Fruity benefits

Story by FalconMage on SoFurry

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Nathan comes in with a bag of experimental fruits and offered to his friends to see the pure effects of it.

This is a commission done for

So all characters belongs to him.

Fruity benefits

A fist slammed on the table and a boisterous laugh echoed in the break room, quickly followed by another two hearty chuckles.

"That's gotta be the stupidest shit, ever!" The first male claimed and wiped the tears off his face.

"Lester! Give him a chance, will ya'? At least he's trying." His friend replied.

"A chance? More like hope," Lester, as he was called, replied with another laugh. The man stood tall and proud, a body that matched his ego, which was big and sturdy. A shark/barracuda hybrid, he was quite the looker. His skin was blue that ran across his entire body and down to the tail tip but his white underside showed a different shade of muscularity. When he slammed his fist onto the table again, it nearly broke in half.

"At least he tried," a feathered paw punched at Lester. Russell was his name and the majestic hawk definitely had great fun mocking whoever that came up in their conversation. The avian was an ex-military man or to be more specific, a drill sergeant. His years in the army had developed a pretty massive body and was the oldest among themselves. Lester may be younger but he wasn't beaten in the muscle department.

His feathers looked slightly ruffled and dishevelled but underneath those soft exteriors were hard flesh of muscles. His pecs would bounce occasionally to slightly feed his ego and he was proud of what he achieved. Just like his shark/barracuda friend, they had bodies to match and typically trained together.

The final guy within the two was Jasper and like his peers, bore the strong and powerful type. Sometimes Lester would tease or jeer at him for being a honey bee but time and time again, the male managed to put his friend in his place. Though that didn't deter the fact that he had a fun time with the other two. His yellow fur donned black stripes around his back but what made him looked different was the fact that he had more than two pairs of arms on each side of his body. This meant working twice as hard on each arm and he crushed his training every single time.

Russell had mad respect for the man and never looked down at him once. Working together was a major benefit and within the breakroom, they had some time to wind down. Lester playfully punched the hawk and continued his story. "And then I saw him at the locker room and he started swinging his dick around. Seriously? Does he even think I'd be interested in him?"

Jasper snorted. "You're his type."

"Fuck that shit," Russell slammed his paw against the table. "He's an asshole. Can't believe you'd be interested in entertaining those thoughts."

"Hey, a fuck is still a fuck," Lester winked. "Though I dump that asshole out the mere moment I finished off. Don't want any part of his cum touching me."

Russell shook his head. "You need better standards."

"He offered me his muzzle, I can't turn down a blowjob, not in this economy." Lester laughed again and Jasper followed along.

The hawk couldn't believe his words. "At least I've got better sex last weekend than you."

Now the honey bee was interested in the other male and he moved closer towards him. "Oh do, tell. You know how bees are utterly attracted to sweet juicy stories."

Russell pushed him back and smirked. "It was the guy from the gym that's been ogling at me for weeks. He finally got the courage to look me up and within an hour, he was down on his knees and worshipping these bad boys." Lifted his right arm up and flexed, popped out a huge mountain of bicep and Jasper quickly groped around it.

"Oh, that guy? Pfft, I've trained with him once, he was all over me as well. Though I did give him some training advice." Lester interjected.

Now Jasper turned towards him, licked his lips and inspected his body. "No wonder I've seen some improvements and definition on your abs. Very nice." Paw rubbed against his cobblestone torso.

That stroked his ego for a bit but before he could even continue their mindless conversation, the door opened up and a golden retriever entered. "Hello!"

It was Nathan, their smaller canine friend. Big and stronger guys like them usually hung out together or rather, flock together but in their midst of friendship, they had another friend that was far smaller than they were. Nathan hadn't had the time to train as much as his friends did but nevertheless, he worshipped every single one of them.

"Sorry for intruding but I need some help," dropped his bag onto the countertop and pulled out a huge plastic bag. "Hungry for fruits?"

Jasper was the first to reach over but looked at them like a curious cat. This isn't the usual kind of fruit that he had known and the smell was different. The honey bee looked at the canine like he was about to kill the three of them.

"Don't worry, they're fine. You see, my stepbrother is a scientist and he's trying to develop some sort of fruit that will boost and athlete's performance without detection of drug abuse. It's safe and has been tested several times on other men and women but they wanted a larger sample size. I said I'd help and you guys are the helper."

"Lab rats," Lester scoffed but Russell nudged at him forcefully.

