Bastion - Pt. 5

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#5 of Bastion

Sasah breaks, and when our heroes finally reach town, a terrible truth is revealed.

At the edge of the bandit camp, Sasah saw her brother Rasvim and her beloved Xongile tied up to a post. Both naked. The chief of the camp grabbed the tiny fox's tiny tit, pinching it between two fingers and she snapped her teeth at him.

"Hands off, asshole!" The camp erupted in laughter.

"Think you have any power here, little fox?" He continued to fondle her tit, before his forearm jerked back. It snapped vertically in two. Xongile screamed at the crack, but then laughed and spat at the men. "Come at me, assholes!"

Rasvim stayed silent. He was trying to silently cut the rope with his claw. The fox saw this happen, and for some reason, he relaxed. Sis seemed to be here to save the day... He closed his eyes. 'I swear to you there will be no fear anymore.' He worked on a dialogue in his mind. He watched as fear from the sudden cracking of the bandit chief's forearm turned the camp to horror. A naked vixen walked into camp, surrounded by black flame. Dark violet runes covered her body. This wasn't normal magic. This was evil. Evil magic forbidden by ancient laws.

People began erupting in black flame as she simply stood there. A man's head exploded near Xongile, but she didn't react. She knew these people deserved it, -and- they caught Sasah at a very bad time. Even in her home Kingdom, where magic was freedom, and sacrificing animals was still common practice for rituals, if someone saw you use Eldritch magics, you'd have the mage hunters after you for direct prosecution.

"How did mom learn this shit..?" He winced, watching a human's stomach explode open. The man screamed and suddenly he was yanked by an invisible force up into the trees, where he came back down, hanging by the neck and strangling on his own intestines.

"You don't learn Eldritch magic. You let it use you. Until everyone in this camp but us had died in..." A man's severed leg flew by them, "the most horrible ways her mind has ever imagined, it won't stop. Just be glad it won't target those you love when you're powerful." A few minutes later, the screaming stopped and the woods fell silent. The flames around Sasah died and she sighs, looking up with true disgust in her eyes.

"Bet this isn't what you wanted, my dear Balthazar." She spat. She grabbed a knife and cut her lovers down. She felt disgusting. She bent over and vomited into the grass.

"Too much magic?" Rasvim kneels down to pet her head. "You can search my mind whenever you want, or wherever we are... I'll be scared." She continued to empty her guts into the grass, but listened to her brother as best she could. "I'm scared, sis. All the time. You think you're the coward... Yet you just called out the God of Light after you used Eldritch magic.

A presence like which the two had never felt before walked closer to them.

"Hey.. It's that cub.." Xongile says, before realising and bowing her head as low to the ground as possible. "Boy your head fuckwit! That's Balthazar!" Rasvim folded his ears back and put his head to the ground as well.

"You want to know the difference between what the God of Light, and the Lord of Nightmare does to forge a path for their Champions and servants, Sasah. You just witnessed it." He looks around, disgusted. He shivers and claps. They were suddenly in a different forest... No...

Sasah felt bliss wash over her. It washed away any sort of feeling she had from using that awful magic... "What... Did I witness?"

"You can see yet you are blind." He tisked and shaked his head. The three look around in the most beautiful forest.. And sight they've ever seen. Flowers the size of bushes sprung up from the ground, and glowed. Animals from their world were from were all around, unafraid of them. The leaves on the trees would glow softly, then fade, and repeat. Every single one of them felt like their souls had been cleansed of all sorrow, all doubt, all fear... They smile. Only being able to smile in a place like this.

"Welcome to Paradise. The life after death where people who don't practice evil go." He breathed in. "That dreadful place was getting even to me, so this is a better place to talk and.. Cleanse.." He walked around and picked up a random rabbit and started petting it.

"Sasah." Balthazar looked to her, which she in turn looked to the ground. She realised what she did, and knew her god would reprimand her for it again. Right?

"You wanted to know the difference between whether you serve Bathazar, or the Lord of Nightmare... Your uncle began studying Eldritch magic to find ways to defeat it. It pulled him in. Eventually necromancy became a passion of his. The Lord of Nightmare took notice of someone so important practicing necromancy..." He paused, letting the rabbit down when it squirmed a bit. "That Lord of Nightmare sent assassins after his wife... Their origin was never found, but of course I know.

"They butchered her kids in front of her, making sure she watched, and when Barreth came back he went into a rage. He went out to track them down. When he came back his wife had been butchered as well. The Lord of Nightmare came to him and offered him a way to bring order to the world through Chaos, and to bring them back. Through bringing all into the grasp of undead, there would be true peace." Sasah had a brief hope, but decided the Death Knight was too horrible of a man to save.

The God of Light sighs, as the three watched him carefully. Smiles were on all of their faces except Sasah's. "You want to know the difference? I guide you to make the right decisions using your powerful love for these two. The Lord of Nightmare will tear you down to your very core, and promise to fix the source of the problem with power. He will order the death of Xongile and Rasvim and then blame the local Magistrate guard, saying they must be purged."

"You call using Eldritch magic to massacre an entire camp a right decision?" She would cry, but this world was made to make her feel bliss.

"Yes." He says, smiling at her. "And no. You got your point across to your brother. You didn't need to turn into a vessel of pure evil and malice to do it for sure, but you're back on the right path, which is what counts." Sasah sat down, feeling the softest grass that she wished existed back home. It felt like she's touching cashmere threads.

"So you're gonna pick me up every time I fall?" She looks at the God.

"No. There are times where no god, not even the God of Magic could solve your problems, He's got enough problems as it is with Darius mucking about." He shakes his head. He looked as if he was staring at something that wasn't there again.

"Do you have a god logbook of events or something?"

"Even someone with Omniscience have to double-check sometimes." Balthazar winked.

"Who is Darius, anyways..?"

"Who is Darius...?" He seemed to ask himself the same question."Imagine a power beyond anything a god could face." He nodded, thinking he had the right description in mind.

