Scraps - Chapter 1

Story by Roken on SoFurry

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#1 of Scraps - A Series

Welcome to a new series I'm working on, "Scraps!" I'll be dabbling with it on and off, so don't expect regular updates or anything. This is just a fun, smutty, filthy thing for me to work on between editing and writing chapters in my main series. Even so, I have a fairly large outline for this series to ensure I'll be able to make content easily. I've got a cast drafted up, plans for each character, and all sorts of fun lined up! I hope you'll enjoy these filthy sci-fi romps~

Just fair warning: in case it wasn't obvious, this is a very sexual series. Do mind the tags!

Roa sprawled out in her bunk. The scratchy blanket didn't bother her much anymore. It was warm and easy to clean and, by now, very familiar. That fucking alarm, though, _that_always bothered her.

The hyena slapped her fingers over the panel and groped around for the right button. The blinking red light went out and the buzzing stopped, but she nuzzled and drooled into her pillow for a few more moments before heaving a sigh and shoving the blanket off. She scratched at her belly as she got up and stumbled from her bed to the door. "Fffuck mornings," she spat emphatically at no one. It was going on 1400 GCT by the ship's reckoning.

Roa didn't bother getting dressed before wandering through the salvager ship. It could be charitably called a "fixer-upper" or a "rust bucket" by some, but dammit, for now, it was all hers. She didn't own it, but she could stumble into the galley and drape her arm around that wall that separated the kitchen proper from the mess hall next to it and not have to worry about talking to anyone or wearing clothes, nice or otherwise, or any of that bullshit. So if anyone but the Salvagers Consortium asked, it was hers.

"Why do they call it a galley, anyway. Just call it a kitchen!" she muttered to herself and yawned. She pressed her hand clumsily over a button by the sink. There was a whine, then a humming as it began to heat up the recycled water. She guessed the terms came from old ships, but hell, this place was as much a floating apartment to her as anything. It ostensibly had small crew bunks but since she was alone, she was shacked up in the captain's quarters. "Ugh," she groaned. She'd thought about this a hundred times or more, but it was still so ridiculous to her. Who fucking cared what it was called? "Everyone knows what a kitchen is, you know? Galley...!" she muttered then beckoned impatiently at the sink to give her her damn hot water. Finally, it spat out a stream of steaming water into the mug she'd left last night--a happy little accident now--and filled it to the brim.

The ship suddenly filled with the sound of an electronic ringing and Roa hissed an annoyed curse. She glanced up at the oven instinctively, realized that it wasn't a monitor then fumbled around the wall for the right button. "Five minutes!" she yelled into the console. Her coarse fur bristled and she let off the button. The tiny, single-line display on the console read "Dispatch: Buck". Roa felt a giddy tingling in her fur and grinned.

The hyena gathered her hot water and hastily hopped into her seat at the helm a few rooms over. She cradled her warm tea and sipped at it for a moment as she looked over the instruments. The flow as automatic to her now: first, check the primary fault lamps for any immediate concerns, then bottom to top along the left-hand console, top to bottom on the right-hand console, right to left on the overhead. Everything was, of course, just as she had left it the night before. She sighed and slid out of the seat, hopping carefully up on her toes as she slid into the space behind the helm and picked out the last entry on the log. There was a brief, expectant beeping and then subtle, familiar hiss before the video stream came online.

"Roa!" Buck said. "You have a shirt on! How...professional of you!" he teased and looked over her through the video feed, apparently surprised by the green tank top she had on.

"Buck!" Roa grinned. "You should see the rest!" she flashed her teeth then hid them behind her mug as she sipped at her tea.

"Yeah, well, maybe later. You got rerouted last night. Someone apparently wants that scrap you got in your hold a little further out. They're paying pretty good, but I wouldn't hold out for a bonus."

"Yeah? Where's it going? And who's payin'?" Roa hugged her mug closer to her chest and made sure her breasts bunched up a little. They weren't especially big or anything, but she could see the dog's eyes trying to glance over the cup through the screen.

"Ah, no one special. Just some trader who likes those old chassis, I think," Buck said. Roa sipped at her tea a little louder and wiggled in her seat.