"Be nice," he said. The hawk walked over and picked it up as well. Texture wise it was just like any kind of fruit. Green around the surface and has that typical sweet fruity smell, some sort like a nectarine. "What does it do?"

Nathan rubbed both paws together and pulled out his notepad. "Well, these are supposed to increase agility and strength, making the athlete far more durable and added stamina. However, there are some side effects to it. One of the possibilities is heightened virility and that makes your cock hard," he flipped the paper over and read another paragraph out. "Another thing to note was how each fruit affected differently to different species. Now that's an interesting experiment. Oh, these effects are just temporary, just saying."

Lester took the fruit and shoved towards the canine's face. "Lab rats."

"Lester, if these fruits are a success, you can grow far bigger than what you are now without much effort. You'll probably be the best looking one out of all of us. Bulging muscles that far surpasses even any peers." Nathan explained even more and that had somewhat caught his attention.

Jasper rubbed his chin and nodded in agreement. He didn't oppose the idea as it was quite interesting and Russell had the same sentiment. They finally agreed to it and was ordered to strip themselves down to nothing. A pile of clothing on the side, all three of them started to flex and stretch their muscled bodies as they usually do. As always, Lester just has to outdo each of them by curling up his massive biceps and groped around that wide pectoral muscles.

Nathan gulped and locked his eyes towards the male hybrid. Lester loved to have an audience in front of him and the canine fulfilled that desire. This isn't his first time being ogled at and wouldn't be the last. Jasper bumped Lester out of the way and forced himself to be the centre of attention. There are just some things that men have their ego on and their muscular bodies were what they prided in. Both pairs of his arms curled upwards and formed some massive mountain of biceps. While a pair of them slowly rubbed around his mid-torso, the other lowered even more and rubbed against his thighs. Giant valley of veins ran across his calves and meaty legs, huge and strong enough to crush a man's head and the honey bee was proud of his achievement.

Nathan was giddy by now and rubbed his excited crotch. His cock definitely loved what it saw and wanted to break free. Despite all odds, he had a job to do. That's until Russell loomed over the canine and smirked. The hawk turned around and lifted his arms up, broad shoulders as high as the mountain and flexed his back muscles. Nathan gasped and backed up a little, getting a better view of the male. Those grenade looking back was amazing but that was just the beginning.

Down towards his legs, those glutes were to die for. Reps after reps of squats proved its worth when Russell loosened his legs up and tightened. As he did so, his ass cheeks clenched and formed the roundest ass he'd ever seen. The ex-military man was extremely good looking for his age and these youngsters just couldn't catch up with him. He didn't mind because that fed a little bit of his ego. Fingers trailed down his legs and down to his calves, rubbed and groped around them, gave one of his most sensual moves for the canine to watch.

Lester pulled the hawk away and showed his very own moves. Nathan just gawked with mouth wide open and this time, his cock just couldn't stay still anymore. A patch of wet pre had stained his pants and it was most definitely difficult to suppress a moan. He just wanted to worship all three of them, just the perfect three men that he had in mind. His thoughts slowly wandered off, wanted to be sandwiched in between them. Pecs of giant proportion rested at the back and front, occasionally bounced to shake things up. Paws would trail around their backs and cock drooled all over their bodies and ended up down on his knees, worshipped every nook and cranny that they had to offer.

That's when he snapped and coughed. "U-Um... S-So... just... aheheh... right... I think it's time to get to work," trembling paws around the fruit and placed in front of them.

All three of them looked at one another and grinned knowingly. They knew how much this had an effect on the poor canine but for now, they may as well indulge in his curiosity. "So how do we do this?"

"The three of you eat the fruit at the same time and I'll note down the changes from start to finish. It's that simple."

Lester was somewhat sceptical about it and said that this was wrong. Jasper poked at him and said how much of a chicken he is. If he was man enough, he'd take the challenge and devour the entire fruit in one go. As expected from the hybrid, he just wouldn't back down on a plausible challenge and win. He always acted in the opposite direction and took the challenge without another word.

He popped the fruit in and munched angrily, his eyes stared at the honey bee as his friend devoured it as well. Russell did the same and through their soft and crunchy chewing, they admitted that it was pretty good. Jasper loved it. He was salivating all over the juicy fruit and wanted more but Nathan wouldn't give in. It was dangerous to have another in just a few hours because each fruit was potent enough to last that long. There was a possibility that it could have a detrimental effect on their health and he wouldn't want to take that chance. The honey bee pouted and looked at his buddies. They were pretty much in the same boat and admitted that the fruit was delicious.