"Fuck..." She already shivered.

"And now make it a mortal who gained immortality through magic... And cares about nothing but screwing with people's lives."

"Can't anyone stop him...?"

"Don't try." He spat with haste and aggression.

"If he senses you're anywhere close to his power, and begin fucking with that man... He's really fucked with destiny many times, so he'll do it again. Going back and killing children before they're born.." The god spat once again. "And if you go back and kill him as a baby, well reality itself pretty much rips itself apart at this point..." He kicked the ground.

"Does he uhh.. Usually get this angry and rant about dickhead powerful guys?" Xongile quirked a brow.

"Never seen him even show anger..." Sasah had inquisitive eyes on the God as he calmed himself.

"Believe it or not, we have the same emotions as we put in our children. We're just better at controlling them." He sighs.

"Your children or your emotions?" Sasah jested, sticking a tongue out.

Balthazar looked at the three, the wheels turning in his head. "Call me Bal from now on. As far as I'm concerned at this point, we're the closest thing to friends a God will get to a mortal."

"Why's that? Why can't Gods and mortals get close? I mean, you fuck mortals but can't befriend them?" Xongile snickered.

"Because most mortals who see what I just did will start praying for forgiveness for upsetting their dear mighty god, and it's not healthy for ego." He decided to look into their minds. Just what this world naturally brings is what's normal. Sasah's happy she made a friend, and that she's serving a friend rather than some almighty being. As this thought crosses her head, the Vixen subconsciously smiles and nods.

"I'll appear to all of you now if something happens, instead of just Sasah... And I might be willing to throw a bit of power around if I have to for you guys." He paused and looked at them sternly. "Only a little... And only when absolutely necessary. And there have been moments when a God's smite has changed history. Sasah knows the true extent of that.. Luckily I don't foresee any need for that."

Rasvim spoke. "Can you fix my fear of Magic..? I don't wanna hold Sasah back like that again."

"I already have." He rolled his eyes. "Did you wince even once when your sister rolled in to save the day? No. But a God usually works through manipulation, not action. I manipulated your compasses to point toward the bandit camp, because you knew she went north. Sasah cried for longer than expected, so Xangy got her poor tit squeezed." She looked angry, even through the magic of this place, remembering the man touching her. Then she smiles as she remembered Sasah... Removing him from her in such a glorious way.

"Love you Sasah.. Thanks for saving us, no matter if Bal manipulated the whole thing." He went and sat in the larger Vixen's lap.

"Speaking of which... A priest at a small town church needs to be manipulated into a cell and to the gallows. Not a fan of people molesting cubs." He shakes his head, tisking.

"You all take care, and you might have a bit of uhh.. Shock when you go back. I'll drop you at your cart instead of at the horrific scene you left behind to make it easier.. Stay strong." He clapped his hands and they were at their carts again.

Sasah felt sorrow creep into her. Negative emotions, a cold chill that slowly ate at her soul until it settled in and made itself back at home. She and Rasvim handled the transition better than Xongile. All of them were still naked, and the back of the cart was soaked.. Sasah went to grab a thick woolen blanket and they all cuddled under it in the grass. Xongile was crying hard. She hadn't ever seen her cry much. Unlike her, Sasah, her future wife only cried when it really hurt.

"Xangy." She pulled her as close to her under the blanket as possible.

"S-Sasah...!" She whimpered out. She was in no state to talk. Rasvim was obviously letting her handle it, so she tried to use the tactics he used on her all the time.

"I'm here... Shhh... I'm here. Everything will be alright.." She pulls the woman further up so she could cuddle her head better. And let her feel her breath. Xongile's breaths became unsteady, and frantic.. Whimpers escaped from her every time she exhaled.

My god... She was having a panic attack. This woman was more like her than she ever thought... Sasah sat up and placed the panicking Fox on her lap. She hugged her hard.

"Xangy, I'm here. Breathe with me. Breathe in.." Sasah breathed in, and paused. "And out.." she breathed out. Tears stained Xongile's face, more than they ever have.

"What's wrong?" Rasvim spoke and he immediately noticed. He stayed silent and let Sasah do exactly what he did for her when they were cubs.

"In... And out.." Xongile slowly got a breathing rhythm back. Light poking out in her thoughts in the dark.

"In... And out.." Slowly, the small fennec fox slowed her breathing back to normal. Five minutes of attempting to get her breathing into rhythm, and she fell asleep, relaxing fully in Sasah's arms. Sasah curled them both back under the blanket and the two sandwiched the tiny fox between them as they fell asleep as well... The wards Sasah silently cast while calming her lover to protect their camp should keep everything but a dragon or more powerful at bay. For maybe the first time in her life, she was glad for magic. They got to make sure their little Vixen was safe between them.

A dream took Sasah. She thought... She couldn't open her eyes, and.. It was a vision. She sighed silently as her mind brought to her the knowledge of what visions do... Simple, a vision of the past, present or future.. Up to you to figure out which one.. She looked around. A town made of mud buildings and she was surrounded by desert. Nothing but sand. She saw a little fennec fox, and she folded her ears back as she now realized what this is.

Sasah shook her head. She had to be strong. She needed to know what bothered her beloved... She walked closer to the child, who wore nothing but rags for clothes, which were covered in blood. She was bruised. A black eye, and lumps all over her body. She could sense one of the child's ribs were also broken, and she soon saw why. Anger flared in her. It felt like she'd been punched in the gut as Xongile held her hand out, begging for coin, when a man simply kicked her. The fox cried, and got back up, continuing to ask for money... If she didn't, starvation was her fate.. Or something worse. She managed to get a couple of copper from someone at last, which made both Sasah, who's tears were running, and the fox from the past a little happy. She wanted this vision to end, but it pushed her forward. She had to follow... With legs that weren't her own, Sasah followed the tiny baby fox.

