A Simple Pair of Glasses

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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#39 of Power to the Players | Nick and Skye

Another one of our favorite characters, enjoy!~

"Oh, I'm so excited to get out of the house!" Skye's voice rang out from the bedroom, interrupting the video playing over Nick's phone. He slumped into the couch, lounging as he waited for the red panda to finish up getting ready. His feet kicked up onto the coffee table while a gamer clad in headphones chattered on his screen.

"Yeah, I'm excited-" He echoed back, glancing over his shoulder as she appeared around the corner. Her hand was raised, slinging a bag over her shoulder as she walked with a soft click of her boots with every step. Her tail, a massive puff of coppery orange waved out behind her, swishing with her energetic motions as she lunged into the hallway.

She wore tall, thigh high boots in a smooth, black velvet. They hugged around her legs, clinging over her bare fur like a second skin. Her skirt rose short, sitting just above the top of the tall boots in a printed, houndstooth pattern. The skirt was tight to her curves, clinging around the swell of her hips and holding onto the pinch of her waist. The rounded shape of her ass was perfectly captured inside the fabric hugging around her. Nick could imagine that a small bend would quickly reveal what she had hidden just beneath the clinging skirt.

Her shirt was equally tight; a plain black turtleneck that squeezed her tits inside, swelling the front of the top with the mass of her chest. The neckline rose high, somehow making the seductive outfit seemingly modest. As she walked, balancing her purse on one shoulder, she fidgeted with a tag under her armpit as she rolled out the new outfit for the first time.

"I'm ready, I think-" She ran her hands down her curves, checking herself with a quick glance. Her hair was long and loose, running down her back in loose curls. As she hit the kitchen, she paused to pull it up onto her head into a sloppy bun, letting little tendrils escape and frame around her face. She jammed a chopstick into the bun, stabilizing it with a deft action that Nick never understood. "Yeah! Wait!" With a sudden jerk, she dove back towards the hallway.

"W-what?" Nick, just barely standing from the couch, watched as she dashed back down the hallway. Her thick tail waved behind her, frantically bouncing with her movement as she disappeared back into the bedroom. "Well, we almost made it out of the house, huh?"

He chuckled, to himself, and shuffled towards the door as Skye rummaged around in the bedroom. After a beat, she re-appeared with a small addition to her ensemble: a pair of square-framed glasses sitting gently atop her muzzle.

"Glasses?" Nick looked her over, raising a brow as he shoved his feet into his shoes. "You don't need glasses."

"No, they're fake-" She rolled her eyes at him, as if to say, "Don't you understand fashion?" She pulled open the door, waving him through. "They were just a couple bucks, I thought it'd be fun to try and see if I could pull off the look-" She gestured over her outfit where every piece clung to her natural curves and swelled over the expanse of her chest.

"Huh..." Nick didn't say much else, but internally he was wondering if he'd ever pulled off a "look." He just took her hand and followed along as they headed towards the car.

"So, for breakfast..."


"Oh my gosh, that was so good-" Skye let out a soft whimper, pressing her hand onto her stomach and pushing her plate away. Only a smear of chocolate and oozing maple syrup remained on what was once a stacked plate of french toast. She licked her chops with a happy sigh, tail swishing happily. Beneath the table, she stretched out her legs, rubbing the soft toe of her boot against his ankle in a quiet hello.

Atop the table, one hand reached across towards him, idly rubbing her thumb over his hand with a soft swish of her short, velvety furs on his skin with every pass. The sensation was slightly ticklish, but warm. With food freshly in his stomach and the late morning sun spilling through the window, the breakfast was idyllic.

Nick chuckled, sucking at the plugged straw in his milkshake to force the clump of chocolate through. "Yeah, I liked this place too-"

"Ah, so Yelp was right?" Skye met his eyes, grinning through the fake lenses of her little glasses. She peered over the edges of them, smirking in a way that made her eyes sparkle.

"Yes, yes-" The human rolled his eyes, shaking his head at her. "But that doesn't mean..."

Skye chuckled, leaning over her dwindling mug of coffee as a few more hairs escaped from her loose bun, falling at the sides of her face softly.

