Michael and Amanda, Chapter 9

Story by MviluUatusun on SoFurry

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#26 of Michael and Amanda

Michael is invited to join fellow employees at a local, popular watering hole called "Bruno's". Just before he leaves work, he's asked to assist someone with a computer printer problem. About 45 minutes later, he sends the computer information to another printer. Upon arriving at Bruno's, he meets Amanda who's attempting to get an Arctic fox to leave her alone. After successfully diverting the Arctic fox's attention to another "mark", Michael is invited to join Amanda and her co-workers until the Arctic fox leaves. In order to convince the other fox that Michael really is her boyfriend, Amanda uses that excuse to fawn all over Michael after Michael invites the other men to join them at Amanda's table much to the chagrin of Michelle Tierboskat. Half an hour after leaving with the Arctic fox, a snowshoe hare returns and accosts Michael for sending the fox to her. Later, the party breaks up and the couples pair off leaving Michael alone with a rather inebriated, and overly loving, tiger-striped vixen.


At Bruno's Tavern

The same week that Mr. Blaidd told Michael about his conversation with Mr. Rajako, Michael found an affordable apartment about halfway between SoGa Industries and the Panthera home. Everybody helped him move, although little Anne cried the whole time that Michael was moving. She was worried that Michael would never come back to see her even though he continually assured her that she was still his little sister and he would always return to visit with her. Finally, just before he left to complete his move, Michael took Anne in his arms, kissed her cheek, cuddled her close to him and whispered in her ear that he would be back to eat dinner with her tomorrow. This brought a sad smile to her face and a "Pwomise?" Michael swore to her that she would see him the next day and he kept his promise to her.


Michael had been working at SoGa Industries for two months twelve hours a day trying to oversee the repair and upgrade of all the broken computers and their peripherals; consequently, he had absolutely no social life away from work. All he did at night was go home, take a shower, eat a light dinner and go to sleep. He didn't even have time to watch humanimal television shows or visit with his "family", the Pantheras, much to the consternation of Anne. Needless to say, this was more than a little boring; however, on Fridays, he was allowed to leave work at 1100 and he was free all weekend, which he normally spent with the Pantheras. He was looking forward to the upcoming weekend because he was going to finish his furniture shopping and he was going to invite the Panthera family over on Saturday night for a small thank you dinner.

As he was thinking this, a male voice said, "Michael."

Michael looked up from the computer he was currently working on to see Albert Rooikat entering his office door. "Yes, Albert. What can I do for you? Please don't tell me you're having problems with your computer again."

Albert stopped just inside of Michael's doorway and said, "No. No computer problems today. I was wondering if you have any plans for this evening after work."

Now, normally when a guy asks another guy that question, it might cause guy number one to be a bit concerned; but, Michael knew Albert too well to think anything negative about the question. "Except for going home and eating my humble dinner, no plans, Albert. Why do you ask?"

"Well, Jonathan, Robert and I are going to Bruno's Tavern after work to blow off a little steam and have a drink or two. We'd like you to join us."

Michael was immediately suspicious. Even though Albert had befriended him on his first day at work, and he was, basically, a likable guy, he was a bit of a loud, rambunctious, boisterous schemer. So, naturally, Michael was suspicious as to Albert's reasons for inviting him along. Michael had no doubt his suspiciousness reflected in his tone when he said, "Really? Do you mind if I ask you why you're inviting me?"

"Don't misunderstand, Michael, it's just that you are a full human, something we've never seen before, and you're living history. I mean, how many 20,000-year-old people do you think we've met?"

Michael laughed and said "That's 20,022 years old, thank you. Get it right, Albert."

Albert laughed and said, "Well, excuse me, old man. I stand corrected. So, will you come along?"

"I don't know, Albert. After a short period of experimentation after I turned 21, and a few hangovers, I've never been tempted to drink alcohol."

"Amanda might be there. I heard Bertha telling Jonathan they were planning on going."