They passed the market... Wasn't she going to get food? She continued past into what looked like the slums of this slum city.

"Sandhouse..." She remembered she called it in Common. The little fennec fox turned and walked into a shack. Sasah is forced to follow. She walked in getting a strong whiff of Deathroot. She knew from somewhere deep in her mind... People get hooked on this drug, and if they do it enough, they'll die if they stop... Knowing they would, it drives them even further to get it and stop the withdrawals before it kills them. Sasah hears a tiny scream, but it's quickly muffled.

"Shut up..." She knew it wasn't common, but she understood it. "You got the money, or you going to end up like him?" Sasah saw what the scream was from. This hyena, draped in rags just as bad as the cub's was holding Xongile muzzle shut... Sasah wanted to scream as well... She wanted this place to burn. Every single piece of evidence is gone.. Nothing could escape her lips. It's a vision... She saw a still-living cheetah cub, maybe ten at best, skinned alive and dying a death that she thought too horrific to imagine too long.

She'd have puked if she could.. She felt sick. She watched the fox hand her copper to the man and she ran. Sasah hovered behind her now. She ran and sntatched two loaves of bread from a stall, not caring if anyone saw. "Hey, stop!" And she kept running. Into the vast desert where Xongile was sure she'd die, but any death is better than that. She ran. And ran.. Until she fell. She had the bread as what she thought was her last meal.

Sasah awoke, finally able to scream. Flames circled briefly around the group, created from raw emotion, but she stifled it. Wild magic. She started gurgling and puking into the grass next to her. Her two lovers awoke screaming from the suddenness of what was happening.

"W-What the fuck?! Are we under attack?!" Xongile screamed, grabbing for her daggers that weren't there. She realised Sasah was puking into the grass. She remembered last night, and nodded confidently. She walked up to Sasah and patted her on the back.

"Rasvim, go get the cart clean. I got this." She waited until every bit of the vile liquid was gone. "Bad dream?" she smiled warmly at her future wife. They were both still naked... They really needed to put on their kit. She turned her attention back to Sasah, who had just gone to grab Xongile and hold her. She's never held anyone so tight, or cried hard because she felt so horrible for her future wife. "The worst dream I've ever had in my life. You poor thing... If that man isn't dead from that drug, he'll die by my hand when this is all over." She cried into Xongile, continuing to hold her tight.

"What... I don't understand..." She seemed confused. She'd never told Sasah that part of her past. She'd never tell anyone... Ever... Was she searching in her head? She tried her damndest to forget that...

"I get visions in my sleep." Sasah put her lover down. She wipes the tears from her face. "I saw you beaten.. Your.. Rags bloodied. I could sense your broken rib and when you finally got that coin.." She looked back to the vision, now in anger. "What happened after you collapsed in the desert?"

Xongile had teared up. She was remembering it. But it wasn't like usual where she'd panic. No, she felt remorse... "I tell people my panic attacks are caused when there's a thunderstorm, or when I think of thunder... No. It's when I think about this. That boy... My best friend. Aled..." She started to tear up more. "I took two pieces of bread from the stall and ran into the desert. I'd have rather died in the desert than by some psychopath in that town. Those pieces of bread were supposed to be my last meal.

Sasah licks the tears off of Xongile's cheek. "I got picked up and barely saved by a trading caravan... My family. They said I'd have died within the hour had their shaman not been with them on that trip."

She continued, telling Sasah the full story of her beginnings. "I ran with them for a long time. And one day the Elder Shaman, a man who treated me like a daughter told me to pack my things." She wiped her eyes again. "'There was a bigger world with bigger problems that needed my help'... He said that and offered me Balderwick's letter. They instilled love in me, where none had existed before. The Shaman was a farseer. He saw all of this bullshit. I know it." She shakes her head. "He told me, as they dropped me off at the border crossing. He told me to trust my instincts, always keep washed, and that, and I quote, 'roses bloom most beautiful in the winter.' Crazy old coot." She giggled through her tears at remembering. Sasah was glad to be with her, and that she shared such stories that she kept hidden from the light.. She wished she could help... Maybe she'll ask Bal what that last phrase meant. Something cryptic.

The two embraced, smiled and began to doze again. "Alright ladies, let's get going.. Try not to make a mess this time. I think your heat hormones penetrated the wood." He teased. He hooked the horses up to the cart and hopped up front.

"Thought Xongile was driving today..."

"She needs you far more than you need to be knotted, and more than I need to knot you." He stuck his tongue out again. She read his mind, and he truly was genuine... They all truly cared for each other.

"But I damn well better get my turn." She teased back at him, carrying a sleeping Xongile to the cart bed.

Huh.. She smiled. Rasvim laid a bedroll out for them to lay on. Much more comfy. She carefully laid the exhausted little Vixen on the roll and Sasah curled up next to her silently. She simply played with Xongile's mane for the entire time she slept. She swore she heard something... 'Wait... Was Xongile purring?' She blinked as her lover purred softly for the first time since they met. She smiled. She never met a Fennec before her, so she never knew they could purr.

She took it as a good sign. If it's anything like cats, she's truly in bliss. Sasah takes a moment to look into her mind, and focus on images. She's currently dreaming of the three of them curled up together next to a warm fire, simply enjoying each other's company... It turned and they were at a beach. She'd never seen a beach before, but Xongile certainly has... Maybe we'll get to go some day. Xongile grabbed their hands and charged toward the water for swimming. Sasah exited her mind, and she continued to pet the purring fox's mane. Her face was so cute. Like a... Sexually attractive teddy bear. She smiles.

The next two days of travel were extremely uneventful. Boring even. Rasvim constantly demanded he drive. Sasah debated on checking his mind again, before she simply decided to just do it like a normal Fox.

"What's your deal?" She climbed in the front with him.

"Nothing's my deal, and I know you've already checked my head and found nothing if you're asking." She blushed... She's turned into Balderwick. She curses herself silently.

