Bastion - Pt. 1

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#1 of Bastion

The less-than-humble beginnings of twin Knights who have loved each other all their lives. Their future is uncertain, and a great destiny awaits.

I have a terrible habit of switching between past tense and present tense. I try to go back and fix it, but I'm sure I miss some.I write for fun, and have no plan when I write. When I sit down and start typing, I just GO. To keep things simple for me, a lot of lore is based on a lot of fantasy universes I've come across during my life. Dungeons & Dragons is a major influence, but Final Fantasy, and World of Warcraft are other influences. I of course add my own spin. Enjoy~


Sasah flared her nose as dreams slowly gave way to reality. The sun hadn't risen yet. She smelled the hot coals left by the fire, which died down significantly through the night. She smelled her twin brother on the other side of the room, still snoring away. She never minded his snoring, as they've slept in the same room for their whole lives. The vixen sat up, and placed her feet on the floor. After rubbing her eyes she got up and put two logs on the hot coals.

"He forgot to do it again.." She says, referring to the lack of flame. They each are supposed to take turns to add wood to the fire in the middle of the night, but Rasvim sleeps like a rock. Sasah blew on the coals, causing the fresh wood to slowly catch fire. As she warms her hands, a loud snort is heard and Rasvim stirs.

"Hey bro," she says softly. Sasah's tail swishes as her brother looks at her. "Have a good sleep?" She walks over to the Fox who was still laying down, trying to fall back asleep. "Come on~" She pokes his cheeks.

"Fine..!" Rasvim looked into his sister's eyes and they glazed over a moment. Sasah pats him on the head.

"Wakey wakey! You wanna get to breakfast before father, don't you?" Her brother snaps to attention and hops out of bed.

"You bet! You know how he eats.. Damn table's empty before anyone else gets any, if he has his way of things." They both get dressed in their usual attire, and head down for breakfast which had just begun to be sat on the table by their family's cook, Balen.

"You two enjoy it! Your father should be up soon, so eat quickly." They each grabbed their favorite breakfast foods, and began eating. Soon enough, their fat slob of a father waddled in. He was limping.

"Your gout acting up again father," Rasvim asked, distaste in his voice. They both hated their father's gluttony, though loved him as a person. A bright, outstanding noble with good intentions, but a drunkard and a slob.

"You know it," the fat Fox sat in his chair, specifically made to hold his weight. He dishes several plates for himself, which the two fifteen-year-olds knew he would eat throughout the morning. "Master Abelard has you for the afternoon, aye?"

"Yup!" Sasah replied happily. "Sword practice is my favorite." Her tail swishes, hoping she'd beat her brother in a duel again. They'd been practicing swordsmanship and archery since they were five, as demanded by their Master, who they thought of as an uncle.

"Just don't let your guard down when I do a Zwerchau like last time." Rasvim nudges her sister teasingly. The two banter about sword practice for the rest of breakfast, and head off to the armory to get suited up for sparring. Their trainer walks up behind them and pats the two rather short foxes on the shoulder. He was Wolven in race, and rather large. An ex-soldier. The amount of scars on his body weren't countable, and his face was mangled with a bad burn.

"Not sparring today, kids."

"We're not kids," They say, near in sync.

"You won't be tomorrow, but today you're still kids to the rest of us." They looked at Master Abelard with questioning eyes, they knew their sixteenth birthday was tomorrow, but it seemed their master had something planned today.

He pulls out from behind his back two identical swords, sheathed in a red scabbard. The hilts were spiraled ivory, with crossguards and pommel blued to the point they were dark as night.. Each grabbed a blade, they looked at each other, and drew the swords.

The blades were an extremely high quality steel, and also forge-welded in a mosaic design. These swords would have cost a literal fortune...

"Father... He must have spent most of his funds getting these." Sasah says, tears coming to her eyes. Rasvim grabbed her hand, and smiled at his sister.

"Hey, he ain't the best but he's our dad."

"And you'll be wearing them to your knighting ceremony tomorrow," Master Abelard said with a smile. He patted them both on their heads again. "Your father is so proud of you both.. You know, he was once a different man." He pauses, a sad look comes to his face. "But it's not my place."

Sasah looked at her twin confused, and shrugged. "So what will we be doing today?"

"Today, you will be staying safe. Don't need a fat lip during your knighting ceremony, do you?" He turns to leave without another word.

