Ancient Conditioning

Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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This is a story that I wrote for myself! I got such a lovely prompt on a Discord server that I'm on that I couldn't help but write it! Seracen is doing a little excavation when she stumbles onto an abandoned facility left behind by some long-forgotten civilisation. She doesn't know that it's still functional...

Stories are available two weeks earlier on my Patreon, and rough drafts even earlier!

Go there to see stories sooner, as well as some other perks!

Find me on my Discord server

Seracen sighed as she shoved off one of the mossy stones that made up most of the rubble on the floor. Her ship was nearby, but this planet was practically uninhabited. There were only a couple mining surveys with a few dozen people each. This truly was a forgotten corner of the universe. But, really, the dragoness couldn't really have expected anything else.

In truth, archaeology wasn't really her forte. She was more in the technology area, but there was always a glut of such people in a space-faring society. Especially for a shy, female dragon: most universities wouldn't even hear her out for funding. It's not like archaeology was any better funded, but there were far fewer applicants. So when Sera made an application to search for ancient technology on this abandoned rock, she'd been grudgingly granted a tiny ship and a small stipend to keep her going as she evaluated the ruins.

"Like this place matters," Seracen snorted, looking around her. It'd been a stone building at some point, but that didn't mean much. There was a lot of natural stone quarries nearby and this little structure had been spotted in a survey for ore. It was probably nothing, and Seracen had known that coming her. When space-travel had been available for thousands of years to various races, even otherwise-pristine planets occasionally had a few isolated places where someone had visited. Maybe travellers taking a slow method of faster-than-light travel, or pirates, and even spacefarers in need of repairs or supplies. They'd stop, build a temporary dwelling, stock up on supplies, and then scamper off again. Actually figuring out what was a lost civilisation as opposed to a space-hobo's shack was a time-consuming and frustrating endeavour.

As it was, the last two of Seracen's expeditions had been that, and granted her no more finds than a few busted fuel cells and scrap metal. "This won't be any different," she sighed, heaving another lump of rock from a collapsed wall to the side. She hadn't been able to afford much in the way of equipment, so the dragoness had to make do with her natural strength, though she was hardly well-endowed with that.

The black dragoness glanced at a scanner nearby, set to search for metal, underground spaces, or energy sources. Completely blank. Maybe I should call it a day, Seracen thought to herself, sitting back on her haunches. Her ship had a little living space that was comfortable enough, and right now, laying back with some entertainment on the large viewscreen was sounding pretty good. She'd also made sure to bring her favourite toy with her as well... A dragoness had needs, and working off a little of her frustration with her expedition might be good for her.

"I'll just finish this part," she murmured, turning over a few more stones. She'd promised herself that she'd clean the floor of the debris. Only a few more chunks of stone remained, Sera grunting as she shoved them back towards the walls, then sweeping her tail across the open space a few times to move the smaller stuff away too. "All clear." It seemed pointless as she looked at the shabby ruins, covered in moss and almost fallen completely apart. She'd use the scanner to make sure there was nothing below the building, then start checking the surrounding area. It'd probably be a couple more days before she could confidently call it a loss and head back, and there'd be time to write the report on the way back... Hopefully her funding wouldn't be cut off for another failure.

Seracen had only turned towards her ship when her eye caught the scanner again. Raising her eyeridges, she tapped on the screen, trying to get it to display...something. It was a rather cheap model so it wasn't very powerful -- or accurate -- but... "An underground space?" Seracen murmured, squinting at the readout. With the rubble cleared and the dense stone out of the way, the equipment could pick up something a little more.

It beeped victoriously as it definitely declared that there was in fact a space underneath the floor...the device just had no idea about anything else: how big it was, how deep, the construction, the contents... "Piece of junk," Seracen muttered, banging on the side of the scanner with her paw. It didn't change.

The dragoness was sorely tempted just to leave it be. There was no obvious opening or anything on the floor; most likely, it was a sink hole or just the foundations of the structure. She stomped a paw experimentally, not feeling anything different. Of course, she had been walking around on the floor for the past two days. "Ugh, just get it over with," she said. "Just do it now and check it off of the list..."