"I don't mind." Rasvim said to her with a giggle. "You can at least find my fears better than I can. As for what's happening right now? I decided after you two had those moments, you needed some girl time. This trip is girl time." He winked at her. He checked his head, to check for lies... None.. He said he didn't mind, so she'll keep checking.

"Alright, but you'd better knot me, and shoot ropes deep in her one-after-the-other after this trip's over, and the event's over." She teased the marriage. Neither of them knew, but she knew both would be elated. She checked over to Xongile's mind and noticed she was playing cards. Solitaire.

"Event?" He finally asked. He fully expected her to elaborate but apparently not.

"A surprise." She dove back into the cart. "Xangy!" She yelled, and the little Fennec tossed her cards and dove for her daggers. She immediately felt embarrassed. "We're gonna be there in two days. What're you gonna do first?" She immediately says, "I'm going around the market district, smelling food stalls. Whatever smells nice, I'm grabbing."

"With money. Not your hands." Sasah reminds her. "The last thing I want is my beloved's cute hands cut off because she was hungry for fried scorpid stinger." She booped her lover on the nose, Xongile smiling.

"Alright, -mom-," She sticks her tongue out. The two started playing a game of War. She heard Xongile begin to purr again.. She had a smile on her face, and probably wasn't even aware she was doing it. Sasah smiled brightly at her future wife... The marriage was getting closer and closer...

"You know, you are the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life." Sasah said, smiling brightly at Xangy. The fennec blushed extremely heavily, and continued purring. "Why's that..?"

"Have you heard yourself recently? You're purring up a storm! I didn't even know Fennec's -could- purr." She got close and cuddled with Xongile, spilling cards all over the floor of the cart. The Fennec seemed embarrassed. She was trying to stop her purrs, clearing her throat, but she had no control over them.

Sasah put her nose against her lover's, closing her eyes. "You're happy. And when I know you're happy, it makes me happy." She says with a genuine voice. She read the Fennec's mind for a moment. The forefront of her mind was that she was happy. Xongile spoke.

"I can't imagine ever being happier, and I'm headed straight into the Apocalypse. You two complete my life.. Affection that I never knew was possible. Trust in strangers... I never do that. But Papa told me to trust my instincts, and I'll never be happier that I did." She purred louder than ever. "Even if I die tomorrow from Uncle Dead Dead, I'll die the happiest woman I've ever been." She pushed herself into a kiss with her lover. She loved every moment she was with them. She laid down with her lover and they cuddled the rest of the day away.

"Remember when we first met? It wasn't long ago, so it shouldn't be that hard." Sasah lets out snicker. "When you tried hitting on Rasvim, and I damn-near shoved cold mosaic steel through your chest?" She blushed. "Yeah... I remember." She now felt bad, but... Whatever. She's here now.

"What I was gonna say is I kept trying, which is something that I would never previously imagined myself doing after having a sword stuck at my back for it." She giggles and puts her hand around Sasah's waist, best she could. "No one in my tribal villiage was interested in a Fennec. They were the best, but they all said the same... I reminded them too much of a kid. What did you think at first?"

"Hmm... Good question..." She paused, wondering if she would hurt her purring lover with this comment. "At first, I thought you were someone who used your pussy to get your way, with how you flirted. Then I thought of taking you as soon as the thought of cradling you in my arms and shoving a finger in you until you cum... After that, everything happened fast. I don't regret a thing. You fit right into our marriage, like a tiny adorable piece that was missing but we didn't know it." She nuzzled Xongile, who looked up at her with happy eyes, purring like mad... Was she going to purr forever now? She felt like she could.

"You're into me being short..?"

"Hey!" She said abruptly. "I'm into you being -vertically challenged.-" She giggled, and jabs her fingers lightly at Xongile's sides, forcing her down. Rasvim told her she was ticklish, and she is... Very ticklish. In but a moment she was bursting out laughing and half-ass fighting it. After a minute, she stopped and sat on her rear, wrapping a tail around herself. She picks up Xongile and cradles her like a baby. After the little woman stopped laughing, she simply smiled at Sasah and purred. She felt nothing sexual this time, and just wanted to be held.

"I'm fucking adorable and you know it." Xangy says up to her future wife.

They sat in that position for the rest of the day, talking like normal foxes, only with the most affection she's ever felt during a conversation. She was getting used to being theirs finally. She had so many walls built up around her emotions. They broke them all down in a matter of two months. No..

They were having a conversation about whether pets were ethical, and a pause came into conversation, signaling a transitional period. Sasah was about to start talking about her family cook, Balen, before Xongile said, "I'm yours..." softly. "Both of yours. I belong to you two." She smiled, purrs starting up again. The vocal rumbling stopped with the previous conversation... But here they are again. She was happy. Sasah gently rocked her child-sized adult, and kissed her briefly on the muzzle before going into a fully passionate kiss. They wrestled tongues for a while, and the cart stopped... When they broke their kiss their lips were soaked and raw. It went from a bit of sunshine to dark in one kiss...

"I love you, Sasah. And you too, Rassy." Xongile spoke up to him. "I miss you.. Come talk to us." Sasah was cradling her Vixen. The three talked late into the night. Xongile fell asleep from Sasah rocking her, and she set her down on the bed roll. "Sandwich again?" She smirks to Rasvim, who moves in to give her a deep kiss. She winces, and returns the kiss with passion. She tasted blood... She pulled away, as her lip dripped a bit..

"So that entire time I heard slopping you two were kissing... You realise that was like three hours?" Rasvim shook his head, and Sasah grabbed a handkerchief to dab her sore lip. It hurt... "No, it just happened, and ended when it ended." Once the bleeding stopped she looked over her little Vixen's lips, and Rasvim did the same.

"Think they'll be fine?" the male asked. Sasah giggled. "Come on, I can instantly heal a disconnected hamstring with a flick of the wrist, you know.."

