From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 1, Chapter 7

Story by coreguardian0 on SoFurry

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(Reworked and reposting from old account; more soon to follow)Dead end job? Check. Lack of love? Check.Social outcast? Check. Hot college furs? Definite Check!

Such is the world of Charlie Fair, an out of luck loner, who is just looking to find his place in the world.

That is, until one day, he is visited by a local German Shepard, who is looking to share more than just ice cream with him...

From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 1, Chapter 7

"What should I do? C'mon Charlie, think..." I paced around in the waiting area contemplating what Guiles had just told me, and kept repeating those thoughts over and over again in my head, unable to come to a conclusion of what I wanted to do. At least, before I saw Daniel come out of the hospital room finally, after I just witnessed him wave his paw as a final goodbye to his mother.

My heart dropped into my stomach when I saw him emerge, remembering that all my good of whom I pretend I am, was about to be tested by whether or not I want to help this poor dog out with his life; which seemed impossible considering I still don't know how to even handle my own.

Daniel wiped his eyes dry as he walked over to me, the pace of his gait indicating his sadness. "Fuck, what am I going to do..." was all I could wonder as the German Shepherd approached and stood right before me, his head down in regret as his paws still shook with frustration at what had just happened to his life. He held tightly onto a rose he got from his mothers bedside in his hands, the thorns I'm sure piercing him, yet he seemed not to care.

"I'm sorry for making you wait so long Charlie. I just couldn't seem to say goodbye." Daniel admitted as he looked back at the room, his eyes beginning to well up with tears again. I tried to quickly imagine something to say to get his mind off his mom, but could only intervene by pulling him in for a kiss.

I was expecting him to resist, to not want me considering what was going on, but found myself surprised when I felt the force of his muzzle pressing against my own, his romantic nature still apparent, all things considered. I could feel his strong arms wrap around me, his body fully embracing mine, making me feel safe and warm, when I was supposed to be the one doing it for him.

"Daniel... I..." I struggled with my words as I still didn't know what I wanted to say.

"Charlie... What is it?" He questioned as he reeled away from me to an arm's length and held onto my shoulders while looking at me, waiting for me to finally say what was on my mind.

He looked at me confused as I rubbed softly at his midsection, where now I could only now think of him wrapped up in nothing but bandages, thanks to damage caused by his father. The image of him battered and bruised wouldn't leave my thoughts, and I was sure I would have nightmares forever if I didn't do what I knew to be the right thing, right now.

It was do or die time; no more running away from what was in my heart and my past...

"Daniel... I told you earlier I wanted to talk to you about something important, and somehow since then, the urgency of that speech has grown." I rubbed at the side of his face, wiping away one of his tears while some formed in my eyes instead. "I need you to know that I do understand Daniel. I do."

He looked at me even more puzzled as the catharsis of what I was about to admit would make all the pain I suffered before now seem like it would finally disappear, just by sharing it with him; with someone finally for the very first time in my life...

I spoke with Daniel in great detail there in the hospital that night, about my past regarding my family, and how I found that there was more to the world than submitting to your parents' wishes and commands. I told him how my father would beat me, just as his did, for hours it seemed whenever I did anything he didn't like, the worst of the thrashings received when I told him he had a fag for a son.

I relayed the fact that my mother was no help either in any of that regard, saying things such as "homo," and "queer" that day, only further fueling my father's aggression towards me. I informed Daniel that on that night when I came out, I ran away and never looked back; that I left behind everything, but at least reclaimed some sense of pride in the process.

After several more tears and a few tissues later, Daniel agreed that it was time he moved on too, that his life as a winery heir was too much to handle. That no amount of money he had access to could be worth more than his happiness, and well being, that much he understood.

His mom had always told him apparently that he was better than the life he was born into, which was why he was going to college in the first place. His respect for her life and teachings was truly an admirable thing, one which only further convinced me I had done the right thing in ultimately telling him to run.

We called Guiles back to our location following some more banter, and informed him of our plans, so that way he could leave, but at least let his friend know he was going to be safe. He understood what Daniel running away would entail, but also understood it was a necessary evil, since he knew full-well how hateful Mr. Adams was normally, let alone after the loss of his wife. The Dalmatian gave Daniel a huge hug in response, his old bones still full of strength as he lifted the Shepherd in the air, while mouthing the words "Thank you" to me.