"You're kidding. You don't remember her? She's the one that greeted you so unforgettably on your first day at work and almost made you late. Also, she baked those cookies for you two days later and you have lunch with her every Monday. So, don't tell me you don't recognize her name."

Michael laughed and said, "Oh, yeah. But, why should I care if she's there? She's a fox."

Smiling at a thought that crossed his mind, Albert said, "Yeah. Isn't she?"

"No, no, Albert, I meant that literally; she's a red fox."

"Don't tell me that bothers you."

"Well, remember, I am 20,000 years old."


Michael looked at Albert for a second before laughing and saying, "Smart ass. Anyway, back when I lived before, there were no humanimals, and any human that even thought about a relationship with an animal was castigated and imprisoned. So, needless to say, I have a bit of a mental block about it. As a result, I can't imagine a relationship with anyone other than a full human."

"Good luck. You lived with the Panthera family after you awoke, didn't you?"

"Yes, why?"

"Didn't Dr. Leo tell you about the anatomy of humanimals?"

"Yes. But, his tutor Mrs. Sobaka got in depth with the anatomy lessons, though."

"Do you think that you could tell the difference between a full human and a humanimal in the dark?"

"Yes. After all, you still have fur all over your body."

Albert sighed irritably. "Okay. I have to remember that you think logically and as fast as a computer. Other than the fur, could you tell the difference?"

Michael looked at Albert for several seconds as he considered the question. Finally, Michael said, "Well, there is the situation of the head. I know that your head has a lot of human characteristics; but, there are numerous obvious differences."

"Michael, if you want to be happy, emotionally and physically, you're going to have to get over your prejudices."

"Okay, okay. I'll go. Besides, even though I've worked here for two months, I really don't know any of you."

"Good. We'll see you at Bruno's a little after 1100." He went back to his cubicle.


At precisely 1055, just as he was getting ready to leave, Michael got a call from Mrs. Gatopardos, the Vice-President of Telecommunications. "Michael, we have a small problem."

Michael hung his head for a second and thought, "Why doesn't this surprise me?" He said, "What kind of problem, Boss?"

"Miss Syracuse's printer quit working and she has a 150-page report to print before she can go home. I know you've got plans for tonight; so, if you can't repair the printer in a reasonable amount of time, do what you can to allow her to print that report; then, you can go home."

"Yes, ma'am. I'll be right there."

Michael thought, "Typical. I don't make plans very often; but, when I do, I have to work late. Oh, well, that's why they pay me the big bucks."

Michael walked out of his office and headed to Miss Syracuse's cubicle. He started working on the printer. After about 30 minutes, he came to the realization this was going to be an all-day fix, if it could be fixed. He got on Miss Syracuse's computer and found a printer that matched hers and rerouted the print command to the new printer and told her where this printer was located so she could collect the report when it finished printing. He waited another 15 minutes to verify that everything was working properly and then he called Ms. Gatopardos, told her what he had had to do. She thanked him and wished him a nice weekend. After this phone call, he left and headed to Bruno's.


Michael stood outside of Bruno's for a few seconds. He had never been the kind of person to go to bars, despite his experimentation when he was 21; but, he had told Albert he would meet him and the rest of the guys after he got off work. He opened the door and was greeted by a very muscular black and tan Doberman pinscher, Bruno himself.

"Welcome to Bruno's . . . human?" Bruno said, with more than a little shock in his voice.

Michael smiled and said, "Yes, sir. My name is Michael. I'm looking for some coworkers."

"I greet everyone that stops here. What are their names?"

"Albert Rooikat, Robert Jordegern and Jonathan Poema."

"Ah," he said, pointing to a table against the far wall and said, "They are at that table, Michael. Thank you for patronizing Bruno's."

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Bruno."

He smiled and said, "Everyone calls me Bruno. Please feel free to do the same, Michael."

"Thank you for allowing me that familiarity, Bruno."

Michael turned toward the table that Bruno had pointed out to him when he heard a familiar voice calling, "Michael!"

