From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 1, Chapter 6

Story by coreguardian0 on SoFurry

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(Reworked and reposting from old account; more soon to follow)Dead end job? Check. Lack of love? Check.Social outcast? Check. Hot college furs? Definite Check!

Such is the world of Charlie Fair, an out of luck loner, who is just looking to find his place in the world.

That is, until one day, he is visited by a local German Shepard, who is looking to share more than just ice cream with him...

From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 1, Chapter 6

"Oh Charlie, what did you get yourself into?" I mumbled as I sat in the hospital waiting area that evening, watching all the staff and patients go in and out, frustrated that I was stuck there in the facility with nothing to do but hang around waiting for Daniel to finish up his time with his late mother.

I mean, I wanted so badly to be by his side, of course, and comfort the distraught Shepherd, but with his intimidating drunkard of a father still in the room with him, I decided I'd rather not further fuel his fire of bigotry by me just being in there holding my date in my arms.

At the beginning of my-self imposed incarceration, I explored the medical building the best I could to pass the time. However, the gift shop had nothing good to purchase, the pediatrics department was full of nothing but loud babies screaming, and sneaking into the resident's locker room and stealing a pair of scrubs -a kinky surprise for Daniel if he was up for some costume play some day- had not been enough to curb my dullness level. Honestly, I had even gone to the bathroom a couple of times and pawed off in the urinals just to say I did something, and yet still time dragged on, every passing minute longer seeming than the last.

"Ugh, gods kill me now..." I moaned aloud as the moon now shined in through the windows, bouncing against the shiny linoleum floor and hitting me in the face with its nocturnal glare. I peered out into the darkness, the goings on of the world making me wish I was part of it for once, seeing as I was growing bored out of my mind just walking around here. Yet, there I remained, until Daniel would immerge from his mom's hospital suite so I could finally talk with him, but hours had seemed now to pass as I gave him time to grieve.

Not wanting my body to lock up, I just fidgeted about in this chair I had found -that seemed like the only clean thing I could find in this illness breeding factory- while patiently waiting for any indication Daniel was done, or perhaps readying to go. After a while, I kept looking at the nurses' station constantly, to check the clock hanging on their wall, thinking that in doing so, I'd somehow speed along times flow, but of course nothing came of that. I was a prisoner of time, but I knew that it was for a good reason I endured it.

While being out in the open however, I anxiously looked around every couple of minutes as I sometimes hid under the brim of my hoodie, whenever I would see a security guard passing by. I couldn't help it, but I knew ultimately that it was not too good a thing for me to get spotted, seeing as how I was now being targeted by this very horny snow leopard named Ty, who only just a hour ago sent me another picture message of the bulge in his pants, with his cock tucked upwards along his pelvis, inside his tight form fitting uniform, while the head of his dick barely poked out over the top of his belt, dripping just a bit of precum down his zipper...

"Look waht UR making me do x3" Was what Ty had wrote for the caption above the picture, although honestly I hadn't even seen that part until I looked back at the text once more, his leaking cock then making me want to go paw off... again...

I should have been disgusted by his advances and openly aggressive behavior, but actually, I found it rather daring instead, that he was willing to go so far to get my attention. In thinking about it more, he opened up my way of thinking in that perhaps I have to face the reality that I too am a horny animal sometimes. So ignoring him in total would have been impossible, at least in my mind.

On top of all that, the damn cat was hung like a horse, a detail I couldn't overlook whenever I would merely blink now; a vision of what his cock might look like out of uniform and inside my muzzle forming in my imagination.

I struggled with my cell every time a new message would come in from him, knowing that he was teasing me into conceding to him. He seemed to have a need to conquer this wolf for some unknown reason, with every one of his messages growing more brazen than the last.

I could've easily turned off, or even destroyed the device, like I had did accidently to my last one, but I guess I kept this notion, somewhere in the back of my mind, that should Daniel not turn out to be who he appears to be, I could at least still have myself a little fun.

"Well, at least I have options now..." I thought to myself, slightly irked by the fact that it only took almost all of my young life for furson's to finally start to notice me.

After finally managing to get distractions from my head, I closed my eyes and started to drift off to sleep, hoping that Daniel would be done soon. I thought of what going back to work tomorrow would be like, after everything I've experienced today. And although I dreaded the idea of even going there in the first place, even if it's sad to confess, that damn ice cream parlor is all my life has amounted too since I was teenager, so I guess it's grown important to me to say the least.

I felt confident though that with Daniel's guidance and friendship, I could at least break away from that cycle I made for myself; my heart knowing that even if we don't end up together, he'd already given me confidence to realize I'm worth more than what I pretend to be. Perhaps that was why I was sitting in a dark lonely hospital until the wee hours of the night, because I understood he was willing to be with me, so why shouldn't I be with him?

