Prey Master Chapter 3.

Story by Heartless Dragon on SoFurry

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#3 of Prey Master

Judy gets a bit of a history lesson as well as understanding her assignment way more than she intended. What will the end reveal?

Zootopia: The Prey Master

Wilde Side

One thing he grew on principle was, second chances mattered, and everyone can change or save a life with it. If a mammal gave a fox a second chance to turn the other way, then the world could be a happier place. If Nick Wilde gave other mammals a second chance at life, then why not do it with his fortune?

He could only count the number of times he has invested some money into a mammal whom deserved a second chance and managed to succeed in life. But only few had actually risen beyond expectations. Once such success has to be the only one that took the world by storm ten years back and they have left a huge impact that shattered everyones ears and replaced them with love and joy.

A young mammal that went by Belleza Gacela otherwise known as....

"Master Wilde?" came Alina's sweet voice came through. "Ms. Judy has returned."

Nick stopped the reading the text he had before him on the phone and smiled towards her.

"Thank you Alina. You mind prepping her room and I will be there shortly to show her." A simple nod and she was gone.

The door reopened to Judy whom still looked a little in awe at where she was. She came in with a simple suitcase.

"Everything sorted out?" he asked.

She nodded with almost glee.

"Yep! Though I can't thank you enough for allowing me to stay here, I cant imagine what it would be just to rent a room here."

"Think nothing of it," he spoke with a gentle smile. "All whom work for me know of my kindness. If anything, just knowing that I have you as a bodyguard makes worth the extra mouth to feed." He then noticed her only luggage was a single suitcase. "Is that all you had on you?"

She gave a small nod.

"Its the only thing I could carry with me in the small apartments. Not to mention my room was only 10 x 5 feet."

He lifted an eyebrow. "You sure it wasn't a shoe box? I know elephant with feet that big."

Judy laughed at that and Nick gave a grin.

"Yeah, well I am used to small spaces. Having to share a room with a lot of siblings, you get used to it."

"Must have been very crowded." He dared not mention what he knew of her.

"Like you wouldn't believe." 'Oh, I probably would.'

"Well then, lets go show you are living quarters shall we, then will get to the tour of the house. Shall we?" An enthusiastic nod and a small hop brought him a smile that she never had experienced from a predator before, let alone a fox.

Both left the room from his office and walked towards a hallway. As they walked, he began his talk.

"So my job really only requires me to leave the house for only two or three days out of the week to visit my office in the central city, nothing more. Not to say I have it so big that I could stay but I prefer to go and visit my companies in Sahara Square. You will accompany as mostly to keep others away from me, such as Paparazzi, journalist, an over enthusiastic fan, and the occasional maniac."

"Uh, you get those often?" she questioned, her nose twitching at the sudden thought.

"You'd be surprised how often mammals hate the idea of foxes being richer than them."

"You told me that before,"

"And you wouldn't be surprised that other companies hate me trying to expose them for all their misdeeds. Let alone that as a fox, I am conniving, sly, sneaky and always suspicious."

Judy would have made a remark on the fact that she was raised to believe that about foxes but she kept that part to herself. They were passing a multitude of doors and each one carried a name on each door. She assumed it belonged to the maids. They ended up at a door near the end of the hallway where a nameless header awaited her.

"Don't worry," he assured. "Your name will be on there later, but for now, this is entirely..." he opened the door. "Your room."

And what a room it was. Her ears dropped, her mouth dropped, her face was in complete awe. The fact that it was made for mammals her size still was astoundingly large for even her standards. Just where she was standing, she could easily tell this was fives times the size of her little apartment, if not more. She could easily fit forty or fifty of her siblings in here. There was a bed, suited for animals way bigger than her. Wolves, tigers, small bear? In end of the bed at the wall was a TV, as big as the door was tall hung.

The massive wardrobe, could have been considered a walk-in closet for her. She had a dresser with a large mirror, a window that showed the world outside with a small ledge to view upon. The other wall held a large bathroom. Even from here, she saw that the bath looked like a large jacuzzi for her with a shower stand at the next end.

It took her moments to find a way of speaking, though Wilde spoke first.

"I know its a bit bigger than your used to, but this is the smallest one that would be beneficial for you." He leaned down towards her right ear. "I hope it fits to your liking."

A spread of red heat moved through her cheeks and her face flushed. His voice tickled her ears and her body felt like warm butter as the tickle of his breath touched her ears. It took her all self-control not to jump away from him. Trying not to let it show(but failing miserably) she spoke to him.

