Life Changing Events - Chapter 1

Story by Yasha14 on SoFurry

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The first chapter of Life Changing events! Follows the story of a fur who's sick of his routine and decides to sign up to a rather shady website which changes his entire life. For better or for worse? Who knows! No smut in this chapter, but more to come! Though, if that's all you came for, it should be easy enough to follow. ^^

*Bzz... Bzz... Bzz...* The low monotone ring of my alarm clock filled the dimly lit room. The clock red 7:30am in flashing digital numbers, which did nothing to illuminate the dull room. My body felt groggy, as though I had slept upon a rock rather than a mattress. The mattress was old, in dire need of replacement. I had the money, money wasn't the issue. It hadn't been for a while, since getting a 'decent' job. I took a few moments to savour the feeling of laying in bed, the dimly lit dawn starting to intensify in brightness. It hurt to look at it, suggesting that now was a good time to get up. I had left myself with left then an hour to get ready for work. It wasn't ideal, not by a long shot. But I didn't really care, I could rush and deal with the stress of potentially being late.

I dragged myself into the small bathroom. Looking into the mirror I smirked back at the average-height black furred wolf, gazing into the soft blue eyes that met my own. I held that gaze for a moment, debating if I needed a trim, or a shower before shrugging and continuing with my regular, mundane routine. It wasn't like I was unhappy with anything, just, bored. I had told myself my life would be different when I found that special someone. You know how it is, the one you dream about, that perfect match to spend the rest of your days with. I had tried dating, even on dating sites. Sadly, it seemed most people expected the same from a black wolf such as himself. They expected control, rough dominance, growling, biting. He just... Wasn't that kind of person. But after all, that's what it seems most Gay guys would want, is it not? A strong, controlling, trustworthy, loving, confident partner. It wasn't even as though he got the please of being expected to be a soft-dom. No, that stereotype went to the Bears. If only he could be a cute looking Collie, or perhaps even a Fox. 'But they're just stereotypes', a voice nagged in the back of my mind. True, they were. But stereotypes often carried a ring of truth or factual foundation to them. With every failed date I felt I was getting old. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24... Would it be wise to just settle and play the role it seemed society expected of me, if it meant achieving the affection I desired?

I continued with my normal routine. It was difficult to stop my mind from wondering with such mundane routines. Washing, Brushing, getting dressed and eating whatever snack sits in the cupboard with perhaps a cup of tea if there was time before heading to the car. Ah, the car. It felt like such an achievement to get it. With a car, I could do anything. Freedom. Limitless Possibilities. But now it sat there, so familiar with the same out route from work to home that it could probably drive itself to work by now. If only.

I arrived at 9am sharp. I forced an enthusiastic grin as I entered the large office rental suite, waving to the receptionist before heading to the elevator. As per usual, I hit the number '7'. The doors slid open to reveal the office floor. I forced another pleasant enthusiastic smile and lifted up my paw in greeting to the next receptionist, the logo 'OVPAutocare' on the wall behind her, shining brilliantly above her head. My smile soon faded as I realised nobody was around to see me. I moved through the corridor at a fast pace, determined to get to my office as quickly as possible. My job was an easy one. Social Media, marketing and sometimes graphics for a fairly low-key chain of garages in the city I lived in. I never cared much about cars, but it was a job opportunity relevant to my useless media degree and so I snatched it up as quickly as I could. It offered a very fair salary on a secure payroll. Oh! And my own office, with a plated "Akiri Truffel." Sign on the front.

My body seemed to go limp as I sat at my desk. There was a meeting at 11am to discuss the next marketing starter and discuss ideas. With an influx of more wealthy citizens and cars, the company was considering in taking up flashy car upgrades. Engine upgrades, flashy interior lights, the usual cheesy 'pimp my ride' rubbish someone might expect from a movie or Grand Theft Auto game. The slogan had been 'Unleash your ride'. It was a welcomed break from dealing with social media, being able to come up with simple Graphic designs was nice, even if I knew they would probably not get used. I had a few drawn up concepts, simple illustrated vector drawings of a revving car breaking chains, engines on fire and designs which looked straight out of hot wheels or a classic metal album cover. They were all stereotypical and lazy, but they got the job done. After a few moments of thought, I considered coming up with a few new sketches.