It took only a moment to fetch the laser drill, standing it on its tripod. Sera switched on the beam and it immediately began to vaporise the ground with pulsed bursts, drilling through the stone precisely and no further. A little motor whirred the laser in a circle too, creating a hole large enough for Seracen to poke her head through, if she was so inclined. She readied a little flashlight as well. Once she looked into the hole and confirmed that it was nothing, she'd be able to relax in peace for a while.

The laser began to beep slowly, the speed of each beep increasing as the pulses slowed so that it didn't go too far. The last inch of the stone floor was removed carefully, Seracen getting ready to turn the laser off and then poke the light into the new hole. The tripod began to rock slowly, Sera not noticing immediately, but then looking up in alarm. The stones beneath the feet were settling, moving beneath the laser as it finished the hole.

The dragoness took a step backwards. The hole shouldn't be large enough to destabilise the whole floor! But it seemed to be doing exactly that. The stones fell inward and carried Seracen in with them. She braced herself to land in a few feet on the floor of a cellar or something, giving a high-pitched yelp... But she just kept falling, and falling, right into endless darkness.


Sera moved groggily, moving her limbs one at a time. Her mind hadn't really caught up, slowly coming back to herself as she tried to force herself back to consciousness. It took a great deal of effort to drag her brain into wakefulness, especially when she felt the mass of aches and pains all through her body.

All at once, the memory of falling came back to her and the dragoness jerked fully awake with a yelp, wincing as that made sore muscles stretch. The floor...collapsed? And I fell...but to where? She winced again and then moved everything experimentally. Nothing seemed broken; she was just sore and bruised. Getting to her feet with a groan, Seracen looked upwards. There was nothing but blackness all around her; she might as well have been blind. Not even the light of the sky was visible above...she must have fallen quite a distance, or else somehow the hole had closed? "Could just be night," Seracen said to herself, taking a few deep breaths to try and stay calm. The darkness seemed to swallow her words into its silence.

Taking a careful step forwards, Seracen's paw brushed against something that rolled with her touch. "The flashlight!" she yelped, pouncing after it and grabbing it. The first time she switched it on, nothing happened, but as the black dragoness tapped it against the ground, a weak beam of light flickered into view. She picked it up and swung the torch in a slow arc, illuminating her surroundings. It wasn't at all what she'd been expecting.

She'd assumed that there'd been a natural cave or something below the stone structure, but the place into which she'd fallen could only be described as...well, as a room. It was rectangular, with sharp edges that were clearly artificial. It looked like it'd been made from the bedrock, but Seracen couldn't imagine how; there were no signs of tool marks or anything. There was a fair bit of rubble on the floor, and when she looked up, Sera saw a ragged hole in the ceiling. That seemed natural and the feeble light from Seracen's torch didn't reach nearly high enough to see back to the surface. It was conceivable that she'd fallen quite a long way anyway...and that hole wasn't big enough to fly out of anyway.

Seracen didn't particularly want to leave now though. There'd been no indication of subterranean development on this planet, especially not this advanced... This was almost certainly a find! A real, actual find! She turned her light towards the doorway and then clipped it onto a little clip on her horn so that it pointed wherever the dragoness was looking. Cautiously, she started forwards, looking around at everything.

The doorway was easily large enough for Seracen to pass through, as was the hallway beyond it. It was all the same smooth stone, and there was no door. The rubble ended once she left that dead-end room though, the floor empty except for a very thick layer of dust. The range of her light source was only a little way in front of Seracen, so she had to move slowly, new stretches of floor looming into view as she crept further down the corridor. She vehemently wished for the scanner; it had a basic echolocation mapping system that would have helped a lot.

After the old room had long vanished in the dark, she suddenly came across a new doorway, this one with an actual door blocking entry. It was made of a dark grey metal and wasn't at all tarnished or marked by the passage of time. Cautiously, Sera used the tip of a claw to slowly add pressure to the door. It swung open easily and silently, perfectly balanced. "Wow," Sera muttered. Working so well after all this time? I wish that I could date this! It would have been very helpful to roughly know how long this place had been abandoned.

The door opened and Seracen poked her head through. This room was a little larger than the one she'd landed in, her light only just reaching the back wall. It too was completely empty apart from a dense layer of dust on the floor. Giving a mild huff of disappointment, the dragoness examined the door more closely. It was oddly featureless, just a perfectly flat, matte piece of dark metal. Oddly, there weren't any hinges visible either. It simply attached to the wall.

