Gertrudes Boy

Story by JPleon65 on SoFurry

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#2 of Short Stories

A quick story about a boy who likes to explore the woods around the city. He finds out that the stories about Creatures in the woods attacking humans is true!

"NEWS ALERT! ANOTHER ATTACK!" The old television screen in the one bedroom apartment shouted as a middle aged man with sagging skin and yellowish eyes read the latest report. "Another! Goodness!" My mother Elaine said in her usual manner. I sighed as she started to lecture me again about exploring the woods that surrounded the old city center where we lived. "Jonquill? You see? Another one. That makes 4 this month! I don't know what I would do if you were attacked!" I sighed and fidgeted while she continued her attempts to scare me into staying in the city center where it was 'safe'. "Yeah Right. Safe my ass!" I thought as she finally finished her speech with the usual "You will not explore outside the city center anymore!" I as usual said "Yes Ma'am" absently as I had no intention of being harassed, bullied and picked on by the other kids that lived there. I sighed again as my father came in from work just then and gave my mom a peck on the cheek.

"Your late!" She said accusingly at him in a tone I had heard before. "Here we go again!" I thought as I struggled up from the carpet in front of the television and said "I'm going over to Billy's". Mom nodded absently as she was now focused on my Father and his 'reason' for being home late from work! I was out the front door as she started her 'inquisition' of my father! I was very glad I was too young to be forced to marry one of the survivors of the latest catastrophe to overtake humanity. I thought about it briefly as I wandered the streets knowing it was relatively safe at this time because people were returning from work, shopping and errands before curfew. Once night fell no one was allowed out for their own safety! "Safety Yeah Right!" I thought contemptuously as I knew that was a lie! I had snuck out plenty of times late at night and nothing was going on as everyone was home or inside! The only time I even saw another person was a security officer making the rounds, checking doors to be sure they were locked! He looked as if he was not afraid! "Why should I be?"

I wandered past the central plaza with the old fountain that didn't spout water anymore. "Too precious to waste" I thought as I wondered what it had looked like with the jets of water my father described on time, feeling nostalgic for the "Good Old Days". It must of been something with the lights on at night giving the water jets colors that changed with the music that played from speakers around it. I took a turn that led to the edge of the old center and stopped as I reached the limit of the 'safe' area. Beyond was the ruins of the city that was left for the safety of the center. The woods were slowly taking over as they steadily crept closer with vines, trees, plants, and creatures. "Huh! Creatures that attack you if you dare to go into the woods!" I thought smirking in my superior knowledge that I had gone many times into the ruins to explore and never saw any creatures! At least not ones that were a threat! Sure I saw birds, Squirrels, Rabbits, a few foxes, rats, insects and the occasional snake but big creatures that hunted and attacked humans? "B.S!" I thought as I calculated how much daylight was left to use to explore a little before returning home. I didn't want to return to another fight between my parents over my mom's jealous and overprotective love of both of us.

I stepped off the cracked main road into a smaller side road; that was in worse shape, and trotted off to see what I could find. Being thirteen years old I believed I was perfectly safe from my own personal experience! "What an Idiot!" I thought as I remembered Billy telling everyone about the 'Lurker' that lived in the woods waiting for unsuspecting humans to dare leave the city center!" "I think Billy's Dad or Mom told him that to scare him into not exploring! His loss!" I thought chuckling as I climbed over a pile of broken blocks from a building that had partially collapsed and now had bushes, trees and vines all over it. I walked further down the street that was rapidly disappearing as the woods got thicker and less of the buildings, roads and sidewalks were still visible. Most were now covered in green growing things and didn't look like more than hills now.