Michael turned toward the voice and saw a red fox vixen with black stripes walking quickly toward him. He recognized her immediately. Amanda Fuchs. She was being followed very closely by an Arctic fox in his dark brown summer phase. When she reached Michael, she threw her arms around his neck and said, "Where have you been? I've been waiting here like you asked me to do." She pulled him close and whispered into his ear, "Don't say anything; don't react; just play along, please."

Michael looked at the other fox who had stopped about ten feet back, and said to Amanda, "I'm sorry. Just before I left work, Mrs. Gatopardos told me that Miss Syracuse, you remember her, had called and said that her printer wasn't working and she had a 150-page report that had to be printed before she could go home. I spent 30 minutes trying to find the problem. I admit that I rushed since I had to be here as soon as I got off work. Finally, I just rerouted her print command to another printer. I stuck around for another 15 minutes to make sure that that printer was working properly. Then, I called Mrs. Gatopardos, told her what I had done and that I would work on Miss Syracuse's printer on Monday when I had all day to find and fix the problem."

As he talked, Michael surreptitiously looked around. He knew Amanda was using him to get the guy to leave her alone. Since the Arctic fox hadn't left the whole time he was talking, Michael was pretty sure he thought the same thing. In an inebriated, and somewhat tenor voice, the fox said, "You really know her?"

"Well, no offense, but, that's none of your business. However, I would ask you this. Do you think I would tell a complete stranger about why I'm getting to Bruno's at 1200?"

The fox's alcohol fuzzy mind took a few seconds to grasp the logic of what Michael had said; then, he answered, "No. I guess not."

As he scanned the bar area, Michael had noticed something that, if an idea that crossed his mind worked, it would be the height of irony to him. "My friend," he said in as friendly a tone as he could muster. "Why are you bothering this young lady when I can tell that there's someone at the bar that's very interested in you."

The Arctic fox quickly looked toward the bar and asked, "Who?"

"Don't give her a predatory look; you'll scare her off. But, do you see that snowshoe hare at the end of the bar?"

The Arctic fox glanced as casually as a drunk can glance and then said, approvingly, "Yeah."

"She's been giving you the eye ever since I walked in the door. Maybe you should go and talk to her. You know what they say about rabbits and hares." Michael gave him a knowing wink and a nudge.

The Arctic fox brightened noticeably, turned, and walked to the bar and right up to the hare. Michael turned and looked at Amanda. She had a look of complete and utter relief on her face. This look was mixed with a look of shock.

Michael smiled at her and said, "Now that I've rescued you from that obnoxious drunk and set his sights on another potential conquest, I'll leave you alone."

Amanda grabbed Michael's arm and said, "Maybe you shouldn't as long as he's in here. If that hare isn't as interested as you implied, he may set his sights on me again."

Michael looked at her for a couple of seconds before saying, "But, I came here to be with some of the guys from work."

"No!" She whispered forcefully. "If he sees you leave me alone, he'll know we lied to him. Come on over here and join me and my friends until he leaves. Please!"

Reluctantly, Michael let Amanda lead him by his arm to the table where her friends were sitting. She, then, introduced him to everyone at the table: Wanda Anaguma, the badger; Bertha Karhu, the grizzly-polar bear mix; and Michelle Tierboskat, the Serval. He smiled and greeted each in her turn. He also recognized them as secretaries who worked at SoGa Industries on the same floor as Amanda.

After the introductions, in a subdued voice, Michael said, "As much as I am honored to be the only guy in the presence of four very attractive ladies," Bertha and Michelle brightened noticeably at this and Wanda gave him a bored look. "I believe it would look strange for one guy to be sitting with four ladies. Since I was supposed to meet three of the guys from work, would you mind if I invited them to join us? That way, there won't be any strange looks or comments." Michael didn't realize how prophetic these words were.

Michelle, who was always a bit skittish, especially around men, asked, "Who are you supposed to meet?"

"Albert, Robert and Jonathan."