"How odd," Seracen muttered, making a mental note to come back and examine it when she had her instruments and tools again. She continued down the hall, quickly encountering more than a dozen of those same strange doors and the empty rooms beyond them. "Wonder what these were used for," she murmured, turning from yet another empty room.

She was beginning to feel like maybe this was just an odd smuggler's cache or something, maybe made with a piece of stolen mining equipment. It didn't seem to have a purpose that she could guess at, except for storage. And either the people that had abandoned it had taken everything with them before leaving, or scavengers had picked up everything that had been left.

To mark a change, the next door that she encountered was in the middle of the hall, which ended abruptly. This door was the same as all of the others: featureless and without handle or hinges. Seracen gave it a confident push and like all of the others, it opened without issue, swinging wide enough for her walk through to the room beyond.

The dragoness wasn't exactly sure why, but this room felt much bigger than the others. She could feel it, maybe from the airflow or the muffled sounds of her paws on the dust. She looked around slowly, swinging the light in a wide arc. There was nothing but empty floor and open space, but as she looked directly in front of her, the dragoness had a nagging feeling that there was something just beyond the range of her light. She took a few cautious steps forwards and something loomed into view.

It was spiky and the same colour as the doors, presumably made of the same material. The thing stretched from the floor to the ceiling above, angular and with protrusions coming out about half-way up in a ring. These split the space around the column into quarters, so that four people could have clustered around it easily. "This is incredible," Sera whispered into the dark. There has to be some kind of purpose to them...I wonder what...

Like everything else, every surface on the column was covered in dust and, automatically, Seracen raised a paw to brush a little bit of it away. She probably shouldn't have touched it without equipment or at least gloves, but she didn't have any of those anyway. As soon as her paw made contact though, the column changed. Every surface suddenly became reflective, like black glass, the contours sharpening so that the entire thing became a faceted tower rising from floor to ceiling.

Far more startling was the sudden appearance of light, the darkness vanishing all at once and leaving Seracen blinking, temporarily blinded as she spun her head to look for the source of the radiance. As she slowly regained her vision, the black dragoness's mouth fell open. There wasn't a source at all. The entire ceiling, made of stone though it appeared, was now emitting a gentle white light that illuminated the entire room at once. It was larger than Seracen had assumed and there were another three columns spaced through it, though they remained dull and lifeless. The one in front of Sera was still like a giant cut crystal, though it oddly didn't seem to reflect the light or the room, drinking it in instead.

This is amazing, Sera though, turning off the now-pointless light and setting it down on the ground. The technology involved here was beyond anything that she'd seen. Even the mere lighting in the room was extraordinary! It was the column that held her interest though, especially the odd change that it had undergone. That'd been in response to her touch, so she could only assume that it was some kind of interaction device, possibly a computer or display of some kind... How it operated was quite beyond her knowledge, but if Seracen could find out how to operate it, then maybe she could get a clue as to who had made this place.

She pressed her paw against it again, touching one of the larger flat surfaces in front of her. Below the 'surface' of the column, it seemed to fall away, replaced with a black void. For a brief moment, it was empty, before white symbols began to form in the blackness, rising up close to Sera's nose in complex patterns before fading quickly for their replacements. Success! This was clearly a view screen of some sort, though the dragoness didn't recognise the language at all. Not even close, in fact. But then again, xenolinguistics was not her area, archaexenolinguistics especially!

The two 'arms' on either side of her little section seemed placed for something though, and the right arm had two large prongs on the very end pointed down. Experimentally, Sera pressed a paw against the left arm, moving her digits across a couple of facets. Nothing changed on the arm itself but several more facets on the main column began to show the same alien text. A few more pressed and touches got the text to change and Sera gave a satisfied trill. "I guess you're the control interface," she murmured to the arm, shifting a bit. As she did, she bumped the right arm and the thing on the end wobbled.

The black dragoness froze at once, ready to catch it if something fell and horrified that she might have broken it already. Nothing fell though, and examining the arm more closely, she was able to see that this piece wasn't actually connected. The arms were identical, but this one had something made of the same material resting on it. Carefully, Sera picked it up, holding it delicately. It looked...well, it looked like a visor. It was made of the same black metal, or crystal. She couldn't tell which anymore. Unlike the column though, this was translucent with a band that would have fit rather well on Seracen's head, or on most creatures with a similar shape.

