Her Brother's Pet: Chapter One

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#1 of Her Brother's Pet

After getting home from school one day, Elizabeth is greeted by a strange surprise in her living room.

Chapter one of my first series since returning to the site! I was very excited to write this one. I already have plans for at least two more chapters, but I may do even more than that if people like the series. Let me know what you think down in the comments!

I'm now taking commissions! More information is visible on my profile. If you wish to contact me about a potential commission, pm me here or email me at requilionwrites@gmail.com.

Elizabeth's bus stop was one of the last along her route. As she descended the steps, the arctic fox's slumped ears perked up slightly at the thought of relaxing a bit before doing her homework and eating dinner.

The fourteen year old vixen entered her house, locked the door behind her, then walked into the living room. A few steps in, she paused, staring at the curious sight in front of her. "Are we getting a dog?"

Her elder brother, Jeremy, had set up a large cage by the wall, lined with crate pillows. A few dog toys had been scattered around the room. Jeremy himself sat on a chair nearby the cage, holding a collar in his hands.

"Something like that." The orange and white todd smiled. "I need to make sure that it's big enough, but my shoulders are too broad to fit inside the cage. Would you mind getting in and testing it out for me?"

It was an odd request, but Elizabeth complied, tossing down her backpack and taking off her shoes. The tiny fox fit easily through the huge cage's opening. It was actually rather comfortable in there, she mused as she stretched out on the cushions.

"Good girl," Jeremy murmured. He was watching her intently through the bars, his golden eyes gleaming. "I'm going to shut the door now, but if you ever really, truly want me to let you out, or stop for any reason, say the words 'sea cucumber.' Got it?"

Sea cucumber? Why would she ever need to say that? The vixen's nose wrinkled in confusion, but she nodded. Her brother smiled. "Good girl." She wasn't sure why, but a little thrill of happiness went through her at those two simple words. Her fluffy white tail began to wag behind her. Noting the movement, her brother asked, "Would you like to play a game, Elizabeth?"

The young vixen's ears were fully perked up now. "What kind of game?"

Jeremy rose from the chair and knelt before the cage. The twenty year old fox had every bit of his younger sister's attention, and he struggled to keep himself composed as he smiled at her. "Why don't you pretend to be a dog, and I'll be your owner. Does that sound like fun, sis?"

Elizabeth thought about it for a few moments. It sounded like a strange game, but it could be fun. "Okay, Jeremy. What do I have to do?"

The orange todd closed his eyes for a moment, his hardening cock twitching in his jeans. He took a deep breath through his nose. It wouldn't do to spoil the fun this soon. He had to keep calm. Opening his eyes once more, the fox said, "Well, for starters, dogs can't talk, can they? So until the end of the game, you can only make noises that a dog can make, okay?"

"But what if I have a question about something?"

He thought about it for a moment. "If you have a question, then whimper and paw at the air like you're raising your hand in class. Once I call on you, you may speak, but only then. Understood?"

Elizabeth nodded, hesitated, then barked softly. The smile that split Jeremy's face could have lit the room. "Good girl, Elizabeth. Now, why don't you bark for me some more?" After a pause, the young vixen barked again. With growing confidence, she began to crawl around the large cage, rolling around on the cushions and growling playfully before getting to her hands and knees and yapping at her brother.

The todd's vulpine shaft was now rock hard in his jeans, and he shifted to conceal the bulge from his sister. "What a good dog you are, Elizabeth! But I think my puppy needs a new name... how about Liz? What do you think, Liz?"

Liz barked happily, her white tail wagging madly behind her. Reaching forward, Jeremy unlocked the cage and beckoned his sister out. The fox-pup obeyed, crawling forward one her hands and knees to rest her head against her "owner's" knee. Jeremy scratched behind her ears, noting with interest that one particular spot caused her to kick her leg involuntarily.

Lifting up the collar, the large todd held it up for his tiny pup to see. "I want to put this around your neck like a real dog until the game is over. Is that okay with you, Liz?" The white fox-pup yipped, lifting up her head so that her brother could attach the collar.

It was heavier than Liz had expected, but once it was around her neck, she felt herself slipping even more deeply into the headspace of a playful dog. Still on her hands and knees, she crawled toward a bone-shaped chew toy and picked it up in her mouth. Chewing on it until it squeaked several times, she shook her head, then dropped the toy, her tongue lolling out of her mouth.

Her Owner whistled. The fox-pup's head snapped up. Whimpering with excitement, she scrambled towards Him as quickly as she could. She came to a stop at His feet. Liz sat on her ankles, looked up at Him, and whined. He scratched behind her ears. Her fluffy white tail thudded repeatedly against the carpet.

Jeremy knelt next to her so that they were relatively eye-to-eye. The white vixen leaned forward and licked her brother underneath the chin. Laughing, he held out an arm to shield her off. "Calm down, girl." Once she had settled, the todd spoke again. "Liz, you're a puppy now, aren't you?"

She cocked her head, confused. Of course she was a puppy. She was His puppy! She ruffed in affirmation, not sure where this was going. He held her chin, lifting her gaze to meet His. "Good girl." A wave of delight flushed through her at the praise. "But Liz... puppies don't wear clothes, do they?"

The vixen-pup hesitantly growled a negative response. Her brother released her chin and stood. "Alright then. Be a good puppy and take your clothes off for me."

The arctic fox stared at him for a few moments. A small part of her brain rebelled at the thought of exposing herself to her elder brother, who had been her guardian since their parents had died years before. That small part was drowned out by the majority of the girl's mind, which was immersed deeply in pup space and wanted to obey her Owner.