Michelle shuddered. "Albert? Why him?"

"What's wrong with Albert?" Michael asked.

"He's obnoxious. He's always making crude comments to me and I fear that, if he drinks too much, he may try to--you know."

Michael thought for several seconds and said, "How about if he sits between Wanda and Bertha? I'm sure they could handle him."

Wanda averted her eyes and said, shyly, "I would prefer for Robert to sit next to me."

Michael looked at Wanda askance. "Robert?" He asked incredulously. "He's a chipmunk. Aren't chipmunks and badgers natural enemies?"

"Maybe they were before the changing; but, now things are different."

"Ah, yes. I guess you're right. What about you, Bertha?"

"Well, I've kind of been talking to Jonathan for a few months."

"A cougar!? Wow! Bears and cougars were bigger enemies than badgers and chipmunks when I lived before. Things are definitely different now." Michael laughed.

"Wait! I know! We'll seat Albert between you and Wanda, Bertha, and Jonathan can sit on your left and Robert can sit on Wanda's right. That way, you can be close to Jonathan and keep Albert on a short, uh, short..."

"Short leash, Michael?" Wanda asked, sarcastically.

"Yeah. I was afraid you might find that phrase objectionable."

"Once upon a time, we might have; but, now we understand that it means keeping someone from doing something wrong."

Michael turned to Michelle and said, "Is that idea acceptable, Michelle?"

In a dejected voice, she said, "I suppose."

Michael leaned over and lightly caressed her arm and said, "I'm sorry, Michelle. I know you don't care for Albert; but, it wouldn't look right if everyone except Albert was invited to join us. However, with Bertha on one side and Wanda on the other, I'm sure they'll keep him in line."

She smiled slightly and said, "Thank you, Michael."

Michael walked to the table occupied by their coworkers. He told them of the invitation and they agreed to move; Albert was most vocal in his agreement, especially after Michael told them who was at the other table. When they arrived at the table, Albert started to sit between Amanda and Michelle, until Michael told him that it was his seat.

Where am I supposed to sit?" Albert asked and Michael indicated the chair between Wanda and Bertha. He turned a nervous eye toward Bertha and said, "Please swap with me, Michael."

With no sympathy in his voice, Michael said, "Sorry, Albert. Your choices are that seat or sit alone. Those are the only options everyone agreed to. So, either you accept the seating arrangements or your invitation is revoked." He hated to talk to Albert like that. Albert was, after all, basically a nice guy; but, he had given Michelle a bad first impression and she was scared spitless around him.

"Why?" Albert whined.

"Bertha is going to make sure you treat Michelle with respect. So, what do you choose?"

"I guess I have no choice." He sat in his assigned seat, grumbling quietly.

As he sat, Michael said, "Albert, you've always got a choice. It just may not be the choice you want."


They talked and drank; except for Michael who nursed his drinks as slowly as he could. Every time Albert started to get a little too frisky with Michelle, she would cringe against Michael and Bertha would calm Albert down by placing a heavy hand on his shoulder to remind him that she was still there. The funny thing to Michael was the way that Bertha would smile sweetly when Albert would turn a shocked face toward her. Michael noticed that Amanda was downing her drinks almost as fast as everyone else and was obviously starting to feel the effects. It was easy to tell because this lovely, shy, quiet red fox-tiger, who rarely touched anyone, was continually touching and caressing Michael's arm and leaning against him. Everyone at the table noticed her antics and made quiet comments which made him even more self-conscious.

Once, when she laid her head on his shoulder, Michael smiled and whispered, "You shouldn't drink so fast. Alcohol tends to lower one's inhibitions. We really don't want our proper Miss Fuchs dancing on the table with her top off, do we?"

Amanda turned, looked Michael in the eyes with her golden-yellow ones and said, "I'm eighteen years old. I'm old enough to drink and I'm going to enjoy it."

Michael smiled and said, "What you enjoy tonight, you may regret in the morning."

Somewhat indignant, Amanda asked, "What do you mean?"