"N-N-no, this is actually, beyond... big. More big than... big... very big."

Despite her back towards him, she could hear his grin and she didn't know if to hate it or not. Either way, he moved a bit past her to show her more of the room.

"Now, as I said you'll only really come with me to my office in the city but other than that, you have free roam here."

She paused.

"Wait, just a few days out? What would I do every other day?"

Nick shrugged.

"Up to you. You could go out in the town if you like, go practice outside, explore the mansion a bit more, whatever you like. There is a small training course I had used for archery but you could use it as a range of sorts or maybe have your own little place for improving your skills."

She cocked her head a bit to the side.

"So your paying me... for just a few days to be your body guard? That seems like a waste." She was instantly regretful of her words and tried to sputter a response. Nick waved a paw, reassuring her.

"No, I get it. You feel that you would be nothing here or that you lack some purpose here in the meantime. But as I told you before, I don't have slaves, or bodyguards or servants and what not. I have family here and whether they work or not is up to them. Obviously, some work needs to be put into this place but I don't ask for anything else. Most of the time, you will see the maids err... the girls working, because they feel an obligation to do so. I gave them homes, I gave them money for their families and I don't expect anything back.

"My heart is not to treat them like commoners or workers. I want those whom didn't get a chance to do something with their lives, to get something from it. Yes, they could go to any school or get any job they want, I'll pay for it to happen but, most find their lives content here. Your not here forever Judy; your just here until you can get back on your feet. Whether its to training more and getting back to the ZPD or staying here to be my guard, either way its up to you."

He then walked towards her window. How she didn't see that it was an actual walkout window completely missed her. Two steps had been placed. She followed behind, watching as he opened up the window and showed her a beautiful site. The front of the mansion faced a driveway before leading to road that lead to the heart of Zootopia. The back end where her room faced showed a large garden and then the side of jungle district of Zootopia. She got a beautiful view from here and could see a little into the sea. What made this impressive if she hadn't taken the job that she was offered.

"You know, my parents left this all to me at age 20." She looked up at him, seeing his eyes graze over the area around them. "I thought they were crazy at first, leaving a multi-billion zollar home and set of industries to me. I thought I would screw it up, I thought I would sink our family down into the hole but... it never happened. It never comes close."

He then pulled back in and she followed suite. He pulled out his phone and with a flick of it, the large T.V. in her room turned on to a larger version of his phone screen onto the big screen. She had to step back to really see the big picture.

What was a screen filled with standard apps and such changed with a few taps on his phone. A picture came up, one that had Judy's ear shoot up and a small, warm smile, came to her. It was a picture of three foxes in a single frame. She knew that this was his family. A large, dare she say, handsome fox stood towards the left in a nice suit. Even now, she saw where Nick got all of his looks from as well as his figure from. The male held a vixen next to him, Nick's mother, where Judy felt honestly saying that she was beautiful. Though to be fair, it was odd knowing that this beautiful vixen was the picture you see in all those.... Fancy magazines of perfect shape. Just looking at her body made her feel inadequate for she was the most slender, not to skinny but neither showing pudgy or fat. Nick definitely inherited her green eyes though.

Lastly, was Nick... a young Nick at that. One whom looks no older than nine or ten. He was smiling brightly, being held by his equally happy family in a grass area. It made her smile grow all the more as she saw it. After a few moments of staring at it, Nick gave a small, sigh.

"It turns out... I don't really need to worry about the companies."

That snapped her out of the gaze of the picture. She turned to him, where he kept his eyes on the picture for a few moments before he flipped through his phone.

The next picture was a sketching, something of a time long before. It was of a castle but in it, held two unique figures in the frame. The details were a bit hazy, but they were distinguished as foxes, judging by the tails and ears.

"This is where my family history begins. Long before Zootopia was even a concept."

Judy loved history, especially if it was the history of Zootopia but the fact that there was even more history before that intrigued her.

"I am not sure how much of... fox history you know of?"

Judy legitimately tried to recall any and all memory of foxes... that didn't involve prejudice and bigotry. Very little came to mind.

"Sorry... but other than the negative of what I was raised with, all I know is that foxes worshipped 'Karma' and the old tales of 'Robin Hood.'

That seemed enough to make him smile.

"That's more than most would ever bother to say. And yet, that is fine with our history. Most mammals exaggerate or go beyond simple understandings of their history. Leaders or elders, turned into idols or faux gods. Stories that were spread around campfires turned to legends and adventures of grander. What my history is told, through truth and proof, unlike most."