"So... Wanna hang out in our room until dinner?" Rasvim asks, grinning at his sister. She looks at her sword and nods with a smile. "Sure." They return to their room, and lock the heavy wooden door with a bolt.

Sasah turns as her brother grabs her and brings the vixen into a deep, loving kiss. Their tongues wrestle as Sasah wraps her arms around Rasvim. As the kiss breaks, they smile at each other.

"Just another day, then we'll announce the marriage," Sasah pecks her brother on the muzzle.

"Got everything worked out?" He asks her, a brow quirked.

"Yeah! I'm having Jacob keep by the door in case dad flies into one of his rages.. Good for escape." She pauses for a moment. "Hey, if the Queen can marry her brother, why can't I?" She smiles and buries her face into her beloved brother's chest.

"I love you.." He murrs, stuffing his face into his twin sister's mane.

"I love you too.." She took a sniff and noticed how worked up Rasvim was, and he no doubt can smell how worked up she is. 'We agreed to wait until marriage, and wait we shall.' Rasvim grabs her chin, and raises it for another deep kiss. After they broke it off, the two worked their way to Sasah's bed, where they cuddled until dinner time.

With the sun so low in the sky, Sasah poked her brother awake and kissed him on the cheek. "Come on.. It's probably dinner time by now.."

Sasah worked her way down the stairs and down the hallway with Rasvim, hand-in-hand, and made their way to the kitchen. Dinner was already served, but was still fresh. Cornish hens with stuffing. One of her favorites! The vixen, however, couldn't bring herself to eat. A few nibbles into the meal, she just let it sit.

"What's wrong, sis?" Rasvim said, he looked sternly at her.

"I'm.. I'm worried about tomorrow.. Where's dad been?"

One of the servants spoke up in a proper tone as she asked, "Lord Bastion hasn't been feeling well today, my lady."

"Well, I suppose.. There's no point in waiting." the Vixen got up, having barely touched her meal, and headed back to her room. She laid in her bed and closed her eyes. Worry and anxiety ate away at her. Rasvim was going to publicly propose at their knighting feast.

"Worrying won't help." her brother sat on the edge of her bed. "And whatever happens tomorrow, we will always have each other. That's what matters.." She suddenly got booped on the nose by her brother.. Her lover.. He cuddled into her, petting her head. They laid there quietly, before falling asleep.

As a morning chill crept in due to the dead fire, Sasah's eyes shot open. Her brother still laid, arm around her waist. She'd be freezing if it weren't for him.. They forgot to put wood on the fire before they went to bed. She laid there, still for a moment listening to rather quiet snores. She just enjoyed his company. But today was a big day, they both needed to bathe, get their manes cut and styled, their fur fluffed, and dressed clothes sized for the big event.

Sasah nudges her brother, who snorts himself awake, "Time to wake up, my soon-to-be-fiancé~" She turns in the bed and pecks her brother on the muzzle. "We have a lot of preparation to do." They got out of bed and waited for the knock on their door, which came at six-o'clock in the morning.

As soon as they unlocked their door, a team of servants swarmed in to begin their beauty treatment. A thorough bath for each of them in tubs that were wheeled in, scissors clipped their manes and fur to perfection, and a tailor made sure their black and white suits fit perfectly. Matching as always.

Sasah sighed as a moment to breathe presented itself. By three in the afternoon, they were all prepared for the ceremony. The two grabbed the swords they were presented by their Master, and they looked at each other with smiles, wrapping their tails around each other before attaching the swords to their belts.

The time that they'd long practiced with their father had come... The Queen, accompanied by the King who had come to the castle specifically for them, sat in the dining room just beyond large oak doors. Neither had understood why the King and Queen had ties with her father, nor were they ever told. But they got into position. As the two heard their names announced, they walked into their dining room which had been completely changed for the event.

Ribbons hung from the ceiling, likely made from silk, and the most expensive furniture in the house was presented at key locations. Solid silver candle holders, shields made of solid gold lined the walls, which neither understood where they came from. A velvet red carpet lay between them, and royalty. A crowd of friends, family, and local nobility were standing, gathered to watch the event.

Sasah gulped, as they both took slow, equally timed steps toward the two most powerful people in the world. As they neared them, each drew their swords and presented the tips to the ground, kneeling in tradition, and submission. The Queen, who was an Ocelot, took steps toward them.

"It's not every day, week, month, or even year..." She paused. "That I come to a loyal knight's home to knight his children." She smiled warmly, almost motherly at the twin foxes. They kept their gaze to the floor.

