Chapter 2: The Beginning of a Business Relationship

Story by Marvin Foxe on SoFurry

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#2 of My First

This is my second story here on SoFurry. Please give me some feedback below.

Continued from Chapter 1: This is just the first day


Chapter 2: The Beginning of a Business Relationship

When I started walking up to my door, after my strange conversation with my boss Mark, I started to feel certain

trepidation for what lay beyond the false wood door. What did I just get myself into? , certain that it was going to

be some strange woman that will stalk me later in life based on a belief that we were in a relationship. Hopefully

that won't happen again. I slowly opened the door, my muscles tensed and I was alert and braced for anything.

The small, textured brass handle turned easily in my paw.

The scent of pine trees and fresh morning after a powerful thunderstorm came into my nose. I delicately sniffed

the air as I poked my head through the door, looking around for something different. Something that was not

usually there, the first thing I noticed was that my A/C was turned on in the corner, humming quietly. The next

thing I noticed in the spacious room was the fact that my projector was turned on and playing a familiar movie. I

perked my ears up as I heard the sound of up-beat pop music playing in the background. The fur down the back

of my neck stood up as a chill crept through me at the sight I saw last. I noticed the drop dead gorgeous Draconic

woman's head and neck sticking up from the top head rest of my favorite chair.

She was wearing a soft, white dress blouse that had a sort of poofed out look to it at the shoulders. She was

wearing a pair of black, pinstriped slacks and a pair of black dress shoes. Her scales were a deep midnight blue,

on the verge of turning a dark purple. Her scales seemed to dance as the light coming from the movie it was like

ripples of beauty emanated from across her. The back of her neck, down to just between her shoulder blades was

a navy blue. From what I could see, that one spot was the only part that was different from the rest. I was

thoroughly appalled at the fact that such a beautiful, powerful creature was even working in the computer

engineering business, and even less likely, sitting in my chair right in front of me.

I knocked against the door to get her attention, and I startled her.

"Oh! I'm sorry didn't mean to scare you." I said with a sheepish smile, looking away to hide the blush on my

cheeks. Turning pink was definitely something that was noticeable on my stubby snout and white cheeks.

She turned to me and my breath caught deep in my throat. Her eyes were the most gorgeous green I had ever

seen. They seemed to seek deep into me and into level of my soul that even my own consciousness never really

found the chance to delve into, the part of me that held the feral, white beast inside. Her face was beautiful. Her

eyebrows were a smooth finish, without the small spiny ridges that I was used to seeing on dragons, and were a

navy color, as were the back edges of her jaw line. Her smooth, majestic face was exotic; it was so unique I

couldn't believe that it was even possible to be so beautiful in real life. She has to be some model or something!

She stood quickly from a Criss-cross position in my chair and pressed her dress straight. I saw that her tail, which

had no spines, had been wrapped around her in a way that seemed to have been a sort of way to keep herself

warm in the cool room.

"Hello!" she said enthusiastically "Are you Marvin K. Foxe?"

"y.. yes, yes I am" I responded ripping myself from my awestruck thoughts of her beauty.

"Well..." she said while looking at me. Probably confused on why I was staring at her. "My name is..."

She was interrupted by my boss Marc striding into the room.

"So I see you two have finally been acquainted!" he said with a smile. "I hope you two can work well together

because we have an issue up in marketing."

"What sort of problem?" I asked. The back of my mind was still nagging me to ask for her name. I felt as if her

eyes were still on me even though I had turned slightly to look at the one who definitely came in at the wrong


"Well... It seems that Macrosoft Excel-erator won't boot up right. I think it would be simple first job for you two to

work out" he said in all seriousness "try and introduce the lovely lady around the office will ya Marv?"

"sure thing boss" I said with limited enthusiasm."..As soon as I get her name..." I said quietly under my breath.

"What was that Marv?" said Mark with a quizzical look on his face.

"Oh. Nothing Mark just geek talk"

"Ok then." He said as he turned to leave "You two have fun!"

*********** (gap in useless time) ************

I still never got to know her name. Every time I got some of the courage to ask her I looked at her and then I felt

as if I talked to the beautiful creature that I would say something completely stupid and just feel outright

embarrassed for the rest of our "work day". Once we got to marketing, we found out the problem was bigger than

we had originally thought. I got my bag of tools. It consisted of a snickers bar, grape soda, a big ol' turkey

sandwich with all the fixings and my pen drive. In fact it was my lunch but I wasn't all that hungry because of the

beautiful thing that was leaning over right next to me and peering into the screen. Her closeness let me finally find

that it was she, which smelled like the scent of pine trees and fresh rain in the morning. It was she that had

caught my intent interest. Also it was she, which had found the problem in the program.

"Got it!" she said as she shook me excitedly, her voice like honey, easily washing over my ears. "The problem was

that the boot files were sourced wrong and excel didn't pick up the change due to the system update yesterday."

she was overjoyed at the fact that she had found the error on her first job at the company.

"Nice job! I didn't even think of that! Ummm... I didn't exactly catch your name...cause of Marc and... such..." I

said, realizing halfway through that I had blurted out my subconscious mumblings. I felt stupid. I felt as if she was

offended. I felt as if she was going to think I was an idiot. I'm not good with girls. Why should I bother... I told

myself, ashamed of my stupidity.

"My name is Kayla." She said with a smile,"Are you always this socially awkward?", then she laughed. It was like

my world just exploded and only happiness came out from it. It made me forget all my stress and worries in a split

second. It made me feel as if I could just live off the sound alone.

"Well it comes with the job I guess" I said returning a sheepish smile.

"So, Whats next Marv?" she asked. Eager to get back to the "training" I was giving her. In reality she was probably

the one training me.


Well that's the end of the second Chapter of my story I hope you all enjoyed it. Sorry it took so long to post. As

always comments, feedback, and questions are always a nice thing to have positive or not.

Chapter 1: This is just the first day

This is my fist story on SoFurry. If you have any comments, questions, or constructive criticism please leave your responses below. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 1: This is...

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