Nathan quickly flipped his notepad and jotted down his observation. However, the three of them waited for something to happen. There was an awkward silence between the four of them, saved for the scribbling from their canine friend.

"Doesn't matter," Lester suddenly broke the silence and rubbed at his right bicep, "My species are far superior to both of you and I'll probably have the best results."

There he goes again, stroking that massive ego and Jasper just rolled his eyes at his statement. Russell didn't really care too much about the effect of the fruit as long as it makes his body bigger; that's all he wanted.

Still, nothing happened. Nathan scratched his head and looked that fruit that's in his bag. Something's wrong with the fruit because by now, the effect would have appeared and shown signs of muscles bulging out and yet, the three of had nothing changed within them.

"Your fruit is useless. Are you even seriously thinking that a fruit could just - " Lester stopped suddenly and felt something churned inside of his body. His body burned up a little and he choked at his words. Right in front of his eyes, his body began to transform and change. New muscles began to pop around his body and with that, his height increased as well. It wasn't significant but enough to tell the world that he'd grown at least a foot or more.

The water hybrid laughed and immediately pointed at his superiority of species. The drug had finally taken in effect and he was the first to experience it. He thought that he was at his peak of bodybuilding but now he realized how dead wrong he was. This took on to a whole new level and he loved it. His height was in proportion to his muscles and with that, he flexed both arms together. All three of them looked up and marvelled at that hulking man. Towered over them, his massive body was just to die for. His chest was ripped, better and far more defined than he was a few minutes ago.

More muscles began to appear and Lester cried out. In response to this, his cock quickly became erect and every part of his senses went into overdrive. Lust quickly filled his muddled mind and wrapped both paws around it, squeezed from the base, all the way to the tip. A large dollop of pre finally released and he loved it. Not only was he a giant mass of a man but extremely horny as well. His strokes started off slow but immediately moved on quick and furious masturbation.

Paws around his chest, he felt the growth and over to his arms, it was pumped to its maximum capacity. Lester was proud of what had been given to him and stated that this is how a pure alpha male should look like.

He spoke too soon.

It was then that both Jasper and Russell started to change as well. The first thing that they realized was how hard their cocks were and measured up to each other, something was off with Jasper. The honey bee had a drastic change in his shaft. Not that he was complaining because he was happy with the sudden growth. His cock grew in both length and girth, massive enough to spear right through the walls of this building. Initially, he could wrap his paws around them but now, things have changed. It was near impossible to grasp around it and it was harder than ever before.

Despite the change of his manhood, his muscles didn't grow as much compared to the shark hybrid. As he observed his ever-changing body, he found his muscles growing slightly and the thickness was prevalent when he pressed around them. He was even more delighted when he saw how defined his abs were and his glutes were much harder right now. Cock and muscles simultaneously harden, Jasper grinned to himself.

Massive amount of precious pre dripped to the ground and wasn't just a drizzle. He leaked away endlessly and every time he squeezed at the tip and down to the foreskin, more of it was released. Jasper shuddered at this revelation and it was difficult to keep his voices down. Immense pleasure coursed through his body like never before and the drug had definitely kept it that way.

Meanwhile, Russell had a different change as well. While Lester grew in muscle height and Jasper in terms of cock size, his body grew in muscle mass. He thought he was thick enough but by now, his body had grown thicker and wider, far bigger than what he was used to. Lester may have won in terms of height and additional muscles but the hawk's body had grown stronger. He felt it in his veins and clenched both fists together, saw an amazing river of veins popped right up. Slapped his chest and realized how much he had grown. His chin could actually meet with his upper chest!

There was more definition on his abs and his torso grew thicker as well. Arms expanded and when he flexed it out, it was bigger than the usual peak that he had. Glutes and calves responded in kind and it got thicker.

"Holy shit I feel much stronger!" Russell stifled a guffaw and smacked against his hard abs.

Lester didn't like what he was hearing and he called in his bluff. "No way that you could be stronger than I am. Fuck, I'm bigger than you right now and you dare mock my size?"

Russell shook his head and walked towards the weight area, a myriad of dumbbells scattered all over the place. "Bigger doesn't mean stronger. You do know that the men in the bodybuilding competition may look strong and wide but they are just as weak as they were before. You want strength? Look up guys without muscle definition like that. Those have pure strength and I ain't joking around."

