From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 1, Chapter 5

Story by coreguardian0 on SoFurry

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(Reworked and reposting from old account; more soon to follow)Dead end job? Check. Lack of love? Check.Social outcast? Check. Hot college furs? Definite Check!

Such is the world of Charlie Fair, an out of luck loner, who is just looking to find his place in the world.

That is, until one day, he is visited by a local German Shepard, who is looking to share more than just ice cream with him...

From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 1, Chapter 5

We were still a mile or two away from the hospital according to Guiles as he drove us down the road, whose assured tone took a bit of the edge off of me, but did nothing to calm Daniel. The Shepherd and I sat in the back of his family's town car, the interior of which was a solid black, the seats made of a fine leather the same hue. It truly had the feel of a business car, the smell of ink and wine all throughout. The quad chairs faced towards one another, really making it feel almost like a limousine, not that I had ever been in one, unless we were including my dreams and/or through the eyes of a rich character in a movie.

The drive was quiet to be sure, not that I was helping the situation any by keeping my silence. I had wished that there was something that I could say, but sadly, I understood that what had happened couldn't be changed, and all you could really do is keep your head held high, and stay focused on not letting the world seem like it's trying to swallow you whole.

I had -my only praise I held for my parents- learned early on in life not to let my emotions get the better of me, at least outwardly, although in hindsight I knew that that was perhaps the greatest of my faults, amongst social awkwardness and public discomfort.

If I was being honest, I was initially hoping that Daniel would be someone who could eventually impart unto me that type strength I've always wanted, thinking his physical prowess also matched his mental stability. However, color me genuinely surprised to find him actually borrowing from mine instead.

I understood why, but was still astonished that someone could need me like this...

I rolled down the window closest to me next, trying to get fresh air circulating in the back of the vehicle as I stared down at Daniel, who just lay there silent in my lap. Paralyzed by his sadness, or trapped perhaps in thoughts of his loss, he only seemed to move finally when he looked longingly across the vehicle towards the empty seats parallel to us, where I could only guess -more than likely- was where his mother must have sat whenever they used this car before.

Hoping to calm him down like I had only moments ago, as he was still struggling to catch his breath in-between sobs, I tried to rub at the Shepherd's fur again. However, with every near stroke I only seemed to agitate him now, stirring up some emotion within him that would only make him cry even more. I could tell that this was perhaps the hardest moment he'd ever experienced in his life, and all I could do was be there for him, no matter where that took me.

After a few minutes more, I could finally see the clinic off in the distance, and with it a feeling of a nervous flutter forming too in my stomach. Not that there was more I could do about that now anyway.

We had only just arrived outside the four stories high, two blocks wide medical facility when Daniel escaped my embrace and ran full speed out of the car, before the wheels had even come to a complete stop yet.

Instinctively I jumped after him, but was stopped short by Guiles before exiting.

"Master Fair, she's in the cancer ward, room three fifty-two sir!" He yelled out as I shook my head in understanding, before running out after my date who's hurry left me behind in his dust, what with my legs still burnt out from my run earlier to meet him originally.

The smell of lemon ammonia and a chill cold air hit me all at once when I made my way inside, the layout immediately reminding me of an elaborate mouse trap; one which I could easily get lost in. However, with a bit of luck I caught sight of Daniel quickly enough, dashing across the hospital lobby to the elevators, completely oblivious to the security team chasing after him.

Not knowing what to do, I followed Daniel's lead, ignoring the inner workings of the hospital staff, just as he had, while trying to catch up to him, all the while several receptionists and nurses yelled at us off in the distance.

I came up fast behind the guards, one a rather gruff older looking elephant, and the other a healthy young snow leopard, who had stopped Daniel from continuing forward without first emptying the contents of his pockets and checking in at the receptionist desk, to which I could see his stress level building since he was in a hurry. I thought swiftly of what to do for him then; quickly distracting the pair with a loud howl to get their attention, followed by some nonsensical questions, which allowed Daniel with a gesture of my paw to slip away and get into the elevator quickly, him mouthing the words "Thank you" at me before the doors closed automatically.

After some more banter the sentry noticed that Daniel had escaped their custody, for which I quickly explained the situation of what had happened and why we were in such a hurry.

Dispassionate to my explanation however, the elephant began to raise his walkie talkie to his trunk, about to signal all onsite security to catch Daniel, but was stopped by the snow leopard who gestured at him to cut the feed.