I heard something rustling in the underbrush ahead and stopped to see if it showed itself. "Probably another rabbit" I thought hoping to see a fox or even a bear! I waited silently as I watched and listened. Suddenly something streaked out of the bushes and leaped across the narrow path the street had become and dove into the deep undergrowth on the other side! "Not a rabbit! Too big!" I thought excited by seeing something new! I walked slowly to the place where I'd seen it leave the bushes and looked for any signs. "Hmm...No prints, but what is this?" I said to myself as I stooped to examine something on one of the sticky plants branches. "Fur?" I thought as I carefully pulled the small tuft of fur from the plant to look closer. "Not a rabbit or a fox...hmmmm." I examined the thick fur noting the dark grays and even some black hairs. Soft, so not a bear, but what?" I wondered as I stepped over to the side where it had disappeared. I carefully parted the thick bushes that lined the old road but didn't find anything. Disappointed I decided to head back as the sun was now below the remaining buildings of the center and I didn't want to get locked out! I turned and had taken a few steps when I was knocked down with tremendous force! I was stunned and unable to respond to the sudden attack! I felt claws on my back and heard a growl close to my ear! "Oh No! I'm going to die!" I thought realizing too late that the stories were true!

I closed my eyes and waited for the creature to finish me! I felt myself shaking with fear as it continued to growl and then "Oh! Stop that!" I shouted out as something warm and wet licked my ear! "What are you doing you stupid beast!" I said in a frightened voice as it continued to lick my ear then the side of my face! "Stop tasting me and just get it over with!" I shouted beating the ground with my fists in frustration! Suddenly the licking stopped along with the growls. I felt the weight on my back shift. Now I heard it sniffing me! "What the hell?" I thought as I tried to get up. I felt the animal push me down with it's claws on my back, then a tugging at the light t-shirt I wore which was then ripped off of me! "This is it!" I thought as I felt a cold nose and sharp teeth trail down my naked back! It's hot breath on my skin made me shudder with fright as it got to my pants! "Oh Please! No!" I whimpered as I felt those teeth close on the waist of the pants, bite them then ripped them off of me!

"What the hell are you doing?" I screamed as I felt something cold touch my asshole! Then the sniffing agin! "Not there!" I shouted trying to twist around to stop it. I was again pushed down which caused the sniffing to stop. I was relieved for a few seconds, then "No! Don't Please!" I screamed as I felt the warm, wet tongue again! This time slowly licking my crack and asshole! I felt myself squirming uncontrollably as it continued to lick there and then down until I felt the slightly rough tongue lick from the bottom of my crack to my balls. I was gasping at the feelings and felt myself getting hotter and now I was getting an erection! "Oh God! Please! Make it stop!" I prayed as I tried to fight both the rising heat and desire being caused and my attacker! I managed to shift onto my side before I felt the beast pin me again. But now I could see my attacker as it straddled me with its legs around my back and hips!

I gasped as I saw a huge animal that looked like a cross between some breed of dog and a wolf! Short thick fur on the body with longer fur hanging from its chest and underside. Streaks of Black, Grays and some tan ran through its coat. I tried to turn over the rest of the way so I could beat at it's big face looking at me with it's tongue hanging out panting! "No! Stop!" I shouted as it suddenly collapsed it's weight on me causing me to roll over so I was now facing up! "Finally" I said as I reached for it's face and tried to punch it! It just watched my efforts and ducked and dogged my fists! In frustration I reached up as high as I could and wrapped my arms around its neck and pulled as hard as I could! "Oh No! I gasped out realizing my mistake too late! The animal let me pull myself up off the ground by it's neck then walked a few steps dragging me with it! "Ow! Stop!" I screamed as my naked back, ass and legs got dragged over painful pieces of broken asphalt, sticker bushes and other plants.

I let go of its neck and fell back to the ground in tears and crying from the pain! I was sobbing like a baby waiting for the creature to resume it's attack on my naked body! I wanted it to just be over with! "I can't stand it you hear! I can't!" I cried out while continuing to sob with tears running down my cheeks. I felt the cold nose again but this time it was on my cheek sniffing then the tongue licked my face as if to taste my tears! I sniffed and opened my eyes to see it staring at me from only a few inches away! "What? You never see a boy cry before! You'd cry to if you were all alone in the woods about to be eaten by a wild animal!" It just watched my face occasionally swishing its tail across my legs as it continued to straddle me. I tried to stop crying but just couldn't! I sobbed and cried as it continued to just watch me! "What are you doing?" I finally asked as it moved from over my body and reversed itself so its head was facing away from mine and I was looking at it's ass and tail! It stayed that way and kept looking back at me as if waiting for me to do something! "What? I don't understand!" I said as I slowly started to get up from lying there to my knees. I winced in pain a little, then the wolf backed up against me! "Hey!" I said in surprise as I almost fell over backwards and frantically reached out and grabbed her back to keep from falling.

