Tails of Aginvault Chapter One; Orianna

Story by Janus Wolff on SoFurry

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#1 of Tails of Aginvault

Disclaimer; This is an adult fantasy story that I will be releasing in individual chapters. These chapters will be plot heavy, and I will be focusing on storytelling and character development. That said, I intend for this story to be a "Porn with Plot" set up, and so there will be sex scenes, they will be featured heavily, and they will be graphic. Do not proceed if that is not something you are into, or if you are not of legal age to view such material. Thou hath been warned.

Aginvault. A fantasy land where dreams and desire can become a reality, and where one awkward, bullied teen finds himself transported into a fantastical adventure. Jason "Jace" Darren is a human highschooler, who while running from his tormentors, finds himself magically transported to the land of Aginvault. His body is changed, his world as he knows it is gone, and Jace must figure out how he is going to survive in this strange place, while becoming the confident adult he has hidden inside him. Plus, it helps to have lots of attractive, sexy, horny anthromorphs around to help him along his journey.

Chapter One; Orianna

Jason Darren ran. He was not overtly athletic, but he ran all the same. His chest hurt, his breath like a searing coal in his lungs as he gasped for air. His legs felt like numb, shapeless weights attached to his body, and every time his feet hit the hard, concrete surface of the sidewalk it was like his whole body was struck with a hammer. And still he ran. He had to run. If he didn't, Joey P. would catch him, and he did not want Joey P. to catch him.

Joey had always been big and mean, but it had gotten so much worse over the last year. Joey found a few buddies, other mean guys who came from other schools, and they had all gotten together and made a game of tormenting the other highschool kids in their grade. And Jason was their favorite target. He was smaller, and weaker than Joey and his buddies, but the one thing he did have over them was speed.

Jace had a good head start on the thugs chasing him, and once he had broken line of sight with them he ducked quickly through the open door of an old, dimly lit shop. He slammed his back against the door frame, wincing as he crushed his backpack against him, and tried to steady his breath. His heart was hammering in his chest, and his lungs burned from the exertion of running so hard.

"Where did that little bitch go?!" Called Kyle. His breathing was heavy and he leaned over, grabbing his knees to catch his breath.

"Could be anywhere by now," panted Ben, catching up. "Kid can run fast for a little pussy. Like a rabbit."

"We'll catch him tomorrow." Grumbled Joey. "Jacey-boy is too much of a sissy to tell on us. We can just wait until Free Block, then he is all ours." The other two laughed in agreement, and slowly they passed by the open door of the shop that Jace hid in.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Jace finally looked around the interior of the shop. It was pretty dark. The lights didn't do much to illuminate the inside of the dusty old shop. There were rows and rows of bookshelves, all covered in old, dusty used books.

"Some kind of bookshop." Jace muttered, adjusting his backpack on his shoulder. "Don't remember seeing this place before though. Hello?!" His voice echoed through the dark shop, but there was no answer. Shrugging, Jace walked deeper in among the shelves. He had lost his pursuers, but he knew it still wasn't safe to leave and head for home. Joey and his boys were probably still nearby.

"Hello?" Jace called again. "Anybody here?" Nobody answered. Jace looked at some of the books on the shelves, pulling them down to look and their covers. There were a lot of science fiction and fantasy novels here, though there were also some regular fiction and literary novels as well. Jace preferred fantasy books, personally. They were more fun to read. He liked imagining what life would be like in a world like that; Going on adventures, meeting dragons and cute elf girls with long pointy ears.

Near the back of the store there was a wooden door, almost hidden behind piles of dusty old paperback books that were stacked in towers on either side, in cardboard boxes or just on the floor. A bit of light bled through into the dim store from beneath the frame of the door. Jace knocked loudly on the door.

"Hello?" He called again. Waiting a brief moment, he tried the door. It was unlocked. Jace swung it open carefully, wary of knocking over any book towers, and poked his head into the room beyond. "Anyone here?" The room was empty, save for a single lit floor lamp and a small desk, pushed into the corner. Books were piled in stacks on the floor all around. It was clearly the office of whomever it was who owned this shop. Sitting on the desk was a large, heavy looking hardcover book, bound in leather. Curious, Jace shrugged his backpack off his shoulders onto the ground and squeezed his way into the small room to inspect the book. It was opened to the middle, to an intricate pen and ink drawing of a athletic looking barbarian warrior, dressed in leather armor, bare chested, and holding a sword aloft. Jace found it interesting that the character was not a man, but a bear, standing on two legs, and holding the hilt of his sword in a paw.