"But it's also not every day that a knight saves your Kingdom from total, and utter destruction. In the year 1226, the Zeranian army began advancing on our great Kingdom. In my very throne room, an assassination attempt which near-ended my life was thwarted by this very man." She motioned toward their father... Their father was a hero? Sasah couldn't look up out of respect, but knew her father was uncomfortable. He'd never told anything of his past... The queen continued.

"Not only did he save his Queen's life, but he led an army of only six-hundred soldiers against the two-thousand-strong Zeranian army. On that day, he defeated them." She turned now to the two recent adults. "And now, I expect great things from his children, as well." She took Rasvim's sword gently, and touched the flat against both his shoulders. He remained kneeling. She walked over to Sasah and did the same. "Out of respect for your father, I offer you one favor each." She said more quietly. "Say it, and if it is in my power, I will grant it." They were both quiet. Ravsim hadn't expected it to go this way, but the chance just came..

"I wish to marry Sasah Bastion." He says abruptly, his voice breaking in nervousness. Sasah looks over wide-eyed to her twin brother. 'Did he just ask Queen Alyssa, of the Kingdom of Trivaria, for a blessing of marriage?' After a moment, she didn't care.

"And I wish to marry Rasvim Bastion.." She said, returning gaze to the floor. her voice shaking from nervousness. The Queen looked at them with a quirked brow. Their heads continued to be bowed. Sasah couldn't look up. Even if she could, she didn't want to see anyone's face right now. The crowd that had gathered had gone to whispers. A long silence ensued.

"I said each of you will get a favor. And it will be granted." The Queen looked to her brother, the King, and then looked to the crowd. "And let all who witness this be joyful!" Queen Alyssa announced with authority. She looked unsure, but continued. "And they will be married tonight during the feast, by my own hand." She clapped, and the few royal guards in the room slam their spears against the floor in tandem.

"Long live the Queen!" They announced, and the room followed with the saying, in varying degrees of enthusiasm.

"You may now rise." The two got off their knees and sheathed their weapons, though Sasah's nerves made her struggle with hers. The two made their exit. As the wooden doors closed, the Vixen stuffs her face into her brother's fancy poofy shirt and broke down in tears, shaking.

"Shhh.. It'll be fine.. Deep breaths." He patted her, a smile was plastered on her face, but she continued to cry. Rasvim took her over to a corner and let her keep going. He knew there was no way to stop it, and that she was actually happy.

Sasah was so happy, but she was worried as well. 'What is father thinking right now..?' She thinks to herself. As her nerves came completely down, the Vixen went to a bowl of water and washed her face.

"We need to find dad.. Confront him before.. You know.. The marriage." She said, hating the thought. She sniffed the air, and smelled her father's familiar, terrible musk. She grabbed Rasvim's hand and led him.

"Shouldn't we at least plan what we're going to talk about," her brother asked. He wondered why his usually so careful sister was being brash.

"How did that -just- work out," She glared at him. "So much for plans." The two reached the second story balcony where their father was standing, sipping on a glass of expensive brandy. Sasah walked up, Rasvim in hand.

"Father..?" Sasah asked carefully. She walked up, looking for emotion or any sign of what he was feeling. She noticed a trail of wet fur coming from his eyes.

"I'm not mad.." He chuckled, sniffling, "well, maybe a little for you asking the Queen's consent instead of mine, but.." The large fox wiped his eyes. "I've always been proud of you two. While I've been drowning my sorrows in booze and food, you two grew up..." He tossed the rest of the liquor in his brandy glass over the side, discarding the liquor. He sat the glass on the wood he was leaning on.

"Why did you never tell us about your past?" Rasvim stepped up. "You were a great man."

"Exactly. I -was- a great man. After your mother died of.. Of plague, everything changed. I didn't want you growing up wondering what could have been. Always look to the present, glance ahead, and dream of the future.." He turned to them and sighs. "It keeps your head straight. When I started looking back, everything fell apart.." He went to walk away.

"Father." Sasah stops him. "We love you, no matter who you were or who you became." The vixen goes and hugs her father, and motions for Rasvim to do the same, which he does.

"Will you walk me down the aisle..?" She asked after a while of them hugging. Sobs began from her father and she embraced him tighter.

"It's my duty, and honor as a father." He kissed her on the top of the head. "I need to go sober up if I'm gonna witness my twins' marriage." He walked away, and went to the kitchen to make coffee.