However, Nathan wanted to point out that that may be true but the fruit does deceive its users. One may look large and in charge like Lester but their strength didn't change or get any stronger. Those effects are mainly for bodybuilding competition while those that had significant strength in them were for other sports. Some may make them far more agile but that depended a whole lot on the species. For now, they are still taking in data.

Lester didn't even want to hear any more clarification from his canine friend. All he knew was how insulted he felt when the hawk said those words. Russell proved his point but lifting a dumbbell with ease. He immediately started off with the heaviest one, things that they found difficult to lift and required a whole lot of help. For him, he had no trouble. In fact, it felt lighter than any sheet of paper. This wasn't going to work at all and placed another heavier weight upon the other. Now stacked together, Russell lifted it up and started exercising with it, all the while grinning and winked towards the hybrid.

As always, Lester didn't want to be bested in terms of masculinity because he always thought that his manliness is in the line. He took those very same dumbbells and tried to lift it up. It was surprisingly heavy and he dropped it within a few minutes. This was impossible. He had this godly body and yet, he still couldn't lift those up. Russell didn't even break a sweat from it and it bothered him a whole lot.

"Fuck that! Hmph! Fine! I admit that you're stronger but take a look at me, I'm far hotter than both of you." The aqua hybrid looked towards Nathan and ordered him to judge between the three.

Nathan thoroughly agreed with him and claimed how much hotter he has become. Russell may have looked wider but Lester's transformation was far better. Perhaps his bloodline was made for drugs like these. As for Jasper, he was happy with his benefits and ignored them all. The honey bee began to fool around with his huge cock, gave out sensual moans that quickly attracted the rest. Body swayed left and right while handling his giant meat, squeezed and stroked in between. One pair of paws groped all over his own body, caressed and played around in between pectoral and abs, the other pair worked his cock and balls over.

The amount of pre that he developed was more than enough to lube his entire shaft up. A paw cupped at the tip and milked a huge drop, slathered generously all over and whatever extra was wiped along with his glutes and butt cheeks. Despite all odds, perhaps Jasper was the hottest one of all. He may not have the developed muscles from the drugs but the way he worked his body was elegant enough. The very fact that he sported a good looking manhood played a huge part as well.

"Guys, seriously? Muscles aren't everything. I admit it does help but a cock like this is where the money's at," he thrust his hips upward and masturbated to the rhythm of his pelvic. "I bet none of you could beat me in the cock department."

That ruffled up Russell's feathers and stood right in front of the honey bee. "I'll take that challenge and I think I'm more than enough to beat you."

"Then prove it, old man." Jasper stroked even faster and spread a good amount of pre all over the hawk's cock.

It was enough to get both of them going, the avian trying desperately to outdo his opponent. At times they'd bump their cock heads against one another, giving each other a growl and snarl. Whenever their paws would go all the way up towards the tip and back to the base, a synchronize moan would ensue, their horny pheromones wafted in the air and filled the breakroom with it. It was bad enough that their sweat lingered all over the place but added with this drug enhancement fruit, things were getting far more interesting.

As for Lester, he played along and scooped up a pawful of pre, coated his entire cock up and shuddered from it. He may lack in terms of thickness and length but he thoroughly believed that he could cum more than them. Jasper took that as a challenge and opponent, eager to outdo both of them. Their paws wandered all over their own bodies, matted down with sweat and shone under the ceiling light. Inhaled and exhaled, breath got harder and chest puffed out, trying to show who's boss but alas, none of them was the winner.

Things were getting far more heated up than before, furious strokes around their amazing cocks, thicker than their arms but as expected, Jasper was the winner. As he said, muscles aren't enough to make a man because granite cocks is where it's at. Russell kept telling him to keep quiet, slightly agitated at the boasting of the honey bee but he wasn't having that. Lester had the same sentiment and slapped his cock against the other.

As all of this unfolded, Nathan observed and noted down everything. The three of them had made this into an entire competition and wanted nothing more than to outdo each other. This wasn't in his research notes but proved to be some worthy data.

"Your body is pumped full with testosterone due to the fruit but I believe that this isn't a bad thing," Nathan licked his jowls, his cock out in the open by now and spilt a few droplets of clear pre. "Please, do continue. I want to know who's going to win."

