Bastion - Pt. 4

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#4 of Bastion

Our heroes leave for the city of Catheon, only Sasah knowing their true purpose. Xongile and Sasah spend some quality time bonding.

Shorter than usual, because the cliffhanger was just too good to resist.


Sasah strode into Balderwick's Library where she knew he always was. It was darker than usual, most of the candles had been used up, dripping candle wax onto the table.

"Your first assignment is the desert of Baldora. Unlike regular Shepherds, you three are on a special assignment. Your two new friends won't be joining you." He always knew what was happening in his house.. And outside of it.

"I wasn't going to let them come anyways. Sad to say, but they'd get in the way, good of friends as they are." Sasah sighed.

"They got more than most members ever get. They were trained by the best, but for a different purpose." He moved to hand Sasah a document, sealed in wax. "This is your first official assignment. And no, we don't know where he is.."

Sasah had to ask. "Who is -he- exactly? I have a face, a blood relation, but no name." She shook her head.

"Barreth." He says abruptly. "He is no longer a Bastion, nor nobility. Queen Alyssa denounced him when he turned from Knighthood to the realm of Chaos." He turned his head, seemingly ashamed he ever knew the man. Sasah burned the name into her memory.

"I warn you, Sasah." Balderwick sighed. "A Death Knight is no easy opponent as it is. Ace would have trouble fighting even a mediocre one. As for Barreth... He has the blessing of a God known only as the Lord of Nightmare. The embodiment of pure Chaos. He is that God's champion. As you are Balthazar's champion." She looked down, shivering with more fear than she was used to.. 'Always such a coward...' She told herself.

"And you have yet to even -taste- fear." Balderwick mentions. She swears aloud. She might as well be saying everything she's thinking aloud with him around. Doesn't make a difference.

"Doesn't matter what I've tasted, or faced. It's me, or him. The Light, or the Dark." She pockets the documents and says. "Now I'd love to stay and chat so you could read more of my mind, but we ride toward the Apocalypse."

"I have a cart prepared for you in the stables. Stay strong, Sasah. For all of us." She walked out, head held high. She could find a hint of emotion in that last part. Unusual for the man.. Sasah walked to the front of the manor, and opened the doors to find her two lovers... She wasn't even going to read the letter until she did something for them... The Vixen snuck off to the garden and got on her knees. Praying for maybe the first time since she was a kit. "Balthazar," She was going to continue but a familiar presence warmed her. She looked to the ground and grimaced.

"So, because I'm your champion, I can call upon you for advice, eh..?" She turned to face the Lion Cub, clothed in the same radiant white and gold garb. "That's how this whole thing works." He said, with a sly smirk on his face.

"How's dad...?" She sits on her ass, rather than her knees.

"He's sober. Will be until the day he dies." She sighed, glad that her father was staying true.

"What's... What's mom thinking about it..?" She had a sad tone to her voice. For once, she could feel Balthazar wince with remorse, but he smiled at her none-the-less. "She's been disappointed for a very long time with your father. But since little Rassy said those words to him, she watched and grew prouder by the day. He hasn't even touched a bottle in thought since you two left." The God got nearer to her, looking at her smile.

"Abelard's got him doing laps around the castle to lose weight, and he hasn't spit out a single complaint about it. It's wonderful to see how children can change their parents, even at the supposed end of their days.." He looked distantly, as if staring at something that wasn't there. She knew what it was... He gawked over their personal, heartfelt moment with dad...

"Yup.. And I'll say.. it's beautiful." The Lion Cub smiled brightly at the girl. He was in a good mood now. "And now for your real question. The answer is yes. Especially now that you've got me in a good mood."

"Can you stop reading my mind..?"

"I mean, I could technically read your mind, but I see things in regards to fate. I knew you were going to call on me at this very moment before you were born. Gods don't need parlor tricks." He winks. "But again, my answer is yes. I will marry you, Rassy, and Xangy together in holy matrimony. Personally." He added that at the end, but she wasn't even going to ask...

"You're my champion. Think I'm gonna let some random drunken priest down at the local Church marry you three together?" He raspberries. "The only reason I let your precious Queen do it was because I knew I'd be redoing it only months later." He giggles. "Go to Canteon. My holiest church rests there, and I won't have it done anywhere else... Contrary to your very insightful and infinitely useful teacher's beliefs, the world needs to know you're here. Why? I can't tell you. And yes, it's on the way to your mission that you haven't even unsealed yet. Which will be quite the doozy. Lots of undead. Maybe a Deathlord or two. Bring holy oil." He winked, before disappearing in an instant, as if it were only an image in her head... She sighed.