As he studied her, watching as she carefully sipped at the final bit of her coffee, Nick couldn't help but notice the glasses again. Somehow, they made her youthful spirit seem more womanly and mature, yet still as cute and spunky as usual. Something about them... His eyes hovered on her image, noticing again how her breasts seemed to strain into the fabric of her shirt.

"Nick?" Skye snapped her fingers soundlessly, leaning slightly as she stared at Nick's distant expression. "Welcome back to reality," her grin curled up the edges of her mouth, wrinkling her cheeks with dimples. "Someone wasn't paying attention-"

"Ah, sorry-" The fleeting imprints of Skye's many forms flashing through his mind lingered just for a beat more. "I, uh-"

"Someone likes my glasses more than they thought, huh?" she snickered, rising up and excusing herself for the restroom just as the check arrived. Her fingers brushed his shoulder as she left, sending a little zip of heat up his spine as her nails grazed over his shirt.

Nick just chuckled as he fished for his wallet. "I don't know what she thinks she's talking about..."

As she returned towards the table, Skye collided with their waitress. The slender feline gasped, bouncing out of the way before they impacted each other properly.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!"

"I'm so, so sorry about the wait-" Nick's mind filled with the same diner, suddenly crafted inside the forms of his mind instead. As he looked up, fixed at the spot where Skye crashed into the waitress, but he didn't see them both.

Instead, he saw Skye alone, arriving at his table.

"I hope you'll forgive me..." Skye's hair was still pinned atop her head, but now with more volume so it was in a bouncy lift atop her head with a tiny, red and white striped cap clipped just askew atop her head. Her outfit was transformed into a short, flared skirt overflowing with tulle high up on her thighs. The bouncy little skirt revealed most of her tail lifting up behind her, flickering side to side as she bent over towards Nick at the table making the shirt shift side to side, revealing little glimpses of her furred thighs just above the edge of the table.

The backside of that view... her tiny skirt barely hung low enough to cover the mound of her sex just beneath the fabric; but from behind the tulle pushed the hem higher and higher...

"Ooh-" The red panda bounced closer, grazing her body past Nick's shoulder as she moved up to their table.

Her cleavage strained into the collared shirt, pressing together in the open neckline diving towards her belly button. The full heft of her tits swelled out atop her tight waist where a meager apron tied around the middle of her hourglass figure. The only constant in her outfit was the little pair of glasses sitting primly atop her nose, letting her peer over their top as she set another, fresh milkshake into the center of the table. Two tall straws jutted out from the top, one for each of them.

"I hope you won't mind sharing with me?" Once again, her eyes found his from behind the little glasses. She rounded the table, leaning towards the shared milkshake with her breasts sitting atop the table and pressing down into the surface of it. The deep drop of the uniform's neckline showed a deep crease of her soft breasts pushing together within the fabric. The supple, soft expanse of her tits beckoned as her arms pushed them forward, offering up the view like it was just another dessert. Nick could almost see himself sliding himself between those flush tits, feeling them squeezing down on either side...

He gulped. Nearly fantasizing within a fantasy.

As her lips circled around the tip of the straw, her tongue slowly circled around the opening before guiding it into her suckling lips with a joyful sigh.

"Ooh... gosh, that's got to be my second favorite thing to have in my mouth-" Her eyes crinkled with a giggle before she pulled back, tugging the milkshake with her. The tall, vintage glass tipped easily, spilling the sweet substance across the exposed expanse of her cleavage.

"Oh dear... Oh..." Her eyes bounced up, finding his through the little lenses. "Can you help? Would you help me clean up? Maybe without your hands?" She pushed her chest outward, filling his vision with the heavy, swelling rounds of each breasts speckled with splatters of vanilla cream. "Hurry, I don't want it to get all sticky on me-" she pouted, biting at her bottom lip as her tits pushed further onto the table, squashing down atop the hard surface so that they appeared even larger, forced upwards towards him while her eyes held his gaze.

"Hurry... I'm sure it'll still taste delicious..."