"No, I didn't know..." He sighed. "Well heal yourselves up, because I don't like blood with my kissing." He giggled. The Vixen took just a moment to heal them both. As the light flashed over Xongile, she purred. It was definitely a soothing feeling..." They worked together to sandwich their Vixen. As they dozed, Xongile spoke in her sleep...

"Theirs..." Xongile spoke in her sleep. They thought it was romantic, but then she followed it with, "Brick.. Ngh. Bacooon." Before she fell silent again. They both giggled.

The next day went much the same, it was decided that when they're sitting and chatting, this is how they do it. Sasah cradling Xongile. They talk the entire day away. Sasah started feeling the pangs of pent-up arousal again, but she refused any help. It was being saved for the city.

The next afternoon, the three arrived in the city and dropped their cart off at the stables. They paid for the full service. Horses to be fed, water, and bathed. The cart was to be scrubbed and touched up if anything was loose. The three walked around the market, and each found a street food that they wanted before the twins saw a familiar building and the twins wagged their tails. The Maiden's Ass.

"Ladies, we're getting drunk." He announced to them suddenly. The women looked at them wide-eyed. "Hah... Alright lemme explain. We're about to go on the greatest quest of our time. Taking down our Death Knight Uncle who has the power of the Nightmare Lord... We need to relax when we can." Sasah got an idea.

"You mean party..." She snickers.

"Yeah! Sad hardly anyone knows us yet." Rasvim mentioned. The larger vixen kissed her twin. "Tomorrow after church, we'll get drunk. In fact, we won't even have to buy drinks. I guarantee it." The two oblivious ones seemed nervous.

"So church is gonna make us famous, and rumors are the grandest church in this city belongs to Bal, and it's his greatest in the world, in fact. What the hell are you and a God planning to do at Church tomorrow?" He opened his eyes wide. "Tomorrow's actually Saint Leatis Day. The holiest day for the Church of Balthazar."

"There'll be thousands.. Maybe ten thousand vistors. Ras, I'm scared.." Sasah lowered her ears as they were... Afraid.

"Listen... I... I can't say. It's not that Bal's holding me to anything, I just want to surprise you two with a great event.." She looked down. Her tail tucked between her legs as she made her way to the bar. She should just cancel it... She looked up, about to tell Bal the wedding is off, but she felt hugs from around her. Her tail and ears slowly perked up.

"Whatever we're doing in front of ten thousand people had better be damned worth it, sis."

"Mhm.. We just gotta trust you. I'm not good at surprises but I know you'll be the last person to hurt me in front of... That many people..." Xongile sighed. "Come on, let's get at least a mug of beer." They walk into the bar and order a beer, before heading to their room.

"So.. Waiting until after the event to fuck... I'm starting to wonder." Xongile winked at her. "If it's what I think you're doing, I both hate you and love you if you're gonna put me through that shit.." She hugs Sasah's legs with a purr. Rasvim speaks up to Xongile.

"What do you think might be happening...? I'm clueless. I feel like Bal's gonna show up and announce us as his champions, and we'll suddenly have that target on our back Balderwick warned us about..." He goes silent.

"Balderwick doesn't know shit..." Sasah giggles. That was all the hint she was giving, before grabbing her naked cuddle buddy and flopping into bed.

"Sandwich, Rasvim~" Xongile makes grabby hands toward him with a smile.. 'She's so adorable'

"And you know it, fuckface, now come give me my damn cuddles." What.. She's a mind reader now too..?

"Nah, she can't. You must have zoned on the road when she explained it. She learned to read our faces." He says, obviously having her magic in his head. He sighed, thinking how pent up he is... 'How's that sis?'

"And body posture, too. Horny as fuck."

"Tomorrow, I want to watch you cum in my little Vixen, and knot me. Same session." She focuses her mind to Rasvim's. He thought he had the greatest two vixens he could ever ask for... His mind shifted to their childhood as he closed his eyes. She moved her mind to Xongile. Her reaction was a lot more surprising.. As she closed her eyes, Xangy was worried about pregnancy, and weighing the team down. What if she had to leave because she couldn't keep her legs closed?

Xongile let out a sniffle, and fell slowly asleep. Sasah was the last one asleep. She hated thinking her girl had to focus on such worries. If she did get pregnant..." Sasah closed her eyes. "Then I'll keep her and that baby safe in the Apocalypse no matter what she had to lose. Magics can increase in natural power, depending on the importance of what you sacrifice.. She'll gladly start sacrificing limbs, and her life before letting their unborn baby and Xongile get hurt. If I have to..." She tried to focus on the wedding tomorrow, and how Bal and her planned it.. She hoped it went flawlessly. She still wondered how a little Lion Cub was going to command respect among a crowd of ten thousand. How they'd even all see him. Before she could think further sleep took her.

She had a nice dream for once. She was in the cart with Rasvim, and Xongile. They were play-wrestling like children... This was the only dream she had that night that she could recall, and Sasah woke at six-o'-clock in the morning. Seems to be a habit of hers to rise before the sun does... She cuddled with the two until they awoke too.

Rasvim awoke with a loud snort again, opening his crusty eyes. "Morning ladies.." Sasah hadn't even given the male time to stretch before she said, "In the bath. The event starts in three hours and Bal forgive us if we're late... No, he won't forgive us. It'll go straight back to calling him Bathazar." She was mostly talking to herself by the end..

She makes it sound like Bal was just as invested in this as she was. The three got dressed, and Rasvim went to dress in his common clothes, "Nope, full kit." She said. She was commanding this morning.. Something really was happening, and he hopes she doesn't fuck up. They were ready in thirty minutes. "Alright, let's go!"

"For what?" Xongile yawned.

"We're going shopping." She smiled and leaned down far to kiss her favorite Fennec on the head. "We're getting you a better light armor kit. More noble, like ours." Xongile rolled her eyes. She knew at this point saying no would not only hurt Sasah, but hurt their standing with the very god keeping them alive..