Experimentally, she raised the visor-like thing to her face, gazing through it at the column. The surface almost seemed to disappear, letting the alien writing appear directly on the visor. "You must be an additional display," Sera reasoned, testing the material gently with her paws. It was surprisingly pliant and even a little stretchy, returning to its original shape with ease, despite the appearance of the material.

Raising it to her head, Seracen pushed it down her muzzle. The 'arms' on the visor had to bend a little to go around her head, but it fit okay, even if it'd probably have been made for someone a little smaller. Her entire field of vision was taken up, forcing her to see everything through the darkened lens of the crystal. It didn't seem to matter for the text though, which swirled right in front of her, three-dimensional and looking as though it was really there!

"Even this virtual reality is incredibly advanced," Seracen remarked, to no one in particular. "Let's see..." She continued to examine the column through the visor, tapping the little facets to get some changes in the swirling symbols. Without reading the language though, it was impossible to really divine anything about the machine and before long, it stopped reacting to Seracen's touches at all. That was to be expected; some kind of intruder mechanism would probably kick in with all of her weird touches. With the dragoness's random presses, she might have been navigating the system preferences menu, entering gibberish, or something else entirely. Even the rudimentary AI on her ship would only tolerate that for so long before implementing a lockout.

Sitting back on her haunches, Seracen sighed. It might be worth exploring the other columns, which she presumed were more terminals, but this needed a more careful hand. The dragoness reached up to take the visor off but hesitated before she touched it. Might come in handy, she reasoned. If there's an augmented reality function, it might point out other things too...

So, she put her paws down and decided to continue exploring with the visor on. The way that she'd come in was behind her, so Seracen headed for the exit on the other side of the room. There was a metal door there as well but it was already open and allowed Seracen to pass through. She stopped to examine the door, noting that if it was made of the same material, perhaps it was some kind of display as well, but it didn't change or seem any different through the visor that the dragoness was wearing.

The corridor beyond was mostly the same as the previous one, with doors evenly spaced along the walls, with only empty rooms behind them. This time though, there was light coming from the room in the same manner as the room before. There was also something about the visor though, it seemed to be...fractalising or something. There were very mild patterns that shifted as she moved, almost like looking through a window with imperfections in the glass. Was it always like this? Seracen wondered, but she couldn't remember. It wasn't anything to really worry about, so she just moved one, still checking each of the rooms as she passed them.

The endless repetition of empty rooms was beginning to make Sera feel a little grumpy, getting antsy as she kept finding nothing at all. "There has to be something!" she burst out after checking the seventh such room. She wasn't sure why it was bothering her much more all of a sudden, but the feeling of restless energy was making her growl a little underneath her breath. She was close to something, she knew it! Sera just had to find it.

There was a door at the end of the corridor and she headed for it, not bothering to check the other doors which no doubt had nothing behind them. This time as she pressed on the door, it didn't immediately open, resisting the dragoness's touch as though stuck. The urge to go beyond it was only getting stronger though, and Sera let out a little subconscious whine. The fractal patterns she was seeing through the glasses seemed to intensify for a few moments, before the door rippled and opened by itself.

The room beyond was only slightly larger than the side rooms, with another column in the very centre. This one had no features or arms on it though, and Seracen didn't have a clue what it was for. She just had the urge to head for it all the same. After all, that was why she was here...she wanted to be a good breeding bitch...

The sudden thought made Seracen jerk and gasp, shaking her head from side to side. W-What? I don't want that, the dragoness thought to herself, blinking at the column in something of a daze. The scintillating patterns, barely visible through the visor, continue to swirl in front of her eyes. Maybe...maybe I do want that...

It was hard to think, hard to decide much of anything, but Sera felt a heat beneath her tail that she hadn't noticed before. But now that she was aware of it, it seemed proper and right. She should be horny, should be wet...ready to become a proper eggslut for her masters. Just a breeding bitch, Sera thought groggily, a purr beginning to rumble in her throat, one that she couldn't seem to stop once it had started.