Guiles took a quick second to run to the nearby nurses station and stole a pad of paper, on which he outlined instructions on what to do for several matters prior to Daniel leaving his father behind for good; from telling us how to siphon money from his mothers bank account to survive, to providing us with his own personal home address should Daniel need somewhere else to live, seeing as I broke down and volunteered my place to him... for now...

Why would I do that might be a question you might ask me, but in turn I would pose the query, 'How could I not?' right back at you. It all seemed a little fast, moving a stranger into my home only after knowing him for a day, and many, if not most animals, would call me an idiot. Then again, I hate most people and their opinions. I just understood the fact that my friend, the only person who's ever really listened to and noticed me, needed my help, and it isn't much... but I at least had that to offer him.

So we snuck Daniel away that very night after returning to his parents place, grabbing what we could in necessities he would need if he were coming to stay with a poor wolf like me. We snagged up his video games first -of course being the silly guys we were- followed by several sets of his clothes, some of his more important papers, and lastly... that bottle of lube.

"Can't forget the lube!" The Shepherd chuckled while offering me a quick kiss, taking a moment to also give me a hug also, as big as any I had ever received from him so far. In this I could tell from his mannerisms that he was more excited than scared to be running away, or else he was putting up a very brave front.

Unbeknownst to him though, or maybe not, I was terrified out of my mind, and I'm sure it showed. It went so very opposite my core character, trusting someone else like this. In fact, I couldn't stop rewinding the day in my head, trying to think of how I could dare offer someone to share my home with them, and not really know everything about them. However, our souls are scarred in similar ways, and perhaps that was reason enough to have faith in him with.

The rest of his possessions he said he could ask Guiles to retrieve if he needed them, so we left the wine villa under that very cover of night, after his father had returned and then passed out in the kitchen.

And we made our way down the road from his home, arm and arm together. We would have driven back to my place, but he said his car would give away his location with the GPS installed, and my car was a useless piece of... well you know.

It was a long walk, but one I'd make over and over again just to see the smile on that sweet Shepherd's face in that fraction of time. He seemed so at peace with what he was doing. I wondered if it was because of me he was so confident, but I never asked, fearing what his answer would be.

"We'll have to take the bus at this rate. Are you okay with that?" I asked him as we made our way out of the forest setting, and into the part of the city that was still operational at this time of the night.

"As long as you're with me. Although honestly, I've never been on one before..." He admitted as he smiled again, me realizing then that Daniel was truly in a new world now. A newborn I had to train in some regards if he were to survive.

For some reason, out here in-between reality and adversity, I was deemed a strong one, yet never realized that until Daniel. Sad though, I pondered, how I had to learn how the world worked on my own, but that was a history I knew I couldn't change now.

After several bus transfers consisting of crying babies, drunk old geysers, and disgusted glances from other patrons who were uncomfortable at the sight of two gay animals holding hands on the bus, we made a run to the nearest ATM to get some cash for him from his mothers account, and made our way back to my place at last.

"Wow, my new home..." Daniel glowed as we approached the small apartment door, which almost looked too small for the muscular Shepherd to even walk through.

I tried to open the door gently and smooth at first -ultimately the first step in disappointing aesthetics seeing as I had to struggle with the doorknob to get it unstuck- and after what I consider the battle of the century, I went crashing through the entrance with his luggage in hand, and then embarrassedly found myself falling face first into a pile of dirty laundry on the floor.

Muffled by the clothing, I welcomed Daniel to my home, hoping he wasn't just going to take one look and want to run away from here like I do sometimes. He surprised me though; first by being the gentleman he was and helping me back up on my feet, then lifting me off the ground into his arms.

"You know, you got to be careful around this place. They say that this really sexy wolf lives here, but I'll protect you though." He smiled and I did too, knowing that when I saw him grin again, after internalizing so much frustration and anger, that everything would be alright. That this was a good thing for him, and for me.

I leaned up and licked at his muzzle, no longer afraid or reserved in my advances towards him, since by this portion in my story, we had become so close. He closed the living room door with his right footpaw and took to exploring the apartment next, to which all I could do was either smile and pretend things were awesome, or panic at everything he looked at making me want to go clean it up, or destroy it.

With all my nervous tendencies of course, it was obvious I would choose the latter option. I dashed in front of him everywhere he went, first to the living room, where I immediately scooped up several issues of this gay porn magazine I had fapped to recently, and threw them under the couch. Next, he made his way to the bedroom, where I dived for the dresser to hide the molded horse cock dildo that sat on display that I got myself last year, knowing that with that nose of his, he could probably tell it was recently used.