"Look, we'll let you pass this time, but next time I'm going to have to restrain you myself." The feline said with a wily smile as he took my shoulder in his paw and gave it a good squeeze, pushing me playfully towards the elevators before he led his partner away, giving me a soft wink while turning around to look back at me. At first, I could only try and register the gesture in my head, as though the glint was imagined, until one of the female nurses giggled as she passed, seeing what had happened.

I didn't know what to think other than the obvious "Was that guard checking me out?"

I tried shaking off the thought initially as I pushed on the recall button for the elevator, while Guiles I could see was off in the immediate distance, filling out forms. However, with the feeling still irking me, and for a split second, I looked back towards the nearby security booth, and noticed the leopard was still looking at me, making me feel a nervousness grow in my chest. I couldn't really describe what I was feeling, but knew I had felt this before; when I had spoke to Daniel for the first time.

Just as I was about to go talk to him, and give him a piece of my mind for staring, I heard the ding of the elevator behind me, as several doctors and EMT's exited from it, clearing out the entire space just for me it seemed.

I turned around one last time to look and see if the guard was still there, but he seemed to have vanished. So I merely lowered my head in contemplation of what just happened and walked into the structure, feeling a tug at my heart as I entered. Something in the way I let his stare affect me as it did, it felt like I had just cheated on Daniel, even though he and I weren't even official yet, although I knew I wouldn't mind being together if he always stayed like he was.

The sound of whirring machinery and a crackle of electricity could be heard above me after I pushed the button for the floor destination I needed. I could hear the elevator starting up, prepared to jump out once I reached floor three where the facility map helped additionally direct me to where the cancer ward was.

I stayed looking downwards, a little in disbelief and still stuck on the thought of the guard checking me out. "You've never gotten looked at before Charlie, what's going on?" I thought as I reached into my jacket pocket for my new phone, one which Daniel had loaned to me earlier seeing as mine was currently residing in the sewers after my fall earlier; good thing I had the sight of mind to keep the SIM information card.

Although my intention was to look and see if I had any missed messages, instead of pulling out the device, I accidentally found myself pulling out in its place the underwear I kept from Daniel's dresser drawer earlier. Embarrassed at first, I smiled as I held it after, as thoughts of that big sexy German Shepherd and his cock inside of me swirled about my head, causing me to take a big sniff to put my mind back in that moment; wrapped in his musk and arms.

In truth, I could still feel the looseness of my tail hole even then, with a little of the lube still present, as I grinned, remembering that I'd finally mated with another mammal.

Focused back in the moment, I looked up at the old school display to see what level I was approaching in the slow moving elevator when a voice came out from behind me, scaring me enough to throw myself backwards against the button panel, accidentally hitting the stop key on the machinery, effectively halting my progress at floor number two.

"Ah, so that's what you're into huh?" The snow leopard said as he stood in the back corner of the elevator, apparently having snuck in without me noticing, while he postured himself against the wall, crossing both his arms and his legs in unison. At first, I couldn't get my heart to settle down from the startle, or perhaps it was because I was locked inside with this... well, sexy as all fucking hell animal.

First off, you'd be unable not to notice that he had the most beautiful eyes; a strong ethereal blue, to which I found I quite fancied. His coat was a beautiful winter white, speckled with an assortment of black spots covering what looked like all of his being. Speaking of which, this guy's body was impressive in all departments. The opposite of Daniel and his country style muscle, this one had more of a swimmer's build I'd have to say; tall and thin, but clearly not without his share of abs. I would have been drooling in truth, had I not still had Daniel's underwear still hanging off my snout.

I wanted to say something in protest as he approached me slowly, pressing his paw up against the wall over my shoulder, bringing his muzzle closer to my own as he took a sniff of me. "Ah, someone smells like they've had some fun already." He said while grinning.

Obviously, he could smell the cum -which I had yet to wash off my body- that Daniel and I had been rolling around in while back at his house, of that I was sure. Without another word, he threw off the security guard hat he was wearing and grabbed at Daniel's under armor from my nose with his teeth, slowly pulling them off me.

My mind didn't know how to respond, but my cock sure had its own ideas, as I could feel myself getting hard as he dropped the underwear to the floor and brought his gaze back to meet mine.