"To think this could have gone so well.." They walk inside and prepare for the marriage, and feast. They held hands.

The marriage was decided to happen at 2-o'clock in the morning, to allow for at least a bit of preparation. Sasah ran around the castle, looking for her friend.. Jacob was easy enough to find, and they greeted with a hug, as she smiled at the otter.

"Wasn't expecting -that-, girl!" He punched her shoulder, proud of his best friend.

"Can't say I was either.. Look, you're my only friend, but could you be my uhh.. Man of Honor I guess?" Without hesitation he agreed, and they rushed to the tailor who usually made her clothes, to get a dress fit to her.. It was all happening so fast. The tailor pulled out a box, which held a beautiful dress... It'll definitely do.

Before she knew it, she had looked the most beautiful she had ever seen herself... Her mane was covered by a shroud of diamond-inlaid fabric, The cuffs on her ears were made of the most beautiful pearl-white silk she'd ever seen, and the dress... Sasah didn't dare want to know how much her father paid for it.

"It was your mother's," he says, walking in. Sobering up seemed to have worked. "She said you'd wear it someday. It pains me she can't see it..." Her father choked up for a moment, but quickly regained composure. "Come on, you've got an aisle to walk down." He kissed her on the top of her head.

"What was mom like..?" She asked, probably for the hundredth time in her life, but she'd never get an answer. Lord Bastion sighed and cracked his neck.

"She was beautiful to say the least, but I could have gotten any pretty whore back in the day. No, it was her wit that was her greatest feature. A great tactician, a great sorceress, and a great wife.. She knew when to beat me down when my ego was too high, and to pick me up when I came back from a bad battle." The fat fox kisses his daughter on her head. "Now come on, you're getting married." He smiled, and led her out of the tailoring room and to the wooden doors that led into the dining room.

Lord Bastion takes a deep breath and pauses, before opening the door. A piano started up, played by Balen. A hobby of his. Everyone in the room began clapping, and Sasah had the biggest smile on her face. Her ears were beet red. As she reached the altar, the music stopped, followed by the clapping, and Sasah unhesitantly walked up to the altar where Rasvim stood. He was in the same outfit from the knighting, with the sword still on his belt. When she got to the altar, which they were using a nightstand with a silk tablecloth for, the Vixen noticed her sword laying on top of it. Her ears splayed as she looked her brother in the eyes. He only smiled. He was so much more courageous than her.. Always the first to climb the tree, or jump over the stream. She stared deep into his eyes, getting lost in them, before she heard "You may now exchange your vows."

"Well, this happened so quick, so I just need to say what's on my mind.." Rasvim admits openly. "I love you. I always have. I want to be with you when you're happy, when you're sad, and if the world suddenly catches on fire I want you to be in my arms when it burns. I give you my love, my life, and my soul." Rasvim keeps smiling, so sure of this..

Sasah pauses and she thinks. Her ears perk up and she begins. "I never wanted to be with anyone else, and I never will. There will never be any adversary, no land mass or ocean that will keep us apart. I love you. I give you my love, my life, and my soul."

The Queen smiles, though conceals it rather well. She begins to say they may kiss, but halfway through they had already embraced and kissed deeply. Sasah's tears began to run as the room began to clap and cheer.. The two near-sprint to their room.

Sasah carefully takes off her mother's dress, while her brother undressed as well. There they stood, staring briefly before they near-tackled each other. Rasvim carried Sasah over to the bed, deep in a kiss. She rolled on her stomach and got on all-fours, tail up toward Rasvim. 'I'm presenting myself to my brother...' She blushed heavily. Rasvim didn't take much time to act. They were both virgins, so she knew they'd both be inexperienced at any of this.

Rasvim bent over Sasah and nipped at the nape of her neck. She quivered. She'd been soaked for hours.. Everyone in that room could probably smell her arousal..

"Are you ready?" Rasvim asks. This sort of made Sasah mad.

"By the gods yes! Please! I've been waiting for this fo--" She is cut off as her brother begins to slowly insert his cock into her waiting hole. The Vixen put her head down and let out a quivering sigh. Her triangular vulpine pussy spread apart as her brother's dick slid inside. Before long, she felt a sudden sharp pain.

"Nngh! There's the Hymen.." She bites her lip as her brother continues to nip at her neck.

