softly.

"Um... from what I have heard or known just off my paw, that they give you odd names and that you only have..." she hesitated. "Prey.... For maids or servants. That you secretly have a hoard of them underneath your mansion or have some secret... um liking to them." she spoke the last words near a whisper but nonetheless, he had heard them.

He just gave her a raised eyebrow.

"And what do you think of all that?"

Judy thought for a moment.

"If they are ridiculous or not?"

He nodded.

"Well, they sound pretty ridiculous. I mean, just the few moments you have spent talking to me, you seem... are a pretty nice mammal. I couldn't imagine all that being true."

Nick slowly grew a grin.

"It's funny how some legends don't turn out to be false now, isn't it?"

Judy felt caution signals going up in her head. Nick however quickly rebuttaled any rising fear or worry she may have.

"Now, when I say that they are true, but not in the way you think. With mammals seeing a fox as rich as the richest stars, they are willing to throw lies or some wild stories into the mix. More or less, I believe they don't like knowing that there is a fox richer than them."

Yeah, the prejudice with foxes were high and Judy guessed that even with Nick being rich and all, he would still get some kind of backlash or even get gossip stories about it.

"I can't honestly imagine how that must feel like." she answered truthfully. "And for what is worth, I think that you being rich just shows everyone that they can't always judge a book by its cover."

"Indeed," quipped Wilde. "But for now, the truth of the matters. Yes, I do have Prey maids and... well I don't call them 'servants'. They are 'maids' but that is the lesser name for them."


"They are to me more than that. They are my friends, they are my co-workers, they are my family and they enjoy the lives that I have given them here. Many have asked why I only have Prey for 'Maids' and not Predators, and I always respond truthfully to them." Judy leaned in a bit to hear it. Nick gave a slow response. "Their presence keeps the animal at bay."

That was the response. It was simple... yet it went further than that. Judy knew that meant more, much more than its simple purpose. The grin that was on him never left as he waited for Judy to contemplate the phrase.

Predators and Prey have been enemies for eons. Instinct outweigh logic and reasoning. Hunger outweighs peace. The reverse of all those came at the dawn when two opposing forces came together to form, unison. Predator and Prey began working together harmoniously to build a better future.

Even today, some prejudice still lingers and its difficult to kick out instincts even. Its more or less something you build over time but never truly let go. What was being discussed here was that Wilde preferred Prey over Predator because being surrounded by your peace then your aggression. If he surrounded himself with predators, he would most likely get the instincts to act along side with them and would target prey. Sometimes Predators triggered other predators and wouldn't end well for prey. If you surrounded yourself with prey, then you have to be calm, always being aware that you are surrounded by those whom sought peace and unison.

'Keeping the Animal at bay', was for him to not become the snarky, somewhat loose cannon that some predators tend to forget. Even smaller, calmer predators can be viscous if need be. In here though for him, he was surrounded by the peace that could keep his inner animal at bay. He says he treats them like 'family' or 'friends', which remains to be seen but, for the first time, Judy saw a side in a predator she has never seen before. It got her curious what else Mr. Wilde was hiding.

"So... the Prey keep you... calm?" she asked.

He nodded.

"More or less, they are somewhat embodiment of peace which I fine great comfort in."

"And the rest of the stories?"

He flashed his teeth before turning to his computer.

"I do have maids underneath my mansion, but they work nocturnally or take shifts when one of my maids from the days are unable to work."

"May I ask, how many maids you have?"

"9." he answered quickly. "Five in the day, four in the night, though transactions between shifts do happen. Though no two maids are the same species. I give many species a chance to work here. The day maids have a deer, which you have already met before. A zebra, a koala, a mouse, and a kangaroo. For the nocturnal, we have a fruit bat, a skunk, a porcupine and a Capybara. You will meet them sooner or later and that is it for those whom work for me."

"Others live here?" she asked.

"Besides me?" he joked. She didn't laugh but she did give a small hint of a smile, knowing that he was trying to be funny. "Two of my maids have family members that live here. Alina has a sister living here with her and the Kangaroo, whose name is Kyiga, has a daughter with another one on the way."