Judy would have questioned it but Nick flipped the next page to a closer zoom of the now, detailed foxes. Sure enough, one of them was a vixen, dressed in a maiden outfit while the other was of a male fox dressed in... bandit clothing fitted with a bow on his back.

"Is that...?" Judy began to ask.

Nick nodded.

"Yep," he said, a bit gleefully. "Robin Hood and Maid Marian. Also... my many times 'great grand' somethings over. So, ancestors and such." He paused then a family tree came out, starting with the very top of the two.

"Our history... my family's history... begins after they fell in love. They had three children, all whom followed their father's footsteps so to speak. The morale remained the same however, 'steal from the rich, give to the poor, but never be consumed by 'vengeance and greed'. He made sure that if the world was to always be evil', then it must be paid in some form. However, it wasn't until the grand children of Zorro that things have changed. It was they whom had thought the idea of a place where mammals of all sorts would come together as one."

Judy felt her heart pounding at the implications. Surely he couldn't mean that his ancestors had... created 'Zootopia', could he? As if to answer her question, another sketched picture was shown, but with more details.

"My ancestors thought that by creating a 'land where all could come' and live together in harmony, than peace would soon follow." The slide showed the foxes, along with other various animals surrounding them, both prey and predator. Near the center however, was a pair of foxes. It showed one of them... holding a shaking the hand of a rabbit and from it, other slides showed other natural pred and prey holding each other or showing signs of peace. "They all decided to put their hatred, their natural instincts to fight or kill and work to live under one name. One land where mammals of all kinds could live in peace and they all came together to call that land..."

"Zootopia," she finished, though astonishment left her.

Nick gave her a genuine smile and nodded.

"My ancestors built that bridge, it was just a matter of time for everyone to cross and reinforce it for others to cross too." He then flipped more photos, showing the large part of a land where the sea met the land and the huge island that would be the future of Zootopia.

"Not long after Zootopia, albeit a still early concept, was formed, my ancestors continued the great grandfather's followings but, in a different set with a new motto." A picture came to view with a lion and a zebra were dressed in suits. However, in the back, was a fox, another one of Nick's ancestors she assumed.

"It was Nikolia Wildest the 3rd..."

"Wildest?" Judy asked, she somewhat scoffed. "Could that have been a longer version of your current last name?"

Nick gave a small nod.

"It was him that changed our name, not long into changing up the motto too. 'From the rich, do we take. To the poor, they shall receive. To sake our name to and fro, we hide, sly, and watch, waiting for name to rise.' The Wildes held that motto for many years, including now, but it wasn't until my great grandfather, did he add one to it."

"And that is?" she asked.

"Never allow those far, see through your weakness." He paused then added. "In a modern sense, 'never let them see they get to you.' The world... your enemies." He then flicked another photo and began a slow slide show. Foxes in every picture but in the back or side while other mammals took the front. "My family has helped build Zootopia from the ground up but from the sides. Enough to start but not enough to be recognized. We literally took the word 'sneaky' and 'sly' that everyone loved to throw at foxes and throw it on their heads."

More and more photos shown, Judy saw that every larger company she knew of or heard of, all of them huge or out there, somehow Nick's family, his ancestors were a part of it. Her heart hammered into her chest as she was reliving Zootopian history... but from a side no one have seen before. Almost all the best achievements, the biggest companies, the largest collaborations and more, were all started or created by his family... and they received no glory. They were not idolized or worshipped or made to gods... no. What his ancestors had done was use their 'nature' and stereotype that other mammals would throw at his 'kind' to build a beautiful and wonderful place for mammals to be part of something bigger. Few doubts ranged in her mind but... what little was to doubt was filled with photos and certain words set up into the mix.

"Now we come to the last century," he commented. He showed a picture of two, very early versions of the ZPD. An elephant, along with a mountain lion, stood front in center. To their sides, were predators and prey mixed to form a small unit of 10. Towards the far left though, was a fox, albeit too small to see. "My grandfather, Darius Wilde, helped create a Police force which included more predators into the mix. Not only that, but it also began with using 'canines' as trackers, 'bears, lions and others' as physical force members. The mix between the species, helped crime divisions in a high boost of finding criminals. Prey were adaptive to roughly any situation as predators 'sniffed' and 'managed' an area. Prey laid down a set pattern or rule, predators followed through with little errors or corrected them."

Judy felt so awed and so in disbelieve at all that was being shown to her. All that she was being given. Yet, there was more, there was more to it and she knew that... the only reason he was showing it to her, because it somehow may involve or... already did. She stayed silent this time, where a final photo was shown of Nick's parents.