"Strange." Jace said, flipping the book to the front page. He read the title. "Aginvault, Land of Fantasies. Interesting. Looks kind of cool." Flipping through another few pages, Jace came to the first page of chapter one.

"Any who reads this book will find their dreams furfilled in the magic lands of Aginvault-" He read. Jace frowned. "Furfilled? Kind of an obvious typo. Editors should have caught that." He turned the page. The light dimmed suddenly, and a draft picked up in the room. Jace shivered, and looked around for where the breeze had come from. The lamp went out, plunging him into darkness. He heard the pages of the book rustle loudly, the draft turning into a full breeze. Jace backed away from the book, tripped over his backpack, and fell backwards. His head struck the ground hard and the room spun violently. His eyes rolled back in his head, and he fell unconscious.


It was light out when Jace finally woke up. The warm sun beat down on him, making his squint in the bright light. A cool breeze drifted over him, lightly caressing him. It smelled of fresh grass, cool water, and damp earth. Jace sat up, confused. He was laying in a rolling field, filled with tall, green grass, at the edge of a thick, dark wood. He blinked in disbelief.

Just moments ago he was in a dusty old bookstore's backroom, looking through a big fantasy book. He tripped, hit his head, he remembered that. Where was he now? How did he get outside? Jace got to his feet, unsteadily, and looked around. His backpack was gone. His head was throbbing where he had struck it on the floor.

"Hello?" He called out, looking around. "Anyone there? Come on, this isn't funny. Where am I?" There was no answer. Frowning, Jace brushed the loose grass from his fur and....

He stared at his hands, his stomach, his legs. He wasn't naked. He was wearing some kind of leather or hide pants, stitched together, and with a leather belt. He wasn't wearing any shoes, and was shirtless, save for a sleeve of leather armor on his right arm, but that wasn't even the strangest thing. He was covered in thick, red brown fur, from head to toe. His shoeless feet were paws, and behind his, swishing back and forth, was a thick, furred tail. Jace patted himself down frantically, but there was no doubt about it; It was his body all right. He was shocked to find that he was incredibly well muscled, tall, and seemed to be very strong.

"What the fuck is going on?" Jace said softly. His voice was different too; Deeper, more manly and adult. "Where the hell am I?" Looking around once more, he saw something on the ground. Stooping to pick it up, he realized that laying beside him in the grass as a heavy longsword in a worn leather sheath. He picked it up in his red-brown furred paw and drew the blade from the sheath. What should have been much too heavy for an unathletic highschool boy to hold with one hand, came free easy in his new body. Jace swung the sword about, marveling at how easy it was to wield it.

"Well, whatever is going on," Jace said, sheathing the sword "I'm armed, and apparently I have a new, much stronger body, With fur. I must be an animal of kind." He looked around. There was nothing to be seen in any direction, just endless, rolling grass fields and distant horizon. The only thing nearby was the dark, heavy forest that cast a long shadow across the field.

"I guess that's where I'm headed." Jace said. Slinging the strap of the sword's sheath over his shoulder, Jace began walking towards the trees. It was surprising how quickly he covered the distance. His legs were longer now, and much stronger. His new tail swished behind him, seeming to help him keep balance on his longer, thinner legs. Before long, he had reached the edge of the trees. He paused for a moment longer, took a deep breath, and steeled himself.

"Here it goes." He muttered, tightening his grip on the leather strap of his sword, and started into the forest. It was darker beneath the trees. It smelled of moss and earth and damp bark. Jace made his way through the thick underbrush and among the rough-barked tree trunks, his new, animal-like ears deftly attuned for every tiny noise he heard among the trees. Small animals were moving around in the underbrush, birds in the trees, insects. It all set him on edge.

Something moved in the trees. Jace instinctively reached for the hilt of his sword, then paused. Why would he do that? Not more than a few hours ago, he took off running at the first sight of a bigger kid. Now here he was, ready to draw a sword and fight off some unknown threat in a mystery forest? Movement caught his eye, up in the trees. He didn't hear anything move, but he saw it. Something large, black, and silent, slinking through the trees above him.