Well that answered all the questions but one. And Judy really didn't want to bring it up again because of fear, embarrassment or worse. Nick however didn't seem to forget but, he did notice how she grew a bit red around the cheeks and was begging to ask. He gave a grin, in-predatory but still just a menacing. It was like he wanted her to be teased by it. The game of silence between the two lasted longer than she had hoped.

"Go ahead... ask." was the simple command."The title."

"Prey Master?" she asked a bit cautiously. "that you love prey?" He kept his grin, wanting to hear her ask the question again. She really didn't want to but her curiousness and fear outweighed her sanity to not know.

"Do. You. Love. Prey?" she gushed, barely managing to make out every word.

Nick kept his grin and leaned in, almost as if he was to whisper to her in her ears.

"I. Love. Prey." he said softly, with each word rolling over the other. Judy was now beyond red and sweaty, nervous and fearful but at the same time curious and happy and confused and all rolled into one.

He loved watching her squirm. Thinking she might have a total melt down, he spoke calmly, lowering his grin to a friendly smile.

"I love prey mammals, Judith but..." he paused. He cleared his throat and spoke a bit more professionally. "I do not love or force my love onto my maids or others. I have been with... prey mammals before but never is it forced or bribed or even any time where one doesn't want it. I respect their decisions and I make sure they know the risks." Judy somewhat visibly relaxed but some tension still lingered and her eyes were now filled with more curiousness than the fear or oddity that was there but a moment ago. "I care for each one that I do bed with but I do not go with anyone just whom wants it or seeks my wealth and fame. In fact, any that I do spend time with is confidential and never exposed. And before you ask, yes, I have been with predators but not because I failed with them, I turned to prey." Judy had opened her mouth but closed it back up.

"My heart is... unhinged yet. I do it for a solace I seek but can't have. I fill my time trying to care for them that I rarely give emotion or thoughts to myself. Any rich mammal could spend money or time with any other species, seeking that thrill of multiple partners and all but for me, its not the satisfaction of it, its the taboo and the fear that comes with it."

"Fear?" Judy asked hesitantly.

Nick sighed and laid back in his chair, almost making a squeak on it.

"I have been with many predators but, never could I find love or even joy with anyone of them. I spent a lifetime trying to find my polar opposite and find connections. When I started taking my prey maids some 15 plus years ago, the pole more or less shifted so I felt stable. I felt, not complete but rested and..." he chuckled lightly, shaking his head. "There is no other way to say it but, when I took them all in, I felt, 'OK' for a lack of a better term. I felt satisfied, content and that came with a deep fear. A fear knowing that I may never love a predator in my life but... I may love a prey. One whom is my polar opposite and the fear that not comes with loving a prey but falling for one and through the public's eyes, we are the monstrosity."

"But... shouldn't it matter how others feel?" she asked, somewhat speaking confidently. "If two mammals are happy, shouldn't they worry for themselves?"

"Is that how you feel, Judy? That predator and prey can be together? That they can share a life with one another?" His voice was neutral but there was an inner whine that hoped that Judy did support this and that she wouldn't ridicule him for it.

She hesitated. The question didn't come up often enough that Judy would always give out a solid response. Sure, her parents had raised her, teaching her that 'Love is love, live and let live.' However, they never showed any huge malice towards odd couples but they were also ones never to support it. She figured it out herself that anyone can love anyone. Predator and prey, males to males, females to females and so on but... she herself had never loved anyone, let alone had a crush since her whole life as been the focus of becoming a police officer.

Nick had been staring at her, waiting for a response.

"I believe that..." She inhaled and released slowly. "I was raise to allow anyone to be with anyone as long as they are both in love. If you do end up... falling in love with a prey, whom am I to judge or anyone else to judge? You both... should be allowed to live happily and no one should stop you."

Nick stared at her, his green eyes meeting her violet eyes. Something stirred in him, something that he hadn't felt in a long time. Hope? Redemption? A sign? Even he was not sure, so he played it cooly.

Judy spoke before he managed a response.

"I do have to ask though... why did you tell me all this?" she paused, considering her next words carefully. "Aren't you afraid I might... say something to the public or something?"