I suddenly felt the tail wagging more energetically brushing my dick and balls each time causing me to become erect again! I groaned as I tried to stop it from happening but it felt too good when the soft fur brushed across me body! I realized I was gripping the fur more tightly now and starting to pant for air as my body responded to the feeling. I moaned as the wolf pulled it's tail up over it's back exposing its ass and then lowering itself on it's front paws! I felt the tail stop and was relieved for a few seconds when I felt my now stiff dick against place under her tail! It started to slide up as she moved her body up and down trying to get me into her! "Oh! No!" I shouted desperate to get loose but it was too late as I felt my dick slide into the wolf's hot, wet tight hole! "Oh God!" I cried out as I felt myself penetrate her until my dick was all the way in and she was growling and whimpering as she felt me in her body. I expected her to turn around and rip me apart but instead she stood there pushing back against me! I tried to pull out but only managed to get half way before I felt her do something and gave a small scream of pain as I felt her tighten her grip on my dick. I shoved back in and the pain lessened. I tried again and again to pull out but finally gave up as by body started enjoying the feeling of fucking the wolf too much and I reached forward along her back and sides as far as I could then started to fuck her clumsily as I was a virgin of course! "You want me to fuck you don't you!" I said gritting my teeth as I started to feel my balls getting bigger and tightening up. I saw her watching me with her large tongue hanging out panting and her eyes wide as I felt myself approaching a climax! 'Here it comes!" I shouted as I felt my balls contract, my muscles quiver and my gut clench as I jerked and jerked as I shot my sperm over and over into her! She felt it and gave him a shove back showing she was enjoying it! Finally I was spent and just let her support my weight as I was light headed from coming so hard!

After a few minutes I tried to pull out hoping to escape and found that I could finally get free of her body. She simply lay down and started licking herself losing interest. I cautiously backed away from her knowing not to turn and run. Sweating with fear I kept backing up until I felt it was a safe distance away then ran! I kept waiting for the wolf to suddenly attack me again but it didn't! I made it out of the ruins and back to the city center running the whole way! I was ready to collapse when I finally reached the front door just as dust started to turn to night! As I reached for the doorknob it was yanked open from the inside and I almost fell down. His mother was there and grabbed his arm hissing "Get In!" As she pulled me across the threshold and slammed the door and locked it!

It was then she saw that I was naked and injured! "What the hell! Jerry! Grab the medical kit! Joey is injured she screamed at the top of her lungs as she scooped me up then lay me on the couch in the main room that was also my bed. I just lay there as my mother and father cleaned and dressed my various scrapes and cuts on the front and back of my body. It was my father who examined me and said "Joey? I need you to tell us exactly what happened" in a strange voice he'd never used before!

I gulped and took a big drink of the water mom had brought me before answering him. He waited patiently for me to tell them how I lost my clothes and got injured. I silently prayed they would believe me and told them. My father stayed silent as I explained I had left because I didn't want to sit through another round of accusations by mother. She started to object but my father told her "Quiet! You know he's telling the truth!" She stopped her objections but kept shooing me looks that showed she was upset at me. I got to the part where I went into the woods without further interruptions and to the attack! "What attacked you? Did you get a good look at it?" My mother immediately wanted to know along with more questions but again my father stopped her and said "Let him tell us!"