"Bring holy oil... Got it..." She turned to watch Xongile stroll up.

"Where'd the kid go? I just saw him." Sasah snickered.

"Don't worry about it for now. Point is we're heading to Canteon. Capital of our Kingdom." Xongile was quick to remind the larger Vixen of her past. "Your kingdom... I ain't even a citizen here in Trivaria yet." Sasah picks up her favorite female and hugs her close. The Fennec fox returned the hug, murring. "You'll be a citizen in a week, maybe a week and a half. You're marrying knights." She kissed her lover on the muzzle briefly, before she moved in for a more passionate kiss. Arousal panged at her suddenly. She realized it had been weeks since any release.. A small moan was released into her future wife's mouth, before the small vixen smirked and broke the kiss.

"Been awhile, love?" She rubbed their noses together. "I've got you covered. The cart is covered, so we can fuck all day while Rasvim drives."

"But.. Won't he want some..?"

"No buts. Me and him have been going at it every other day since you've been sick, and you've been busy, and never in the room..." Xongile hugged her future wife close again. She was still being held. "I feel guilty... You haven't gotten any attention."

"Don't worry about it." She smiled, moving to carry her lover in a cradled position, which drove her crazy. The smell of Xangy's arousal quickly reached Sasah's nose. She sniffed deeply.

"Most of that was self-induced. I drove you two away for a while. But now..." Sasah felt the pangs of need in her loins. The three got to the cart. Sasah made sure the horses were secure, and Rasvim hopped on the front. "You two get in the back and make it smell even more wonderful around here than it already does~" He teases, winking. Sasah blushes and gives him a peck on the cheek. He was always so sensitive to her arousal, but now it seems he's hooked on Xongile too." She helped throw the last of the supplies in, and lifted her future wife to the cart.

"Never hurts to help someone who's vertically challenged." She teased, throwing back to their first conversation. Xongile's lip quivers and she blushes. She's used to being lifted to higher places at this point, more for her own kink than anything else, but Sasah remembering what first made her talk to her. The two sat together in the back, already undressed. It was roomy. They always needed to travel light, and it's a perfect place for all of them to sleep...

"Sasah...?" She looked at Xongile with inquisitive eyes. "What made you want me? No one's ever wanted a scruffy little fox with a temper to match her mood swings."

"You were the only interesting one of the party, obviously. The other two were boring as a box of nails... " She lays back, naked, and her thighs soaked with her own fluids. Xongile was fairing no better.

"So I chatted with you, opened you up, and we got to talking... You were the one who really opened the door, though." She rolls over and rubs Xangy's ear. "And us mating that night... I'd never thought there could be so much pleasure in just sex... No rush for climaxing, and just playing. And with a woman..." She trailed off, tracing a finger around one of Xongile's tiny nipples. "You can climax, cuddle for a bit, then keep going... Another thirty minutes of playing and a climax... There's no rush with you. It's for pleasure, fun, and love." She murrs into her future wife's ears. The fennec fox gulped. A pool was collecting under her. There would have been silence if not for the soft moans coming from Xongile, as Sasah continued to tease.

"You try tailhole play yet with Rassy?" She poked around her lover's thighs.

"N-no.. Yes..? He licked there... I-It felt great... He said inserting anything..." She moaned as the fingers trailed closer to her sex. "Would hurt me too much..." She groans in disappointment as a finger trailed over her cunt softly, then pulled away. Sasah got up and went to a chest with only latches on it next to her. With what she pulled out, Xongile began to pant like a bitch in heat. Ropes, a muzzle, and a rubber object that looked like Rasvim's cock, but far smaller... "That's for my kind, isn't it?" She moans, having trouble keeping her hands away from her sex. Instead she rubbed her body. Anything. But she was quickly forced onto her stomach and rope was tied around her hands. Tight.

"Heh... Even I can't get through that knot.." She struggled, trying to see how good a job Sasah did. When it started hurting, she gave up. Sasah raked her claws across her tiny lover's back, and Xongile arched as she did. Fuck... Back scratches... She continued this for awhile, poking around and teasing until Xongile couldn't hold her tongue anymore and started begging for release, but Sasah put the muzzle on her. This only turned on the tiny vixen even further. The teasing continued. She never fully touched her cunt.. She hated it.. She loved it.. She loved it, yeah.. As she gave in, the teasing continued for another hour, pleasuring her in indirect ways.