"!" she snapped, taking a step back as her mind momentarily rebelled against the programming that was sinking into it. "I' archaelogist..." The words didn't sound quite right to her. 'Archaeologist' wasn't a good job for her, surely. She wasn't good for much other than breeding; her pussy was the only reason that she was here after all...

The sliver of resistance that was fighting against the hypnotic control of the visor cracked and then submitted, the curious technology cementing its hold over the dragoness's mind in the next few minutes so that she wouldn't be able to break free of it again. The slow, deep purrs continued as Sera felt her need rise with each second, dripping liberally onto the floor as she imagined all the eggs that she would be able to make, how many times she'd be able to cum as a good breeding slut...

Morphing in front of her eyes, the column began to run like liquid. The visor had finished scanning Seracen's mind and genome, and it synced with the column, creating a facsimile of a dragon cock at what would be the perfect height for the dragoness. The visor wasn't quite done with its own work yet though, suppressing the parts of Seracen's mind that it didn't require and adding a little information that was needed for her new role.

With fresh eyes that recognised the column as a breeding machine, Seracen took a few steps forwards, trembling with primal anticipation already. The dragon cock that had formed out of the crystalline material was thick and long, promising to stretch her needy vent out beautifully. She gave a whine of longing as she looked at it, quickly turning and raising her tail, dropping low into a presenting crouch and then shifting backwards slowly towards the alien material.

It flowed again, reaching out to securely grab the black dragoness's hind legs and tail, locking her rump in place. Likewise, the draconic dildo shifted, moving slightly so that the tip pressed ever so lightly against Seracen's pussy, the featherlight touch making her whine and whimper.

A sudden, sharp pain in her sex made the dragoness yelp, but her concern was smoothed away by the visor at once. She somehow knew, the information welling up inside her mind, that it was simply a small viral compound, designed to make a few necessary changes to her genetic structure. Most of it wasn't something a breeder should worry about, except the part where it would make her go properly into heat, and she wouldn't ever leave it.

Sera panted and gave a soft churr, the prospect of being in a permanent heat, ever-fertile, sending a thrill through the dragoness. She didn't have to wait long for the effects to become noticeable either, feeling her need deepen as the arousal became more instinctual. Her folds puffed up even more than they already had, and arousal began to trickle from her lips to signal her need to anyone that could see or smell her.

There was only the machine though, and that didn't act for a while, letting Sera sink as deeply into her heat as she could. The dragoness began squirming before long but couldn't break the hold that the column had on her, not that she wanted to do that anyway. That would be disobeying and she didn't want to be a bad girl... So she merely squirmed and moaned and whimpered, tail twisting as it tried to reach her sex. Seracen began to imagine all manner of lewd things, all of which resulted in her becoming swollen with eggs that she could lay before starting everything all over again... It would have been heaven if it'd been true!

The dragoness's cunny was aching so much that it was almost painful by the time the breeding sensors judged her to be ready. Extrapolating the ideal mating conditions from her memory and genetic code, the draconic toy suddenly thrust forwards, burying itself up to the knot in the dragoness.

Filled in a moment, Seracen bucked, a wordless howl erupting from her muzzle as she squeezed her eyes shut. It felt so big, her pussy wrapped tightly around every detail of the length inside her, the end just nudging against her cervix. It stayed still for a moment so the full sensation of how she was spread could be felt, before pulling backwards and starting up a rapid pace of thrusting.

Seracen's pussy went wild, squeezing and clenching hard on the dildo as it plunged into her over and over. It felt like a dragon had claimed her as his, and was making damn sure that she would carry his eggs, the elation of claiming making him use her roughly and wildly...exactly what she wanted. Strangled moans and pants were the only sound that Sera could make as she slumped down against the ground, held up only by the column's hold on her rump as she was fucked. Not only were the instincts from her heat getting satisfied, she was doing what her masters had programmed her for... Elation and pleasure from both of those things mixed with the physical sensations streaming from her cunt, leaving the dragoness all but paralysed with delirious happiness.

Before long, the machine began to force the knot into Sera a little more each thrust, making it grow a bit with each one. The dragoness tensed, instinctively knowing that her own orgasm was tied with being knotted and properly bred. She was aching for that, needing it, and she soon got it.