"Who's there?" He demanded, swinging his sword and pulling it free from its sheath. A low, rumbling snarl rolled out from the dark foliage of the trees above. The creature moved again, slinking down towards Jace, onto a large, exposed tree branch.

"I should ask the same of you," The creature snarled. "Wandering so boldly into my woods." Jace starred. Slinking along the thick tree branch was a woman; athletic and lithe. She wore animal skins and hides, but like him was covered in a thick coat of fur. Her's was jet black, and sleek. A long, powerful tail snaked out behind her full, barely clothed hips, and like Jace, she was topless. She looked to be some kind of large, predatory cat, perhaps a panther.

"What are you?" Jace asked. The creature cocked her head, looking curious now.

"What am I? I am Orianna. Warrior of the Wood. And you are trespassing." Orianna, as she called herself, dropped down from the branch to land before Jace. She stood slowly, and Jace watched her in awe. She was strangely beautiful, tall and athletic. Her bust was full and bare, and she stood more than a head taller than Jace. Strapped to her hips were a pair of short swords.

"I didn't know this was your wood." Jace said, lowering the tip of his sword. "I just arrived here and I'm a bit confused."

"Well, then let me educate you, Canid." Orianna said, her voice no more than a low, dangerous purr. She stepped in close to Jace, looming over her, and Jace found himself about eye level with her ample tits. "You walk unprepared through my woods, you are not likely to walk out the other side in one piece."

"Canid?" Jace asked, finding his voice again. He pried his eyes away from Orianna's tits to look up at her feline face. Her bright green cat eyes widened in curiosity.

"Yes. Canid. What you are." The panther said, slowly, gauging his reaction.

"What, like a dog thing?" Orianna's eyes narrowed.

"Where did you say you came from?" She asked. Jace made a face.

"I don't really know. I was in this book store and I was looking at this book about a fantasy world named Aginvault, and now I'm here in this body." Orianna made a noise, deep in her throat, and began to pace around behind Jace, looking him up and down appraisingly.

"And this is not what you normally look like?" She asked, finally. Jace shook his head.

"No. I'm just a highschool kid." The panther snorted at that.

"You are hardly a child. A grown male canid. And a skilled warrior, by the looks of you. You are sure this is not you?" She prodded at his back, his well muscled shoulders, his tail, even his ass. "You look like an adult to me."

"Yeah, well," Jace said, flustered. "Like I said, I woke up in this body. What did you call it? Canid?"

"A canid, yes." Orianna said. "A wolf canid, by the look of you."

"And what are you then?"

"A Felid." She said simply. "And a warrior."

"Well, I'm not looking to fight you," Jace assured her. Orianna smiled a toothy smile and purred.

"A pity. You look like you could have been a challenge. No matter. If you are truly lost, I shall see you to the other side of the forest. There is a town there, you may be able to find help there."

"I would like that." Jace said. "My name is Jace, by the way. Jace Darren."

"It is good to meet you, Jace Darren." Orianna said. "Now come, I will lead you." And she took off through the trees. Jace watched her go for a brief moment, admiring the way her body moved so gracefully, how she bounced, and the sleek way she moved among the trees. He shook his head, and began to follow his mostly nude panther guide.


The forest was pretty big, and the farther they went, the darker it got. Soon, Jace couldn't tell if it was night or day out. Orianna didn't seem to hesitate at all. She slunk gracefully among the trees, her full hips and tail swaying as she stalked through the forest. Every now and then she would drop to her knees, her back arched, pausing to listen, and Jace couldn't help but stare at her sexy, athletic form; Her curves, her thighs and ass, and of course, her bare, full tits.

They bounced as she walked, and though they were covered in sleek black fur, Jace could just make out her hard, black nipples poking through the fur. It was difficult not to stare, particularly for Jace, who had not seen a real life naked woman before in his life. It didn't matter that Orianna clearly wasn't human. It seemed that Jace himself wasn't quite human anymore either. Either that, or he had been placed in this beast-person body, and even if that was the case, he figured there was no harm in fantasizing in this sexy feline cat-woman who walked around so powerfully and confidently with her tits and ass on full display.

"We can rest here." Orianna said suddenly, cutting into Jace's inner thoughts. "It is late, and this is a safe place. The rest of the forest is not so forgiving."