I glanced at her and saw that she was now upset with him and me! When I described the animal my father nodded encouraging me to give as many details as I remembered. "A Wolf that may be a mix with a dog you say? Yes that is entirely possible." "How?" I asked needing some explanation as to where it came from and why did it attack me to have sex! He turned to my mother and said "You remember the zoo? We used to go there when we were kids." "Of course I do!" She said still fuming at how he had spoken to her. "Well where do you think the animals went when it became deserted?" She started to argue this but he said "You know they escaped or were set free because your father worked there for Christ sakes!" She stopped dead at the mention of my grandfather long dead. She frowned then turned and went to shelf full of old books. She pulled one from the shelf and opened it turning the pages as she slowly walked back to the couch. When she reached a certain page she slowly turned the book so we could see and asked "Is this what you saw?" I looked and gasped at the color picture that look almost identical to the wolf that attacked me!

"Yes! But the fur was longer from the chest and underside and soft. Its tail also was long and had long fur hanging from it." "I see" she said thoughtfully as she turned the pages until she came to another one and said "Like This?" Showing me a different picture. This one matched my attacker! "That's the wolf!" I said staring at the picture. She nodded and read out loud "A photograph of the wolf/dog hybrid found abandoned outside of the zoo gates. The testing indicated it was a cross between a grey wolf and a German Shepard." She put the book back on the shelf, turned and said "I believe you now." Quietly as my father prompted me to continue the story. I gulped down some more water hoping they would continue to believe me when I got to the next part! I described the wolf's actions and my mother gasped as I described how it bit my shirt and pants off! "Why would it do that?" My father said out loud wondering.

I stammered as I tried to describe how it licked my butt and then my privates. "What? What in the world? Are you sure you're not making this part up?" My mother said suddenly suspicious again. "No I am not!" I said and felt the tears start again!" "Its okay son. I believe you." My father said turning to my mother saying "You better listen as your son was just raped by a wolf/dog your father took care of and brought home!" Snarling a little at her for a change! She opened then shut her mouth on what she was going to say at this accusation! "What?" I said feeling completely confused now. My father turned from her to look at me and said finish your story. We will tell you once we know exactly what happened and why."

I was a little reassured by his attitude towards my mother and surprised by it at the same time! "Well, she continued to lick me and I tried to turn and fight back. I got as far as turned on my side when she dropped her full weight on me pushing me back to the ground! I was stunned and she turned me over so I was facing up. I thought this would help me get away by allowing me to move my arms! I tried hitting her in the face but she simply dodge my blows! I tried grabbing her around the neck and pulling her off me but she just walked around dragging me with her until I let go!" That explains all the cuts scrapes and bruises on your back and legs" he commented the said go on. I think I know what you are about to say and it's okay. I found myself starting to sob and cry as I told them about her turning around and pushing up against me when I got up on my knees. They didn't interrupt me as I described having to grab her back to keep from falling and then" I stopped very afraid but my father nodded and said "You were aroused and she got you inside of her and you couldn't get out right?" I cried out "YES! It hurt at first! I tried and tried but I couldn't pull out without it hurting so much!" I sobbed and cried as my mother came over and gently held me to her saying "Shush now, it's going to be alright. Just let me hold you." She said over and over until I started to feel my sobs and tears stop. She held me away from her now tear stained dress and said, How did you managed to pull yourself out of her?" I said "I gave up! I just kept pushing in and out until I...I came!" He said feeling so ashamed and guilty at admitting this! His mother looked at his father then at him and said "So you couldn't get out until you came? Okay. That makes sense. But what did she do when you did pull out?" She asked in a calm voice. "She just lost interest in me, lay down and started licking herself there! I stayed still and quiet for a few minutes then slowly started backing away until I was far enough to turn and run! I ran all the way home!"

I was finished and exhausted! My mother said "Okay Joey. We believe you. Let's get you cleaned up, fed and in bed. You need rest." I was in a daze as my father picked me up from my mother and followed her to the bathroom where they both washed me taking care to make sure all the wounds were clean. It stung and caused me some tears But I didn't show any other signs of the pain. My father examined my privates and said they looked okay. Once finished they helped me get dressed and then we had dinner. I didn't remember eating as I was so tired I could barely stay awake! I suddenly found myself in my bed as Dad had unfolded the couch. "Sleep Son."