It wasn't until several minutes later, after I had dozed off, that I was met by Guiles, standing in front of me with his regal demeanor, trying not to startle me even though he most certainly had. "I thought you could use some company Master Fair." He gestured with his paw, indicating he wanted to take a seat. "May I?"

I could only shake my head yes in agreement, to which he bowed his head respectfully back at me. He sat down in this rather small blue hospital chair next to me, the coat-tails on his uniform getting slightly squished by the action, though he seemed not to notice or care.

After a minute of silence between us, myself at a loss for words as to what we could possibly converse about, us almost strangers to each other, he reached into his right coat pocket and pulled out a small rolodex of index cards and handed them to me, each of which contained a photo with words to match. "Master Charles, if I may be so bold, sir... I invite you to browse through these cards at your leisure, which outline my time of servitude amongst the Adams estate; a job which truly has never felt as such, even since back when I had started when I was pup no older than yourself."

I looked at him puzzled, wondering why he'd feel compelled to share something like this with me, but complied out of courtesy to him and curiosity for myself.

"You'll notice as your rifle through those that I generally update them whenever major events in any of the family's lives occur, so that way I may keep personal notes about dates, times, circumstances, etc. regarding such happenings..." He continued to speak as I looked at several of the dozens of cards in my paws, a lot them ranging in-between the personal and the immaterial; from Daniel's birth, to the first year the winery hit their first billion dollar sales achieved.

I could only wonder why Guiles would willingly offer history like this, wondering if perhaps he was just some lonely soul like myself, and felt like I was a kindred spirit that would listen to his ramblings.

"Please, keep going, as there is one date in there I would hope you'd find particularly... sad..." I continued to empathize with the Dalmatian's request, browsing through the month by year occasions, until I happened upon one card in particular that left me speechless. I looked at him, then back at the card, to have the information verified with a nod from his head, it dated some months back and the title reading out in big bold letters: " My greatest failure..."

It contained a photo on the index that described it all as my mouth dropped wide open to see Daniel bandaged, bleeding, and bruised; a caption underneath the picture saying "Lord Adam... why?"

"I have never intervened amongst this family's affairs, and have never spoken up about such atrocities committed in this house, but I can hold my tongue no longer. Young Miss Marsha, god rest her soul, would curse me forever if I did..." I watched as his expression immediately became one of sadness, his paws starting to shake in anger. "Master Charles, I implore you to save the young master from Lord Adam. If not now, someday please..." I could see the frustration in his eyes, knowing he had not the power to help Daniel himself, but hoping that maybe I could.

"It is not my place to ask this of you, seeing as you have barely begun to know the master, but you seem to me the catalyst upon which he can start his journey towards happiness." I looked at the butler, then back at the hospital room, wondering how I could help Daniel when I could barely handle my own life. "When the young master came home yesterday, he seemed to possess a new strength that lit up the hallowed halls of that estate, with a smile on his face I hadn't seen in what seemed like years." Guiles said as he allowed himself a little smile, his watery eyes contradicting the fact that the thought truly was a happy one. "When I questioned him as to what brought about the change, all he said was 'A wolf...' to which I recognized immediately to be you when you came to the winery today; oh the way he seemed to admire you so, Master Fair..."

I couldn't help but smile now too, knowing that yesterday when I was worrying as to whether Daniel wasn't even going to call, that perhaps he had already forgotten about me, was in fact quite the opposite, and that he was looking forward to our first date; just as much as I. "For Daniel I tell you this all, knowing now that his mother is gone, that he has no protection from my increasingly tyrant of an employer..." The Dalmatian whimpered before he reached his paw over to mine and took the cards from my grasp, and then returned them to his pocket.

Afterwards, he then cupped my hands in his grasp, and lowered his head in what seemed like a prayer. "Please, do something for him... please save my friend..." Guiles pleaded before he sat up quickly and wiped away his tears, regaining his stoic composure as he headed back to the hospital room. "I'll let Master Daniel know you're waiting still."

He disappeared from my sight as I looked forward to the chairs in front of me and pondered what had just happened, wondering if it were at all real or just a dream I was having. I pinched my arm for confirmation that it was in fact genuine, and stood then up abruptly, looking quickly at both the emergency exit and the hospital room, knowing I had a choice to make.

I couldn't decide what to do, or what I had to do, or who I was anymore though. I only knew that yesterday I was just living my boring life, pawing off at my work like usual, and finishing up my first term of college this year. And now... I find myself being asked by some family butler to help his charge escape from his father.

"Fuck my life..." I thought about the situation before yet another text came in from Ty, this time a fully exposed barbed cock on view in the message, with an message underneath saying "You know you want this =3"

Ugh what am I going to do? I can't help Daniel escape his abusive father, unless I help him run away. And then where would he go? I could let him move in with me but... Let's see what happens...