"Now we come to my parents. What I am about to say about them however may come as a bit of a..." he paused as if trying to find the right words. What he said instead, surprised her more. "A side of where you think 'that makes sense' or... 'your full of shit' or 'what the fuck' scenario." She jumped at his vulgar word use but... gave him an eased nod, hoping it was nothing to crazy or dangerous.

Nick sighed and with it, showed Nick's father... with... was that?

"Oh what the buck!" was all she managed to say outloud and in total disbelieve. Nick couldn't help but snort laugh at her lack of using a bad word but still managing to sound rude. He gave a shit-eating grin.

His father was side by side, not in the back, not in the far side, but next to one of the most influential and probably richest mammal to creating one of the best pieces of technology today... Steve Jabs. He, a tall jack rabbit, standing next to the fox, though the photo was dated, roughly 20 years.

"Yep," he answered with a bit of a heavy emphasis on the 'p'. "My father, and Steve Jabs, are the original creator of that little 'bitten carrot' logo you have on the back of your phone, as well as millions of others."

Judy's ear shot a up.

"How did you know that I had a..."

"They made that phone in mind specifically for mammals, mammals that tended to reproduce in numbers. Rabbits mostly."

A small twinge of annoyance irked her.

"So to assume that because I am a bunny that I would have..."

"Don't you?" he asked, a sly smile touching his muzzle. "Prove me wrong." He challenged.

Judy gave a glare at him, trying to call him out on it... but groaned and bowed her head. "Yeah I have one, though it shouldn't be associated with just bunnies."

Nick gave a chuckle. "Sorry to say this, but that carrot is there for a reason." The statement caused Judy to shoot her head up at him, where his grin remained. He gave a small shrug. "My father inspired the idea and wrote some of the programs, but Steve designed it for multiplying mammals."

"But they are great phones," she began to counter. "Surely other mammals use it too!"

Nick nodded, however he flipped his phone over to the back showing the 'Lambsung Logo' in the back of his phone. This caused Judy's head to spin and she felt so horribly lost and confused.

Nick turned to laugh and shook his head.

"Don't worry too much on it. Take it from me that the phone in my paws and the phone in yours, are similar in some areas. Software wise, your phone carries a bit of a better hardware that is monitored on a microsecond basis with a sophisticated yet simple operating system designed to be user friendly on multiple platforms across the world. Mine is just a bit more spread out when it comes down to the software, making it you have to do extra steps in order to achieve a few features."

"Basically, a Carrot phone is simplified and made to be handled easy while a Lambsung is meant to be basic and customizable on many platforms. The huge differences however is that Carrot phones are also made with cheaper materials so that they are easy to fix or replace but charge you ridiculous amounts of bucks to fix it, which could be done for half the cost."

Judy felt a bit angrier than before with this news and felt so annoyed that this was being told to her by the creator's son, in a humors fashion. It made her wonder if it was purposely planned.

Nick saw the judging eyes and sighed a bit heavily at knowing the coming question. "All of this was Steve's plan, not my fathers. He only gets a part of the sales but never any real insight or knowledge of the workings of his 'former' co-conspirator's work. Sly... not evil." There was a bite in his tone and it left Judy with a sour taste in her mouth, feeling bad knowing she was already assuming something awful about her employer,(let alone her mission). Trying to move past it, she took on another subject.

"What about your mom? She do something... amazing or how you said, 'what the f-f- buck'... moment?"

Nick's attitude changed, and a smile appeared once more on his snout. "Your lack of proper profanity is rather cute, you know?"

Judy bristled a bit, intending to let him hear her what she had to say on that word. "You know, its rude to call a bunny 'cute', especially from other mammals. Its demeaning."

"I never specifically called you 'cute'," he answered, his smile not wavering. "Though if I could call you 'cute', would you let me?"

"Yes." She answered immediately without thinking but then, realization struck her face as she realized what she had just said to him and quickly began to correct herself. "W-what I meant was that, 'yes I mind' and you can't call me cute!" She paused before quickly adding. "Ever!"

Nick kept his smile, which morphed into a grin but he shrugged. "Never say never, but I will respect your wishes. For now though, for my mother... ehh yeah, she might be another 'W.T.F' moment for you."

Judy sighed, preparing herself for something his family had done to make the world a better place.

"Okay... lets see if I can handle this next segment. Though I swear if its anything like she created a hover car or a better piece of technology designed for 'rabbits' specifically, I'm gonna lose my mind."