I found the best places for inspiration were often hidden away forums, rare hidden away gems of the internet. And so, that's where I looked first, starting with reddit then heading to some of the more reserved forums. Searching for topics related to 'breaking free' gave some very curious results. Some were posters and stories about people 'coming out' of the closet. The fact that people still cared about 'coming out' this day and age made my cringe ever so slightly. Then there were obviously some kinky posts and stories, which if anything made me feel more uncomfortable than give me inspiration. No, I needed to look deeper, deeper and deeper. "Didn't want to break free-." That snippet caught my eye. I moved my curses over it. It led to a hidden away blog to some unknown site I had to create an account to get access too. Curiosity led me on through the sign-up process. Some serious questions were asked, personal details but all of which were emotional. They seemed to want to know about the kind of person I -was- rather than details such as address or credit card details. Shortly after confirming my account, I gained access to the forum.

ISA the forum was called. International Slavery Association. At first I took it to be just another sketchy, filthy BDSM website kind of deal, not what I was looking for. But, as I went to hit the 'x' on the tab, I noticed there was an account clearance level. I had plenty of time before the meeting, and so curiously I clicked on my own 'level 0' to learn a little more. I was a level '0' because I hadn't proven I wasn't a member of law enforcement. Those words struck me... As I scanned the website over, I came to realize I had accessed something that should only be on the Darkweb. My stomach tingled in excitement and anticipation, my ears twitching at the sudden excitement. I carried on reading the forum post which had led me to this bizarre and secretive site.

The story had me at the end of my seat. It thrilled me, only feeding the growing feeling of excitement. Time ticked on, faster and faster. The story was from a 'slave' though, he didn't seem to be held against his will. Not in the slightest. The forum post told a story of a friend, who also was a 'slave'. The writer, his owner and this friend were on a business trip in America, where naturally slavery was highly illegal. After getting into some trouble in their vacation, the writer's friend got separated and returned to his family. The post was asking this friend to reply so that he can return to the secretive place he was being kept at. There were no replies to the post, but it shocked me that someone would openly, willingly want to return to such a life. Logically, that would suggest that there was something desirable to it. Images flooded into my head of that 'perfect' partner I desired. Strong, caring, controlling etc... I figured a wolf would be quiet desirable too, an open window of opportunity! My tail started to wave back and forth. The lack of freedom didn't matter if I was with such a partner. In fact, it only made my chest feel heavy, soft, warm and open. The more I thought about it, the more my chest started to ache slightly as if calling to this. I scanned the site, but with my low clearance there was very little I could actually get access too. There was one page which caught my eye under the 'newcomers' section. "Registration Sites Today." I navigated to the page which brought up an interactive map of the city. My tail gave a slight wag, though my heart sunk a little. To avoid the authorities, it seemed they had to change location daily. Not to mention, all the locations where in extremely dangerous areas. Ghettos, areas of high immigration, crime... The kind of place police rarely step foot in.

Though, one of them was a mere hours walk away. It was... A slightly safer area too. Looking on the computer, it seemed they would be packing up in 3 hours. I had a perfectly good attendance record with work, they can't complain if I miss one day due to illness. Quickly, I grabbed my surface laptop and shoved it in my bag, leaping up. My heart pounded in my chest, I could feel it pumping in my throat, I was even starting to sweat from the anticipation and fear of what I was about to get involved in. But, I -would- get involved. I simply could not pass up and opportunity like this. Finding the forum today, that forum being written and showing up on my searches... It just couldn't be a coincidence!

I slammed open my office door, almost hitting a badger who scrambled on, looking rather annoyed. I couldn't care less. I marched down the corridor, my bag in hand, skipping passed the receptionist. "Leaving? The meeting is in 30 minutes Akiri." I heard the pleasant squirrel call in a soft feminine voice. I rarely noticed how much of a Cliché she was. "Uhh... I... Send my Apologies, but I got a call from my Mother. She's had a bit of an accident." I said, it was a lie. One which would bite me in the ass the next time I stepped into the office. I was never good at keeping up lies, but it was the best excuse I could come up with in the moment. "Oh dear. That's terrible. I'm sorry to bother you. Hope it's nothing to serious." She said in a more solemn, concerned tone. "Me too." I replied, forcing a wince from a my maw as I quickly jumped into the elevator and headed to the ground floor.

