Our first time

Story by Dapples on SoFurry

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"Dapples, the phone is for you" A light gray muzzle poked into a room that was purple and blue, unicorns and horses lining the walls. A light blue fur rested on the bed, reading a fairy tale. Her hazel eyes flicked to the door, light brown bangs falling into them so that she had to flick them out of the way every once and a while. The young fox mutt sighed, "Who is it"

"Stephanie" Her mother, a rather petite husky said, walking over to the bed, knowing that the 11 year old would accept the phone call. Dapples did so excitedly, without knowing rubbing the small silver patch on her nose.

"Hey" the voice on the other line said, in a rather seductive tone. Dapples ears perked in interest, she had never heard her friend sound like that before. She figured it was because she was in heat for the very first time. Dapples was fairly jealous, she wanted to know what it was like to be in heat, but of course Steph got to know first because she was a year older than her. "Want to come over?" Was all the other fox said, and Dapples agreed, leaping out of bed.

She ran a brush through her headfur, and through the long fur on her extremely long tail. The tomboy simply wore a t-shirt and some boy's shorts. Something about the way her friend had sounded promised that she had a treat in store. She bounded out the door and through the secret path that the two had formed through the oak brush. They lived right next store to each other, a best friends dream.

Dapples rang the doorbell with one of her spotted handpaws, shifting excitedly from foot to foot. For once Steph's mother didn't answer the door, but Steph herself. "My mom is out, so we have the run of the place," The red fox said, flipping her long brown hair from her face arrogantly. She stepped aside so that her younger friend could go inside of her house, which seemed to Dapples to always be perfectly clean.

The fox husky cross suddenly caught a whiff of a scent that was so pungent and new to her that her ears perked up, or as far as they could perk. They went up so far, and then flopped over at the tips. Everyone always remarked at how adorable it was, but personally Dapples hated it, because her grandparents and other older people would always come up and flick the tip. The scent was incredible, sweet and alluring, it made a tingling sensation arise in her nether regions...something she had never felt before, it scared her and she worried something was wrong. The burning feeling was almost a need...she didn't think it really was something wrong. Maybe she had to urinate, she mused to herself. Her thoughts were cut off when Steph grabbed her paw, and lead her upstairs demandingly.

Dapples long soft tail wrapped around her leg nervously, and she trembled lightly, the heat in between her legs was uncomfortable, and she ready to say she needed to use the bathroom when Steph slammed her room door behind the two, and pushed Dapples against the wall. She yelped a bit in surprise, and her eyes widened as one of Steph's black handpaws reached up her shirt.

"W...what are you doing Steph?" Dapples stammered, keeping her eyes lowered to the taller fox's feet, not quite sure how to react. Steph smacked her head against the wall and growled, Dapples slid to the ground and crouched there. The red fox ripped of her skirt that she was wearing, and then the tank top. Dapples had never seen her friend naked, and if her head didn't hurt she would have spent more time admiring her slightly wavy silky fur. The older fox spread her legs to reveal her puffy swollen lips. "This is what heat does to you" Steph panted, rubbing her own upper leg lustfully.

Dapples leaned foreward in interest, finding the source of the smell that she had picked up earlier. "Can you please help me?" Steph said, tearing up "please get rid of the burn" She moaned, beginning to stroke her own clit. Dapples wasn't quite sure what was going on, she furrowed her brows. Whatever Steph was doing it was making her feel better, and she was moaning.

Instinctively Dapples leaned foreword, drawn to whatever her friend was doing. "Take off your clothes" Her friend moaned. Knowing she would get batted at if she didn't, Dapples stripped down and sat next to her friend. She felt subconscious about being naked in front of her friend that was much better endowed than her. Steph's chest was incredible for her age, and Dapples was still moderately flat chested.

Steph pounced Dapples...not the playful pounce that Steph had done in the past when the two were goofing around. This was a lust filled pounce, and Dapples felt Steph's lips meet hers. The older fox didn't stop at that, she slid her soft wet tongue into her friend's mouth, pinning her to the ground and wrapping her legs around her stomach. Dapples could feel her wet treasure on her soft fur, and it sent shivers down her fur.

"Come on Dapples lets play a game" Steph whispered and nibbled on the blue foxmutt's ear. Dapples only nodded, and Steph stood, walking over to her dresser and pulling out some ribbons, snapping a red satin on in her hand, she sat on the bed and motioned for Dapples to join her. Something warned the small blue fox that it would not be a good idea to comply with her lustful friend, but another part of her was fixed on Steph's slightly wavy orange fur that looked so silky and tempting. Giving in the walked over and sat kneeled in front of the older foxette, looking up with her big eye that now were a brilliant emerald, the color that they were when she was unsure of something.