"Will you?" he asked almost right away.

"I would never..."

"Then I trust you then."

"... just like that?"

"Just like that."


"Because I have been interviewing you this whole time, Judy. From the moment you sat down to when we went way off topic of the job to now. I wanted to know you, more and more. I wanted your reactions, I wanted to see your fears, your curious nature, and to see every reaction to see if you qualify."

"I thought I wasn't going to be a maid?" she quipped.

"Your not." he replied. "I actually have another job in mind and I wanted to test how you would handle it."

"Did... did I pass?"

"With flying colors and more."

She felt a sudden calm surround her and even a little excitement but the question came up.

"What is the job?"

Nick regrew his grin.

"Should you choose to accept this job, you will become my... own personal body guard."

Judy went blank. She blinked once. Then again, and again before her brain fully rebooted.

"A... body guard? Me?" Nick nodded. She opened her mouth to respond but couldn't. How could she? A body guard? It was a thrilling job of its own, not unlike the ZPD but... it was still a job that did involve protecting mammals. But what made her qualify for a body guard, let alone to a fox?

Ohh bad brain! No prejudice thoughts!

"I don't think that I could qualify to be your body guard. I'm just a bunny and I mean I don't have..."

"A Valedictorian from the Police Academy? A perfect steady record of both combat and weapons training?" His points were solid and Judy knew that being a body guard was a bit more simpler then being an officer. "Not to mention that I pretty much can double or even triple what a normal cop would get. Heck, you would get free room, service, food and you even have a large yard to train in." Her ears perked up at that. "You still want to be an officer, that is fine but here you can get training and hopefully make it back in... unless you would like to stay here permanently. In which case, not only would you be my bodyguard but you can also support or even help Zootopia by protecting its interest."

"What Interests would or could you have that you would require a bodyguard for, let alone what can harm Zootopia if something happen to you?" she asked a bit apprehensive now.

Nick clicked his tongue and looked towards his screen.

"Being one of the richest also means being one of the most targeted here. The saying goes that, 'You cannot become a Billionaire without making a few enemies,' is truth without a doubt. Politics, government, businesses and more will come screaming at you, begging for your money or your support. The second you do say 'no' to any one of them, you just planted a big target on your back. It has been since my ancestors have worked with earlier prey parties of interests.

"As for the interests that help Zootopia, it is mostly for politics and business. For me, I am trying to cut off fossil fuels and find alternatives, give money to local charities, schools and such, instead of to government and higher businesses. Many say that if they work with me, that they will give money back to the lower class but truth is, they won't. They will use and abuse them, try to get more profits, and leaving them with nothing. Hence, when you call them out on it, they already know you are too smart for them."

He chuckled, Judy not finding the joke.

"These businesses, office parties and such, they all hate rich and smart. For them, its a... its a taboo or a crime against their very souls that if you are extremely 'stupid rich' without the 'stupid'. Celebrities, rising businesses, 'the next biggest thing', all of it influenced by the higher ups. Some times its something simple, your phone giving you the weather for the day when you wake up, or the news. And any of them whom see profit will try and take it. Those that turn them down or aren't under their control, tend to be... 'viscous', more so than the angriest of predators. They will try everything in their power to control the smaller assets so that they get more money in the end, and will change it so it better suits their needs along the way. They will play it off as a popular brand, marketing it heavily and out shinning other smaller businesses. They will then cut costs where possible, rise prices unnecessarily and target a set of individuals and so on." He paused, inhaling a deep breath, trying to steady his rising anger, and exhaling a steady breath. Judy could practically hear his heart slow at this.

"My family have all know that for years which is why we played our money safely. We put the benefits of Zootpia before other business which have helped us out."

Judy has absorbed all the words he had spoken and felt a new inkling for Wilde. She was really sure that he wanted to protect Zootopia and its assets, rather taking on a few enemies than the whole of Zootopia. He was rich, smart and ridiculously nice and here... here she was judging him the moment she walked into the door.

"And your family... they have, protected Zootopia from the start?"