The dildo shoved its way into her one more time, the knot popping in to lock itself within Seracen's pussy, achingly large. At the same time, something began to pump from the end of the dildo which was pressed right up against the dragoness's cervix. All of the combined sensations were too much for her and Sera let out an ear-splitting howl as her climax crashed through her. The dragoness's cunt clenched hard around the hard toy, milking it firmly for more than a minute. It didn't respond except to increase the rate at which it was pumping...something into the dragoness.

Lightheaded and drained, Sera rested her head down on the ground, panting and letting loose little happy purrs. There was no one around to tell her it, but she knew she'd been a good girl, getting bred so well. And the machine was giving her a good load too. She knew it wasn't really cum; she had a vague sense it was some kind of ultra-dense nutrient slurry, with some gene-growth and a few other things. It didn't really matter so she didn't really matter. All she knew was that it would help her make lots of eggs very quickly, and even give her all the dragoness's dietary needs.

The black dragoness gave a small giggle at the idea of being, in effect, fed through her pussy, but it was for the best. She was only supposed to get fucked and make eggs, and if everything could be condensed down to those two things, life would be a lot simpler...

She stayed still, recuperating from the rough mating as her belly slowly swelled from inside, making her look a little pregnant already. The machine knew exactly how much 'seed' she could take though, and slowed the flow once Sera gave little, uncomfortable squirms from the strange stretching. It kept her immobile and knotted though, allowing her cervix to seal most of the gene-seed inside her womb, and the walls of her pussy to absorb the rest. The viral agent also used the time to propagate through most of the dragoness's cells, making small changes like slowing her metabolism; increasing her resilience, especially in her pussy and womb; and generally making her an excellent breeder.

By the time, the knot deflated and the column made the dildo melt away, Seracen fancied that she could already feel the eggs forming inside her. The column retracted the bonds holding her, becoming flat and featureless, and Seracen knew that it was time to go for her cell. Now that she'd been properly bred, she didn't need to be in here anymore. The visor directed her the way that she needed to go, taking the dragoness to one of the empty rooms that she'd passed on the way there.

This time, the door wasn't flat and dull. It was shiny and had some of the alien writing on it. Seracen couldn't read it exactly, but she understood the meaning: roughly, it said 'Breeding Bitch One', and then some data like her age and species below. None of that was really important to her though, so Seracen just entered the room. The ceiling was shedding a soft light over the floor and the dust had vanished, leaving everything immaculate and clean.

Behind her, the door closed noiselessly, sealing the black dragoness inside the room. She knew what the result would be, but she pushed it gently with her tail to be sure. The door didn't budge; she was securely locked in the room. Sera didn't mind that though. After all, where else would she want to be? This was her room, where she'd have space to lay her eggs. She looked back at her side with an eager purr, wiggling a little. Not long now before I'm round!

As if in response to her thoughts about it, the 'stone' of the floor began to run like liquid, forming a kind of nest in the centre of the room. With a delighted churr, Seracen pressed a paw against it gingerly. Despite the appearance of rock, there was a bit of give to the material of the nest, as though it was a firm rubber or something. Either way, it was more than comfortable enough as Seracen slid into it, resting on her back against the side so that she could look down herself.

Her pussy was standing out against her grey underbelly, all red and swollen and glistening with her juices, the scent of her arousal filling the air in the small room and until she breathed in the heated aroma with every breath. There was a little bit of a swell to her lower belly still from the 'cum' that had been pumped into her, but it was slowly disappearing as it was absorbed into Seracen's womb, her body using it immediately to rapidly grow the eggs that had been fertilised by the gene seed. That, plus the changes to the dragoness's genome, meant that instead of it taking more than a year to grow a clutch, it would be a matter of hours.

Sera wasn't to be unoccupied for that time though. She was still panting from the effect of the heat and the programming on her mind, and without the slightest bit of embarrassment, she curled her tail over, setting the tip against her entrance. The dragoness gave a little anticipatory squirm and then thrust her tail into herself, as far as it would go until the tip jammed against her cervix, making her shudder and pant all the harder. It wasn't as nice as the feelings that the insemination machine gave her, but it still felt lovely.

She found herself imitating the rough, hard thrusts of the machine, moaning and panting as her juices covered her tail, belly, and a good part of the nest as well. She came easily and quickly, but without a knot or cum to fill her, there wasn't even the momentary relief from the heat. Even the fact that she was pregnant didn't turn off her heat, thanks to the modifications.