Michael looked around the table and saw the knowing smiles. He replied, "How long have you been drinking alcohol?"

"This is my first time. Why?"

Michael looked at Wanda and asked her, "How old are you, Wanda?"

She said, "I'm 32."

"I don't think that qualifies you as the youngest here. "Michelle, how old are you?"

"I'm 24."

"How old were you when you had your first alcoholic drink?"

She lowered her eyes and said, "I'd rather not talk about it."

Michelle's attitude told Michael that that first time was because of some traumatic situation that she didn't wish to talk about. "Were you under 18?"

"Yes, significantly. But, I had my reasons."

"You've drunk regularly since?" Michelle paused before nodding.

Michael returned his gaze to Amanda and said, "She's had more than five years to build up a tolerance."

Michael returned his attention to Michelle. "Do you mind if I ask you how much you weigh?"

"125 lbs."



"Bertha, I know better than to ask a bear her weight; however, if you'll give a weight within 25 lbs."

"I'm not ashamed of my weight, Michael. Bears are naturally heavy animals and solid bone and muscle. I weigh 180."

Michael asked everyone around the table about their weight. Wanda's weight was 150 and Robert's weight was 140. Finally, he asked Amanda, "Your weight?"

She said, "115."

Bertha said, "We've all told you our weight. I think it's only fair that you divulge your weight, Michael."

Michael looked at Bertha and said, "Learning everyone's weight wasn't the reason I asked; however, since I know you'll harass me until I reveal it, my weight is 200."

Everyone, especially the girls, looked at Michael in shock. Wanda said, "Don't lie to us, Michael. You don't weigh that much. You can't weigh more than 175."

Michael laughed and said, "As you and Bertha so aptly put it, bone and muscle are heavy. I work out with Dr. Leo, Dr. Tigresa and Richard regularly and I have a large bone frame because I've got a lot of Irish blood in my ancestry; so, I'm deceptively heavy.

"As I was saying, Michelle is the lightest one here next to you, Amanda, and you see that she isn't drinking as much as you. Why? Because the more you weigh, the more alcohol it takes to get you drunk. When you drink too much, you wake up with a hangover and, believe me from personal experience, that isn't fun. Your head will hurt so bad, you'll believe you'll have to get better just to die."

"I can't help it, Michael. That Arctic fox you rescued me from keeps staring at me."

"Well, stop looking at him or he'll think you're interested in him after all."

"Would you mind if I did something that might convince him to forget about me?"

"No, I don't mind." Michael thought that she was going to give the Arctic fox the old one finger salute. Boy! Was he ever wrong and surprised!

As soon as he gave her permission to try to convince the Arctic fox she wasn't interested in him, she climbed into Michael's lap, slipped her arms around his neck and gave him the most passionate kiss he'd ever experienced. Michael wished he could honestly say that he didn't find the kiss pleasurable; but, he couldn't. It lasted for at least 30 seconds.

When Amanda pulled her lips from Michael's, she laid her forehead against his and whispered, "I'm sorry; but, I believe he'll believe us now."

Amanda started to get out of his lap; but, for some reason even he couldn't understand, Michael put his arms around her waist and held her there. He whispered, "If you get out of my lap now, he'll know it was an act. Let me watch him for a couple of minutes to judge his reaction."

Amanda started nuzzling Michael's neck which caused him to have a hard time watching the Arctic fox. "Please be careful. You're about to cause a reaction that will definitely convince him."

Amanda, along with everyone else at the table, giggled and she lay her head on Michael's chest. Finally, the Arctic fox put his arm around the rabbit's waist and they headed out the door. Michael said, "They've gone. You can stop acting now."

"Who's acting?" Amanda replied impishly.

Michael looked around the table and saw everyone looking at him, everyone except Wanda. Wanda was watching the fox and hare leaving. Michael looked at everyone and said, "What?"

Bertha said, "I didn't realize you two were that close."

"Bertha, we were just acting to convince that Arctic fox that I'm her boyfriend."