Was all my mother said as she tucked me in and kissed my forehead. My father was waiting for her in the doorway of the bedroom as I closed my eyes. I slept for a long time and had some bad dreams about being chased and caught by all sorts of animals that had escaped the zoo! I woke up a few times but found myself in my home in my bed and fell back asleep. "Wake Up Joey. I need you to wake up please." I heard mom saying from a distance. I was groggy and still half asleep as she approached the bed and pulled the blanket and sheet off of me. "Hey! Don't!" I tried to say but it was too late! Up young man! You and I have an errand to run. I groaned shutting my eyes thinking that was the last thing I wanted to do. Go with Mom as she ran errands to the market, haggling over the prices and having to carry the heavy canvas bags of food back home. I didn't realize she was still there staring at me.

I opened my eyes to see her looking right at my privates! I then realized I had an erection and my mom was looking! "Mom! Don't look at me like that!" I said turning red with embarrassment as I got up and turned away from her to get clothes from the dresser and went to the bathroom to relieve myself and get dressed. That done I came into the main room to find my mother not dressed in her usual light cotton day dresses but a pair of sturdy jeans, boots and long sleeve shirt. She also had a walking stick that usually sat in the bedroom closet. I had never seen it out until now. "Ready? Let's go." She said opening the door and waiting for me to go with her. "Where are we going?" I asked resigned to going with her on some dumb errand as I walked through the doorway and into the street. She looked around as she stepped into the street and said quietly "Not here" and told me to retrace my steps from yesterday. I was surprised and a little fearful at this and was reluctant.

My mother saw me hesitating and said "Now Mister! Or Else!" I started walking the same way I had gone yesterday at that threat! She would still spank me or have my father spank me if I got too wild or disobedient! I got to the end of the City Center and followed the road to the side road I'd taken. It was easier now in the bright midday sun, that made patterns and shades of green as it passed through the branches and leaves of the trees. I went down it more slowly pointing out the way the undergrowth and trees were taking over the buildings, sidewalks and streets. My mom nodded and said "How much further?" As she kept scanning the bushes for any signs. I said Not too far." I kept walking slowly looking for the spot where the wolf/dog had leaped across the road. I saw in in the next few minutes and pointed it out to my mom. She nodded and said "Wait here!" I didn't understand and watched confused as she went to the spot and looked around. She then held her hand to her mouth and started calling out "Gertrude! Come here girl!" Several times. She waited listening for any response then stepped off the road into the bush a ways then called again "Gertrude! Come Here Girl! It's Elaine! Come here!" I was wondering why she thought the wolf/dog would come to her when I heard a far off howl in reply! My mother smiled and turned to me and said come here. I want you to meet someone! I came to where she stood among the bushes and waited while she held my hand.

Soon I heard something approaching very fast from somewhere ahead. Suddenly she leaped into view and jumped right to my mother and stood up putting her paws on her shoulders barking and licking her! "Easy Gertrude! You're too big! And Heavy! Ughh! She said as Gertrude licked her mouth and face in her excitement at seeing my mother! "What is going on?" I said completely surprised by my mom knowing the animal that attacked me! My mother made Gertrude get down and sit with a command. She turned and faced me saying "Meet Gertrude. She is a Wolf/German Shepard mix. She was abandoned at the zoo as an infant and my father took her in and raised her. She was my best friend for years before my father died and things got bad. I couldn't keep her so I set her free outside the city before the authorities took her and killed her. "Kill her? Why I said cautiously holding out my hand to her and she sniffed it then licked it wagging her tail showing she knew me and liked me!" "Hey! I said as she let me pet her!" "She's very friendly normally and loves to play. I missed her terribly at first but eventually I had to choose someone to marry to have kids so we could repopulate. I chose your father."

