In the Field

Story by DoctorKlein on SoFurry

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#1 of KasumiBun Commissions

This artwork was a commission drawn by KasumiBun on Furaffinity.

The story was written by me.

This story contains gore and sexual content.

Apr 5, '97

Spoke with Col. Maurice today. He says the guerilla fighters are going to move against the security checkpoints in Yorber. He's an idiot. They won't attack in that pattern again - They're too smart for that. I know they're going after our supply depots near the jungle line. They aren't well defended enough.

I don't know what else I can say to these people. I'm supposed to be here to advise - Isn't that the point of an attaché? All they want is for me to show them how to use the new M4s we provided them. Go out on patrols, you know, like a real soldier. Cause they don't have many of those around this sorry organization. They should be listening to my strategic advice instead. They're gonna lose this civil war, and I want to be gone by the time that happens.

Apr 9, '97

Minor engagement at Bravo camp while I was "Advising" how to set up a series of artilliary pieces to be most effective. Was over quick. They struck from the east end of the base, furthest from the jungle. Clever, I guess. Took out two of our 17 year old guards before we got em. It was a team of five, nearest I can tell. One got away. On inspections, their bodies bore a lot of foreign gear, including AKs made in China. I knew the fucking Chinese were behind them. They're just flaunting it now.

Apr 12, '97

Starting to see a lot of monkeys around. The local leadership here thinks they're spies. They've been getting squirrelly ever since I advised them the guerillas were being outfitted by the Chinese. Now they see spies everywhere in these old world monkeys, which I guess aren't native to this area. Starting to get a little brutal about it. I'm seeing them strip search and sometimes beat random monkeys who pass near checkpoints or bases. Not sure what I can say about it.

Apr 19, '97

Need to talk to Col. Johnson immediately. These Gov. forces are getting out of control, and they're not listening to me. They're getting more aggressive with the locals, and it's giving me a bad feeling. Like they see spies and rebel collaborators everywhere. People are dying out here, and not because of the guerillas. Because of the Gov. soldiers. I know it's hard to keep things straight when shit's going wrong, but you can't turn your guns on your own people. I need to distance myself from this mess.

Apr 20, '97

Fucking cunts, all. Spoke with Col. Johnson. He gave me the political run around. I know what this is about. We don't give a shit what these people do, as long as they keep my country's interests at heart. God forbid the rebels take control of the country. They might actually give a shit about their own people.

The local commander here is authorizing people be taken out of their homes and disappeared. I don't think I was supposed to know that. But I heard him talking about it, and about the mass grave they dug in the jungle so people don't know who all they're killing. Fuck sake. Now I'm consorting with Nazis.

Apr 20, '97 (cont.)

This is beyond literal belief. I went out on patrol this afternoon with one of the squads I suspected of being a "kill squad". I hoped my presence would keep them from doing anything overly nasty. Boy that was a mistake.

We were out near some farmlands, doing the Epsilon Route, and we saw a young monkey woman on the road. She was carrying a basket with what looked like food in it. I guess she didn't see us right away or something, because she should have hidden. But the Sgt. saw her, and ordered her to stop. Rifles trained on her and everything. No other reason than her race, I'm sure of it.

He kept asking her what was in the basket, and I guess her dialect was a little different than his, because she didn't seem to quite understand him. She was scared, she just wanted to go about her business. I know enough of the language to hear her panicked insistences about her children or something like that.

He knocked the basket out of her hands, and stomped on it, broke the basket, spilled corn everywhere. Kept stomping the corn even after we could see there was nothing else there. Just pointless and cruel. Then he goes back to asking her if she has any weapons. Where she's hiding intel. That kind of thing. She insists she doesn't have any idea what he's talking about.

So this cunt takes it upon himself to have his men strip her naked, right in the middle of the road. And she's screaming, crying, she doesn't know what's going on. Once she's stripped, they take her clothes, to "search them" I guess. The Sgt. tied her up and made her kneel on the grass near the road. And I swear to God. He fucking made her suck his dick right there in front of everyone.

The worst part for me was not this fucking disgusting rape happening right in front of me. It wasn't that I was outnumbered 15 to 1 and couldn't do a fucking thing about it. It's the fact that these guys not only felt comfortable enough to do this in front of me, the liaison, but that they were so unsurprised that I'm sure they do this shit all the Goddamn time. They probably fuck any woman they come across.

I decided to get my camera out, maybe take a clandestine pic of this shitshow. I kept my rifle relatively at the ready just in case. They didn't really give a shit, like they thought I was getting some jerk-off material for later. But before I could take the pic, the Sgt finishes, and he keeps her there on her knees, says some stuff to her, and then he draws a fucking sword. Before I can say shit, he cuts her head off with it, right there in the grass. I finally took a pic right as he did it. I hope to God the film doesn't get damaged.

I watched this poor woman just crumple headless to the ground, and she was just squirting blood everywhere. I've never seen someone just have their head cut off like that. This is the fucking 90s. This shit's not supposed to happen anymore. So anyway, they took her body away to be buried somewhere, and they kept her head with them. Still with that wide-eyed shock, the tears still staining her fur. They passed her around, with about five of them making her suck them off as her jaw laid limply open. They even offered her to me.

I felt so fucking bad for her. She hadn't done anything. It was just random, thoughtless, primal violence. That was when I made the decision to send the roll of film with that photo back to Col. Johnson along with a section of this journal.

Colonel, if this makes it to you, take a long look at that picture. These people are fucking monsters. I have no intentions of helping them any longer, and I would really appreciate you recalling me from this mission. These people are insane, and we have to distance ourselves from this, if the brass won't let us stop it. No fucking political favor is worth this. I await your orders.

Cpt. Reynolds

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