"Hurry, Nick?" Skye thumped on the table with one hand, knocking Nick back into focus as his chin jerked upwards to the sight of Skye standing beside the table with her purse already strung onto her arm and her glasses sitting on her nose. She smirked as his eyes met hers, no longer glossed over with distraction. "Ready to go?"

Nick flushed, feeling heat build in his cheeks as he stood up. Skye's knowing smile danced on her lips, but she didn't say anything this time. However, her tail hung back behind her as she led him out, rubbing against his thigh with a dancing motion, teasing him as much as poking his side.

Her tight skirt gave him a show of her ass swaying side to side as she walked, leading him back to the car while he waited for the heat in his face to calm.


"Oh, I'm almost ready, but I need to find those fantasy books... Calber... Calber-" Skye turned away from Nick towards the right section, muttering as she ran through the alphabetical ranking of the books. As he watched her go, studying the shape of her rump from behind, his mind wandered again.

"It'll just be one minute-" Skye turned from the shelf, still in a tight, short skirt, but now it was a simple grey and clung to her bare thighs with a button-down white shirt disappearing into the waistband. Of course, the one constant remainder were the small, wire glasses sitting, now a bit lower, atop her muzzle. Her tits pushed into the white shirt, challenging the thin, light color to contain her them inside, but the faint outline of her bra beneath still showed, scooping beneath her full breasts and heaving them up into view through the plunging neckline. "I'm still searching for that title for you."

She turned back towards the shelf that scaled up towards the ceiling of the bookstore. She reached up, straining her clinging outfit as she stretched up towards the highest shelf. Her new position showed her backside. Her full, round rump filled out the clinging fabric of the skirt. Nick could see her shape perfectly captured inside. As she scaled up the shelf, the short hemline of her skirt started to inch up her thigh. Now, he realized she had tall, thin black stockings on. They sat high on her thighs, disappearing into the hem of her skirt.

Sliver by sliver, more of her soft thighs appeared into view. Nick couldn't help but glance to either side, checking for other eyes on the scene in front of him. As the fabric rose, the human realized that her stockings stopped just at the hem of the skirt. Instead, garters ran up the rest of her leg, snapping into a belt that was still hidden beneath fabric.

The bottom edge of her skirt continued to sneak upwards, reaching the bottom round of her ass. The lacey straps of the garter belt hugged either side of her rump, keeping her sleek stockings high on her legs even as she moved.

"Oh, these shelves are just too tall! I swear-" She glanced back over her shoulder, peering through the rims of the wire glasses. "I appreciate your patience! Please, I hope you don't mind the wait..."

She leaned into the shelf, helping her skirt to rise up her ass. It broke over the little hump of her ass, starting to reveal the underside of her bare rump. As the bottom edge rose, revealing just the smallest taste of her actual ass before she found Nick's eyes again, twisted over her shoulder. "Would you mind helping me? Just give me a little boost?"

Nick approached, already feeling his heart speeding up through the rushing pounding in his ears. He strained to hear the other visitors in the shop who could catch him with this librarian. At the bottom of the shelf, he offered up his hands, sliding them onto the soft fur of her thighs just above her stockings and the swell of her butt to push her a bit higher than she could reach.

From below, he could now see right up her skirt. A little black spot marked her skimpy panties between her soft thighs as her ass hovered just above him. From her, so close beneath her, Nick could smell her. The faint sweetness of her musk danced in the air, quietly seductive. He wondered if those panties were growing wet, relishing in teasing him in public yet again.

She strained up the shelf for a beat longer, shifting this way and that. Her weight grew unsteady, balancing atop Nick's helpful lift as her fingers reached towards the topmost shelf. But, with a sudden little jerk, the red panda tumbled backwards, landing squarely atop the human, and driving him onto the carpet beneath her.

"Oh!" A gasp bubbled from the girl's lips as her ass pressed right into the front of Nick's jeans, grinding backwards as the heat of her body flooded into his. The fabric of her skirt rolled up with her wriggling, revealing the bottom of the lace garter belt hugging around her waist while only a little satin thong covered her sex.

"Shh..." She glanced over her shoulder, meeting his eyes through the lenses of her glasses. "This is a library, remember?" As she spoke, her ass continued to grind into him, coaxing his cock to a stiff, throbbing boner beneath the warm, pressing squirming of her ass.