This wasn't his only observation. Lester had obtained pure vascularity from the fruit alone and as for Russell, the strength of a thousand men. He may not be as big and large as the hybrid but the hawk's result isn't something to scoff at. Russell made his presence known by destroying a punching bag like it was nothing. The inside burst open as flurries of feathers were scattered all over the place. As for Jasper, it was pretty much self-explanatory. Virility was his focal point and he loved every moment of it.

Right now, none of them wanted to hear Nathan's explanation and jerked themselves off. That was... until Russell decided to grab onto the honey bee's mighty cock. Jasper gasped loudly, both in shock and sudden pleasure, his knees were weak all of a sudden and managed to hold on to a nearby chair in time before falling over. Teeth gritted and popped out a loud groan, his voice reverberated around the four walls and the hawk wasn't about to let go. As he did so, his very own shaft wasn't left alone either.

Closed in the gap between each of them, they've got pretty good frottage happening right now. It was then that Nathan observed how riled up each of them were. He knew about the side effects of making them horny and carnal but never to this extent. Jasper leaked way more than a man should, pre was all over the place and it practically soaked up both cocks, glistened and slick for each other.

Lester didn't want to lose out on this and fondled their pectorals. If he wasn't going to be able to join in, at least he was going to have fun teasing and helping them get off. That was just the right amount of push Jasper needed. Entire body trembled and shook, possible veins may have popped from his shaft because the last stroke and sensation that he needed had let off a giant wave of cum.

It was like floodwater hosing down the entire floor, doused from all sides and laid bare for their eyes. Jasper screamed and howled - or rather, closest to a howl - and made known how much pleasure coursed through his very veins. His cock barely stopped spurting off and Nathan observed this event attentively, noted down every single detail while his malehood throbbed in mid-air. The canine couldn't stand the itch that he had held off for so long, began to give slow and sensual strokes along the length.

Now the place is a mess. Not only was it filled with male musk but now, sex as well. The floor and walls were covered with cum, some trickled down the wall, added with some right above the ceiling, it caught a few ribbons of his sticky substance. The pleasure kept going on. So much so that Jasper couldn't hold himself any longer. Down on one knee, he shot off even more. By now his cock looked like it had enlarged itself, on the verge of exploding but before they could utter anything, the strings of cum had finally subdued, his voice lowered to merely being breathless, trying to get himself composed and invigorated.

Each second of induced orgasm spread across the breakroom and by now, Nathan had gotten every detail of it. "You're not the first subject to experience this. We've had a few that actually came at least ten times a day."

"That's not surprising with how hard I still am. I think I can go for another round of cum," Jasper slapped his gigantic cock against his paws. "Seriously, it's harder than diamond."

It was then that Lester scooped up a large portion of Jasper's cum and slathered all over his cock. The hybrid may lose in the battle of orgasm with the honey bee but he believed he could out beat Russell.

Again, another challenge. The avian approached the male and sized him up. He may look smaller but compensated largely by his strength. Russell smirked and grasped his opponent's cock. The other pretty much did the same thing and began to jerk each other off. Death like grip and a few swift strokes, their cocks slick with both combination of cum and pre, this wasn't going to be a long match, not by a long mile.

"Mm... if both of my hunky friends wanted to get off, I'm more than happy to lend a paw, get what I mean?" Jasper filled in the gap, showed off his quad arms and gave them a paw as he'd said. "Thick as expected. Very nice, Lester. Dare I say that you may look bigger and tougher, harder in fact but Russell may have won you in terms of cock size."

"How dare ah -" The shark/barracuda male stopped his berate and stoned up, eyes dilated over, clawed around his body and lets off a sharp gasp. "W-Why is this so g-good...?"

"Probably cause you have a skilled man like me to jerk you off," Jasper chuckled and looked over to Russell and like his opponent, he was already on cloud nine. Fingers pressed against the chair behind him, careful to not break it in half but it was getting far difficult to stop himself and concentrate.

The room itself was hot and heated up from every nook and cranny and their bodies sweat up a storm. This very scent, it literally fuelled both of their bodies with lust. All they could think of was unleashing massive torrents of their essence, their carnal desire of sex rolled in their bodies. Lester clutched onto the honey bee's shoulder, nearly pierced through his skin, eyes closed shut and roared like a beast. Russell followed along and with that, both herculean males had their very first orgasm of the entire session.

Massive ribbons of cum mixed in together, splattered against the floor and walls, head rolled back and bellowed until the entire room shook, a slight tremor on the ground. Cocks arched upwards, cum rained from the ceiling, covered all three of them from top to bottom, dripping wet. It was copious enough that they'd be smelling of each other for days on end. Nathan felt a few droplets and licked it up immediately, tasted the sweet nectar of both males.

