Spermatosaurus Dreams

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#3 of The Spermatosaurus Saga

The patreon reward series for Mohrahk continues with this chapter, in which the sergal starring in this story is driven by the monster inside of him to start fucking other people, and in many cases, outright raping them to spread the corruption and monster inside of him. Poor guy.

Commissioned by Mohrahk

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Spermatosaurus Dreams For Mohrahk By Draconicon

With his cock and balls soaked from the ice bath that he'd just given them, the sergal was finally able to drag his ass back to bed. He didn't know if he would be able to sleep, but at least he would be able to lie down without his perpetual hard-on and churning balls giving him as much trouble.

Still, the fact that he'd needed to basically hump his own cock into submission by grinding it through the ice water again and again until it finally went soft worried him. He knew that he'd been infected by something incredibly lusty, but the fact that it was this powerful, this potent...

Moh leaned back on his bed, shaking his head a few times as he pulled the blankets up. He knew that it was better to sleep, regardless of his worries. Better to sleep, to rest, and hopefully to stop thinking about sex for a while.

He closed his eyes and let sleep take him.

_The dream begins, and Moh is not feeling himself.

He looks at the world, seeing it differently. Not through eyes, but through other senses. He sees warmth. He feels pressure, electricity, life.

He smells females.

His cock jumps as he smells the first one, smells her fertility and the urge takes him. The Spermatosaurus needs to hump, to fuck, to mate, to breed.

Jumping from his place on top of a building, Moh feels his body stretch, elongating, moving like a beast on all fours rather than a man on two legs. He lands with a thump, but there's no hesitation, moving like a predator rather than a person, like a wanton animal rather than the person that he has tried to be.

The sergal tries to stop, but his instincts urge him forward, dragging him through the city towards the source of the scent. He feels more than sees the buildings around him, able to detect them, knowing not to bump into them, but his vision is more for the living than the created.

He sees her, now. Some woman, a vixen, perhaps. The shape makes it hard to tell, but he sees her hips, her breasts, the curves that mean FEMALE. He growls deep in his throat, his cock pushing free of its sheath and throbbing, bouncing, begging to be sheathed in living flesh. His hips hump, thrusting, grinding against the air.

She isn't alone, or he would already be on top of her. There are others, other females that are coming out of the car beside her. They talk, they chat, they laugh. Taking too long. He gets impatient.

Eventually, caution is broken by lust, and he lunges forward. He rips across the pavement, growling and slavering as he rushes up to them. The females turn, too late, as he jumps on top of the first.

She screams, but the sound is muffled as he slams her down, knocking the air from her lungs. His cock is out as he rips through her clothes, baring her sex. Some of the others are shouting, but weakly, barely able to pull in a breath as he starts humping blindly, his cock rubbing against the weak one's legs, almost sliding inside.

She gasps beneath him, and he feels it taking effect. The barbs on his cock, stinging her, injecting her even now with some of his infection, his corruption. The smell in the air, thick, heavy, already bringing the other females into rut.

They're his, or at least, they will be.

He finally lines up, sinking his cock deep into her, feeling her slippery inner walls clenching down on him. He moans under his breath, humping like the beast he has become, feeling his balls growing rather than shrinking as he humps harder, faster, deeper, penetrating her all the way to her womb.

She doesn't scream in pain, but in pleasure as he breaks into the deepest part of her, his poison and corruption already inside of her, warping her, breaking her. Her hips are growing, widening under his forelegs, and he can feel her dripping more and more. Her scent is so strong in the air, almost completely overpowering the other females.

Almost. Not entirely.

Moh grins ferally as he smells the other women, all of them starting to go into heat, all of them getting wet. Their scent is so strong that his cocks swells further, eager to turn them into breeding dens, into incubation chambers for his young.

The Spermatosaurus requires a great deal of help, after all, and needs to break in a number of females to have enough young to keep the population going.

He cums soon, filling the womb of the first one, the vixen moaning and cumming with him. As he dismounts, he smells her body churning, smells the chemicals shifting. She's already taken, already growing with his young, and her breasts are starting to fill with other things.

The other females stare at him, trying to take a step back, but their bodies do not obey. All they can do is stare at him, their eyes widening further and further as he looks from one to another to another.




He picks the wolf, stalking towards her, his balls churning and filling again, his nature ensuring that he always has seed to fill the females that he finds, his balls always active to make sure that not one bitch goes unseeded.

He growls at her, and she, almost like she can't help it, reaches down to her panties and drags them off. He bites them as she offers her leg to him, pulling her panties off and then knocking her to the ground.

He doesn't even let her roll onto all fours. Her legs are spread, her pussy is bare. It is time to rut.

It is time to fuck.