"Here-" Skye grabbed for his hands, pulling one forward to her swollen chest, guiding his hand in through the open neckline to press his touch right onto her bare breasts on the floor of the shop. As she did, she wriggled backwards, pressing her backside flush to his front as he braced to another shelf behind him, feeling every beat of his heart pounding through his ears. "Can you keep quiet?" Skye whispered, eyes sparkling behind her glasses as she reached between her thighs.

Deftly, she unhooked his belt, shucking open the front of the denim and fishing out his throbbing cock. Her hot hand, lined with soft fuzzy fur, rubbed down the length of his dick. She ground up against him, lifting herself to run her lower lips atop him with the soft, smooth surface of the satin on his skin. Nick felt his breath hitch in his throat, a panicky hiccup catching as he heard the soft murmur of people nearby.

Skye just brought a finger to her lips with the universal sign for Shhh before using the same hand to push her panties to the side of her sex, revealing the wet slit of her cunt over top of his throbbing shaft. Her ass pushed into his stomach, bare except for the garters stretching over the round of her rump. He could feel the heat of her body radiating onto the head of his cock as she dripped excitement onto him. The scent of her musk hung in the air, subtle for now. Then, she raised up, preparing to slide onto him-

"Nick?" Skye, brow furrowed, stared at Nick's blank face as she raised up a stack of books. "Did you hear me?"

"I, uh..." Nick felt heat prickling down his neck and a faint pulsing just past the zipper of his jeans. "No... I spaced out."

Skye giggled, flashing her fangs within her grin. "Oh?" Two fingers toyed with the glasses sitting atop her nose. "What's gotten into you?" She stepped closer, letting the swell of her breasts brush into his arm as her voice lowered in his ear. "Have my glasses really had such an effect on you? These little things could make me that much hotter?" Her eyes glanced around the small corner of the shop they stood in before she ran her tongue up the edge of his ear sending a zip of electricity up his spine. "Just admit it, these little glasses are doing something to you-"

"I-! I... No! That's not true!" Nick shook his head, still feeling the pounding of blood in his ears before he marched into the comic book section, leaving Skye smirking by herself. "Ah, so the glasses were a good idea after all-"


"Last stop, I promise. I just gotta grab a couple things," Skye patted Nick's arm, leaning into his side as they squeezed through the doorway into the pharmacy. Her bushy tail, warm and wriggling, brushed up his back before she pulled away in search of her shopping list's items.

Nick sighed, feeling a faint pulse in his soles. The day had been a long, fun adventure doing nothing much at all. He loved these domestic outings full of gentle discovery and routine fun. He trailed after Skye, falling behind slightly as she dashed to and fro.

"At least there's nothing sexy about CVS-" Nick thought, glancing over the wall of hemorrhoid creams as he continued down the aisles. Yet, as he rounded the corner into the quiet pharmacy section, his mind took over the scene.

"Just a moment please!" Skye turned, wearing a short, crisp white nurse's uniform. The skirt rode high up on her thighs, fluttering out over her rounded ass while the waist, marked with a red cross, hugged tight to her stomach. Her tits pushed into the confines of this top more than any before. The white cut low, nearly freeing the bottom of her breasts as they pressed together, squeezed inside the clinging top.

Her hair was still up atop her head, stuck still with a chopstick while she bent over the shelves, studying something on the lowest rung, lifting her tail up and over her shoulder as she did so that her little skirt lifted, nearly showing what hid beneath. The tops of her thighs showed, just beneath her ass, but the fabric magically bounced back into place each time Nick thought he'd get a proper look before she popped back up.

"Why hello," she greeted, smiling coyly as she approached. With every step, her breasts bounced inside the squeezing shirt. Nick could see the crease of her cleavage straining together in the deep neckline. Her eyes though, her eyes held onto his through her little wire-rimmed glasses, lashes fluttering slowly.

"What's the issue today?" Nick asked, partially in fantasy and partially to himself inside his own head. Skye leaned close, enough that he felt the heat of her body radiating into his. "You know, I think you could use a check-up-" She ran a finger down his abdomen, hooking her finger into the waistband of his pants and pulling him towards her.