She seemed thoughtful as she absently scratched Gertrudes back causing one hind leg to rapidly thump the ground causing me to laugh at this! "Fetch!" Mom suddenly said and threw the walking stick into the brush. Gertrude was on it in a flash and came back with it held in her jaws and dropped it at mom's feet! "Hey she's trained?" I said picking up the stick and throwing it for her. She barked and ran after it and returned this time to me with it. "Smart too. She knew to return the stick to you instead of me!" Mom said smiling at me. "You see son Gertrude should be dead. She was about four years old when I let her go and that was over eight years ago!" I did the math and said so she's like twelve years old? Why should she be dead?" I asked mom. "Well she was raised in a home not the zoo or the wild. She wouldn't have any idea how to hunt and kill to eat. There are other much larger and fierce animals that left the zoo. Lions, Tigers, Bears, Jaguars, Panthers and may others. When that happened I just assumed that one of them would kill her!" I scratched Gertrude under her muzzled would she seemed to like a lot!" Sighing my mother said "I am glad you are still alive Gertrude but why did you attack my son?" She said trying to solve the puzzle of her attacking me and having sex with me! She had me hold her while she examined her and said "Okay. She is in heat. That may explain her wanting to mate with you. But why you? It should have been another dog or wolf in the woods! Why you?" My mother said thoughtfully as she took Gertrude's head in her hands and stared into her eyes. Gertrude stared back staying still as mom searched her eyes as if she could see what Gertrude was thinking.

Finally my mom nodded slowly and stood up she then sniffed her own armpit then knelt down and sniffed mine! "What are you doing?" I asked when she did this. "I am testing a theory I have. wolves and dogs have a keen sense of smell. They can smell us from miles away. I believe that Gertrude could smell you coming and recognized your smell! "My smell? I've never met her before!" I said protesting. My mother smiled as she stood up and replied "Yes. But you smell almost the same as me! Gertrude recognized my scent in yours and attacked you to find out if it was me! She didn't try to bite or claw you remember? She took your clothes off to smell your scent better, not to mate with you initially."? It did make a weird sort of sense but I asked "So why did she?" Mom sad "She's just gone into heat. That is when the female wolves and dog can get pregnant. So you just happened to come by at the right time with a scent she recognized as someone that loved her. She just had to rub herself against you and the rest just happened." I nodded my head in understanding as I petted her. "So we can't take her home can we?" I said slowly feeling disappointed for some reason. "No Joey. You know that pets are not allowed and the security officers would take her away!" I nodded and sighed as she seemed so happy to see us! I said "I'm sorry Gertrude. I would have liked to have a dog like you.

My mom was quiet as we spend time petting and playing with Gertrude. She finally said "We have to go Joey. We can't be gone for too long or it will be noticed and reported." I nodded feeling a lump in my throat at the thought of leaving Gertrude out here like this all alone! I don't know why I felt like that but I did! My mom saw my expression and said "That doesn't mean we can't come and visit her you know." I turned in surprise to face my mom saying "Really? We Can? That would be great!" I turned back to Gertrude and said "You hear that girl! We will come and visit you! Would you like that?" Gertrude barked and jumped a little in place to show she understood us! "Good! Now let's go back. You can see her tomorrow Joey." "Okay! Bye for now Gertrude! We will see you tomorrow!"

My last view of Gertrude was her standing in road watching us walk back to the city center wagging her tale in happiness and anticipation of our next visit! We went to the market instead of going straight home. When I asked why mom just said "In Case" and told me to not ask any questions and not to mention this to anyone. I kept quiet as mom took me from stand to stand to talk with each vendor and haggle on prices. It was not until later at home she explained "We went to the market to have witnesses that can say we were there for several hours today. That way if any of the neighbors get suspicious we have an explanation and witnesses." I said "Oh! Okay. Like in a detective story?" I asked her as I went to the bookshelves and looked for one to read. "Yes. Exactly! Now I want you to let me talk to your father about this. He won't say no so don't worry about that." Her tone sounded a little odd and amused?" I wasn't paying attention as I had found an old Hardy Boys Detective book and sat down on the couch to read it. "Okay Mom". I said absently as I started to read the first chapter. She smiled and turned and walked into the kitchen and started making something for us to eat as we'd left the house without eating and I suddenly realized I was starving! We were soon sitting down and eating homemade vegetable soup, cheese sandwiches and apples that mom had brought at the market.