"How far away is this town you were talking about?" Jace asked, unslinging his sword from his shoulder. Orianna shrugged.

"Maybe another day or two? Not too far." Jace nearly choked.

"Two days?" He said in disbelief. "We have no food, no water. How are we supposed to make it that far?" The panther lady gave him a curious look, putting her hand on her slender, well defined waist.

"What sort of adventurer are you?" She asked, unable to hide her amusement. "Not coming prepared for travel through the wilderness?"

"I told you, I'm not an adventurer." Jace said, feeling defensive. "I'm just a kid."

"Hardly." Orianna said, waving her hand dismissively. "I've watched you all day as we traveled. You've been watching me, Jace Darren. Looking at my rear, my breasts, the way I move around. I can smell it on you. You are aroused by me." Jace felt his face redden, and for once was grateful for the strange new fur that covered his body.

"Not true!" He insisted, but he knew he wasn't fooling her. Even so, Orianna shrugged.

"Deny it all you want. I know what I know. If you want to pretend its not, well that's your loss, isn't it." With that, the panther cleared a patch of ground near a large tree and settled down, her back to the trunk. Jace stared at her for a moment, unsure.

"What do you mean, 'your loss?" He asked finally.

"Only that if you were more bold, more sure of yourself, you would actually talk about your desires, instead of just watching what you want from afar." Orianna said dismissively. She drew one of her short swords and began to file her long, cat-like claws on the edge of its blade. Jace watched her for a moment more, pondering what she had just said. He took a deep breath, gathering his courage.

"I think you are very sexy and would like to... touch your body.." Jace said, his voice a little halting. Orianna grinned, her green eyes flashing in amusement. She looked up from her claws, and looked him up and down, appraising him.

"Is that so, Jace Darren?" She asked, her voice nothing more than a purr. A very sexy purr. Jace felt the fur on the back of his neck rise, and something stirred in his loins.

"Yes." He said, more confident now. "You have an amazing body. Can I touch you?"

"No," Orianna said, going back to her claws. "You may not." Jace blinked, taken aback.

"What?" He said, confused.

"You can't touch me." Orianna said simply.

"But you said-"

"I said you should speak your mind instead of just staring at me like a jackal in the dark. I never said I would agree." Orianna said simply. Jace didn't know what to say. Embarrassed, he sat down, back to a tree, and looked at the ground.

"We will continue our journey tomorrow, Jace Darren." Orianna said. "Good Night."


Jace awoke with a start. It was nearly pitched black in the forest. The sound of insects were loud among the trees and underbrush. At first, Jace thought he had been awoken by his rumbling stomach, or perhaps his parched mouth. Then he heard something shifting in the trees, not far from where he lay against a tree trunk.

"Orianna?" He whispered, straining his eyes to see. A powerful, heavy paw clasped around his muzzle, and Orianna leaned in close to him, her green eyes glinting in the darkness.

"Shh." She hissed. Her sword was in her hand. She gestured to his own sword, and Jace reached for it clumsily in the dark. His paw found the hilt, and he drew the blade as quietly as he was able. Something large and heavy was moving through the trees nearby. Orianna took her paw from Jace's muzzle, and giving him a look to keep quiet, moved stealthily away from him, vanishing into the darkness. Jace got carefully to his feet, moving as quietly as possible, sword in hand.

The figure emerged from the trees, shrouded in darkness. It was huge, a vast, hulking form of muscle and thick, matted fur. Two, baleful yellow eyes shone in the darkness. The hunched creature had massive, knotted arms that seemed to drag on the ground. It snorted loudly, casting its eyes around and sniffing the air. It turned its head to face Jace and opened its big, slavering mouth. It snarled.

Jace felt his blood freeze, and his fur stood on end. The beast let out a bestial snarl and lunged forward, its huge paw lashing out, claws like knives extended. Instinct took over, instincts Jace didn't even know he had. It was as if his body reacted on its own to the danger. He stepped back, out of the way of the swing, bringing his sword up and around. The beast's claws cut deep into the tree trunk behind Jace, just as he brought the blade of his sword around, striking the creature on the forearm.