"We have," responded Wilde. "But, if you truly wish to know more, I would tell you my history... if you accept my position."

Judy paused. The lingering voices in the back of her head told her she had a job to do and that was to do whatever it took to get in. She gave herself a few moments to think before giving him a sharp nod and a large smile.

"I will."

Nick grew a satisfied smile and reached over with his paw. She met his and they shook.

"Thank you, Ms Hopps."

"Call me Judy, sir."

"And you will call me Nick." he responded back to her. "IF you are going to work with me, I don't want none of this 'Mr. Wilde' or 'Master' stuff. Obviously with new guests or others are around it is custom to say it but when its just us, its just us."

'Subtle', she thought. _'_I like that'.

"Great!" she spoke, almost in a giddy manner. "When do you want me to start?"

"Well, I assume you have to pack your belongings to your current location and pay off any payments left?"

She nodded then paused.

"You want me to move in right away?"

"Of course!" he responded in great joy. "I want you to be as prepared as you can be. Grab your belongs, everything you can."

"I don't have a lot."

"Even better!'" He reached down to his desk and pulled out a card. He handed to her, Judy saw a name and a phone number underneath. "Call them and they will come pick you and your belongings up. Send any payments, fees and all that to this address and I will pay it off."

"Are you sure?"

Nick gave her a look with a smile. His paw gestured to everything.

Judy let out a happy scoff.

"Right. Thank you."

She stood up and released a deep breath that show all her tension have left her body.

"Thank you so much for this, Mr... Nick. It may not be my dream..."

"But its a start, sweetheart. So go, pack up, finish anything off in the big city that you need to take care of and if possible, come back by tonight."

Judy had been escorted out of the house by the doe, Alina.

"Congrats are you new job, Ms. Hopps."

"Thank you. I honestly didn't know what to expect when I came here."

The doe gave a warm smile.

"Not many of us do. I too thought it was going to be a degrading job working for a predator but it is not. Mr. Wilde has treated me and the other better than even some of our own families. Without him, me and my sister would never have left the Ghettos and I would still be working two jobs just trying to support the both of us."

Judy paused and turned to her.

"Wait, it was just you and just your sister?"

The doe dropped her smile a bit but it stayed where Judy knew it was still gentle.

"My mother had been sick for many years and it was only until I turned 18 and my sister 12, that she has passed. We had some money to help, even with my mother's family supporting us but I could never get my sister the proper life she needed or deserved. When I applied to Master Wilde's job 5 years prior, I couldn't believe what he had given us. A home, a job I can enjoy, a school where my sister is getting the proper education and I am no longer worrying for us both in the environment we grew in. If I wish to go back to school, I can choose which ever I want. Like you, it may not have been the dream job I wanted but, its a job I am most satisfied in and the love Master Wilde has given us is beyond what I expected from any Zootopian."

The praise she practically sang for him was almost warming Judy's heart and it just made it worse when she realized that in the end... it was just a set up.

"Thank you for that." responded Judy. She gave her a kind smile. "I truly hope that... I can enjoy it here, especially the way you make him sound."

The deer gave a small giggle and gave her nod.

"I promise you will not regret it. I will see you soon!"

Judy nodded and began making her way off the steps. The door closed behind her and she released a shaky breath. She then calmly walked down the pathway and towards the gate, where she quickly made her way out down the hill.

She walked out far enough so that the mansion was behind the hill and the view of Zootopia was in full. She walked towards the edge of hill, a gentle path laid where she could see all of Zootopia and its districts. From Tundratown, to Sahara Square, and Downtown with the towering Skyscrapers in the middle.

She pulled out her phone and pressed a button set on speed dial.

It took a single ring for a voice to respond.

"This is Bogo." responded the rough voice of the caped buffalo.

"This is Agent Hopps. I have successfully landed a position inside of the target location."

"Position acquired?"

She hesitated a bit before responding.

"Bodyguard, sir."

He paused before responding with a snort of amusement.

"This works better than anticipated. You will be a lot closer to him all the time. I assume he has offered housing?"

"He has." she then thought. "How will we communicate?"

Bogo responded with a sigh.