"Good girl... Just a little deeper.." He continued pushing in until he was all the way to the knot. He was an average size, only six inches before it reached the knot, but Sasah felt like it fit like a key. She panted and quivered as her insides stretched for the first time. She'd only ever played with the outside, to keep her hymen intact for her brother.

After a minute of Rasvim nipped at her neck, and the two staying in that position, she gives a nod.

"Fuck me.. Please.. By all the gods in the universe fuck me!" And Rasvim happily obliged. He slowly pulled out, and then thrusted in softly. He was gentle at first, but soon picked up speed. The fox grabbed onto his sister's left tit. They were so small still, but he didn't mind, playing with the nipple happily. His type was his sister. There is no other. He continued thrusting as Sasah was biting her lip.

"Let it out. No one will care if they hear a little moaning from a married couple~" He teased. Sasah then opened her mouth and let out soft moans of pleasure. She began to pant and push back with every thrust. "B-Bro.." She says suddenly.. "I think I'm gonna cum..!" Rasvim smirks and licks her neck.

"M-Me too," He said, a feeling welling up inside his balls. He suddenly thrusted hard, and pushed against Sasah's pussy hard, as his knot popped inside of her, ropes of hot cum exploding deep inside his sister.

Feeling his brother cum inside of her, she begins to quiver. Her abdomen and thighs shaking as pleasure filled her entire being. She let out several loud moans and then she collapsed, Rasvim being forced along with. "H-hey! Watch it..!"

He sighed and adjusted them to be more comfortable. For the time being, his sister was everything. There was nothing else but the bed, and her.

"Hey sis..?" He said, getting her attention.


"How'd I do?" He asked, insecure for some reason.

"The hells are you talking about?" She giggles. "I wouldn't know whether you did a good or bad job. I... Just want you here, inside of me." She grabs his hand and kisses it.

"But you did cum, right?"

"Oh yeah. I've never had anything that powerful before.. As for what you did.." Sasah rubs her belly. "I'm glad I'm infertile.." She says, smiling. She's never even had a period, and she's sixteen. The family doctor said she's Barren, and will never produce an egg.

The two finally separate after twenty minutes of tugging, and they get washed up. They have a party to attend, which seemed to be.. Kicking. The King and Queen were walking out of the oaken doors, surrounded by a contingent of royal guards. Sasah bowed to her.

"Thank you, my Queen." She said, in earnest and Rasvim also bowed to show his appreciation.

"The only thing I did was knight you, and officiate your wedding. A great honor for you, but I expect the favor to be returned." She says, smiling at them with a Queenly gaze. "The details of your first mission have been left with the butler." She nods, dismissing them, and what they thought were the most powerful people in the world walk out of the castle to their carriage.

Rasvim snickered and punched his sister on the shoulder. "Come on, we're likely missed." They walk into the room and it erupts in drunken cheers.

"A toast," Cheered their distant cousin, and then the room erupts again in agreement. Rasvim takes initiative and grabs Sasah and gets up on a table.

"Someone pour these two a drink!" And a goblet of wine is poured for each of them. They grab the goblets.

"To love." Rasvim says. "Be it race, gender, religion or creed... Or even blood. To love. For today it conquered!" The room erupted in cheers, then went silent for a good moment while everyone chugged a drink, including their father who Sasah smiled at from across the room.

"To love." She says to her brother and they clink their goblets together, and chug the whole thing. They both ended up flushed and coughing."That tastes aweful!"

"Eugh... First drink always tastes awful, I hear.." Rasvim agreed. Suddenly, a very familiar face walked up to them.

"M-master Abelard.." They said in sync. Sasah, and even Rasvim couldn't look him in the eyes. He'd been the strictest one in their lives, always pushing them to their best.

"Can't say I didn't see it coming." He nods, with a smirk. The old soldier took a sip from his mead.

"Wait, what?" Sasah widened her eyes, and folded back her ears.

"Come on, think I'm blind? The armory ain't a good place for two young kids to eat each other's faces if you're trying to keep a secret." He chuckled. "As for the swords... They're not from your father. I made them. Sasah's is called Zweiling, and Leibiel belongs to Rasvim. I spent six years making them, having them enchanted... But enough of that, enjoy the party. And.. I have the feeling your lives are going to get very interesting." He sat his drink down and gave what he thought would be the last mane ruffles he'll ever give these kids..

"Stay strong... " He says, going back to the party. The night went on with drinking games, a fight or two, and Rasvim holding and comforting Sasah while she puked her guts out.