Wanda pointed at the couple leaving and said, "That Arctic fox?"

"Yeah. What's wrong?"

"That hare is in for a surprise when they get to her place, unless she swings that way."

Michael looked at Wanda in shock and said, "Swings--? Wait a minute, are you saying . . .?"

Wanda smiled knowingly and said, "Yep."

Robert said, "Saying what?"

Bertha answered him saying, "That fox dressed as a guy has a surprise for that hare and it's a lack of something the hare is expecting, unless she's expecting to not find something in those pants."

Robert said, "Oh--my--God!" He turned to Wanda and said, "How do you know?"

Wanda smiled enigmatically, but wouldn't answer. Michael said, "Wanda, I didn't know you were like that."

"Don't knock it. It's helped me through the rare dry spell."

"But, you've been married twice and have two sons." Michelle said in surprise.

"My first husband talked me into it. He said the idea of it turned him on. I resisted for a long time; but, I finally said I would do it for him. I really loved him and wanted to do anything I could to please him. After a while, I started looking forward to it. When he realized how much I enjoyed it, he started feeling inadequate and left me, at least that's what he told me. I found out later that he was having an affair with the woman who introduced me to girl-on-girl sex. I still love him; but, it's all his fault. So, he had no right to judge me."

Looking at Albert, Michael said to Wanda, "Yeah. We guys can do some really stupid things sometimes, can't we?"


Less than half an hour later, the hare returned. Michael happened to be facing the door when she walked in and he could tell from the way she was walking that she was anything but happy. Almost as soon as she walked through the door, she locked eyes on Michael and stormed across the floor and confronted him. When she stopped in front of him, Michael saw that her clothes had been hastily put on her body and he knew why she was angry.

"You!" She said angrily. "You sent her to me!"

Michael said, "Calm down, Miss."

Everyone else at the table was staring at the hare and Michael. "Calm down!? I'm not into that. That--woman said you sent her to me. You said I was interested in her. You--"

"Yes, I sent her to you; but, in my defense, I was as ignorant of her sex as you were. She talked, walked, and dressed like a man. Plus, you were giving her the once over. I thought you might be interested in getting to know him, her, more intimately. Do you deny that?"

She paused for a few seconds before she said, "No. I--I don't deny it. How did you find out she was a woman?"

Michael pointed at Wanda and said, "She told me after the two of you left."

She seemed to suddenly notice Amanda. "Your girlfriend seems to have passed out."

Michael laughed and said, "She isn't my girlfriend. She's just a coworker who needed rescuing from--you know."

She looked at Michael and said, "That kiss she gave you after she sat in your lap could have fooled me."

"It caught me off-guard, too." Michael paused remembering the kiss. "I never knew it could be that . . . pleasurable."

Bertha said, slyly, "So, you did enjoy it."

"I never said I didn't; but, you know my situation, Bertha."

"Yes, I know what you say and you're going to have to get over it. Look, Michael, the only difference between a humanimal and a human is our heads and fur."

"I know. Dr. Leo and his tutor explained humanimal anatomy to me. I know that from your neck to your feet that you are nothing more than furry humans; but, you have to remember that I'm over 20,000 years old and, when I lived before, humanimals didn't exist."

Amanda stirred in Michael's lap and nuzzled his neck causing him to flinch slightly. He looked at her and saw a small smile forming on her lips. He asked, "Are you really passed out?"

Amanda's smile didn't change; so, Michael wasn't sure until she suddenly opened her eyes and looked around. He thought that she would jump out of his lap in embarrassment. When she saw him looking at her and felt his arms around her waist, she smiled again and gave him a quick kiss. She said, "Where's that Arctic fox guy?"

The hare said, "That Arctic fox guy turned out to be a woman, as I so unexpectedly found out."

Shocked, Amanda said, "A woman!? No! That was a man's voice, a man's walk and a man's clothes. He didn't have any boobs!" After a short pause, she continued with, "Who are you?"