Xongile looked over herself, impressed with the quick fit. The best tailors in town, no kidding. It was a near match to what her lovers had, yet there was no chainmail, and there was more black than red, to not draw attention to her while she's sneaking. The cloak was an embroidered woolen fabric as well.. And she was given a familiar pin. It looked exactly like theirs.

"I know exactly what's going on now Sasah." Rasvim spoke, walking to the best armorer in town.

"At this point, I'd call you stupid if you didn't." Sasah touted back.

"I get what Xangy meant by 'hate you, and love you.' Because right now I hate you for making us do this in front of ten thousand people, and love you because you've always been the love of my life. And now we add one to the team. Loves of my life." He winks to her. Xongile walked into the armorer. They had a vault, perfect. "I'm looking to buy a Mithril shirt for her."

Sasah picked up Xongile and put her on the counter. "It has to be ready before Church." The armorer blinked. The demand...

"I need a year to custom make something like that.." He says with a gruff voice, like he's gargled gravel every morning for the last ten years.

Sasah rolled her eyes, "Then I'll buy the rings, minus the labor costs." He shrugged his shoulders. Need a master smith trained in dwarven forging techniques to work with that metal, but hell. "Money first. I don't open the vault until that money is in my lockbox." He looks at her sternly. She didn't mind. If he jipped her, she'd just let the nearest guard know."

She put two coins on the table, he snickered before noticing they're platinum. "The fuck you making with all these rings?" He limped over to the till and dropped them in, locking it tight. "I need sacrifice, if I'm going to magically forge them together." He lets out a guffaw. "If you can do that right in front of me, I'll say you've been sent by Balthazar himself." He joked.

He opened the vault, and brought out five pounds of rings in a bag. Just what she needed. Sasah stepped outside and dumped the five pound bag of mithril on the road. The smith winced as he watched her do that to the second most precious metal in the world. The human gripped his long beard and watched nervously.

She began chanting a simple spell of transmutation. Sadly, it incinerated three pounds of precious Mithril, but on the ground was now a Mithril chain shirt, that would be just a little bigger than her lover. "Back to the tavern." She demanded and handed the shirt to Xongile.

Her tail wagged as it made only the sound of rustling like fabric. Back in the tavern, she had it on. It was lighter than any mail shirt she'd ever heard of... Two pounds of riveted mail. And this'll protect her?" She rolls her eyes, and Sasah sees this. It fits over her fur perfectly. She draws her sword and thrusts it hard into her lover's belly, driving her to the ground. "F-fuck..!" Rasvim knew not to worry.

"What was that for?!" She noticed how even with the leafcutter enchant, no rings were even scratched.. "Showing me it works.. Got it.. Now I have a bruise though." She sticks her tongue out at Sasah. Sasah grabbed the tongue, which made Xongile widen her eyes and squirm. She knelt down, putting her future wife's tongue in her mouth and moving in for a kiss. They both closed their eyes. Rasvim felt it.. They were actually going to be late if they kept going.

"Come on, lovergirls, let's head to the cathedral square." They arrived before most everyone else. It was an hour before the yearly sermon started, and they're the only ones there. They decide to go to the stairs and sit on it, to cuddle. A nearby priest came to check on them.

"My children, have you come to hear the words of the Great Balthazar?" He asked, smiling warmly at them. An otter with glasses and a white and gold robe. It seemed to be their symbol.

They remained silent a moment.

"Yeah, you know he's showing up today right? Better straighten your robes." Xongile giggleed.

"They say that every year. Only when the Chosen are among the crowd will he show his glory to the world." He bowed and turned to leave.

"Chosen..? Wait!" Sasah spoke up. The priest turns back. "Can you tell us more about what your scripture says of these Chosen?"

"I must get back to my duties, so it must be brief. They are the Chosen to bring an end to Darkness. Not just Darkness on our plane, but on an extraplanar level.." He pauses, getting more into a sermon than he should have been. "After three trials, each more challenging, and defeating the last, The Lord of Nightmare himself will be faced by these heroes, and they will end his evil, rising to become gods themselves." He bowed "Praise Balthazar, Lord of all that is Good." He said the last quickly before he ran off to his prior commitments.

The party stayed silent for a bit. "This is more than we signed on for, isn't it." Sasah chokes and puts her face in her gloved hands. "We're knights, not god-slayers.. The fuck have people been telling us that we're after my uncle? That's probably the last challenge before we fight a fucking GOD." She gots up and stormed off. A crowd of people have already gathered. Many were in white and gold robes. She felt a familiar warming presence fill her soul. "Come on... You honestly think I can fight a god?"

"Mhm." He says and sits by her. In a place like this, he'd just be mistaken for a boy who came for the holiday.

"What about my loves... Will they be okay?" She sighs. "If I can't know that then I don't know if I can do this shit. A God?!" Nobody looked to them for some reason, no matter her raised voice. He has a voice suppressant around her.

"I can only tell you to do the ceremony and commence with the wedding. At the very least, even when the world crashes around you you'll be with the ones you love." She didn't feel manipulated.. She felt like she was being told a truth.

"Because you are. A terrible truth will be revealed at the ceremony, that if I told you now would alter the course of history into failure." He chose his words carefully... Many years ago. She knew it and she touched her cloak pin. "I'm over by the stairs. By the Tailor."

"I'm needed in a few moments. Need to prepare the theatrics." He winks at her, clearing his voice and walked away while making noises like he was doing vocal warmups.

"My god's a dork..." She smirks, looking down. A tear drops from her eye. "Damnit, why do I cry so much..?" She thought to herself, 'Because I can feel.' And she wipes her eyes as Rasvim and Xongile spot her. Xongile charges and jumps onto her, near taking her to the ground. Luckily she weighed so little... She hugged her back and watched as Rasvim sat calmly beside her, smiling.. "It's okay... It'll always be okay. We ride to the apocalypse, my loves." He hugged them both. Xongile said it next.