The two awoke in their bed. They hadn't even started the fire the day before, let alone before they went to bed. Sasah was so cuddled into Rasvim she thought for a moment she might be suffocating him, but the snoring continued.. It was freezing, and her head hurt, with the room spinning.

The Vixen thought for a moment to go to a warmer room, and to get water, but she didn't want to leave Rasvim to freeze... She stayed cuddled with him for hours until he yet again snorted himself awake.

"What the hell..?" He grabbed his head "What time is it?"

"Nearly noon, my love.." She smiled up at him weakly. "Wanna go get water..?" She asks, and before she got a response he was already out of bed and over to the chamber pot doing business.

"I feel sick.." She laid back in bed and stared at the ceiling. Things were still spinning a bit.

"Hangovers.. Not fun..." After he was done, he motioned her over. "Your turn, I suppose."

"I already went pee. Again, it's noon." She groaned and wished the sun wasn't coming in through the window. The Vixen got up and shook her head. Her fur was matted with sweat, and vomit. She's definitely had better days.. "Two days, two baths. Who'd have thought?" She got up and head wrapped herself in a blanket, going to get some water heated for a bath. While heating, the two began to drink some water. Their cook, Balen, walked up behind them.

"Pickle juice is good for that, lord and lady." He bowed his head, smiling. A husky, and a servant that helped raise them since the day they were born, ike, Master Abelard.

"Pickle juice..?" They looked at each other, and were suddenly handed two glasses of the light green liquid.

"Chug it, it'll be easier." He says. They trusted him with their lives, so they chugged the glasses of pickle juice and they both coughed and shivered.

"We don't keep many in-stock, but if you find an anti-toxin potion, those will cure it right up. Won't use it for hangovers though, more for if a member of the staff, or one of the lords or ladies is poisoned. Expensive."

After their bath, they returned to the kitchen to find scraps of whatever they could find, since they missed breakfast. The cook seemed hard at work.

"Whatcha making?" Asked Sasah, looking over the cook's shoulder.

"Both of your favorite meals. You're going out on your knight's journey today. Leaving for a long time." He says, sadness in his voice. "The best I can do is offer you a good meal to start on the road with."

The twins' ears immediately folded back. They didn't like to think about it much. They were about to leave for years, and maybe for the rest of their lives. Hells, they could very much die on the journey, and never even have a chance to pass by again.

"We need to say goodbye to everyone." Sasah says to her brother.

"Yeah.. Especially dad. I feel like I need to spend time with him before we go." He pauses and hugs the cook from behind. "Thank you. For everything you have ever done for us Bally." The husky turns around and hugs the boy back, tears in his eyes.

"Wherever you go, just use your head before you use your brawn. Wit. It's what kept your mother and father alive so long.. Hells damn the plague that took her." Rasvim had heard the story of their mother from Sasah at the beginning of the party, before the games started. Tears welled up in the fox's eyes.

"That's what Sasah's for." He nods. "She's the brains of this marriage." He smiles, holding Balen's shoulders before patting them and letting go.

"So much like your parents.." The Husky wiped his eys, before Sasah walked up and huged him as well.

"I'll miss you.."

"I'll miss you too hon, just... Stay safe.. Go, give everyone your goodbyes." He shoos them away with tears in his eyes, and continues cooking their favorite meals. Boiling crawfish in spicy garlic butter for Sasah, and a good-ol' fashioned steak for Rasvim.

The two go to everyone in the castle who cared about them. There were always servants who just did their jobs and didn't get emotionally attached, but a few really got close to them.

Master Abelard was nowhere to be found, but they both agreed that he said his goodbyes yesterday.. Now, it was dad's turn. Two hours until the carriage leaves for Valenia.

"Dad?" The two ask, and entered his room.

"Oh! Come in, come in. Let's have a bit of a uhh.. Goodbye drink. My best brandy." He looked flustered.

"Dad." Rasvim said to his father. He thought he would follow it up with something, but he just went to hug the fat bastard, and cry. Sasah joined in, and they all broke out in tears. They all calmed down eventually and sat at his work desk. He poured all of them a drink, and they began sipping. The two newbies couldn't help but cringe at every sip.

"One day, you'll be back here and you'll be Lord and Lady of this land, and I'll watch as you two govern these people justly, like how I raised you."

Rasvim looked down, his ears back and a sad look on his face. "But I know you won't be here if we do come back." He says, honesty in his words. It bit his father hard.