The hare said, "My name is Ruby Lepre and believe me, my dear, she didn't have the equipment to satisfy me." Everyone, except Amanda, laughed at her statement.

Amanda looked at Ruby through alcohol fogged eyes and demanded, "Who are you and why are you sitting so close to my man!?"

The hare replied, "As I said, my name is Ruby Lepre. I'm the one your man sent the Arctic fox to. I have no designs on your man; although, I will admit that he is a very attractive human."

"I know he's attractive. That's why I put my mark on him."

Michael said, "Put your mark on me? When did you do that?"

Everyone at the table laughed, even Amanda. Michelle said, "She marked you when she nuzzled your neck. Didn't you notice how all the ladies backed off after she did that?"

"No, actually, I didn't." Michael turned to Ruby and said, "Do you smell anything?"

"I keep forgetting how a human has a terrible sense of smell. Yes, I can smell her scent on you."

Michael looked at Amanda and saw how she kept rubbing her cheek against his chest and smiling as she did so. He was at a loss as to what he should do. It kept running through his mind that Amanda, despite acting so human, looked so much like an animal. At the same time, fighting for supremacy, was the thought of how good it felt to have a woman want him so much that she wanted to mark him as her own. Michael didn't know about her scent mark on his neck; but, he was fairly certain that her scent would wash out of his clothes. As he thought it over, he decided that, if it makes her happy to mark his clothes, he wouldn't stop her.


Michael had been watching Albert and how he was acting toward Michelle. He had noticed that he was actually starting to quiet down and talk in an intimate voice with her. She was warming up to him; but, Michael could see that she was a little nervous if he put his arm anywhere near her shoulders. Michael said he was going to get them some more drinks and "asked" Albert to assist him.

When they reached the bar, Albert said, "Why do we need to get more drinks? Everyone's drink was almost full."

Michael said, "Albert, I've been watching you and I've noticed that Bertha hasn't had to calm you down for a while. That's good. I like Michelle. She seems to be a sweet girl; but, for some reason, she is nervous around guys and is especially nervous around you. I can tell that you find her attractive and would like to be a bit more intimate with her."

"Yes. I have always found her to be very attractive. I've always wanted to get to know her better, but she always seems to run and hide whenever she sees me. Since she's pretty much stuck here, I've taken the opportunity to talk to her and she's starting to open up to me. But, she's still nervous. What should I do, Michael?"

"Well, for one thing, stop trying to touch her. Not all women are the touchy-feely kind of woman, especially if they've had some kind of traumatic experience in their life and I believe that Michelle has had such an experience. Just let her take the lead and see where she wants it to go. Another thing, keep being calm and collected around her. She'll see that you're not such a bad guy and may even allow you to touch and caress her arm. Most women like that. But, most importantly, ask her if there's anything you can do for her, get her a drink, get her a napkin, anything. If you show her you're concerned about making her feel at ease around you, she just might start feeling at ease around you."

"Thanks, Michael. I'll try your ideas. I really would like to get closer to her."


They headed back to the table. Michael was proud that Albert followed his suggestions to the letter.

After talking for about another half hour, Ruby, who had been looking around as they talked, finally said, "Hmm. I see something that looks interesting. It was nice talking to you. Maybe we can do it again some time." She was looking at a white rabbit who came into Bruno's shortly after she returned from her education that things aren't always what they seem to be.

As she was walking away, Michael called after her, "If this one isn't a guy, you can't blame me." She turned her head and stuck her tongue out at him causing him and everyone else to laugh uproariously.

The rest of them talked for a little while longer when Wanda and Robert announced they were leaving. Bertha and Jonathan were starting to get a little frisky with each other by this time and caused Michael to use the "Get a room" line. They laughed and stood up to leave. Everyone decided to leave and Michael was worried about Amanda.

"Hey, guys, can one of you give Amanda a ride home? She's had too much to drink to be driving."