Suddenly Sasah felt Xongile tense under her. Xangy's entire body was convulsing. The Vixen mixed in yelps and moans, muffled by the muzzle as a full-body took hold of her... The only one she's ever had... And also the only orgasm she's had without anyone touching her pussy.. All that mattered in the moments following was Sasah. She had spent so much time pleasing her, and hadn't so much as touched herself.

"You may please me now." She smiled at her pet, giving her permission. The Fennec wormed her way to her knees and then scooted up the Sasah's cunt. After watching her try so hard, Sasah scooped up her favorite Vixen and removed the muzzle.

"You fucking bitch.." Xongile smirks, kissing her Sasah on the muzzle. "That was the worst, and best experience of my life all rolled into one... I loved it." With the rope still tying her hands together.

Sasah turned her lover to a sitting sixty-nine position. She knew she couldn't lick her from here but... She promised something. As her future wife got to licking, Sasah grabbed the rubber knotted cock from her side and began to lube it up on Xangy's already-juicy cunt. Once satisfied, both letting out moans, she slips the dildo easily into her lover's triangular vulpine pussy. "Wow... You really were stretched. Someone of your race would be disappointed." She tsks at her lover, who blushed from the degradation. Sasah lifted the Fennec away from her own sex began licking her tailhole, her demeanor and moans changed. They were frantic, and Xongile squirmed with enjoyment. She got worked up, an orgasm on the horizon, so she decided to fulfil her promise. "Your tailhole is sensitive, just like mine~" Sasah says teasingly, as she pulls the small vulpine cock from Xangy's cunt and then places it squarely on her tailhole.. "Ready..?"

"Fuck yeah... Please, don't stop..." She moaned just at the idea before going back to work on Sasah.

The larger Vixen moaned as she started back. The rubber cock slowly began to sink into her future wife's tailhole. She watched it, as the hole winked and as the dildo slowly sunk it in. By now, they were both squirming, and they both neared a climax... She needed this. 'By Balthazar I love this woman.' She thought, as she moaned. Xongile let out a full-on squirt, all over Sasah's face and body. Sasah knew what squirting was, but she didn't care... They cuddled for only a moment before they were ready again. Xangy's hands were still tied.

"I know you've wanted this for a long time..." She says, kissing her future wife. Xongile grimaced as the taste of her own piss came into her mouth. Ugh... She smelled and tasted something off about it. Before she could think further on it, Sasah had her on her back, and her hand around the much smaller female's throat. She wasn't squeezing.. Yet. She wanted to get Xongile close.

She pounded two fingers into her lover, before deciding that wasn't enough. Through the moans, Sasah hooked her fingers into Xongile's cunt, finding her G-spot, which she was glad she remembered the location of. After a few moments of Xongile squirming, she announced. "I-I'm close...!" As she said that, Sasah gripped around her throat, cutting off airflow. She looked carefully at her. Only until she cums... It so happened she was further off than Sasah expected. With a smile on her face, Xongile started to blue while she came. Sasah forgot to release her grip while she came, so right as the orgasm ended, the larger Vixen, while smiling down at her lover's cunt, noticed she made her lover pass out..

"Uh oh.." She wasn't as concerned as she would have used to be.. She released her grip and put some healing magic into her lover. Her breathing starts again, and she slowly becomes conscious again. A smile was on her face.

"Playing it dangerous, are we?" She sticks her tongue out. She was still low on oxygen. So she sat there for about ten minutes, and then they started again. They did this for six hours. It was getting dark, so they knew they'd better stop for now to cuddle.

Sasah untied the ropes from Xongile's hands, and they cuddled for the rest of the time. They chatted naked and completely soaked in eachother's juices, smiling and giggling at each other. She loved seeing her like this... Happy.

"Where were you born?" She asked, pressing her nose against Xongile's chest. The far smaller female kept her nose up, understandably.

"I can't really pronounce the name anymore.. It's not a popular language.." She pauses. "Closest translation is Sandhouse." She winces at the smell again.

"It's your fault I smell like piss~" She murred into her.