The floor was no longer visible, wrapped in a blanket of muddled white. It was then that they realized how messed up the pool in the area was. Their breakroom had a convenient swimming pool in the middle of the room but now it was filled with something else than water. No longer transparent but musky and filled to the brim with spunk.

Lester finally groaned and blinked his eyes, finally gotten down from his height of orgasm and experienced some pretty hard-hitting afterglow. Shook his head for a bit, he looked around and chuckled loudly. "Now this is what I call a total mess. I love it." And flexed his body.

The male winked towards Nathan who thoroughly enjoyed the view and show that they've provided for him. This wasn't just an observation, this was a fucking cum fest. "This fruit is really good, I'd give you that."

Nathan nodded and wrote down his final input, not before giving his own cock a few final jerks, barely able to hold his cum down. "Ahem... Yes... It's very proficient. Though dare I say that out of the three of you, Lester may have the best results,"

That was such a controversial statement and Russell was the first to reject that sentiment. "He may be bigger but this man lacked the necessary strength that a true alpha male should have. I should be the best result, far stronger and more virile than he is."

"Virile? Really?" Jasper scoffed back at him. "Have you seen this massive gun?" Smacked his cock right across his abs, "I'll prove to you that I'm the epitome of virility. Grr!!" Gripped his cock and as he'd said earlier, he was pretty much harder than a boulder. The drug had him succumbed to lust and within a few minutes of stroking himself, giant splashes of cum blasted off from the tip.

It was spectacular. They've never seen anyone of them cum in such a short span before. Not to mention the copious amount that he produced, just as much as he did in his first ejaculation. Jasper really was a man filled with lust and masculinity. Perhaps he was right about having such a huge cock rather than muscles. Lester didn't want to admit defeat but he just had to. However, this isn't the end because he'd want a rematch. Ordinarily, their hawk friend wasn't much into having a rematch but in this situation, he wanted one. All three of them grinned at each other and had several things planned in their minds.

"Alright, I think that's it for today," Nathan actually finished himself off through all that commotion and popped his pants back up. "I think I've had more than enough details about this whole experiment. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got work to get back to."

With unprecedented speed, Russell slammed his paw towards the door and closed it shut. Just as it slammed, the door frame actually cracked a little and a few lines were visibly seen around it. "You're not going anywhere. The drug is still in effect and we're still horny. I think we'll all agree that you have a responsibility to take care of it."

"T-The drug will just wear off in a few hours. It's harmless." Nathan was sweating bullets right now, caught at a corner.

"And what do you suggest that we do during these few hours?"

"What do you mean? What do you want me to do?"

"Oh my dear sweet boy," tipped his chin up while stroked around his cheeks. "I think we'll all in agreement that you should start worshipping us until we're satisfied.

Another loomed over him and it was Lester. Nathan gulped and looked slightly nervous at the thought of being in a room filled with these three. Though, not that it was his first time but never under the influence of such a drug. The powerful aqua male grinned devilishly, stated that he agreed with his hawk friend one hundred per cent.

Fingers drew around the smaller male's body and struggled slightly to take his shirt off. Nathan gasped when hot air washed over him and with their sweaty paws, rubbed across his mid-section. Lester lowered himself and growled deeply into his ears, which made his body tremble slightly, Nathan shuddered and moaned. Things weren't going to be the same as last time.

A hard yelp and Nathan was lifted off the ground, turned around and his face was literally held up against two giant mounds of pectoral muscles. Lester licked his maw and bounced them up, sweat trickled down that perfect curve. Russell followed along and pressed his own to the back of the male, eager to show him how much they've changed from devouring the fruit alone.

"Holy shit! Guys! Look at this!" Jasper said and fished out a few more of the same fruit from inside Nathan's bag. "He's got a few more in here." And tosses one to each of them.

"Wait! T-Those aren't for you guys!" He scrambled to get them off their paws.

"Then why is it in your bag?" Jasper quipped.

Nathan struggled to form words but all he could say was having a few spare fruits would do him some good. That wasn't a good enough of an answer and all three of them began to get themselves riled up, cocks at the ready and smeared pre all over each other. The experiment continues.

Jasper then tosses a fruit towards Russell, caught it and gave a knowing smile towards the canine. "You've been making notes and everything but have you actually tried the fruit yourself?"