Daniel just laughed the whole time I ran around the house because he knew, just like I did, that he didn't care at all about any of that stuff. After some point in time I just gave up on hiding things, because I realized if I hid everything sexually themed in this apartment, it would be two thirds empty, and this place was already depressingly small as it was.

"Charlie, your place is amazing." Daniel remarked as he grabbed me from behind, wrapping his paws around me and then began to nuzzle at the side of my cheek. "Are you okay with this though? I mean really, I could hold up in a hotel or something for a bit. No harm, no foul. You've already helped me escape, are you sure you want to keep me around?"

I looked down at the ground, thinking if I had indeed made a mistake by letting Daniel move in, even if it was for a good cause. I understood though, somewhere in my heart, that I had done the right thing, and that was enough for me. So I just shook off that initial feeling of regret by turning around, and answering him promptly with both a smile, and a boop as I softly pushed my nose up against his.

"Daniel, as far as I'm concerned, you can stay as long as you want. Just please promise me one thing--- that after you shower, you'll leave your shirt off for a while so I can enjoy you being here that much more." I giggled softly as I lifted up his shirt to look at his abs.

"Hehe, I promise you I'll leave off more than that if you'll do me one more favor before I settle in here... and take over your dresser space." He said as he looked down at me and rubbed at my hair.

"What's that my dear Shepherd friend?" I asked as he fell backwards on to the couch.

"Can we get some food please, god I'm starving!" He cried out before I heard his stomach grumble in hunger. I just laughed, and shook my head okay, as I made my way into the kitchen and grabbed a pamphlet off my refrigerator for a nearby Chinese place.

In the distance, I could hear Daniel turn the shower water on as my mind eagerly anticipated seeing the naked dog again, this time while standing right side up, instead of just while we made love. So I hurried to dial the food location, until I noticed that I had two missed calls on my phone, both several hours apart.

The number was blocked by whoever had called, but I suspected who it might be, guessing that it was just Ty bugging again, so I just ignored the notifications and the voice messages and continued on with dinner plans, knowing my first night with Daniel here was going to be even better than our first time together.

"Daniel! I'll be right back! I'm gonna go grab the food real quick!" I yelled out to him as I left him to his devices, while I planned to pick up the food via my bike, since my car was still dead.

I made my way for the door and opened it up happily, but was immediately startled by someone standing in front of it about to knock. It seemed I surprised him as much as he did myself, as we both backed away from each other slowly, him reaching for his pocket and me reaching for my set of nearby golf clubs, not knowing what he was grabbing for.

The hood on his jacket concealed most of his facial features, but I could see the smirk on his face growing wider then. "You left this at the hospital, Fair, and I just thought I'd give it back to you in person." I let myself calm down as I saw him pull a black leather wallet from his jacket pocket, instead of the gun I assumed he had, and handed it to me, the black spots on his white hand immediately giving away his identity.

"Ty..." I grunted aloud as he threw back his hood and I glimpsed into those beautiful blue piercing eyes again. I wanted to slam the door on him, to get him out of my life here and now, but I knew I'd just scare Daniel by doing that, so I endured the Leopard instead.

"So, can I come in?" He asked as he held the door open with his footpaw. I looked behind me worriedly, knowing that I couldn't let him in given the situation, but there was only one surefire way to get him to go away, the damn persistent cat that he was.

"No, umm I was just on my way out. How about you join me? I'm buying." I convinced him to leave, as I lied out of my ass, and locked the door behind me. I walked with him to a nearby jeep which I assumed to be his; him grinning stupidly, my soul burning in contrast.

My plan, as quick and half assed as it sounded, was to get him as far away from my home and Daniel as possible, before everything I just worked so hard for would come unraveling right in front of me, but damn if he didn't make it simple to execute. I could feel his paw rubbing against my butt as he helped me into his ride, the inside smelling of his musk and saltwater, as a lot of different swimming gear, ranging from Speedos to swim trunks, hung out in the backseat.

He started up the engine quickly and we drove away, with him accelerating faster down the road as he asked where I wanted to go, while he tried constantly grabbing for my paw, myself thinking I just made a massive mistake by getting in this deviants car. "Well, if you don't care where, I know just the place." Ty said with a smile, my stomach feeling a little queasy now. "I promise, you won't be disappointed hehe."

Umm... what's going on with my life? When did this roller coaster start and how do I get off? Let's see what happens...