Topic: The Dark Self

Story by HotDog13 on SoFurry

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We all have darkness

There's a saying that Everyone Has Their Own Dark Selves. Imagine looking into a mirror at night the actual us the normal and socially acceptable self, and on the reflection a dark grim twisted self. Our anger is sometimes a crossroad for either accept or reject our dark self. The best answer is to reject it. Mostly. There are times when someone give in to their dark personas and left despair destruction and blood. As for my Dark Self for an example, he's kinda similar to Hero Killer Stain from MHA or other insane self righteous monsters. I never took a life at all even if I was angry at the point of doing so. But I keep myself away from that path. The Image of myself become this Dark Angel of Death type of person leaving blood corpses lying, it scares me to the point of can't stand to look at myself. I don't want to be that "thing" and throw away my future.