"I think that he would give you some free time but we don't want you to start taking days off right away. And not just anyone can walts in to his mansion, let alone near the area. He has some workers in the night as well?"

"Affirmative. Four nocturnal mammals working nights. Though as far as I can tell, he has no other security details other than cameras and fences. No guards either."

"Still," Bogo responded with a grunt. "I rather not take any chances that Nick my have any reason to believe he is being watched." There was another pause. "Anything to report so far though?"

Judy felt odd to even think it but she wanted to tell Bogo so far he was a good guy. Maybe it was all a misunderstanding on Bogo's end, however, she too wasn't fully sure yet.

"Our Intel may be off or misinterpreted."

"Explain." he ordered.

"From the single maid that I have met, Nick is fair and just. He has no ill intends for the Prey that work for him not have I seen any signs of foul play in there. Some actually come to..." She hesitated on saying the world 'love'. It will still to early. "... enjoy him. I believe that Mr. Wilde does take care of them to the point where they feel safer around him than others."

"Do you wish to put that on your report?"

"Yes, sir. Though I also ask if there was something else that needed to be uncovered here? The 'Prey Master' rumor is somewhat incoherent if the maids seem fine."

There was no response from him right away though she could here him shuffling papers and typing on the computer.

"We have no solid evidence or even a possible lead but rumors have surfaced that he has a small mob connection to Mr. Big in Tundratown. Mr. Big is a sort of wild card. He doesn't pose much a threat to Zootopia or most of its inhabitants but we can never be sure whats on the inside. So if he does have anything on them, find out. He has some contacts with the Mayor, not sure if its political or not, seemingly not since he's a fox.Other crime-lords are to be assumed the same with Wilde.'"

A twinge appeared on her face but quickly disappeared.

"Lastly, he has some big contacts heading his way."

"When you mean big?"

"... as in in 'Big Oils', 'Big Government', and other 'Bigs' that you and I cannot touch."

"Nick said that he is staying away from any of those, preferring to stay away from those kind of businesses. He knows that they would exploit Zootopia as a whole." She hadn't realized she had called him out on a first name basis but Bogo seemed to not notice.

"It has been known that Wilde and his family have been a great help in the upbringing of Zootopia for a great number of years. Personally, I have never met the mammal, but anyone can change, Hopps. Keep an I on Wilde if he decides to go south."

'Because he's a fox' she almost said.

"Roger that. As for communications?"

Bogo gave a small humming for thought.

"He won't monitor your calls because you are just starting out but, in case he does, use me as a family alias."

"Cool!" she nearly yelled, jumping excitedly. "OH! I can call you Uncle B! Or maybe uncle Bob! No wait, those aren't rabbit names? Do you have to be an uncle or can you be like a cousin or brother? I got 275 of them so I could probably use one of their names..."

The chief snorted on the other side.

"Focus Hopps! You don't get to pick the name. For now, just get any important info on Wilde and report by weeks end. Again, make sure your cover stays as such and make no tempts to steer or change Wilde's plans! Is that understood."

She nodded, almost thinking he was there with her, before responding, "Yes sir."

"Good. When you get back to your apartment, you will have a package awaiting with any important docs you might need. Discharge files, leads on certain hidden agendas and the such. And lastly, Hopps..." The final words coming out more of a growl. "Do not fraternize with the target. He is your assignment, not your best friend, not your family, not your future boyfriend. Get in, get your intel, report and get out. You have two weeks here Hopps. Don't mess it up!"

She started sputtering, trying to find words to speak.

"Hopps! Am I clear!?"

"Y-Yes sir!"

A snort. "Good." There was a click and call ended.

Nick watched from the window as the bunny had quickly left from the gated community and out of sight. He sighed a bit, not knowing how to feel at the moment but if there were any doubts, he only knew of one person that could clear most of them.

Sitting back down on his desk, he picked up his phone and pressed a single button on speed dial. The phone rang, with a second later, the call was answered.

"This is Honey." said a smooth voice.

"Honey, it's Wilde. I need you to check up on a mammal on me. 'First name Judith, middle Laverne, last Hopps."