The black dragoness fucked herself with her tail until her tail got tired and sore, then moved onto her tongue. When she got tired of curling up that far, she used her claws instead, carefully playing with her clit and letting out squeals of pleasure as she orgasmed over and over. Then she went back to her tail again, fantasising about going back and being bred all over again, being the good girl that she was and making lots and lots of eggs.

As she entertained herself with her pussy and the endless cumming that did nothing to satisfy the dragoness's need, her belly began to grow rounder and heavier. The eggs began to form, growing at a rapid pace thanks to the technology that had been used. Seracen didn't notice much at first, concentrating as she was on climaxing, but when she moved back to her muzzle, she realised that it was getting harder and harder to curl up. The hard shapes in her womb began to make it impossible for her to reach that far, the dragoness giving a delighted mewl as she stroked over her belly lovingly.

Her tail kept thrusting and pumping away at the dragoness's cunt, but it faded into the background for Seracen. She stroked and cooed over her belly, the changes too small and incremental to notice immediately, but the swell of her scales was definitely getting larger. The excitement over the growth of the clutch made Seracen thrust her tail harder and faster, eventually having to rest her tail as she rolled onto her side, the better position with the weight of the new eggs.

She panted and whined, too large to reach her pussy easily with her claws or muzzle, and her dripping tail was too sore to continue. The black dragoness squirmed and tried to grind against the nest but there was no good position with her belly for that either. The heat was still there, her vent aching and throbbing, the eggs now denying her the chance to find even the smallest release... Sera moaned and panted, tail raised high like a breeding bitch was supposed to do, waiting for her belly to grow enough to lay.

Just as she thought that she was going to go mad from the heat and frustration, a pang ran through the dragoness's belly. She gave a yelp and scrambled awkwardly to her feet, not used to the weight distribution with the heavy clutch inside her. It's starting! Starting! The cramping pang came back again, making the dragoness gasp as she awkwardly dropping into a crouch. She'd never done this before, but she was sure that she could figure it out.

The contractions began to come closer and closer together, forcing the egg closest to the dragoness's cervix to begin spreading it insistently. The viral modifications had made those parts of her extra stretchy and resilient, as a broodhen needed, so it was easier than it naturally would have been for the first egg to slip into Seracen's tunnel.

Gasping as soon as it did, Seracen trembled. This was way bigger than any knot, her soaked walls taut and stretch paper-thin around the egg's shape. It didn't hurt though, pleasure making the dragoness's knees shake perilously as she began to push. Her pussy squeezed hard around the eggs, gradually forcing it towards her entrance inch by difficult inch. The constant dripping juices from the heat helped, as did the heightened sensitivity that the heat conferred. By the time that the slick egg began to poke into the open air, Seracen was on the brink of cumming. As the egg crested, she couldn't hold back.

She howled as the egg stretched her around its widest point, jerking as it fell into the nest and sent an orgasm crashing through her body. It rivalled the one she'd had when being bred, dwarfing all the ones she'd given herself with tail, tongue, or claw. This is what she'd been made for: laying endless eggs for her masters! And the climax made it all worth it, the dragoness panting as the next egg moved into her passage before the orgasm had even ended.

The next time she began to cum, the egg wasn't even halfway through her pussy, and the black dragoness didn't even bother trying to keep track after that. It all didn't matter. The only thing that did was the eggs that were pushing through her from her womb, forming a wet, sticky pile in the nest and giving her climax after climax.

Sera wasn't sure when the eggs had all left her, her sex feeling a little sore. All she knew was that there was eventually a time when there were no more eggs in her vent, and her womb felt empty as well. She rose shakily from the laying crouch, turning to look at the pile of eggs. They didn't really look like dragon eggs but that was fine; her master's didn't need her to lay dragon eggs, after all.

Exhaustion was making the dragoness's eyes droop and the visor informed her that she was able to rest now that she'd laid a full clutch. A warm feeling of elation mixed with contentment rose in Seracen as she curled up in the nest with her strange, alien eggs. It was comforting to know that, when she woke, the door would let her out again, and she'd be able to report to the breeding machine again.

More eggs, she thought sleepily, purring quietly to herself as she drifted off...the perfect eggslut in an abandoned breeding facility.