Nick gave a small shake of his head.

"Not specifically for 'rabbits' but rather, mammals of your... stature."

Her ears stood up and she was about to ask for elaboration when Nick flipped a photo, which showed Nick's mom with... one of the mayors back then. Mayor Silverfang, a grey wolf, was in front of the office building with Nick's mom, not to far of the side but in the mix with other mammals.

"Actually, my mother created an idea for mammals of any size, could be allowed to work any kind of job, if it specifically suited for the job. You might know this as the 'Mammal Inclusion Initiative.' Though it was some 20 years back when she proposed it, it didn't really catch on until Mayor Lionheart brought it out of an old archives." A dark look passed over Nick, which made Judy see a different side to him almost instantly. "He discredited any involvement with my mom, insinuating that it was his idea. Back then, predators still had trouble maintaining power in corporations or some large roles, so Mayor Silverfang wasn't a powerful mayor at the time and my mother's plan were stored away. Lionfart however dug it up and decided to use it in his campaign, which is how he got the easy election over Swinton this time." She saw him bare his teeth a bit and a small shudder ran down her spine.

Was it... fear or excitement?

Shaking his head, he gave an apologetic smile.

"Sorry to be a bit down on the dumps for that, but that was one of my mother's greatest achievements and they took that from her. Any time we wanted to try and call Lionheart out on it, we also knew that A. No one would believe a fox, and B. Some of our history would have to be revealed and how'd you think the world would understand if foxes were behind it all?"

Judy thought about it realized... that it would have all crumbled, if not shattered at the fact that Zootopia was build on the sly, cunningness of foxes. They would have lived up to their name but it would have meant running the image Zootopia had created. Not to mention that they would need massive evidence to back it up, which she assumed they definitely had but, once more the stereotype of 'foxes' came to mind and how the whole of Zootopia would turn it into the largest 'crime scheme' in history. Still...

"Well, I mean some of these companies have to... or will have to acknowledge that it was the 'Wildes' whom help build it all... right?"

Nick gave a small snort. "My family may have helped but not for one second do you think that if we try to involve ourselves in any way, would they stab my family in the back."

"Any evidence that your family could have on them?" she asked, like a true detective.

A flash of something came over Nick but it was quick that Judy felt it might have seen it as twitch. Nick followed it by a small nod.

"We have every record over everything we have accomplished with signatures dating back five centuries. But that would mean having to reveal a hundred plus companies that might family has helped build... including how it was 'foxes' build Zootopia. Once more... it would lead to anarchy." He sighed. "Its not worth the fall of an entire nation for one 'misstep' by not being included by a lousy mayor. To be quite honest though, my mother was just happy that it got included at all."

Judy gave a nod and saw the slide show had ended. That however didn't end this presentation. There was still one fox that needed the attention.

"And what of you? Where do you lie in history?"

Nick didn't answer right away. He stared into empty space before looking at her with a cool, calmed gaze that made her heart beat a bit faster.

"My history, dear Judith... has been slow but I dare say, grand."

Cocking her head, she gave him a questionable look.


As if fate came to answer, his phone flashed and message was forwarded. Looking down, he quickly read the message and gave a small grin.

"I think its best to show you. Come, she should be downstairs."

"She?" asked Judy, following the fox out the door.

Nodding they made their way out and towards the entrance of the house. Passing the hallway, he continued his conversation.

"Yes, she, though if you recognize her, I have no doubt. She is very popular and one of the most beautiful mammals out there. However, her success was jump started by me. After that, it was all her, though she claims that without me, there is no 'her.' I dare not agree to that sentiment, but I saw potential in her when no one else dared to reach out."

They made it to the front where the stairs were at. Judy however found to individuals at the bottom of the steps, one being his made, the other... a very tall doe who was face was covered by a large sun hat and an outfit most fitting her figure.

"Now, to her millions of her fans, she only goes by one name, however, very few know of her actual name."

Her heart was beating faster, almost a mile a minute, for they slowly descended down the stairs. More and more details began to come on the doe. Those long horns, that perfect figure with a large waist size. That flashy style dress skirt.

No... there was no way that it was 'her'.

Nick saw her tense body and facial features. He grinned his signature grin and although she was talking to the maid, Nick saw her clearer and better.

"That name being... Belleza Gacela but you may know her as..."

"Gazelle." Judy whispered in disbelief.

The said doe looked away from the maid and faced the two arrivals before removing her hat and showing off that beautiful face and with a smile to warm the hearts of many.

"Hello Nicky, 'Mi Amore', I've come back."