"W-what do you mean? I've still got quite a bit of life in me. What's a knight's quest take, two, four years at most?"

"And with how fat you are, with how large your liver is, your diabetes and how much you drink? You'll be dead before we get back." He looks sternly at his father.

"Rasvim!" Sasah looks at him, wide-eyed.

"When the quest is over, we'll be back.. But I want to greet my father, not his grave." A long, awkward silence was induced. The fat fox threw back the rest of his brandy and put down his glass. He grabbed the bottle and took it to the window. He looked through the liquid at the sun, seeing how it skewed, and discolored the light. The two looked at him concerned.

"When your mother died, all I saw was this. A skewed interpretation of what's in front of me. Whether it be my sorrow, or through the bottom of a glass." The former knight turned over the bottle and watched the expensive brandy pour out of the window below.

"I'm quitting the drink. I'll be damned if my son and daughter return home to an empty castle and a grave marked 'Lord Bartholomew Bastion.' I see it now. Your mother is looking down on me in shame.. I'm gonna make up for that, or damn my soul to the hells!" He went to hug his kids. They talked for the rest of the time they have about their mother. She died of the plague when they were two, so they had no recollection of her... The description of the plague was vague.

"Sasah, Rasvim, I want you to take something with you. Your mother would want that." He sniffles. They'd all been crying on and off for a while. He goes over to a lockbox on his dresser, puts a key in, and opens it. He pulls out what seems like two cloak clasps, made of silver. They were quite beaten up, and have runes engraved on them.

"We used this in the war. You can touch it, and then say anything you want to the other person, no matter the distance."

They tried it out. Each of them grabbed one, and went into separate rooms. True to story, they could talk and hear each other as if they were in the room with them.

"Dad..." Sasah gives him a hug. "Make us proud. Make mom proud." The fat fox sniffled at that.

"And you go out there and make me proud. Do the Kingdom justice out there." He squeezed them again. "Now go eat the final homemade meal you'll have in awhile."

After the meal, they headed to the armory to be fitted with their travel gear.

On top was a leather vest which hung down to their thighs. Underneath was maroon, embroidered padded armor over a light chain mail shirt. But underneath all of that was their secret mithril shirts. With that they wore padded woolen pants, and fresh leather boots. Padded leather gloves kept their hands protected and warm, while a maroon woolen cloak with a hood, clasped with the cloak pins their father gave them. Their swords and dagger, which was mostly used for utility, hung from a red leather belt, the same color as the scabbard.

They took some time to read the orders they were given before the carriage arrived. "Lord Balderwick.. Never heard of him." Rasvim snickered.

"Neither have I. Maybe he's important enough to be uhh... Unimportant, if you know what I mean. Secret. Either way I know we'll have to kill people, and I already know it's going to be hard." She sighed, her hand shaking at the thought of taking a life.

"Won't be easy for me either.. I just hope whoever we kill really deserves it."

"You know that's not always the case." Sasah sighed. "Bro, we're knights now. There's no turning back since our swords touched our shoulders.." She looked at him, and thought of their first night together. She sighs, thanking that she's not wearing chain pants.

"You smell wonderful~" Her brother teases, laying his head on her shoulder.

"I know what you're thinking and boy.. I'd love to.." She giggles, laying her head on his, "But the carriage should be here any minute. If I thought we'd have time, we'd go behind the armory.."

"You're not remember what Master Abelard said, do you..? He caught us, but didn't say anything.. Could have turned us into father, but I don't think that would have mattered anymore." She nuzzleed her brother, who then grabbed his sister's muzzle and kissed her deeply. She wasn't used to doing it in public.. Her tongue wrestled with his for a moment, before they broke apart.

"Keep going and the -horses- will know I'm horny." She punched his shoulder. Their ears twitched and they heard the clopping of hooves, and the rolling of wooden wheels. "Carriage is here." They grabbed their recurve bows and quivers, and bags which had only the most essential survival supplies.

"Hold on.." Sasah was about to get in the cart, before she took one final look at her home. She took everything in memorizing how it looked. She sighed and got in the carriage with her brother.

"You alright?"

"Yeah.. I'm gonna miss this place. Everything happened... It happened so fast my head's still spinning."

"You sure that's not the hangover?" Rasvim smirks and sticks his tongue out at his sister. The carriage begins moving, turning around and heading out. She decided to ignore the question and keep silent for a bit. The Vixen laid her head against the wall of the carriage and slowly dozed off.