"Not really, no. I'm just an observer... but..." Nathan was released from their clutches, fruit in paw as he looked at it.

"Don't you want to try it out? I mean come on, look at us. You've seen the effect, I'm sure you're willing to be a participant as well." Lester massaged his shoulders, trying to coax him to try it out.

Honestly, the thought of trying the fruit didn't cross Nathan's mind. It was fun from the sidelines but actually being part of the experiment sounded pretty swell. Besides, he's always wanted to grow a bit more muscles. He shrugged and slowly took a bite from it, juices spewed out as he chewed and swallowed. One bite at a time, he finished it off.

Both Lester and Russell backed off and leaned against a table, waited patiently for the growth and transformation to happen. As per his observation and note-taking, the effect may take a while as it varies between species but that didn't happen to him. The results were immediate; the growth had started right off the bat.

His shirt got tighter by the second, from his slightly scrawny body to a burgeoning size of a manly beast. An audible tear of the shirt from its side, his sleeve slowly ripped to pieces and what's left was his thick arm. Chest puffed out and stretched, which resulted in a massive rip in between. The shirt that he wore could no longer handle the stress and tore apart, shredded to the ground and what's left was a growing canine. His body grew in height as he had noticed and muscles coursed through his veins. The impact was significant as he felt the power surging across all stations.

Breathless but composed, Nathan remembered one of the most prevailing effects of the drug: his cock. Unlike Jasper, his cock hadn't grown as large but to him, it was pretty huge. So much so that his jeans tore as well. The sides ripped out of its seams, glutes thickened, calves grew to epic proportions and just like his shirt, the pants shared the same fate.

However, one thing special side effect that the growing canine noticed was his facial features. He didn't look old or anything but the drug had changed his facial expression to be manlier, somewhat of an older and handsome daddy look; a DILF if he may say so himself. Thick sausage-like fingers crossed around his mid-torso and felt hard abs greeting them, rubbed all over and chuckled deeply, a wide smile across his face as the drug had finally pushed its full potential.

"This is slightly different from my observation," Nathan quipped, turned around to admire his brand new self.

"How so? You basically got the same thing as all three of us. Bigger cocks, bigger muscles and increased in strength." Lester said with his arms across his chest.

"Yes, that's true but I look handsome and older, better than I was before."

"You know what, you're right. I have to admit, you look way better than before. I guess different species works differently with the fruit." Russell said.

Nathan nodded and rubbed his face, smiled to himself and back to his three friends. "Now that that's done, how about I get down to worshipping my favourite studs."

Lester laughed and was the first to present himself, grab hold of his thick arm and pressed against his chest. Despite the growth, he wasn't as tall as the hybrid but it was quite exciting. Arms wrapped around his neck and fondled around his shoulders, lips pressed upon his chest and started licking. All he tasted was the sweet and salty musk of his sweat, one that he couldn't get enough of. Fingers drew down to both biceps, coiled around the veiny meat and moaned when he was handled from the back.

Russell took the initiative and nudged him to his side. Who could forget about him? The one and only hawk. Nathan gave Lester one final kiss on to his arms and placed his focus onto the other male. As he did with the hybrid, he worshipped the man as much as he could. Head over heels for him and now with his newfound body, he was nearly an equal to them. Fingers drawn to his legs, he could practically carve out a perfect design of it. Valleys of muscles ran through it, hard and tight.

His attention span had taken another turn when Jasper pulled him off. Of course, he couldn't forget about the honey bee. That sweet and delicious man was the life of the party. Now with his gargantuan shaft - which spewed even more pre mixed with cum - things were going to be different. Nathan not only paved way around his body but also towards the length of his cock. Barely able to cover every inch, thicker than his forearm, he moaned at such a stupendous sight.

Now that things were getting heated up, it was time to give this lovely dog the attention that he craved for. Several paws roamed around his new body, worshipped by all three virile male at once. With his new and improved frame, that quickly led up to Nathan tightening his body out and tensed each of his muscles as they grovel all over. As his arms curled upwards, Lester and Russell felt the strength and thickness around it, gave in several compliments that boosted his confidence.

Meanwhile, Jasper took care of things downstairs. The heat from his warm cavern quickly overtook his body, moaned and kissed both males from side to side. He knew how much stimulation would occur once they devoured the fruit but never once felt the effect directly. It felt like every part of his body was on overdrive and hypersensitive to the touch. A simple flick of that honey bee's tongue made him spurt several ropes of pre. Jasper licked it up and claimed how tasty it was.