Liz was a good girl, and good girls didn't wear silly fur clothes. Jeremy bit down on his lower lip to keep from laughing as the arctic fox fumbled and pawed at the articles, the girl so lost in pup space that she had forgotten how to work her fingers. Stopping her, he reached out and carefully peeled the offending clothing off of his baby sister, stubbornly refusing to let his hands or fingers touch any part of the bare fur of her chest, stomach, or groin. That was a line that he wouldn't cross yet, not until she was ready.

Finally nude save for her collar, Liz yipped happily. She circled her Owner a couple of times, then lay at His feet, belly up in a submissive pose. The todd's jeans were developing a wet spot from the precum staining His clothes. He could clearly see his sister's tiny tits, just barely beginning to develop as she entered puberty, and the bare black slit between her snowy thighs. Beads of arousal clung to her nether lips, surprising him. He hadn't expected her to enjoy his little "game" that much.

Turning, the orange and white fox pulled a box from underneath the chair that the pup hadn't noticed earlier. She couldn't see what He took from the box as He did His best to shield her view. Facing his pup once more, Jeremy grinned. "Want to play another game, Liz?"

Game? Instinctively, Liz sat up. crouched on her haunches with her hands held out in front of her in a begging position. She gave her brother her best puppy-dog eyes and whimpered. There was no hiding the todd's massive erection at this point, but the vixen didn't seem to have picked up on her brother's arousal, or her own. Her small black nipples were perky and she whined softly every time the long fur of her madly-wagging tail brushed against her exposed pussy, but she made no move to stimulate herself, her wide blue eyes fixed on her Owner.

"Good girl, princess." A flush of heat rushed through the fox-pup's belly. "Alright then. Fetch!" Jeremy lifted his hand, revealing the tennis ball he held. Liz's tail was a frantic blur behind her as she dropped to her hands and knees and woofed at him.

He threw the ball. She stumbled after it on all fours as it sailed through the air, bounced, and rolled across the floor. She pounced on it, picked it up in her mouth, chewed on it for a few moments, growled. Then, head and tail held proudly high, she brought the ball back to Him. He praised her, then scratched behind her ears. For a brief moment, His fingers brushed the sensitive spot that He had found earlier. Liz whined loudly, her cheeks and tiny breasts flushing lightly.

The todd stopped scratching as an idea occurred to him. He continued to throw the ball for his pet fox-pup. Each time she brought the tennis ball back, he rewarded her with a brief rubdown behind the ears, making sure to focus on the sweet spot that he had found. Each time she brought the ball back faster as she adjusted to movement on four legs. By the tenth time that the white vixen dropped the sphere at her Owner's feet, her virginal pussy was completely soaked, strings of lubricant clinging to her dark lips.

This time, when He touched her, it wasn't a brief drag of nails through fur. He sat and pulled her upper half into His lap. Liz could feel something huge and hard press into her side. Something wet touched the underside of her breast and she squirmed, trying to move away, but He held her in place.

After a few moments, Liz submitted, and was rewarded with a long, lazy scratch down her back. When her brother's claws reached the base of her spine, she let out a soft yelp and her tight tunnel briefly clenched down on air. She squirmed, grinding her tiny breasts against His crotch.

Jeremy growled softly, struggling to breathe slowly in and out through his nose. He couldn't allow himself to cum. Not now, at least. This was about her, his sweet baby sister. The todd knew that he needed to pleasure her unspoilt body so deeply that she would come crawling back and beg him to collar her again. He couldn't ruin the moment by worrying about his own satisfaction.

During the todd's inner battle, his hands continued to stroke through his sister's long white fur. His claws traced patterns and circles through her pelt at the base of her tail, ever so slowly working their way up her body. By the time he reached her shoulders, she was a panting, drooling mess, her limbs gone completely limp as she submitted herself to her Owner's whims.

When he finally began to scratch that sweet spot behind her ears, his pup's ears flattened and she whined. Her cries only rose in pitch the longer that he dug into her soft fur, until her vocalizations started to hurt his ears. The young vixen's long, fluffy tail whipped around with such force that Jeremy half-feared that it would leave a bruise if she hit him with it.

That only encouraged the horny todd. He stroked his pet's ears slowly, gently, with his padded fingertips. Gradually the pressure increased, until he was rubbing her sweet spot with all the forcefulness of a very intense and thorough massage.

Liz writhed in his arms, her small yet pert tits rubbing his vulpine shaft through his jeans. Her nipples were hard as diamonds. Jeremy bit back a groan as he struggled not to blow his load in his underwear. Suddenly, the teen vixen froze, a low howl escaping her lips. Her tail flagged above her back, and when the todd leaned over, he could see her black glistening pussy clenching rhythmically.

The sight was so erotic that he knew it would be burned into his brain forever. He had managed to make his innocent sister cum without so much as directly touching her tits or pussy.

After several long moments, the vixen's tail and ears drooped. Her eyes closed and she panted heavily, exhausted by the intensity of her very first orgasm. Jeremy removed the collar from her neck and tossed it into the corner of the room. He then scooped the small white fox up in his arms and carried her to her bedroom.

The todd laid her in her bed and drew the covers up around her chin. When he returned from fetching her a glass of water, Elizabeth was fast asleep and snoring peacefully. Jeremy set the glass on his sister's bedside table before retreating to his own room to relieve his blue balls.