"Don't worry beautiful...I won't hurt you" Steph said in a seductive voice, running her paw through Dapples chestnut headfur in a teasing manner, pausing to scritch behind the other female's ear. Dapples nodded, not sure how to react, and crawled up onto the bed next to the dominant fox. Without hesitation Steph pounced on the smaller fox, wrapping the thick satin ribbon around her middle and pulling it tight, and pulled her closer.

Dapples eyes widened, she didn't know how to take this strange behavior, and found herself inches away from her friends muzzle, and somehow a pull from inside her made her lean those few inches forward and kiss her. Steph obviously wanted this and pushed her lips against Dapples, running her tongue into her friend's mouth and then straddling her on the bed, wet treasure rubbing against Dapples cream belly. This aroused Dapples, she felt wetness in her own nether regions...a feeling she had never felt before, but she decided she liked it. Dapples murred lightly as Steph rubbed her paws up her slim stomach and to her small breasts, cupping them gently she leaned forward and licked on nipple, making Dapples writhe with pleasure, yipping and growling at her as if egging her on.

Steph climbed off of her friend and laid beside her, spreading her legs so that her friend easily saw her treasure. "Pleasure Me," She demanded, sneaking a hand down her own swollen lips and pulling them back, even more of an invitation for the other fox. Dapples without question leaned forward, first licking at her friend's thigh, and then found that her teasing was not appreciated as her headfur was grabbed and she was thrust so that her nose was touching her clit. The sweet pungent smell of her friends pussy made her nose twitch, the movement obviously made Steph more aroused, due to the fact that Dapples nose was touching her clit. Carefully, almost timidly Dapples began to lick, finding that the taste was very new to her. She didn't dislike it, in fact the taste and the smell combined made her lick harder, and it was pleasurable to herself as well as for Steph. At first she was fairly clumsy with her licking, doing it fairly randomly and without any sort of aim, just exploring the new surface.

After a short amount of time Steph felt the heat rising, and she growled loudly "More more...don't stop" She whispered, tugging gently at Dapples headfur. Dapples seemed to have getting the hang of it, and her licks were longer and more systematic, she drew her tongue across her friend's clit slowly and laboriously, wiggling the tip of her tongue when she reached the tip, then she plunged her thick foxmutt tongue into her friends now very wet treasure, swirling it around and pushing her wet cold nose against her clit, growling with Steph.

Steph felt the pressure building up, and Dapples could feel the walls of her vagina rippling, the muscles tightening around her tongue. She still wiggled it, even as the orgasm rocked her friend, and she howled loudly, scratching at the sheets and leaving small tear marks in them. Female juices flowed out freely onto Dapples snout, she licked them up happily. For now the burning that Steph felt in her loins had subsided, her heat under control for the moment. "Thank you so much" She whispered, stroking her friends ears gently. Dapples crawled on top of her friend, and kissed her gently, not knowing how to reply to the thanks she was being given. The blue foxmutt then found herself in another unfamiliar position when she felt her friends paw on her rump, slowly moving around and feeling her own wet treasure. Steph's orange paw caressed her friends swollen lips, and then she dipped one claw in slowly, deliberately. The feeling was so intense and strange that Dapples yelped, digging her claws into Stephanie's back. Steph seemed to enjoy the scratching and slipped her finger up about halfway, slowly massaging the inside of her friend.

Dapples felt waves of pleasure every time that Stephanie wiggled her finger, and she whimpered and murred louder every time. She writhed and pushed against Steph's finger, to the older fox's surprise she pulled herself further onto the finger, so that her hand was covered almost up to her knuckle. It ripped...Dapples was no longer a virgin...but somehow the blue fox didn't seem to care, and just moaned loudly as she felt that tear, it was both pleasurable and painful. "Well, well, well...what do we have here" Steph mused, moving her finger a bit more before nibbling on Dapples neck, something that did not help calm her raging heat that she was feeling. "This just won't do, I must give more than just this...let me return the favor" Steph removed her finger much to Dapple's disappointment, but then rolled the two over, so that she was on top, and slid down to Dapples dripping sex. She licked quickly and hard, slipping her tongue inside of the smaller fox, trying to find that one sweet spot that Dapples had found on her. She could tell she was getting close when the blue fox howled loudly, bucking her hips against the building heat in her cunt. She felt it like a wave over her body; it was so powerful it knocked the breath out of her, her first orgasm. After the wave there was still a glow, and female fluids flowed from her freely, even more than her heated friend had "Wow" Was all Steph could muster before lapping up all that came out, a process that didn't end up cleaning her friend as she happened to orgasm again, not nearly as powerful but still she made a mess once again.

"Maybe we should clean up" Dapples mused a few minutes later of kissing each other. Steph nodded and they both looked over the other's cum drenched bodies, sweat matting where feminine fluids were not, even the two merging in places. Steph stood and held out her paw to her friend, her lover. "Come on...lets go" She smiled as the younger fox took it.

To be continued...