"We ride to the apocalypse.." And then Sasah said it too.

"We ride to the apocalypse" before she continues, "It's just a little more Apocalypty than we first thought.

They stand at the back at the crowd. "Stay here.. When the Archpriest calls for silence he's supposed to arrive. Not sure how they'll even see him.." The largest crowd they've ever seen in their lives simultaneously prayed the same prayer. Sasah lowered her head and made her own prayer.

"Bal... Just promise me we'll make it out of this alright... " A thought came to her head, of her own instead of Bal inserting a thought..

"Paradise wasn't bad at all..." She said quietly, and smiled. She heard the priest call for silence in reverence of the Light. His voice spell was quite well practiced, she thought, waiting as she watched a swirling cloud form above them, from magic for sure. Everyone else saw it as well. The wind picked up, and lightning cracked from this tiny cloud. It was only over the Cathedral. The cloud turned a bright white, and a powerful bolt of lightning hit the God's favorite church. She looked to see iif it was on wood. Nope, stone. He loved this church too much to do that. She was, however, surprised to find a much different version of Bal than she knew stomped out from inside the church.

All of their ears folded backward. The crowd erupted in cheers before they all bowed down, their heads against the floor. She didn't feel the warming presence she normally felt from Bal. It was commanding, comforting. Rather than a Lion Cub, this was a Lion Giant, an adult with a mane that hung down to his belly. Clad in armor that shined in radiant light, and a hammer that looked, and felt like it had the power to take this city to ash, she smiled. She felt like they were in the safest place in the world. They realized they were the only ones not bowing, but they simply stood there...

"Not gonna bow to a friend," Said Xongile with a whisper.

The giant looked in their direction... He was maybe twenty feet tall.. Impossible for a mortal. As his gaze fell upon them, the crowd looked back at them... Three Chosen. They knew they were it, but they refused to speak before their God spoke.

"This is the first time I have stepped foot on this planet in this form in hundreds of years." He announced. "It will also be the last." Sudden whispers started. Sasah felt tears coming to her eyes... "Was this what he meant by a terrible truth? He was dying."

"In time, all die." The god says, sadly. "I am the one of the last of the original Pantheon, and my light has been fading for a long time, my Children. The prophecy of the three Chosen, are the three people who will replace me when my light fades, and the Lord of Nightmare breaks from its eternal prison. Dark times are ahead, but there is hope... There is -always- hope!" He boomed. People were crying. Sasah.. Was crying. Xongile grabbed her right hand and Rasvim her left. "Lady Sasah Bastion. Lord Rasvim Bastion, and Xongile... Bastion. Step forward and greet me for the last time in front of your new followers."

Xongile was given a last name... Bastion... 'I don't care if there are never papers. A God called me Xongile Bastion, and I'ma use it 'till I fucking die." She smiled, a purr coming to her throat. The people in front of them split around like a boat in water... When they managed to make it to the front, holding each other's hands tightly.

"You are the last hope this world has. Every move I made in this world for the last thousand years was to create you three. The new Gods of Light." He turned again to the crowd. "I command that when this day ends, the Church of Balthazar be renamed to the Church of Light. Because from this day forward, until these three defeat evil, all of you will have to bathe in the light together. Help one-another. And aid Light itself."

He turns again to the Chosen. "I promised a marriage in front of ten thousand people to you, Sasah, and you'll be married as Gods." He says to them privately. He announced to the crowd gain. "I name these gods Bastion! They are the fortress that protect you all. And be damned if you bow to them like you did to me.. They will be gods among mortals. For the Light!"

A light, bright enough that any man would go blind if they saw it shone briefly, before magic enters the three. Sasah feels nothing, but Xongile and Rasvim fall over. She hugs them close and feels their temperatures go up. "Just like me..." She curses. She felt more powerful.. But didn't know how much, or her limit... She didn't want to find out. The curses everything. The crowd burst out in cries of anguish and tears. She didn't need to be here for this...

A light in her rose, and made her stand up, using voice amplification to speak to the crowd. "My friend Balthazar didn't die so you could mope around in grief. He died so that you may have hope! Each and every one of you that cries his name in anguish, curses his honor. He was the most noble of all Gods. He was a great friend. Bathe in the light that hope exists, not in the darkness that is his death. He wouldn't want that." Sasah finds a new spell in her arsenal and she touches her lovers. They disappear


"This is what I was like..?" She watched her two lovers sweat and cough on the bed of Balderwick's infirmary. He was shaky from the news, and to find two of the Chosen this way so late in the game... Balderwick took his leave abruptly and walked down to the vault. He searched for anything. No matter the risk, the Lord of Nightmare is loose and two of the Chosen are out for a month at least. He goes through the coded logs and finds a weapon to draw the power out of a god. However much he was tempted, he knew that Balthazar intended for them to be a part of this fight, not emotional support. He found nothing. He got back to the infirmary to find that the two downed heroes were... On their feet? Sasah was hugging them and they seemed fine...

"Her magical power is beyond even Malagus." His butler mentioned, a cough coming after. "God of Magic my ass. She used her power to stretch their mana pool to allow all of that excess power somewhere to go. Their auras are incredible.."

Using mana sight, the room was nothing but aura, a white mist coming off of them. "They've still got three tests..." Xongile was eavesdropping the fuck out of her boss. "And what might those be?" She announces, walking across the room to them. "We already know that killing her damned uncle is the last one." She spits on the floor, having to think of the man.

"That's your first." Balderwick says dryly. Xongile froze. Sasah and Rasvim could feel her fear and dive into her mind. They freeze as well. "What's the second...?" Sasah walks over. She had courage she never had before. "Depends on what you do with your first." He nods. A sigh comes off of Sasah, and she pets her new wife's head.