The light from the elevator shun down on my muzzle, shining off my ebony black fur. My gut churned as I looked into the mirror... My mother... Father, brother... everyone. If I went through with this, like the writer from the forum. How would I ever explain it to them? Would I ever even be able to see them? Surely... I must be able too. Otherwise who would willingly give themselves in? Well, they should explain everything at the registration office. Taking my car was out of the option, the area was far too risky to just leave it. After all, I wasn't sure how long the process would last. I left my car at my apartment and walked. It was a rather hot day, and so by time I arrived I was exhausted. But I was here, and that's what mattered. I approached the building... But it seemed like just a regular corner shop/convenience store. A run down one, with torn branded names along the window... But functional in an area like this. Had I missed it?

My tail tucked slightly and I released a soft wince. No no no... I had wasted an entire day of work and come up with a ridiculous lie. I had gotten my hopes up, just to miss it? I took a few steps towards the window, peering in almost like how a child might stare into a sweet shop or toy shop window. I waited for a few moments, my breath fogging up the window as I panted, chest slowly rising and falling, soft blue eyes wide and gaping. It was in that moment I heard a voice. "You." I released a soft yelp and looked to my right, seeing a rather tall chubby bear coining and unamused expression on his maw. His outfit matched the area, a rough tracksuit but something about the way the bear stood... His posture, his expression... It told me that this bear was not the typical ruffian. No, he stood 7-foot-tall as if he was some sort of military officer. Rigid, straight, stern. His eyebrows knitted in a thick intimidating pattern, which suggested care and grooming to an intense degree. "Are you here for the registration?" He asked in a deep gruff voice. Excitedly I nodded my head, daring not to smile at the Bear, or look him directly in the eye, but I couldn't help giving a wag of my tail. My body was on edge, adrenaline flooded through my veins. I hadn't felt his good in a long, long time. "Hmph. This way." He said, motioning to a back alley leading behind the convenience store. It looked dangerous... Sketchy. But then again, everything about this was dangerous and sketchy. Besides he had come too far to back out now. Swallowing a lump in my throat, I followed the bear to a large white van with a door at the very end making it look like a motorhome. He opened the door and motioned for me to go inside. I stepped inside quickly, not wanting to upset the bear.

The interior was well furnished with polished wood, giving a rich vintage feel. To my right there was a fellow grey-furred wolf, just as tall as the bear. Despite his at least 7-foot-tall gaze towering down against my near 5'7 height, I felt comforted by the sight of another wolf. In front of me was a chair, desk and another chair, the desk swamped in paperwork, lamps, and pens. On the opposite chair sat a deer. The sight of a deer shocked me a little. I don't think I could remember ever seeing such an intimidating deer, his head tilted and eyes scanning me up and down. I lowered my ears, my tail curling between my legs as the wolf next to me gave a smirk. "Well... Isn't that rare? I don't think I've ever seen such a timid wolf." He said with a slight chuckle. I could feel the wolf next to me start to chuckle slightly too, I could imagine what was running through his head. 'He calls himself a wolf? Pathetic'. Or something along those lines, I assumed. "Ahehe, I c-could say the same." I said, before realising what I was implying. My intention was to point out his intimidation, and how rare that is in his species. Which didn't seem rude until I thought over it... But no, I had outright called the deer timid! My blue eyes went wide in shock for a moment, I noticed the deer's eye knitting together into a frown. I swore I could feel and hear his teeth gritting together in anger, perhaps even sense the rumbling beginnings of a growl from the wolf behind me. No... No... "I-I mean! I've never seen a D-deer so... I..." The Deer's from soon turned in a bemused expression. Had I ruined my chances already? "I-I'm sorry." I said quickly, my chest inflating and deflating exponentially. The Deer merely rolled his eyes. "Akiri Truffel? You signed up a few hours ago correct?" He asked, speaking in highly sophisticated received pronunciation. I couldn't detect even a hint of any regional accent in there. "T-that's right." I replied, before beging shoved forward my a mass for fur, which I soon indentified to be the bear. "Sit down." The bear spoke in a gruff voice, before turning to the wolf. "Be careful with this one, I say he's a cop." To which the wolf burst out in laughter. "What? This pipsqueak? Don't be silly." "Silly? Cops can act. A jet black wolf shows up after signing up a few hours ago? Most take a least a week to register." Replied the bear with a growlingly suspicious growl. At that moment the deer jumped up, waving a piece of paper in his hand along with the pen. "We'll give him the chance to prove it!" He said with enthusiasm which still manged to sound both sophisticated and reassuring. "Y-yeah I'll prove it!" I agreed. Immediately the deer handed me the pen and paper. "Sign below, and that's the registration process done."