Her head tilted to the side, revealing the long, smooth expanse of her neck leading down to the spilling expanse of her cleavage before she let her breath wash over his own neck. Her lips nearly contacted his skin, nearly kissing him, but instead she pushed him backwards, leading him into the chair beside the blood pressure monitor.

She pushed him into place, leaning down towards him with her hands running over his chest, stroking through the fabric of his shirt before pulling away, strutting backwards a few steps. The move let him drink in the full sight of her again. Her skirt continued to bounce high on her thighs, seemingly always disguising her butt from fully showing even as she gave a partial twirl to face back towards him.

With soft bouncing steps, she stalked back to him, sliding her fingers up his chest and then up over his shoulder as she walked around the chair, squeezing behind the space where the chair leaned close to the shelves. On his opposite side, the red panda leaned in, nearly letting her muzzle rub to his cheek. Her hot breath tickled his skin, but she didn't make contact, not fur to skin. Her fingers were their only touch point as they skimmed over his shoulder and stroked back down his chest, reaching to the tops of his thighs.

As her fingers tips grazed over his knees, Skye leaned into him, pressing her tits flush to his chest as her lips neared his neck again before leaning back away with a rush of cool air. Her eyes caught his, as she backed up again, sparkling through the faux lenses of her glasses.

"How does your breathing feel? I want to make sure you're operating at top capacity..." Skye crooned, smirking as she approached again, this time easing in between his legs with her weight on either arm rest. Her chest leaned into him, pressing the soft heft of her breasts into his chest. "Feel free to grab whatever you can, make sure you haven't lost any feeling in your hands-" She bit at her lip, catching his eyes with a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Or maybe I should pin you down and do some experiments..." The heat of her body pressed into him as her hips swung, circling and grinding into the air just before him.

They nearly touched completely, but still she kept air between them. With her arms braced on either side of the chair, she pressed her knee to his crotch with just enough pressure that he felt her touch skimming between his legs. Then, she was leaning back again, robbing him of the inviting warmth of her body dancing in front of him.

"Oh come on..." Nick muttered, almost to himself. His cock was twitching madly in his jeans now, trying to tent up in front of him as Skye slid her own crotch over his leg, straddling over one leg with a playful, grinding dance.

"Do you want to know a secret?" she whispered, leaning towards him with her breasts skimming atop his arm. "I'm not wearing any panties under here-" She ground her sex down over his jeans, pressing into him until he felt the intense heat of her radiating through the thick fabric. "Can you tell? Can you feel how hot I am? Oh, I hope I don't have a fever, that'd be very unprofessional of me-" She pouted slightly, leaning into his neck. This time, her lips pressed into the skin, kissing slowly down the side of his throat before she pulled back to see him, still with the little wire-framed glasses atop her nose.

"You know, I don't think anyone needs anything else from me today, maybe I can take a break to fully assess your health... a physical exam..." Her hips ground into his knee once more before she moved backwards. This time, she slowly spun backwards, bending at the waist as her fingers stroked down the length of her own leg, grabbing onto her ankles as her skirt finally lifted to show him what was just beneath.

Without panties to hide anything, her entire rump was exposed with her tail lifting up in the air to improve his view. The soft rounds of her cheeks formed perfect orbs while just between her thighs he could see the mound of her sex, sparkling with the faint sheen of excitement building between her legs. But, before he could look any longer, she was rising up and backing into him.

Her ass pressed onto his lap, starting to grind with a slow, purposeful pace while she leaned back, kissing at his neck again. "Tell me, Nick. Do you feel hot? Flushed? I want to make the right note on my chart. I want to know about any new symptoms during this test..." One of her hands found his, pulling it over to grab her chest. She pulled her top open, letting him feel the bare fur of her breasts jostling exposed in front of her in the little back corner of the quiet CVS.

Nick felt the blood rushing past his ears now, pounding his heartbeat with every second. Her full ass ground into him, rubbing over his trapped cock with abandon. He could smell her in a cloud around him, filling the air.