"Let me know if you get uncomfortable, alright." The snow leopard quipped as I tried to fight his advances the best I could, not that I could just tell my boner to deflate. His eyes kept me paralyzed as he pushed his body closer against me, his pelvis now meeting with my own. I wanted to howl out in panic at this violation of my person, but secretly, I was enjoying the attention.

Considering what had just happened earlier today, for lack of a better expression, this experience added mere pennies to my otherwise full wallet as it were, but still it was something more just for me. I could already feel his cock pushing up against mine through his clothes, the sheer girth obvious through his uniform, as I innocently looked down to check and see what he was packing, of course not in the least bit surprised to find a humongous organ throbbing, him flexing it for my entertainment.

I moaned a little -how could I not- as he grinded up against me a bit more and undid the button on his pants, licking at his lips as he lowered his zipper, exposing the fact that he wasn't wearing any underwear.

I was stuck between a wall and a hard place as he looked at me with wanting eyes, gesturing for me to stick my paw inside and stroke him off. I didn't know what to do; have a little fun or go to Daniel's side?

The choices seemed impossible as his face leaned in towards me at an attempt to kiss me, to which the world responded with a loud message resonating from the phone. I quickly used the welcome distraction to turn away from him, sliding the touch screen open to see a text from Daniel saying "Are you coming? I need you."

I looked down at the phone intently, thinking about where I was supposed to be. I reached inside my interior jacket pocket then, remembering the little origami heart I had folded for the Shepherd for our date. I rubbed at it softly while thinking of earlier how much Daniel and I connected, knowing his needs had become important to me now, which was a first for me to admit about anyone.

With clarity guiding me, I spun around to tell my aggressor I was done with his game, but instead found the leopard leaning up against the wall with his forearm, laughing. "Heh, well looks like I lost this round. That's okay though..." He murmured with a sigh before he zipped his pants back up and put back on his hat, after hitting the button to activate the stalled machinery.

In the end, with a bend and some style on his part, he picked up Daniel's underwear and handed both it and his phone out of his back pocket towards me, already unlocked by him to which the screen contents read 'new contacts'. "I believe in second chances." He smirked, while I struggled with the decision to give him my number or not...

The elevator doors opened wide as I rushed immediately out into the hall, leaving the security guard to his business as he casually strolled the other way down the foyer. Me on the other hand, I moved with a sense of purpose down these sprawling hallways, reading every directional sign I could see until I found the path indicating 'cancer ward'.

I peeked at every room number carefully and quietly as I went along, which after getting closer to my destination, was useless since all I had to do was listen for the sound of someone crying. It was at the end of a rather long corridor when I found the door to three fifty-two and placed my paw on the handle, taking in a deep breath before going in, not really knowing what to expect.

Upon entering, I saw Daniel on his knees next to the hospital bed, holding the paw of someone who had already been covered up with the room bed sheets, who I could only naturally assume was his mother. To my right stood Guiles, holding himself up well, even though I could tell he was on the edge of crying himself. On the left stood a tall strapping figure looking out the double wide window, dressed in what looked was his Sunday's finest.

Upon him turning around to see who had entered the room, I saw clearly what I remember to have been Daniel's face, just older and more regal in appearance. Without a sound, I stepped in slowly, not really knowing what to do given the situation. That was until Daniel called me over to his side, placing out his paw for me to hold, to which I did gladly and placed the other on his shoulder.

I looked around the room, seeing a wide assortment of flowers ranging from roses to gardenias with several 'get well' and 'good luck' placards placed in the carriages holding them, realizing they were probably flowers left over from some day past. The monitors connected to Daniel's mom had been disconnected and shut off already, giving the room an eerie silence to it, which was broken by the man by the window sobbing "Oh Marsha... Why?"

I realized soon enough that the man speaking could be none other than Daniel's father, the famous Emilio Adams, owner and founder of Adams Winery. I had read about him in some food and wine magazines before; he was a legend amongst his wine making peers.

The elder shepherd pulled a handkerchief out of his lapel pocket soon after and blew his nose, immediately followed by Guiles shuffling over and giving him some pats on the back, trying his best to comfort him. I did the same for Daniel, who in turn looked up at me with tear filled eyes. I could acknowledge that he was indeed the same person who I let take my virginity only earlier today, but the glow he had before seemed weak, to which I completely understood.

I leaned down by Daniel's side, about to rub my muzzle against his to try and comfort him, when I was interrupted by Mr. Adams clearing his throat, trying to get our attention as he turned away from the window and faced towards us. By the dogs sway and lack of a proper posture, I could tell that he was intoxicated, attempting to numb the pain associated with this moment in time, as most would do when a loved one passes on.