The paper was a few pages thick. A lot of it was in small text, the kind which went on forever and made you loose what line you were on. I studied it for about 5 minutes, and barely got half way through the first page. "See. What did I tell ya? Definitely a pig." The bear spoke up with a low growl. My fur stood on end, I looked up to the deer with concern who merely gave me a bemused expression while tapping his finger on the desk impatiently. "W-wait. If slavery is illegal, why do I need to sign a contract anyway?" I asked, to which the Deer impatiently rolled his eyes again. "Yes but this covers legality in countries where it is legalized. Now, we have to be packing up in just under an hour. Do you really want to be a dolt and try my patience?" He said, his voice going deeper and tapping increasing in speed. 'Dolt'. Even his insults were sophisticated. My fur stood on end and I held my breath. "He's a Cop" The bear said one last time, slowly and with such deep bass it seemed to shake the entire van. "N-no! Here!" I quickly said, skipping to the last page of the paper and signing my name. "Finally." He deer said, snatching the page from me. "S-see I'm not a cop..." It was in that moment, I felt too paws gently rest against my shoulder. "I... I'm not a cop." I said again is a lower, more high-pitched panicked voice. The Deer merely stared, a grin growing wide on his face. "Oh, we know..."

There was nothing I could have done. Whether the paper was signed or not, the moment I stepped foot into that truck, I had sealed my fate. Despite that, as I lay curled up, blindfolded with metal bars pressed against my fur, could hardly believe the brutality of it. I couldn't react... It was as if time had sped up so quickly as the wet cloth was pressed against my nose and my body gave in to a deep sleep. Now my head hurt, forcing me to whine and ache through the muzzle they had strapped to me, every time my head slammed against the iron grid of the cage or crate they had locked me in. I tried to move my hands but predictably, they had been securely fastened behind my back, only adding to the feeling of being trapped and confined.

I released a soft whine... There was nothing to see. I had no idea where I was going, but I could feel the truck driving. Each bump forced my body against the bars of the cage. "Hey M, the pup's awake." I heard a voice call. I recognised it as the wolf from earlier. "Odd. Musn't have used enough chloroform." The bear replied in a gruff voice. I couldn't say anything with the muzzle strapped tightly to my maw, but I felt compelled to do something. I tried to scream into the muzzle, releasing a loud whiny noise, to which the wolf chuckled. "There. there pup. Not long now. Not long until you can live the life you signed up for." I felt his hand gently pat against the metal roof of the cage reassuringly. For some reason, I found it reassuring. My screaming ceased into a soft whine as he patted. The wolf seemed to notice. "Hah. This one won't be had to train." He said, before moving a hand down to gently scratch the exposed areas of my forehead through the crate. I couldn't help but release a soft murr and calm down even more. Yes... He was right. I signed the paper. This was the life I had chosen. It would be a good one.

It wasn't awfully long until the van came to a stop. The door to the cage swung open and I allowed the wolf to grab my arm and help me up. It was then I realised I was completely stark naked, yet for the moment I had so many emotions running through me I ignored it. I was quick to jump into the more caring arms of the wolf over the far nastier bear. I offered him a soft smile as he helped me up, to which he gently rubbed my fur and guided me to the exit and removed my blindfold, as well as the muzzle.

However what I saw next ruined the fantasy I was momentarily living out with my captor. What caught me by surprise first of all, is that it was night time. Pitch black night time. I had spent at least 9 hours travelling... I knew I could literally be anywhere. The wolf guided me down the ramp, to which I saw what had to be hundreds of vans all similar to the one I was being led out of. Each was forcing a naked person forward, towards a large complex, their arms tied in a similar fashion to his own. It looked like an abandoned factory made of red clay brick with large looming chimneys which dominated the courtyard. To add to the confusion there were bright floodlights illuminating the entire courtyard, as well as the distant sound of barking dogs. The perimeter was secure to say the least. Like all the other 'salves', I felt myself being pushed towards the building.

