A Cat's Favorite Thing is the Rain (Part 1)

Story by notrussianspy on SoFurry

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#1 of Spy's Backstory

I recently got a character and I was inspired to write a backstory, but it wouldn't be a proper story without plenty of lewd scenes. I should finish the backstory completely within a week or two.

I wanted to go with this idea that the guilds we're familiar with from games like D&D are still around in modern times, but with much, much different roles and amount of power. Spy finds himself wrapped up in a quest from the Rogue's guild, which is looking to regain the glory of the olden days, then encounters a mysterious stranger that seems to make him agree to something, but he's not sure what.

Anyways, let me know what you think!

It was raining. The drizzle created a soft din when it landed on the tarp that was hanging above Esper's head. The mottled, blue and brown cat smiled, letting his fangs glint in the little amount of light that slipped under the old tarp. He may be a cat, but he loved the rain. A fat drop landed on his nose. The smiled instantly disappeared and Esper slunk his slim frame deeper into his makeshift cave. Ok, maybe he didn't like the rain after all. He watched the faded figures pass on the sidewalk at the opening of the alley, rushing in the rain, trying to stay dry. He had to wait. Not much longer, he thought. His paw filtered through the fur of his chest, weaving its way through the thick, slightly matted, colorful fluff. Grooming was next on the list, he thought. More figures rushed through the stormy weather. His claws traced up his chest and underneath his collar. It was an old, leather collar, with a ring that would've held a nametag a long time ago. He gripped the ring. Not much longer underneath the tarp. His ears flicked around. A small leak found its way into the back of the hideout. He pulled his tail up and crouched. Posing as a homeless feline rarely had its perks, but the guild deemed it necessary. The guild. He sighed. The rogue's guild. The organization he's been a part of for too much of his life. Organization made it sound too...organized. More like a band of petty thieves. Or it was, until one of the canines discovered other 'rogue's guilds.' The cat shook his head. He didn't understand all the details, but somehow his group of friends found themselves wrapped into something with much, much more history than Esper cared or wanted to know. He gripped his collar again. Somehow, this collar was connected to the history. Something about ancient runes, or symbols or something. The cat frowned. He didn't want anything he had to matter that much. What was his, was his, and the history or the story or whatever just frustrated him. He liked stealing cash and smashing windows with his friends, but...

Boots. Loud heavy boots splashed through the sidewalk nearby. Esper let go of his collar and pulled his hood over his large ears. The cat spotted the boots. Big, black, and expensive. They stopped at the front of the alley. From his position, Esper couldn't see the figure's head, but he saw that the figure had turned to face his tarp cave.

*Plop* An orange landed and rolled toward the opening of the cat's hideout. Esper picked it up. It looked like an orange, except it very much wasn't. It was much heavier and completely solid. This was the bomb that the newcomer had talked about. Esper's ears fell and his tail relaxed into a small puddle that had formed behind him. This was all real, he thought., and all much bigger than anything his friends were used to. Esper shoved the orange in his pocket and crawled out from underneath the tarp.

Words and memories flooded the cat's mind as the rain pitter-pattered on his hood. Merchant guild...proud history...retaliation...we will be strong again! Esper looked around. The figure in the boots was gone, but it didn't matter. He needed to go to the market. The cat quickly found himself lost in thought again. His friends regularly hung out in some of the underground tunnels that ran through the city, and they were approached last week by a complete stranger. She wasn't physically imposing, but her voice held weight. She talked as if she knew us, claiming the proud history of the rogue's guild and lamenting the deterioration of what was once the most powerful organization in the world.

Esper winced at the thought. Organization. It sounded so...formal. A week ago, he was hanging out with his friends in the sewers, now, he's a lifetime member of some terrorist organization. The cat rolled the orange around in his paw. Terrorist? He had a bomb in his pocket. No. Not a terrorist. The stranger assured him that it was nothing of the sort. The merchant guild needed to be punished for what it did to eliminate the rogue's guild. Esper shook his head. The details confused him, but his friends were very excited, and he didn't want to disappoint them.

He looked up. The cat had made it to the market, and there wasn't much left for him to do. It was an open-air market, but it was empty due to the rain. Esper kept his head down and walked quickly to his destination. His collar started vibrating slightly as he got closer to the booth. The cat clenched his collar with his paw. So it was magic, he thought. The words that the strange spoke that were so concerning to Esper last week only grew more strange as more and more of them became true. Magic? Feuds? Ancient history? It was all so mythical. Esper couldn't shake the feeling that it might also be real.

The collar stopped vibrating, and now became warm. The cat flicked his ears up. No one was manning the booth. He flicked his eyes back and forth. The market was startlingly empty. Esper frowned. Someone needed to see him. He wandered up to the stand and examined the fruits. Apples, berries, pears, the whole lot. Esper heard someone approach the stand from the other side. This was his chance. He snagged an orange and sprinted.