It is time to breed.

The Spermatosaurus growls deep in its throat as it fucks, thrusts, ruts the wolf under him, ignoring the screams that turn to moans, only caring for the urge that drives it forward, the horny need that makes it fill every victim to the brim..._



Moh screamed as he jerked upright in bed, gasping for breath as he looked around himself. The dream, the dream had been so real. Little shivers continued to run up and down his back as he looked around, half-convinced that he had dragged all four of the females back to the room with him.

But there was nothing. No sign of the females, no sign of the fur that he had been shedding in the dream, no sign of any raped women that were half-braindead and waiting for others to be bred further. Nothing of the sort.

The sergal panted until his heart started to slow down again, then slowly laid back down, staring up at the ceiling.

"That...that was..."

A shiver ran down his spine as he felt the instincts burning in him, the urge to hunt, to chase, to pounce on the women in the world outside. All it would take was a few minutes, an hour at most, to find someone that he could drag into an alley and use.

To drag into an alley and breed.

The urge was so strong, and the sergal groaned as he covered his face in his hands, feeling his cock throbbing again. It was as hard as it had been in front of the female on the tram, if not harder, and he swore that it was oozing into his blankets.


Moh wanted to go back to sleep, but he was terrified of dreaming that dream again. It had been so real, so horribly real, and it made him feel like...

Like a stud and a monster at the same time, like something sexy and something horrible all at once. It had been completely impossible, and yet all too real at the same time.

He'd transformed, then, and...

And looking down at his bulge, he realized that it was bigger than it had been. Quite a bit bigger than it had been.

I didn't...I'm not...

But what if he was?

The sergal reached down, his hand hovering over the blanket for a moment or two before he ripped it out of the way. As the wave of hot, powerful musk and pheromones came wafting up from his crotch, he stared.

His cock was more than three inches longer than it had been, and the tip was thinner, somehow, more pointed, looking like something that had been made to slide into a slit that wasn't entirely willing to take it.

More to the point, as he stared at it, he could see little bits of flesh starting to pull off from the tip of his cock, rising up like little blades of grass in the wind. Except that they didn't just fly off. They stayed up, pointed, firm, and as he stared at them, they started to inflate a bit, just like they had in the dream.

Barbs, he realized after a second or two. They were barbs, barbs that not only would serve to get the inside of the women that he slept with all hot and bothered, but they'd also start dripping, injecting them with the goo that would make them more likely to give him the children that the thing inside of him wanted.

He gasped for breath as he stared at the impossible transformation going on, feeling his legs spread a bit further as his balls grew, feeling them churning and growing heavier by the second. His fingers cracked, growing longer, heavier, more muscled, and he swore that the claws at the ends of his fingers were getting longer and sharper, too.

It wasn't a quick transformation, but it was more or less painless. A bit uncomfortable, but...


The name popped into his head. She had to know what was going on, had to be done with the other creature by now. If she had reversed that one's transformation, maybe...

He rolled himself to his feet, waddling more than walking as he felt his balls swinging between his thighs, reminding him of how heavy they were. He could hardly move without them getting in a position that almost made them pop between his thighs, and the sheer weight of them wasn't making things any easier.

Fumbling around, he eventually found his phone. He was one of the few people that still had a landline in this day and age, and he was beyond grateful for it, considering that he had lost his cell phone in the forest.

He dialed Vasilisa's number, hoping the Kotyavr would pick up quickly.

Ring, ring.

Ring, ring.

Ring, ring.

Ring -

"Nnngh. Hello?"


"Yes? What's going on? I'm busy right now."

"I...I had a horrible dream..."

"...Have some tea and go back to sleep then. I'm - Nnngh - busy!"

"But...but the dream...I transformed!"

"It was a dream."

"But I'm still transformed!"

There was a sudden stop of...something...on the other end of the call, and he swore he heard the Kotyavr pushing someone off of her before the phone was pressed to her ear once more. Suddenly, he seemed to have her full attention.

"What do you mean, you transformed? Details!"

"I...I've got barbs on my penis now, and my balls are bigger."

"How much bigger?"

"Two or three times? Maybe four?"

"Anything else?"

"Um, I'm getting longer fingers, thicker claws. I think that the ones on my toes are growing, too."

"You get over here. Right now."

"Can't you come here?"

"No. Get over here. Not you! You get out. You couldn't do it the first time, you're not going to do it the second."

"Is...someone there with you?"

"Not anymore. Get!"

Moh swore he heard the sound of someone getting kicked, followed by the sound of someone running out of a room. Maybe Vasilisa had taken the former Spermatosaurus home with her, and...

Well, done something that he hadn't expected.

"Now, get over here. I'll be waiting."


The End