Labor Day

Story by Pyro_Wolfie on SoFurry

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#6 of First Mate

Labor Day

When Ryan awoke, it was five in the morning. As she sat up and rubbed her eyes, she'd notice a few things. First, she was on the stage of Pirate Cove, second, she was naked, and last, she was alone. So with a soft sigh, she would stand before shaking her head. "Ok, guess I have to go on a scavenger hunt."

As she walked around, she would keep her arms covering her chest, the wolf hoping to find at least her shirt or bra first. Fortunately enough, she did find her bra in the bathroom. Unfortunately, she found herself pressed against the wall and having a certain canine cock pushing into her rear.

"F-Foxy~ where are m-my clo-," and she'd holler as he began to thrust into her harder and harder, her beaten ring spreading around his probing shaft. As he thrusts, he would give her butt a hard smack, her rear jiggling from the impact of his metallic hand.

With that fat knot dangerously beating on her ring, she would moan and pant, her breasts pressed against the bathroom stall door, to which she blushes before she shouts, "Fuck my ass, Foxy!" Her mechanical lover would oblige, his thrusts hitting her harder and harder until each buck of his hips pushed her into the door.

When his chip counted down to thirty seconds, his bucking became more erratic, Foxy pounding her rear as much as possible until his fat knot pushed into her, locking her to him as his essence flowed within her insides.

Panting softly, she would look over her shoulder before giving Foxy a kiss on his nose, chuckling before she asks with a smirk, "Did the pirate claim his booty~?"

He would nod. "Aye lass, this pirate fox has claimed the booty." Her ears would perk before she rubs his cheek, the wolf smiling before she gives him a wink.

"Glad your voice is functional again. Anyway, let's go find my clothes, just in case someone shows up for a surprise visit."

After wandering the pizzeria, Ryan smiled as she was completely dressed, though she still had a fat knot in her rear. However, her trying to get Foxy to pull out was interrupted when she heard the front door open. Panicking, she just came up with something quickly and acted on it!

Entering the security office, her boss would walk in, only to see Ryan and Foxy in the same room, Ryan sitting on his lap. "Erm... Ms. Wulfe, I know I said you were to keep watch and whatnot, but I don't think that should have been taken as you sitting on the animatronic..."

Ryan quickly shakes her head, smiling as she rubs Foxy's arm. "N-no sir! F-Foxy and I have become... erm... best friends! Yeah, I know, so weird! I guess that endoskeleton program or glitch just corrected itself! Yeah... he uh, he's very friendly! Heh guess you can say we're stuck together... figuratively, of course."

Freddy would perk his brow, though he'd soon shrug as he says, "Well, alright then. Anyway, you can head on home. I'm just making peace with my buddy, Freddy."

Ryan perks her ears, unsure of exactly what he was trying to say. "Your peace? Are... are you trying to say...," and she'd lower her ears as she watched him nod. "Yep, indeed Ms. Wulfe. This place is just too old and not enough people are interested in it. I actually have a new place opening up, I just have to close this one down."

"But what about the animatronics? This is their home so... I mean, what will happen to them," Ryan would ask, slowly moving off of Foxy's lap, only for him to pull her right back down, a soft grunt escaping her muzzle.

Freddy just shrugs, though he did notice the grunt, but he simply ignored it. "They'll be scrapped unfortunately. Unless someone is willing to take-," and he stops as Ryan raises her paw.

"I'll take them all! Please? I uh... I want to remember this place and all the uh... good times I had... please?"

Freddy would give her an odd look, but he'd soon smile before he nods. "Yeah, go ahead. Just uh... lock them up this place when you're done, ok?" She would nod and smile as he turns to leave, though he stops, the bear shaking his head as he turns to look at her.

"Use ice."


Freddy nods. "With the way you're acting, I assume you probably fell so use ice. It'll take the swelling down. After all, there is more to a butt than just fatty tissue, you do have muscles in there."

With a soft blush, she would nod, the wolf giving her boss a two finger wave. "Thank you... yeah, I'll... I'll get right on that... I'll uh... I'll just rest here for a moment, maybe call my brothers, have them pick up Freddy and company."

Her former boss nodded in agreement. "Sounds good. Stay safe out there, Ms. Wulfe. Maybe I'll get to see you at the new building too," and he would then turn and walk away, leaving Foxy and Ryan alone, Ryan still stuck to Foxy's knot.

A few hours later, Ryan was making her way back home in a loading truck, Xander at the wheel, Hunter next to her. As they drove, Ryan would grunt before she said, "Watch... watch the bumps, please... I'm a bit sore, alright?"

Xander simply shrugs as he continues to drive along, but this time he avoids any unnecessary bumps in the road while apologizing for the ones he couldn't avoid.

Behind them sat Alex and Xavier, the two wolves a bit cramped behind the other three. Alex was simply looking at his phone while Xavier was glaring at Hunter.

With a gentle turn, Xander would ask Ryan, "So, how did you get all sore? I've seen you fall on your ass playing basketball with Alex and Hunter and recover faster than this. So, what happened?"

With a soft sigh, she says, "I was in Pirate Cove and I ended up falling off the stage... these uh... three guys broke in and I guess me falling off the stage scared them enough to run."

Xander didn't even nod, he just kept his eyes on the road. "You falling off the stage and onto the floor scared three people into fleeing? Alright, I'll believe it, just try not to scare anymore people by fling yourself off things, alright? Last thing you need is a broken ass."

She'd nod and smile before closing her eyes, only to open them when Xander accidentally hit a bump. "Oops, sorry sis," Xander would say, though Ryan would glare at him.

"You did that on purpose... actually, now that I think about it, where did you get the truck? Thought dad sold his?" She'd watch as Xander nods before he gives her a soft smile and a wink.

"I got Hunter and Alex to get it by having them race each other. So, who won you two," and Hunter raises his paw proudly.

"I did! I got the truck first," and Alex would growl softly.

"You cheated though!"

"Nah uh!"


Ryan rolls her eyes before she yells, "Shut up! Both of you! Hunter, don't cheat, Alex, no fighting, both of you still need to honour the agreement to our-" and both wolves would quiet down and stop talking, Ryan simply stopping to smile as she closed her eyes once more, enjoying the tide home.

Fifth Night

Fifth Night The ride home from work wasn't what one would describe as delightful. The bus ride was rough, especially with her going commando, and definitely not by choice either. Plus after her fun time with Foxy, every bump caused her to groan and...

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Fourth Night

Fourth Night "So, what do you think," asks Ryan as she stands next to her boss, a rather large brown bear, though his muzzle was definitely showing his age. Her brother, Xander, would circle Foxy a few times before he rubs his chin, the wolf...

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Third Night

Third Night "Hey... Xander, can I ask you a question," asks Ryan, her paws held together in front of her, the female keeping her eyes to the floor. Xander continues to work on his car, the wolf not even looking up at her or bothering to stop...

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