"Well, doesn't mean I gotta smell yah!" She kept her nose up, but only for a moment.. She loved Sasah more than this. She moves her muzzle toward Sasah and breathes. She catches the scent of her own hormones.

"Right... I'm in heat." She sighs, now realising why her urine was so strange.

"I could smell that three days ago. You just noticed?" Sasah goes to kiss Xongile deeply. After the kiss breaks they continue.

"Your heat started, same time, right? Seems we synced up."

"Just... Just try not to get pregnant until after this is all over." Sasah says in a somber tone, worried.

"Hah... We're different species darling... Not gonna happen."

"Yeah, it will." She looks seriously at Xongile. "Eventually... That is. See... When a Fennec and a Red Fox mate, the female can get pregnant.. Not in the wild, of course, but of our kind." She saw worry enter her lover's eyes. She used something she personally hated. Mind reading.. She saw her imaging a deformed kit, fucked up by the differences in their species.

"They won't end up deformed or anything.. Luckily, as the luck of nature would have it the mother's genes are one-hundred percent dominant when it comes to species. In your case, they'd be just another Fennec." She smiled at her.

Worry exits her lover's mind and she relaxes... Sasah felt dirty, and not physically. She sighs, leaving Xongile mind and putting their heads together. The cart pulled to the side.

"Thank the gods, I hear a river!" Xongile sighed. "Let's go wash."

Xongile rounded the cart, and went to kiss Rasvim deeply. He winced a moment, but did return it with an equal amount of passion. As they broke he said,

"You smell like piss... Didn't know you two were into that." Sasah scoffs and hits him softly on the chest. "She squirted on me. It was an accident. She stuck her tongue out."

"Good, 'cause I don't do piss." He chuckles, getting the tent out of the cart. "Yeah.. Gonna need to refinish this this before we return it to good ol' Balderwick." He joked. He obviously saw their mess. More likely he smelled it before he saw it, though... He knows we're in heat. After a wash, she goes to the tent and hugs on her brother. "Knot me..." She pleaded to him. "Huh? Of course.." He looked to her, a bit concerned. "First, what's wrong?" Sasah cuddles with her brother, nuzzling him.

"The only thing that's wrong is I miss my brother. We haven't spent a lot of time together since the first mission. I miss you.. Deeply.. It hurts.. It always hurts to be separated from you."

"You've always had separation anxiety..." Rasvim pats her head. "It's much better than it used to be at least." He begins rubbing her mane to calm her. As he always has. "At least you don't have anxiety attacks when I leave the room anymore."

"And you don't freak out when people do card tricks, thinking it's unnatural." She nuzzles him. She had a thought.. Why had they been so distant? No, he..

"It's my sudden stupid affinity for magic..." She got up, looking down at her brother's groin. It wasn't even hard yet..

"You hate me now..." She buries her face in her hands as she begins to weep.

"I damn well deny that," he says, smacking her in the back of the head. "You think I hate my twin sister just because I can't be around magic? Who do you think I am...?" She did it. She crawled into his mind and the most present emotion was fear... So he didn't hate her. He was scared of her. She continued to weep. He hugged her. She dug deeper, finding emotions of love, conflict, hatred.. Hatred.. She delved into that thought. Hatred of himself. This all lasted but a second.

Sasah suddenly smacked her brother across the face. She'd never struck him in earnest in her life, but damn did he deserve it. She got up, naked, and left for the exit of the tent. "You hate yourself for fearing me.. Both... Both I hate.." She walked deep into the forest, getting herself lost like she wanted. The crying vixen sat herself up against a tree and cried for an hour.. Or two, she lost track of all time. As she looked around, she didn't care where she was. But a familiar presence walked up. It was becoming too familiar... She felt like she needed more help than she's worth.

"The ones that need the most help are the most interesting ones. And always the best at what they do." She looked up at him, with inquisitive, red eyes. "By the time you reach your goal, you'll be ready to tear continents asunder to destroy darkness. But that's not what's important here... You're hurt." He said, squatting down next to her defeated, naked body. "What hurts?"

"My soul... All of it... Just take it away..." She cried out in sadness. He tisked at her and stood up. "But that would leave your poor brother and future wife, who just wandered into a bandit camp naked... Well, dead." He smiled at her gently.

Light... What's the difference between Light and Darkness with what this god had been doing to her. She walked in the direction she knew her lovers were. Flames were in her eyes. People will burn.