It wasn't until hours later that my father returned home from work. He smiled then looked surprised as he entered and saw my mother in one of her dresses, her hair combed out and wearing lipstick! Makeup was hard to find and expensive so I was surprised she was wearing it just to greet my father home from work. I was more surprised when she stepped forward, put her arms around him and kissed him on the mouth! I got an education in kissing I tell you! She finally stopped the kissing and let him go but took his hand and said "Honey? I know I've been terrible to you and want to make it up to you." She turned and said Joey? Could you maybe go over to Billy's or find something to do outside for maybe an hour?" I didn't understand why but my father did and said "What a great idea!" As he shooed me out of the house! I was still confused and wondering why I had to leave the house as I wandered over to Billy's house. His mother was sitting outside in an old lawn chair and said "Your folks just kick you out?" I nodded dumbly not understanding why. She chuckled and said "Sit with me then for a bit. Billy's not here right now." I sat down on the sidewalk as she made conversation about Billy, her husband the weather, all sorts of things. I did answer her as best I could but wasn't really interested in talking with her as she was Billy's mother! She knew this but kept talking anyway! She started talking about the old days. I wasn't interested at first but then she said something about my mothers father being such a good man. "He was? He died before I was born." I said wondering why she had brought him up. "Yes. He would have been very happy to have a grandson. He loved two things: Kids and Animals! All kinds of Animals! I remember he used to bring animals home from the zoo when it started going downhill to take care of them and make sure they were fed and got medicine and stuff. Same thing for kids that didn't have any parents! He was a very kind, generous man he was!"

A thought struck me and I asked her "Do you remember a dog named Gertrude he had?" She laughed and nodded "Sure I do! Your mother and Gertrude were inseparable! Your Grandfather spent hours training Gertrude to obey your mothers commands so she could control her and keep her out of trouble! It was a shame when the council said we couldn't have pets anymore! Broke both their hearts if you ask me! Your mother took Gertrude out past the edge of the old city and had to let her go. She didn't want to, had to! Gertrude was a smart dog and didn't want to leave her! We'd hear her howling and whining in the distance at night for a long time after that! I finally stopped though and we figured that she'd either given up and moved on or got killed." I nodded and said "Thanks Mrs. Carter. I appreciate you telling all this. It helps." "It does? Well I'm glad then. Now you go down the street to that abandoned building that Billy and his 'friends' like to play in and tell him I said to come home now." I nodded saying Yes Mrs. Carter" and turned to go find Billy. When I returned with him I saw Mrs. Carter leaving my house as my father nodded and listened to her. She turned and saw Billy and me and smiled as she said loudly "Here they are! Thought I was going to have to call the Authorities on you too!" My father laughed as she was joking and we all knew it.

I went home and saw that both my parents were in an unusually good mood but didn't say anything. Dinner was served and finished before any conversation about Gertrude took place. My father said "Joey? Do you understand you can't tell anyone about Gertrude? I answered "Yes Dad. Mom told me already." "She told me. I just want to make sure you understand the trouble we would be in if the authorities found out about Gertrude." I nodded and said "Yes. Mrs. Carter told me today about Gertrude, Mom and Grandad." Mom smiled and said "We know. She came over to tell us and to reassure us that our secret is safe with her." I didn't understand what 'secret' they meant until my father rolled his eyes at me and said "Gertrude? She knows and approves!" I was surprised but mom explained "Mrs. Carter and I used to be best friends. She knew Gertrude very well. She would never betray us or want Gertrude to be killed. I understood and felt a little better knowing at least one neighbor could be trusted. I went to sleep that night later than usual because of my excitement over seeing Gertrude tomorrow. My Mom had tucked me in and said "Now remember! Tomorrow we go see our girl!" I smiled happily as I remembered how mom had gotten so happy with us and everything since Gertrude had returned to her life! I went to sleep with a final thought "What if Gertrude tries to mate with me again? What do I do?"