Bertha and Wanda looked at Michael and Bertha said, "Sorry, Michael. But, we live in the opposite direction from her. You live about three blocks away from her. You'll have to take her home."

Looking suspiciously at Bertha, Michael said, "How do you know where I live?"

"Don't forget, Michael; I'm the secretary to the Vice-President of Personnel. I have access to everyone's personnel file, thanks to you."

"So, you've been looking into my private information."

"Yep. When you started working there, I wanted to find out more about you. Well, actually, Amanda wanted me to learn about you."


"I think she's got a crush on you."

"Oh, great. Is that why she's been acting the way she has tonight?"


"And I thought it was because of that Arctic fox."

"Good luck getting her home." Bertha and Wanda laughed as they headed out the door.

Now, the only ones left were Albert, Michelle, Amanda, and Michael. Albert excused himself and went to the restroom. After Albert left, Michelle, who had been warming to Albert over the last half hour or so, was acting more than a little nervous.

"Michael, please take me home?"

"Why? I thought you were starting to like Albert."

"He's proving to be a good guy; but, I'm still nervous. He's a caracal. What if he tries something when we're alone, Michael?" She sounded so pathetically scared that Michael was afraid she would faint before they could leave.

Michael gently took one of Michelle's hands and said, in as conciliatory voice as he could muster. "Michelle, you live too far away and in the wrong direction; but, I'll tell you what. You take Amanda and wait for us outside. I'll have a little talk with Albert and explain things to him. Okay?"

In that sweet, scared voice of hers, Michelle said, "Okay."

Amanda protested leaving Michael until he said, "I'll be right there, Amanda. I need to talk to Albert alone before we leave." After he said this, she reluctantly left with Michelle.

Just as the girls walked out the door, Albert returned from the restroom. "Where's Michelle and Amanda?" He asked.

"They're waiting for us outside."

"Oh, okay." He started to leave until Michael caught his arm.

"What's the matter, Michael?" He asked.

"I need to tell you something before we leave." Albert looked at Michael nervously. "When we go outside, I'm going to give my telephone number to Michelle. I'm going to tell her that, if you so much as say anything that causes her distress, she's to call me and I'll beat you until you can't see. Do you understand, Albert?"

"Hey, man, understood. Michelle is special to me, too. We were talking while you were being accosted by that Ruby hare. She told me a few things that caused me to decide to change the way I act around her. I'll prove it to her tonight."

"All right, Albert. I'm still going to give her my telephone number in front of you to remind you of your promise."

Albert and Michael went outside and Michael gave Michelle his phone number as he told Albert he would do. Michael said to Michelle, "Michelle, my dear, here's my telephone number as I promised you I would do. If Albert so much as says anything you find offensive, you give me a call and, when I get through with him he won't be able to see for a few days."

"Really? You'd do that? Why?"

"You're special, Michelle. You don't deserve to be abused in any way."

She smiled, as tears stared welling up in her eyes, and said, "Thank you, Michael. Since you warned him like that, I guess I'll trust him--tonight. Good night, Michael, and please take care of Amanda. She's a special girl, too."

"I know and I will. Good night, Michelle. Good night, Albert." Turning to Amanda, Michael said, "Come on, hangover waiting to happen, let's get you home."

Michael and Amanda, Chapter 10

X Later That Night They found Amanda's car and Michael strapped her into the passenger seat. She dug in her purse and found her keys. Smiling impishly, she said, "Now, you can't stop somewhere and make copies of these. I don't want you to come...

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Michael and Amanda, Chapter 8

VIII Amanda Fuchs True to her word, Mrs. Impisi had housekeeping send someone to assist with making Michael's office clean and presentable that very afternoon. The two of them, the other being a young Rhesus monkey by the name of Miss Apina,...

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Michael and Amanda, Chapter 6

VI Confusion An insistent knocking awakened Michael. At the same time, a masculine voice was saying, "Michael, son, get up. It's time for you to find a job." "All right, Dad. I'm awake." "Good. Now, get dressed, get downstairs and eat." ...

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