As I walked, my legs started to tremble. My fur stood on edge with a feeling of genuine terror which I had never felt before. As we came closer to the building, the scenery became clearer. We were being herded into an entrance way surrounded by guards and barking dogs. I felt the cold suddenly rush through my body and so I clung to the wolf as tightly as I could, who seemed a little flattered by it. "Sorry pup. You'll be okay." He said simply, before pushing me in with the other slaves. I felt my heart break as all of a sudden I was alone and part of a long line of confusion as we were marched into the factory building. I couldn't stop, I couldn't think, my head still hurt but I followed the crowd as a head bumped into my back. There were a vast array of species, but the most popular seemed to be foxes by far.

As we came into the building, the line stopped. The large door behind us swung shut with a loud, metallic groan, leaving us all shivering in the cold, wrists bound and completely naked. Each of us all had the look of terror and confusion on out eye, all of us thinking the same thing. I could tell many were regretting everything. I saw quiet a few teary eyes, particularly from younger ones. A young fox who looked no older then 18, probably wanted to be with his family. Then a cat, who had sat down against the wall, shaking his head slowly.

"This way, form a line! Form a line! Single file!" The order seemed to echo through the room and everyone complied, grouping up together. All but one. The feline from before, with strong typical orange fur shook his head, refusing to move from his seated position. A guard spotted him, another wolf though far more fearsome and menacing then the grey wolf from the van stalked towards the sobbing feline. "Up!" He yelled, before beating his nightstick against the wall. The sound of the nightstick echoed through the room, forcing myself and some of the people around me to recline in sudden shock at the sound. The wolf release a growl, raising his nightstick to strike the Cat. He hesistated for a moment, but the feline merely continued to sob, looking up and flinching. But it was too late, the night stick made contact with the felines face and I swore I could see a bloody tooth fly across the room. I don't think I had ever been so scared in my life... I stood there, naked, shuddering. Slowly, the line started to move forward. I took a step forward, but kept an eye on the cat as the Wolf guard suddenly leaned down and dragged the cat up onto his legs, harshly grabbing him and dragging him off. I watched, until the guard took a right turn ahead and the cat was completely out of sight. If I wasn't thirsty, I probably would have pissed myself.

The line shuffled on at a snails pace. I assume it was at least an hour until I was near the front of the line. In front of the line sat a Terrior behind a desk, a computer to his right. It looked ancient, but it seemed to be doing the job. I heard him say the same line repeatedly in a monotone voice, as if he had said it a thousand times. Eventually it was my turn. "Name." He asked, his eyes looking me up and down curiously. It was an obvious surprise even to him to see a black wolf here. "A-Akiri Truffel." I said. After a moment of looking at his computer, he nodded. After a few clicks he said. "Registered. Head to the right where you will be collared, processed and showered." He said, and before I could get in a word in he simply said 'Next!' and another person stumbled forward. I walked down the corridor. Further in the building wasn't half bad. A bit old fashioned looking and on the cheap end, but not awful or terribly run down. It almost reminded me of being at school. Eventually I came to what looked like a waiting room at a small Medical Centre with a tall Bear guarding the entrance, to his right a table which looked to filled with collars.

As I walked into the room, the guard grabbed me roughly, forcing a slight wince from my maw as the bear shoved a collar onto my neck, fastening it. I heard the lock of a padlock and winced ever so slightly. "It's tracked, so don't try anything." He said. I felt compelled to reply with a soft. "I won't..." However in reality my mind was already thinking of ways I could escape. What of my real life? What of my family? My car? My apartment? The feeling of a collar around my neck wasn't a new one. I had worn one before in different situations with people I had dated. But this carried a new meaning. This wasn't just a game, some love interest trying to experiment with what they knew I liked. No, this was real. I took a seat next to what looked like a fox mix. I opened my maw as if to say hello, but stopped. Not a sound left my maw as I lowered my gaze. What would be the point in saying hello? The likelihood of ever seeing this one particular fox ever again was extremely unlikely. Suddently one of the many doors in front of him opened. "Alex Rhinefield." I heard a voice call, and as if on que the fox got up and headed to the available room. And like that he was gone. I found myself alone once again, waiting in this room. As I waited more and more salved arrived. Each got a collar... My mouth was still parched. "Akiri Truffel." A voice called. My ears perked and I looked to the Female Tiger dressed in a white Doctor's coat. It struck me that she was the first female I had seen in this complex, but I didn't think about it for long. I didn't want to keep her waiting. I jumped up and quickly walked into the room.