The creature let out a howl of rage and pain. It echoed through the forest. Jace's sword cut clean through, and the monster's forearm severed with a gout of hot, black blood. The creature recoiled, even as Jace stepped in again to take another swing. The monster was quicker though. It had backed up, and its other arm swung around. It struck Jace on his side, sending him sprawling to the ground. The claws didn't connect though, leaving Jace mercifully unwounded. As he struck the ground, his sword flew from his hand.

The beast loomed over him, howling with rage. It raised its one good arm, ready to bash Jace into oblivion. He could only watch, eyes wide, and the creature prepared to end his life. Just as the blow was about to be delivered, the beast let out a choked gasp. Orianna's blade cut through its throat as the panther lept back off the creature's shoulder. It grabbed at its ruined neck, gurgling blood and gasping for air as it dropped to its knees. It let out one last shuddering howl, then it fell forward into the grass and was still.

"What the fuck was that?!" Jace cried as Orianna grabbed his hand to haul him to his feet.

"Bugbear." She said simply. She wiped her short sword clean on the brute's fur and sheathed it. "Big hairy beasts. Some cross between badger, bear, maybe something else. Not really sure. Not like one of us though."

"You killed it." Jace said, still in awe. Orianna grinner, her green eyes flashing.

"Only because you distracted it." She said, "I'm impressed, Jace Darren. You reacted like a true warrior. Most folk would freeze in the face of such a beast."

"I don't know what came over me." Jace admitted. "It was like my body had a mind of its own." Orianna looked at him curiously.

"You are a strange one." She said, "You don't talk like a warrior, or act like one, but when in danger, you fight like one. Perhaps I was wrong about you, Jace Darren. In any case, you should get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. We will be safe here now. Bugbear's are very territorial. There will be no other predators here tonight."

The next morning, Jace woke to the smell of something cooking. Confused, he opened his eyes, looking around for the source of the smell. Not far from where he lay, Orianna sat next to a small fire. She was roasting some kind of meat over the fire, and it took Jace a moment to realize it was from the bugbear they had killed the night before.

"Good morning, Jace Darren." Orianna said, turning to him. She grinned, looking him up and down with a respect and interest that had not existed before. "I assume you are hungry."

"Starving." Jace said. They sat there together in the early morning sun that filtered down into the forest and ate the roasted meat by the fire. It wasn't half bad, Jace discovered, and soon his stomach wasn't growling quite so loud. Jace finished his food and sat back from the dying fire. Orianna was watching him from the other side of the campfire, her bright green eyes half lidded, looking him up and down with intense interest.

"What?" Jace asked his panther companion, feeling self conscious.

"You fought well last night, Jace Darren." Orianna said, her voice a low purr. "I had thought you nothing more than a lost fool, but you have impressed me."

"Thank you, I guess." Jace said, wondering where she was going with this. Orianna stood, and walked around the campfire to stand before him. She was very tall, and loomed over him where he sat on the damp earth near the edge of the fire. Jace looked up at her and found his face nearly level with her barely covered crotch. Her muscular, shapely thighs were inches from his face, and her round hips, lithe hips, and smooth, muscular stomach rose above him. Jace felt his face redden, and not for the first time was thankful for his new coat of thick wolf fur. His heart beat harder, and something stirred in his loins, as he felt his wolfhood twitch.

"I have thought about your request from last night." Orianna continued, looking down at him from over her full, bare tits. "I have decided that you can touch my body. I would like to lay with a warrior such as you."

"Lay with?" Jace stammered. Orianna grinned.

"Have you lost your nerve, wolf?" She asked, taunting him. "Or perhaps you really have never had a woman." Jace shook his head.

"I... I have! Lots of women!" He lied. Orianna grinned, a toothy, predatory grin.

"The show me, Jace Darren. Show me how you please a woman." Jace hesitated, unsure of what to do. Orianna did not wait patiently for long. When Jace did not move immediately, the tall panther reached down and pulled aside her hide shirt, exposing her bare, black furred pussy. Soft, wet, pink lips peeked out from the sleek, damp fur. Jace's eyes were wide, as his new, highly sensitive canid nose was bombarded with the musky, needy scent of the panther warrior who stood practically straddling him. With her free hand, Orianna reached out and grabbed Jace's head firmly with her paw. He felt her claws dig gently but firmly into his head fur.

"Well? Don't just stare. Get to work." Orianna said, her voice a seductive purr. She pulled his head forward firmly, but Jace didn't even bother to resist. His muzzle was pressed tightly into the panther's moist pussy, and Orianna held him there. She began to grind her hips forward, growling softly under her breath as she humped herself into Jace's muzzle.