"Hey Balderwick." Sasah spoke, looking at Xongile. "We're Gods who will always tread on this planet. I want papers for her. She continues ruffling the little vixen. "God or not, I want to introduce her to dad." Balderwick nodded and left for an hour. He came back with a marriage certificate, noted as 'updated,' It included the name Lady Xongile Bastion. He handed the paper to the little one first. She needed it most. She stared at it for a long while, Rasvim and Sasah filtering in and sitting by her.

"We're getting drunk," Sasah reminds the two. "The Maiden's Ass, in--- No..." A light in her rose up again, telling her exactly what she needed to do. "Home." She smiled. "Xongile Bastion," she said, grabbing her little vixen and holding her new wife in her arms like a baby. She purred and looked into Sasah's eyes with love. Nothing but love existed. A light in Xongile swelled up. Everything was right. They disappeared in an instant.

"Warp's really handy ain't it? Might be able to use your daggers with it Xong." Not to mention invisibility. Imagine how useful that will be." She smirks. Her brother came up and gave Xongile a kiss on the muzzle.

"You're gonna meet our dad. He should be rounding he corner soon." They all knew far more than they should about the world because of this... It's still coming in. Earlier she found out Jacob, her best friend, was gay, and that made her giggle. Lord Bastion, along with Master Abelard rounded the corner. He'd gotten so much thinner.. An acceptable weight for a man his age. He trimmed his fur and mane, and looked many years younger. After he saw them the man began to sprint toward his kids.

"What the fuck?!" Sasah put Xongile down and the family embraced heavily.

"I haven't touched the bottle since you left, like I promised." He cried, hugging them tighter than they'd ever be comfortable with before his change. He's truly a changed fox.

"I didn't get a letter saying you quit your knight's journey or anything.." He looked worried at them. Sasah spoke up.

"Dad, we have a lot of stories... And if you trust your kids at all you'll believe them before you hear the rumors spread through the land. Uncle!" She announced to Abelard, "My real uncle, the one who helped raise me and protected us when we needed it. Fuck that guy who sold his soul to evil. You're my real uncle." She was slowly walking toward him and embraced him. "You were with Mom at the end. You promised and did everything she said, no questions asked. You stuck by dad during the darkest years of his life, and helped pick him up when he was ready. Look at him.." The wolf's war-torn face was already covered in tears, but his composure never broke... He was a soldier. He hugged Sasah, and motioned over to Rasvim who gladly charged in to hug him as well... "We -all- need to talk."

Xongile was forgotten about, but she wasn't going to interrupt a family reunion. Then her new father-in-law's attention turned to her. Her ears folded down. "Uhh.. Who's your Fennec Friend?" He asked.

"There will be more questions if you ask that. Let's go to the study and you'll hear the story of a life-time, and you probably won't have any personal time after word reaches here... Maybe even popularize trade in the area." She was foreseeing the future. Her mother did this, but it was through intense magical focus. It's all just coming to them... But her father's future was blurry.

They met in the study, and Sasah took down her and Rasvim's marriage certificate, replacing it with the updated one in the frame. She handed it to her father and waited for a reaction.

"So uhh... Xongile.." He coughed, and smiled. "Welcome to the family! Wish I'd had the chance to meet you before you married, but they have a bad habit of not asking permission from dad." He lets out a good laugh. The twins giggle, and hold each other's hands. The next five hours were spent telling the story of what happened. How they went to Balderwicks, the mission where they'd met and started collectively dating Xongile. The tome. The dreams and what the book said.

Bartholomew broke down through that part. He wished he had killed that damnable man...

"Don't..." Said Rasvim.. Now he was reading minds. She grabbed his hand. "Nothing was your fault. He was your brother. Your twin brother. If Sasah decided to go join a necromantic cult, I'd join her just to be by her side."

"And I'd become a god just because you two told me you'd ride with me to the Apocalypse..." She left it at a joke for now and continued the story. Her power. Ultima... As soon as Sasah mentioned she casted Ultima, he choked.

"Ultima... Your mother learned the spell and said that she couldn't even use it. It would tear her apart before the spell even took shape." Lord Bastion sighed. "Guess she learned it for you."

"That's where this really all started..." Sasah smiled weakly.. "A god appeared to me during that time. I now know he saved my life. Though he obviously still wanted me to hurt for the punishment of my stupidity..." She giggled. "He told me I was lucky I was the first god that came to her. No.. Gods don't come to you when you cast Ultima, they run."

She found out only hours ago. Her father grew serious. He knew where this was going... There's three of them. He shakes her head and simply lets her update to current events. "Unmentioned in the Book of Light that he'd be gone... But I guess split all of his power into you three as a final act to save everything."

"Father.. I know you want to hear this. Mom's proud of you... Of changing back to the right path." Sasah smiled at him. The twins both hugged their father, and, still weeping, he motioned to Xongile.

"Get in here!" Bartholomew smiled at her.

"We need to go fight evil." Sasah said as the hug eventually split off. "Keep the castle standing, keep away from the drink, and keep up your daily exercises. Oh and..." She stops before warping. "Mom's says to wash your underwear more often. It's disgusting." She hated saying it, but in her mind was talking with her mother's soul. "And... Clean your chamberpot once in a while," She says out loud, "Mom, I don't want to tell my father these things." The rooms erupts in laughter, even her father.

"Tell your mom I miss her so much.. And--" Sasah stops him.

"You can pray, and talk to her yourself. But she.. Demands I tell you one thing." Rasvim was hearing the conversation in her sister's head, and Xongile was listening in too.

"She misses you too, and is waiting for you in Paradise." She smiles, crying a bit from the conversation. She wanted... "Xongile, can you go back to Paradise comfortably?" She turned to Xongile and held her head. "I'm... I'm not afraid of anything anymore." the little fox smiled up at her sister.

Bartholomew knew he couldn't go. But he was now a patient man. "When age takes me, I'll be expecting a 'Welcome to Paradise' kiss." He looked up. When he looked back down and his kids and daughter-in-law were gone. He collapsed in his chair and sighed. He smiled. This was the strangest thing he's had to deal within years.