All three of them had the upper paw and with how dexterous and sensual their paws were, it was difficult to keep himself down and drawn over to his lust. Head pulled back and Lester took the opportunity to muffle his moans of pleasure. Jasper was doing an amazing job down below, quickly deep throating his shaft as much as possible while playing around with his nether regions. Russell was doing his best to stimulate every part of his erogenous region that he came to know off.

Fingers around his chest, fondled his arms, groped along his perfect ass; Nathan was in heaven. His entire body convulsed all of a sudden and Jasper thought that he was about to unload, which made him stop mid-way. At that point of pulling out, a single streak of watery pre planted on his face.

"S-Stop! I'm going to cum!" Nathan finally found his voice when he pried his lips off from the water hybrid.

"That's the whole point, sweety boy," Russell laughed and continued to tease him.

"Can I-I at l-least note something down? Please?" Now he was breathless.

Lester chuckled and picked his notepad up. "More findings?"

"More like findings during the experiment." His fingers trembled to write down his works because Jasper didn't even care.

The honey bee had heard his plea but he wasn't going to oblige. Instead, it pushed him on to get this man off. Gobbled down several more inches, used his own pre to slick whatever remains of his cock length up, squeezed and slurped away loudly. Nathan nearly broke the pen in paw. Despite the audible crack, it was still usable. He looked down and was fascinated by how skilled he was. Perhaps it was his heightened senses... or maybe the pleasure that had increased tenfold... or maybe it was the heat... the musk... the males around him? He just couldn't comprehend.

"I need to know and write down how long can I last with the drug in my blood. I've c-come to not-tice that... ung... that I could last longer as well."

Jasper popped that cock off and slurped at the side of it. "Last longer? With how skilled I am? I doubt so."

Lester continued that notion by fondling his body back again. "Especially when we're around."

Now came Russell and he agreed just the same. "Come on, you'll cum soon enough. Write those findings out while we do our job."

They were right, it was getting harder to concentrate. His handwriting was drivelled and unreadable, even as he tried noting the most important part slowly, it always slides downwards, forming a long line underneath. Once again, he took notice of his shaft, looked downwards, thoroughly surprised at how much he had lasted but even so, Jasper showed no signs of stopping or fatigue. Instead, he was eager to get him off.

"Not only has the drug given you additional stamina but resilient as well. Jasper, I'm about to cum. I can feel it."

"Then let it all out." Lester cooed around his ear.

There was no stopping the inevitable. Giant round of cum blasted within a second and the male below took it all like a champ. It flooded his warm muzzle and desperately tried to guzzle everything down. Every spurt went down his throat but alas, he had to pull off, which resulted in a hard smack against the canine's abs and cum rained from above.

It was a miracle because Nathan still had the consciousness to write his findings out while having such an intense orgasm. A few words were written down but it was of no use, he just couldn't think of anything and by then, his paw had cracked the pen in half. He bellowed and threw his notepad off, both arms wrapped around the males beside him, desperately trying to get a hold of himself.

Jasper finally stopped his ministration and watched the fireworks. Large dollops of canine seed continued to blast off in the air, mixed with each other's essence and evidently, making the breakroom muskier. The scent of sex plastered itself across the wall and ceiling.

"Fuck that's a damn good load!" Russell cried out.

"You got that right!" Lester chipped in and enjoyed the cum show.

The blast of orgasm continued on, far longer than it should. Nathan couldn't even stand properly and resorted to hanging himself around the two males. Finally, it ended.

"Oh fuck, that was amazing. I didn't know it was that intense." The canine found his voice but slightly cracked from all his mating cries. "I think that's enough for today. I'm beat. Seriously, guys, I need to go."

Both Lester and Russell placed him over to a nearby chair and Nathan sighed happily. "That's the kind of finding and experiment that I want to be part of.

The water hybrid wiped the drool off, paw on his broad shoulders and gripped tightly. "Well, I hope we'll do this again soon enough. This was one of the best orgasms that I've ever had too."

"It was a pleasure to be of assistance," Russell hugged the smaller male.

"Tell me when and I'll be there, cutie," Jasper leaned against Nathan and blinked his eyes at him. "It'll be a pleasure - and yours - to have you cum again. Hehehe..."

Nathan couldn't agree more. This experiment was a definite success in his eyes.