The room... Actually felt quiet familiar. It looked like a regular General Practitioner's room, with that same chemically-anti bacterial scent. There was a computer, medicines all the rest all in that 2000's style wooden-plastic cheapish feel. There was a table and chair by her computer desk and she motioned for me to sit with a wave of her hand. "There's a glass of water if you're thirsty. Feel free to take a drink while I bring up your medical records." She spoke professionally, yet with a slight soothing calmness. I quickly grabbed the glass of water and chugged it down my throat, feeling the collar against my neck with every gulp. "Gah... W-wait... Did you say... My medical records?" I asked in slight shock. "Yes. Medical records. We have access to medical records in over 78 countries." She said, as if she was proud of her job and her accomplishments. Was it an agreement with the government to at least assure slaves had medical care? Or was it some illegal hacking? I didn't know, but as I saw my file on the computer, I gulped. "Other then a broken bone when you were younger, everything seems fine. HIV negative, Blood type C, Pure Canis Lupus. That's a rare sight. You have a good chance of being sought after for a good price." He commented like I was nothing more then an item or a pet. The thought made me blush ever so slightly. "I'll just take a quick examination and then I think that's everything." She commented. The experience felt surreal. A stethoscope to my heart, temperature all the rest. I took the moment to ask a few questions of my own. "So... Any ideas on what owners... Are usually like? How to get with a good one?" I asked. She blanked me for a few moments, fumbling with records. I felt like I had overstepped a boundary perhaps, bitten off more then I can chew. It came as a relief when she looked at me and opened her maw.

"This next stage might be a lot to take in. We need you to write a will. You can also request a method in which you'd like your death to be faked or you could go missing, however anything beyond a regular suicide or 'gone missing' will bump your own sale price up." She said calmly. My jaw almost dropped in shock. "F-fake my death?!" I questioned, to which she replied with an annoyingly clam. "That's right." After some consideration, I supposed it made sense. "I... Don't need a will. My possessions should go to my family either way." I said, I had nobody else who should have my possessions. "S-suicide... Is there any other way? No way I can... Keep in touch?" I asked. She took her pen and nibbled on it for a moment. "That would have to depend on your new Master, but don't get your hopes up. I'll put you down as gone missing for now." She said as she scribbled a few last notes on her paper. I smirked a little at that. I often tried to find comedy in the bleakest of moments like this. It was the 21stcentury, and here this feline was using an ancient outdated pen and paper method of data storage. Then again, I imagined that it was probably to avoid cyber attacks or data evidence from the authorities. Physical paper was always more discrete.

"All done. Go on, get a move on, head down the corridor to your left." She told me, getting up and making a shoeing motion with her hands. I nodded and quickly left the room with a soft wince, following her directions.

As I walked, I eventually hit a line. I was expecting to see the fox from earlier, but he was nowhere to be seen. I didn't really understand what was going on, or what we were waiting for. But, ahead of me a guard opened the door. "Next 10 in. You'll have 15 minutes to get washed." He said. "More clean you are, better chance you'll get to leave here tonight and not be stuck here." I dreaded to think about what life might be like stuck here for any longer then a day. I was determined to get a good wash. Myself and 9 other slaves rushed in. I assumed the tracker to be waterproof as out collars were not removed. The room we were pushed into looked similar to a prison shower, or perhaps a shower you might go to before using a public swimming baths. There was a distinct soapy smell in the air, and the humid steamy warm atmosphere was a welcome change to the hollow, drifty cold which seemed to inhabit the rest of the building. I lined myself up with the shower, releasing a soft murr as the warm water hit my fur, washing off any dirt. I was a relatively over hygienic wolf. I showered daily, and so my fur was always thick, fluffy and very healthy looking. But, another wash before being presented wouldn't hurt. I lathered my hand in soap from the dispenser. It had a generic scent, which almost made me think it was some kind of pet shampoo. It was probably better then nothing though, and so I lathered it against my body and enjoyed my last 10 minutes of luxury under the nice hot shower. Then, suddenly the water stopped and the door at the end of the corridor slammed open. "Line up and out!" A gruff voice called. I joined the single file line with the other slaves as we were marched out of the showers.