Esper tripped slightly and an orange fell from his pocket onto the ground. He kept sprinting and he heard the footsteps behind him slow. The cat slipped around a corner and under an overhang. He wasn't being followed. Esper took the orange out of his pocket and started peeling it. A real orange. The cat peered around the corner. The merchant had already disappeared, and the other orange was gone. Esper separated a segment of the orange and bit into it with his fangs. Juice splashed out and dripped onto his chin. He smiled. At least he got an orange out of the deal. A real orange. Esper sunk his teeth into another segment.

Suddenly, his collar sent an electrical shock into his flash. He yelped and gripped the leather around his neck. What was that?

You're from the Rogue's guild, right?

A foreign voice pierced Esper's thoughts. It was feminine, but strong. Wha--who?

I recognize the collar. What's your name?

The cat started to panic. How was this happening?

I will alert the authorities about the bomb you left with the merchant if you don't listen carefully.

Esper froze. How did the voice know all this?

Turn around. There is a door with a missing child poster. Go inside.

The cat turned around. Sure enough, the door was there. He heard it unlatch and pop open slightly. Esper pulled the door open and walked inside. It was pitch black, and even he had difficulty adjusting to the darkness. He blinked. He could make out that he was in a hallway, with some doors to both sides. It looked like a very old apartment building. Clearly no one had been inside in a very long time. But it was eerily quiet. He should've been able to hear the rain at least.

Go up the stairs.

Esper walked down the dusty hallway. The floors creaked under his feet. The stairs were similarly old, and he took them carefully and deliberately. On the landing was a corkboard. The cat ran his paws against it. What is this place? He followed the stairs all the way to the second floor. At the top was a door, and light shone from underneath it.

"Come in."

The voice came from inside the room and not inside his own thoughts. The cat pulled his hood further over his head and opened the door. He was immediately struck by the brightness of this room. He squinted and pulled back.

"Sorry about that. I don't like the darkness. It's depressing."

The voice was softer now and came from the far side of the massive room. The cat's eyes adjusted. He could now see that this room was lavish, with deep red curtains draped from a massive, luxurious chandelier. There was a massive, royal looking bed to the side and a huge open space in the middle of the room. In the far side of the room, there were two massive floor-to-ceiling windows that added more light to the enormous room, as well as some steampunk-looking devices and behind the bed was an illuminated make-up corner. In that corner was a small, white canine, dressed in a dark red robe that matched the curtains. The canine was facing Esper, and the cat froze in the entrance of the room.

"You have too many questions for me to answer, but I don't have time to answer all of them." The canine stood up and approached Esper from the far corner of the room. "Please, come in, find a place to sit. I have important issues to discuss."

Esper pulled back his hood, letting his ears perk up on the top of his head. There was a large loveseat on the opposite wall of the bed that he made his way over to. The canine stopped in the center of the room and watched the cat relax into the cushions. After Esper sat, he looked back at the canine and was struck by how beautiful she was. The robe was flowing, but it was wrapped in way that showed off her hips and chest. She was small, but strong, and her figure reflected that.

"I didn't know you'd be that cute."

The canine comments struck Esper.


"You look good in a collar." The canine clenched her fist and the collar buzzed and heated up. The feeling relaxed Esper and he unclenched his shoulders.

"I...thank you."

"You left the bomb, right? That was clever."

The reference to the market made Esper on edge again.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Steele. I'm a sorcerer."

"A...what?" The sorcerer smiled. "A sorcerer. Magic. How do you think I could talk in your thoughts?"

The cat was shocked. Magic? A...sorcerer? Those exist? The thoughts slipped easily from his mind. The warm buzzing around his neck made it difficult to panic and helped him relax again.

"I don't know...but I don't really care. Why did you call me up here?"

"You are a part of the thieves guild, if I'm not mistaken."

"Yeah, I..." It was getting rather warm. Esper pulled his hoodie off over his head revealing his slender but toned chest. "I'm sorry it's quite warm up here." The canine smiled. "Make yourself comfortable."

The cat looked up at the woman in the center of the room. She really was a stunning figure. Maybe it was magic.

"You were approached by a stranger last week, right? I don't mean to pry, but I need to see if my information is correct."

"Yeah that's correct. If your asking about what happened in the market, I don't really know anything--"

"That's fine, I just need..." The canine smiled as her words trailed off. "You're right. It is quite warm in here. Would you mind if I removed my robe?"

"Whatever you like, mistress." The word slipped out of his mouth. Habit. But it struck the right tone. Steele smiled and unwrapped the robe from her body. Esper's eyes followed the dropping cloth. The sorcerer stepped out of her robe and took a step towards Esper. The cat traced the curves of her body with his eyes, first watching her breasts sway slightly with her movement, her soft, silver stomach, her legs stepping with no wasted movement. The cat blushed. Steele lifted her hand and pointed at Esper, curling her finger towards her. Esper's collar responded by tugging his neck in the sorcerer's direction.

"I have to show you something."