"Daniel... What's going on here?" He questioned as he glared at us, the emotion of his face turning from sad to mad, the blush in his cheeks more than likely coming from his over consumption of liquor. "You brought a friend to see your dead mother... What's wrong with you boy?"

I realized quickly that Daniel's dad wasn't the same man portrayed in the publications...

"So who's this guy anyway? Is this your boyfriend or something?" He asked while pointing at me. I felt uncomfortable as it was being here, let alone having some person I didn't personally know making accusations about me, even if they may turn out to be true.

"God rest her gentle soul, but your mother was the one okay with your... lifestyle..." With these words spoken the way they were, I realized quickly I was not going to like where this conversation was headed. "But you know I'm not." He growled low, while looking as though he was going to fall over from fatigue of sadness, mixed with the booze.

"Master Adams, perhaps this is not the best time for this right now. You seem to have ingested alcohol prior to our arrival, and based on your current slur, I think it best we leave the young masters be, and go to the cafeteria and get you something to eat to counter balance the liquor, sir." Guiles quickly interjected as he interrupted Mr. Adams, getting directly in his line of sight of us, all while trying his best to get him out of the room quickly. "If I may be so bold, my lord..."

And then, using what I could only describe as butler-esque strength, the Dalmatian worked his way under the elder Shepherds underarm and seemed to support all of his weight on his back as they started staggering their way out the door.

"Ugh *hiccups* why can't you just be like your old man? But nope... you really are just a little faggot aren't you..." He stammered on, the smell of his breath laced with strong vintage wine and a touch of cognac biting at my nose, even at the distance he was from us now.

Guiles closed the door behind them, looking more embarrassed than I even felt enraged. What Daniel's father said struck my nerves at the deepest of my core being, and in that moment I wanted to catch up with them and punch him in his maw, but Daniel's lack of movement was what kept me stationary, but mostly out of surprise.

"Daniel, what the hell?! Are you just going to let him talk to you like that?!" I was more than bothered at this point, raising my voice slightly at the person who needed me to comfort him. It's just I couldn't hold my tongue at the thought of some asshole acting like that, especially since they were flesh in blood.

"Charlie, you wouldn't understand..." He contended with his head held down, almost hiding it in the same shame I knew all too well growing up before running away.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket then, but just left it be as I took a deep breath and tried to calm my anger down. I remembered how I felt like it was all my fault when my father abused me, even if the difference between us was physical for me and mental for Daniel.

"I might surprise you on that one. Now look, I'm going to leave you alone with your mother for a bit, because you deserve some time to grieve in peace. I'd say based off how my presence disturbed your dad that I shouldn't have come, but..." I spoke softly before I kneeled down and took Daniel's face in-between my paws, giving him a quick kiss to remind him that I was there for him. "I'm not leaving now for sure. I want to talk to you about something important when I get back, okay. I'm just going to run down the hall and pick us up some drinks from the vending machine so we can relax."

With that, I pat at the top of his head to calm him, before I made my way for the door and closed it softly behind me. I stopped outside of the exit though for a second, as I couldn't help but stop and think about how much Daniel and I seemed to need each other. It both impressed and depressed me at the same time, knowing ultimately that he and I weren't that very different at all.

I rubbed at the back of my head, totally in disbelief at where this day had taken me so far, and it was only around three in the afternoon.

I made my way down two halls adjacent to the vending machine I had passed while trying to find the room, and then began browsing through the combined selection of sodas and snacks, for my date and me, when I felt my phone pulsate again in my pocket, forgetting that it had vibrated when I was speaking with Daniel.

Unsuspectingly I pulled it out, and noticed I had an unread picture message from a number I did not recognize, or even have registered in my SIM cards phonebook. Curiosity beset me as I opened up the contents to find an image of a half naked snow leopard, fully posed, taking a picture of himself in front of a mirror, rubbing at his shirtless muscled chest as he flexed his forearm also, exposing his huge biceps. Realizing that there was text too, I scrolled down, reading the passage as "Thanks 4 teh # cutie, name's Ty btw=3!"

Oh god, what have I done giving him my number? What's a gay animal, new to the world of love and sex, to do when he's surrounded by nothing but hot guys seeming all at once to try and get with him? Let's see what happens...