As if by instinct, Jace began to lick at the damp, musky pussy he was practically being force fed by the female warrior. His tongue lapped up and down her dripping pussy, pressing his tongue between her nether lips to lap at her flowing juices. He had never touched a woman before, let alone tasted one, and Jace was surprised that Orianna's pussy tasted even better than it smelled.

The panther groaned above him, gripping his head tightly, now with two paws, and began to hump and grind harder into his muzzle. Her toned thighs squeezed in on the sides of his head, and Jace reached up to hold onto her upper legs for support, as he sat on the damp ground in front of her and ate a second breakfast of wet panther pussy. His cock hardened quickly as he devoured her, and soon it was pressing uncomfortably into the hide breeches he wore. Letting go of Orianna's legs, Jace began to blindly fumble for the laces of his pants, so as to free himself.

"Mmm, that's it, boy." Orianna purred, continuing to hump Jace's muzzle. "For one who has no experience with woman, you sure know how to eat a pussy, Jace Darren. It must be those natural instincts you claim this body has. You are lucky." She growled loudly, her legs flexing on either side of his head as he closed his lips around the little bud of her clit and began to suck.

"Ugh... As am I, it seems." She panted out. "Just like that, boy. Suck on my clit. Make me cum on that face, It's been a long time for me." Jace was finding it difficult to breath, his mouth and nose was pressed so tightly into Orianna's pussy. Her paws had not released his head, and he could feel her thighs and ass twitching and shaking as he lapped and sucked at her dripping pussy. Musky pussy juice ran down his chin, soaking the fur on his face. Jace finally got his pants undone, and his paw closed around his own hard, throbbing cock. He began to pump up and down his pulsing shaft.

Jace was no stranger to jerking off, but never had he been as turned on as this before, with his face held between the legs of a panting, moaning panther as he devoured her soaking wet pussy. His cock twitched violently in his hand as he fucked his own paw, sticky pre-cum drooling from the tip and down over his fingers. He groaned into Orianna's pussy as the panther ran her paws affectionately through his head fur.

"I'm going to cum," She panted, her voice husky. "Don't stop, my little wolf. Make this pussy purr...." That was all the instruction Jace needed. He locked his lips around Orianna's clit and began to suck, hard, his tongue flicking against it hard. Orianna yeowled in pleasure, gripping his head tightly to her, her legs twitching and her tail lashing back and forth as her pussy gushed hot juices all down his face and chin.

It took the panther a moment to come down from her climax, and as she did she ran her fingers through Jace's hair and rubbed her soaking pussy on his face, mussing his fur as he gasped for air. She looked back over her shoulder at his own groin, where his paw worked furiously at his throbbing cock.

"Mmm, so the wolf does get off eating panther cunt. Well, go ahead my little wolf, cum for me. Cum with your face dripping in my juices. Show me how much you appreciate my attention."

"Unng fuckkk..." Jace moaned, his balls tightening in his sack. His cock throbbed hard in his paw, twitching as it squirted shot after shot of pre-cum before he finally felt his climax coming on in full. "I'm gonna cum..." He groaned. Orianna watched on, her eyes hungry, purring low and seductive as she held Jace's face to her moist pussy lips. She grinned as his cock twitched once, twice, three times, shooting thick ropes of hot, white cum into the air and onto the wolf's belly. More cum oozed from Jace's tip, over his fingers and down his paw.

"That's a good boy." Orianna said, finally releasing Jace's head and stepping away from here he sat in front of her. "That is what I like to see in a man. Good at fighting, good at eating pussy." She adjusted her hide skirt, and picked up her swords where they lay beside the tree.

"Go ahead and clean yourself up. We have a long way to walk today, and won't likely reach the edge of the woods before night falls." Jace just looked up at her in a daze and nodded.

"Yeah," He panted. The panther grinned her toothy grin, her eyes half lidded with satisfaction.

"Perhaps I will share my body with you further tonight. If you stay on my good side." She coaxed him. Jace felt his cock give another firm twitch in his paw. He liked the idea of Orianna sharing her body with him, as she put it. He wiped his paw in the grass and pulled himself to his feet.

"Well, let's get going, I guess." He said enthusiastically.