As we exited, the guard threw at us a towel. Each of us scurried to dry ourselves as best we could with what he had been given, though I could tell that, with us all being furred, we all desired the same thing; a blow dryer. After a few minutes the guard yelled. "Times up, throw your towel in the bin!" The guard yelled. And so, each one of us did without question. Shortly after, what looked to be like a rather old rabbit wearing a slave collar pushed the cart away. I wondered if the rabbit had ever had an owner, or if he had worked here is whole life. Just... Cleaning towels for an eternity. No wage, no possessions, no free time, friends, family... Such an existence was a scary thought. I hope I looked presentable enough to land in lucky, as I did not yet have an escape plan. Escape was out of the question with the security, the unknown location and of course... Guard dogs. I doubted I could look one of those vicious ferals in the eyes without crumbling, never mind try to out-run one of them.

It wasn't long until we were marched onto what looked like a backstage area. What I heard next shocked me beyond belief. Gunshots. Two of them fired and they were close. 'Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.' I thought to myself. Why were there gunshots? There didn't seem to be any panic, at least... Not beyond myself and the salves that surrounded me. After a few moments my panic subsided, though I could swear I could still hear ringing in my sensitive ears. As my panic subsided, I took a look at the backstage. There were outfits, curtains of outfits. Illuminated mirrors with collection of makeup caught my eye, the light stung a little bringing back the headache I had from the chloroform earlier. Or perhaps a new headache, maybe caused by lack of good proper rest. It seemed that each salve was being attended to by another... Probably slaves that belonged to the building like the old rabbit who collected the towels. I stood, my maw slightly agape as various slaves were taken to be dressed up. Then, a perky little rabbit who looked painfully flamboyantly gay dragged me off. "Oooh aren't you a cutie. I know just want to do with you!" He said with enthusiasm which made me grind my teeth a little. I had met this kind before, plenty of times. They looked to me to be the dominant partner in their lives, in their relationship all the time, due to my appearance. I thought I was at least done with that part of my life when I signed that damn piece of paper. The rabbit pulled me towards one of the mirros, grabbing asortments of various clothing types. "Aha!" he seemed to say, chirping away some tune which didn't fit the grim atmposphere of terror and fear which surrounded this place. "This will do nicely!"

I flinched as suddenly the rabbit grabbed my sheath and attached a small blue little device to my cock, locking it with a secure padlock. I was too tired to react, otherwise I probably would have snapped at the rabbit. Looking back, it was probably a good thing I was too tired to fight back. I winced in discomfort... A chastity cage? I had never felt one of these on me. I had no desire to be in one... I was suddenly rather worried. I wasn't sure what owner I would get. If I would have a life of labour or... Something else. By the way this rabbit was 'preparing me' I begun to worry it may very well be a life of 'something else'. "Oh don't be such a baby, give me a smile." He said, before giving a slight gentle slap to my cheek. I gave a slight blush as the rabbit presented a small T-shirt, miniskirt and stocking all in the same bright sky blue colour only the stockings had alternating white stripes. "Matches your eyes, cutie." The rabbit said. My stomach churned. "I... I'm not really the uh... Fanboy type." I complained, to which the rabbit simply rolled his eyes. "I make the decisions here, and I think you are." He said with what could only be described as sassy sternness. I gave a soft sigh and nodded, allowing the rabbit to dress me up humiliatingly. When I looked in the mirror, I couldn't help but blush. The blue seemed to work well with black, especially areas with blended into a sort of cyan and matched my own eye colour. But it was still embarrassing. "5 minutes left!" A rather posh sounding voice announced. "5 minutes and you're all ready. Told you I knew what to do with a cutie like you." He said, reaching out his paw to slap my ass lightly as he walked passed me. I released a soft yelp in shock, followed by a blush of embarrassment which seem to leave the rabbit with a bemused mischievous expression as he walked away. With my 'outfit' ready I walked over to the guard. Another wolf who looked down at me. "So this is what wolves have become? I hope your owner removes those, wouldn't want your genes going into the pool now would we." He said with a growl, referring to my balls. I held back a slight growl, remembering the sound of gunshots from earlier. "Ready or not, Get here over here!" The wolf called. A few late comers stumbled, but all in all the next 5 where ready.

Life Changing Events - Chapter 2

My black fur was illuminated by a large spotlight, cast on my body. The bright light forced me to move an arm over my eye to try and shield it from the piercing rays. I felt so humiliated, my legs shaking while another paw moved towards the pathetic...

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