"And...where am I taking it?" she asked. Buck tried to hide a slight grimace, but Roa saw right through it.

"Carina IV."

"Carina...?" Roa groaned. "That's reeeal fuckin' far."

"Yeah, I said, they were willing to pay for it." Buck shrugged. Roa leaned forward a little.

"They know that it's twisted up real bad, right? I don't know that even I could straighten that pile of junk back into one piece." Buck shrugged again.

"I'm just sayin', Roa. That's the job order." The dog leaned back and rested a hand on the console, ready to close the line and get to the next pilot. "I'll send you the job package. Unless there's something wrong?" he cocked his head, puzzling out the look on Roa's face.

"I was just hoping to stop by is all. Sagittarius is so much closer..." she pouted at him. Buck just smirked at her.

"You're not wearing any pants, are you?" he asked quietly. Roa cackled and stood up.

"What do you think?" she grinned down at the camera then angled it up. She squatted over it and watched on the alternate monitor, admiring her own glistening, damp vulva before she reached down and parted her lips to reveal the pink flesh inside. "I wanted to come over and ride your face until it looked like you'd stood under a burst pipe!" she cackled again.

"Come on, Roa! This is a professional channel!" Buck groaned but she could see him squirming on the screen.

"Just give me some time to swing by and get this out of my system, huh? Besides, I know you want some, too..." she growled softly and grinned. She wasn't the least bit shy and squeezed her belly and watched on the screen as her lips twitched right before her piss splashed on the lens.

"Fuck, okay!" Buck relented and groaned. "God damn, Roa. I'll push it back a few hours and re-task you...!" Roa grinned.

"A few hours, huh? You thinking you're gonna squirt in me, too, then?" she teased and stopped herself from soaking the lens any further. She wiped it clean with her thumb then slid a digit over the pink flesh between her lips and made herself whine quietly. "Thinking you might get that knot in me and tie me for a while?" She tried not to shudder as she thought about it. _Damn,_that was sounding good right about now...

"If you'll let me..." he muttered sheepishly. Roa laughed out again and slid back into her chair.

"Then it's a date! Hook me up, sweetheart!" she flashed her teeth at him.

"Alright, Roa. Just...don't make me look bad, you know?"

"Why? You like your job?" she laughed. "Told ya, you should become my first mate!" This time Buck laughed.

"Bitch, you and I both know I'm the furthest thing from it!" Roa grinned. He wasn't wrong, at least not by _that_definition.

"Still," she shrugged, "I'd rather have you around where I want ya instead of being badgered and running errands!"

"Yeah, well, if it wasn't me, it'd be some other dispatcher you'd be fuckin'," Buck grinned.

"Yeah. Probably," Roa smirked. "Still, I really could do with a crew. This shit gets pretty boring out here."

"With you?" Buck laughed caustically. "I doubt it."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever! Just send me the damn files so I can get on with it, already!"

"Oh, I know. You're in heat and in dire need of a stud," Buck sighed dramatically.

"Asshole!" Roa grinned.

"If that's where you want it later..." Buck grinned back then reached up and closed the link. Roa rumbled and realized she hadn't let her hand wander away from herself. She grunted then decided to settle in for a moment, idly fingering herself with one hand while the other began to put in the coordinates to get back to dispatch. She paused a moment then called Buck back up.

"Your bunk or mine?" she asked.

"Mine, I think." He motioned to close the link again but Roa blurted out.

"You sure? I really didn't want to have to put on pants," she frowned and squirmed in front of the console. She watched Buck shift in his seat knowing that she was playing with herself just off-screen.

"Y-yeah. That's fine," he grunted, trying to keep a professional tone.

"Good. I don't think you'd want me making such a mess on your bunk anyway!" she cackled then groaned. Fuck, maybe she _was_in heat.

"Right. V-very good," he bit his lip and stifled a cough. "See you in three hours." He closed the link and Roa sat back with her feet on the console. Three hours,_she thought. _Three hours, then I'm gonna fuck him so hard he's gonna need medical leave for a week! She laughed to herself then let out a gasp as she slid another finger inside herself. Fuck, but it'd be nice to have a crew so she wasn't doing all this by herself.

Then again, there were some perks to being knuckle deep in the comm station.