Her fingers stroked over his head, running through his hair as she leaned back into his chest. Like this, he could see her breasts spilling out of her top, bouncing loose in the air with her stiff nipples poking out of the downy fur covering every inch of her.

Then, with a little spin, Skye was facing him again. She pushed his legs together, straddling his lap again now with her tits in his face. She pressed the heavy orbs together, practically smothering him with them as she ground onto his cock with only the layer of his jeans buffering between them. There was so little there stopping her from sinking right onto his cock.

He felt the heat of her sex washing against his lap, the grinding motion of her body never stopping. As she moved, he could see a dot of wetness on his crotch just beneath her, growing as her needy pussy pressed to him. "I think I need to do a further examination, Nick. Just to be sure you're in top-notch condition-" She caressed his cheek, cupping his forehead. "You feel so hot to me. So hot...."

She started lowering herself down, rubbing her breasts against him as she moved until she sat between his legs, pushing them open so she could sit primly between them. Her breasts, still free from her top, spilled out beneath her chin as she started to open the front of his jeans.

Her fingers fished inside the zipper, guiding his cock into the open air of the pharmacy as her tongue ran over her lips. Her eyes tilted up, the rims of the glasses glinting, before she leaned towards the tip of his cock. "Mm... this is the best way to measure temperature-" Her tongue swirled over the head of his cock, barely touching with a buzzing, skimming touch before she licked him proper. Her tongue ran over the smooth skin of his tip, guiding the rest of him into her muzzle in a fluid, downward motion as she swallowed him into her mouth.

Head bobbing, she started suckling slowly, working up and down his length with her eyes always holding his, peering over the edge of the little glasses with her tits jutting out beneath-

"Oh my God-" Nick cursed to himself, suddenly bumping into a display of chapsticks at the end of the aisle he blindly walked down. He stabilized the flopping plastic and glanced side to side, scanning for other customers to see his lust-dazed state. He quickly pivoted into the shelf, shielding his crotch as he checked for an obvious boner. His heart was still pounding in his chest, practically feeling lips on his cock as his fantasy clung to his mind.

"Wow... I..." He didn't finish the thought, just swallowed and headed towards Skye. He found her bent over, browsing a collection of nail things. Her tail curled low, protecting her modesty as her skirt pulled up her thighs, clinging to the round shape of her ass. Nick just stood to her side until she glanced up, catching the glazed expression on his face and the fierce glimpses he took at her rounded ass hugged inside the skirt.

"Hey, hon-" she said, slowly as she leaned into his side. "Doing good?"

Nick gulped, softly. "Mhm..." He looked over her filled basket. "Find everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just need a new thermometer and then we can go-"

Nick felt his cock twitch. He put a tense smile on.

"Sounds good."


"Okay, be honest, what is up with you today?" Skye asked. She stopped on the sidewalk, halfway around the bend towards the final block to their apartment complex. Her fingers spread up Nick's chest, pressing against his t-shirt. "What do you really think of my glasses?"

Nick let out a long breath, feeling a slight warmth to his cheeks right away. "I-" He shook his head, groaning playfully. "Fine. I didn't think it was possible-" he grabbed at the hand on his chest, squeezing her furred fingers in between his own digits.

"I didn't think you could be any sexier to me, but for some reason a little pair of glasses-" he tweaked the bridge of her nose, bouncing the glasses lightly, "-have had me in my head all day."

Skye pouted out her bottom lip, meeting his eyes over the frames with a smile pulling her lips up. "Oh, that must have been so hard for you. All day long, fantasizing about me..." She leaned closer, actually straddling her legs over his, slightly as they stood so he felt the heat of her body pressing close. "Was it, Nick? Was it hard?"

"Well, I was! Most of the day!"

Skye's teasing broke with a laugh, filling his ears with giggling as she pulled back from his chest and took his hand. She pulled him forward, leading the way with her hips swinging side to side in her form-fitting skirt. "Well, come on home, maybe I'll make one of those fantasies from today come true, hm?"

She glanced back over her shoulder, the glasses glinting slightly in the fading afternoon light. "You down?"

Nick didn't respond; he just picked up the pace.