Steele turned away and walked over to a table that was surrounded by intricate gadgets and devices. Aided by the light tugging by his collar, Esper followed the stunning canine. He felt his crotch warm up and his pants tighten. Is this...? The thought slipped away before it was formed.

Steele bent over the desk. She was flipping through some shelves. Esper was a few steps behind her when she started her search. Her ass was stunning and covered in soft white and silver fur. Esper's member throbbed and grew in his pants. This was on purpose, right?

A strong tug at the cat's neck pulled Esper right behind the sorcerer, positioning his hardening cock onto the soft fur between her ass cheeks.

"What's your name?" The strength in her voice was back.


"Take off your pants, Esper."

"Yes, Steele."

The canine snapped back: "You know what to call me."

The cat smiled. His fangs glinted in the light from the massive windows.

"Yes, mistress." Esper unbuttoned his pants and slid them off his body. His underwear struggled to contain his member's enthusiasm. He pulled off the last remaining article of clothing and leaned against his mistress. She was warm and breathing deeply.

"Take care of your mistress."

"Yes, mistress"

Esper crouched down and pushed his nose into the canine's pussy. It was intoxicating. He felt the folds of her body with his nose, then dragged his tongue along her pussy. His tongue was rough, and he felt his mistress shudder at the feeling. She pushed herself back into his face. Esper responded by wrapping one of his arms around her leg and pushing his paw up to her clit. He massaged her while he licked around and eventually inside her. Steele moaned and pushed herself into Esper. The cat used his other hand to rub his now throbbing and glistening member.

"Ahh! You...know how to--Ah!--use that tongue." The sorcerer managed through her moaning.

Esper responded by shoving his tongue as deep as he could inside her. Steele gasped.

"You greedy pet!"

Esper was pulled off of his mistress by his collar. He barely managed to keep balance as he was forced on to the bed.

"You will be punished for your disobedience." The sorcerer stood up and followed Esper to the bed, positioning herself over his dripping cock.

Esper loved the view. She was on top of him, and he relished the view of her tits and pussy. Her nipples were stiff, and her tits swayed slightly as she grabbed his cock. The cat gasped. Her grasp was warm, and his cock was incredibly sensitive. She lowered herself onto his throbbing member, enveloping his entire cock into her pussy. Esper moaned.

"No cumming until I say so."

The sorcerer started humping his cock.

"Yes...mistress," The cat moaned. This felt amazing. She rode his cock up and down, occasionally grinding into his hips when she took his entire cock.

"Use those hands," The sorcerer demanded.

"With pleasure." Esper grabbed onto her bouncing breasts and played with her nipples in his fingers. He was pulled up by his collar and soon his mouth was on her nipple. The sorcerer stopped humping and kept grinding into his crotch as the cat wrapped his arms around her body. He grabbed her ass as he sucked on her nipple. Steele responded by moaning loudly. She looked into his eyes.

"Fuck me."

The cat lifted her up and put her on her back on her bed. Her legs were wrapped around his waist and he slid his cock back into her pussy. The combination of her moans and the feeling of her rubbing on his cock was amazing. He thrust deep into her and lowered his mouth back onto her tits. She moaned as he started a new rhythm with his thrusts. In and out. In and out.

"Ah! Yes! Fuck me harder!"

"Yes! Ah! Mistress!" He thrust deeper and harder with each movement. His cock was drooling precum and it was mixing with her juices on to the bed and his balls slapped against her ass. He felt his orgasm build deep in his crotch.

"Mistress--I'm gonna--Ah!"

"Cum inside! As deep as you can!"

The sorcerer pulled him into her with her legs and Esper thrust as deep as he could. He felt her tighten around his cock and shudder in his paws. The cat's cock spurted out strand after strand of cum deep into his mistress. The canine moaned deeply and dug her claws into Esper as they both came. Her pussy squeezing every last bit of sperm from Esper's body. Some cum spurted out of her body and onto the bed. He shuddered and lowered herself onto Steele's warm body. They stayed together as their orgasms faded. Esper looked up into his mistress's eyes. They were a deep beautiful green, as if there was a forest to discover in them. He smiled, letting his fangs brush against her chest.

"Thank you, mistress."

She smiled and looked back into his light blue eyes.

"I trust I will see you again."

"Yes mistress. Whatever you need."

They stayed there for a few minutes longer. Soon, the sorcerer lightly pushed the cat off of her.

"I'm sorry to hurry you out, but I have business to attend to."

Esper climbed off and gathered his clothes off the floor. He slowly put them on as Steele went back to the desk with the fancy gadgets on it. Without looking at him, the sorcerer lifted her hand and clenched her fist. His collar tightened playfully around his neck.

"Don't you dare take off the collar."

"Of course, mistress. Why would I do such a silly thing?"

"Good pet."

Esper put back on his hoodie and left the building the way he entered. As he left the area, he couldn't shake the feeling that he agreed to something much more serious than he could immediately grasp. Whatever it was, it was probably worth it, right?