"Unf... Unf.... Oh... Uh-uh...." Skye's voice was a broken stream of noises and breath as she rode atop Nick's lap. The soft creaking of the bed rocking on its frame echoed each of her noises into the room, adding to the cacophony of sex happening. Her arms stretched up towards the headboard, balancing herself as she ground on top of him, bouncing herself up and down the length of his cock with increasingly jerky motions. Her toes curled down into the sheets while her thighs twitched already with the rising tension through her entire form.

Her breasts were free from her clinging top, bouncing with every motion. They slapped against her chest with a soft impact, muffled by her furred chest. Her pink nipples jutted off each of the hefty orbs, swollen stiff.

She wore nothing--even stripped out of her tall stocking socks, but the glasses stayed on. The little metal frames still bounced with every motion a tiny bit on her muzzle. With her eyes partially closed, focused on the cock nudging against her walls with every thrust, the glasses did little for her vision, even less than before, but Nick couldn't help but notice the irregularity in her usual evening look.

From below her, Nick's head lolled back into the pillows of the bed, eyes open only enough to see the scene of the girl on top of him. Her hair had fallen out of her chopstick situation, spilling down over one shoulder instead in little waves from being held up all day long.

Her cunt clamped around him, already spasming slightly as she worked towards her own finish with a rapid pace. The muscles of her legs, straddled over his lap, were tense with every thrust as she rode him in a flawless display of cowgirl.

"Oh... Oh... grab me... tighter-" Nick's fingers gripped the girl's hip, pulling her down to him with every repetition, bottoming out deep inside of her before she lifted back over him, leaking juices on his lap as she did. Then, all over again, she'd sink back onto the pulsing length of his cock, whimpering with rising impatience.

Alongside her moaning noises, the steady slap of their bodies collided filled the room. "I'm so close-" she whined, gripping onto the headboard until her knuckles went pale as she bounced on top of his lap, riding with an eager, shallow grinding that drove his tip into her sensitive g-spot over and over and over again.

Finally, Nick felt her walls clamp down on him, milking him with the strength of her own orgasm with the perfect finale for his own. Her spasming thighs squeezed onto his hips, pressing her down onto him as deep as he'd fit while she moaned out into the room.

Her head fell back, spilling her loose red hair down her furred back while her thick tail spasmed along with the muscles of her sex. "Ohh... fuck... yes..."

Nick jerked inside of her, finishing with a quieter string of noises as she ground down on his twitching shaft until their orgasms had both fully faded into a soft chorus of panting.

"Mm..." Skye sighed, sliding from his lap and sinking down onto his chest. Her fur stuck to his sweaty skin, but Skye just snuggled into the crook of his neck. "I can't believe a little pair of glasses got you so worked up-"

"Mmm... what can I say, you always get me worked up," Nick crooned, petting down her hair with a dazed, happy smile.

"Oh shush," Skye snickered, smacking at his hip.

For a second, they just breathed in unison, letting themselves sink down from the peaks of their finish.

"You know, they aren't very comfortable though-"

Nick chuckled, slowly easing the glasses off the bridge of her nose. "Well, then you don't need any silly glasses." He leaned in, kissing the small spot where the glasses rested on her nose and padded the fur down. "I'll always find a fantasy about you-"

"Oh really?" Skye nuzzled into his neck. "Tell me one of those..."



"Can I get some Gatorade first?"


The bedroom door swung open with a faint whine of its hinges. Skye gave a little shrug, bouncing her bare chest in her robe as she headed over the threshold of the bedroom. The short hem of her satin robe fluttered around her bare legs while her hair hung in long, loose waves, freshly freed from a topknot.

"Are you in here? I'm ready to unwind!" Skye called, softly, glancing over her shoulder towards the living room before she turned towards the bed, spotting Nick already laying across the covers, hand crossed behind his head, and nothing on. Nothing except for his orange-tinged Oakley glasses dwarfing his face.

"Oh God! Really?" Skye laughed, half-groaning and half-giggling. "Are you serious?"

"Hey!" Nick laughed, sitting up from his pose and scooting towards the edge of the bed to greet her. "You never know what will happen!"

"All it could take is a simple pair of glasses."